HomeMy WebLinkAboutMisc Letters ,variance _ PLANNING&DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT BUILDING&CODE REGULATIONS DIVISION 2300 Virginia Ave ' Fort Pierce,FL 34982 772-462-1553 Application for a Administrative Variance from the Provisions of the St. Lucie County Land Development Code Please complete the requested information below and submit all items to the St. Lucie County Code Compliance Division at the address listed above. The proper non-refundable application fee must accompany all applications or they will not be accepted for processing. For assistance in submitting the petition,please contact Zoning at 772-462-5296. Applicant's Information Name: 2. Address: /D 7,1 SOK Phone Number: -2 7d- '2 �- � "�'� Fax Number: 3. Location of Property Proposed for a Variance: ' Q Ho it 4. Property Tax Identification Number(s): (attach extra sheets i necessary) 5.I(we)do hereby petition the St. Lucie County Board Building Code Administrator for the following variance from the St. Lucie County Land Development Code. (State the variance #of ft) tit ' � G lc. el, � ( , 1 �-�-- A psi Pe404>1IV C RIOT 6. What is the purpose of the proposed variance e-d' M 7. S to reasons why this variance will not be injurious to other property and/or improvements in the neighborhood in which the subject property is located. 8. Please attach a dia�ra�m of theuroperty showing the dimensions of the lot and all other dimensions n essarryo�in �`�r'iqusand this appicatin. GGivaf tip E'e;aeg 4 5+ r,t+,?„mrna 3 •t Aug" `S r0i�1GRQti1.��Il�!d01'i ghn i7 ini.' For Office Use Only: Zoning Future Land Use Special Notice (Please read before signing acknowledgments below) Submission of this application does not constitute the granting of a Variance. All appropriate requirements must be met prior to this project being presented for approval to the appropriate authority. St. Lucie County reserves the right to request additional information when necessary for a complete review of this Variance application. Acknowledgments Applicant Information(Property Developer): Agent Information: / Name: Name: D f,,q1yL4- L G Address: Address: P< D c-X0 Ueoas e17, Phone: Phone: 31 G- K 7 —7 Property Owner Information: This application will not be considered complete without the notarized signature(s) of all property owner(s)of record which shall serve as an acknowledgment of the submission of this application for a Variance. The property owner(s)signature(s) below shall also serve as authorization for the above applicant or agent to-Awt.on behalf of said property owner. r// i,�� El P Owner Signature 4 PrintProperty Owner's Name&Address Ma' 'ng address: /G 7D/ ,� � hone: State of Florida County of,-5-- The ,foregoing instrm a was—acknowle ed before me this day of Y/L 20 by who is personally known to me or who has produced as identification. C— Signature of Notary Type or Print Name of Notary Title: Notary Public Commission Number (Seal) O"Ov P ELMS R ROCK, SLCPDSD Revised W21/2010 Notary Public-State o1 Florida _� •t Commis:ion M FF 988539 My C001M.Expires Sep 21.W ��t� n. 8ondad through National Wary Ass i Planning and Development p Services Department COUNTY Building and Code Regulation Division DIVIEMORANDILIM TO: Leslie Olsen, AICP, Director THROUGH: Monica Graziani, Manager FROM: Debra Zampetti, Zoning & Permitting Supervisor DATE: May 2, 2017 SUBJECT: Butler Administrative Variance— 10701 S. Ocean Dr., Lot 885 AV 620165030 On April 27, 2017, Todd Dittrich, Dittrick LLC, submitted an Administrative Variance application for parcel ID# 4511-510-0086-000/3 on behalf applicants, William and Lynn Butler. The applicants are requesting a variance from the required minimum 8 foot side back to 4 feet 5 inches to install a ramp (that will accommodate a wheelchair) with a gradual incline. The ramp will wrap around connect to a dect to the rear of the mobile home to the rear entrance. The applicants are also requesting a 2 foot encroachment into the rear setback from the