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Evaluation Report; CertainTeed Asphalt Roof Shingles
NEmo I etc. Certificate of Authorization #32455 353 Christian Street, :Unit #13 Oxford,' CT 66479 (203) 262-9245 ENGINEER EVALUATE TEST CONSULT CertainTeed, LLC 20 Moores Road Malvern; PA 19355 (610) 893-54.00 FL5444=R16 Date of Issuance: 09/22/2005 Revision 17: 07/24/2020 SCOPE: This Evaluation Report is issued under Rule 61G20-3 and the applicable. rules and regulations governing the use of construction materials in the State of Florida. The documentation submitted has-been reviewed. by Robert Nieminen, P.E. for use of the product under the Florida Building Code: The product. described herein. has been evaluated for compliance with the 7th Edition (2020) ,Florida Building Code. sections noted herein. ooS,i gI4-DESCRIPTION ain7 As"phait S LABELING: Labeling' shall be -in accordance with the requirements of the Accredited Quality Assurance Agency no herein and FBC 1507:2.7.1 /R9052.6.1 CONTINUED COMPLIANCE: This Evaluation Report is valid until: such time as the named, product(s) changes, the. referenced Quality Assurance or production facility, locations) changes, or Code provisions that Telate to thei products) change. Acceptance of our Evaluation Reports' by the named client constitutes agreement to- notify MEMO' ETC, LLC of any changes to the product(s),, the Quality Assurance ,or the production, facility location(s). NEMO. ETC, LLC requires a. complete review of its. -Evaluation Report relative to updated Code requirements with each Code Cycle. ADVERTISEMENT: The Florida Product Approval. Number (FL#.) preceded by. the words "NEMO [etc. Evaluated" may be displayed in advertising literature. I_f any portion of the "Evaluation Report is displayed, 'then it shall be done in .its entirety. INSPECTION: Upon. request, :a copy of this entire Evaluation Report shall be provided to .the user by the manufacturer or its distributors.and shall be "available for inspection at the job site at the'request of the Building -Official.. This Evaluatiori.Report consists of pages 1 through 14. Prepared by: RobertLM. Nieminen, P.E. Florida, Registration No. 59156,Florida DCA ANE1983 The facsimileseal appearing was authorized, by Robert fdieminen, P.E on 07/24/2020: This.does not serve as an electronically signed document CERTIFICATION OF INDEPENDENCE: I. MEMO ETC .LLC- does not have, nor does it intend to acquire or will it acquire, a financial interest in any company manufacturing.or distributing productsit evaluates: 2. NEMO ETC; LLC is not owned, operated of controlleii by any company manufacturing or distributing oeoducts.it evaluates. 3. Robert Nieminen; P.E. does not. have norrwiil acquire, a financial interest.in any, company manufacturing .or distributing products for which the evaluation reports are tieing issued_ 4. Robert Nieminen, P.E. does not -have, norwill;acquire, afinancial interest in any other entity involved in the.approval process of the product. 5: This' is a building code evaluation. Neither MEMO ETC, LLC-nor Robert Nieminen; P.E. are,'in any way, the Designer of Record for any project on which this Evaluation Report, or previous versions thereof,'is/was: used .for permitting'or design guidance unless. retained specifically for:that purpose. 02618 NEMO ETc,-. LLc O..NEMO Ietc. S■ Camg ry A Aa tl . ,n;i sese C mpla 2aaeme t C rtamT ed AsAAII R o Shingles,as /odRed'b £ert mT ed;LLC ve, mo srtated compliance with ±«fo||b+n +monfo the Ph Edition (2010 Florida Building Code.throughkAm % accordance w ± m/ mlt Um kaA ws Compliance &su b� «t the im%%%% ion : AmRmen and Limitations / Conditions J Use set forth herein. ...