HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes water heater infoResidential Electric Water Heater Upright Energy Saver Models C.r.c. Lletea A 8 C D Appror. Model CapsCllY i ReeoacaY 901F Rice Floor to Jaskol Floor to FEoorlo Sldpprhln0 Weip tMDdCIr Healer lu Ills. Water T6P Top Conn. Conn. U.S. 1 Gal. U.S. immpp. OR`GPH' in. In. la. !e. ME. 9f'2-30fiix75 Gal. 3D 25 21 181 4VA 18 4814 4731;+ 8S '1 t8 467h 20 47°h 18 60t! Wh iO3 2 4755r75 40 33 M-2-40TBDS 4D 33 21 18 59b?+ 5�F1. 11D M 2-5DS5QS{ 5C 42 21 18 461?^ 22 47`117 4611) 1311 M-2-50T6D5 50 42 21 18 57+1r 20 581h 571h 123 T M 2 65R50S 65 54 21 18 5914 22 601h 5911Y 156 80 67 21 i8 59r1+ 24 60rl+ NA 183 5!-2.80R6r15 M-2-MIOS 119 99 21 18 Recovery sole Rise 623:+ -- '— A Floor to 28 54'l+ 62114 13f% 6 Janet C Floor to D Flow to �8 Model CapiGitY "Umber Hester (Ha. water T&P w gm Top Corm. CON. Liters tltarsl Haar' mm. ram. MM. rem. 1A 2 30W6D5 114 _ 79 19 1t91 457 1222 1198 39 M 2 4(656J5 151 1191 508 1216 1191 1518 4T M-2-40TO5 151 79 1618 457 1543 59 M-2-1,CSOOP 189 79 _ li81 559 1207 1181 M-2-50TOG 189 79 s 1461 %8 1486 1451 56 71 M-2-60613S 246 79 1505 559 1531 1505 M 2-80RWS 79 03 138 303 law 610 1511 150$ 1581 M-2-121IRMs 450 i 19 1594 71t 1632 TAva'leale with optional hand hole cleanout. For 10 year models, change suffix V to `10". For sip element modeia Change s1lifix "D" t0 '8". IM-2-120 not avaiable as a single element model}. -Based on 45r7(1W14500W. Non -Simultaneous oPet'ation. a � F 00 A ) D C C= V 1 wedsge A. GPH Temp rsta Rise'F 60 80 96 100 120 wensfe tfseetle..ta Slovens wee 15M 10 8 7 6 5 15MI150 20M 14 10 9 8 7 200awr20a0i 75DOW 17 13 11 10 9 250UW1250 30M 21 15 +4 12 10 3DOOW130M 35MW 24 18 15 14 12 35M 13500Y 40M 28 21 18 16 14 400OW 140001 45M 31 23 21 19 15 45M 145D0t 5o0CW 34 26 23 21 17 51100W 151100Y 55D04V 38 29 25 23 19 '55MIM 60M 41 31 28 25 21 6000W 1 WO •;GPH based an Non-Sirrluttaneous operation, when SinnuRaneoDs operation the GPH will approximately double.) N6 mb Nor OCereaen 1500W1151101ft General All njodeis Eli .meted. These heaters are wired in[e •loc cing (von -Simultaneous, Single Phase) 240V with two 45o0W elOrnells, inless otherwise spteit ed- All water and elect^Gal connections are 3/4" NPT (19mrrl). 120 gailon mode. has 1 "(25rnm) NPT. A8'nadeis certified at 300 psi test pressure (2058 kPa) and 150 psi working pressure (1034 kPa.) Dlmensiam and 3P WN-k2 Nat OW to change without notice m accordance with aw policy of corrtkRWus Product trrlPtnvernerlt. Yes vo Yw ft BRAMRD WHRF' I- T. w r I n a Ar o tf�PA For U.S. and Canada field service. cnrttact yew profe2rional insi:Wler or local Bradford Wh!te sates repre:zseretatra®. Sales 8DD-523-2$31 • Fax 215-641-16701 TeCi'A cal Support 806-334-3N3 • Fax 269-796-1089 a W2rrardy 800-V-21i1 a Fax 2W795.10D llrterrWbon* Teiepttorle 215.641.9400 ■ Wax 215-641-V501 wwmbradford►4l de -corn a mGV 719D j4Wrr i-CANADW jNC. Ssies I TeCJ'rtCaj Support 06&490-0961 I906.238"0100 • Fait 905.238-MOO / wwwhradlomWite oom Built to be the BeVt TM C2.0t'1 HraWo d wni!e Ocrporation All ng ils rsserved. Printed in V.S.A. 2U1-B-0213 A