HomeMy WebLinkAboutFDEP Exemption ModificationCharlie Crist Florida Department of Covemor Environmental Protection Jeff KoW a1hp Port St. Lucie Branch Office Lt. Governor 18M SE Hillmoor-Drive, Suite C-204 Pnrt gaint T vrie. FL U0 52 Michael W. SoIe Jack Long, Director (772) 398-2806 Secrecy Southeast 5 APR398-2 (772 District Office FAX #)81Q �� . �._ _ - FILE --- Adam Pipitone 10701 S. Ocean Drive #831 Jensen Beach, FL 34957- Re: File Name: Pipitone, Adamo File No.: 56-0173736-006 Modification of File No.: 56-0173736-003/004/005 Dear Mr. Pipitone: - This office has completed the review of your request to modify the refetenced file number 56-0173736- 003/004/005. The project description is hereby modified to read as follows. Please note that additions are under ined and deletions are slielam: On March 20, 2009 your application was complete, for an exemption to perform the following activities: (1) replace a 35 linear foot seawall within 1-foot waterward of the existing seawall (measured wetface to wetface), (2) install a maximum of 4 batter piles and 5 king piles to support the new seawall structure, (3) construct a 450 L7 square foot dock adjacent to the existing seawall, and (4) relocate an existing boatlit3 as shown in the attached drawings. The project is located in a canal off the Indian River, Class II Waters of the State, adjacent to 10701 S. Ocean Drive (Lot 831), (Section 11, Township 37 South, Range 41 East), Jensen Beach, St. Lucie County, (Latitude 27° 16 17.26"N, Longitude 80° IT 28.16" W). Your modified project still exempt from the need for an environmental resource permit pursuant to Rule 4013- 4.051(3)(c), Florida Administrative Code, Chapter 373.406, and Chapter 403.813, Florida Statutes. The proposed modification is not expected to result in any additional or significant water quality/biological resource degradation. All conditions and other authorizations included in the original authorization, dated October 21, 2008; still apply to your project. By copy of this letter and the attached drawing, we are notifying all necessary -parties of the - modifications. This letter and accompanying drawing must be attached to the original authorization. This letter does not relieve you from the responsibility of obtaining any local or federal permits which may be required for the project. NOTICE OF RIGHTS OF SUBSTANTIALLY AFFECTED PERSONS This letter acknowledges that the proposed activity is exempt from ERP.permitting requirements under Rule 40E- 4.051(3Xc), F.A.C. This determination is final and effective on the date filed with the Clerk of the Department unless a sufficient petition for an administrative hearing is timely filed undersections 120.569 and 120.57 of the Florida Statutes as provided below. If a sufficient petition for an administrative hewing is timely filed, this _ ._ ............. . determination automatically becomes only Proposed agency action sub9ect to"tlie`iesulf oftlie aiimimstve ievuw process. Therefore, on the filing of a timely and sufficient petition, this action will not be final and effective until Rather order of the Department. The procedures for petitioning for a hearing are set forth in the attached notice. This determination is based on the information you provided the Department and the statutes and rules in effect when the application was submitted and is effective only for the specific activities proposed. This determination shall automatically expire if site conditions materially change or the governing statutes or rules are amended. In "More Protection, Less Process" www. dep. state. 1. us File No.: 56-0173736.006 File Name: Pipitone, Adamo Page 2 addition, any substantial modifications in your plans should be submitted to the Department for review, as changes may result in a permit being required. In any event, this determination shall expire after one year from the original authorization. Be advised that your neighbors and other parties who may be substantially affected by the proposed activities allowed under this determination of exemption have a right to request an administative hearing on the Department's decision that the proposed activities qualify fot this exemption. Because the aprocess hearing s is designed to re-detenmine final agency action on the application, the tiling of a petition for an aftit istrative hearing may result in a final determination that the proposed activities are not authorized under the exemption established under Rule 40E4.051(3)(c), F.A.C. The Department