HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPPROVED 18582.7BCIS Home Log In User Registration Hot Topics Submit Surcharge Slats & Facts Publications Contact Us BCIS Site Map Links ; Search j Product Approval ?; USER: Pub€Fc User �rT:f Fk Product Approval Menu > Product or Anpiication Search > Application List Search Criteria Refine Search Code Version 2020 FL# 18582.7 Application Type ALL Product Manufacturer ALL Category ALL Subcategory ALL Application Status ALL Compliance Method ALL Quality Assurance Entity ALL Quality Assurance Entity Contract Expired ALL Product Model, Number or Name ALL Product Description ALL Approved for use in HVHZ ALL Approved for use outside HVHZ ALL Impact Resistant ALL Design Pressure ALL Other ALL Cr.� h RauJfc - An liral-inn. FLi # Type Manufacturer T---- I Validated By. -- -W -TT FL18582- _-^Status Revision i Masonite International National Accreditation & Management Approved R4 FL#: FL18582.7 Institute History Model: Flush Impact Glazed Fiberglass Door (804) 684-5124 Description: V-0" Inswing Single or Double Door w/ or i w/o Sidelites I Category: Exterior Doors { Subcategory: Swinging Exterior Door Assemblies 'HypluvCO uy I—. oppry Va uy uurtt snail pe reviewed ano ranneD Dy We rvt_ anotor Cne Lommissi n Ir necessary. Contact Us :: 2601 Stair Stone Road, Tallahassee FL 32399 Phone: 850-487-1824 The State of Florida is an AA/EEO employer. Copyri, ht 2007-2013 State of Florida. ; : Privacy Statement :: AccessibiliLy Statement :: Refund Statement Under Florida taw, email addresses are public records. It you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public -records request, do not send electronic mail to this entity. Instead, contact the office by phone or by traditional mail. If you have any questions, please contact 850.497.1395. *Pursuant to Section 455.275(1), Florida Statutes, effective October 1, 2012, licensees licensed under Chapter 455, F.S. must provide the Department with an email address if they have one. The emails provided may be used for official communication with the licensee. However email addresses are public record. If you do not wish to supply a personal address, please provide the Department with an email address which can be made available to the public. To determine if you are a licensee under Chapter 455, F.S., please click here . Product Approval Accepts: Credit Card Safe FL # FL18582-114 Application Type Revision Code Version 2020 Application Status Approved *Approved by DBPR. Approvals by DBPR shall be reviewed and ratified by the POC and/or the Commission if necessary. Comments Archived Product Manufacturer Address/Phone/Email Authorized Signature Technical Representative Address/Phone/Email Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Email Category Subcategory Compliance Method Certification Agency Validated By Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard) Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By Product Approval Method Date Submitted Date Validated Hate Pending FBC Approval Masonite International 1955 Powis Road West Chicago, IL 60185 (800)663-3667 sschrelber@masonite.com Steve Schreiber sschreiber@masonite.com Exterior Doors Swinging Exterior Door Assemblies Certification Mark or Listing National Accreditation & Management Institute National Accreditation & Management Institute Standard ASTM E1886 ASTM E1996 TAS 202 Method 1 Option A 11/12/2020 11/13/2020 Year 2013 2014 1994 Date Approved 11/20/2020 Summary of Products FL # Model, Number or Name Description 1 18582,1 Flush Glazed Fiberglass Door 6'-8" Inswing Single or Double Door w/ or w/o Sidelites i Limits of use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes FL18582 R4 C CAC NI012729.01-R3.0f 1 Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 1 Impact Resistant: No 12/31/2025 i Design Pressure: +55.0/-60.0 Installation Instructions 3 Other: Evaluated for use in locations adhering to the Florida FL18582 R4 U FL 0182.pdf Building Code including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone, and Verified By: National Accreditation & Management Institute 9 where pressure requirements as determined by ASCE 7, does Created by Independent Third Party: not exceed the design pressures listed. 