HomeMy WebLinkAboutjaschinski NOAE IDI etic, -Cernfirate of AurhCe?z fr #�245s 353 Christian Street, Emit #13 IkT/ Oxford, CT 06478 203 � 2 62-9245 ENGINEER EVALUATE TEST Cole ju CERM FY PLYCE M USA LLC fiber Ccmc�nt Products 15OS5 Woodharn I) rive Houston, TX 77073 (1) 813-1260 Evaluation Report 9915.06.16-Fl4 F L207 42-R4 Date of iss uan cc. Qf5} 17/2016 Revision 4: 02/21f 2019 SCOPE: -rh i s Evaluation Report -is issued under Rule 6IG 3 and the applicable rules and regulations governing the use of construction materia Is in the State of Florida. The docurnentation submitted has been reviewed by Robert Nieminenr P.E. for use of the product under the Florida Building Code. The product described herein has been evaluated for co m p I Ea nce with th a 0 Editi u n (7-o17) Florida lauildii ng Code sections noted here i n _ DE CRIPVON.- AIlura'w" Fiber Cement Siding LABELING F La be I i ng shal I be i n accordance with F BC 140CIO a nd the requi rements the Accred ited Qua I ity Ass u ra rice Agency noted herein. COWINUED COMPLIANCE: Th I s Eva luation Re port is va Ii d unti I such time as the named product(s) chanps, t h e #P_fe ri� nced Qual by As�,ura rice dor-urne ntation cha rages, or p rav1:5ions of the Code that relate to the prod uct � h a nge_ Acce pta n ee of th is Eva luat i on Re po rt by the na rned cl ient co n stitute s agreernent to notify Robe rt Niem in -en, R_ E . of a r y iz-hanges to the p rod u ct(s)r the Chu a lit{ Assn ra n ce or the prod uction faci I ity I ecationf s)- Nf MO I etc, requ i res a cu mp I ete review of th i s f val uati o n Report relative to u pdated Cade req u1i re m eats with ea ch Cod e Cycle, ADVIUMSEMErdTi The Eval uat ion Re po rt nu tuber preceded by t h e ,,word s 'IN EMO I etc. Ezra luated" may be displayed in advertiVing literature- If an)( portion of the Evaluation'Report is displayed, then it shall be done in its entFrettr- I N Et rION.' U po r4 request, a co PY of this enti re Evalu at ion Repo rt s hall be provided to the us er by the ,Hain ufactu re r o r Its di strlb uto rs a nd shall be a aaa I a hl c fo r i nspection at the job site at the request of the B u ild i ng -ha l_ Th rs Eva I u at i on R c pa rk Consists of pages 1 th rough 3, p I us a n 8 - page Appen disc_ Prepared by: 'Si� ��_' X� '-'� * P�vll4�tl��d Robsr'I Robert J.M. Miernifien, P.E. ' � �� 1he Fassirtdlaseal appearing was � ` �16 +� fll-mineN 1P, E. -orb W22f2010_ Phis d+,m rro+r serge as an Flcrido Reg sxrotfon No- 59166, fiorld(] OCA AIVE1 3 ek-cuvNcaliV signed docunecll. CEKnrKAYK3 i of OgIDE-PF-hDENC: 1, NEM0 ETC. LLC does not have rror does it interid to acquire nr wilr it ac-quire, ;a fnarrrraI irrtar-Ost In any, company manufacturing or distributing products it evaluates. 2_ WEMO ETC, LLC is not owned, operated yr rortitrolled'byr any, tompanv manufacturing ordEstributin:g products it evaluartes. R-obert Nierninen, R.E. dogs not hwe new will acquirer a firranrial irtitere!�t in any company, rrkanufactusing or distntEuting products for which the evaluation reports are being issued. A. Robert Niernino�rt. P.E. does not have, nor will a quire. a financial interest irk ony other entity involvf--d irG the -approval process of tfie product- 5- This is a bu Tiding code evaluation. Neither NEW j etc. nor Robert N ip-mine n,'P.E, a re, In any way,, the Designer of Record for @ ny project on which this Evaluation Report, or pfcNiousverMoris thereof, is/was used for pii-rmirtirig or design guidance urdes-i r-E-taIrred spedflf'ally for that PufPose, fa N IEMO l etc. PANtl WALLS - IDING -EV-ALU-4T1ON, Product 1=21esory; Pared VNa11s Su d-C;B teg13r Y- Sid in g Cora pliance Statement: Allure" Fiber Cement SId in& a s produced by PLYC EMI USA LLC, his de rnoMtrated