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Sub-Contractor Agreement
PERMIT # ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMQT SUB -CONTRACTOR AG FFMENT J , r IL� V14 �1 1 f i W Y) P ` i�Ja(t have agreed to be (Company Name/1ndividual Name) �— the ` (471(., Sub -contractor for V4__rH � 'F L LLG (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at 307� VYy-)�ir CGI-dCh Pklm j 1301 o © - 03-'-R. WD •�5' (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID #) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. CONTRACTORSIGNATU er) hA PRINT NAINIE GGG 1511 L4618 COUNTY CERTEICATION NUMBER state of Florida, County of Sat The foregoing instrument was signed before me this r day of ift 20,gby MGM-�'�7—r�C )d1 - who Is crE Uy known or bas produced a as identification. -A." STAMP Signature orNotary Public +geQrt&" Dakitin Print Name of Notary POW �� HMS C DtaftYtt� Fl� • j Mtr Cortm aien HN 020DIO %a j E)#Aw 08o =4 Revised I ill6/2016 [ 04 - - COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUM$ State of Florida, County of `,mino 1 T6o-foreeolae Instrument signed before we this S day of �' by 0 who Is personally lmowa or has produced a ,wuu;, ���;,; SAMANTHA STANFORD •' "'= Commission # GG 48974 r� _. _ ;3 a My Commission Expires November 20, 2020 �h,nua STAbIP PERMIT # ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division One Stop Cooling & BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT LLC / Zachary Boera have agreed to be the Mechanical Sub -contractor for ! D-H ' FL LL—C (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at 6 3C) `1 wnt_lc� (Project Street Address or Property 30Hook • G34'?I ,WO-._S It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. GGG 15114518 COUNTY CERTMCATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of _wnft�c The foregoing instrument was signed before me this � day of A u/1�if) J;gby MCe,,Dc"'dt-1I. who Is persoaall known _or has produced a as identification. STAMP Signature of Notary Public Heatt-er Da,htin PriatNamearNotaryPtihilc ' �I Nowp Public: S" *IFWW �F N.cS: c overt E ►iri tlmooto Revised I IIItV2016 SMC TOR SIGNATURE (Quditier) Zac ry Boera PRINT NAME CAC 1817652 COUNTY CERTB?ICATIONNUMBER State of Florida, County of ORANGE The foregoing instrument was signed before we this 16th day of September , Eozo , by Zachary Boera who is personally known X or has produced a asldendUc:1� STAMP Signature of N Kelly Ashlock Print Name of Notary Public $C01i) Kelly Ashlock NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF FLORIDA Comm# GG969901 Expires 4/4/2024 0 . 0 PERMIT JX ISSUE DATE For the project located at PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT agreed to be Sub -contractor for ti! a"H ' 'FL..LLG _ (Primary Contractor) (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID 'got - Ipo 5 a345- QCP Y It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding'our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St, Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. CONTRACTORSIGNA: a}: RRINT NAhi13�. C&G 151145$ COUNTY CERMCATION Nf1i4111ER Stato-of Flortila, Cauaty aC F:[�PXa1Jei s} The foregolgg.Gulruountwu"rtgned.hefaro melhls�duyo� who Is" ersoon =known _or bas produced a . osidentirication. Signature oliNolary�11c STAMP PetnENodtdo[Natdry Pubtl �e ptills!SIt �d.tYttir. ♦I� C t>.Egln . . 1��' E�NMt�010. Revised II/IG/2016 J: aJ o N i. •i• � CM 13.3t 2,40 COUNTYCBRTIVICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County. of The forepling tastrumentwos signed before me this day or W.`- 201COW &A 'Riie'a ie V. wbo is personally (mown or bas produced a as ldeadfieadou. STAMP f Signature ohl" . ! ^IIllc ♦`[, PrInt Nante oftVotory Public Notary Public Stale of Florida Yesenia Peralts My Commission GG 251702 pr Expires 00/2212022 (Company the For the project located at a v'5 e'- 11N 1 KAI:"itl)R AGREEMENT t r(:r c 1f CAXi 1 it , J-1 i(' have agreed to be Name) _ Sub -contractor for t { " j t_1_.C. (Primary Contractor) (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Divisir on of St filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. GGG 151-1 L450 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State ofFiorido, County of $ ri The foregoing instrument was signed before me this doy of i �-116 11,1il I°At-#by -(fit''• "c t who Is ` rsonap know., _or has produced a as id/e�,nt ficatlon. `-. Dt B A • 3 ` J Signature o Notary Pu ltc STAMP t PrtntNnme of Natury Public` H M W C Dohknd ihir E EGO0511on Mt102e1010 15112124 Revised