12'-0" x 6'-8" max Evaluation Reports nominal size. Hurricane protective system required in HVHZ FL18582 R4 AE 514008B,pAf and the Wind Borne Debris Region. See DWG-MA-FLO182-15 FL18582 R4 AE 514012B.pdf for additional information. Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 18582.2 Flush Glazed Fiberglass Door 6'-8" Outswing Single or Double Door w/ or w/o Sidelites Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes FLIS582 R4 C CAC NI012729.01-R3.pdf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Impact Resistant: No 12/31/2025 I Design Pressure. +60.0/-55.0 Installation Instructions Other: Evaluated for use in locations adhering to the Florida FL18582 R4 II FL 0 8 pdf I Building Code including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone, and Verified By: National Accreditation & Management Institute where pressure requirements as determined by ASCE 7, does Created by Independent Third Party: I not exceed the design pressures listed. 12'-0" x 6'-B" max Evaluation Reports nominal size. Hurricane protective system required in HVHZ FL18582 R4 AE 514008B,p�jf and the Wind Borne Debris Region. See DWG-MA-FLO182-15 FL18582 R4 AE 514p1ZB,p� for additional information. Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 18582.3 Flush Glazed Fiberglass Boor 8'-0" Inswing Single or Double Door w/ or w/o Sidelites Limits of Use _ Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes FL18582 R4 C CAC NI012729.02-R2.pdf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Impact Resistant: No 12/31/2025 Design Pressure: +45.0/-47.0 Installation Instructions Other: Evaluated for use in locations adhering to the Florida FL18582 R4 II FL 0183.pdf Building Code including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone, and Verified By: National Accreditation & Management Institute I where pressure requirements as determined by ASCE 7, does Created by Independent Third Party: not exceed the design pressures listed. 12'-0" x 8'-0" max Evaluation Reports nominal size. Hurricane protective system required in HVHZ FL18582 R4 AE 514007B.pdf and the Wind Borne Debris Region. See DWG-MA-FLO183-15 FL18562 R4 AE 5140116.pdf for additional Information. Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 18582.4 Flush Glazed Fiberglass Door 8'-0" Outswing Single or Double Door w/ or w/o Sidelites Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes FL18582 R4 C CAC NI012729.02-R2.pdf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Impact Resistant: No 12/31/2025 Design Pressure: +47.0/-47.0 Installation Instructions I Other: Evaluated for use in locations adhering to the Florida FL18582 R4 II FL 0183.pdf 1 Building Code including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone, and Verified By: National Accreditation & Management Institute where pressure requirements as determined by ASCE 7, does Created by Independent Third Party: not exceed the design pressures listed. 12'-0" x 8'-0" max Evaluation Reports nominal size. Hurricane protective system required in HVHZ FL18582 R4 AE 514007B.pdf and the Wind Borne Debris Region. See DWG-MA-FLO183-15 FLIS582 R4 AE 514011B.pdf for additional information. Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 18582.5 Flush Impact Glazed Fiberglass Door 6`-8" Inswing Single or Double Door w/ or w/o Sidelites Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL18582 R4 C CAC NI012729.03-R3.pdf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Impact Resistant: Yes 12/31/2025 1 Design Pressure: +55.0/-60.0 Installation Instructions 3 Other: Evaluated for use in locations adhering to the Florida FL18582 R4 II FL 0182.pdf Building Code excluding the high Velocity Hurricane Zone, and Verified By: National Accreditation & Management Institute where pressure requirements as determined by ASCE 7, does Created by Independent Third Party: not exceed the design pressures listed. 