HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020 5V Crimp product approval'0- -•1. 1 8 w—1 Florida Building CWe Gnlirle E(M Home I Loy ]n U$rrfteqiMM[ibn Hot TOp-c 5ubmlt 5unchargc 5ta1s d feat, bp-r Product Approval Z-is USER: Pjblir USrr arQV.i# A WMyal t" Y PrWW&I or U11€2rt,an 54:;�rch .8ggL gW2 .LU Y A10011calthna Detall r •r •f _ f- '• }.' AFL 8 �:r4r Application Type mvislon COce Vetsloin 2820 Application Status Approved finent~ Archived t HL U AM 7 1 PyublirA[ians OardaCt U- OCT-5 VW Map i Unla ; S+earth Product 14a nufactu rer Extreme Metal Fabricators, L LC AddressfPhonofErnai€ 2160 SW Roma Drive Palm City, FL 34990 (772) $72-$(134 flval illation Oyahob_corn Authorized Sionature Diehard McKuhen flvalidation@ yrahoox*m Technical Re prewtdkiwe Richard Mr-Kuhen Address/ Phone{Errltil 2160 5W Parna Driwo Palm City, FL 3499-0 ( 772) 8 � 2 -80 3.4 Achard@ernfa h)_net Qtjality Assurance- Repraserltative Addre sWPhone/ E mai I Category Roofing S u beat-ggveyr Metal Roofing connvilwwa Method EValklaxiot1 Ri2pOrt from a Florida Rq2glstere4 Architect or a L.I-uen5ed Plarida ProN iQnal E n q inE��r EvaLuation Report - H a rd uul�Y R-ec lv-gd Florida En inter Or Arr-hitttt NaM12 w-ho dawlopad the DavId Er g Evaluatlan Report Florida LICense PE-81377 Qu.Alit} AssLwa,tire Entaty Kevston2 Certifirations, Inc. Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 04127}2074 validated BY 16MtS R WbI lYr PL Certifi catie of I n d epen d ante ReFer enced Standard and Year (OE Standard) EquiNvalence of Product Standards Ctr rtlfled By Settaons From the Code Valid ation Checklist - Fla rcir-opV RaCE ived MAOdard TAS 100 TAS 125 UL 550 YSsr 1�155 20a3 2006 hdp=fifrww.floridabu ildang.orglpr1pr_zpp_d 1l .aspx ?p8ram-rrG EV)(Qw1lDgw2:a BQpH pQQe6 rMZMk4J EDR%2 bd°i62bUNXXG%2t)n1RhGTtolBWlVl I aQ%3d • -- V3 1Q812021l Florida Building Code Online Prudur-t Approval Method Date Submitted Date Validated Date Pending FBC Approval Date Approved Date Revl -d svim ary_of Products _ IFL W model, H urn bar or No me 01: 26ga VMax ort Plywood Limits of Use Approved for use In HVHZ: No Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: N/A 0e91gn Rres!�ure: +N N-228 Other: f#rFtrta naluation report. method L Option D 10/1 2020 10125,E 2 020 12115/ZD20 t2{16f2020 De&crlptl on 269a (Fnici) Ymax 5V panelwith 24" cowcrage on 15/32" (min) plywood or 3/4' (ArM) th lc'k wood p1-vi1 k. installation I nntructions FL17022 RIB Tr 26ga VMAX Llynjacd df Vertfte+d By- David Engr PE 81377 Created by Independent Third Party. Yes Ova ruati an Repgrits FL17(122 R$ AE 26Qa VMAX..!pjyW_qRqjadf treat-ed by Independent `fhlyd Party. Ye5 02: 032 ,flu ml n u m Wax on Plywood No m i naliV 0.032' aiu rni norn (a r thie-k,OT) VMMIX SV panel with LCmlts of use Approved for use in Mi Z.- Ni) Approved for use oui:side HVHZ: YO9 Impact Resistant. WA Desl9 n Pre$su re: + N/A/ • 168.5 Other: FteFer to evaluD[iorn rap-ort_ 17022. a 03: 26ga VMax on Plywood Limits of Use Approved for use in H V HM N-D Approved for use outside H V HZ r Y12s impact ReSI !Ptartt. H/A Design Pressure: -i-W J-114,25 Other; Rorer lfa evalivaGioin rep-Drt. 17022_4- 04; 26ga CQrMax on Plywapd LI mits of Use Apprioved for use in HVHZ: Yft Appraved for use outside KVMZ: Yes Impact Resistant; NIA Design Pressure: +KIN-161 Either: Refer to -evaluation reMt, 1707 2.5 