HomeMy WebLinkAboutSub-Contractor AgreementPLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Bulilding:& Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT S & W ELECTRIC, INC. have agreed to be (Company Name/Individual Name) the...ELECTRIC,IAN Sub_-contractor,:fog-NiL�EE1/�LQP.MENLCARP,__ �_ ...._.___.. (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at (Project Street Address -or Property Tax ID #) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will. be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. / CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE (Qualifier) SUB -CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE (Qualifier) MATTHEW LYLE WYNNE PRINT NAME 1 � � ° s COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County -or ST. LUCIE• The foregoing instrument was signed before me tbi� of ,_ C c .26-2eby MATTHEW LYLE WYNNE who is personally known -V--or has produced a as identification. GW 6, STAMP Signature of Notary PCc DOROTHY ANN •BASKIN Print Name of Notary Public DOROTHYMNBASKIN MYCOMMISSION#HH045443 "` :�°�''� Bonded Thru Notari'Pu*U 2024 evt rydenettem • LAWRENCE STUBBS PRINT NAME 29442 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER - -State of Blorida; Countyof $T, LU,GIE _ The foregoing instrument was signed before me thisday f j C _ .20�G3y LAWRENCE STUBBS who is personally known i or has produced a as identification. 1AAA-9, Lila& dgnb STAMP tore of Notary Public vo-kow - �L��Pmo Print Name of Notary Public ,►p4 , LAURAR. CUBSEDGE f . °;, Commission # HH OWN ar,�;� Expires October21,2024 ,F Fj1�•� Bonded Thru Tray Fain lnsuraneet19038�7919 Ell X-1 --j -PLANNING & "DE NT SERVICES Building & -Codecomplianee Division BU"1NG"fPERMff SUB-CONTRACTORAGREEMENT AQUA DIMENSIONS have agreed to be (Company.Name/Individual Name) the PLUMBER Sub:-contrictor::for WYNNE-DEVELOPMENT CORP.: (Type of Trade) (Pfimary'6ii For the project- located. at \> or Property Tax ID #) NO It is understood that, if there.ls:- any change of status regarding our participation with the -above-mentioned project, the Building and Code- Regulation bivIgioA.-of-St. Lildie.'County Willbe--advised pursuant'to the filing: of a Change of Sub=contradtor notice. CONTRACTOR SIGNATIUM'tQualifier.) MATTHEW LYLE WYNNE PRINT'NAMIE 0889,8 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER .. $T State of Florida, County of LUCIE. - '15 f6kegging-Insournefitww. signed befoie.fiii-this_ dgy%ot - C_ who is personally.known V or has produced a. widentification. Signature of!Nki4 &lic DOROTHY ANN -BASKIN Print Name of Notary- Public DOROTWANNJA N'.. Com WSSIONOM045M -N EXPIRES : OCtober2'2024 R= AI. .SUB=C SIGNATURE Quaffier) ROBERT' LUDLUM PRINT NAM 1".8028 COUNTY CERTMCATION NUMER State of -Florida, County of $T LUC12 T he foregoing instrument Was - signed before . zn e' thi s A\_-4dCy. of 2e who is.personallyknowuv_le has. produced a STAMP STAMP Sik6Wre 0046taryPublic RHONDXLAFFERTY Mot Mime of Notary Public RHONDA LAFFERTI Y MY COMMISSION# GG058720 EXPIRES January Oa, 2021 PERMIT:9 ISSUE DATE JY - PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES )Buildi>ng & Code Compliance Division - - EY�;DYNG.PERMIT � • SUB -CONTRACTOR AGRUNENT Comfort Control o'f St. Lucie County, Inc. haveagreed•to'be (Company N'smegndividuuai Name) the HVAC _ Sub-contractorfor Wynne Development Corp. (Type of Trade) {Frimmty Contmetor) For the project located at .(Project street addressor Property Tax ID #) It is understood that, if there as any change of status. regarding our participation with the above Irtentibned . project, the wilding and Code Regulation Divisibn of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant, to the .• Fling of a Change of'$ub-contractor notice. CONTACTOR SIGNATURE (Qualifier). Matthew LSrle Wynne PRINT NA11IE — 08898 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUM'RER Vote ofMorida, CoRtty of1--'�'—A—J\J The foregoing kstratindrrww�sks Anad before me this day of W—c c .2tk�`-: by who is perspnatiy known Zor has produced a as fdentifu:atian. Lldz-�JLM alw' Gz4 Go.O STA1Vi>'• Signature of Notary PU64C ago.wy AWA9 A5A-SeIea.0 wgoTHYANN BASKIN MY COMMISSION# HH 04W3 Revised 1 COUNTY CPUTWCATIONNNNUUMBER State of Florida. County of The foregoing indrume-nntt was s4ped before me tthhits- day of ��� , .,,= 20,E ,��a�� Cs..!'•'�1�.�+4�.�1i'n who is persouaRy known V 'or has produced a as identification, (mil ��' • STAMP Signature of Notary P Print Name of Notary Pub c DOtiOTHYANN BABKIN MY COMMISSION # HH 045443 Qg: EXPIRES. '!*o r2,2024 L66-d 3000/Z000d VLO-1 999L8L8ZLL daoo suiplin8 euuAM -WOdj 9L=ZL % 66-z4 tiie ko 9Sub can#ractor::or Wynne y ova sta i- u t.the above, *&'b6ad*ed:pursuadt& th"e.. thog %1��Ouutx, RT Tbetor,CgW of. low6m - sigoa IN6 M. DWOTHYANN BA9VJN WCOMMISSION#HH045443 EXPIRES: O.cloberZ 2024. C. OR QQVWY CURrlHC NUMER 72yof• who`is;persoaolly known lelm. * ftdd"A:`� a-ic h"tioz STAMP /V - fjiq-sgl,-, DOROMY" —SMIK N— MYCOMMSSIONflifiC46443 EXPIRES: O*WZ 2024 i.A — -- -