HomeMy WebLinkAboutSubcontractor Agreement - RECE ., - 1� p -g 2017 PERMIT# — ISSUE DATE i i PLANNING& DEVELOPAMNT SMVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUHMING PERM'1T SUB-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT I l ec ��, t .� a have agreed to be (Co parry Natne/Individual Name) the le. ,z / Sub-contractor for »n -e ,)e e.• rcii ^ ew-'rccl�p (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor), For.the project located at (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID#) 1 It is understood that,if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project,the Building and Code Regulation Division of St.Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub-contractor notice. CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE(Qualifier) 4pWof4fRACTOR.SIGNAT (Qualifier) �J PRINT NAME PRINT NAME COUNTY CERTIFICATIONNUMBER COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida,County of u a� State of Florida,.County of A_Lxx v _ The foregoing instrument was signed before me tins day of The foregoing instrument was signed before me this 1k )ay of 2k,by 1�5AVJ�Q1S�CD who is personally Imownor has produced a ;>,. „,;• who is personally!mown_V_or has produced a as identification. as identification. I r ,eif�t.�t i STAMPSTAMP Signiature of Notary Public Signature of No�ryPbbl�ie ��� lwu Print Name of Notary Public Print Name of Notary Public i �cr r r Nolaly RU09 State of:Florida •" .. l A�IIZA R. Ub t3EDGE I{erti BudK�. '" < My.Commisa{ai1 f.978543 .:P?mm150104G3022076 Expires 0512`vF2020• �'%;odio�•'Expires October2l;202D. Revised 11/16/2016 ao: „„,,,�. B�ndedifwTroyFainlnspnmcet003B5�7019 i RECEIVr-:D FEB 0 9 7017 . • I' PERMIT# ISSUE DATE I w` PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division t r p ` BUILDING PERMIT SUB-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT a fV I Ge.S c. have agreed to be Rpany Name/Individual Name) the M h ub-contractor for W q nme_ hf Y 2 D m (Type of Trade) (PrimAry Contractor) For the project located at (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID#) It',is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project,the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the I. . filing of.a Change of Sub-contractor notice. I CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE(Qualifier) SUB- fier) r`f 1 e � W In r% PRINT obeME Lu d l u M O�SG S I bl�a� COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida,County of 9r. State of Florida,County of St-Lu C:t e, The foregoing instrument was signed before me this t day of The foregoing instrument was sign d before me this-1�day of G' 2kl,,by VO bf(4 LLT1 1 _ i wh'o is personally known or has produced a who is personally known or has produced a as identification. as identification. STAMP STAMP Signature of Not&Public Signature of Notary Publi Print Name of Notary Public Prifit Name of Notary Public o;Y?a• WROTHYANN B.ASKIN .�a�� u� � • ;>�;",•� :�r�.'�:' MY COMMISSION#.GG 030145 t_ =0.oA..ec, R@$ONDA LAFFERTY " F Y P( EXPIRES:October 2,2020 o (���• BondedThtu Notary Public Underwriters t :+? my COMMISSION#EE854297 r Rev `. o` ;N• EXPIRES January 08,2017 (407)3.2&0153 FloridallotaryServica.com I t0 'iuYlrcX: - -'v=�.r.