HomeMy WebLinkAboutPA FL9777-R13.� ., .. a . �^ r.:mr�,' ii'!'%4�;T'�� "fin^' . .F(. •...d�": _, ."r"' ' � 6 . C• � m 4 � ^ ,]• �•irhswan;ri Nr,., r r' i3cis Home Log In User Registration Hot Topics Submit Surcharge Stats&Facts PL:hl4Xt1Gn5 Contact Us MS Site Map Links Search FI o Product Approval 4 USER: Pubic User Product Approval Menu a Product r AkQUgAton Search > AU rylication List > AppFicerdon Detail FL # ...'.............KK„u , ,E....,..,..,.,,.,..... Application Type Code Version Application Status Comments Archived Product Manufacturer Address/Phone/Email Authorized Signature Technical Representative Address/Phone/Email Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Email Category Subcategory Compliance Method Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed the Evaluation Report Florida License Quality Assurance Entity Quality Assurance Contract Expiration pate Validated By Certificate of Independence Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard) FL9777-RI3 Revision 2020 Approved Owens Corning One Owens Corning Parkway Toledo, OH 43559 (740) 404-7829 g reg.keeler@owenscorning _corn Greg Keeler g reg. keeler@owenscorn ing.com Roofing U nderlayments Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed Florida Professional Engineer Evaluation Report - Hardcopy Received Zachary R. Priest PE-74021 PRI Construction Materials Technologies, LLC 12/31/2024 Steven M. Urich, PE Validation Checklist - Hardcopy Received FL 777 RI CdI R14 02.1 FBQ Lval W herl N n- VH Final.f Standard year ASTM i7 1970 2015 ASTM D 226 2009 ASTM G 155 2013 https://www.floridsbuiiding.orgJpr/pr—app_c1d,aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDgtgkcMGbleW7i%2f7r7gdugvKoCLU07APd%2fOgNMaJnsl5ew%3d%3d page I of 3 TAS 103 UL 1897 Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By Sections from the Code Product Approval Method Method 1 Option D Date Submitted 10/22/2020 Date Validated 10/23/2020 Date Pending FBC Approval 10/28/2020 Date Approved 12/15/2020 Date Revised 12/17/2020 Summary ._of. Products 2020 2012 FL # Model, Number or Name Description - 9777.1 Weatherloek G Weatherproofing Underlayment Limits of Use Approved for use in HVHZ: No Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact resistant: N/A Design Pressure: N/A Other: See evaluation report for limits of use. Installation Instructions FL9777 P 1-311 OCR 110 ✓ B v Weatherloek na aaHVLZ -fMg—I Pdfdf Verified By: Zachary R. Priest 74021 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports _I LF 5Z77 R13_ th rl k NQn-HVHZ fln E Id Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 9777.2 Weatherlock G (High Tear) Weatherproofing Underlayment Limits of Use Approved for use in HVHZ: No Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: N/A Design Pressure: N/A Other: See evaluation report for limits of use. ' Installation Instructions EL97 7 R13 It 9CR14002,1Oa 2020 FB_C Eva1 Weatherinrlc on- VH final. f Verified By: Zachary R. Priest PE-74021 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports FL9777 R13 AE._Q� 0 FB Eva! Weather! N9n-HVHZ final.pdf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 9777.3 Weatherlock MAT Waterproofing Underlayment Limits of use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes Approved for use outside HVHZ: No Impact Resistant: N/A Design Pressure: N/A Other: See evaluation report for limits of use. FL9777_R13 II_�JCR1�R002�Ob Z020 FI3C Eval W„,gtheriock HVHZ final.ndf Verified By; Zachary R. Priest 74021 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports FL4777_R13 A _QCR1400.1Ob 20Q F5C Eval„Uyeafherlack HVHZ a11.Rff Created by Independent Third Party: Yes M 9777.4 j:Zthvrlccl, MAT Waterproofing Underlayment N Limits of Use Approved for use in HVHZ: No Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: N/A Design Pressure: N/A Other: See evaluation report for limits of use. Installation Instructions FL9777_R13 II QCR144g2.10a 2020 FB[ Eval Weatherlock Non-HVHZ final.ad Verified By: Zachary R. Priest 74021 Created by Independent Third Party; Yes Evaluation Reports FL9777_�Lj 3. &E-QM14002. I Ozr 2020FBC Eval Weotherfock N-Qn-HVHZ-flnaJ.gdf https:/1www.floridabullding.org/pr/pr_app_dtl.aspx?param�wGEVXQwtDgtgkcMG61cW71%2fZr7gduqvKoCLUG7APd12fdgNMOJnsl6ew%3d%3d Page 2 of 3 S jo £ ab2d PE%PElMa4lsureAtgboiZ%PdvL!Dfl-Too3lnhnpBCaZ1Z%1LMalgE)H331glbal-OXAC iOM-ure-1edZxdse-i3P dde idjid�6io•Bu!pJingepilioll-fAmnnl/:sdlt4 r 7I'A23 T1 AI!