HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding permit appG Alf APPLICABLE INFOMUSTBE COMPLEFED FOR APPLICADON TO BE AC{IEPTIED � � +� �- ' C 5cf f Building Permit Application r and CadirAeVOaftaow on Commercial Residential Z300 V97-0 Awnue., tort P.rrre F1 3 rw "WrW. (772I462-1553 #a1:I772) 4W -1S78 PERMIT APPLICATION FOR. Feel4r Address: 10301 S �►- a� P s s FL +' "T ; Z- ProWrty Tam I D a- Lot No Site Plan NtnW .— r&Z 4"M _ � Block CC,,►�o Project name +efA,�&. Hew Electi cal Meter 1 .1 Se+on�nd Eietlri al It�t+ete+ — Additional work to be perfarmed tstdertNs perrnrt - check aklthat apply .Mecharmical _G.UTank —Gas P.p,ng _ Shutters r Electric — Plyrnp — Spn+kitfs Taal Sq Ft of Construction a Gator Sq Ft. of f+eyt Floof- W-ndov"IDoors — Pond Root Pi tch Cost of Constructor! 5 1400 Utilltres: —Sewer _ SeptIc Binding Heigist- Name Address: Io?oJrFsr+' Xsais Conrparry:, City: r IP-Sf Stile. F< I Address.— tipCode- Fax - _ 1 City Star Phone No _ I ID f 7Y t 1410 LIP code. Fax E_ma& bIo%rkeAn LX-& smo,ieon. Phovse NO -- Fill in fee simple Tide Holdtr on r*M p Ke I if different E-Mail from the Owner listed abovel State or Countw Li€enw 1f va I ue of constr uman is ZM* or more, a RECORDED notice of Coctm+erKgRKnt 4 rexxuked. if aal ue of HAVC is 57,5W or mare, a RECORaEO Motive of Conwmeaterv-keM rs rttquiotd- DESIGNER/ENGINEER: JX Not Applicable Marne:_ — — exddress: City: _ Zip: _ Phone_ FEE SIMPLE TITLE HOLDER: Narne._ Address - City._ 7ip; _ Phone State `XC Not Applicable MORTGAGE CGMPANY: X Not Applicable Name: Ad dress City. State: ZLP; Phone: BONENNG COMPANY: Not Applicable N.3 me Addtc-�s City:! Zip: _ Phionr- OW N E R/ CONTRACTOR AFFIUViT: Aplpkat-on +s hescby nNW to tlbtAM a IRtrmit tlx do the work and installaTron as indmcau,d I rertl ly that no work or mnstaUtion ha-s Comt+ n"ced prior to the issuafte of i permit. St. Luce County m;kes no representation #hat is granting apermit wdl iuthongethe permit holder to buii¢ the subject VructOre which is in con Plict with any appkaVe Home Owr%ers Aks;Ktjf wm rules* bylaws or and covenants that may rcstrkt or prahibrt sur I, structure Please consult wrth your Horne C wnm Assoc�atkon and re,rrew your deed 10r any restrwL140ns whrth may apply. In consideration of the granting of thl!i, reQuested plrrnit, I do hereby dtipee that I will, in J11 respe€ts, Worm the work in xcardance with the approwed plans, the Ftord,a Nilding Cod#iand St. Lucia County Amerrdments The folle„r,ng building pvrrr pt ppphcatlon-.arp exwnpt from umdergnrrrg a full concurrency revww loom add lrrons, JcceSSorV itr,,cture,,, %WirFlming poc,!S. fem r# wdllt t Pnti. wCFPPn rocirr ,% and JKCesiary U}p3, #o angther non residentmal use WARMNG TO OW RER: Your failure to Record a Notice of Commrreetcement maV result ire paying twice fOr improvements to your property A Notice of Cornmencernent must. be recorded in thi� public records of St Lucie County and pasted On the lob site bef0re The fpfSt rnjpeCtion - If you intend to obtaen financing, consult with lender or an attorney before commencing work of recording your NotiCc of Commencement. pAn­.� 7 -D 4 CL, '— --- SIgn,j%rr. of Owner/ LesseelContrxtor az ►tigonr for Owner sagoaTure of Con racti:W&Kenst Kci4der STATE OF FLORIDA f STATE OF FLORIN COUNTY OF S Ir` L y COUNTY OF_ 5,uor l io for afflf,re•dI and subscr,bed before me of _ Physttal Pre nce or ,_ 0nlmr►e No1AF1jJ?t n this I!- day of 15t+90--A- 20LL Cy ALA K envaw4tCAP Narne of perwon making st.etrrronl. Personally K"%vn _ OR Produced ldentAcat Type of Iderktlfic,kttrsn Pm4Wgd- ter Sworn to (or ifirm led) arrd subscribed Mare me cf _ Phvslcil Prewacror _ Online Notarization INS day 01 . 213: by 1 Name of peryon making statemem fanrsa.natiyl l[now+, t]R prose,€rd Ider,tltic32ran Type of mdene-flca:lon - Produced ,ire of NO '�Ldnature of KOUIF� Pubk- Stitt 01 Fk"a 1 tirkarr r Commission No. *sue* .