HomeMy WebLinkAboutSubcontractor Agreement R.ECEWED•EEB 0 9 2017 ,I PERMIT# ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES , ; } Building Code Compliance Division - SUffiDING PERMIT SUB-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT t L'c.. 7f f t- T have agreed to be (Cgppany NamelIndividual Name) the L. tec-r,-,z / Sub-contractor for -i A A. Aee&e- (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at (Project Street Address or Properly Tax ID#) i It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned p;oject,the Building and Code Regulation Division of St.Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the f1ling of a Change of Sub-contractor notice. �I CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE(Qualifier) qWtOff RACTOR SIGNATURE(Qualifier) PRINTNAW PRIlU NAME COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida,County of State of Florida,County of_ •i2. Tb�e foregoing instrument was signed before me tbi7�A\day of The foregoing instrument was signed before me this l day of \ , 20A �1 \wio is personally!mown-Y_or has produced a ;>; , who is personally!mown f or has produced a asidentification. as identification. � STAMP of Notary Pu STAMP Signature of Notary Public Signature blic ii ILA d-tl�(0` T_ Cis c Print Name ofNotary Public Print Name ofNotaryPublic f r r j Notary Pub11c State a:Florida :,,1,117;:"••;,,IAURA R� C�US p(3E g Kern BudKa 'f 978 3 �,: • Commissi00 GG 022076 • My commtssklfl F ,� �• tres October2f 2020 Revised 11/162016 ��•�. Exp)tes 005I2020, ���„?a t?".��BondedTlwTroyFa►nfn6yranoeaUD38S70}9 RECEIVrD FEB 0 9 2017 • PERMIT# ISSUE DATE ^ PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT'SERVICES Y {` Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT 0` Men I onz LI.M n!I C.e S c. have agreed to be Oompany Name/Individual Name) the YY1 h ub-contractor for n e, ��2 Y 'D m 2 C,O.R 1a (Type of Trade) (Prim Contractor) For the project located at C��Qy� (Project Street Address or Property-Tax ID#) �I It is understood that if there is an Chang;of status re ardin our artici ation with the above mentioned Yg g p p -. project,the Building and Code Regulation Division of St.Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the II . fling of.a Change of Sub-contractor notice. I� i CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE(Qualifier) SUB-C CTOR SIGNATURE(Qualifier) Sinn e_ ]P 6ber4I Lu d l uRINT NAME M o lslsG 13 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida;County of 5-r-L.C_e - State of Florida,County of St.Lt,La The foregoing instrument was signed before me this \- day of The foregoing instrument was sign d b(,e�fo,,re me thl* of 20\1,bY O13e(j1 /1.uT�W_,. Who is personally known or has produced a who is personally known or has produced a as identification. as identification. STAMP *re STAMPignature of No Public Signotary Publi II o. C.. i Print Name of Notary Public Prijit Name of Notary Public Baud o<inY?" __-.. . .w-.�.k DdROTHYANNBASKIN ulo?,, S. MY COMMISSION#GG 030145 Q. ����®� �����ERTY u �f• YPry i :�,: EXPIRES:October 2,2020 +2Qa'•••arc, F ���•• Bonded Thru.Notary-PublicUMerwtiters :�. *' DIY COMMISSION#EE854297 r;+ ' ,� � Rev oF�f!o�, EXPIRES January 08,2017 (407)30&0153 FloridallotarySeruica.com __ II l RECEI'VED'.fEB 0 9 2017 • • PERMIT# ISSUE DATE ar PIANTIY"o A DX OPAI-ENT SEHVTCES jitih tag&'Cddii iCompr%anlce'DiVEgion BC {DYNG PER1VhTi' Comfort CS�.ntrol of St. 