HomeMy WebLinkAboutLetter; Proposed New Angle Boat Lift & Dock LotVENTURE OUT AT INDIAN RIVER, INC. C, 10701 S. OCEAN DRIVES " JENSEN BEACH., FL. 34957 PHONE 772-229-2333 FAX: 772-229-5859 October 23, 2008 From: Indian River Board of Directors To: Adamo N. Pipitone 411 East Lavender Rd. Wildwood Crest, NJ. 08260 Re: Proposed new angle boat lift and dock Lot #831 Dear Mr. Pipitone; The proposed new angle boat lift and dock that was submitted by Linda Petz to Venture Out at Indian River Board of Directors on Oct.15, 2008 ( enclosed please find drawing ) was reviewed at a special meeting of the Board of Directors on Oct.23, 2008, a vote was taken by the Board of Directors and was unanimously rejected by all, because it did not meet Venture Out at Indian Rivers, Rules and Regulation, Article XVI, section 3, sub section 5, Canal Rule C2, Elevator Boat Lift ( Rule enclosed ). However the Board of Directors did agree that if you wanted to reinstall the boat lift back to its original configuration, after your new seawall is completed, the Board had no objections. Enclosed, please find the original boat lift drawings dated 7-20-2000 and approved by the Dept. of Environmental Protection, File # 56-0173736-001 St. Lucie County and St. Lucie County Growth Management Division Permit # 20080739 issued 10-16-2000, parcel # 4511-510-0032- 000/0 job description install boat lift w/ electric. Sincerely, VENTURE OUT AT INDIAN RIVER INC. BOARD OF DIRECTORS cc: Linda Petz DEP St. Lucie County St. Lucie Code Enforcement Wilco Construction File . ...... .... L-z4-2&su -La:J ii ol!'I"dollofrim Eidmsflng WiNlic"o) I-P pozed So IRI r' VENTURE OUT AT INDIAN RIVER, INC. Rules and Regulations Change to, Article XVI, Section 3, Passed March 179,2008 Section 5. CANAL RULES C. Amend as follows: 1. Cantilever hoists are permitted providing that the vertical support rails are at least five feet ( 5'-0") from the property sidelines. 2. Elevator boat lifts are permitted providing that: a. Elevator boat lifts are allowed on an angle as per drawing titled, Indian River Angle Boat Lift, Dated 2-22-08. b. Boat lift piling ("A") to be set no more than 3'-0" from the seawall. c. Boat lift piling ("B and C") to be set no less than 3'-0" from the side property One. d. Access to the lift with a ramp no wider then 3'-0" attached to pilings ("A and D") will be permitted from the. seawall to piling ("D") and no farther into the canal. e. No other structure, patio, ramp, etc., shall be built on, or beside the boat lift. £ No more than a measured total length of 28'-0" boat or water craft will be permitted per lot. g. Wheelchair ramp will be permitted to the boat lift per handicap permit specification and filed with the state, a copy of this permit must be attached to our 101 form. h. Special exception for a boat lift setting will be reviewed by the Indian River Board for a hardship condition on a lot by lot basis. i Elevator boat lift drawings shall be submitted to the Indian River Building committee, along with a 101 form for approval, before it goes to permitting j. All existing boat lifts can remain in place until there is a conflict with an adjacent boat lift; then the angle lift shall take precedent. k. All other permits with the Federal, State, and County must be approved before any work can be started. <v RivER ANGLE .�op."T �.( Fr..... 17ATE;.. �E_Be.22�?t�D$ M Flo zi 0 im SCALE kLr—/=0" _ ,r'ROM TROPIC MARINE CNSTRLCTION FAX NO. = 5616921061 Aug. 22 2008 10:04RM 138 jeb Bush Governor AUG 17 2000 Adamo Pipitone 6 Silverbroolc Drive Rridgaon, NJ 08302 Dear Mr. Pipitone: Department of Environmental Protection Pod St. Lucie Basch Office 1801 SE iii7lmom Drive Suite C-204 Port St. Lucie, FL 34952 (361)398-2806 David B. Struhs Secrerary File Number: 56-017373&001 St. Lucie County On August 11, 2000, we received your application for an exemption to perform the following activities: install a boaditt adjacent to the existing seawall in a basin adjacent to the Jensen Beacb to Jupiter Inlet Aquatic Preserve (O.F.W.), Class II waters of the state, located at Lot 831,10701 S. Ocean Drive (Section 11, Township 37 South, Range 41 East), Jansen Beach, St. Lucie County. Your application has been reviewed to determine whether it qualifies for any of three kinds of authorization that may be necessary for works in watlancls or watm of the United Stakm The kind of authorization are (1) txlulatory authorization, (2) proprietary authorization (rrlated to stastc-owned submerged lands), and (3) federal autlia-ization. The authority for review and the outcomes of the reviews are listed below. Please read each section carefully_ Your project may not have qualified for all three forms of authorization. If your project did not qualify for one or more of the authorizations, =far to the specific section doling with that authoAzation for advice on how to obtain it. 1. Regulatory Review - EXEMPTION VERIFIED The Department has the authority to review your project ender Pan IV of Chapter 373, Tioridt Statutes (F.S), Title 62, Tlorida Administrative Code (F-A-C.). and in accordance with operating zVocru mts excuutcd between the Department and the water managcmcnt districts, as referenced in Chapter 62-113. F.A.C. Based on the infom at ion'you submitted, we have determined that your project is exempt from the need to obtain a DEP Environmental Itmource Permit under Rule 4OE4.051(3)(b), (F.A.+C.). 2. Proprietary Review (related to state-owned lanais) -- GRANTED The Department acts as staff to ft Hoard of Trushm of the Intoraal Improvement Ttust Fund (B.4 T.) and issues certain authorizations for the use ofsovereign submerged lands. The.DapartmenthtEs the authority to review your project under Chnptcrs 253 and 259, F.S., Chapters 18-20 and 18.21, FAC., and Section 62 3r43.075, F.A.C. Your project may occur on.sovereign submerged land and may rrtquire authorization from the Hoard of Trustees to use public property. As staff to the Board of Trustees, we have reviewed tho proposed project and have determined that, as long as it is locmtcd within the described boundaries and is, consistent with the attached general consptt conditions, the project qualifies for consent to use sovereign submerged lauds. Thorcforo, pursuant to Chapter 253.77, Florida Statutes, you may oonsider this letter as authorization from the Board of liusteas for the upland riparian owner to perform the project. "More Protection, Lets Psrooeas" MaaW cn ..Ud d PoPK .FROM : TROPIC MRRiN6 CONSTRUCTION_ FAX NO. : 5616921061 Aug. 22 2000 10:04AM PS 8A51r! 1 �-- t2' —YI LIFT Af- 1 iZ e.:x•57jf4G Conk II �� WALL i r� i 1 g 3 f Gc�r , I 1 i ougl ys" 1-1 nr' Co I 130 NE Dixie Highway Drawn Br Stuart, FL 34994 Chwkc t A AU 0 PIPITQNE 10701 S. O=n hive, #831 Ventem Out at Indian River lac, l at #831 Unto' ZO- Op 4 t`ilc lcascn Bcacdf,VL 34957