HomeMy WebLinkAboutTurner SurveyWMT— 1 5/8" IRJC 42W (TYP) t 5/8' tR/C . 4286 (TYP) AC. l L:Ci''ND ykc A. k3L312LV1AaTtl�N9 Oa DOEENOTES BEAK,RC ASE C05 DEN07ES CONCRf'rE BLOCK STRUCTURE C OENOTES CHORD rlahnlNG k o1STANce 9.. DENOTES CENICR LINE F,F.E. DEENDENOOTES TESoF7M9i FLRAJXACCU ELEVAIICN Fn1O OUOTES FOUND - IR/C DENOTES IRON ROD AND CAP L . DENOTES UCENSM BUSINESS L DENOTES ARC 1ENOTH Nf0 DEPoO. S NAIL AND DISK O.S.T. DENOTES PEN SPACE TRACT PaM: OENOTES PROFESSIONAL SURVEYOR 8 MAPPER P,LS DENOTES PR011:119 NAL LAND SURVEYOR R DENOTES RADIUS RJw p�N� TES RIGHT OF WAY V.E. DEfi01E5 UTIUTY EASEMENT w.U.T. OFnMa WAfili MAR—ENY TRACT \ 8ENCHMARK yf .SANITARY MANHOLE ` RIM EL 17.18' �• SANITARY 0" 6 SET 5/8' IR/C SERVICE #29 g2, LB 42H (TYP) } . c ro S18'23'14"E FLOOD zoNe X s#' If _ 2 59.67' _u- _ .0 _T 5; IRJC COVERED $ LB 42 (TYp)t . r 6 6 ENTRY HP 1 STRY C8S R8SIDENCEOOD 88CF.F.E1.78 dj o f1 �-auteM 7N N� u 67 SET 5/8' IR/C� VACANT Le 4286 (TYF7 I FLOOD i ZONE AE � I 4 I C_Xg);Tl Ir1C",A"1'IG>N s Erikd M Rosa -Tumor DHI Mortgage Company, Ltd. OHi Title of Elorido, Ina Alliant National Title Insurance Company r Digitally signed by Tharnas P Kiernan Date: 2020.12,0210:50:40.0$'00' THOMAS P. KIERNAN DATE Professionol Surveyor & Mapper Florida Certificate NO. 6199 �C_>PT„RTY AbbTii`fiR 3201 TRINITY CIRCLE, FORT PIERCE, FLORIDA LF-GAL DLSCRIpTjoN Being oil of Lot 66, according to the plat of CR€EKSIDE PLAT NO, 4, (ls recorded in plat Book 85, Page S. Publte:Records of St. Lucie County, Florida. Containing 0.176 acres, more or less. GLNET2AL NO'tF".S 1. The lost data of field work was 11-05-20 2. Additions of deletions to survey maps or reports by other than the -signing party or parties Is prohibited without written consent of the signing party or parties. 3. Reproductions of this map ore not valid without the orlglnol signoture and raised seal of a Florida Licensed Surveyor and Mapper. 4. Lands shown hereon were not obstraoted by this.oifica for rights-of-woy, easements of record, ownership, obandonmont's, dead restrictions, or Murphy Adt Deads. This information should be obtained through appropriate title verification. - S. All above ground fixed Improvements, if .ony, have been located and shown hereon. 6. Underground foundations and'improvements wcro not Iocoted as part of this survey. 7. Flood Note: By graphic plotting only, this property is in Zane X and AE 16.9. according to the Flood insurance Rote Map, Community Panel No. 12111CO170 J, effective date February t 16, 2012. Tha exact designation can only be determined by on elevation certi6cote, No additional search ;of the public records has been preformed. Thera may be additional map 7 0) Amendments affecting this property. 8. The Flood Zone lines shown hereon have been eatotilished by the Published FEMA Panel > and the use of existing field elevation dato. 9. The bearings shown hereon are based on Plot information and are referenced to the center line of Trinity Circle which boars North 1&23'14" West end all bearings ore relative therato. 10. No easements ore shown hereon a,ther'than those depleted on the plat. No search of the public records hos been.performed to find additional easements that may exist. 11. Elevations shown hereon ore Dosed on. the North American Verticol Datum (N.A.V.D,) 1988, As -Built Final Survey Lot 66 For: D. R. HORTON ADD CERT3FICAn0NS I JDJ 1 12/1/20 F6¢15-141,004.0t36 Dats:11-06-2020 -, v CULPEPPER �c FS: N/A .SCALE 1*-20' DRAWNSY: tilt 7 ;! 7ERPENING INC measovrHnlnsTSEEr.FeeiPIEACE,ft6ix)AYeP1f FIELD: PK - -' °"Inc»saaalvr . FAX _, 3TarE nFfawliu roAaocf AaorEevonut AVTXORWTaN