'Lucie County, Inc.. haveagxeed'ta'be (Comvm Namellndividtiai Naiae} ;the HVAC . Sub-contraetorfor Wynne be�elaDmrrnt 'Corp. (Type of TWO (Primary Coxattactor) — For the project located at . (Pmject Street Address or Property Tax ID 4) It is understood:that,if there is any change-of status:regarding our participation with the above mentioned. Iprojeot;the Buildift and Code Regalation Division of St.Lucie County will be advised pursuant.tothe. filing of a Chango of Sub-contrictor-notice. CON'y"CTOR SIGNA`i`M(Quamcr).- CO iGNATiJIiE(Qualifier) t•hew Ll.e Wynne erman PIN'!'NAME — PMTNpM COUNTY CERTIFICATION 1tN MP.1t COUNW CETtTWCATZQN NUMBER State ofp'kollea,Comy of Si, e E State of Fltirids:County of f3i: eti The foregoing instrudeut was siEued before me this*- da of +' The for of inst mment was ed before me this ' 'da f y + nE y o 1 )4 20�,by�e�AQ �1 Z.w:n ��_. 20L by a ,M2�'W1�(, who is personally.known_�Lor has pr0a,ced a - who is-penonally known✓r Las produced-a B idenlcation as identification. �.. [Ut7tdL' • STAlV»E'• t o STAW SI.V-Sture ofNQotary ..we Signature omot9ay e II t o:�eo-r ►:_Awsv ARSKta nn rintName of NotaryFablic print Name of NotaryPubtle is • •i,�:°;B�s, DOROTHYANN BASKIN. ��• �°= <�`°� •, DOROTHYANN SAS q f. •._. MY COMMISSION#GG 030145 „z4••"••,g .9 EXPIRES;October 2,.2020. MYCOMMISSION#GG030145' „0P''•Bonded Thiu Notary Publ'aUnde w tDm EXPIRES:October 2,2020 Bonded ThN Notary'Ptibric Urtderyyrjte(5. Revised 11/1G/ZQ16 ,,,r,,•,. L66-d MVZ699d VL9-i 999L8L8ZLL dA oo Gu l p j I nB auuhM -WNJ 9 V U 9 L I-60-Z L i RECEI`,"-D FEB 09 20`17 ' „ � �„ �IE�T,AN��i��D•�'�LUF�N�EiY��E��i�. - ��ni�di�� SUII.UIlCrPEiVIlT SUB6i�1�`S��T'QR.AGRE��VtEN i T:=easr�re o O Rolf i �Comparisy 1nellidirnsl>ual thy. $ a£1 ng Srtmtraetar:fQr .WY �► Dewelapmert Cqg,,> I ('E3+peofl',xac�e)� (Prima�zCQri�crorj . Fob a pFo3ec#tQated at:. .. CQQ �. ..... :... ..... i s urn erst od a;.:I then<i ;an c tarigg:o:€sta its Mega Qur pazt�cipa on wi i the abaVerin • .project;:tie Buxid» a> i.Coc e.:: ulaiori: t�isxori a fit:.Iuci County:will l :advsed. tust�aut to Vie: iP I . . f g of a:_ hair ge; f:S l -eQnttj-ou ritit e . I PBIIV3'T1jA1VlE, .... :PRYIVT;YAI►1E. .. M.IMITY CERTMCA TX©N l�ttilVlBE lt. . ... ... . .... CEtI7NTY�EI�)<kTe o�rt.U��si�x ��tatg aftFlgrida;,Coua yqf JT crC State:of?loriaa on>itv"o ` Lu G!C he fgregwng7pstrnrprAt.�vassigoed:tiefox�<mc:ttirs dsyof Tkee:fgrego�n iiistcuoieritiyas:s➢gne Irsforetiiettii5 .fif. w 17 1K![q. gers4eal[3 prpda eda,: :... :. wlio'ifi.persoi>ltykriuwit✓:br.lias prim acee>a;' §sideut+>licatg as-;ideutificatioh -MANT. tgre of lyfoa iPnblie Srgnatureof firutaky ubL's I�. ,,QQ :PrititlVSiiic ofNotmv:Piiblic Print `a i e'of�3bfariyF.ubtie itI, •o�rA;;;a�,,, DOROTHYANN BASKIN c+levisgd`7tJttsl2034> �•;;6�2�°tpo'���: •�•,,'�F,;•• ,,. OROANNBASKnN # 20I0ir THY 1GG3r i4te5MYCOMISSION#GG 030145 DCOMIONEXRIRES:OCtOber2,2020 MYMISS XPI ctREOobe02 ThNES: 0Bonded7huNotary ruoarylicU_ Bonde . Pub : rs;I ,i