HomeMy WebLinkAboutLounsbury NOC - signed'0TICV, 011q'C0N1N11'1NCEJ%1FNT I'crind No. taw of F larids, County of St.. L. cle I•lle t • ii tic rsi nee hrrtb .iv noIice tha ImproveinenI %111 be ma ale In ccrim In rem proper ', a nd in ;acca rda n c e Uhapter 71 * Florida Stmiules, the following information k prairided in tlds Nonce of Commencement. l_rgal Description Of property a»d address if Available 4 37 41 FROM SW CQA Lei 6 BLK 2 SPRING HILL SID 12585 S.INDIAN RAVER DRIVE, JENSEN BCH, FL 34957 General description of improsvcmenta INSTALLATION OF WOODEN FENCE (N nerllessrt RICHARD LOUNSBUAY Address 12585 S. INI7IAN RIVER DRIVE, JENSEN BCH, F1.34957 Interest in prop rt 4 OWNER I. -.Cc Simple Title holder (if otbtr than owner) rk d d rovs Corset r Address uty Address Amount of Bunt) Lender Address Phone Fax Phone VAX N Phone 00 Fax PC Mons within the Mate of F'iorida d esignated by Owner upon hem notir" or otlirr documcats maybe sen ed z3 p-rav ided 1)y Section 71-3.13 a) 7., Florida Statues: NN 21me dd rz Phone Fax In addition to himself, owner des icn 2 t es or Phone# PSI iv to receive a ropy of the Lionor's boded a providtd In Section 7111 (I ) (b).. Flonda Sill luI M F.1pt're(too dA 10 0r no11cr nr cuinmeement is one year from the date or recording unless z differml date is specifie& W 1 T %% F ; ANY PAY MI•N S MADU DY 1-11F OWN L R A I" 11• R THE LXrIKA t10N Of TOIL N T F OF COMhi1,%- I -kit N1 AM C tl% %%IM 11f 1) 1MPILOPT R PAYKILN15 k TWER C 11 713 13. F S . AND CAN 1 ISULT IN YOUR PAYING IV ICI MR I PROV I- MT N 1 10 N tit wj K . ik 4-)T It-1 � !k1 Mk,N VNIENT AWSTLIV 14E ORDED AND rOsTK O-N 1111E JoU WE BEFORE. n1F � I KS t' TN-hrI MOSC 1f VM N I I D 10 OR TAIS I'INNCINO, CONSULT WMI YOUR 1. LNILLR UK AN -n€ KNL) BLI' 1 CUSIMI NInks �Sklftk 0K Rt L•MVIN0 � Gt it hCrIX1. 1- M U C KI I N` 0" a C rq.r% , gr Ow 6 f:r"s o r t r'k, TA s ig onIary's T I I ) MCV r coo nt f MARTIN ta�� �� l� I�(l f f Acknowledged br fo re Otte 1 h is doyar o"u who is personally likir#ovAn tD me or ho has produced rLnL sign.slurs of NoUrY 2021 RICHARD LOONSGURY SS ZL19-0 as idcnt ��ratian, �I *r)-pe or print Name of otxry l t4_ , Publ tir��i i n Number C, (4L *� "Ary pubti - State of florldl ql COMMISSIor Jr GO 9 2] 2 10 OFN Jay COMM. t16,221 lmded tivouih hittionil NcKiry Air