HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit application - 6006 Petticaot PlaceAl I APIPLICAR LE IN FO MU 5T bE COMPLETEE) F OR AP PLI CATION TO BE ACCERTED Date: 1-26-2021 5T, U C I E COUNT f L o R i D 14 Building Permit Permit Number: PJa"ino Dnd Devefopment5erw+Ces .quiWffr ? Ond Code Rppulatio,n DM5 0� Co F[ Y�71 � IB I S I f1 Id I ` .2-300 lfrjV0nd3 Avenue, Fort Piero Ft 34982 Phone; 17721462-155d Fax; �77�t1 4152-1578 PERMIT APPLICATION FOR, RE ROOF PR9POSED I MPROVEMENT LOCATION; Address: f) Petticoat F L Property Tax I D If; Site Plan Name: Project Name. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF WORK: REMOVE SHINGLE ROOF Ii STALL PEEL & S1ICK F L2569 INSTALL SDIINOLE FL10674 Lot No.4 flock Nam. K INSTALL RID EVENT N OA 19-1217 1Y.aw Electrica I Meter .. second Eleckriral Meter CON;TRUCTION INFORMATION: Addgtlonal.work to b�e pe rtornned under thIS perm it —{heck all that apply: P .echanIcaI Electric i5a5 Ta nk Plumbing Gas Piping 5pri n kler5 Total Sq- Ft of Cunstructi=-. 1,972 Cost of Canstructkon_ $ 10:500 _ OWNER/LESSEE: _ Shutte rs J :'di ndowsf Doors _ Pond Generator �/,- Roof 5/12 _ PitC4 S Ft of First Flom- 1,972 D- . UtI.Rtles: _Sewer Septic Name #Caren WDIko-WSM Address_ 6006 Pettit PL City: r-OAT PIERCE State-. ZI p C& le-. 34962 _ Fax; -- Phone ND. 5111 In fee simpkE Title Holdev on rigxt pale I If different f r%om the Own4e r listed a bow4aI CONTRACTOR: Name- ROLAND WILEY Building Height: 8 FT Company: SHORELINE ROOFING Addrem-. 1973 SW GLE N DALE STR E ET — Ckty: PORT ST LUC I E State- FL Zip cocle: 34987 Fax: Phone Nv 7722609565 E-mail SHO F1 ELINE ROOFING @RYA HOO_C;ONI State a r COUntyr License C GG 1 :331170 If value of ccastruC#Ion Is 2sm cr n1r0le, a RECORDED Notio# of Camrrmenoement ks required If va Iue of HAVC is $7,SDO ar mvre, a RECORDED Notre of Commencemrtnt Is requiFei, I SIJ P P LEM ETAL CONSTRUCT 10 N LI E N LAIN I N FORMATI0 N: DESIGNER/ EN;INE;ER: Not Applicable Name; Addre.ss: — City: , _T St at e- Zip; _ phone FEE SIMPLE TITLE ROLDER: — N of App I ica bie Na m-e; Address; City, _ Zip; phunp: MORTGAGE COMPANY: ANY: _ Not APPI i rabl e N.a me: Address City- State: Zip: Phone: SONOING COMPANY; Not Applicable Name; Adidress- <:f ty ._ dip; Phone OWN ERf CONTRACTOR AFF I p)VIT: Appli cafJon iS hereby* madle to obtain a pgrm+t to da the work a nd instal lation 09 indicated, I cerOfy that no work of install imun has tommenced prior to the essuanoe of 8 permit- St- Lucie County makes no reprt *e1ntati.Dn that as granting a permit will auth-orize theECK rmlt holder to IpuYd tihe subject structure which Is in coict with any apple cable FIpYY* Owners A%oc-43 ion ruLes, byl-Aws or anw nark that mw restrict flr prohibit ! +urh structure. Ptease consult with your Horde Owners AssoOa Fon and review your deed anyrestri tkms which may* apply*. Ln consideration of the grating cf this req nested permit* I do her-eby agme that I will, in al I respects, pey-form the work in acoordarhCe with bw approved plans, the Flcwi da Building Odes and St. Lucie County* Amendmer+m The followi ng buildirIS permit applications are exem pk from undergoi ng 3 Fu 11 canourrenCy rewiew: r-DoM Iddltic'm accesso-ry structures} sviAmming pools, fences, w2dl1 , signs, scrc-en roams and accessQrV uses to a"Vher nom-re5idential use WARNING T4 OWN ER: You r fa I Iti re to Remrd a Notice of Commenremer5t may resu It in payrf M1R twice fOr im provemen15 to yoU r pfo pe". A Notice of Com m enc emen t must be record ad i n th e p uh I is recocds of St. Luci a C-O+U My and posted on the jobsite before the fi rst I ns pect ion. 1 f yro u i me nd to o btain fin a rwC+gig. consu It with lender or -an attorrre before c-Mffie�si.rlx work of fecgrd i rrg you r N Lice of Cam mencenn ent. .. 4A Al � JR ARI U JAW -- Sr natur4ofw1nerl tesset�{ actor as Agent f-or Owner ignature of Contra rfticense I r STATE OF FLORID STATE OF rLO R COU NTY OF_ # #� _ COUNTY OF _'Ls�� -- — i 5 rn to (or affirm0) and subs{ribcd be4ore me of P sical Pr a 13r Ottiilne N arixation #hi ,day+ of by Name of Person making tatrtit. h 3 P.trwnatly !Known0 R Prod uoed IdentIMMI 'type of Iden"cadfln Producers _rftrlr�j � '"CW (Signature of N a Public- S#at& of F Iorida f fie 4 Cpmmissiflrr No, J � Sw -o Or affWmedl and sAscri bed before Yne i f ica I Prese ce oQ Online Not�ri=Wn th is yr of} Fl Ozt� by R�IWD r mr n Name of person making star nt. 4 Personally Known OR Pruduov d I<Jer4tlficalhrE`'33 s � Typia of Id..-ntifi cation A Produced mbya +�+ i t Isigrlature of NtP Public, $tate of flvrida Cc m134+on fao_ L7 (Seal 1 REVFE','�rS FRONT ZOO I NG $V P ERVISOR P �kNS VEG STATION SEA TURTLE MANGROVE COUNTER REVIEW REVIEVd REVIEW RE REVIEW REVIEW DATE RECEIVED _ DATk COMPLETED