required minimum of 5 feet to 3 feet for 21 feet and a 4 foot encroachment into the rear setback for approximately 8 feet for the rap around portion of the special needs entrance. The subject property is located at 10701 & Ocean Dr., Lot 885, Jensen Beach, Florida 34957. Analysis Pursuant to Section 10.01.14.A(1)(a) of the St. Lucie Land Development Code (LDC), a person may decrease the minimum required setback in an existing recreational vehicle park by no more than 50 percent of the minimum standard in order to qualify for an administrative approval by the, Director. The total square foot area of the side yard is 320 square feet. The ramp totals 140 square feet' m.o.l which amounts to less than a 50 percent overall encroachment. The total square foot area', for the rear is 175 square feet. The encroachment of the wrap around ramp and deck total 84. m.o.l. Accordingly, the applicant meets the standards to qualify for an administrative variance.'. Data relied on for measurements was a survey by Andrew Asbury, PLS, dated June 27, 1995,1, building plans for the deck and ramp by Wayne A. Brock,.PE, dated April 18, 2017, and the original! plans for the existing deck for the subject mobile home by John M. Ahern, PE dated September 12, 1995. Pursuant to Section 10.01.14.A(2)(a-g),.if an applicant can meet the general standards for issuing the variance, then the County shall grant the variance. The applicant meets the standards as follows: a. Demonstration that the recreational vehicle park was in legal existence upon the effective date of this Ordinance. (Ordinance No. 94-007) I I Butler Admin.Variance File No.: AV 520175128 May 2, 2017 Page 2 The subject recreational vehicle park was in legal existence on or before 1984 which was before the effective date of the ordinance. b. Demonstration that the existing structure on the adjacent properties have been constructed without, or in violation or, prior permit approvals and that these violations have been granted conforming status consistent with Section 1.10.16(Q)(2) of this Code. No structural violations have been found to exist on adjacent properties. C. The literal application of the provisions in Section 7.10.16(Q) will result in an undue hardship on the property owner(s) and would otherwise prohibit the use of the petitioned property as others are used in the surrounding neighborhood. The literal application of the setback provisions will result in an undue hardship wherein, one of the property owners would be denied egress from the residence due to a handicap. d. The variance will not result in any encroachment into any access or utility easement or other common area. There will be no encroachments into any easements or common areas. e. The variance requested does not result in an encroachment of any more than 50 percent into any required yard-setback area. The requests amount to less than a 50 percent into the required setback. f. The variance will not conflict with any other provisions of this code. The dimensions of the special needs ramp and wrap around are the minimum variance' necessary and will not conflict with any other provisions of this code. I Recommendation Staff finds that the applications meets the standards as provided in Section 10.01.14(2) as, outlined hereinabove and is not in conflict with the St. Lucie County Comprehensive Plan. Staff; recommends that the Planning and Development Services Director approve the administrative variance. Attachment: Survey dated 6/27/95 by Andrew Asbury, PLS i I i I ✓1� , RDS NO. 1.7-0 File:No AV 520175128 3 ;AN ORDER GRANTING ADMINISTRATIVE APPROVAL FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 10701 S,. OCEQN DR LOT°8'86 :6 L.UCIE:CC}U:NTY FLORIDA 7. ' ..9. WHEREAS,,the:St: L.ucie`County'.Planning and Development Services Director-has`rev ewed.the. 9 application for an adm nistrative'vanance incl'udtng but not limited,to the staff'report and made thel, w, foll,owi.ng gdoterminations; 1 12 1:, The:admmistratie vanance submdted by Todd Dlttiich of`bittrich;,LLC as age nt for Vllilharn '3, and;Lynn Butler has been approved;for property located:at 10701. S: Ocean Drive; Lot 4 885; aensen BeacFi, Florida.; 16. 