I1/16/2016 CC..,(' . /�/VSSt/ COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of t �,4,,� he f-orregoing Instrument was signed before rI effore me thisday of / f onoUy known or has produced aadon.STAMP No ry P lie Print Namfi of Notary PubUc ok PGi' CINDY ROSSWURM 4%c�l� Notary Public - State of Florida poi Commission # GG 937520 oFr� My Comm. Expires Dec 5, 2023 Banded through National Notary Assn. PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT ` tZAA!6., lA/17., have agreed to be (Company Name/Individual Name) the (on S/�L o� G��tLrn..evl Sub -contractor for %N3'H : F'j LLC. (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at Wirl{Cy' fpL(CJQ,r-- { (Project Street Address or Property Tax It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned' project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. GGG 151-1 L460 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER state of Florida, County of, ep� The foregaing Instrument ens ilgaed before me this N_.. day of wbo.ls;Ueesa°0 bcnosv° _____or has produced r as idenNriatlon. t) STAMP Signature of Notary Public 1�h1 in Print Name of Notary Public (t♦/titfaf iNttls C DOW E t:wj E Cortrnew44 24 t1gD01Q Revised H/W2016 �� 41WO SUB -CO CIFORS! ATUR(E,'(Qualifier) PRINT NAME COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER Stele of Florida, County of_ The foredrig tnstrument was to--, who Is pe o tly known as rubue before me this ` day of EDUASDO r! DJ*Fi Nctary Public - S:xe. n! - ener � Q Corm„issicn 0 HF! D Dc i; ?anJ' My COn r... EXP:rasA.; 2;, K74 Bceded thregh N30V-a! Npt;rq Is!r, S STANIP PERMIT # LE� C-OLl NTT F ;l :0 IR i •� , A F)e1C',bcC the ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT (Company Name/Individual Name) e_ c (c(n -+'rs (Type ofTrade) C+cr Sub -contractor for For the project located at have agreed to be YVZ-H. C: (Primary Contractor) 504 Wi otcr 1,301 • L-005- 034(�. � (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID #) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. GGG'S`745J8 COUNTY CERTR• ICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of The foregoing instrument was sigued before me this :31 !day of �flv isS�- ,20�by ��At who Is ersonull lmown_or has produced a as Identification. Signature ofNotnrypublic ���`'�`� STAMP fgfaQ tt)'r rr111k,_%L"1 t in Pnnt Nsme of Notary Poblid 111001 Public Sam 41,40 jll� He~ C Dahlin� fribib IftE CanrNrian HN 02010 Revised i U16n( SUB -CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE (Qualifier) Jh cc PRINT NAME COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBEQR State of Florida, County of �[ (L rl River The foregoing instrument was signed before me this A day of 4i C�rrlbey 'ZAby �bnICO i .&It who is persomaHy Imown Y or has produced a as 1 B tion. Si re orNotary Pnh1lc�P Print Name OrNOtgty Public tivY ^iy TIFFANY L FELTHOUSEN Notary hbii¢ •State of ` Commission # HH 035182 My Comm. Expires Aug Florida23, 2024 Bonded through National Notary Assn. PERMIT # ISSUE DATE - PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES n Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT L1,CG have agreed to be the S( fin a j VL� A,{,i Sub -contractor for W,7H ' T'L LL.G (Type o Trade) 0 (Primary Contractor) For the project located at 3p9 LQ�C�Wr (—�jrd e,-� 9) tx i 1301. CC)O,; -©34{ j'ODD S (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID #) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. GGG 1511 L458 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County oflice9c" The foregoing Instrument was signed before me this 51 sty of aa who is personally known or has produced a �as Iddeentitificattiion. STAMP Signature of No lary Public Print Name of Notary PubIff +��H�irlttw C D=d rwlrs tefr e>¢•t4+tuno+u Revised I ills SUB -CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE (Quatiller) -Aaron. �uh� PRINT NAME COUNTY r_EERTT �CAATION NUMBER State of 011', ounty of_P) The roregoing instrument was signed before use thb -.L day or zo `� by. iti�Utl_ whowho p�own jor has produced a as Identification. 1 1 ak 1V � STAMP Signature of otary Public Ll _LL 6 /Vla7, w - Print Name of Notary Public r // JAN. 9t 206�-i*� SOti,77C0 V` 11 PERMIT # ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT <3 have agreed to be � �omptmy Natne/Indy' �'duet Name the �1!!/d�0�✓S /1J00/LSub-contractor for LLLG (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at ` 3 W Q f' -C tr�kP1- I��ryl,l 1301 - IDD i' ' (Project Street Addressor Property Tax'ID #) -- - - It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St, Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. CONTRACTOR SIGNA `� , PRINT.