-- ..< , / °©?b:%\ ?kadr\¥fir i07is\° » ,#o324 ma «it.Ga . ASiMo k$ ' Pam 1507.23.1,A905.2.6.1 Wind resistance ASTM ' A} kk 3a7 7j «0576-4 Wind resistance are 7« 209 mr(TST k)a: UL T £74 : E R# 1740 :I,(STT m) U fT 17 ). tG«sTpk1 E2§T174. QED f¢o q: sTST T 174o )L T yam. UL( r »m UL RST 174 }O UL sTSTT9A)O. u EST T'17 4o VL( ST T 40) UL T1k\ 1740) UL7ST,17 7 UL T 17 a C(T T «2e ULLC(-rST k28 u CC(TST 9628) ULLC(T-STk2 ULLL (STT9Gs ULLL R�T q±a UL±c Tk>a) ULLLc( 962 )a ULLLC(rgU% 9Lkc T 9628 QbEG i T 962.8) U aC(T$T «A) UL#c TSTm2)a UL¢&ESTf96z u LC(STTm ULL6(TST 962a ULLcAua «zs ASTM D 316 1 ASTM m1Ei ASTM D3161 ASTM D3161 m%m D3161 ASTMP3,161 Tm D9161 ASTM D3g1 AST mall ASTM D8161 ASTM.as+l A2¥ D3161. ASTkD3462 ASTM a73a ASTM mkt& mkt ASTM mkt ASTM D316¢ ASTM Ei77a ASTM D3al£mk2 .ASTe Dakt 46± & 1)738 ASTM m«1 D3462 ATM D7&# TM m161& k§+I ASTM D3161& D3462 Astm mkl A*S v #\ o3462 a D7£8 ASTM, D3kta «a Aar D3.161,462,&D7a8 ASTM petit m#$& D7158 ASTM 0a4 , D7159 ASTM m+$ A2k mat 034624D7£8 aTmDa&1 mA2 TM D3161, 0346I & D7158 Quality Control so 1 ... . 99NK26506 «cAy2p2 gC&12ma 03NK29847 mpAaaa ocA/2ks mNKo7Mg OSNK16778 3cA«77a 05Nq+a36 NK#m0 ¥k «Nmk$7 bCAms7» &CA9«} SCA41«l ib�Am3oi mcA44mR aca2%7 TF&zRe4 T6AH: & 478633443 47As72» 47«82g9. 4786570717' pg2«k '47,87592174. ppgG7 pp&«9 9877+$7 4787380357 4787586427 q«m2Q 4788361767 Service Confirmation #A#am a&#m2 /162/ ma k&tAe 7a2/ m4 Q/yA« 4@202 S#y&m 054z2/ m5 m4/2/ A5 «a/m0s m7«k3 /2Rm06 '0743/Z009' loA7 SO kA&mio '.19/z7/mio :11J11/2010 # i &3 44&2/2014 2/2014 09aU&G 24 2/01$ 0221/ Pas 22s2/ Pas Q+y&¥ #yAk. 1o4Rk16 Sayk# #AUk1G #%¥kk /122&p Uapm£7 Aga/ Ga q»2/ «g #EMoETC;uc Evaluation kp■a3zgo »7 CefdflcOte v l? #32455 7 EDIFT16N i fOC- ¥off HM E A uAT N . FLs44AAki6 Awn w Asphalt %aSnn 6 Revision 17:67/24/2020 Page/ of NENIO L etco 4. PRO.DucT DESCRIPTION: ' TABLE 1: ASPHALT SHINGLE COMPONENTS Type Producf Descnption Material Standard. ' Plant{s), High -Performance Starter Fiberglass reinforced startershingle,. measuring I& x 36", for use with ASTM D3462 NC Grand Manor' and Highland Slate" Fiberglass,reiiiforced, starter shingle, measuring:19-1/4" x 40", with a Presidential° Starter reinforcement on the. underside, for ASTM D3462 CA(F) use With Presidential Shake°'and Starter Strips Presidential Shake°'TL Presidential° Starter IR Fiberglass reinforced startershingle; measuring 13-1/4" x 40", for use with Presidenti al. S h a ke6 IR ASTM'D3462 CA(F): SwiftStart°'StarterShingle F.iberglassreinforcedatarterstrp;. measuring 15-1/4" x 38-3/4" ASTM-63462 MN Fiberglass reinforced starter shingle, Universal Starter measunng.7" x 36", for use with shingles measuring 12" x"36" having a ASTM D3462 NC I weather exposure < 5" — _CT 20 Fiberglass reinforced, 3-tab. asphalt rgofsl ingle ASTM D3462' LA, NC C r 20T'•' Metric OR x-r 25 LA,.MN, NC,.OH XT" 25 Metric oli, 0R XT"- 30"IR LA Highland Slate° i 'Fiberglass reinforced,.4-tab asphalt' roof- shingle ASTM D3462 NC Arcadia" CA(F) Belmont" NC $elmontl� IR NC Carriage House° NC Grand M.a,noro NC 00, LandnbrVi CA(W),.GA,,LA, MA, MO, MN, NC,.OH; OR, TX Landmarks Pro. Landmark' Pro -Architect 80 CA(W); GA MA; IVIO; MN, oH; NC Asphalt Shingles Fiberglass. reinforced, laminated asphalt roof hingle ASTM D3462 OR Landmark Pro.SolarisO CA(W) LandmarkO Premium CA(W); MA, MN, OR, NC Landmark Solarise CA(W), OR Landmark Solaris° Gold/Platinum OR Landmark° TL CA(F) Landmark° TL Solaris CA(F) i { NorthGate� Fiberglass reinforced, laminated; S8S - modified biturrien roof shingle ASTM D3462 MN; OR `Presidential Shake.