HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPPROVED Williams Window Product Approval (2)- �Lr' Dam Ltaw i6a1Fl Ohm rN i�5 -n� :yrY prb 1+11 MIS H&W . Log in : ut&& RegistraW : HrA Wiu ;utgnit SurthafgE 5WU 1k Pae1_r •�Product ApproYA21 db r USER- PUNC U5ef prD Just pAounl �-7end of -1 I n arch x UIE-DUIRrh APPl "Uq MF 0*21I FL # FL12 Appikabon Type Affi rrmation ode versiiiGn 2020 A-Vj�licatlon Statuo Approved Archived Product Manufacturer 1ELD-WEN A re5s/RhoWErnall a737 Lakaprt Blvd KJamath Falls, OR 47601 Ebci0-bjeld-wen,corn Authorized Signature :Ry Sumner Fridk,; fbc l@j0d-wen r0 rM Technical Rapresenta'U e ] EID-W EN CUrpOrat€- Cu5kOrni�r Se rr ice AddreWPhone/Cmail 3737 Lihkt!prt Blvd. Vdamath Falls, OR 97601 (8 ) SaS-3-936 cu,c:Zo Terserviecl-5c ents* jell-%Nen xam Quality AZurafioe Represerrkalive Addre s PhonOr!" II categgry windows SubC"Ory Sirugle Hung Compliance Method Certification Mark or k�ing Certification Agency Natbonal A=editatiw & Managen-�er`t Institute ti#�Iid�L d By Na icInal Accreditation & Hafwgern4nt Institute R,efiErcrrcbd ndar-d and Year (-Df Standards standard Y.21AL TAS 201 1994 TA5 ZOZ 1994 TI AS 203 1994 Equivalence of Product Standard Certifi-ad By I alf i r m tuat there are no i;hi�nges in th-e new, Florida SLji Iding 'ode which affect rnv prodrLidb(t) and my produrtf.5) are in compliariIce with the new Florida building CDde_ Documenrti�'tii?n from appi-ovead F,vvluai6on or Val ld atiQn Entity Yge. No N/A Product Approval Method Dow Slibrnrtted Method 1 Option A 07129 f 2020 Dale Vakbdated Date Pending FBC Approval D$te Approved 5urnrnary roducts f FL -9 WFodeJ, Number or Name 1409$5.1 Pmr-rtivm Attantir, Vinyl Limier of Use Approved for ruse in Hid HZ: Yes Approved for use outside HVI-LZ; Yes Impact Resistant-- Yes kDesign Pressure; t155f-70 Dth a r; LarndnaLE_•d glaZing rntedayer material requ ireinents me-,eL the current edition of the FeC in aomrdarlce with Miami - Dade X0A for OuPori k Se bNGias and OuPmnt PVB knterlayers. Wlhitj2 PVC exb2dor extrusion meet the Current ec4tion of tree FBC in accordance with Miam-r-Dadye NOA for Qua nex. IG back bedded with Daw 995. safety+ 91a7ing requ irpd to the exterior at heigrEts above 3�0 feet. 14035.2 Premivrn Antic V.1nt+l Linvh�s of u,,i,- Approved for use in H114Z: Yea Approved for use Outside HVHZ: Yes Xrn pact Fz I stant: N Des[g i Pressure: +65f-70 Oth a r; Whrte PVC ext@rior extrusion meet the current etiidon of Uh-e hBC in a rdarEre with Miami -Dade NOA for Quanex. IG back bedded wir th Dow 995. Safety glazing required to the exteroar at heights above 39 reek. Single Hurrg (8100) 36" x 72" Insulated Glass (5/16 in PIVB or SGP LaFn - $ out Annealed ) Cerdfication Agency icata F 40� N !- f Quality Assurance Contract ExpiraUda Date 0q/3012025 _¢tlon Instru-clans t6 JQ25 R11 ] 1 FL1 5 RS Ti I)p6,5- 70 36x7f IMU t ln-,t liation lrFstrur.tborE5,0 FL14095 RI I jl N107 7 567.04-P 4 Dwgs 0725,2017,pa Ver ffed By, Ner en NoMror PE 73778 Created bw Independent Third Party: Yes Erraluvtilan Reports F1-14095 R11 A= F L K 31)44, rig Crtated by Independent Thir-d Party- Yes Single Hung (B10d) 36- x 77" Insulated Glass (1/8 In - 1{8 out Ann-ealed ) Certiffcatlion Agency Certifreate FL 1401.