will not publish notice of this determination. Publication of this notice by you is optional and is not required for you to. proceed. However, in the event that an administrative hearing is held and the Department's determination is reversed, proceeding with the proposed activities before the tirrte period for requesting an administrative hearing has expired would mean that the activities were conducted without the required permit... ifyou wish to limit the time within which all substantially affected persons may request an administrative hearing, you may elect to publish, at your own expense, written notice in the legal advertisement section of a newspaper of general circulation in the county where the activities are to take place. A single publication. will suffice. If you wish to limit the time within which any specific person(s) may request an administrative hearing, you may provide such person(s), by certified mail a copy of this determination. For the purposes of publication, a newspaper of general circulation means a newspaper meeting the requirements of sections 50.011 and 50.031 of the Florida Statutes. In the event you do publish this notice, within savers days of publication, you must provide to the following address proof of publication issued by the newspaper as provided in section 50.051 of the Florida Statutes. If you provide direct written notice to any person as noted above, you must provide to the following address a copy of the direct written notice. Florida Department ofEnvironmental Protection Southeast District Submerged Lands & Environmental Resources Program ISO SE I illmoor Drive, Suite C 204 Port Saint Lucie, FL 34952 If you have any questions, please contact Isaiah Mosley at 863/462-5891 or at lsaiah.Mosley@dep..stateAus. When referring to your project, please use the FDEP file name and number listed above. Sincerely, Mary . Mufty Environmental Administrator Florida Department of Environmental Protection G,�� �t,D Brr4ch Office - Enclosures cc: USACOE Pahn Beach Gardens, Krista Cooper, KrisWD.Cooper@usac Larmy mil h� Jack Long, Director Southeast District Office' OCT 21 2008 Adamo Pipitone 10701 S. Ocean Drive #831 Jensen Beacb, FL 34957 Florida Department of Charlie Crist Governor Environmental Protection Jeff Kottkamp Lt. Governor Port Saint Lucie Office 1801 SE Hillmoor Drive Suite C204 Michael W. Sole Port Saint Lucie, FL 34952 Secretary (772) 398-2806 FAX #(772)398-2815 Re: File No.: 56-0173736-003/004/005 File Name: Pipitone, Adamo Dear W. Pipitone: On September 26, 2008, we received your application for an exemp n to perform the following activities: (1) replace a 35 linear foot seawall within 1-foot waterward of the existing s all (measured wetface to wetface), (2) install a maximum of 4 batter piles and 5 king piles to support the new eawall structure, (3) construct a 150 square foot dock adjacent to an existing seawall, and (4) relocate an existing tuft as shown on the attached drawings. The project is located in a canal off the Indian River, Class 11 Waters of a State, adjacent to 107M S. Ocean Drive (Lot 831), (Section 11, Township 37 South, Range 41 /Ea5n Bea Lucie County, (Latitude 27° 1& 17.26°N, longitude 80° 12' 28.16" W). Your application has been reviewa whether it qualifies for any of three kinds of au(1) ryatY be necessary for work in wetlandf the United States. The kinds of authorizationare retoauthorization, (2) proprietary autrelated to state-owned submerged lands), and (3) federal authorization. The authority for reviewand the the reviews are listed belowPlease read each section carefully. Your project Wray not have qualified forms of authorization If your project did not quality for one or more of the authorizations, refer to the sp dealing with that authorization for advice on how to obtain iL 1. Regulatory Review. - The Department has rail ed the submitted information and has determined that the project is not expected to cause the release of pollutants ' sufficient quantity, quality, content, or character with respect to the circumstances surrounding the loca ' n, use, and operation of the project, as to contribute to pollution in contravention of the provisions of Chap rs 373 and 403, Florida Statutes (F.S.), or Title 62, Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C). Therefore, solely upon the documents submitted to the Department, the projects to install batter piles and king piles to su port a seawall and relocate a boadift have been determined to quality as an activity