HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding permit app pg 2st#P�#�rA� c€��ast�ucr#€�N u€N �w ��nr#A�ro#�_ t2E5lG�ERj€t4tfilN€E#t: Name: _ dot Agp{at��e 1#Pif3R3Y�f3E CU4ViFAPl4': Name: _ 4�oa Applicable Address: Address: �� Zip: done State: City: �2p: Phone: State_ FEE SIMPLE TITLE Fiiii..fTER: Name: � Not Agg#icable 8�N#3INu EC��PAhiY: Name. _Not Applicable Address: Address: City �,._ Zip: Phone: Zip:_Phone: OWNER f CORACYOR : Application is hereby rwdeto obtain a permitto do the work and Installation as indi®ted I certify thatno work or Installation has coanmenced prior to the issuance of a permit St Lucie Co� ivi�matces no representation that isgranting a permit will authorize the permit holder to build thesubjed structure which is in ctii wide any appfscablee Home Owners Ass�ation rules, bylaws oram3 covenants that may restrict or prohibit such structure. Please corea t with your Home OwnersAssodation and review yourdeedior any rr�trictlrnrs which may apply. In consideration of the granting of this requested permit I do hereby agree that I will, in all respects, perform the work in accordance with the approved plans, the Florida Building Codes and St- i� County Amendments. The fnttowing building permit applications are exempt from undergoing a full mnamnency review room additions, accessory structures, swimming pools, fences, wails, signs, screen rooms and accessory uses to another nonresidential use WARN I€ GT€3 : Your faRure to Record a of Commencement may result in your paying twice far improvements to your property. A Notice of Cornmen�rnent must be recorded and posted on the jobsite before the first inspection. If you intend to obtain financing, consult with fender Oran attorney before commencin work or recordingyour Notice of Commencement. ,Rev. 812117 Signature o, Owner/ LesseefCantractor Agent for er Signature of Canlractarflicerse Holder STATE OF FLORIDA STATE OF FLORIDA C y �� COUNTY OF 1�.Ll;IQ., t0!°,:YTY£IF V! J The fan�mirg insm�errtwas acknowledged beforWhOel e me this�day of 20 � i 6y Sire fo ing instrument was acknowledged before me this '�{�daY of �Jtiyl.l,(lt./o . 2U � h 16l�LC F & itC, Name of perso ement Name of perso idtsg scat went Personally Known OR Produced Identification Personally Known OR Produced Iden€itication Type of identification Type of Identification Produced Produced (Signature of Notary lis< �eoi2NNyaiHFfijov[ZCon',�_-'- ff�� `��`'F;`•; Ea�sce ISlgnatur� : Notary public Slata of Commission No... � Comrtrstitor�{GG 58SiG'. ' My Com +£2', i�)24 _ _ Camrmrssron loco-s`-.., CHRISTI�+iE JQYCE CONWELL Pub ic• I�dyFlorida N y1� `4 tY9t mmissipn rtTi 70t ' Bonded through Fatiera rcr:: assn. Motzry y Co�r,m, Expires Aug 21, 2024 Borcrd through N ;Loral Notary Assn. • REVIEWS FROIti- Zf#hllhiia SUPERViSOIi " PLANS VE�ATiON SE1�-iiiRTLE MANGROVE COUNTER REVIEW lt€iil€W REVIEW REttIEPI REVIEW 'REVIEW DATE RECEIVED DATE COMPLETED