HomeMy WebLinkAboutBlower doors testLt=-�-:f•a `:: •.��, vim; ���?. •. "121111hg Develop rent Services Build;i•ig Code RagGiie�iorr, Division 2300 Vii-91nia Ave Jiro 201 i'ar'c Piei'Ce, R 3 02 Tone: 7?_4s2,1 65 Pan: 77Z-46Z-6443 ,dOW�� Do©R MSi >; MP M� I2 io A 4�Cr1'i001�: PPesPpiP'dVGz and PerorM@I?lye Rftdlaod . r j�ls Date e � r L o !`Ioe- 01-qS job A Dorris' LyoJSEJ 4Y ii �aLl�S� '� EoW;^�:745.� L �J:iJf tir Llnv CRIA 5 L C ont Volume = 0 o i cs'L ila:_: GE=M (5 j �[ GO t7 1 volui:,e: = I�aSs"19 PC-sul'iS MUST ` _�LS I 51] -`C ~- ��ec„ ,�lca! iie�, ;JC I01i iC�fi!r1i'aCrless'_han � be � l ] or less :he building or dwelling unit shall be tested and verified as having an air leakage rate o� not erceedin� 7 air chang � hour- in Climate Zone ?, 2 and 5 air changes Per hour in ClIM2te Z . _ blower door at a pressure a ' ones 3 Through S. testing shall be conducted vtriIh a P of rid inches tu. R. (SO Pascals}. Testing shall bs CQndUCLad by either individuals asde;inad in Section 553.993(5) or (7), Florida Stakutes or individuals licensed asset ,forth in Section 4$9.105 (3](i], (g} Qr (i} or an approved third Party, q %tiriLten report oI the results Qi the tes� shill b2 signed b r the Provided to the code o g 1 pzr;r conducting �,`ie test and rcial. Tasting shall be oe[iormed at ally tim= alter r 3'cailOF1 Qi all Dcn�iratlOns Oi the building inermal envelope. Y rg�r i?csiciet:'�B�I Where the air inflltration rate of a dwelling unit is less than S air changes pet" hour when tested with a blower door at a Pressure ni' O,Z inch w. c. (50 Pa) in accordance with Section P,402.41.2 or the Florida Building code, Enemy Conservation the dwelling unit shall be provided with whole -house mechanical ventilation in accordance With Section rl/11507.3, +es'cina GO-11,13a;i1, company name: Pro -Duct Servicss nddress: 1515i0 �JiS c thrive, t. pierce, FL 3,sgao I hereby certih/ that the above House InI itration results demonstrate con, lance with FflC _nee requirements in accordance v^ Secti�n R".0?,�.�.? r P1 ` h gy Conservation Climate lone ?. Signature; Printed Name: Maio till 1•Clcln License/ Cert if icat! on #: 5061633