HomeMy WebLinkAboutCertificate of Title■ A05260 Mail Lien Satisfaction to: Dept of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles, Neil Kirkman Building, Tallahassee, FL�32399-0500 Identification Number Year Make Body UUT-L-BHP Vessel Regis. No. T Title Number FFLFL2B004333270 �1980BARR� HS Sal 117311371� Registered Owner: Date of Issue 01/29/2008 Lien Release FELIX CORREA OR Interest in the described vehicle is hereby released CARMEN P BAEZ By 286 KINGFISHER AVE " Title FORT PIERCE FL 34982 Date I ORTANT INFORMATION r 1: hen ownership of the vehicle described herein is PT r-r e�" ransferred, the seller MUST complete in full the b Mail To: 01/29/2008 RICHARD:ARMOND MCGEE 14930 NW 10TH PrL MIAMI FL 3316872037 i Transfer of Trlle by Selter sectlon at the ottom of the certificate of title. 2. Upon sale of this vehicle, the seller must complete the notice of sale on the reverse side of this form. 3. Remove your license plate from the vehicle. '$ee 4. the web address below for more information and the appropriate forms required for the purchaser to i ' title and register the vehicle, mobile home or vessel: http://www.hsmv.state.fl.us/html/titlinf.htmi `.�°. ,r STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAY SAFETY AND MOTOR VEHICLES DIVISION OF MOTOR VEHICLES _ Neil'Kirkman Building - Tallahassee, FL 32399-0620 " Notice of Sale of Motor Vehicle, Mobile Home or Vessel Section 319.22(2), Florida Statutes, provides that by filing this form, you can avoid any civil liability for the operation of the ld e " le, ` se ' m. ile me. In addition to Sling this form, we suggest you keep a copy of your bill of sale (we suggest it be notarized), certificate of title or other type of transaction document showing the( vehicle was sold. Complete the information below, tear the top portion of this document at the perforation and mail to the address above or submit to your local tax collector's office or license plate agency. r, I have this day of transferred by assignment of and delivered Florida Certificate of title to: , Name: Purchasers 1� I/ LO-S72„ e;f /�2I'l cke-T Z2!_?Addre'ss f �e� p ` 9 �l 1,5F7s���/ 3 C Selling Price��G'%� t UNDER PENALTIES F ERJURY, I DECLARE THAT I HAVE READ THE FOREGOING DOCUMENtT AN 6 H E FACTS S TED IN [TARE TRUE. Seller's Signature Co -Seller's Signature NOTE: THE SUBMISSION OF THIS FORM, ACCURATELY COMPLETED, TO A TAX COLLECTOR'S OFFICE, LICENSE PLATE NCY OR TO THE ADDRESS ABOVE WILL ALLOW THE TITLE CLERK TO UPDATE THE DMV DATABASE TO REFLECT THE TITLE RECORD AS "SOLD". HOWEVER, THE OWNERSHIP STATUS WILL NOT CHANGE UNTIL THE PURCHASER APPLIES FOR AND IS ISSUED A CERTIFICATE OF TITLE. m ® { '_I,: P31At 11G�.. �NI4 wNLlNlll IUWIW u ALCADAX.ICepc��fAIDbel'- -.,I f II - A05261 Mail Lien Satisfaction to: Dept of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles, Neil Kirkman Building, Tallahassee, FL 32399-0500 Identification Number Year Make Body VTr-L-BHP7 Vessel Regis. No. Title Number FFLFL2AO04333270 T 1980BARR� HS 56' 117314372� RegisteredOwncr: Date of Issue 01/29/2008 Lien Release � FELIX CORREA OR Interestjn the described vehicle is hereby released CARMEN P BAEZ By 286 KINGFfSHER AVE Title FORT PIERCE FL 34982 Date FILE CIMPORTANT INFORMATION 1. When ownership of the vehicle described herein is transferred, the seller MUST complete in full the Transfer of Title by Seller section at the bottom of Mail To: the certificate of title. 01 /29/2008 2. Upon sale of this vehicle, the seller must complete RICHARD ARMOND MCGEE the notice of sale on the reverse side of this form.. a 14930 NW 1OTH PL 3. Remove your license.plate from the vehicle. . MIAMI FL 331,68-2037 4. See the web address below for more information and the appropriate forms required for the purchaser to title and register the vehicle, mobile home orvessel: t'rll'rr'Ir"''IrIIr'Ir'I'r,Ir'�Irr'r'll'Ir'rl'rllrllrrrrl'rll http://www.hsmv.state.fl.us/html/titlinf.htmi �;c� =' STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAY SAFETY AND MOTOR VEHICLES DIVISION OF MOTOR VEHICLES Neil Kirkman Building - Tallahassee, FL 32399-0620 y Notice of Sale of Motor Vehicle, Mobile Home or Vessel FILE'COPY Section 319.22(2), Florida Statutes, provides that by filing this form, you can avoid any civil liability for the operation of the sold motor vehicle, vessel or mobile home. In addition to filing this form, we suggest you keep a copy of your bill of sale (w6'suggest it be notarized), certificate of title or other type of transaction document showing the vehicle was sold. Complete the information below, teaF the top portion of this document at the perforation and mail to the address above or submit to your local tax Collector's office or license plate agency. ,f I have this day of !� transferred by assignment of a/nd delivered Florida Ce5iffiiiccate of Title to: Name: Purchaser( s}�%1[f.��fli�/L Y!/' C?t/G[Ft"5 r�9�J�• Addressr /3O � f��i/ � �' Selling Price �DO UNDER PENALTIES OF�ERAU/RY, I DECLARE THAT II HAVE READ THE FOREGOING DOCUMENTA ND � THE FACTS ST TED IN (TARE TRUE. Seller's Signature. Co Seller's Signaturei1rJ=�� NOTE: THE SUBMISSION OF THIS FORM, ACCURATELY COMPLETED, TO A TAX COLLECTOR'S OFFICE, LICENSE •PLATE AGENCY OR TO THE ADDRESS ABOVE WILL ALLOW THE TITLE CLERK TO UPDATE THE DMV DATABASE TO REFLECT THE TITLE RECORD AS "SOLD". HOWEVER, THE OWNERSHIP STATUS WILL NOT CHANGE UNTIL THE PURCHASER APPLIES FOR AND IS ISSUED A CERTIFICATE OF TITLE. I i C :11 wJ