° Fiberglass reinforced; architectural asphalt roof shingle ASTM D3462 CA(F) MN Presidential Shake° IR MN Presidential Shake° TL CA(F); fvlN Presidential Solaris° CA(F) P.residentialTL Solaris CA(F) Patriot Fiberglass -reinforced asphalt roof stripshingle; laminated appearance ASTM"D3462 OH, OR `••,, "• � -. ---1 -1-1— J11111sICJ 1110Y LJt: I/I UUULCU IrI HR talgae resistant) versions NEMO ETC, LLC Evaluation Report 3532.09.05-R17 Certificate of Authorization #32455 7TM10ITION (20Z0) FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION FL5444 R16 CertalnTeed Asphalt Roof Shingles Revision,27: 07J24/2020 Page 3 of 14 TABLE 1t{CQN7INUED} iISPHALT SHINGLE COMPQNENlS s: Type Product i Desorption Material Plants) Hip.&• Ridge Shingles . -Shangie.RidgeO Fiberglass reinforced:accessory shingles for h and ridge installation ASTMD3462 NC Shadow Ridge° ASTM'•03462 MA, MN,,NC,,'oH : Shadow Ridged Metric ASTIVL,I)3462 OR �, Cedar.Crest • None NC. Cedar•Grest° IR None NC N6rthG9fe0 Ridge ASTM 153462 OR N orthGateIA.Aecessoryr - ASTIVI;[33462- . MN . u!_neLQJ 4 ivr dIJy'EJTE7jecL on:;wmcn finis tvaluation K-rt,:or previous versi'ons:thereQf, is/was-used for permitting or design gu'iidanceunless retained,specificail..,, -forthat purpose... 5,2 UK Evaluation Report is ,not for use in FRC High'Velocity Hurricane Zone jurisdictionsand. Miami - Dade Counties): 5.3 This_ Evaluation Report pertains to',above=deck roof components: Roof.decks>and'structural member1.s shall be in accordance with fBG requirements to the satisfaction of the Authority Having.lurisdiction. 5.4 This ;Evaluat on Report does not include: evaluation otfire classifieatipri.. Refer to FBC 1505 forrequirements and limitations ;regarding roof assembly fire ,classification:. Refer ao: FBC `2603. for requirements arld'lmitations.. concerningthe use',of foam plastic insulation: 5:5 ois. MEMO ETC, LI,C` Evaluatiori..Rep6ii 3532 0%05-R17 certificate ofAuthori2ation' 32ASS 7TM i !)1TION (2Q20},f8¢ NDId-HVH2 EVALUATION FL4444=R16 CertainUe&M aIC RoofiShingles Revision 7: 07124/zo2Q Page-4 of U. *NEMQ ( etc. TABLE2A^ WIND CLASSIFICATIONS, ASPHALT SHINGLES Product FBC Ta6le:1507.2.71 or R9.05 2 6:1 Presidential Shake" TL ASTM 63161(F) & ASTM D7158(H) Presidential Solaris° ASTM D3161(F) & ASTM D7158(H) Presidential TL Solans ASTM D.3161(F) &ASTM D7158(H) ( Highland Slate' ASTM D3161(F) &ASTM D7158(H) Patriot ASTM D3161(F) & ASTM D7158(H) 5.5.1. Classification by ASTM D7158: ASTM D7158-, Class H applies onl`yto,exposure category $ or C and a: building height of 60 feet or less. Calculations by 'a qualified design professional are. required for conditions outside these limitations. Contact the shingle rnanufacturerfor data specificto each.shingle. Analysis in accordance ,with ASTM D7158 indicates the measured uplift resistance (RT or RA) for the.CertainTeed :asphalt Roof shingles listed. in:Table"1(except Presidential.Solaris° Landmark Pro Solaris®and:L6ndmark Soloris® Gold/Platinum) exceeds the calculated uplift force (Ft) under the`following,conditions: • maximum design wind speed of Vasd =150 mph (Vi,it =194-mph) • located in Exposure D conditions • no topographical variations (flat terrain) • having a mean roof height less than or equal to 60 feet.. The shingles (except Presidential.SolafisO Landmark Pro Solaris° and Landmark Solaris® Gold/Platinum) are permissible under Code for installation in these: conditions using the, installation procedures'detailed in. this Evaluation Report:and CertainTeed. hinim.uio require.ments"subject.to minimum.codified