HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021 - JACQUIN AND SONS - VET CLINIC - calcsDesign Calculations for Precast Concrete Fence as manufactured by: Precast Wall Systems Located: 1858 NW 22n" Court Pompano Beach, FL 33069 for 170 mph, EXPOSURE "C" for 8V-011 high wall, 311 wail panel Prepared James D. Bushouse, P.E. NE I Oth Terrace Pompano Beach, FI 33064 94-95-03 Hm `amesbushouseinc.com, James D. Bushouse, P.E. Professional Engineer #20311 State of Florida 7,000 psi' concrete Digitally signed by JamesJames D Bushouse DN: c=US, o=James Bushou se Bushouse Inc, ou=A01410D0000016139 E79DCA500008A02, cn=James D Bushouse Date: 2021.01.18 11:48:06-05'00' James D Bushouse, State of Florida, Professional Engineer, License I. 211 This item has been electronically signed & sealed by James D Bushouse, P.E. on January 1, 2021 using ar Digital Signature. Printed copies of this document are not considered signed sealed & the signature must be verified on any electronic copies. Pagel Co Introduction The following report is a structural design and analysis of a precast concrete fence system as manufactured by Precast Wall Systems, 1858 NW 22nd Court, Pompano Beach, Florida. The system is based on a 3" thick precast wall panel support by precast post at a twenty foot on center spacing. The height of the fence is 8 feet. The calculations of the wind loads are based on ACSE Standard 7-10 for 170 mph, 3-second gust wind in exposure Category "C". The Fence Panel design is the same for all fence heights. The Post and Foundation design varies per the attached calculations depending on soil type and height of the fence. Foundation analysis is based on formulas for unrestrained pile foundations as published by Poulos & Davis in their book, Foundation Analysis and Design. This foundation analysis has a design safety factor of over 2 included in the formulas. Therefore, no additional safety factor was added in the foundation design. The Ultimate Strength Design of Reinforce Concrete Structures was used in the design of the fence using ACI Code, 2011 revisions. Each component of the fence was analyzed separately. There were no lol tests done on the components or the fence system as a single unit. Wind Load Calculations Wind Speed = V = J 170 m Cateaory = 2 Kd = 0.85 IKzt = 11 Exposure C Kz = 0.85 Velocity Pressure = qz = .00256 K2 K21 Kd V21=1 32.03 Ib/ft2 From attached Meca Wind Calculations CF = 1.39 GF = 0.85 AF = 1 IF = qz GF CF AF = I 37.84345 Ib/ft2 Page 2 Fence Wall Calculation Sheet Fy - 70000 Fe = 7000 W = 37.84 L = 20 psi psi psf ft Assumed a one way slab design with 2 edges discontinuous M„ _ I (WL )/8 = I 1,892 Ib-ft I 22.704 kip -in Assume: b = 1 12 in d = 1.5 in Md = 0.9p Fy bd2 x (1-.59p x Fy F,) therefore solving for p => Ip= 1 0.014779372 Horizontal steel If p = Agl(bd); then solving for A$ I = 1 0.266028687 in Mesh system (#3 @ 4" o.c.) = 0.33 sq. in. > 0.27 required Vertical steel p = 0.002 b= 12 t= 3 min. in in Ag = pbt = I in' Use #3 @ 12" O.C. As = 0.110 > 0.072 req Design of W-0" post LPosT = 1 8 ft I Hu = Total wind force on post = LPosT x L x