-NAbIE GGG.. 151-2 L4618 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER Stnlc of Florldp;:Couniy of 6> The for�goinp• InitrumenEwal:9lgned ticforc i►itl't41s'� Jny pY: z13�lig. tyspf,.C���,gti� who Is pop nolly knownor Gas produced a . 4" as Idendrication. D A i J•� ilk,;. STAMP Signature orNolory Public, HE'cat` —er Print Name of.Natury Publle PuM_eSt1�.d-RiiiMlr - C OIiRIt . HN G10010 Revised I1/16/2016 E S CONTR/AACTOR SIGNATURE (Quo F 0j4!/ 1b 601-) I� cNT ME � 7 ?WNTY'CERTIFICATIONWIVIMER �� �/� Stale orriorida, County of&Q& Th forcgolne ins umeatiras si 6etorc me hts d y r who Is pers ally Imowa or has produced a, -%OV Notary Pubhc State of Florida Brittany L Rubino � My Commission GG 271879 +s��Ro4l' Expires 10/28/2022 PERMIT # ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building &. Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT have agreed to be for WO-H , FL L_L-C, (Primary Contractor) For the project located at F330---f Wl nil — ('n f cO AKlolr1 130t • (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change'of Sub -contractor notice. GGC._151-JL456 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida. County ofh The foregoing instrument was slgoed before me this 3!day of A tcg tA -:0f4by MC=e41 2C )rF_11 who Is rso haawa _or has produced a as identification. STAMP Signature orNotary Public COUNTY CERTIRCATION NUMBER State of Florida, County oflJ a — I 4r The foregoing Initrument woa aieued hefore me thb day of 6-f0f rlbt✓w]eby lynb VAV&A YlV-e,- who is personalty boa wo ✓ or has produced a as tdeattncadon. AEU r L K STAMP' Signaturb of Notary Pub11c APRILM. H::] My 1SSIOFrlucNnmeofNotaryPubiic'_ Print Nameof Notary PnEXPIRES' M 2ft, y pwfe Btu of /IMrrBonded Thru Notary Fi W 4i C D*Jh w ci rtrnfi�nol WN =M0 � Erpbi0010ti11024 Revised 11/16f1016 PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT have agreed to be (Company Name 4ndividual Name) the Sub -contractor for•.'�i�{ FL LLC. (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at 3 C)3 WC-D CdCn. PlK j Q 130 l . (cog ` 0*3q@ -cm 's (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID #) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the Ong of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. GGG 151l4518 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER 'State of itlorlifw, Cgonly al��Q;�p� The foreeolWinstrument wu dined before nea ddi; ly of: who Is timorp _or has produced a.. ns Ilde�ntification. . ' 1.. , c� STAMP Siguntum ofNotaryPublic 4-1PG�.`t=t�r' .phi to Print Name of Notary.Pnblk ?�/ 1101ab►.tawle_SlMadaifrii s HMtlwC OttliiYt . E� ttNfW010 a► Revised I9/Iti201ti I I I k4x� S CTO _ SI TUBE (Quatifler) PRINT NAME c ec,c5Go 36 0 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of i0t5k The foregoing Instrument wis signed before ne this % day of) who b pmonally4own r has produced a as Identification. STAMP Signaturff Notary Public !/ i'!yIr, Zo 1 L4 edK017-7 Print Name of Notary Public E0 Pryl. Notary Public State of Florida Merri Lou Shankwitz c Eon xpires 021 2l2 23 on GG 283557 qM1 PERMIT # ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT <62V10ES r 1A) C- have agreed to be (Company Namelludividual Name) the %�wr i T� P96794 vw6Aj i Sub -contractor for 1Aj-F_H ' FL LLG (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at�3 3©q (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. G GG I BI -] Liss COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER Sutaof karlda. County of s tain" The foregoingdnsiroroeet was signed before me thtr3—Cd yof S tc _ zap by tuCW�C,,r .r -,, . who Is eersonnny known or has produced a. as Identification. Signature of Yotacy Pubiie fq&LLtk' r. Erdi l in Print Nnmt ofNota'ry Public` SUB -CONTRA croR SIGNATURE (Qualifier) PRI AME COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER) �� State of Florida, County of y l Ua `` The foregoing instrument Wass] before me thb L 11 day of y �' � who is p�own ar hu produced a Notation. STAMP Ul"AMP of Notary Pubtl C o� Eft Notary Public State of Florida *11016 lift Conuvossibn HNO2WSO . Brittany L Rubino Ear Expires 10 28/2 22ommission GG 271879 RevisedIl/1612--- w��—r— .