compliance with the ;following sec�ion!; of the 0 Ed•rkion 1201711Florida Building Code through testing in accordance with the following Standards. Compliance i$ Subject Jo the Installaition RequiremenU and Limitations f Conditions of use set forth herein. Section PLO Perk_y Standard bear 1 4_ 10 Phy5 k:a' Pr u Pedies ASTM C1186 2012 1 .1 vVino ASTM H3 oD 2OD2 Enti Examination RefereTwe date �fLD (T5T6Da.L3) Transverse Load (Wind] Florida vVindlead Testir g 0*/15 016 CRB (TST6049) Trans se Load (Wind] 2.258/W}10 08 2J101G ERD (TST6049) Transver5e Lead NAnd} 7he Ceme 10}Z612016 ERD (TST6049) Transverse Load (Wind) 7-25/B/cMU{16 12/04}2017 HETL (7ST1691) Transverse Load (wind) HETI-01-11)00 04/11 002 RETI (TST1E*91) Transverse L.oaiJ (Wind) NETT-01-1021 04/11/2002 EIEFI (T5T1 1) Transverse Lead Mnd) HMI-01-1023 CLall1}2-D02 H ETI (TST1691) Transverse Load (Wind) H Er-01-1.056 /11/2002 HETL(7$T1691) Transverse Load {1Nindl HETI-01-1060 04/11 002 1T$ (7571509� Physical PfoPerties 31553 0C 11 4/2008 1CC-ES (EVM96) 2012 IOC/IRC Cornpliance E -1381 10/OV2016 NEMO (TS76049) PhYMCel PrOpertieS ERD-SM565,10-1$ 10118/201;� MT98M) Transverse Load JWiriti) RJ0893-5 12MM1e QA1 (TST9808) Trarlsver-se Lead (Wind) RJ0803-0 12/10/2010 CIAI 7ST9&081 TrarL5ver'se Load {Wind) RMD893-9 12 0 010 OA1 (TST9$08i Tranweme l q d ('mind) FUM3-10 1 0/2010 iaAl (T5'T98 ) TranVerRl Load (Wirldl RJM3-11 1212012010 QA1 (TST9808) Transverse Load (VVirA) 11110893-12 12120/2010 QAI (T5T98081 Tranwvse Load Mi rid) PJ2420-P 0411$/2413 QA1 rST9808) Rackl ng / Shear Lund (E72) Rl0701P-5 021019 QAL n-57nOS� Hack; ng /year- Land (E7� II RJ67-01 P-6 0 /2 019 QA1 (T5798081 lacking � Shear Load (E72) 8J$701P-1-R1 021111Z43 QA1 {Y5T9808} Rarkinp Shear Load (E72) FU670115-24k1 02/11f2019 QA1 fTST9808) Racking Shear Load (E72) RJ6701P--R1 02/11 W019 C�Ai (TST980a) Racking Shear Load (E72) RJ67()1P-4_R1 0 11/2019 PLYCE M USA LLC Qua lity AssurarLGe- Declaration Letter 0 01/2017 QAa IQU.A262S� Quality Assurance In5pertion Report (Nt) 07N9/2018 QAI {QI_IA7 ) CWailtV Assuram:e Inspectim Report (MX) 09/14 018 4.1 All uraT' Fiber Cement S i d in8 is com posed of Portia rrd cement, silica, oe11 u I ese fi be rr rlay o r fly a 5h a n d I im es#ene. Altura— F1 ber Cerra a nt Si ding is m inEmur n 5/ 16- i n ch Tb i Ck a nd meets ,SST M C 1186, Type A. 6 ra de I I ( Reference. FBC :L".10). 4-1-1 Vertical Panel di is f I K f i IJ er-cem ent, pa reel -siding available with s month or textured P_xte nor su da tes; 48-i n-C wide by 8, 9, 10 or 12 ft long- 4,1.2 La p Sid Ing are fl-at, fi ber,cem a nt, la p-s id irig available with smooth or textu red extQ!rior surfaces; 5 , 6 , TA, 9Y. or !9-inch wide by 12 ft long, NE*+10 ETC, iLC alu p on Report 9�3L5.a1.16-R4 CuJUWeqfWE!WN32455 �i� k EDMON ( 1 I)FH C15LI N FL�07��•R�J ern HVMZ EVALUAT10N Realslon � 02{201q Pag.e 2 *F a 44NEMOletc. 4.1. 3 5ha Siding &re flat, fiber -cement, panel -siding ava1a b le with smooth or temr-ad exterior surfaces of va rio Ljs i d igns� "Random Square Strait Edge", "Random Square Stammered Edg@6 � "Ka I�-Roun��" and '+�ct��oris�'; ��-inch ,amide by A�-inch. gner 5-1 This is a buiId1ng rode evaIuatiori. Neither NEMO M. LLC nor Robert Nierninen, R.f- -arer in any way, the DCS' of Reoord for any project on which this Eva Iuabon Report, or previous versions thereof, is/was used for permitting or des ign gu idarlce u € less reta ine-d specifically f or that purpose- 5.2 This Evaluation Report is not for use 1ri FBC HVHZ jurisdictions. 53 This Evaluation Report does not address fire-re.sistance- rating perfiormance of the completed WaII assemblies. 