fasteningrequirements established within any local jurisdiction, which shall take precedence. TABLE 26t WIND GLASSIF.ICATIONS, STARTEIt,STRIPS AND HIP &RIDGE T-ype, 1. FBC Table_1507 2.7.1 or R905:2:6:1' fi High -Performance Starter ASTM-D3161, Class F Presidential° Starter ASTM D3161, Class.F Starter Strips PresidentialsStarter.IR ASTM,D3161, Class F' Swiftstart6l Starter Shingle ASTM D3161, Class F 'Universal Starter ASTM D3161, Class F Shangle-Ridgem ASTM D3161, Class F ("sealant required, See Section 6) ; Shadow Ridgee (NC production) ASTM D3161, Gass F 1 Shadow Ridges (MA, MN or OHproduction) ASTM D3161, Class F (sealant required, See Section 6) Hip & Ridge 1 Shadow Ridge'O Metric (Olt production) ASTWM161, Class F (sealant required,;See Section 6) Shingles Cedar Ci-est-' ASTM D3161, Class F (sealant required,.See Section 6) Cedar Crest, IR ASTM. D3161, Class F (sealant required, See Section 6) j NorthGatea Ridge ASTM D3161, Class F I NorthGateO Accessory ASTM D3161, Class F' 5.5:2 High -Performance Starter shingles are -limited, to use with Grand Manor° 'and.Highland:Slate® shingles. 5.5.3 Presidential° Starter shingles must be •applied using two (2). overlapping layers and are limited to use with Presidential,Shake° and Presidential Shake° TL shingles, 5.5.4 Presidential.° Starter IR shingles must be applied using two (2) overlapping, layers and are limited to use with Presidential Shake® lKshingles. 5.5;5 Universal Starter shingles are limited to, use with CertaihTeed shingles measuring 12" x 36" having a weather exposure < 511. NEW ETC, Llc Evaluation Reportr3532.09.05-R17 Certificate of Authorisation#32455 IT E.p11I6N (2020) F.BC NON•HVHZ EVALUATION FL5444,1116 certainTeed`Mph& Raof Shingles Revision 17d.07/24/2026 Page 5 of 14 foNtMol'otc., 5.6 All-.cbmponentsjn the roof assembly 'shall �hq.ve`q4ality-assurance a-udifln,;atcjr arnte with F,.A.t. R'le;6ldZ&-3. Referlo'the Product Approvalcorn, - components that produced by a Product- of'th-P. -'0660(rna'hUf�cw rfor (e Manufacturer other report holder ' on Page 1, of I this his EValuation Report. m4hufatturees,nnihimurn r6qwirem6rits. 0.1.1 UridYMP'erla 4 htthallbp acceptable lo.CertalinTeed, LI.0and shall hold curront. - Florida StateWidieProduct Approval, s orbeLocally Approved -per Rule 6,16-16-$,per :FBC"S!c.tignsIS072.3.1507.2.46rR905.2i3'. 62- Installation of -asphalt shingles sWl' comply With the tertainTeed, Ult current published instructions, n q i S .9 'r-hinirbum ful,fr (4) nails per.shin$le. in - accordance. with` FB& 1501.2'7 or S . Octioh R905.2.6 and the minimum requirements herein, 6.1.1 Piisteners,shall be: in.ad:brdbkc& With Mah6f6ctutoIs e ed rpqule published r6ents' butndt less:than FBiCl'50'71.6 or P , h RSO 4.5. Stap16s;qre not permitted: 6.2.2 Whemthe roof slope-exceeds.,!'l unitsvertical"In 12 .units horizontal, use the "S.to6p:Sl,oOia"dir.0-ctlofis. '6.3 Certain Teed,.asphalt shingles are accept ibl'� f r-:6ff):6i& recover applications,, -t ,.e or use in tq,(,odf (tea cations, subject to the limitations set forth, in,F130.6ption 15410T:R908 andlUrtalnTeed publi'shed'instalfailon instructions. 6.4.1 Eav'-'-- Forlh" Ewes. --e,f irst startershinglein each roof comerjuse .five .