----- PERMIT #t ISSUE DATE rI wNTY R I D A PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT have agreed to be WAN," FL LLC, (Primary Contractor) For the project located at 163 ()-4 W 1 f l+Cr ('-,ra(den..pC41 .Q 13o l - (D ,or It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our paiticipatioli with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor. notice. CONTRACrOR'SIGNAT i PRINT NAME GGG 1.51-2 458 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State ofFiorfda;,Couatyof cft, ta, ThdforegolaeinxtenmeatwusdlEnedWore_methis 5_VJ yof A:.ltest " who Ie�esonn[I_ y, lm�Qw` or has produced a as Identification 67 STAMP Sipmmre orNotary P661[c RE'C "-ed ' F 1-►t in Priamorne of Notary Pubes zWri P0c: Slaw of . ww YyryaKtn NN tl30Qt0 µaE�Yla:OS1081124 www Maw Raised 11/16/2016 1 SUB- O (. R SIGNATURE (Quainter) PRINT NAME S�Cs_k2 Usd� a 4 l COUNTY CERTIFICATIONNU'�M,B,E,Q,Rrt�(��� /,,'�''t/n^,�n n^,/ State of Florida, County of Q k.Q .i: LQ_Q . The foregoing Instrument was signed before me this _L day or y��ircxrt k�PCarLo who Is pereoo}tay (mown _e' or bar produced a r ; MY COWISWNwt# OO 078640 eo' EXPIRES: May 7. 2vi Bonded ThN Notary PaM ijn&,, err - - -- PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES the Z s& of Trade) B ilding & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERBUT SUS -CONTRACTOR AGREKMXNT have agreed to be Sub -contractor for ► Vr Y H ' J L LL.C. . (primary Contractor) For the project located at 53 `30� Le�)r1 i Gar �1 R*s not • tpo& 0341�-3 cco-5 (beet Street Address or Property Tax 1D #) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. CONTRACTOR SIGNATU eel CTOR UGNATURE Mcallfleir) M o CA'r.9 1-0 //r- PRINT NAME PRNI' NAME G&G 151- 94518 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of z� The foregoiaa instrument was signed before me this day of 199 1161 20 94by thACg=f- ,=—ti�Id_ who Is QersonaDr kn� or hat produced a as i%dean �tifiudo `�-sC__Jtt_D A : l ` STAMP Sigoatare of NotaryPublic +>°att)ed- Dah t in PrfatNaneatNotary Pow �� =W" C DM E OfFbom e.riow111WIo • Revised 11119/2016 NZ - /SD L// COUNTY CERTIFICATION Num BER State or Florida, Caaaq or?-g j( 6 The for�eE1�o��q buteomest was afpM Ware = this c� day of who b puson ft Immm _``mar roes produced s i Ap �14 , Notary Public State of Florida Brittany L Rubino My Commission GG 271878 acl� Expires 10/28/2022 �=MOSIMMIUMMAPLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT GALE INSULATION have agreed to be (Company Name/Individual Name) the INSULATION Sub -contractor for WJH FL LLC (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at ()+ff card en ev-(k_v 130 (007t, 0348 - COD • S (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID #) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. CGG 1511L45$ COUNTY''CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of �-M21 rd L The foregoing instrument was signed before me this :51 $+dday of tin 1J.,51 20:gby M0g'1-4.5!C11d t-f_- who is personally k _or has produced a as identification. ja 7) aSTAMP Signature of Notary. Public Print Name of Notary Public r1oo11 Public Sri of Ilri W ' rCanrrAmm HN 020010 0lAtlrl024 Revised 11/16/2016 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida., County of (� Z The foregoing instrument was signed before me this ` day of September , zo za , by Tba1 W l dSh who is personally known V arhas produced a JENNIFER SWEET • , NalaryPublic-State of Honda -� • Commission 4 GG 50011 My Comm, Expires Jan, 29, 2021 STAMP PERMIT # ISSUE DATE ,i PLANNING.& DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT have agreed to be (Company Name/Indivi 1 Name) the Ac raps t= ck:sz:rs Sub -contractor for t{ FL LL.G kft�ype o de) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at % —310 9- yy YAe/ (a r�{a� fly—W!A ) 2 Q 1 ' L-00& coo ' (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID #) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. CONTRACTORSIGNATU ) PRiNTNAME G&G 1511 L458 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER StottL of Florida, Cbuntyof srkar" The tor4goiug-lnriiument ivas stgacil:bcTorame Hik;'3—Ifday of 1!;9Is�i+ ..ZO�fftiY [M0CC,4 Q,t )eiLE-6� wbo'IspersonaNkoowo _or has produced a as Identification.—_ STAMP Signature ofNl taryP.ublie. "eclth,5_ � in PrintName of Notary Public "a" plllb SYot +"loft iiiewww C Down Revised 11/16/2016 SUB -CONTRACTOR SIGNATCRE (Qualifier) PRINT NAME 2) 1 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER state of Florida, County of The foregoing instrument was signed before me this day of t� ttl)Qby : who is personally known sf or has produced a askden"ficadon. STAMP' Signature of Notary Public Print Name of Notary Pubilly e�rnv rue��n TIFFANY METZGER Commission ii GG 356168 Expires April 26. 2022 �rfOFF�oP�� swdedThruBudget NolarYiWcas