HomeMy WebLinkAboutVeg permit N OTICEOF t VEGETATION REMOVAL. PERMIT EXEMPTION THE APPLICANT SHALL KEEP THIS EXEMPTION POSTED ON-SITE AT ALL TIMES DURING LAND CLEARING. Permit#: 2020.1029 Fee: $42.50 Building Permit#: 2010-0239 Date Issued: 10/15/2020 Property Owner: GRBK GHO.St. Lucie LLC Date Expires: Upon completion.of work, or 10/15/2021, whichever occurs first. Contractor: Heavy Equipment.Service of Vero, Inc. —772-562-1060 Parcel ID#: 3402-609-0098-000-5 Project Location: 5609,Myrtle Drive, Fort Pierce, FL Property Size:- .30 acres Proiect Description:�Applicant 1equests exemptionjor the Tprnoval o several slash pine and oak . trees under the rp igation threshold ..several Ica b�age pa m 6b6 saw. palmettos and exotic vegetation associated with construction ofa srngle family residence (Building Permit#2010-0239). Per Land DevelopmenttCotle,6.00 04.E�tlii activityqualifies for an exam tion. Field. Notes: 1.V 1. HABITAT: , U a. Uplands: 'Residential = b. Wetlands: None observed by staff. Please note this does .not constitute a state or federal jurisdictional ,:determination and all formal wetland"'delineations must .be obtained from appropriate state and/or federal agencies., 2. WILDLIFE: None observed. 3. SIGNIFICANT ARCHAEOLOGICAL OR HISTORIC FINDINGS: None Identified. Mitigation: No mitigation is. required per LDC 6.00.04. _ Exemption #20201029 provides authorization for the removal .of several slash pine and oak . trees under the mitigation threshold, several cabbage palm trees, saw palmettos and exotic vegetation. Conditions of Issuance: The following minimum standards for vegetation protection shall be applied to areas of vegetation designated to be preserved (Land Development Code Section 6.00.05.C). A barrier shall be placed and maintained around the tree's perimeter to form a continuous boundary-as specified below. • Vegetation protection barricades shall be placed at a` minimum distance of either ten (10) feet from the edge of groups of protected vegetation or from the radius of the Aripline from all protected trees, whichever is greater; in the event that a full 10-foot buffer cannot be provided, the applicant shall provide the maximum buffer feasible; • Protective barriers or protective designations shall remain in place until completion of site construction and clearing activities; • In the ;event that any protective barriers are removed` or altered and clearing. activities are conducted within an area identified for preservation, SLC ERD is authorized to direct that all land clearing and site alteration work at-the site be stopped until the barriers are restored and any necessary corrective actions taken to repair or replant any vegetation.removed or damaged as a.result of.these encroachments; . • Preservation areas shall be maintained in their natural state, so as not to alter the water and oxygen content of the soil and impair its function; • No grade changes,or excavation'of any sort may be made within the barricaded areas; • No signs, permits, wires; or other attachments shall be affixed ,or attached to protected vegetation; and •, No equipment, including passenger vehicles, shall be driven, parked, or stored or repaired within designated vegetation preservation areas. Post Clearing Requirements: 1. Landscaping: The landscape requirements of one native tree per 2,500',square. feet of property, up to a maximum of-17 trees, must be met. As this property is .30 acres (acres X 43,560= square feet of this property) 13,068 square feet, (square feet%2',500.=trees), 6 trees (measuring 2:5 diametef at J.bear# height (D.BH) & 12' HT), or a,total.of 15" DBH of trees are. required Please note that landscaping requirements'a -se pa-rate from, and in addition to, tree mitigation reequirements.; f ., PLEASE BE.ADVISED THAT ANY NATIivE�VEGETATION DESTROYED,OR•'DAMAGED`OUTSIDE,OF'irHE=LIMITS OF�CLEARWG DUE TO CONSTRUCTION ACTIVI*ES_OR'FILL PLACEYV1E i-SHALL BE M' 171GA7ED,AT A RATIO OF 4.1'(4 MCHES..OF REPLANTING FOR EACH INCH DESTROYED OR DAMAGEDI`"i ` _. T• .+ i PLEASE NOTE: • THIS IS NOT AN AUTHORIZATION TO PLACE FILL ON OR RE-GRADE PROPERTY. • 'CONTACT A PROFESSIONAL SURVEYOR TO DETERMINE IF YOUR PROPERTY IS AFFECTED BY OR LIES WITHIN A FLOODPLAIN. • THE APPLICANT SHALL KEEP THIS EXEMPTION POSTED ON-SITE.AT ALL TIMES.DURING LAND CLEARING. • THE PROPERTY OWNER AND/OR AGENT SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR OBTAINING ALL APPLICABLE STATE/FEDERAL PERMITS. *Irll,va.loezed �rti�o�ne�(ta�/�e�cc�atio�s ��lie�ia�st