HomeMy WebLinkAboutlounsbury affidavit - signedL Plannin AL Dc-% r1oIignc111 Sin ice% Drparlnit itI Building Sk ("ode lirgulialions 1301k % Iritinia Avertor Fo r l Pie rct. Floridt 34931 (7 ) 462AS VN E Rill U l I - DER AFFIDAVI F DISCLOSURE STATENUENU State faxv requires construction to be dune by licensed contractors. You have aPPlicd for a permit under in e+Kemti n to that is l he exemption allows yvu, as the Dover of your pr pertYo to act as your "n contractor even though )oudo not have a ficcnsc. You must provide direct, onislte supers ision of the n truction ) uu lf Nrou may build or aMPMVC fa t outbuildings, a one -family or mo-farnify residence for our use and occupancy. YOU may also build or i rnpro %-c a comincfci3l building at a cost not exceeding 7 ,000. o0 as long as it is for � cpur own UWor oCc upa.ncy- You mad. riot build of improve said structures for the purses of l I tag or lC i ng tl�at build' You may not hire an un icenscd per -son to act as your contractor or to supervise p oplc working on your building. it is your r0ponsibility to make sure that peopIc cm Io ed by you have licascs T-cquired by slue law and by county or municipal licensing ordj�nanc s. Initial Hem If you soli or Base a bullding you hay a built or improved within one ycar after constmcfion is complete. fen a presu mpt i on i 5 created that it was bu i I t or i rnpm- cd for sale or lease, whic h i s a violation of this eXe Mption_ Initijil 111CM Ae� YOu maY not Mcgatc the responsibility for supervising work a I ice reed oontractor who is not ficensed to perform the work betag done. Your construction must comply with all applicable Iaw5., ordinances, building des and zoning rcgu 1dl i ns Initial Here. ere. undcrstand that the building official and inspectors arc not tahcrc to desip or give advice an how to meet the minimum code. lniti-2t I1C . 400� I undcrsL=d that as an owner -builder that any contract disputes with su aractors and l must bc handled in a civil court with, the advice of an atiome . This department will not mitigate any contract disputes, Initial Here. y� I undo rstand thu i f 1 comps ns ate any person or comp wi - fer %ya rk perfo rTned Oicy are requ irk to be liccnscd in this jurisdiction. If for some rv; on they do not possess a licciiscy I may responsible and h-able for the cosl of the liccrnse. HOW iltrci( I understand that if any person that is un I iccns d and i rL%urcd gets injured on my construction eject -they a) be emit led to workmen's corn pcnsatlo n. I could be 1iel d liable for all doctor, Iawycr wd related medical cost~ which could include loss of wages during r o of from their injury. Initial l lcr ez _e� To qualify for this exemption under this subsection, an owner Must pcTNORatl , Wear, sign the building p% it application, and i nifial 1 he o bovc f h rcby acknowicdge that I have rend and understand the abos. disclosure statement md t t l further undcrsiand that any violation of t he tarns or the o ncri hui lder e,% crn phon shall be reported by tk Building and Zoning !kpanment to tInc Florida Statc Depiuiment of Professional lacgulatton. Signcd and ackiw%%jedged on this � day of �* _ _ _ € f 20� . ncr Builder r C_ /N� STATE OF ITPORIDA UrKI-Y OF The roreguing j nstru mc ni svis nn1d gcd bc lo rc rc his #f 1 21 b V ADD Y — — ._who is personally kno%n -- _ to me. or he has prodvqd_4L_`' Signature of Notary JAIC'. olac Type or Print Name of a1� t. Commissionliun►bcr���Q . Notary PublK , s to of Nca y C on* Expires Ga 16. 2023 $ceded though Kational Navy Am