(5) nails as shown below. All ptho�t'ftarter shing!es.,reouire.four (4) nails pershingle:; Nails; must be ofsufficient length I6 penetrate in to through;the thickness ,thick ess.ofthed decking, ,'w-'hp' heverloss., Nails are to -be.. qzr-12 . gauge; .corrosion=resistant rdoflhgnait�With-3/8'"heads. Ab3iythe,i&'starter:shingle,with :its factory -applied sealantstripeg.at the shihgjes-lb.Wde�mmi edge and nail firmly into the roof 04 as near as Possible, *(maximum to the eaves' edgewhile avoiding the:sealant.'With thestarter shingle well fastened to tho,d6ckand th&sedlqht low on the startershingle, it, can Iirrhly., adherq't6- the first course .shingshingles. �T,h ilin Wit in3"Js:not possible, nas _ a g ail closely `then li 'a d,adhere the starter shirigle.to.the-undorlayment and to the:supporting structure. n, with Cert.ii.ii-Teed-FliniBphd'mAsphaltRoofing.itement-Cau!kGrade, orapproved e ual. Rakes: Prior -to installation 'of .the field thirigibs,,stattir�hihgj��th . be applied up the slope along the, rake'edge .", I starter . shingles AY with sealant edge placedclosest to thL6 rake 6d4e.-Fa-sten,as indicated below. HIGH-PERFORMANCE STARTER'SHINGLE$ PdEM-0 ETC, iLC- Evaluation Report:3532.69.05-1117 cervflcdte qfA660nzati6r? #32455 7T" EVAL1.14TIOU, FP444-k.16 CeitairiTeed AspH It "6f Shipgles Revision47-07/24/2020, Pagoi 6 of 14 *NEMO etc. 6.5 PRESIDENTIAL STARTER ANDPRESIDENTIAL® STARTER_IR: 6.5:1 Generale These shingles shall be applied by usingtw6p) overlappill 'layers. B.egin.applic' kion ofthe bottom/lower layer of starter shingles by cutting and applying, a 13,-3/4" x 20" piece:at the lower left rake/eaves corner overhanging rakes and eaves 1/4" to 3/4". Continue along the -eaves with#uil-size 13-1/4" x 40" starter shingles. Each'top/upper starter course shingle shall have its 2" top section.,removed at the'perforabons, resultingin 11-1/4" x 40" shingles. The. colored granule portion of the "top" startershingles shall be located' nearest the lowermost.eave edge. "Install -the first top/upper startershingleso that it is flush io the left,side and bottom edges of -the first bottom/lower starter shingle. This firsttop/upper starter shingle shall be 11-1/4" x 38". Continue along,the eaves with 11-1/4" x 40" top/upper starter shingles ensuring that the lower edges are. flush with the lower edges of the bottom/lower layer. Reference the product'ss.wrappee for more --specific details. Eaves: Fasten as shown below. Rakes: After applying the starter shingles at.the eaves, but,prior to installing the`field`shingles, starter shingles maybe applied up the slope`at:the rake edge. Fasten as'shown below. Fastening: Four nails are required per shingle. Nails shall be of sufficient length to.penetrate into the -deck 3/4" or through the thickness of the decking, whichever is less,'Nails are to be 1i or 12 gauge, corrosion=resistant roofing nails with 3/8" heads. laresiderttiai starter and'Presidential,IR Starter Shll gies 1si 8ottam darter "7 F6II ttom Starter r ✓ r '` i t Y t:d i a a istTapµStarter `• 1 �: �...-fir. .-, � ,f •a r�}. A ;.rf r I....! 6.6. UNIVERSAL STARTER:• 6.6:1 Generale While -Universal Starter Strip shingles are specifically designed to be used with shingles36" length and having a weather exposure of•<<5",.they maybe installed' beneath shi.ngles.of any length if specW',precautions are taken. IMPORTANT: In all cases the end joints of the starter and thefirst course shingles shall NEVER BE LESS THAN.3-1/2".apart. Eaves: The sealant on starter courses should faceout and He as close as possible to the eaves -edge of the roof. Fasten,as,described below. Rakes: Afterapplying'the starter shingles,at the eaves; but prior to: installing the field shingles, starter shingles may be applied'up the•slope at the rake: edge with sealant facing out and nearest to the outer roof edge. Fasten as described below. Fastening; Use four'nails on these;starter shingles as shown below. The sealant on starter courses shall