12'-0" x 6'-8" max Evaluation Reports nominal size. Hurricane protective system not required. See FLIS582 R4 AE 514008B.pdf DWG-MA-FLO182-15 for additional information. FL18582 R4 AE 5140128.pdf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 118S82.6 Flush impact Glazed Fiberglass Door 6'-8" Outswing Single or Double Door w/ or w/o Sidelites Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL18582 R4 C CAC N1012729.03-R3.pdf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Impact Resistant: Yes 12/31/2025 Design Pressure: +60.0/-55,0 installation Instructions Other: Evaluated for use in locations adhering to the Florida FL18582 R4 II FL 0182.pdf Building Code excluding the High Velocity Hurricane Zone, and Verified By: National Accreditation & Management Institute where pressure requirements as determined by ASCE 7, does Created by Independent Third Party: not exceed the design pressures listed. 12'-0" x 6'-8" max Evaluation Reports nominal size. Hurricane protective system n puire FL18582 R4 AE 5140088.pdf DWG-MA-FLO182-15 for additi al T116rm n, _�ZI-8642 R4 AE 514012B.pdf _ Created by—ttidependent Third Party: Yes i r 2.7 Flush Impact Glazed Fiberglass Door 8' 0" Inswing Single or Doub oor w/ or w/o Sidelites Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL18582 R4 C CAC NI012729.04-R3. Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration b to Impact Resistant: Yes 12/31/2025 Design Pressure: +45.0/-47.0 Installation Instructions Other: Evaluated for use in locations adhering to the Florida FL18582 R4 II FL 018112- f Building Code excluding the High Velocity Hurricane Zone, and Verified By: National Accreditation & Managemen Institute where pressure requirements as determined by ASCE 7, does Created by Independent Third Party: not exceed the design pressures listed, 12'-0" x 8'-0" max Evaluation Reports nominal size. Hurricane protective system not required. See FL18582 R4 AE 514007B,pdf DWG-MA-FLO183-15 for additional information. FL18582 R4 AE 514011B,pdf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 18582.8 Flush Impact Glazed Fiberglass Door 8'-0" Outswing Single or Dou oor w/ or w/o Sidelites i Limits of Use rti ' on gency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL18582 R4 C CAC NI012729,04-R3.pdf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Impact Resistant: Yes 12/31/2025 Design Pressure: +47.0/-47.0 Installation Instructions Other: Evaluated for use in locations adhering to the Florida FLIB582 R4 II FL 0183.qdf Building Code excluding the High Velocity Hurricane Zone, and Verified By: National Accreditation & Management Institute where pressure requirements as determined by ASCE 7, does Created by Independent Third Party: not exceed the design pressures listed. 12'-0" x 8'-0" max Evaluation Reports nominal size, Hurricane protective system not required, See FLIB582 R4 AE 514007B.pdf DWG-MA-FLO183-15 for additional information. FLIS582 R4 AE 514011B.pdf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Contact Us 2601 Blair Stone Road, Tallahassee Ft 32399 Phone: 850-487-1824 The State of Florida is an AA/EEO employer. Copyright 2007-2413 State of Florida, :: Privacy Statement :: Accessibility. Statement :: Refund Statement Under Florida law, email addresses are public records, if you do not want your e-mail address released In response to a public -records request, do not send electronic mail to this entity. Instead, contact the office by phone or by traditional mail. if you have any questions, please contact 850.487.1395, *Pursuant to Section 455,275(1), Florida Statutes, effecVve October 1, 2012, licensees licensed under Chapter 455, F.S. must provide the Department with an email address If they have one, The emails provided may be used for official communication with the licensee. However email addresses are public record, if you do not wish to suppfy a personal address, please provide the Department with an email address which can be made available to the public. To determine if you are a licensee under Chapter 455, F,S„ please click here , Product Approval Accepts: ,..f M cheek Credit Card Safe SNOfS€nja .€........ SIM IVEND �T J,9 _�. 31va 'ON 38 [09 7) `00VO ND 1S3M sr+a VAD3 Taa€dV 9ms S31HddO QSIV4 v vi Qbda S1MOd 996 L !AIEj assv ao Lava SMS 31dOdit OQpI Oi SE L H n ti o ww n Z o ~I a800 7OI. 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