HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding PermitAll APP OLE IN MUST BE COMPLETED FOR APPLICATION TO 8 E ACCE PTED Date:7�Pe-, n'- %J � rr bEr: Building Permit Application P�2rinvng and Devakorrg-j�t Serykes i0tr9dTng aWCad�- R�WjatZn OFvjsran CommerdaI Ri�sid-er;tial 2300 Vorgrr6a.4Vefl re; VFW FI 34992 Phone: ( ) 462-155a Fax: M2) .462-1575 PERM IT APPLICATION FOR: PROPOSED 1MPROVEMENT LOCATI0N' Addrew 2903 Anderson Dr, Fort Pierce, FL. PraPerxyTax 3D -9; 1 432-807-005-000-0 Site plan N:aFne= ProjUt Name: DETAILED DESCRIPTI0N OF W 0 R K_- AC Ch ange out z Tors Trane Split System With 10 KW - - -- N eve Elecjrka� Mt't _ Se€ ind El(!ctrica I Meter I CONSTRUCTI ON I NFOR MAT] 0N: Lot No, Block rda_ Addition@@ wcirk to be pErFormecii-underthis permit —deck all #F at appjy_ mechanical has Tank _ Gas Pipilig _ Sh u k kern _irrdrawf Dooms Pnd —Electric — Plumbing . _ 15prirrklers TQtaI Sq. Ft of Canstrurtion: Cost of Con5troc[io i7; $ _00 ONEMESSEE: Na rr1C Anders-_r Fa-ni'� Trus, Address: 997 5 Temple Dr_ C-itw: _Lik_ W�les, FL Zip Cade- 33898 F7i sc - State= _Generator Roof Pitch Sq. Ft. of First Floor: Utilities: _ SewP r —Septic phone No,-140 C-M.il: jh9henWAtt. riot Fail in tee sintiple Yrtiz� +iokder an next page (if -c rf erwa frore the Owrte r rrsteif above j B iii�i n.g H sight' CO NTRACTGR _... -- Na m e, Condane Flcgle Crornpa ny: Zero Degrees Cooling And Heating Address_ 195� S oi.th Macedo Cit.: Port fit. Lucie state: F Zip Code: 34984 Fax' _ Phone No 51�j7-71125 e 32147&-I4E12 E-M,aij oDegreeg(. Iirk�AndHeatir)g4GMail, o.m Mate or County License �'�%_ 0 S j rF VmJr,e &F vxistructLQrk h 25DO flr mere, a FCEWRDED Natke of Commencem nt is requ fired. d value Of HAVC is P,5W 4ar mare, @ RECORDED Notice of Co mmencement it ruq u ired, SUPPLEM ENTAL CONSTRUCTION LIEN LAW INFORMAT] 0N- f Noz Appka ble I MORTGAGE COMPANY: Name: Address- atyF State= _ Zip: Phone FEE SIP Pl,E TITLE HOLDER-. _ Ncrt Applivable Name.- Address, - city - . Zip: Phone; Ncrt App I ica ble Name: I Address Ci#+; State Zip: Phene, BONDING COMPANY, Not Applicable Name: Addfess- City: Zip; Phwe-_. . OWNER/ CONTFLACMP. AFFIDVrT: Application Is hereby made t-D obtain a permit to do the w and inst-alla6orw as indicated I cerUfg #hat rry wwk or ins=l Iadan Ions commenced prior to the Jss"op of a permit. St. Lucie Cour�t�' makes rio rupmserrmtion tfratis granting p- rMit wall authorize the mit rhcdder to bu�ld wNect mtwture which is in co�Elict with pny applicable Hoare Ownerz ,;.,r1 rules, bylaws or and mvenanM #hit may restrict or prohibit such miucture. Please consult wth your Hoene Owners AssW0*1 and rcwiaw Vow deed for arry restrkAlon!� wNch rri",apply, do consideration of the wanting of t1''I& Kequested permit I da hereby agree k1ok I will, in ail res�em, perfarm thim work in accordance with t�e ap•prmd plans} the Florida BRdfd ng Codes and St Lucie.County AmendmenU- The fol6D irrp, building permit appikations are exanlatimm undeWning a ilfiuIf ooricurrencg review--- ream add�ions, accessory struMm:;, Swimming ponds, fens-e r w,3If4 signs screen moms and aceessOTY uses to OnotherFIMI.residlential use WARN ING TO CMNER; Your C�Rure to Ramml a Aladoe of Commencement ram{ re$ult Tn paying twke fair imp ravernents to your property- A t+ ufte of Commencement must be recorded in the public records of St - Lucie Count} and posted on the jobsite before the ffrSk irlspecVun. If you intand to Obtain financing, consutt with Ien&r or an attorney before cornmenc;ing work or recording u r Notice of Commenwrn-ant. f —..