HomeMy WebLinkAboutMisc Letters Nettlos Island Inc. a C.ondomlnjum
.9801 South €icean Ddve,,leqsen Beach, FL 34957
(7i2)229 2930
FAX t772)229-9901
February 17,2017 APR 2 4 2017
Public Works
St. Lucie Cpunty, FL
Larry Moore
1254 Nettles Blvd.
Jensen Beach, FL 39957
Re: Lot 1254 Siding&Porch Decking Repairs
Dear Mr. Moore,
The.Architectural Committee has reviewed your request for siding and porch repairs.
Please be advised that the Association approves the siding repairs. We are in receipt of
your adjacent property notices and ask that you comply with all other rules and
regulations governing construction activity on Nettles Island.
With regard to the porch/deck repairs,you indicate that you are only replacing top
decking boards,however the Committee noted a structure in the 8'side setback and
would appreciate you submitting original plans and permits for this structure. In
addition,the Committee has requested an engineer's letter attesting to the structural
integrity of the rear deck prior to approving the request to replace the top decking. This
request is being made in accordance with the Amended and Restated Declaration of
Condominium for Nettles Island,Article 9. _
Janice McLaughlin or Howard Kickert,
Architectural Committee
Nettles Island Inc,d a condominium
9801 South Ocean Drive,Jensen Beach, FL,34957
ORt�� (772)229-2930
June 2, 2017
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Larry Moore
1254 Nettles Blvd..
Jensen Beach, F134957 -y
RE: Steps in the(8)eight foot setback
The Association approves of the minimum steps and(4)x(4)platform replacement in the
(8)eight foot setback as shown on the documents submitted with this request due to the
fact that the entrance to the unit has been there for many years prior.
There may not be any further encroachments in the(8) eight foot side setback.
Please adhere to all Nettles Island governing documents including,but not limited to the
Nettles Island Procedures Governing Contractor and building Activity on Nettles Island,
and if required provide us with a copy of the Permit before commencing.
Frank Fisher or Janice McLaughlin,
Architectural Committee Chair.
CC: Laura Jones, LCAM,File
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