05: 26ga UrMOX On UMM5 21' cDvera-g-e on 15/32' (min) plywood or 314" (Min) Mirk wood p lank, Inst.al lotion I nstruct1 o ns FL17022 RB II 1)33 VMAX 21in pLV pd Verified By: David Eno, PE 81377 Created by Independent Ttllyd Party: Yes EvaltilaUarl Reports FL17B22 R$ AE (132 VM ..Z1I.Rlyljf Created by Ind-ependent Third Party: YeS 269-a (m In } Wax SV panel with 24" coverhge -0 n 15MH (rnl n) plywood pr �114' (min) thick vyuud plank. Optlorl for fasteners In the flpll� afid in the ribs. Iliistal ialloro I119t1'tl O fl F-L17022 RB II 2kga VM flats.Pdf Verffle+d BY: Dafvld Eng, PE �L1377 Created try Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluatlan Reports L17022 P� AC 25Q8 VMAX. pjvwflpd fats, j created by Independent Third Party; Yes 26ga Cm in ] CorMax corrugated panel WIth 29- 5" W VVMge Grr 15132' (min) plywood or 3J4" (min) thick wood plank. Install eklon In�itructio ns FL17022 R8 IT 2rga CflrMax Plywood HVHZ.odf Verified E3y: David Fng, PIE 81377 - - Created by Tndepen runt Third Party: YeS Evaluation Re pariEs FL170 22 Rb AE . Z!5q.rM a M Piywand HVHZ.ndf Created by InOependent. Tb ird Pa rLy: Yes 26ga (miry) Corf+lax corrugated oanei witm zq.5" omrage on 7A (mini batter ns_ Lim its of USe InstallatEo n Instructions Approved for use IF) MVHZ: No FL170Z2 R1 11 2faga CarMax BaLL-a ls.pdf APProved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: David Engr PE 01377 Impact Resistant: N7A Cr-patad by Indapend-Ent Third Party; Yes Design Pressure: +N/ -181 lEvaluetlon Reports Other, Refer W evaluation report. FL17022 RR AtE 26ga CorMax 'Battens,adf Created i}V independent Third Party; Yes uu Ths Skate of Fiwida fs pn kA .M90 ernplmpbr• C-M-jfj t 2db7- 8 ] 3 S;tMe a FltrQ_ :: i- . S attrr.em , z Atbtitlhlllty Staktmm z: Rfund Surb!"M L'r•der Mrida Ibw, etn&M oddress+es are puL•lic ret8rdi. IF you " r6k w8rit +y*ur e-mail adif-e55 relea+6id ii% re5ftofte W a j5u1bliC fiKWdS ril uesir, ffo 7dk seM 2I oni€ mall ro this ardty. Instgad, cunrart tho of.9ce byr phone or t1M traditional mail. 0 you havz any questions, plewA rTwact 830.487.1395. -Pursuant toSecion a55.275t1], hl S= w.fl rid d�Iilding.org?pripr_app•_dtl.2-Spx?p2FRM EVXCMlagv2aBQpHpGQ@&VlZtVkUEoR%2bd%2buNx G%2bniRh Ttt]BWM1iiLQ%36--- M 1 J2812132 1 Roddy Sullding Code Onllne Flariue Stututcs, effertive Ckxober 1, 20 12, Iicewees tiaensed Uldex CMaPW 455r F,S- must pravlpg the Gepai moat with an d3maa wWnm If ldi$p hawe o+ia- The ernails prrwicEed may be ,-!.sd fOr 6141dal cUiYmunicadon Wth Site Likenwe. Howew ernall allrtiesws are putAiG rf wd. If you do non wish w supp!ly a personal address, please prOvlde Me Departi- errt *Vi an email address YMkP can bp rrwle awadab+4 WVhK, putdic. Zr, dPt—Ine It ypu ana a Q>ti mm 4r or 1�haptpr 455, F.$., pl"c;p r.IIGk hPr Rr" diji t Approv.&l Accep g M WNE Credit Cafd Safe https:) Mr4'.w-fIQEi�:3bu dinq.argAprfpr_vpp_dti.arpOparnm=wGF-VXCkMDgv2a�pHOOOGrMZMkUEoR°�2bd°'o2boNNXG%' �riIRhGTi.vGVVM1a ,Md_.. af 3 A EXTR E M E M ETAL FABRICATORS SK.rL LED CRAFTERS OfME JAL ROFLIAAG5Y dt. 6 a in X over 1 " (ramie) plywood Extreme Metal Fabricators -2120 SW Poma Dr I Palm City FL 34990 Product Descri ptior) 5V Crimp style exposed fastener panel with 24" max covoroge or7d nominal rib height of 3/8". Product Materlal 26ga (min) steel Corrosion resistant per FBC 1507.4.3 where required Fastem r #9 or 410 x 1.5" fastener with sea ling wosher Com plies nt wit h FBc 15o8.6 w#)ere req u i red. SLR bstrate/Oec k 15/ 2" (min) plywood or 3/4" (min) thick wood plonk (min S.G. of 0.42) Evaluated by: David E n g, PE Timberlake Cove} LLC 3324 W U n Iv Ave #206 1 C�c i eye -sari I le F L FL PE 81377 I FL CA 33344 w ww,Tim b42�rLcj keCove_com ,III r��-rflr Max F 17 . 