_1 MMIS ldaoaq jenolddy ZDnpoid ' l>'Pjp aseald '•g•�Srq JzqdegD dapun aasua❑q 2 We noA;l aujuLjgp oL •oppgnd aql o; e1ge11sne apew aq ueo gaig3n ssalppe liewa ue g1Re 3UD=edaa au; appAodd aseaid 'ssBjppe peuos3ad e /gddns n; ysi.v lou op noA.Vi 'paaoa� >ijynd aae sassa�ppe lieWa'ana.QH -aasuaopl all qj^—p;e7lunwwm pep7!4o ao; pasn aq AM papwMd Spi?LLia aL; ' "2q Aag3 Ji ssa3ppe pewa ua g3pna luawy32daQ aql appAo,d 4snu3 -S-A 'SStr ia3deq•O opun pasua2ip saasuauip'ZTOZ '3 jagoloo aApinaj a'sajnje3auo S ppl�ofd '[IJsouo ua,g7a$ o; qugrtsinI' dx 'S6£L8b'OSB 17e-tuna aseald 'Saogsan6 Aup aney noA 11 pow ieuoglperl Aq ao auogd A(q ;D {�o aq; y❑eauo]'pealsu3 'A;i;ua slug oq pLu 7puOA-kapa pugs ]vu op '3sanha.i spaoaa3apgnd a of asuods-al ul paseajal ssalppe plus -a 3noA lueM lou op noA;I •spicoai aggnd aje sas&wppe liewa 'Me, epiaoi=i japun ;uauaa pu ; u a} i�i issa] :: qu waq enud :. 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The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services, LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installation, recommended use, or other product attributes that are not CREEK j TECHNICAL SERVICES, LLC PRODUCT DESCRIPTION AND LIMITS OF USE OWENS CORNING ROOFING AND ASPHALT LLC WeatherLOCkQ Underlayments (Non-HVHZ) WeatherLock® G (Brentwood, NH or WeatherLock® G is an ASTM D 1970 self -adhered underlayment constructed from SBS Houston, 77C) modified asphalt, a fiberglass mat reinforcement and surfaced with granules. The is product supplied in 2-sq. rolls with nominal dimensions of 3-ft x 66.7-fi. WeatherLockO G is permitted to be used as prescribed in FBC Section 1507.1.1 and Table 1507.1.1.1 for mechanically attached roofing coverings. Exposure on the roof deck shall be limited to a maximum 30 days. WeatherLock® Mat WeatherLockO Mat is an ASTM D 1970 self -adhered underlayment constructed from (Brentwood, NH or Houston, TX) SBS modified asphalt with a fiberglass gnat reinforcement. The product is supplied in 1-sq. rolls with nominal dimensions of 3-ft x 33.3-ft and 2 sq. rolls with nominal dimensions of 3-ft x 66.7-ft. WeatherLock@ Mat is permitted to be used as prescribed in F13C Section 1507.1.1 and Table 1507.1.1.1 for mechanically attached roof coverings. Exposure on the roof deck shall be limited to a maximum 30 days. WeatherLock® Metal Weathert-ock® Metal is an ASTM D 1970 self -adhered underlayment constructed from (Brentwood, NH) SBS modified asphalt with a fiberglass mat reinforcement and plastic film surface The product is supplied in 2.0 sq. rolls with nominal dimensions of 3-ft x 66.7-ft. WeatherLockO Metal is permitted to be used as prescribed in FBC Section 1507.1.1 and Table 1507.1.1.1 for mechanically attached roof coverings. Exposure on the roof deck shall be limited to a maximum 90 days. WeatherLock® Specialty Tile & Metal Weatherl-ockS Specialty Tile & Metal is an ASTM D 1970, TAS 103 and FRSA/TRI Florida High Wind Concrete and Clay Tile Installation Manula, (Brentwood, NH) Sixth Edition compliant self -adhered underlayment constructed from SBS modified asphalt and surfaced with a non -woven polyester fabric. The product is supplied in 2.14 sq. rolls with nominal dimensions of 3-ft x 71.3-ft. WeafherLock® Specialty Tile & Metal is permitted to be used as prescribed in FBC Section 1507.1.1 and Table 1507.1.1.1. WeatherLock® Specialty Tile & Metal is permitted to be used with adhered clay or concrete tile roofing using Dupont TILE TM BONDRoof Tile Adhesive. Exposure on the roof deck shall be limited to a maximum 90 days. The maximum roof slope shall be 6:12 when used with clay or concrete file installations without battens. Tile shall be stored on battens for roof slopes greater than 6.12. Tiles shall not be stacked greater 10 tiles per stack. WeatherLockO G WeatherLock(D G (High Tear) is an ASTM D 1970 self -adhered underlayment used as an (High Tear) (Houston, TX) alternative to ASTM D 226, Type II roofing felt. The underlayment is composed of SBS modified asphalt with a fiberglass mat internal reinforcement and is surfaced with granules. The product is supplied with a nominal thickness of 50 mils in 1.95-sq rolls with nominal dimensions of 3-ft x 65-ft. WeatherLockO G (High Tear) is permitted to be used as prescribed in FBC Section 1507.1.1 and Table 1507.1.1.1 for mechanically attached roof coverings. Exposure on the roof deck shall be limited to a maximum 30 days. OCR14002.10a FL9777-R13 Page 2 of 4 This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services, LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty. installation, recommended use, or other product attributes that are not cr.cn�firoll., a.i rfrococA F,o,-o 1,-, CREEK TECHNICAL SERvicEs, LLC PRODUCT APPLICATION OWENS CORNING ROOFING AND ASPHALT LLC WeatherLockC& Underlayments (Non-HVHZ) Min. Roof Slope: 2:12 in accordance with the FBC Application: All underiayments shall be installed in accordance with the FBC. Deck substrates shall be clean, dry, and free from any irregularities and debris. All fasteners in the deck shall be checked for protrusion and corrected prior to undedayment application. Prior to beginning installation, the underlayment shall be unrolled and allowed to relax for a minimum