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A. Settlement Statement US.Department of Housing
and Urban Development r
OMB A13proval No.2502-0265
B.Type of Loan
1.0 FHA 2. RHS 3. Conv.Unins 6.File Number 7.Loan Number 8.Mortage Insurance Case Number
4.❑VA 5.0 Conv.Ins. IA-Wynne
C.Note:This form is furnished to give you a statement of actual settlement costs.Amounts paid to and by the settlement agent are shown.Items marked
"(p.o.c)"were paid outside the closing;they are shown here for informational purposes and are not included In the totals.
D.NAME OF BORROWER: James Wynne and Jamie Wynne
ADDRESS OF BORROWER: 15 Majestic Way,Fort Pierce,PL 34949
E.NAME OF SELLER: Jacqueline J.Armontrout
ADDRESS OF SELLER: 12371 Verdon Road,Doswell,VA 23047
G.PROPERTY 15 Majestic Way,Fort Pierce,FL 34949
M9 1414-701-0171-000-5
PH#(954)762-3400 I 177 S$TIi1- AVi:N FT.L ATJD13RDAU FLJ3316-110.
I.SETTLEMENT DATE: 1222021 Disbursomen6ster SettiementAgentThxlD1k 65-0968268
J.Summary of Borrower's Transaction K Summary of Seller's Transaction
100. Gross unt Doc FromBorrower 400, Cross A ou t Due to Seller
101. Contract sales price 475 000.00 401. Contract sales price 475 000.00
102. Personal property02, Personal property
103. Settlement charges to borrower One 1400 5,363.00 403.
j 104. 404.
105. 5.
Adjustments for items paid by seller in advance Adjustments for Items paid by seller in advance
City/town taxes to 1 06. C' /town taxes 10
107. County taxes 1/22/2021 to 9/302021 205.38 7. Coun taxes 1/222021 to 9/302021 205.38
108. Assessments 1/22/2021 to 12/31/2021 657.81 408. Assessments 1=021 to 12/312021 657.81
109. to 409, to
110. to 410. to
Ill. to 411. to -
112 to 412. to
120. Gross Amount Due from Borrower 481,226.19 420. Gross Amount Due To Seiler 475,863.19
200, Amounts Paid by or in Behalf of Borrower 500, Reductions in Am punt Due to Seiler
01. Deposit or earnest money 5,000.00 501. Excess deposit see Instructions
i 02. Principal amount of new loans s 502. Settlement to seller line 1400 12,182,42
03. Existin loans taken subject to 503. Existing loans taken subject to
04. 504. Poyoffgffirst mo=Mo loan 47 96558
Mongggg Funding, L
05. 1 $05. PgyojT of second mortgan loan
06. Princi al amount of selior financing 506. PrincirX amount of seller fmancin
7. 507.
8. 508.
09. 509.
09a. 509a.
09b. 509b.
d ustmants for items unpaid bX seller Adfustments for items un aid by seller
10. Ci /town taxes to 510. gvItown taxes to
11. County taxes I/12021 to 1/21/2021 369.64 511. gZ=taxes 1/l2021 to I22/2021 369.64
12. Assessments to 512. Assessments to
13. to 513. to
14. to 514. to
15. to 515. to
16. to 516. to
17. to $17. to
is. to 518. to
19. to 519, to
j 20 Total Amounts Paid by or in 5,369.64 SZ0. Total Reductions In Amount 60,517.64
BehaifofBorrower ' Due Seller
00. Cash at Settlement*QnAQ Borrower 600, Cash at Settl to/from Seiler
01. Gross amount due from borrower lino 120 481226.19 601. Gross amount due to sciler&a 420 475 863.19
302 Less amounts paid by/for borrower line 220 5,369.64 602. Less reductions in amount due seller Ilne 520 60 517.64
03. Cash 0 From To Borrower 475,956.55 603. Cash To ❑From Seller 415,34555
Previous editions are obsolete Page l of 2 02015 Display Systans.I=(863)763-5$55-Laser ftended 1
.Settlement Charges
700. TOTAL SALFWBROXER'S COM.based on prico 475,000.00 @ %= .al Weyn
Division of Commission fine 700 as follows:
01. to
02. to eorAeir
03. Commission paid at Settlement
00. Items Payable in Connection Loan
Ol. Loan gdgjpRtjon Fee % to
02. Loan Discount % to
803. Appraisal Fee to
804. Credit Report to
805. Lender's Inspection Fee to
806. Mortgage Insurance Application Fee to
807. to
08. to
809. to
810. to
8I1. to
811 to
13. to
814. to
15. to
00 Items Reaufred ft Lender To Be Paid In Advance
1. Interest from 1/22/2021 to 2/1/2021
2 Mort page Insurance Premium for months to