lie' as close as. possible to the eaves edge. ofthe,roof.. Nails.shall, be of sufficient length to penetrate into'the deck 3/4 or through the thickness of the -decking, whicFieVer is less. Nails are •to be 11 or 12 gauge, corrosion -resistant roofing -nails with 3/8" heads. fI .IVI RSAL STARTER SHINGLES ° Ea -Q.. n • 7' d NEM.0 ErC, LLC Evaluation Report 3532.09.05-1117 Certificate of Authorizatlgm#32455 7TH'EDITI0N"(2020),F9c;N6N-HVHZ EVALUATION FL5444•11I5 CertainTeed Asphalt.Roof Shingles Revision 17:.07/24/2020 Page 7 of 14 ONEM01'etc. 6.7: SWIFTSTAtiieSTARTERSHINGLE Wteno'hge Ute.four "aft located, as shown beta 4 38-314'(984 mm) (25 mm) from edge I 25 mm from edge. 1Mz' 3' ° ° e (194 mm). j76mmm, Th6 innertuo fasteners must be,p(acea such that they lalfatleast 3' (.?Rmm) from V the end tq'ais of the shiagla in thesycceetling course. 6.8 CT 20T61, XT'M :8, XTM 30 IR LQYI� 6kHD �TADDkRD' SLOPE STEWSLOPE ENGLISH 2" Use four nails and ex spots of asphalt roofing.pei ien(;4 for -every fifil shingle (F,iggm !1 E), asphalt rooiing.ccment Mdctirlg ASDI D458G 1 : 111;5 mn) Type II is suggested rnm; seblai: 5 Ix kffm tL'E, a METRIC 4-ROO, ing lemeoC nt 1" (25mli) , kp2(Y 1'' (25mm) dots ormhatt'rootingcemnt 81)e" PigrareI!-?:liseJo4rnai6 mid str spots ofaspGnit crrneri'tvn steep slopes. T *CAUTION.: Exgssi}e use of roofing cement can cause shing[es to blister: F.sg u� 11-3: L'sefournriasfo r eieiyfriil shy ftgle. Hip&Ridse: Cut'Shingles Note: The, use of BASF "Sonolostic^ NP17"" adhesive or Henkel "PLC Polyurethane Roof & Flashingsealant" in accordance with CertainTeed requirements is required for the ASTM D3161, Class F wind rating,. t' z (.,r mm k rnm) f ar _. �I 1� � �mz a; Car• ,a mm) Ji1tCl�?8 �81�31e Shingle arwre 11-24. OW abs,-tlieij errui back to hake cap sbinglrns (Bni lsb ddrmesibilJ shbii"n),. �5mm1 Fo?are 11-35: Inskd.19YOn of arps:alotlg the &PY and ridges: NEMO,te qfA L Certificate Evaluation Report,3532:09.M-Certificateof Au±horizatinnii32Q55 7TM EDITION (3020) FBC NON-WAZ'EVALUATION! FL5444-1116 Ceriaih'reed Asphalt Roof Shingles Revisiorr17:A7J24/2020 Page 0 of 14 'Be. SLR muls frir<evrri WE SWPO located ,as.Aown: Mlmr, Ffjzmv'2 47sesr* t &dU firermUfall shjtrgqjj.,� Nwo etc. 60m; edge of i;b- ih Nltre,3' tse dr;yd1,w)idf5zwQPots ofaspbaff ropf"ke Cement on steep SIOPM. Hip.& Ridge: C I edar'CrestP or- Cedar CrOtP A Use'two (21, minimum j - Yinch long fasteners, per shingle...For For the stprtershitigle. place: fastener 1-7inchefrorn each side ' edge and about 2-inch up from the starter shing!e's- exposed butt edge, ensuring minimum. YA=inch wiliedment, Into the deck, or full penetrationlhroug.h the deck. Fdr'eathfu,llC60zir.CeList,-shi'n'gie, place fasteners 8-5/8A ch.up from its exposed .butt edge and 1-'inch frorn.each side edge. Note: The uskQf BASF "Sopol.asticONPl""'-*adh*esivearH'.-en ke "PL�0,P�Olyurethdhe"Rdof-�K,FlosbingSealant!�inaccordahce I with. Certain -Teed requirements isrequired-for-the ASTUP3161, Clqss,F wind rating.- NWO ETC; LLC EvaWation Report MZ.09.05-1117 Lertffjkote oiAuthorization #32455 7"IDITIOU4.202D)MONON-1-IMEVALUATIM , FL5444-R16 _ CertainTeed Asphalt Roof Sliftles; 07/24/2020 Paje 9 of,14 MONT.