HomeMy WebLinkAboutReroof Permit Application- 5854 Travelers WayAl I APPLICABLE IN FO MU 5T RE COMPLETE D; OR APPLICATION TO BE AOCEPTIED Date- 1-25-2021 Permit fJ umber: Building Permit Application Pfunning and Devetaomera 5ervkv5 .9ufaYng arhd Code Regubbon Oivi on Co m me rc Ma I Residential X_ 2" Viryinifr Avenur- Fort PL-rr FL 34982 Phone=(7721462-1553 Fax: �7721462-1578 PERMIT APPLICATION FOR. FEE RWF PRIDPIDSED IMPROVEMENT LOCATION: Address; 5854 TrBv6I8rB WAY Prop<e rty Tax I D it; 3410,503-0121 000-6 Site Plan Nam 2: Project N ame DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF WORK: RE MOVE SHJ NG L ES INSTALL REEL & STICK FL2!569 _ INSTALL SHINGLES FL10674 INSTALL. RIDGEVENT NOA19-1217 New Electrica I Meter Second El-ectri cal CONSTRUCTION INFORMATION. Additional: work ti) be pe rfQrmed under this permit --check all that apply: _mocha n lea I EtWric: Gas Tank _ Plumbing Taal 5q. Ft of Corwstructlon- 21070 Cast of Ca nstruction_ S 10,0M has Piping _ Sprinklers Lot NID. 25 BIoc3a No. O _ Shatters _ wl ndows/Doers PQnd _ Gerre1 ater Roof 5112 Pltcrh Sq. Ft. of First Floow: 2,0F0 utlilitl.es= Sewer __ Septic Buillding Height- 8 FT OWNER/LESSEE: I CONTRACTOR: Name ser rillo Ad,�res5: 5854 Travelers WAY City_ FORT PIERCE state: fL zip [ode. 34982 Fax: Phone No, IE-Mail: FIII In fee simple Title Hold e r on next page (if cliff ereaft from the Owner listed abovel Name: ROLAND WILEY turn.parryr: SHOR ELI N E R00FI N 0 Add ress- 973 8 OLENDAL E STREET _ City_ PORT STLUCIE $late: FL lip Code; 349$7 _ Fax: Phone- No 772-264-9565 E - Mail S HOREI-INER00FINGLM YAHOO. COM State or Cou my Uoense C 1331170 If Value a "MnStnX210n IS 23M OF moier a RE CORDED Notice of Commencement Is requ fired, rf valor Of FIAVt k $7r500 or=re, a REM RDED Notice of Commencement is required. SURPLEMENTAL CONSTRUC I0N LIEN LAW INFOR ATION: DESIG N ERJ Ell INEEFR; — Not App I ice ble MORTGAGE COMPANY; Not A-ppildca ble Name: _ game; -- Add ress, _ _ Address, _ Katy; _ State; City, Zip: _ Zip= p1horne Zkp; Ph on e= --- FEE SIM P LE TITLE HOLJ]ER: _ Not Applicable BONNNGa COMPANY, -._Not Applicable (Name _ Na me; _ .... I Acid re55- Add ress; _. City., City: zip: Phone; Zip: Phone: OWNEFtl CO NTRACTOR AFFI T: Application i5 hereby made to obtain .8 permit to do the wror k and instal lation as indleated. I certify that na watk or Irutallawn has rommdmc*d prior to the issu snCe of a permit. $t_ Lucie Countma k no representation that 4s granting a permit ,s,ll authorize the "rm IT holder too bui;d the subvect structure which i� iri cpn ict with any a0plitahle Home Ownerrs A%ociatron rules, bylaws K)r and mvenarvts th$k rri afrestrict or prohibit Such structure. Please consult wrath your Nome Owners Asw6ation and review your deed for any restrictions which may apply. In consideration of the granting of this requested permit. I do hereby agree that I will, in all respects, perform the work in accordaxe with the appraVed plans the F lorida B41ding fides and St. Lucie- ntyr Am -end merits. The fallovA ng build irig pefmd a pprirati-DM are exempt from undergpl ng a full concureerKv review: room ad(Jixi)nsr a cce5SOry structures, swjmm ink; 1wol s, fences, walls, s*ns, scfeen rooms and acoe5sory uses tv anoth-er non-feside nt ial use WARN INO TO OIL N E R= You r fa iiure to Recurd a Notices. of Commencement may resutt in payrinig Mice fur i rn prowQ!m entS to you r proparty_ A N of ice Of Com mencem en# m ust be repo rde d rrti the pu blic record r. of St. Luci a Cou My a rid posted on t he iobsite before the first i rrspection, If Yoti Inters d to obta i r5 fi naming, consult with lender or pr< attorn-ebefore com rn enci n work or rec€rrdin you r N of ice of Comrnen rte me nt. � of STATE OF FLORI � COUNTY OF _ Agent for owner w to { or affirmed f and subscribed before me of Mphyrsical Presence or Online Notarization this . _ dog of _ . M20 try Name of person Personality Known OR Produced Iderrdfi rLD I_ Tyrpe rf I�ientifiration _ r, Pr used ri I lignature of Notdv Pu ic- state of Florida } i Commission No,LV) 6� [deal] 4 Signature of Cantrartor STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF Swc to Lor affirmed) and subscribed titre me of PhysocaG Precence or Onl irtil!� Notarization 'this _ day of 2S20 bw flarne of Persflr« � l Pre Wrial IV Knowmakl _ QFt'Produced tdrrll? rat R Typeof ldaritlflodtion produced [Sign;Ritu re of No Public, Sute of Flarida I F� r Commission No. I ( (5ea M • REV If VAS KfIONT ZONING ! tU PERVISOR PLANS YEG ETATiCI N Sf A TURTLE MANGROVE COUNTER REVIEW REVIEW RFVi-EW REV I�VV REVIEW REVIEW GATE RECEIVED DATA I COMPLETE Ell