3. Homeowner's Insurance for Years to
904. ears to
05. years to
Reserves De osited WM Under
1001.Hazard insurance moptbst& permonth
1002.Mortizageinsurancc months(A per month
1003.City property taxes nth er mogh
1004.County orovertYtaxes
1005.Annual assessments r month
1006. montbsQ per month
1007, month month
110 .Title Ch r es
1101. Settlement or closing fee to Doumar,Allsworth,et al 650.00
1102.Abstract or title search to Attome a Title Fund Services LLC 125.00
1103. Title examination to
1104. Title insurance binder to
1105. Document preparation to Doumar,Allswo eta] 500.00
1106.Notary fees to
1107.Attome s fees to Doumar,Allsworth of al 1.275.00
includes above items numbers:
1109.Title insurance to Old Republic National Title Insurance Company 2,450.00
includes above items numbers:
1109. Lender's coverage:Risk Premium INS AMT:
1110. Owner's coverage:Risk Premium 2,450.00 INS AMT`. 475 000.00
1110a Endorsements:
II11. City Lien Search to One Lien Search 120.00
1112. Misc.Costs courier,coples.etc. to Doumar.AllswoEt et al 225.00
1113. Wire Fees to Doumar Allswortb,et al 20.00 40.00
1114. to
1200,Government Recording and TransferChar
1201.Recording Fees:Deed$18.50• 18.5
1202.Citylcounty tax/stamps.
1203.State tax/stamps:Deed$3 325.00• 3,325.00
1204.E-RcoordinA to Sim lifrle 4.50 13.50
1205,Continuous Morri Affrd. to Clerk of Court 27.00
1206. Death Certificate to Clerk of Court 18.50
1207.DR-312 Affidavit to Cleric of Court 10.00
1300,A ditional Settlement Charges
1301.SurvcX to Accurate Land SurvUors,Inc. 475.00
1302.HOA Estoppel to Queens Cove PropMy Owner's Assoc.Inc. 100.00
1303.2020 R.E.Taxes to SL Lucie Tax Collector 6,723.42
1304.Federal Express to Doumar,Allsworth et al 50.00
1305.HOA Late Fee-2020 to Queens Cove Property Owner's Assoc,Inc. 25.00
1306. HOA-2020 annual assessment to Queens Cove Property Owner's Assm Inc. 650.00
1307.HOA-2021 annual assessment to Queens Cove Propga Owner's Assoc,Inc. 700.00
1400.Total Settlement Charges (entry on lines 103,Section and 502,Section K) 5,363.Oq 12,182.4
Page 2 of 2 JA-Wynne
HUD-1 Settlement Statement Signature Page
I have carefully reviewed the HUD-1 Settlement Statement and to the best of my
knowledge and belief,it is a true and accurate statement of all receipts and disbursements
made on my account or by me in this transaction. I further certify that I have received a
copy of the HUD-1 Settlement Statement.
James Wynne Buyer la eline A Atmenirout Seller
Jamie Wynne Buyer
The HUD-1 Settlement Statement which I have prepared is a true and accurate account of this
transaction.I'have caused or will cause the funds to be disbursed in accordance with this statement.
Settlement Agent Date
WARNING: It is a crime to knowingly make false statements to the United States
on this or any other similar form. Penalties upon conviction can include a fine and
!, imprisonment.For details see: Title 18 U.S. Code Section 1001 and Section 1010.
File q: Loan 0: Mortgage Ins.Case#:
HUD-1 Settlement Statement Signature Page
I have carefully reviewed the HUD-1 Settlement Statement and to the best of my
knowledge and belied it is a true and accurate statement of all receipts and disbursements
made on my accoumt or by me in this transaction. I fiutber certify that I have received a'
copy of the HUD-1 SettIement Statement.
JnnuxJ' m Buyer Jacqueline 1 Anttentrout Seller
J iewyane Buyer
nue HUD-I Settlement: Statement which I have prepared. is a trite and. accurate account of this
transaction.I have caused or will cause the funds to be disbursed in accordance with this statement.
SenlementAaeat Date
WARNING It is a crime to knowingly make false statements to the United States
on this or any other similar form. Penalties upon conviction can include a fine and
imprisonment. For details see: Title 18 U.S. Code Section 1001 and Section 1010,
rile iE: Loan N Mortgage Ins.Case#l: