HomeMy WebLinkAboutTermite Treatment Jun.06.2017 08:57 AM Aannalklnvironxnenta,l 7723442897 PAGE. Z/ 2 V Now Planning Development Services ` �} ' ' Building &Code Regulation Divislan C: 0 z a 2300 Virginia Ave � • - Fort Pierce,FL 34982 a, 1 n 772-462-2172 Fax 772-462-64443 20 rM 0 CERTIFICATE OF TERMITE TREATMENT . :zz Mm CONSTRUCTION SAIL,TREATMENT PERMIT JOB ADDRESS; M Altura at BUILDER/CONTRACTOR: AM Concrete pools Inc PEST CONTROL CONTRACTOR: Hanaan EAAronmental Seryices�Inc.,^ PEST CONTROL LICENSE #:. TB99418 We,the undersigned, hereby certify that we have pretreated the above described Construction for subterranean termites in accordance with the standards of the Nationai Pest Control Association, Square feet if area treated: 40 Ut Chemicals used: Termidar He Percentage of solution: •120% Total gallons used; s Gallons rr YI. Date of Treatment: 015117 Time of Treatment; 1a.aaem Footing Slab moist Treatment 'Treatment Re-Treat _Re-Trl at _Driveway a�s�1r Pools I"Treatment Isr Treatment Re-Treat Re-Treat _Other Perimeter for Final inspection ,i"t Treatment Re-Treat ""s/et17 sgnatu r Date Nate: There must be a cowleted form for each trequlred treatment or re-treatment and this form mast be on the job site to beAd ed up by the Inspectorat time ofeach Insaeedan or the.scheduled lnspectlon will rail and a re-inspection fee chaVed. IPBClO4.Z6 C,e lt7tate of Protective 7Yeetment for prevantion of termites A w4+ather Ids/stant jo41s&posting board shall be prv4ded to ravive dupllcate Treatment Owth7 atm as each mvulred protective trwtrwant is wmploted, provld/ng a ropy for the person the permit Is Issued to and another copy for the bulld1hy permit Else. Th&Treatment C&Okate shallprov/de the product used, ldentity of the applicAlar, time and date ofGhe treetmen4 S/M location,area Rated, chemlc$l used,percent et ncentradon and number ofgallons used, to estobllsh a verhleble Hattord of protedtive bvatment ,If the soli chemical bawler method for tannite prermntlon is used, ilnel exterwr treatmentshall be completed prior to flnel bullding approval. $t Lucie County requires for the final Inspection for CO, a permanent Sticker to be placed on the elearicai panel box cover, listing all the treatments and dates of applications. Revised 7/24/2014 T000/T000 VA 6100a OW YVA KVCV:OT LT09/90/90