� OR BELIVIONT©1R ' LMN ildl,$Ondard.Slope Qse FIVE nails for every full` Belmont shingle, bcaled es'whovin.beloly. - Hip & Riciee: Option 1- Option F: r'�dnrEcrlSr=�T�'c;. OVEMO etc. steep MOP ' (groater tha i 21:12Y. Use.SEV'EN nails and EIGHT.spots of asphalt roofing'cement`far every. full B.elmontshingle. Apply asphalt roofing . cement 1" (2 orrl from edge of shingle See -below. Asphalf�roofng'eement;meeting AST4--I D468-8 Type 11 is.si10ested A 1 i 2'fw-rat", { • " :gal f s b, 2eilyyIrsrS i For Belmont°, refer to instructions for Cedar Crest' or, Cedar CrestO IR. For Belmont"I IR, refer to instructions focCedar CrestIR. Note. The use of BASF'SonolosticO NP1 ""'-' adhesive ,or Henkel "PLO Polyurethane Roof & Flashing°Sealant" in accordance with CertainTeed requirements is required for theASTM D3161; Class F wind rating. For•BelmontO: Shangle® Ridge Note: The use of,BASF'Sonolastic° NPI'M1`.adhesive or, Henkel "PLO P6lyurethane':Roof& Flashing Sea/ani" in accordance with CertainTeed requirements s required for the ASTM D31b1, Class F wind rating.. Finmx I718-Sbangle"I'MA e. 1$° Remove tape Exposure from the night side Lo r g• and fasten o SECOND Fasten the left side RIGHT FIRST LEFT' Figure 17--19. Installation: of Spangle© Ridoae shingles irn hips and ridges NEMO ETC, LL,C Evaluation Report 3532.09.05-R17 certificateofAuthorization#32455 7TM"fDITION',(2020).MCNON-HVHZ EVALUATION FLS444-1116 CertainTeeilAsphalt Roof .Shingles Revision 17s07/24/2020 ' Page, 10'of 24 • NEMo-1 etc. 641 CARRIAGE HOUSEo AND GRAND MA14o OTAND, -STEEP.Stoot STAN64DI3WEUse seven nails and three asphalt cement for every Ilse five naL-46r eveq run Shangle. full.Grand,Manor,shangle. Use five' naihand three spots of asphalt ' C roofing qement.for every full tfte House Sh6gle, and Centennial 2dte. Apply,roofing 1�' (35 nim) kodleof shingle 4sp4alt rod n-'ce Agg ourv'17-5), MpUt r6pfi g t V nt meetingASTi4i"I1i586'T�pc I[ is suggested. j40 Mir (*rnx) Ll (220.mm aarnjag� 110119PAIMFgM, 02� Cbllewdat Slate. Rgure'17-5-- Wbon bisfaffing Grand'3,fanlor S))j7qjqQ';7 steep slopes, i1se seven nails . . . V?ld three spots of asphalt rdofivg Celhent. HW& Ridge: Refer to instfuttions fot ShangleP Ridge.. 6.12 .00 LANDMAAK°PRO, ,LA'1`46MARK 'PRoiARCH[tE&'80�1L NDMARkPROSOLARIS'P;LANDMARK® PRE-'MlUmILANDMARK --'', LANDMARK SOLARISE-:1,%,L—DMMK$9w[ FiNuidbkNo NORTHGATE® 00 AREA i505 Ma P75 Inq ==k- 33: for low -and stnndard sttps (fndm -1: 12 cj1ll 2) *Ptlq�fl uppc T 4 rvwl hating areas.for-st�p slopes,(grebter than 21:12) :tnd Mail-behviaen, kwer 2 nail lines as sha-v6.0bove, MEMO ETC, LLC E valuation Report 3532.09.0-k17 Uvdflcate ofAutharizatiOn #32455 7'H EDITION (20 P)TAC NOW-Hvk EVALUATION 1`0444-1116 .CeftainTeed.Aso.haft Roof Shingt6s Revision 1,7 , 071 1 - Pag 114 j U 0 NEMO I etc. Hip & Ridge: Oi5tion.0 Refer to instructions forcedarcrestO'nrtedafr Crest"IR. 'Option a: NorthGateO Accessory: of.Shadow, Rldgoll� y, Note- The,use, of BASF "Sbh6IastfcP NP 1 "*, adhesive or -Henkel 'PLO Polyyrethane Roof & Flashing Seakint-In accordance with tertaInTeed requirements is "required for the ASTM D3161; Class F wind ..rating, (Use. of - sealant is optional. for Shadow RidgeOProduced ln Oxford, NQ -*---j333,MM (168 -M (168 . mni)11,0 rn), P37Ir,rr) Mign Centering firklicvICIOP 7 51' 13 114' Notch -If (337 mm) "0-\AI;9n pnvmuz (194 rfti) these 7 518' notches to iop (184 MM) edge, a _previcus course. MorthGateO Ridge NorihGat& Accessory 12 QN, r— (25O,mni) -6, —415/16: — (Mmm) (150MM) 25rrkrn) I-Jotch for Notch for Ce taring Centering 12- 1310 Icct&.es forAlIgnripmto 11) . (q37mm) �Iotches for Apment,to I . 7�/W 0 -y;ous Top Eqgo-of the P 6P jar Y (12'Unnn (18 irim) Exposure the Top Edge of the Prarious, . 5 (196MM) CapforS X (I�jmm) Exposure Metfle. Dimension Shadow AidgOO Shadow RidgeO "n) (305f Laying Notch Figure 1-3-20.- Use laying no A-f es to tV7iI&,sbh78/kV On -b6PS dirt fidges, and to locals the correct emj)ostere. NEMO ETC, LLC Evaluation keport 3532.69.05-R17 Certificate of uthorization #32455 7- EDITION (20ZO) FBC NO-N-HVHZ EVALuAnoN f L5444-RI6 UrtainTeed Asphalt Roof Shingler ReVisiort,i7. 