2. The:AdministratiVe Variance allows for an.encroachment;intoAhe, minimum required side. 7 setback by 3`feet 7 inches o_r a r-duction'.inthe required,side setback-from 8 feet to;4 feet;, r8 5 iricfies: l:g ; 20 : 3:. The Administrative Variance allows for an,er croachmerit inta,the Mirii'nium`required`rear 2.7 setback by 2-feet fora length of'21 feet;or a reduction in the required rear setback from 5 , z feet to 3:feet fo.r 21 feet Cn Addition,'the Administrative Variance allows for a redact on in 23: the=minimum reaf-.Wback from,5 feet'to�one.fo.. for.approximately'8:feet m:a.l. for th.e .24' wrap around:ramp as'sFiown building-plans dated April 18, 2017.06d sealed by Wayne A..; 25 Block, R.E. 2:6 zZ 4: The, Development Review_ Committee has reviewed ttie,administrative variance' on the, 28 subject property and found it to,meet technical requirements_of the St:Lucia, ounty Land' 2:9 Development Code,and to:be,conslstentwlth'the Sf Lucie County ComprehensiyePan: 31 5:. Staff has ,pr4vlded an analysis;,°of the' parcel's eligibility for an encroachment into; the' 32` rrtinim_ um-required setback by no more,,than 5:� percent in en exiS.ting:recreational vehicle 3.3 park pursuant to Sectiori.1A.%01..14 of the St:`Lucie:County-:Land Developmen_.Cade Thata 3`4 analysis found: in a momorandurn;dated.,May-2. 201.7 entitled Butler.Administrativea -3.5 Variance 1,0701 .S..-Ocean Drive, Lot:885, File M_.AV:52017512a. 3 6 . 37 6:, The:requested ericroachr[ientwiil not have an undue'adversei:effect on.adjobord property; s does not encroach into any easements or common areas, does not conflict with other 3.,9 codes:and otherwise meets the intent and purpose of the general`standards for issuing a° 4'0 variance pursuanfto�Secfon:1:0..01.14:A(2)(a-g).An analysis of the general standards may. AT be found in a..Planning and Development Serv_ices,memorandum-described above. , .4`, 4' '44 NOW; THEREFORE; BE IT QRQ;ERED; 45 4,6 :A, Pursuant to:Sect qn.l 0 01-.14 of.the St;.Lucie County Land_D.evelo,pmenf Cade, the,Butler 47 Administrative Varance-is hereby approved as_described herein:above JOSEPH E:,SMrrH.CLERK OF'THrE CIRCUIT COURT SAINT LUCIE COUNTY File No i AV 52Q17512,9 BDS i4o 16- m j ' FILE*4312 j55 OSf2412017 11:31,04 Am May 2,2017 OR BOO 171§ P 241 2,1 -28$ Doc,Typet ORD P39t3,1 RECORDING 0 64 i . r i 2 .4u B.. 'The property:0 which this approval.is:being granted is describes[as::: LpT'... OF VENTURE GUT AT I,NDIARANER"INC ,A CONOOMINI.U.M�ACCORDING TOTHE 6 DELOARATION OF CONDOMINIUM THEREOF,,REC.ORDED:IN OFFICIAL RECORDS BOOK 7° 201, PAGE 1.4.02, AND AS.AMEN;DED BY THM R. QQED-IN:OFFICIAL RECiDRDS BOOK'225, PAGE 809,.AND CQFF... RECORDS 800k 226, PAGE 393,ALL.OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS;OF ST LUCIE C,QUNTY; FLORIDA TO.GETHER7WITH AN UNDIVIDED. 1 INTERESTIN THE tWMUN .ELEMENTS APPURTENANT THERETO SETFORTH IN SAID DECLARATI.ON;. 1,2 = -1 PARCEL ID_.4511-51G-0086i'00013 14, Ys C. This order shall be..re- 00 d in tF a Public Recbrds;0f St:..Luci6 Co unt y: i 7 GIRDER effective the -. day 9f Maiy 2017`- as _ 1:9 zo PLANNING& DEVELOPMENT.SERVICES DIRECTOR. z , Sl' LUCIE CQUNTY, FLQaIDA 22' 2'4: JF 2<5 BY c 2 ; Leslie Olsen,AI_CP, _ it or i 2:7' ` 2`6. z9 APPRbVEDAS T_Q FORM' 3'0 .AND:CORRECTNESS,, .31 3'4 $Y' 5 County Attorney File No .AV 52Q175128 PDS�No 16-03�1 May 2,2017 Page 2 fi � :Planning and Development Services, Department - z Bu'Id'in . .n Code Re "wl ton- ivis oim t a d. 9 9 M•E;MORAND'UM e:cp TO: Leslie Olsen, AICP Director THROUGH! Mon ca Gra2iani„Manager ` FROM: Debra- ampetti;lonir g& Per. Supervisor . :DATE:: May`2, 2017 SUBJECT: Butler Administrative Vanance:= 10161 S. Ocean Dt Lot"885 AV"62i1165:03,Q . 