W11000 = 1 6.0544kips d = 2.5 = 0.11 0 = 35 kp = 3.6901723 _ (1 + Sin 0)1(1 -- SinO) f = 2.0029022 = .82 (Hj dkp6)112 Location of Max Moment below ground surface MM,x = H„ (e + .667 f) = 32.30589 kip-ft Assume e = U2 - 387.6707 kip -in Page 3 Id = 1 10.75 in b = I 13 in Md = 0.9p Fy bd2 x (1-.59p x F/F,) Solving for p => p = 0.004212 A9 = pbd 0.59 in' Use 245 bar each side, As = 0.62 > 0.59 required Shear reinforcing based on thickness of the web Max Vu = Hu = 1 6054.4 psi Allow Vc = 2°0.85°Fr"2 = 142.2322 psi Uu = H„ 1(b*d) 43.32308 psi Ok? YES Provide #3 Hoops @ the following spacing: First Hoop @ 3" above footing Then 4 Y2" o.c. to 2'-6" Then balance at 18" o.c. Shear Strength of flange Dhi 1 0.851 Ib= 1 4.5 in PC = 1 70001 psi Id = I 3.25 in Allow V,, =1 142.2322 psi Therefore Vu = VG*b*d = 2080.146 Ibs JiLoading on Flange From Panel WL12 = I 378.4 Ibs Ok? I YES Foundation Design for 8'-0" Fence in dry, undisturbed, medium density, sandy soil F = 6.054 kips Acting @ e 4 ft. above ground d = 2.6 ft L = 4.— ft. = 0.11 0 = 35 ° kp = 1 3.6901723 = 0 + Sin 0)I(1 — SinO) Hu = .5 d L3 SKp/(e + L) _ 16.214728 Since H„ > F; Use L = 4'-9" Page 4 Foundation Design for 8'-0" Fence in saturated, undisturbed, medium density sand F 6.054 kips Actin e 4 ft. above ground d = 2.5 ft L= 6.33 ft. 0.076 0= 270 kp = 2.6629399 = (1 + Sin 0)/(1 — SinO) Hu = .5 d L3 dKp/(e t L) = 6.21149 Since H. > F; Use L = U -4" Foundation Design for 8'-0" Fence in Solid Rock (Limestone or Sandstone) Taking the moment ig 0, and solving for LFouna 2.8878787 ft Foundation Design for Spread Footing See attached spread footing design by Archon Use 4' x 4' x 18" deep concrete footing with 445 rebar each way top and bottom Calculation of Deflection to Post and Wall Allowable deflection: Using the ACI code table 9.5(b) value for Maximum Deflection Defm� = U180 = 1.333333 in_ For the Wall Panel Def,,,@ = U180 I 0R533333 in. For the Post Wall panel deflection: us of Elasticity = E� = 3600000 psi. in. in psi. less of wail = hs,e, = 3 of Inertia = Ig = L"h,�3112 = 540 us of Rupture =f, = 7.5(f,'r` 627,4950199 nt of Crack = Mcr = f,lg/(hs,ab/2) = 225690.2 lb -in.= 18.82485 kip-ft. :lion = f/F_I_ = 5w1. /384EI = n R3A9 in Post Deflection: Modulus of Elasticity = E� = 3600000 psi. Thickness of Post = hposi = 12 in. Mom. of Inertia = Ig = h,,,°/12 = 1728 in. Modulus of Rupture =fr =° 7.5(fglr�) 474.3 psi. Moment of Crack = Mcr = fry(hposV2) = 136 11 Deflection = VEJO = WL /6EI = 1 0.000994 in This is less than the allowed amount? above ground Page 5 MecaWind Std v2.2.5.1 per ASCE 7-10 DavelQPed by MCA Enterprises, Yne_ Copyright frrx.Aecaenceroriaee.eon Date r 2/21/2018 project No. , JObHO company Hans 1 True Designed By ; Rngl Deer Addrass Address Description a DascriDtien City , Clty CUatQa9r Hams i Customer State , State Praj Location Loaaticn Pile Le"tien; C1\deGr9\Jams.