=tie.,.• �RECEI`"D FEB 0 9'7" PERMIT* ISSUE DATE ! - .••:c°•_•�•, ` �U�I��L�� �`O(2��dnlpYIUQCO�1�5�Ori $1�DYi�TG:`PEItMiCI' � . sm-06iT rA ro AI 1 tv7c . Comfort Control -o'f St. Lucie -Caun-ty, Inc.. have agreed to'be '(Co1upanyNaine!lndividW—Nim6) ; Ihe- HVAC . Sub-coin otorfor Wynne bevejA meat (Type of Trade) Olft trey Coxwtt mr) For the project ideated atQ�- '(Project Street Addms or Property Tax M It is understood:that if there is any changeof status:regarding our participation-with the above mentioned. •project,the Building and Code Regulation Division of St.Lucie County twill be advised pursuant to the ling of-d Change'of Sub-co itractor-notice. IPA- -9 C N'>tUCTOR SIGNATU U(QLoiiSer). AV0-.00xTWM IGNATURE(Qu81�er) -M:aathela Lyle Wynne B.a:r 'erman PRINT NAME 1sRi1VT IVAM 828.8 COUNTY CERTIETCATION NC111 E COYJNI`4�CERTYFWATION NUMBER Ste afl�torida,Coamty of S i e E .�(� State of Florida;County of sT ui The foregoing instrument vmv skned before me t'1�, day of The foregoing instrument was s1�nCd before me tLia� day of 2a�by��Q���—�--`��•21.ti�.w.n�,.S� ^� .:�•'_�,aa`�by'�J�• � �ty.•Pt�MQ(1 . .Wno is personally.known✓r has produced a who lvpersouft known_!:LGr has produced g as fdenfrficaliom as identification, STAIVP � • STAW ego"stneeofl�fotary lic - Signature of Notary e print Nanie ofNdtary Public Print Name of Notaey PubHc i •<�W"MIR-11., DOROTHYANN BASKIN , �•. DOROTHYANN BASKIN i R MY COMMISSION#GG 030145 `;� ror. c= MY COMMISSION#GG 030i45 EXPIRES;October 2 $020, nit: '* Bonded Thin NotaryPub(IcUnderwriters =-, P EXPIRES:October$2020 F.. ;:'•+'� 8ended Thti Nota,.P�bfic tl Revised]1/16/1U16 ry me+�mters L66-d MWZ000d t0-i 999L8L8ZLL da o0 sta I p I I n8 auuA -W08A g L:Z L 9 L c6o-z I, RECE11,"D FEB 0 9 Z017 I PERMIT# TSI J ;QA : I It uxlc i> g 8 o. a lop-Waft 13IVIS1011 SUB=GU1'�Tii��Z'�?R AGRE��,VIEN I fompany:lameliitdjvidualTte): t��::, :It�'o�fa:.�rig: . .. Sitzb=�aDittit�.ettr°:for CiTyrtn;� ,'D�.w:e��n$:�e'r;t •�:�•'r:g; ; i (Type of�sarte) (PcaaX3'�oz3tgrQr), (Pmj*.'d, .et:Addtes ar'PFfl a Tax II). t:s;w ;ers.ba: a# t:'er `.i a ty>c gg::o sta usArogar, iNA6 the Above::Fn titi i c} pe t#�e Budd ;andocegulaQ Dvia�tri St. a.i County:wx'iie ayse .�lurau i"g of a.-Ch g of ntF r,n tine . L _ Ul3sllAC� 1t;ST1A't`F1RE:� uaii 1 fi S[JB- lathw L.yl:e. yxn�: . . . . BrZan Ia: .ae PitYN!r1A34YE OtIN1"Y CERT?IIzICA I'KQP�T NiIl41$FF,)!i` 0JDXTN[�'' R CrXTIOAf At.UAZBRR iatg;aEFlorttla;.4ounYRs_?� Gr State:ofiloi3tl ; ouriEy:'o GrC Tl�eforegdagtin5t W.At.was'.igned:lelPor�ate36is l':"':dayaF.' T:ke:fdre�oig�.iri�tiapieritwas:sig7►eilbeforeiue#tii5���.bf n p'CIO;ISji�[5048UyIliOWA...L/'Q!'`bAS: FAS�AC�:i1.,: ". WIIO'13:�'eTSQ>�•Ujr'1tpiUtit+Di:_,U17185` rQdU¢�d'E`. T�s;deaiti�ca,,toa., as;�eutjcatiotrs gp.�itdre,,o: Pfota Public 5igriatu'eo>fiiotaty' atilis: .:Priut`N�rt[eofNOterv:Pai6&e Priut�iariteaflatary:iau"b3iS' . I I aiRX?;%e DOROTHYANN BASKIN 8R. . MY COMMISSION#GG 030145 `o"R�`:a,<•, DOROTHYANN BASKIN sac EXPIRES:October2,2020 '* MYCOMMISSION#GG 030145 1Zevised'•X'IY.1 ft2b16 of �•'�Bon ,Tbr i Notary-Puhlic q0!W Mess = r, �;o;: EXPIRES:October 2,2020 :. •,;o;.��,.•: Bonded Ttiru NotaryFublic:Underwrilers I I I