HomeMy WebLinkAboutjaschinski permit appAll APPL CA8 LE INFO MUST 8 E COMPLETED FOR APPLICATION TO BE ACCEPTE13 Date Permit Number: Q v a u ildi � Permit Application P'ar�r�rrag and Oe vefaPme�7 t 5e�rces � I'1 80d ng and Cod8 fteggiorron Djv+fsr`on Cornmerda I E 230D Vorgin a Avenue, fort Pierce FL 34 2 ResI d e nU a l Phonc: (772} 462-1553 Fax: (772) 462-1578 PERMIT APPLICATION FOR: Address � � . 1 Property Tai( ID #; . I ) S '_1�41- /wllr Site Plan Name. PrOject Name: DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF WORK: New Electrical Meter Second F I ectrical Deter CDNSTREJC7f0N fNFpRMA710N: Additional work to bp- performed under this permit —check all that app[y; ` iecha nicaf — .Cas Tank Gas PipFrrg _ Shutters Electric — Plumbing; _ SprFnkiera _ Generatoj, Total Sq- Ft of Construction; Cost of Construction: ti _ OWNER/LESSEE: Name Sq. Ft. of First Floor-, Lot No- ( Block No_ Windows/Doers Po rhd Roof P itch Uti is ties: —Sewer _Septic Bra lid inn HeIg ht ; CONTRACTOR: P Name: Address; Cit,,r; State Add Corn pany: ; ' � zip Code: .- f. i _ � ? city: r Phone rqo, s State; yi p Code: Fax: r f. E-f lail; Phone No S�X_ Fil I in fe a 5Fmpl e Titl e H 01 der o n n ext pa ge if d iffererrt E-Mai 1 . fr0.rrM the Owner listed above) i �t�&e�y-r county License C lfvalue otconstruction fs z590 c r rnore, .a RE CDR DEED NOtice Of CormmencemL-rrt iS req uired _ Jf val u e of HAVC i!s $ 7,500 or more, a DECOR -DE D NcticGl Of Co rri menceme-nt Is req u ired, UIV Lit D-ESINEFhIiNER; Not ADpficable f INFOR ATUN: N a rrl e;� - Ad d City: Stat�� P : Phone - FEE SIMPLE TITLE HOLDER: Not Applicable - Name: Addre$s; City: L Z' _ Phone: F%tib fKk MORTGAGE COMPANY Nt4pplicable Address: City: tote: Zip: Phone - Not April ica plc - Name: A dd rem' C ity- Zip: Phone: BLINDING COMPANY. - Eli -Vim I KRLTUR AFF1DVIT: Application i5 hereby made to Obtaiq a Permit t* do the work and installation a I certify that no work of instalaation has c�ornmenced prig to the fssuanr,.e of a perrnk, Irkdi aced. 5t_ Wcie Cou nty n-,akes no represention that is granting wh i eh I s i n ca nfi ct Frith 3DV a Pplicable Horne Owners hoc perm t nI r eIs,abyl ws or and coven an s that h� ril d the subject strr r�� r� .structure_ Pie a cOn5uit With ycRir Home Owners Association and r�+f�w our deed for an rests �tio s Wh r�},tma a prohibit such In consideration of the grantirIg o�fthis requested Permit, I do hereby agree that I will in arl respects, � work Y i n acr-ordan ce with the app roved plans, the Fiorida 8 ui I di r Codes and 5t, Lucie Cou my Amend m ents perform, #h� vwork The folfowing building permit applications are exempt frorn undergoing a full concurren re+rfew. room additions, acce-ssorV structures, Swimming pools, fences, walls, signs, screenrooms and -Ress0rV uses to another non-resMeLntral use WAR NJNG TO OWNER: Your failure to Record a Notice of Commencement may rm It in twig for improvements to your property. A Nctrce Of C-0rr,mencernent Must b recorded #h public recordsf Lucien d posted on tfit_ jo sit before the fiat rns ecti n, ou intend to obtain financing, consult with leadCouer Sri att ne fare c m mencrr� ork or reeordin our Noti Commencement [Signat re of Owner; Lessee/Contra or as Agent for owner 5 nature cd Ontractor/!_r use Holder STATE OF FLORIDA C4UNTY O I 5 orn to (or affirm-ed) and subscribed before m.0 of P hy.5ical Priesert or — 0 n I ire Notariaati n th is —day of .2020 by Na m L' afperson m aki ng statement, Persimally Known _ OR Produced Identrf«cation Typ e of rdentifi cati on Produced (5rgnat Notary Public. State of Comm l'Ssie n No, +' � REVIEW DATA RECEWED DATE COMPLETED ev. IMda C-4 3 FRONT ZONING COL ITER I'REVIEW STATE OF Fri DA COUNTY OF � S orn to (or affirmed) and :�ubscrfbed before me of Ph ysi ca I Presence or — Onli no Kota rization this _ day of 2020 by — 14 J1 '.:�a 6,1 Name of p-er5on rna king statement, Personally Known 0R Produced Idenbfioation Type of id-eatFfir_at an Produced riature of 5UPERVISOf I PLANS R EVI!EW REVIEW tarp+ Pu b,l ic- State of FI on da ) ��IAL. F *� F� . Q, -- VEGETATION SATUATLE MANGROVE REVIFW REMEW REVIEW