�rqr e:�z� am"Wsseon ilo. SeaiI 7-- REVIEWS FRONT ZONMG SUPERVISOR PLANS VEGETATION SEA TURTLE MANGROVE I WUNTER I REVIEW I REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW DATA - ft�CE11lED DATF COfNP�.ETfE) I 97. E Planning & 11)"clopmeot tirriices Department ■ Building & t-udt Re-gulaiiow. tM %'irpms Al raur Frrr rKrrsr, florid■ 82 1"21462 1111 OWNEIUBUILDER AFFIDAVI'i' DISC DSURE STATEMENT F.S. 499.1031') # %VMP'T1ONS State lau rewires connyuction tv be done b-w luxnsed contractors- You have applied for a permit under an exemption to That law The cxemptton allows you. as ilie owner of yoitr property, to act as your own Contractor even though you do not havir a license:. You must provide direct; cn-site supmision of chi t:onstruction yourself. You may build or impnaue farm outbuildings, a onc-family cc u-family residence for your use and occupancy You may also build or improve a c,�mmercial buiIdtrig at a cos[ not exceeding 575,000 00 as fang as it is for your owrl U-SC Of occupaney You may ci[it build or impro'.e ,wd structures for the purposes of sclfing or Iming that building. You may not hire an un11=sed perwn to act: as your coartrjKw or to supmiSC people working on your budding; it is your responsibiIity tQ make sure that people employed by you ha4wc iicenws rrquircd by scare law and by county or rnunicipal iicensimg ordarianccs Inilisl Here. 0M If you soil or Icau a building you have butte or in reved within one Xcar afCer construction is complete, ihcn a presumption is created thal it vwils biti11 or improved for We or Ic&w, which is a Violaliortafthis excrnpti-Dn. Inillltl Here. You may not deILgaie (he responsibi I iTy for %upcmising work to a licensed canuactor who I not Iicetased to perfonn the work bei(1g done. Your construrtion rn-rst comply with all appl4cablr Isws, ordinances, building codes, and zoning regk4lmi nr - initial Iltre. s't f understand that the building official and inspectors tie not there to design or give advice on how to meet the minimuni code Itulial Here. B f understand ihat es an owner•builder that any wniract disputes with sub-tontrzKMrs and f must be handled in a civil court with the advice of an attorney This depament Kill nit mitigare any contract disputes Initial Here. /1, 1 understand that if I compensate any person or company for work performed they are required to tlx liccrotyd in this junsdictian. If for same reason (hey du not possess a Beanie, I may be responstbie and liable for 4hc coat of the license Initial Here - I understand that if u1} person chat is unlicensed rid uninsured gets injured on my construction prolw 4cy may be t:ntaled to workrnen's compensation. I Unild be held liable ror all dfoctor, lawyer and related medical cost, which could include foss of wags diinng recovery from thctr injury. initial Herr. k To qualify for this exemption wider this subsection, an owner must personally appear, sigh the building permit applicati-on, and initial the atbo+ve I hereby acknowledge that I have read and understand the above disclosure stalcmem and that ( further understand that any violation of the terms of ncc owner+builder exemption shad be rcpurtcd by the Building and ZOnin Dcpartmeni to the Florida State Departrrienl of Profesmonal Regulation Signed and aeknawledgeil on this day of :�kAva€ I of 20'L t f CMrrerT3ui1der Signature STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF L c , � Tide foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this Z 7 ,fay of A NV%Y 20 . kv i J4hC i}} I ?O who is personally known bl to mc, or who hm produced _ as identification. J It 40AI Sr t,re o Nora,y Type or Print Marne of Not;," Tile' No F Commissm Number _ �q0 RWyan duon �# '� tAr taenftm �n HH 019W 4 �} E■lw.w 07 0472 +