�5 R11 C CAQ NI01,1. �5 El-1409.5 RI I C CAC NIQ].3L6 719_ l o df Quality Assurance Contract Expiration DaU 04/n/2025 Installlation IlwAru- tions r F4,� 4p%k R11 11-FAV TSH FBC 16x72 5S 2Q17-Qkr2Lq& Verified 6Y. ] Felines Norero, PE 73778 Creat.ed by independent Third Party'. Yes Evaluation Reports FLI Q99 I_L A� Pf -R486r} :55 21017 -��- a Created by IndeperEdent Third Party-- Yes 14095.3 Pr�!rniurn Atlantir, Vinyl Burgle Bung (8100) 57 1f$" x 75' Insulated Glass (3/16 in - / 16 out Anr♦-�oEed ) Limits of Use Approved for Use in HV14Z: Yes Approved for use outside mvmz: Yes Impart Resi:stanl., NQ Design Pr@ssu+-e: +65/-70 'Dthet: Vkihire PVC exterkw cxCrusion rn£et the current edltll do of the FBC in ar-condanoe with Miami -Dade- NOA [ar Quanex. 11:5 I.ack bedded with Dow 995. Windows with Insulated glass wider than 36" require se!ixirpg blorks. Safes 4La7ing Fpquared to the exterior at heights above �8 test. 14095.E CertlfilCation Agency Car iffrarth 5,14095 R11 C CAC NIQ115rj7.Q15-R1.gdf R11 C �A-C NI011515707-RZjkdf Quality ASSUrance Contract Expiration Dam 04/3 0120 25 InMiUdon Irestruc#F¢na F ' - 7 FL1��5� .R11 Il PAIf TSH FBC 52�7� �5,��1 7-I]�=?6 _nrif Verlfied By: KeTmes Hareror PE 73778 --- Created by independent Third Par -- Ye& aluatioh Reportn' Created by Tndependent Third Party, Yes Premium Atlantic Vinyl Bugle fluriC (81-00) 52 1jg" x 75' In5uIatpd Gass (5/16 in FVB ar SGP Lam - 118 out Aarreali9d) Limits of Use Approved f*r ose In HVF-IZ' Yu} rvved for use outside HVHZ! Yes Irn ct kei stank, Yq2s Design Pressure: +59/-50 i0ther: i a mi rEated glazing InteAay-er material re4ujrementF, meet the current edition 0" the FBC in accordance with Miarnlr Dade NOA for Du Plont Sentr'y(5 IOS and DuPorkt PVB I rrbe,rlayus. White PVC exterior extrusion rnee the current edit n of the F I n accordance With Warn i-Dade N CA for -Quanex, IG black bedded wltli Dow 995. Windovx5 wlth Insulated glass %alder than 36require setting blocks. Safety glazing required to the exterier at heights above 30 fe@t. 140g5.5 Premium Atiantic vpayl CertifiCaftion Agency Cft#ificate FL!4 R I] �C N JQ 1 7 -R . Qualit* Assurance Contract Expiration Dam 04/39f2R2-5 Imtailatlor. insto moms I D1350- 60 i r; n I U-1AQQ ` RJLJ, h1 Nr0 11567, 0?- RL Dw q 0 22520.1 j_ a�df Ve&ltled gy, ` Hermes Narem, PE 7377-8 - Cfeated by Ihdi�psndent Third Party; Yes Evaluation Reports FL 409.