HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPPROVED Energy CalcFORMS ORIDA BUILDING CODE, ENERGY CDNSERVATI( Residential Building Thermal Envelope Approach FORM R4U4-4u I I Climate Zone ❑ Scope: Compliance with Section R40L2(1) of the Floritla Builtling Code, Energy Conservation, shall be demonstrated by the use of Form R402 for single- and multiple -family residences of three stories or less in height, additions to existing residential buildings, alienations, renovations and building systems in existing buildings, as applicable. To comply, a building must meet or exceed all of the energy efficiency requirements on Table R402A and all applicable mandatory requirements summarized in Table R402B of this form. If a building does not comply with this method, or by the UA Alternative method, R may still comply under Section R405 of the Florida Building Code, Energy Conservation. PROJECT NAME BUILDER: Coastal Green Energy Solutions ANO AOORESS: Robert Cometta OWNER: PERMITTING OFFICE: JURISDICTION NUMBER: PERMIT NUMBER: 1. Flit In ail the applicable spaces of the'To Be Instilled" column an Table R4@A with the information requested. All'To Be Installed" values must be equal to of more efficient than the required levels. 2 Complete page 1 based an the'To Be Installed" column information. 3. Read the requirements of Table F1402B and check each box to indicate your intent to comply with all applicable items. 4. Read, sign and date the "Prepared By" certification statement at the bottom of page 1. The owner or owners agent must also sign and date the torte 1. New cvnsiruction, addition, of existing huilding 1. 2. Single-family detached or multiple -family attached 2. a. If multiple4amily, number of units covered by this submission ]. _ 4. Is this a worst case? (yes/no) 4. _ S. Conditioned floor area (sq. h.) 5 fi. Windows,type and area a) lliactor. Ba. C1.2u Ia3,Z0% b.�4�. Z�, SL3'u b) Solar Heat Gain Coe-mcient(SHGC) 6C 0-.$t 0,Zt,b-du IoAtz c) Are 6c. 7. Skylights a) LJ faclor. 7a. b) Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (SHOO) 7b. S. Floor type, area or perimeter, and insulation: a) Slaaon-grade (Fl-value) Be. b) Wood, raised (R-value) 6b. _ c) Wood, common (R-value) Bc d) Concrete, raised (R-value) ad. e) Concrete, common (R-value) Be. 9. Walt type and insulation: a) Exterior. 1. Wood frame (Insulation 14-value) gal. 2. Masonry (Insulation R-value) gat _ b) Adjacent 1. Wood frame (insulation R-value) Boil 2 Masonry (Insulation R-value) 9b2 to. Ceiling type and insulation a) Attic (Insulation R-value) toa. _ b) Single assembly (Insulation R-value) load 11. Air distribution system: a) Dual location, insulation T1a. b) AHU location tlb. c) Total duct leakage. Test raped attached. 11 c. cfm/too 51 Yes ❑ No ❑ 12. Cooling system: a) type 12a. b) efficiency 1213. 13. Heating system: a) type 13a, b) efficiency 131b. ' 14. HVAC sizing calculation: attached 14. Yes 0 No ❑ 15. Water heating system: a) We 152, b) efficiency 15131 _ I hereby certify that the plans and specifications covered by this form are Review of plans and specifications covered by this Ions indicate in compliance with the Florida Building Code, Energy Conservation. compliance with the Florida Building Code, Energy Ccnservaficn. Before PREPARED BY: Rebecca Mijal Data i�j' construction is complete, this building will he inspected for compliance in ,0 I hereby certify that this building is in compliance with the Florida Building accordance with Section 553909, F.S. Code, Energy Conservation. CODE OFFICIAL ry� OWNER/AGENT: Date: I. a 61 Date: FLORIDA BUILDING CODE - ENERGY CONSERVATION, Bill EDITION (2017) R-55 FORMS TABLE R4o2A BUILDING COMPONENT PRESCRIPTNE REOUIREMENTS' INSTALLED VALUES Climate Zone 1 Climate Zone 2 Windows LLFactor=NR LLFactor=0.4oa U-Factor=0.zV 1u,Z'1, J,36 p;L'P,- SHGC=025 SHGC=025 SHGC= 0`, 23�&S ,a b.2"lrC3.' Skylights LLfactar=0.75 INactor=0.65 U-factor= SHGC=0.30 SHGC=0.30 SHGC= Doors: Eterior door LLfactor= NR LLfacfur= 0.403 U-factor= Floo Slab -on -Grade NR NR' Over unconditioned spaces4 R-13 R-13 R-Value= Walls`. Et, and Adj. Frame R-13 R-13 R-Value = Mass Insulation on wall interior R-4 R-6 R-Value = Insulation on wall enerior R-3 R-4 FWalue = Cel9nges Rio R=38 R-Value = Air infiltration Blower door test is required on the building envelope to verify leakage _< 1 ACH; Total leakage = ACH test report provided to code official. Tesi re d attached? Yes No ❑ Air distribution systems: Air handling unit Not allowed In attic ion- Duct R-value R-value>_ R-8 (supply in attics) or2 8-6 (all other duct locations) Ra' -Valueue -V= Air leakage' Duct test Postconstruction test Total leakage <4 