5.4 Shea r load performa n ce- d ata for Ve rt.i l Pan e I Sid i ng i s presented i n Appendix 2, Lap Si ding and Shapes Si ding a re not i n to nded for rackiing o r s h ear resistance; walls s h A be braced by et her mea n-s a s required by t h e Aut horny Havf ng 5,5 5.5.1 5,5.E 5,6 J ofisdiction. Limitations relating to wind dad resistance are outlined in Appendix 1. "M DP" - M ax i Mu m Al lovable Design Pres5ure is th a TWA of testing ror wind load resista nce based on al lowable wind loads. Refe-r to rBc 1609 for determination of design wind loads- aximum Ultimate Wind Speeds sba II be as defin-ed in or 1 .3(3) of the E* Edition (2017 } Florida Buildi!ngCode, depending -on the project Risk Category (f!BC 1604.5) and Exposure Category �F:96 1609,4.31 a s d e f i ned hfy the Design e r of Re co rd and accepta ble to the Autbority Having Jurisdiction, Maxi m u m LI Itirn ato W; no Specd s a re li m ite d tD pro j ccts r'n eeti n g the following; maxi m u m height o f 30 it E ndose d building (Internal Pressure C'3effici ent, Cp i = + 0 -14� Site conditi.oris and location of the structure do not meet ali conditions specified in Section 2-6.2-1 of ASCE 7-10 A alysi s for bui Id i n gs fa 11ing outside these ronst ra i nts shall be u n a project -by -project ba sis by a Flo rlida R-egistered RE - All products in the waII assp. mbly shall hzve quality assurance audit in accordance with F.k C. Rute 61G10-A- 6-1 All-uratm Fiber Cenilerrt Siding Shall be installed in accvrdance with instructions, sub} t t-athe Limitations( Conditlons of L[Se noted herein. RLYCF-M U6A LLC published installation 6.2 The underlying wa I I su hstrate shal l include a water-resi stive ba rri-e r in acoord{a n ce with F&C 1403.2- 6-3 Minimum system attachment re-qui rem ents arc set forth in Appendix 1, and .shall not be ex-ceed ed. Fastener length$ noted a re rni rti rn u m I en gth s, and, shail be adjusted as necessary for rn f nim urn 1-inch errs hedment i rtto wood studs or minimum three full 1hreads for maul framing (Referenw: FBC1405.16). As required by the Build i ng off i vial or Authorl ty Haring J u ri-sdiction in older to pfoperly eva I u ate th a in51a I lation of this orodoct. Nuevo Laredo, Mexico North WilIkeslero, NC (aka, "Roaring REv&') kl La bor-a to rigs i QUA7628- 4 � 52 f 4 -316; rr iansQQwne LL!,y 1-ul r, THE EIGHT f g) PA GE APPENDICES THA T FOLE 0 W FORM PAS RT OF THiS EVALVA T;01r REPORT - Evalu;pion Report 5915-Gfi.:L&R4 NftE1� EEC, U.� Sri. 0 E q LLC YipSfan § �< l Dil l 1F017) FtC ff-ON-HVFZ E4+A AVON FL20702-114 RFyoern USA LLC_ R2visioei a! NJ? 1120J9 Po$e � of a �3 C a ra 7 a 1%3 -V irk m Uri uF CFL Lol Z o& CD v Q � y o fu SELP aD M1 F rn + ■ �s O � Ck � r■� a4 0 rp on 0 D O 06 Oq VP molk 0� alp 3 C LA E m .--r M f4 O 23 Tw- Leh 07 4} ei Z M n 93 m up ,17 0 EL M Mk V5 rt ICD m v} m M A ro C:L S!L .�■i ZT 1.5. = 5Ul. CL 8b --ft 41b "F Ul. �d an fp C � n � tD - b 3 Al rD � + cu C? Q Cc CL SR Cl 4; ru C_ {'l 3 h-? CQ {!F f`1 %J R i Fog U o F ate, �A M P" Ekt in L—El.� ED CL rt Is � r+ EDWC �r- a [D f ZF Ln M n :T -9 br CLxrb m -9 cm r r} 7 :3 f5- LA w . F rD M zr eb -n ML 4 CD {D L, -n CD U4 ¢� 3 r* 5FS i"F CL z " C . 3 moo_ .-r � ft m - ❑r-P CD rt rp�'+ vw rat 3 V� in YUr M O in rr ra fD VD 37 0. rt CL 4n +-+ � � ;7 ti,yy U4 � VP j■■r � CM v 3 C o 4;n 4P 'i fL ru rT is Lo rCD 3 � F Sig r# LA pa C- rDZL rt lO ftj < :: FT S w U ' LOP 3 to CL . r m M �] • ._ n Co � CL � b► � � r+ �U 4FS �i 2) � Q TCL w � 0_ M CILra �5 CL � rr a CL �. 3 _ C pi !W : cl z :3- � 3" r* a�'S < In r+ � F + C7 3 fa fG rD 90 to � — e " c rD G CD eb F uq M Q 71 t7- rt L X r�FZF �_r C I' 90 :37 ED 10 � _ L 1] jA ED Mr r O CD 7S' n tG r� 0 w IV 10 Q r-r a■■F En 10 CL uiIr I C I' iy C" b] rp a_ ZF M+ a_ CL M. w w w fD LM Sp im b C't ,n 0 .f3 y 3 fD Ln Q T ID 3 T CCo + Z r 1 c cm zi V. f y Lh ©©MMEMB i.ML MrsL 3 z m 9 0 ■ z R7 9 0 m �F 4p