HomeMy WebLinkAboutHoffman Placita ct permit appA LL ,4PPL I CAB LF 1 N EO MU ST DE CO M PLETFo r 0 R APpLj(:ATI0 N -vo RE ACCEPT E D ` Permit Number; Date: 2 i J 731 - BuiMding Permit Application Pr.0nIII irig aria DeVEIOPment5ervice5 nuitdrriI arid Cody Regul 't" Divis'On 2300 Virgin io A venut,, For- Pierce FL 3 A�-1��8 Co m rn a rC I d l Re S I d e rit i a ll Ph -one. (772) 462-1553 Fax: (172 PERMIT APPLIC AT1 11 FOR'. T i t ffom d ropbo , cli-I arrow at the end of lane PROPOSED MAPROVEMENT LOCA AddrIIIIIti legal Description: .. . ........ � � y Lot No Proper-ty Tax ID M block No. ite Pl-an Name= PFoje-.t NaMe: { ett}a (; k 5 Front — Back,, _ � fight Sidi; � Left Side' DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF WORK: , SVI' r ifoor � , � � �I �A-.k FA INFORMATION: itiona I %,j 6 rk X -6 erTorrrre un « er t p6rr5it — ef a 0 HVAC Gas Tank [IG a s Pipirts 11 Electric Ll Plumbing OSPrinklers app L_.� Shutters DGenerator T0131 Sq. I=t of construction; 5 Ft, of First Fl o -or, Utillti-eS= Surer P1ic CI of Construction: , - i OWNER/LEEF: Nara Address: — city, Start ; zip Code, Fax: Phone ND. -e LIE E-Mail- iZvI`4 i--a3L— -r �0 Fill in fee sirnpla Title Holder on next page j if different CONTRACTOR: Na rT1E!: Company Address: zip Code; _ Fay. F) Win�lows/Doors ORGof ti RQ0f pitch Building Height- � Phone ft. E-flail: J frarn th-e Owner listed above) State or County License: If value of construiI i!G �2500 or more+ a RECIORDED Motita of Commencement is required. SUPPLEMENTAL CON TRU T1.011 LIEN LAW INFORMATION. DESIGNERIENGINEER; Not Applicable Name- Address. - City, State: zip: Phone FEE SIMPLE TITLE ]HOLDER: VrNot Applicable Name. Address -- MORTGAGE COMPANY.- Not Applicable � Name; Address: City: State: Zip: Phone: BONDING COMPANY; Aot Applicable Name: Address- City, City: Zip; Phone; _ Zip-, Phone: OWNER/ CONTRACTOR AFFIDVIT: Application is hereby made to obtain a permit to do the work and installation as Indicated. I certify th.a t no wo rk o r i nsta I I ation h a s com m ence d pri or to the i ssua n ce of a p erm it. St, Lucie Co u n ty makes no representation that is granting a }permit will authorize tyre permit holder to build the subject structure which is in conflict with any applicable Horne owners AssDciatian rtrle5, bylaws or and coven' ants that may re&16ct -Dr prohik31t �LICI7 structure_ Please oonsuit with your Komi Owners Association and review your deed for any restrictions which may appIy_ In consideration of the granting of this feq u Psted permit. I do hereby agree that I will, ire a II res p e ets, perform the work In accordance with the approved plans, the Florida Building Codes and St_ Lucie CQuntyAmendmonts, The following building permit applicatiuns are exempt frorn undergoing a full eoncurrenc-y review: room additions, A ccesso ry stru cture5, s wi mm i ng pools, fen cis, wa Irs, signs. s Cre e n roo ms and access o ry Ll Se 5 to another n on -res i d e nVa I u Se WARNING TO OWNER: Yoiur failure to Record a Notice of Commencement may result in your paying twice for improvements to your property. A Notice of Comrni�neernent must be recorded and posted on the jobsite before the first inspection. If you intend to obtain financing, consuft with lender or are attorney before cornmen cinz w9rk or recording our Notice of Cornrr,encernent_ � �i gna t u r e of 0'Wn er f LE! Se e/Cdn tra cto r as Age nt fo r Own er STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF sllr L� 1 The forgoing instrument was acknowledged before me t h i day of 20_d I by Name of pZ making sta tement Pers❑nr3lly 10NO ern OR Producscl Identifir.�;tion Type of Identlfrcation -- Prod-uted f 5 ign ature of N DU ry Public- State of Florida ) Commission No, Seal) 1 R EVI Ews I)ATE RECEIVED DATE COMPLETED Rev, S12/17 Ndls1' of FWda T/gl l V •ram V 1d t.IJI! � FRONT N�COUNTER�fE Sig n dtu re of cinf r� ctorf Li re e -Holder STATE OF F LO R� A �j COUNTY OF_ The forgoing i n stru m ent wa s a r kn owl edged bef ore m e this 2L day of _ '�r'1� r 2n bar Name of pers ,,faking statement PersonaIIy Knov r� =0R prod u-ced I'denofcation Type of IdentifGcation Produced ign atu rg! of Notary P u mmiSsion No- WkANS VELETA J REVIEW REVIEW - Stow of Florida) Notary Pvbll-c 5 A cf lob' a Deena M ;Sabeile W;r My CEIMM13ticn GG 22!r7VG PY IFS! Off: i J J Plii REVIEW I REVIEW �I z r. w Q E rL E# ice.] l ZP V � 4 G O ac •��,�JJ�. � � V • � � � � ��y Jti rr}��.�y Y� W � j/�� 1Er V I � � �Oy YL t r 14 C � LE a F, C. L i•. iF arr � C L S� C � ry •Y Y Q L.. Z ` cw �+ a w E