that is exempt from the need for an environmental resource permit pursuant to Chapter 373.406(6), F.S. Based an the information you submitted, we have determined that your project to replace a seawall are exempt from the need to obtain a DEP Environmental Resource Permit under Rule 40E-4.051(3)(c), and Rule 4054 051(4)(b), F.A.C. This determination is applicable only pursuant to the statutes and rules in effect at the time the information was submitted. This determination may not be valid in the event subsequent changes occur in the applicable statutes and rules of the Department. Pursuant to Rule 62-30Z F.A.C., activities that qualify for this exemption must be constructed and operated using appropriate best management practices and in a manner, that does not cause water quality violations. ,,More Protection, Less -Process" www. dep.stote Jl. us File No.: 56-0173736-003/004/005 File Name: Pipitone, Adamo Page 2 The determination that your project qualifies as an exempt activity pursuant to Chapter 373.406(6), F.S., may be revoked if the installation is substantially modified, or if the basis for the exemption is determined to be materially incorrect, or if the installation results in water quality violations. Any changes made in the construction plans or location ofthe project.may necessitate a permit or certification from the Department. Therefore, you are advised to contact the Department before beginning the project and before beginning any work in waters or wetlands that is not specifically described in your submittal. 2. Proprietary Review (related to state-owned lands). — NOT REQUIRED The Department acts as staff to the Board of Trustees of the Intemal'Improvement Trust Fund (Board of Trustees) and issues certain authorizations for the use of sovereign submerged lands. The Department has the authority to review your project under Chapters 253 and 258, F.S., Chapters 18-20 and 18-21, F.A.C., and Section 62-343.075, F.A.C. Your project will not occur on sovereign submerged land. Therefore, pursuant to Chapter 253.77, F.S., authorization from the Board of Trustees is not required. 3. Federal Review (State Programmatic General Permit). — GRANTED Federal authorization for the proposed project is reviewed by DEP pursuant to an agreement between the Department and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps). The agreement is outlined in a document titled Coordination Agreement Between the U.S Army Corps of Engineers and the Florida Department of Environmental Protection State Programmatic General Permit, Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbor Act of 1899 and Section 404 of the Clean Eater Act. Your project has been reviewed for compliance with a State Programmatic General Permit (SPGP). As shown on the attached drawings, the proposed project is consistent with the SPGP program. The attached Corps general conditions apply to your project. No further permitting for this activity is required by the Corps. The determinations in this letter are based solely on the information provided to the Department and on the statutes and rules in effect when the application was submitted. The determinations are effective only for the specific activity proposed. These determinations shall automatically expire if site conditions materially change or if the governing statutes or rules are amended. In addition, any substantial modifications in your plans should be submitted to the Department for review, as changes may result in a permit being required. In any event, this determination shall expire after one year. This letter does not relieve you from the responsibility of obtaining other permits (federal, state, or local) that may be required for the project NOTICE OF RIGHTS OF SUBSTANTIALLY AFFECTED PERSONS This letter acknowledges that the proposed activity is exempt from ERP permitting requirements under Chapter 373.406 (6), F.S., and Rule 40E-4.051 (3xc), and Rule 40S-4.051 (4)(b), F.A.C. This determination is final and effective on the date filed with the _Clerk of the Department unless a sufficient petition for an administrative hearing is timely filed under sections 120.569 and 120.57 of the Florida Statutes as provided below. If a sufficient petition for an administrative hearing is timely filed, this determination automatically becomes only propbsed�agency action subject to the result of the administrative review process. Therefore, on the filing of a timely and sufficient petition, this action will not be final and