HomeMy WebLinkAboutSub-Contractor AgreementPERMIT # ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Coiriplianee Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT S & W ELECTRIC, INC. have agreed to be (Company Name/Individual Name) _ -_- the._ELECTFRIC_._ gub . contractOr: foLCWYQ/ OMNR?,-.P.EO (Type ofTrade) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at (Project street Addres or Properly Tax ID #) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building • and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will. be advised pursuant to the Ming of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE (Qualifier) SUB -CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE (Qualifier) MATTHEW LYLE WYNNE PRINT NAME 08898 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State ofFlorida,Countyof ST. LUCIE The foregoing instrument was signed before me tbiis�day of �3-Q,A,, .20 by MATTHEW LYLE WYNNE who is personally known V__or has produced a as identification. zze6�0 a" STAMP Signature of Notary is DOROTHY ANN 'BASKIN Print Name;of NotaryPublic E ROTIVANNSASMN OMMISSION#HH045443 PIRES. PCWWhruN , 2024 olmypu60o0pdennitera ' LAWRENCE STUBBS PRINT NAME 29442 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER ---State ofFloridai-Countyof-`Tr The foregoing instrument was signed before me this day of _2i'by LAWRENCE STUBBS who is personally (mown �Lor has produced a. as identification. STAMP '-Tignhture of Notary Public Print Name of Notary Public LAURAR. CUBBEDGE Commission # HH 013089 Expires October21,2024 ELF F;?• Bonded Tta Troy Fain Insurams 8003857019 PERMIT # I . I ISSUE DATE AQUA DIMENSIONS .have agreed to be (Com''pany.Name/IndiAdual Na.ine) the PLUMBER Sub: -contractor for WYNNSDEVELOPMENT'CORP.. (Type of Trade) I (Primary Contractor) For the projectlocated at (Project Stfe#_t Adbeii-b or Property Tax ID It isunderstoodthat, if there. ig:.any ;-Ohangp:df,>status,regarding our participation with theab - -mentioned ove project, the Building. and Code 7 Regulation bi�q , . gion:of'St. Lucie County will -be -advised pursuant to, the filing: of a Change. of Subwcontractornoffce. CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE (Qualifier:) MA17HEW LYLE WYNNE PRINT NAME 0889.8 14628 COUNTY CERTIFICATIONNUMBER. COUNTY CERTIFICATION'NUMBER ST LUCIE. State of Florida, County of StateofFlorida, County of ST..LUCIE t sA .6r. ng nibint was signed before �ue'thi ._.day.o 'Thiif The foregoing instrument was signed before r4e this C� day of cl, who is pers6na4y.known V-or hasproduced:a, who 'b personany knowns ok has. produced a as identification. adj- JtC0'4_" 0/nn 'do_61�' Signitire�6fN6tkry &1ic DOROTHY ANN -BASKIN Print Name of Notary Public T' . DORO WN MY60MMINA'SI91" #14H645W . EXPIRES 9C10"42024 0, PLI& n. STAMP - "'- STAMP Sig6wre bf..Notar*y Pi� RH,0N.QA LAFFERTY. Print Name of Notary Public RHONDA LAFFERT" My COMMISSION # G 'Go! i8720 EXPIRES January 08, 2021 J PERMIT# ISSUE DATE 4r yPLANNING & DIEVELOPMENT SERVICES Wldmi g & Code Complia iee Division )B D*G. PERMIT SY7$-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT Comfort Control oT St. Lucie County, Inc. haveagreed•to"be (Company Name4ndividuai N=e) the HVAC Sub-contilotorfor Wynne Devel-o meat Corp. (Type of Trade) Primary Contractor) For the project located at (--Q \ ^�--�-� q Lt,�e, (Project St wt Address or Property Tax ID ) It is understood that, if there is any change of status. regarding our participation with the above mentioned. project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant. to the Fling of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. CONTPAC'rOR SIGNATURE (Quaafier). Matthew Lyle Wynne PRINT NAME .= i .. - .' COUNTY CERTIFICATION N10M\ER $fate oflneri$a, CORIOItyof vV C-�� The foregoing iestrami kit was signed before me this 9�4,y of who is persgnafiy known Zor has produced a as identification Signature of Notary PU& t)9o.-rwV_ )4w.v X&A-S/erp-) 11'ri4tName ofNotarypublic �y}►:•"•°;; OO,ROTNYANNBASKIN :�= MY COMMISSION # HH 045443 , :..'1M." EXPIRES bcto v2;2024 N*_P,0U .Unde+►niters. 3evdcd 11606/2016 82$$ COUNTY CIERTTFTCAT;ON NUMBER State of Florida; County of Ci The foregoing iasir�,me�— was Oiled before me tha ' ' y of who is personally known `v/or has produced a as identification. STAMP' C� �� . STAW Signature ofNotary P#5b n o y2o�L y ' l "Va &4EXf, a print Name of Notary Pub c . ' . E �,, OOiOTfIYANNBASKIN , WcommISSION#o EXPIRES:October2 "._SwidodTtauNd"publicUnde<w�ilels L66-d Z06U/Z909d tL9-i 999LU8ZLL daoo su i p l i n8 auuAM -Wild j g L:Z L 9 L ,-60-Z L 1 t}e RO`Ofing: Sub coifraeto'or Wynne Deveogm�:nt :F��cthe �`Qjec><ta�ati�i<:ai; � ��-- Tt is ixnderstOOd: hat, i iere;.is any hangi :Qf stains regazd ourpaittcipatton iMt :the above. in rrtion : ro�ec#, the;Bitrldmg and Cod 12egulation;D�vision aft: Lucte Coaiiity veil}'tie adv%sed.pursuai tia °die: f Xing of a.:Gl��r�:geof S�;�i-�intFactir;rofiiee�. C�?1l'�ACTUit+SiG�tY'1'CittE :{,Quaiv�erj . Iatth.e:w'.:•;L:1;.e. Wynne �?RTN'i NAiV11v C.OM�Y CERTIFtCr fXQN �°U15I ER; . Satg, of.Flojd;, County'of:.V C+t �kefgregagne:instrnm�ntwassignedtueforem�.:ttiis ,ddy,oi. whu:is,gersonallyLnowo:�or.dasproduced:a .. :.:. :: `asidgzftiticatom . /Gw.: STAMP Siggatgre of hiatary � . c MY COMMISSION # NH 045443 EXPIRES: October. Z 2024 . 'nevised'1 I/:i &l2(l16.` Brian '.Mal..on.ey P�tTNT N:AN[E . . CQ'[3N:TY CERTffIC4TtOhf 1V',LJMBER '" Sfate;ofFlorda:Counky`of����.1`� Ttte £orego�ng igstrpinenE:vwog before 'inviliis.' i ila of. wLo u�person9lly known: �/ oM 7ias �►r— ailuced�a 853fde�liCatioCb . v✓ v'i"' t G� /Grp• r5TA11I� . Signat , of3\rotary lic" VUHUTHYANN BMrjN - MYCOMMISSIONM OM3 EXPIRES: October2, 2024 Ki A3