� - - - - Signat�jre of Owner/ Lessee{Contractor as Akentt for Own-er Signature of ConWactwjLiomse Holder STATE OF FLOSIa ti STATE OF FLMDA COUNTY OF , � COUNTY OF 'Wan Ea for affirmed} and subscribed before me oJi Cal R nce or Online Notarization .hir of bw —62,rof? le Name of person maxi ng statement. SersorLally Known f)R Produced Identifrcation Type gFF-deotlfi(abort Paodviced (ig 4f ic- State or Floclda ] Commission 14a + „ram or Flbridar i �reyrnao Ca irk Prn to for affirrned� and subsoil $d byre me (fi Physical Presence or Online Nutarfzati n this day ,)f 2 by Name lot 012rscn making sta'tf�meet laetsoryalty Known OR Produced Identflcatlon Type of Jdentlawim ofgokfry Publ;tf-5taoe of Florida � No. w,"5.q-4 swm of Fhmmi -reSpry Freern3r. REVIEVVS FRONT 0 2ON kNG 5U aER N5OR 1 PLANS VEG ETA11 O N COLIN'MR REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIE N �EVIRFVIEW DATE — I Certificate of Product Ratings A�-RI U89ired P0ference N u m W r -2DI529922 ❑atg=01-29-20R1 Model &ffws : ,diva AHRI Vypz� • RW-A-Ca (Z�IitSYswn: Air-Cudea Canderrsing kMik Coll x&h 9lQr) 009*w Unit Brand Name: RLAFJTRIJI OulrJugr knit Mod-W Nbmber J03rrden!sft or Single F'acksqtj • AA AGwI I Ir'JOx Uri iI. k7der Mrnher T.wikporat3r 8lldlor Air Handw) : AAA"4EWA103 Hegil3b : All (AK, AL, AK. CA, C(), U 1 _ ❑ . DC, FL- GA, HI, 10, IL, kk IN, F-S, KY, LA. MA, MD. ME, Mr, MN, kjo. � MT. NC, KID. NE, W W. NM, W NY, Ca OK. OR PAS, Fit, SC, SD, rN, TJ_ UT, VA, VT. yvA, wv. W. Wvr U.S. Tw6wrwaf Revon Nole : f.}9rt W air WnOft!-W!r Yr►anidaCtUr d pribr to January 1, 2015 am erlir to be inaa lod Rn all regiforix until June 80. 2G19. @e+yinnmy July 1. 20113 rix*al air coxIibcwmra oan only M irwakd Irk •regWs) For KhGIF they meet Ve rCgUnEd eI'neiern:yr reguirwert. T•16 n21ur3CIijm,r of ihte HUNTRU pit ra r l esU9 for the rarm!3 pf 6is system cdmWRfim. RBkd as fellows in aorn•'dRic33 Wth lbe i�! t 1#drUC41 of J2 G 1 21 W240 wth f 17cnz ujm 1. F'iefi)rnaroe Hiahng 01 linhary ArT-Uoq 7ilifziirxj $ AR-Sburra H4W Primp Eq��npnt Rqd 6uLSed In rWing &=Urary trl' AHF?I-8Pcn&:xc!d. i-ependeri1, Ih."d Rwtl tes8riy. GcuIW Ca ityc {AM - Nrgz! 4r High N5!). tv.ui : 5`cGW 5FER = 14.130 FFR C44 - Sangle or High 2 (959 - 11.70 5�k ' w04?i Status are * NW IF& an 8!-IHI DHftrlivn PP09rarn PFrtk0 Pant rs unrgnrtp Prw uGru Am ayIm or oFfenm wsaw on nee 918 rl-W abLhm rr�+�+E+'ad t*yd era rrt yai IMir� pr�.y,K„}1•ri,.a.-�:—. }•r��� ri-�,a t�r�rr� aro rtti+.t• � u� ��.rttini C�rtl7rarFx� � i ae7iq Qrrgfiji� fu sale P''rP' 'atk.irrt fx ro �r der �rt•��orrg 91 n bill Hahn a n nr• OWLAiNER .41AI does nor 6r5darse tFrc ?r�a.�C{;t) Peted on ihlR Cj ri ficate and MP140* no represcrnaLkccL wmmrrnos or gu Orwg&m as hq ar.� �abunxs rroL7� ior_ he pF*du0Lai } lisacd 5n 0ia CeIV$: c. pJ- M 61arssMy d'rcJ3inr} III ksba('ror dwA" vt WU kind a"ng out ¢r the use or r+rrr+4r*rranr�e of prt el. aY r_ ,rr cun` noK ar"milsn 0� ailxr iisted on rhlR C0eIIfiGatc. ULRM d taro fs are 5vIk7 onfX h1r nx+drFs arrJ mnryguraliorrc meted in the oiN6 ry at %vww oC: dl-eaton.rtirr• TERMS ANG WNDITIGM5 The Ocrr , and Its Dxdeitm g„1 pr'apdcrarr pFrdUCIN OtAVRL This -7or fificute shall only W FqW bar inWidual, pgrs �d Am c OW&n6al referenM �urpceas Tht• LL[mn l0 of 47Q Gk•�nnnmo � net fn whale nr iri Part. be rcpAWLk*]i Willed; dlsscrr:r�7¢d Icdwed orta a corrON��atahasa: or 0Wm"ise ur�d. _,i zq Fc 7 or rnamx•r a bj Ar y maarks, c mil[ jar" users i aWLl@I. f3rttaonal and oenrld"ial r?ltr�lcL AIR n�nON�#4. CERTIFICATE YriRjF!IC4T10H i REPRIBM71424 DOFfnlM The krrar+nrahan ror the model GxM an this ccrara*W can be •renAed pI wwa.-. h r I c Irriy•0rie ziIck an 'ft�rp CefuPicaIo' I I n k and 9r4er the AM Canif, ed Rrfererroc Nun'b7r and the• done 01• whKP# he mar _n hip10 vm ne:uM. wL.r,P Rio ¢evpr- whic#n Irr Ild�ed ntwHyh end the CEdIlltri� Nay, wt rch Is IIS- W Hr WkOrr. rlrhL — 21 Air lldibnning He&tlrg, amd Refflgvration I nstitutr, CERWICATE NO.. 13258-M-14�017037,.