07/24?2020 Page 12 of 14 6:13 La�iDMARK®`TL LANDMARKIL LANDMARK TL 131/2" 4, 13112" ONEMO I etc. -13112' . &1 131.— (343'mm)' 1 (330 mm) ��-1'°(25mmj i"{25mm)"►� 1"_,►, f.e-7,5. (2$ nim) T— — foment figure 1,i• l.:cn fofrr ttrfils jor. rt ei j f rlGslrirrgl R,"rf'e 13 S:.'Use;sfv nails and four spats oj' asphdt imfinge&1lent on steep slopes Hip & Ridge: Refer to instructions for Cedar_Crest®, Cedar Crest® IR, NoithGate° Accessory.or Shadow Ridge®. LAW;A@i ITAHOARD, 510PE For low and standard slopes, use five nails for each :hill Presidential shingle xs shown be)ocr n 40'I (1016 Will mm) (LOTE: Appl>, nails on - 141f4' {362 tnrn), _guideline.. Figure 16 oi..,, frrs,zr!tagl! .-sirlm ial and Presid BA71-n Sbde. s 17nq s on low and slandard slopes For steepslopes use nine naiLc;for each fullPresidential shingle and apply t,• 41peter-spots of asphalt roofing cement under each ftoe tab. nfter'appivig 5-nails in between. the nailing guide finest apply j nails 1° ab,ft tab euiouts ma1dng certain tabs of:overlong shingle cocer-nails. o =6 -- +--- o----• 1• o 1.' diameter asphalt roofing cement. Fdgirre 16 7.• Fashn�(n;.7h;esidenHglprsil $�si�ialT/L S.Lako slimgles on steep slopes. W & Ridge: Refer to instructions for. Cedar Crest® or Cedar Crest" IA. MEMO ETC, LLC Evaluation Report 3532.0b.05-1117 !Certificate of AuthorizafioR it32455 77" 'EDITION '(2620)FBC NOWVHZ EVALUATION; NS444•R16 CertainTeed Asphalt:Raof Shingles 'Revision i7: 07/24/2020 Page13of14 -*Nwol etc. GAS :`MHLANDSLAt&" LOWAND STANDARD. SLOPE: STEEP SLOPE; Use THE Mails and EffiffspoLi of -shah cernew-for each lim M-n) X�11) full ftjghlandSlaje shingie. For� Anami-Dade, SIX nails'are required. (23 Apply I' - Aiametei spots of as?h& roofing cement -under each tab 'coper.Asp4iltroofing cement meetIng ASTM D4586 IV.e His suggested. (240 min) 'IS Walm-Dads requires SIX9011s (�'j hails (25 Mrin) insta,,qd on, ocerifer '25irm) DAL'ot Ps S�GVIA).rr5ar. f DAOLI a ii*ml, H97(re 11-3:• Use,40E natisfor ever �y High&-ml SIatws&jjgje. figure use.41T Mils mid eight spots q?UPI;ffIt roofing.mnent twder ead) &0 corner., 'CAUTION: Excessive use of roofing cement. can cause shingles to blister. Hip &,Ridge: Refer to instructions for Cedar CrestO, Cedar Crest® IR or Shangle Ridge". LOW AND STANDARD SLOPE STEEP SLOP! U.Se IFOUR nitils fo ; r ibw+ry full shin s1lowl U$e 1700� wldls,otod four spol.� of asph:' gle ill roofing cement for evm full et it,, 0 'iNlD4586 ka 11 is8urges'IcA.Apply 1'(25 Min) spols of aspkidt roofing Sealzv ill "Li -410wit. CAUTION-:.liNcessive use of roofing ceineril can cause shingles to blister.Z-7 m-7, 7 Wrr 01 Roofing cementI Hip & Ridge: Referto instructions forCedar:Crew, Cedar Crest® IR,.NorthGateO Accessory, Shadow Ridge6-orShangle Ridge©. As required- by. the BuJlding�Offici,al-cr Authority Having Jurisdiction in order to properly evaluate the installation of this product. MANUFACTURING PLANTS: Contact-th e1na hied QA entity r m4nuifacturifig a6i ities covoredby F.A.0 Rule 6,1G20-3 .QA f6quiiements. Refer to Section 4'herein for products and. production locationt having mot codified rh4torial,standards. U L LLC. = QUA9625; (414) karen.buchmahn . Us.Ul' corn END OF EVALUATION REPORT MEMO ETC, LLC Evalua,tion Report 3532.09;05-RI7 Certificate ofAurhofizatjbn#32455 is `EDITION J2020) FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION ATIO;N FL5444-R16 Certain'reeil 4sphalt Roof Shingles Revision. V. 07/24/2020 Page 14 of'14