effective until further order of the Department The procedures for petitioning for a hearing are set forth in the attached notice. This determination is based on the information you provided the Department and the statutes and rules in effect when the application was submitted and is effective only, for the speck activity proposed. This determination shall automatically expire if site conditions materially change or the governing statutes or rules are amended. In addition, File No.: 56-0173736-003/004/005 File Name: Pipitone, Adamo Page 3 any substantial modifications in your plans should be submitted to the Department for review, as changes may result in a permit being required In any event, this determination shall expire after one year. Be advised that your neighbors and other parties who maybe substantially affected by the proposed activity allowed under this determination of exemption have a right to request an administrative hearing on the Department's decision that the proposed activity qualifies for this exemption. Because the administrative hearing process is designed to redetermine final agency action on the application, the filing of a petition for'an administrative hearing may result in a final determination that the proposed activity is not authorized under the exemption established under Chapter 373.406 (6), F.S., and Rule 40BA.051(3)(c), and Rule 40E4.051 (4)(b), F.A.C. The Department will not publish notice of this determination. Publication of this notice by you is optional and is not required for you to proceed. However, in the event that an administrative hearing is held and the Department's determination is reversed, proceeding with the proposed activity before the time period for requesting an administrative hearing has expired would mean that the activity was conducted without the required permit. If you wish to limit the time within which all substantially affected persons may request an administrative hearing, you may elect to publish, at your own expense, the enclosed notice (Attachment A) in the legal advertisement section of a newspaper of general circulation in the county where the activity is to take place. A single publication will suffice. If you wish to limit the time within which any specific person(s) may request an administrative hearing, you may provide such person(s), by certified mail, a copy of this determination, including Attachment A. For the purposes of publication, a newspaper of general circulation means a newspaper meeting the requirements of sections 50.011 and 50.031 of the Florida Statutes. In the event you do publish this notice, within seven days of publication, you must provide to the following address proof of publication issued by the newspaper as provided in section 50.051 of the Florida Statutes. If you provide direct written notice to any person as noted above, you must provide to the following address a copy of the direct written notice. Florida Department of Environmental Protection Southeast District Branch Office 1801 SE Hillmoor Drive, Suite C 204 Port St. Lucie, FL 34952 if you have any questions, please contact Isaiah Mosley at 863/532-1083 or at Isaiah.Mosley@dep.state.fl.us. When referring to your project, please use the FDEP file name and number listed above. Sincerely, 16 10<J o M C. by Date Env 1 A istrat Flori ent of En ' ental Protection Southeast District Branch Office MCM/EMS/inm Enclosures cc: USACOE - Palm Beach Gardens, Samantha L Rice@usace.army.mil [without enclosures] Linda Pete, Environmental Consulting, LLC (agent) linent n@yahoo.com [without enclosures] File No.: 56-0173736-0031004/005 File Name: Pipitone, Adamo Page 4 FILING AND ACKNOWLEDGMENT FILED, on this date, pursuant to 120.52(9), Florida Statutes, with the designated Department Clerk, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged. Clerk Date Address 10701 *S Ocean Dr qgcoogtegaps on your phone Jensen Beach, FL 34957 NUDA twi IN, Vft -Stum e-;, .3 Xi . . . . . . . ... ez MR F IVEF SEP 2 0 20 Dept OfEO - pbq %ron Pi t � - rot L'�.jL, -ection I Exist!.. sontiift EXISTING WaterbWy: Artificial canal off of theIndian River Width, >11 OW Pgrv: Line ..Line Existing *oncret& Seawall Mr. Adamo, Plipitone. 10701 S. Ocean Dr., Lost Jensen Bea-ch, FL 3495 7' P.1 qn "View P-1 Witone Exist! ng....-& Proposed Seawall. MOP ei6� H14V Proposed SeavjaU Win 1.'faceto'fact) lid in" PIR.O.P.-OSSA MINA FRONT Ar-fifelst, Cara[ aff -of the 1SIDES -Andian Mvat vV1,dm.:->1zb, CNR S4 P*n),p-qw. d Dock fL REAR.2 'txIsga.tj t.asti-jit jro be remmead and ZNG. L TECH. � t Ing. Me ofert at pine I Sean!) Art) --R.