1 Qn.April 27;, 2017, Tadd Dittrich- Di rick.LLC,.submitted an Administrative Variance'application for parse! ID# 451- 510-;00$- 00013 on behalf applicants, VVill►grn and Lynn Butler. The :applicants are:requestmg.a variance from;the required';mini,mum 8:foot side back::to 4feet5 inches• to installA ramp(thatwill.ticcoiftbdate_a wheelchair)with'a,gradual incline: The ramp will wrap: ;around::connect to,a:`tlec_1-the.:rear_of the mobile•home to tile.rear entrance.The applicants;are also re'guesting a 2 foot'encroachrnent into the;,rear:setback`"from the required cnrnimurn of 5"feet to 3 feet for 21 feet and a,4 foot encroachment,Into the rear setback for approximately,8 feet:for the rap`,;around portion of Elie special needs,entrance. The.subject property ts,Located at 1,07.01 S, `'Ocean Dr., Lot 885,.denser Beach, Florida 34957. Analysis: Pursuant to Section'10 Q1.14.A(1.(a� of the Sty Lucie Land:dev__elopment;Code;(LDC), a person may deer ease the rn nirrium required setback in an-existing:recreational vehicle park o no"more. ahan 50:percent of the minimum;standard m order to,qualify for an admnstrafive approval by the Director: mho_I wh ch amour"ts toeless than side0 yard is 320 square feet The ramp totals:140.square:fba a 5 percent overall.encroachment The total.square foot area. for=the,rear is 175'square`feet. The encroachment,of the"wrap:around ramp and deck_total 84 m o I Accord ngl , 'th0 applicant meets:the-sfandard"s to qualify-:for an administrative;variance. Data relied on for measurements was a survey by Andrew,Asbury,•PLS; dated June;27, .1 budding„plans forthadeckand,ramp by 1Nayne.A. Brock,PE;,.dated April.1+8,20'1:7; and the ong'inal.' plans for the existing deokfor the-,subject mobile home by John .M: Ahern, PE dated,September 12, '1995, Pursuant to Section 10 01 14 A(2j(a g), if an applicant.can meet the:general standards for;issung the Variance; then the ,County "shall grant.the,Variance. The applicant meets=the•."standards as follows: a. Demonstration"that the reereafional vehicle park was m legal.'existenee upo"n:ff?.e effective date of this Ordinance; rOrd trance; 94'007):' I I Butler Adm n Variance; File No AV520175.128 May.2;:201 T Page%2 The.subject':recreational"Vehicle park!was in.legal existence on or before 19,84 which was before,the effective;date of the;ordinance: b: L7emonstration'that the existing-structure on the:adjacent properfies'hare been constructed without, or to violation or; pnor permit approvals and that:these violations hake:been grantee!conforming"status consistent wfh Section 1.1 D 16{Q)(2) of this Code: No structural,violations have been found to.:exist:on'atljacent.properties. :c. The.literal application of;fhe provisions in Section 7 a0 16(0 will result in air undue hardship on the property owners) and would otherwise:prohibit the:'use of petitioned.ptaperty asothers are used rn the surround�ng';nergfibor_hood The literal application of the setback provisions will:result in an undue hardship wherein one of .the._property owners would be tlenie. egress from th'e res Bence::due _to a. han_dieap d: Ttre`varianCe will f)01 reSUff in aJ7y enErOacflh*h- i1`1 -ail}!access'or;utility.easeinent.or other'common area. There will be:no encroachments into any easements-or commor areas:. -e, The'vanance`requeste- d-.does:not result in an'encroachment of any more than 5Q percent into any'regu►red,yard setback°;area:: ThVequests amount to less than a JSQ,percent into tho-required,setback; f� The variarice..Wdl.not contlict with any other provisions ofthis code. The dimensions of the_specia! needs ramp.and wrap around are he. minimum.variance necessary;and Will not conflict with any other.provisions of'this code.; 'Recommendation: ' Staff finds that the _applications. meets-the:standards as, provided in Section. 10 01: 14(2), as .outlined, hereinabove arnd is not in conflict with.the:St: Lucie.County Comprehensive Plan..Staff recomMends,that,the Planning arid.Development Services Director approve the administrative wanance. . :Attachment;= :Survey dated-6/27/9'5 by Andrew Asbury; PLS i . I • j