HomeMy WebLinkAboutSub Agreement FormsrEmfr1- li iS$UE DATE South Fark Plumbing PI.AI{NING & }EYKLOPFIENT SERVICE$ Buildimg & Code Compliance ilivisi*n EUILI}ING PERM'T SUB-CONTRACTSR AGREEIvTENT Name) have agreed to be {Ceupany Natrie/l*dividual Sub-contraetor for Sweet lndustries LLC (Frimary Contta*tar)16s Flurnbing (TYPo ofTrade) For the Project located at 10525 S. Ocean Drive, Jensen Beach, FL 34957 iProjeet Street Address or Property Tax tD #) It ir understood that, if there is any change of stat*s regarding our participation urith the above rne*tiened project, the Buildiag and code Regulaticn Division of st. Lucie County will be advised pursuant t* the filing of a Change of Suh-contractor natrce' SICNATURE {Qualifier}3i;CY,\Tt-lE I'l i$rralifitr'l Eric Sweet ".iason Wintercorn I}RINTNAMF" cGC1524682 ii5 of lt{otary Pahlic 3 lo PRIIT{T NA${g cFC1426656 \ Li5!tBElt T]OIINTY CERTISICA-ITOFiI N UI}}BEIT srr{eof Fl&rida,ceu[lt} -f M&fhn The Foregcing in$tr$m$nt w** sig*e{ befr ,* *e tui* 'L8 **y ot 0,f *.*il,oy-M $fete of r{crida, o"**o * Ttr*' \ utt?./-t- fsregoing instmmcnt ryt$ sigtrL'tl trefore me &is 4) day of z*$.Ly :s h; e grr*dttced a CT $T,r 11{ p'gT",ul{P It* hiic l,Jrt+,: 8, ilotary Pubit( - $talr ci ilarida l+mmisrian f ill{ S{5$i0 frty [orrrn- Expirer ]nar 18. ?[15 B*n6ed thrs{rqh Rationdi Hct3ry Assn. WiNTERCGR.H Revised l'lllS/2016 u A}{:lf-{ tG A, qt :* nf Notala Pxtrlic -.- #HH 049321 ISSUE DATE PERMiT # ffi PLANIiII\C & DEVELOPME:'{T SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BLJII,DI\G PIIIN'IIT S I B-CO\'I'R{.CTOR AGRIE}{EI'IT Love E[ectrical Solutions have agreed tr: Lre 16" Electrical {Ci*rnpany Name,r.lndi vidi.ral NameJ Sub-contractor icr Sweet lndustries l-LC {Priurary Colltractor)il'ype of Trade) 10525 S. Oce an Drive, Jensen Beach, FL 34957 For thc project localcd at {Pro-iect Strect Atidress or Propr'ny Tax ID F) It is understt1r:cl that, if tirerc is any change ol status regarding our parlicipation rvith the above mentioned project. the Building and Code Rcgulation Division of St. Lucie Ciounty will hc advised prrsltant to the filing ilf a Change of Sul-r-contmctor notice. (]O:{TR.\CTOR SIG\.{ Eric Sweet SIC\{TURE {QU&Iifier) Sean Love PRI\'t -\..1\lfl PRll l" x.{i\IE cGC1524682 '?t i { z,.) Z-f V L .lrareot l.torida.Courrrr'rrrf|{-f t (, r Iht l^oregoilg irstr$$!*na was sigred hetbre mc $ris 7-tao1 of JCtii .nZl-u, (--r-rr' !rr-trT ',"ffi.tt,r-,.* as idcntiliration. EC tYm qCI?- r COUNTY CERTIT'I(ATIO:Y I{UMAER s$re sf Ftrrida, c*orry or ft$f\*$r & The foregoing iritrumrnt was signed trefore rne ,ll, i 0t"y ur i.r: rvho is personalll- knoun as identilicrtior. of \otan. Pu nr has produced a STA\TP Fublir s] ,{i\lP A. 8. Da- #Hft 049321 \arnr Public *=f{oEr ft*lic strt of Flci!. Sebrine X" GhrEr lry Cdtrniarlst CiG 9titt77E{*tr 05,s3J?02.{#Rcvis*d I l,'l6i?