-ater Pitt (A nt qfed rmmatt rtildpoint) i&.6q- ExIotingi- S j Wiic*o* Construction, inc. j772)460-fi928;FAX(772)4fi0-6929 11 E� a, tip: 9-17108. REQ. NOTE: 1. Conefew to have i min. Compreasiva 56rsngm of 1 ti00t1ptlA?sdsYi• R. inotell newconermle aawal diraoilli bt front of sxistlng som"ll, wNbin 1' 1#Ce to Mite. S. Pllhlps dltveo t010 ton min, eapaeil<Y. I 4. min. S so bear pliss.4 as king pilot; max. 4 ea batter piles, 5 to tang piles M3 Ties @2' O.0 d,inrvtir.oka Nowtap iy i 6• above of If New concrete Panel a l . (W thiclrx IV wide x 12' long • r King Her 12'x.12• 95 Bar 1' O.C. Prosiressed' " NerimntM 1 (vettitei at panel seams ` y. and V BatkfYi Between ,r I Exisbil Wall t 3 New Wall Panel i o' Concrete Pane!•--- Min. 31+1- bemnem for Per ! i L�l <1' (farrf tofer3; II Mr. Adamo PlpRone t 10701 S. Ocean Drive, #831 i Jensen Beach, FL 34957 , M �7 i,,•yi�. p�� �y� Cross - .Section Expanded min `° View "°'�' King Pile PCs 4 f !65 Hnr 4"x28"+1- ttm otter Pile (angled 4:1+1- aneq tW = CANAL adtrGMI ' 50%min. �:il': penetrafbn 3 for pilings 2'xir Concrete Pilings Driven in 10 Ton Capacity 35' ai- ll ,w Concnate! cap/Wall •tin q x .••Ya•. r r,• '• '4ti?tr%`w�• +. /l:� Y�-,.'+S`. i, Ii1i ;i3 Ri:lYrSr + 03 Rtobar-- in%pile in0 PiMi a 9 PCs. / 15es panel seem panelsaam L/B/a 2' CSC (verucal) (vertleil) tb2t lift pundl r+aiciptint Seawall for the Pipitone Residence w,aele ,.. ,t sr 5 (xs. in ratcsv 1 \-1E;i dyuyl wr'.lh sid. 12'x12° King '; tmt miry. ambsdnv Conc. Pun -- r i� 2 pc pun piss 3• Batter Dill€' seta robs 1 4t 1' .7 j cs r eba� i { • .. r AS re:b. ar 14 1-;yg dowuA with vtd. rN� f�auhapn>;y 12"x72" Batter f � •'t. sa'tr:in. brn xldrnr Coto. Pile--- 2 Fc. par p9a / 5 JfI Wilco Construction, Inc. "7, 7 )460-6928; Fax (772)460-6929 L lt� 9917/08 i�a1-irn p I� jai •r:l� EA 5i7 11INPA M c mil n2L� rn fA rn CD z 18/05/2008 11:34 6095Z 3 AMMICAN SAFARI PAGE 01 - Nm 07,2005 07,43h LIM PET% 7725461210 page 2 FORM #101 TO M USED FOR S �i / I ' VENTURE HARBOUR INC. VENME OUT at INDIAN RIVER INC.' VENTURE OUT at ST. LUCFE INC. This tom must be armcW wA nude pat. -of all drawings or plans log"D9 1110 14DA81111flM qotuttuqdun,.w=dohM - Wag or. MOD9 of 07 P.Mumd structure. WWAUQ. wofi4 or any Qftr hypo of woik that may to of by the toles, taggWoot and bylaws of any of the above aaocfatikmt This fhM "I 61W serve a 0 the QW= or owners or Lot that the 0VMW or owners or their gern of Lot it V41 solely or jointly he responsible fat the proper setting and Gampliinft of all hales,. nVhdm and bylavis of any of ft IbOve Oao 160M. and the Codes, Lam, RAw erred RWWous pufthft to said work as oct faM by St; Lucic CoWW- .11le- DW=l MAM,. of Mr *Sw* by ftft this form-shell.hold.-hudAM. anY or the ftV4 "soaalions, luonkolk dkidors and cmnifteo pommel as Pedim to its "d their dulium and mponsibUldox-im the samiuWastion.or"W wo&. Said Woik is Apravcd as pa ditmouslow xbriwn on aftebW plan or dmwh* this Ditte 13y: 4"�2= By Ow:W;. 70wim, or Agent for Dom' BY: ADDENDUM: Contrader xjrm to attached 1xilanuMutbn Am ma and also Wv" hi kre-itably ixdiimz*,save 'hxr*k"and 04 to siyadjuent tlwnor above association agWuW mW leas, eox% dMffW or Nabift arbft dirivilly ur ludiroody out of work or toutivefion by the BuBdW far die men d1k above L. waft l GD. NOV 10,2008 11:06A 6695220138 p . age r i 1B/95/2008 114.34 6, ,_20138 APERICAN SAFAF' Nx 07, 2000 07:46A LIM P= 7725461220 PAGE 06 page 7 xv wz2xm , on putt" bmto love i MWAd tAia hg=Mmt &W and JOW Kai* ob v* vvktftM- . gL7m old: all 4:A ..r��►��wu - al�wrr • rw.a ar. �r ss:u�wY. li_II 1 .. 7sLM.i a.M NOV 10,2008 11:08A 6095220138 page .6 10105/2009 11: 34 i220138 MRICAN SAF • WYW 07j, ZOOS 01: 441L -LIM FUZ 7723461210 PAGE 02 pop 3 NOV ID,2008 11;06A 6095220138 pag \/r--D Dept. oPat st I -EXISTING Watertpody: Artlflcl&I canal off of the Indian River Widthr.W01W AHWIMLW- I- ,i • Z Existln Boatlitt Existing ;oncre* seawall Mr. Adamo Pipitone 10701 S. Ocean Dr., Lot 831 Jensen Beach, FL 34957 Plan, Pipitone Existing & View Proposed Seawall Una 'P7l D ru PROPOSED Wabrbody: . Ardficlal canal off af Gm Indian River vim: MW Proposed Doak: a'x16.6'-0i sq. fL 1".6' eS.75 sq. fL TOrTALP67 8% FT.' s Existing boatli t to be rnmaved and wirelaibd. /King PIM (Vart at panel seam) propo..d ew a 1 - 4' 4 � s i Existing conc Seawall NOTE: Dock will NOT attach to the seawall. Wilco Construction, Inc. (772)460.6928; FAX(772)460-6929 Date: 917108,11/25/08