01 - FR Uncle r I ay ment+ Cgmply with icicaI bu-41ding code or FBC 1507.1.1 where required. Slope: Comply with local tui Iciltrrg code or FBC 1507..4.2 where required. Re -Roofing: This ponel may be installed over a single lager, of existing shingles <s!3 permitto-d by Ioco I k:3vi Id i ng code or FBC 1511, provided the existing roof meets the conditions required by the c3p plica bl-e code. Ma imum Allowable Loads & Installation Requir-em nts: Method_ A: # 9 x 1,5" fastener in 12"-12" pn tat 16" o_c., 56 P S F Mlathod S:_.1*112 x 1.511 fastener in 12�-' pgittern cit 16" o.c.= q3.5 PSF lath od C. t#1Q 3e 1.5" fasts r).. -E i n 12"-12" patter n at 8" o=c-, 1P �F M t * D' #t10 x 1.5" fasteneri�r .121-1211 pattern at 6" o.c.. 228 PS A f<ictpr of Ad fetV of 2 has been applied. Technical Documentation: This product hos been tested to the UL 560 standard by Architeaturol Testing <now Intertek Testing, TAT-1527), report D05895.01-450-18, 1`3366r01-45-0-15, and 0058 As referenceci in FL 17GZ2.014?7 Compliance Statement: Th as product os de!sr-ri ftFed has demonstrated conrlpl io nce with Florida Bui lid i n g Code 2020, 1504.3.2 (nor -HVHZ) (3a required by FL Rule 41G20-3, methad 1D. This produ-r-t os described has been tested and dernor)Strote<� -c-ornpliance with, • UL-S$O - Test for Up Eft Reaisto nce of Roof Assemblies • UL 1097 - Uplift teat for roof C-Qv-01611ig sYstOms Design Process: The load tales in this report provideb ore prescriptive option for the fastening requirement #or the appl ica ble wind loads for roofs wit h i n the pa rameters deseri Iced. For roofs outside of the listed parameters, design wind muds !3 ha ll be d4�ltermi ned as required bV FBC 1609' ASCE 7� or other design code in force, using a I iowcible stress. These loan to bies are based on ASC E 7-16, Us-e of these tables ass ernes that the structure is- * Enclosed and conforms to wind-borne debris provisions and is a regular shaped building Is not subject to across -wind loading, vortex shedding, or instability- nor does it have a site looutl-on for which channeling or buffeting worrrant r-onsiderction Eng ineG ri ng a nolysiz away he completed by of her Iioe nsod gng i n bars for project qpp-cifi c o pp rovc:il by local ca utho-ritaes having Jurisdiction. Certification of independence: David Eng, PE and Timberlake CoVe, LLC do not have, nor will cicquire a finanaiol Pntorest i n -Ony cewnp-Onv rrh-anufocturing qr i [stfibuting products under this evaluallon. The same entities d4 not have, nor will acquire' c filhdr$CiOl interest in any other entity invoty-A6 in the approval process of the product. P al ugiong and Limitations: Des i9n of dank vr-sd r#Of :5trvCtwre (to include -ottachment of plywood or wood pICink) shaH be CcMPleIed by others. Fire classific-ation and shear dioph regrew design are outside th a scope of thin iLivnivat60n. Accelerated weathering{ -salt spYay is outside the scope -of this eve luction. 