\Apppata\ROamirtg\NacaNlnd\DBiaUlt.vnd Input Paramateral Other GtruOtaras a Building Appvrtaneaa m FRS (Ca 29) ' easic Wind Spead(V) + 170,00 mph structural Category - 11 Exposure Category + Natural Fraqu..,y + N/A Plexible Structure laportanot Factor - 2.00 Kd 01"Otioial Paccar - Alpha - 9.50 eg At + 0.11 at _ Am 0.15 am CC - 0.20 1 speilon + 0.20 2min 8 - Horizontal Din. - 20.00 It Ht- Grade to Top Of sign. N - Sign Depth Ps. Ratio of a / e + 0.3E It S - Vertical Sign Dim, - _ 2.90 sb- Retie of S ! litH - solidity Ratio - 100.00 l Elb - Dana elevation + Oast Vector calculatIVAP .Dust Factor Category I Rigid .truCtates - Simplified method GustLa for Rigid Structures (Nat. Preq.sr Ha) use 0.85 c NO 0..5 900.00 It 1.00 0.65 500.00 it 15.00 it 0.00 It 9.00 It 1.00 .00 It Gust PaCtOr Category IY Rigid Structures - Complete Analysis Sm, 0.6'"Ht 15.00 It I", Cc•(33/aa)a0.157 0.23 La%: 1•(Zm/33)'Sp8Ilgn 427,06 it Sb (1/(1t0.53•((8•HC)/Lam)"O.S3))'0,5 0.95 GU.t21 D.925•((L1.7•lzn•3.i•Q)/(1.Y.7.3.a•lzm)) 0.90 Gust Factor 8mrmary pot a Flaxlbla Structure use "a Lead= of Gusty or GUst2 0.85 Design Hind Pressure - Other atructures Hlav X. Ect qe. H Pre. Cf( 1.39) ft psi pat --- ---------------- ----1-- ----------------- 5.00 0.0$ 1.00 32.030 37.8% Hata[ N Pte. CI Is Wind Pressure based On, CC(Parce Coefficiant) ElgVrQ 29 A»11 NSRd Load. for Helid Signs a freestanding Walls Cf - Porce Coefficient + 1,39 Rd - RedeCtion Factor (1+{1-87 "1.5) + 1.Go KZ 0.85 Rat 1.00 04 - 32-03 per Wind Rreaiura at elevation a It w 37.e1 par ARCHON SINGLE FOOTING OUTPUT ANALYSIS OUTPUT: Resultant is outside middle third Punching Shear Stress = 5.00 psi Allowable punching Shear Stress= 219.09 psi Concrete Beating Stress =75.83 psi Allowable Concrete Bearing Stress=1785.00 psi Soil Bearing Pressure=1515.1 psi Allowable Soil Bearing Pressure=2500.0 psf Max bending stress in footing is 42.01 psi This is less than the ACI plane concrete limit of 178.01 psi Based on the above no reinforcement is required if the footing max side dimension is less than 36.0 it or expansion joints are placed at this dimension around the column. L u--rn *-Pp For general crack control it is recommended that #3 bars be placed in the center at 12 inch spacing each way. /L n -r b S CA R TZa L � �K r •� �, c7 i.. E1 P1 h1 ANALYSIS SUPPORT DATA: Maximum Bending Moment = 1792.5 ft-Ibs Reber yield strength = 60000.0 psi Concrete Compressive Strength = 3000.0 psi Concrete Density =145.0 pcf Fill Density =120.0 pcf Fill Height Over Footing = 0.5 It Rabat Cover = 3.00 in CORNER PRESSURES Upper Left = 1515.07 psi Upper Right = 1515.07 psf Lower Left = 7.43 psf Lower Right = 7.43 psf ACI Minimum Steel Area = 0.39 sq-in ACI Maximum Steel Area =3.46 sq-in GEOMETRYILOADS: Slab X Dimension = 4.00 ft Slab Y Dimension = 4.00 ft Column X Side Dimension=1.00It Column Y Side Dimension =1,00 It Column Location on Slab, X direction = 2A0 ft Column Location on Stab, Y direction = 2.00 It Slab Thickness = 18.00 in Applied Load on Column, Factored = 10920.00 Ibs Applied Load on Column, Unfactored = 7800.00lbs Applied Moment about X axis, Factored = 3$880.00 ft-tbs Applied Moment about y axis, Factored = 0.00 ft-Ibs Applied Moment about X axis, Unfactored = 24200.00 ft-Ibs Applied Moment about y axis, Unfactored = 0.00 ft-Ibs Uplift load =0.00 We 3tr W/--�L-L l "t.NEL- -77