{il6 * lx: i{ tr STAIE ISSUI DP\T[-: PERtv'ilT # PLAI-,INING & DI.VELOPMINT SERVICSS Building & Code Conrpliance Divisiun Bl.lLstl{c PIRS',tl"t St] B.CONTITACTO R AG B.HTi}I IiNT {TyPe ofTrade} For the pro.iect located at AC Care Heat and Atr l'rave agreed lo tre {Co:nPan,v llian:eli adivid*al Narne)Sweet lnciLrstries LLC thc HVAC Snb-coniractor tbr {Prinrary Corrtracter) 1 0525 S. Ocean Drive, Jensen Beach, FL 34957 tP-j*.r Strer"t Address or Propeqr Tas lD #) It is understsod {hat. if there is any change of status regarding our p&lliaipation wlth rhe above memtioned project. the Building and code Reguiatior Divisi*n of st. t-usie county will bc advised pllrsuant 10 the litring of a Change ol'Sub*onlract$r notice' ,{-oI'Ilr,1{,"1'{}tt sl{;5.\Tl nI {(}*:rli{irr}>l ll-{Sl{;IATI RIi {Qualilicr} Eric Sweet id l\ilyers I'ttl\ l \.\}11'. cGc1524682 5',r'i'('!: r{ ,7 t'lllN"l'li;\lltI 31900 COt.5'r1 ( -*::i.l lljl{'..11'tt)r r[ \fi]l.lt Stalt fif F'Innirla. {ir:urlt5 of ilL_hr I llr lirlrg*it}.: ir\lrutlltlll rrltr si:ltttl trcf*rr nr* rxis"tr&-a*t* *t zttfl,uy n Eao ht. llrililut td a as idcnlifit:rti*n, Statr of l"ftx'itla, (:ouxt) of ry3*m- 'l'hr l'rrrguing i*lilrrm.trl r+*r sigtad hrf+re ne tu* 25 *rl1 *r January 2$-.*,Donald lvlyers uhr i* ptna*all5 krtoe: rl *as prxlut*rl n \t \lltr.lt 5., \\ll' A.M 0, ].{ #fiH 04S321 s fi"\1!p Sig n3 I rrc Arly Ptnzon * ARLY PIilZQI'I MY C0Mtvtl$5101'l d GGES6?0S fXP{RES irarch 22" 20?1 iilr r.r.l i : 1 r, "l. i', 0 t,.t ryorary )t 1]riirl \itlrt u,' \r,{lrI \ PERMIT #ISSUE DATE rLANN TI{G & I}EVELOPIVT L}{T SERVICE,S Building & Code Cumpliance Sivision BTJll,DING PERN{I'[ SU E-CON-T'RACTOR" AGRT:T]MtrNT Whiting Construction hav* app"eerl to Xle 1{,-'ompany i! amc/'lndividrral hi arne) Sub*contractor firr Sweet industries LLC 11,s ftoofinE (T3pe of Trade) For the project located at {Prirnary ilontlactor} 1CI525 $. Ocean Drive, Jensen Beach, FL 34957 (Pro.iect Strcet ,Adctress or ilropctly 'llax ll) ii) It is understood tlat, if there is any chnnge af status regarding aur participation with the above mention*d project, the Building snd Ccde Reguiation Division of St. Lucie County will b$ advised pursuaot to the filiag of a Change af Sub*contractor notice' (Qualifier)SIC\A'f LIR,E iQualifrer) Eric $weet G 6 * P wfrtT rru c PRINTI{A}{gPITIB{T NAMC EZ {b* $tnte of Iloritla, {.iount-v of t'Aci rlrr,r it'he foregoing inslrilmert was signed trcfore nre rtris -2,! aay of tr\z*14:*y € tc {IJSS F F CO UNTI' CF. R'TI },'ICAT'I O\i\u Mst"lt.,^l Stste of Floride, County of /l \er.( l.l s! The f*r+plng instrumeat IilsE signd befor* me 2S,2{" by *-11,J4** n\,'* '<J who is prrsonally as idextifl(ati0n" lctoryn K erha*producede as idenfifieation. nf Public Iamt: sT All{F A. D.- 5"I'A,ltrr I dI\ ffi-ffi-dF**t*iffi"!;'*Rr:vised l l116.i?"(116 fil"ri tw * {Htl 049321 :* f,r,Strv< o * 8,