c'hrW100 s.f. Total leaks chn/100s.f. 9e =— Rough -in test Total leakage <4 chn1100 s.f. (air handler Installed) ❑ ❑ Total leakage <3 cfm1100 s.f. (air handler not installed) Test repad Attached? Yes No Ducts In conditioned space Test not required it all ducts and AHU are in conditioned space Location: Air conditioning system: Minimum federal standard required by NAECAa: Central system 565,000 BhJh SEER 14.0 Room unit or PTAC EER (from Table C40323(3)l SEER = Other. See Tables C403.23(1)-(11) EER = Heating system: Minimum federal standard required by NAECA`: Heat pump _<65,000 Btuln HSPF 82 HSPF= Gas furnace, non -weatherized AFUE 80/ AFUE= Oil furnace, non -weatherized AFUE 83 % AFUE = Other. Water heating system (storage type): Minimum federal standard required by NAECA`: Fiectricr 40 gal: EF = 0.92 Gallons = 50 gal: EF = 0.90 EF = Gas fired' 40 gal: EF = 0.59 Gallons = 50 gal: EF = 0.58 EF = Other (describe): NR = No requirement (1) Each component present in the A froposed home must meet or exceed each of the apphcahle performance mteria in order m comely with this code resin9 this method- (2) For impact rated fenestration complying with Section R301.2.12"of the Florida Building Code, Residential or Section 1609.L2 of the Florida Building Code, Building, the mat umn U-iactor shall be 0.65 in Climate Zone Z An area -weighted average of U-factor and SHGC shall be accepted W meet the requirements, or rep to 15 squam feet of fisted fenestration area are exempted from the U-factor and SHGC requirement based on Sections R4023.1, R4023.2 and R40233. (3) Doe side-hmged opaque dam assembly up m 24 square feet is exempted from this U-factor regn¢emeut (4) R-values are for insulation material only as applied in accordance with manafacmrer's installation instructions. For mass walls, the "mterior of wall" requirement mnst be met except it at least 50 percent of the insulation required for the "exterior of wall" is installed exterior of, ar integral to, the wa1L (5) Ducts & AHU installed "substantially leak free" per Section R4033.2. Test regnhud by either individuals as defined in Section 553993(5) or (7), Florida Statures, or individuals liccosed as set forth in Section 489.105(3)(f), (g) or (i), Florida Statuses. The total leakage test is not required for ducts and air handlers located entirely within the building theraal ®vclope. (6) N13ra tom++ efficiencies are those set by the National Appliance Energy Conservation Act of 198? fin typical residential equipment and are subject to MAECA roles and regulations. For other types of equipmen4 see Tables C40323(1-U) of the Commercial Proviaons of the Florida Building Code, Energy Conservmiar- (7) For other elector storage volumes, n,;"imam EF = 0,97 - (0.00132 * volume). (8) For other natural gas storage volumes, minimum EF = 0,67 - (0.0019 * vol»e.). fl-56 FLORIDA BUILDING CODE —ENERGY CONSERVATION, 6th EDITION (2077) FOAMS TABLE R4025 MANDATORY REQUIREMENTS Component Section Summary of Requiremen(s) Check Air leakage 84024 To be caulked, gasketed, weafheistripped or otherwise sealed per Table R4024.1.1. Recessed lighting: )Grated as having <_ 2.0 Lim tested to ASTM E 283. Windows and door 0.3 cfm q. f . (swinging doors: 0.5 chn/sf) when tested to NFRC 400 or AAMA/WOMA/CSA 101/1.S. 2JA440. Fireplaces: Tight-fiting flue dampers & outdoor combustion air. Programmable R403.12 A programmable thermostat is required for the primary healing or cooling system. thermostat . R4033.2 Ducts shall be tested as per Section R403.3.2 by either individuals as defined In Section 553.993 , Florida (ir or n) Air distri6uHon system R403.3.4 Sra it es, or individuals licensed az set forth In Section 489.105(3) () (� (9) or n, Florida Stables. Air handling units a not allowed in attics. Water heaters R403.5 Comply withefficiencies in Table C4042. Hot water pipes Insulated to 2 R-3 to kitchen of le5, other cases. Circulating systems to have an automatic or accessible manual OFF switch. Heat hap required for vertical pipe Swimming pools & spas R40a10 Sped and heated pools must have vapor-remrdanl covers or a liquid cover or other means proven to reduce heat loss except If 70% of heat from site -recovered energy. OfiMmer switch required. Gas heaters minimum thermal efficiency Is e20/a. Heat pump pool heaters minimum COP is 4.0, Cooling/heafing R403.7 Sizing calculation performed a attached. Special occasion cooling -or heating capacity requires separate system or equipment variable capacity system. Lighting equipment R404.1 At least 75%of permanently installed fighting fixures shall be high -efficacy lamps. FLORIOA BUILDING CODE —ENERGY CONSERVATION, 6th EDITION (2017) Rs,7