� R11 AE PER3091.;j df mated ksy InCepen-cient Thud Part~{; yes Single Flung (S100) 52 1/8' k 75" Insulated GIa5& (5�11� iiY SAP Lain - 3116 out A,trmaled) NOTICE F PRODUCTCERTIFICATION CERTIFICATION NO DATE: CERTIFICATION FIROGRAM; COMPANY: CODE: REVISION DATE: N 10115 67-04- f-3 05/ 1113 tru etural- JELD-WEN 121 01.113 017 To veri fy that the "N o icc -o f Product Certif ui ion" is 'V-alid, please vicit u-m'tv. . N A M l Corti fication.con, ro asgve that the Product 43 active and currently li&tod-`leis certifir.afion ro--pTesenz produtt conformity to the appi iicablt speoifimation and thaf cc:rCific ati m c ri wria has been satisfied. A N A M I approved ourti f, canon label must bo applied to the product to c 1, i rr7 rCifl ti status. Please revienv .anal advise RAM] if any corrections arc ruqukj d to rbis document. COMPANY NAME A�lJL) ADDRESS PRODUCT DESCRIPTION JE LD_' r E P mitt; u in Atlantic V i nyl Si ngle llu n g (8 100)" 3737 Lakeport Boulevard Ijill pact Rated Vinyl. Slagle Hung Window Klamath Falls, OR 97601 { Fa n or Flang: Instal I at-1 on) Couriguralion; Glazing- IG-118" Amealed Cyla-sgLamirt - IA' Annoalod GIa -M "PVB Tnterlayer her OuPond tt&" Annaled Glass or T 1 r"8" Anneeltd uilasq-arninaltc- leg" Aruieated (alas Fraim: W-9I4mrn(367') I1-1829rnm(72 ) sash; NW-i 5rort 1.25 11-98 mm�(34.75'F) SPECIFIC-XTION ` PRODUCT RAT N G TAT 011202/203-94 DevE u Pressure: 51-70 psf Large Missile Impact Rated Product Tested Ley: -ationaI Certlfi,,d Testing Labo-m nes Report No- NCTL- 10-3 75-1 Flxplr. Eton DatQ, April 30,2025 dminiaralar's Signature, NATIONAL ACCREDITATION AND 4794 G eurue WaAi ngto n Memorial Highway Hayes, VA 2 072 TO (804) 684-5124 Fax. ($04) 6W5122 'low Ell r z 2 � an w __ L 5 ; = �} j• c1 r + ' C 6L al Im Im 1TY__ {� U} 40 SIL 0- w l M m m- 9�0 CD I�} Q m flS V cm fD- Li +0r + ate} i y L n ra 4+l T r} Z (D EA CD r�r �1 Q ibo W N CP �pj Z Ln c cl-0 7 SAD 4ZI [� Lri � SF 4D o� 3 rp is C� f'P fD {r4=3'-� a C cm n CP Z3 8, D p 1W : cy -n _} Q FF IY3- 15 Mat ' a . � a - � ED 3 T S) = m sz c.3 �- PCD _ 9 4 y CD 4 i� a Ln �I cn FA -n 63-L jib m 1* Q� (7r WAX) t � i� 4 N n �' I -nP C ---1 Q i�3rn . m g= Q V L z C 3 113 133 CD o � C Q 06 ::rE m E 4;n en _ CD 3 CD .W 3 4 un M C 2p Q �EL �2 w G-:! L o M ME = M 5 w E� c CD CD lip 4: ■ tr y 4W Sn Ln C) C Como IA 11-4 m W1u425'ii uiiuit �nlr 36■Kr S g. . = L _rID 03 W. 126 F5L ZZ JR_ j� • � mac C c C=h oa ID 9) CD CD OD- O 5p - 12D =3; S F' S CD93 5 c +� ZAI n� } �#}fflillltt���� r_;ry h 4FD n3.m m V7 fu M f19' pa r CD UO C3 =3 U ID .0 fib co m w - CD to z CO rn o e' 0 CD <D rR � � -6,", Mr zOL 3 ri un 0 .�} C7 U' =3` _ cio toct W7 < oL M C- '2 � =0 m KG �'ro C3 ca ip -9 El RD CD co- iw �_ E O an '� MI RL •ri Cr fi7 � M F•I H C7 Q E-1 H H .NI m V5 Z m H P • •-� F rn n z rt a +` C3L CL OL u o = fr°, m _R _. �. jr 4D 'p CD Vb E Z57ET IW e 03 '2 up u T CD EL _C.3 ff_ _ - rp J CD 0 Lip � r EV c to I7� rs {h n] 13� a� ET w 0' - - M CD cam+, rp [n CD C° r� CD G u5 ri S2. o �EL�_� .=3 Q- n # � im rr � m w „CD F3 , = . EF h' OL O fy } ;L ' CD o co co 3 I T d:. %�r 66J i r a6 kD M C3- N J--� Fy tin w Nil p LA m � T rn 3 + 5 Lri. t_h CO I4 fi C o n � ..F Q CD 47 L r � N LIP a, EL 3 'Q {'a + FL rn CZF =, 3 �j . S &L L� E wen . M 75- rm , U a 3 L rU rL c 73 D- Cp C M r��f u P. - a T :55 UD ri iL7 N Xt tirram MOM �n' %V-) �M1 k r¢ C '1C m 4