of 3-5 minutes. The underlayment shall be installed with the release backer removed and pressed firmly into place to ensure complete contact with the deck. The underlayment shall be installed with the roll length parallel to the eave, starting at the eave, and with minimum 3" side laps and minimum 6' end laps staggered min. 6-ft.from preceding course. Additionally, if applying WeatherLock® Specialty Tile & Metal, end laps shall be primed with ASTM ❑ 41 primer or sealed with asphalt roof cement a minimum of 3-4 inches across the width of the lap. It is permissible to back nail the underlayment 12-inches on -center as needed (nails shall be installed perpendicular to deck with the nail heads flush to the top surface of the underlayment). Additionally, WeatherLock8 Specialty Tile & Metal shall be back nailed when installed on roof slopes greater than 3:12. Min. Application 40'F; Contact the manufacturer when installing at temperatures below the minimum Temperature: application temperature. WIND RESISTANCE The Maximum Design Pressures shown below were calculated using a 2:1 margin of safety per FBC Section 1504.9, Underla ment system No.1 — WeatherLock Specialty Tile & Metal Only Roof Deck: Min. 15132-inch CDX plywood attached to wood supports spaced a maximum 24" o.c. Underlayment: WeatherLockOD Specialty Tile & Metal shall be applied in accordance with manufacturer's installation instructions to the fastened deck and backnailed along the selvage with minimum 12ga., 1-114-inch galvanized ring shank roofing nails through optionally primed, 32ga. x 1-5/8-inch 0 tin Caps spaced 12" o.c. The applied underlayment shall be rolled with a minimum 75ib steel roller immediately following application. Maximum Design -142.5 psf Pressure- OCR14002.10a FL9777-R13 Page 3 of 4 This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule SIG20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services; LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, instaliation, recommended use, or other product attributes that are not c---+;—INS AA --A heal,., r _ CREED r;,.I . TECHNICAL SERVICES, LLC GENERAL LIMITATIONS OWENS CORNING ROOFING AND ASPHALT LLC WeatherLockO tlnderlayments (Nan-HVHZ) 1) This evaluation report is not use in the HVHZ. 2) Fire Classification is not within the scope of this evaluation. 3) Installation of the evaluated product shall comply with this report, the FBC, and the manufacturers published application instructions. Where discrepancies exist between these sources, the more restrictive and FBC compliant installation detail shall prevail. 4) The roof deck shall be constructed of closely fitted plywood sheathing for new or existing construction. 5) The space under the deck area shall be properly ventilated in accordance with the FBC requirements. 6) All side lap seams small be installed to shed water from the deck. 7) The underlayment may be used as described in other current FBC product approval documents. 8) Design wind load pressures shall be determined for components and cladding in accordance with FBC 1609. 9) The roof deck shall be designed by others in accordance with FBC requirements to resist the design wirrd load pressures for components and cladding_ 10) Maximum Design Pressures for a given underlayment shall meet or exceed the design wind loads determined for the roof assembly. 11) All products listed in this report shall be manufactured under a quality assurance program in compliance with Rule 61 G20-3. COMPLIANCE STATEMENT The products evaluated herein by Zachary R. Priest, P.E. have demonstrated compliance with the Florida Building Code 7tn Edition (2020) as evidenced in the referenced documents submitted by the named manufacturer. t"11111111111 t'0tttt5Y R• .��� Q�• C E N No 74021 STATE OF :141Ef� .� .QR! 4 CERTIFICATION OF INDEPENDENCE 2020. 1 0.23 09:42:3 7 -04t001 Zachary R. Priest, P.E. Florida Registration No. 74021 Organization No. ANE9641 CREEK Technical Services, LLC does not have, nor will it acquire, a financial interest in any company manufacturing or distributing Products under this evaluation. CREEK Technical Services, LLC is not owned, operated, or controlled by any company manufacturing or distributing products under this evaluation. Zachary R. Priest, P.E. does not have, nor will acquire, a financial interest in any company manufacturing or distributing products under this evaluation. Zachary R. Priest, P.E. does not have, nor will acquire, a financial interest in any other entity involved in the approval process of the product. END OF REPORT OCR14002.10a FL9771-Rl3 Page 4 of 4 This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61 G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services, LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installation, recommended use. or other product attributes that are not