7h i5 repc)rt iS limited to compliance with structural wind IoQd requi rement!s of FEC 150 4.3-2, as re%quired by Puce 61G20.3. Neither Timberlake Cove nor the manufact-urer shall be responsible for any conclusions, interpretation, or designs made by othern Based on this evaluation report. 'This reparrt i5 limited Solely to ClgG4+rnenting gomipli once with Rule 6102-0-3' and rri#kos no express or Implied warranty regarding performance of this product. Instep1lation !shc ll d-e !ueAlpj-eq* tc> the local building co -de and authority hvvi ng j„eirdiz7.tign; th ix rFpF-3ort zh�311 not fro construed to supersede Ioccal codes i n force. FL.170- I rlstructio ns: Select the a pp rapFriate load to ble thet nppl i-L%:q to thL- structure in qu4astion. Dotermilne the design wind &p-eed for the project Iocatior1, L)ae the attachrrrent method indicated for that wi ndspeed with fn each roof zon a-_ NOTE.' AECE 7-16 and FBC 2020 adopt a 7-zone Concept. For the load tables below, the worst case was taken for each zone and sported using the stcarlclord Zones 1-2-s: Zone I includes Zones i and 1r ZQn e 2 i ncl udez. zones 2e, 2r, and 2n Zone 3 Includes zones 3e and 3r Coml:Dining these zones crectas a clear} sirnple scheme, at the expense -of some design of-fiaiency. Contact the rnanufacturer for further information, or, consult a licensed design professional. METHOD A: NIETH01) B: #9 AT 16" O.C. #10 AT 16" 0. 6. 2 Z 1 1 2 2 J 2 _2 3 — 2 3 a y 1 2 $ HIP RDW SkKE 14C01F a I-_ V 1' X'a 8F LgFdTNM� D&WNSC... DR t VAU0 DAMtS SUAL rt i-R NW 4V4 TKW 9M-1;R4RLWU" MORMWAL baUCMM OR 3F1 JDdQl 0 ak K r � q� g b w GE 4hW OR EFT►{E Kii r0.ft r MM ROOF ZONES FOR GENERIC BUILDING METHOD C- METHOD D; #1 0 AT 8" O.C_ #1 GAT 6" O.C. 1 2" ( NOM) --12" ( NO) Jsc this loud tfrble for structures which rneet the follaMing cdLeria: kre located in E x posure B a rea -lave either a flat roof, or gablelhlip roof with max sIop's of 12A 2 -lave -a mean Roof Height of 30 feet or Is ss Ci 4 7 r'?'S rk-1 . C.'.z.. Cif l'' r;.•.r,•. %*% +f � r�'7" ir►I� �r it t.tr1 Wind 105 110 120 130 140 160 160 170 180 190 200 Zone l: A A A A A A A A A A A Zone 2: A A A A A A A A C D D Zone 3: A A A A A A $ G D D D Ube this load table for structures which meet the following v4ria: Ore located in Exposure 13 area Have either a flat roof less than 7", h i p roof with rngax slope of 12:12, or gable roof with slope between 4.412 & 12:12 Havea m €,a n Rnof Height of 30 feet or less PI 17A'32 r6l- ?Ann KV ( rirnn ran 7 q117" nFtirWnJ-1r4 Wind US 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 Zone 1; A A A A A A A A A A A Zone 2: A A A A A A A A A B C Zone & A A A A A A A B D D D.` NR: NOT RATED. CONSULT OE I N PROFESSIONAL A,9 NEEDED Use this load tnhle for structures which ineet the folfcwing criteria: Are located in B. E, or D iaxposura area Have either a flat roof, or gablelhlp roof with rrkax slop& of 12;12 Have a mean Hoot Height of 30 feet or less Wind 105 110 120 130 140 160 160 170 180 190 200 Zone 1: A A A A A A A C D D D Zone 2: A A A A C D 0 D D 0 D l Zone 3: A A A C 0 Q 0 Q Q 0 Use this load table for structures which meet the following criteria: Are located in B, C, or D o xp os-ure area Have either a fiat ro of Less t h a n 7", hi p roof with max s lope of 12:12, or g able roof vAth sic pe be twe en 4.412 & 12:12 Lave a m each Roof Height of 30 fe et or I e ss T no