HomeMy WebLinkAboutForness_ Spec sheetBRWF 9b W A T E R H E WHITE Photo is of RE240LN6 Residential Lowboy Electric Water Heater Copper Screw Type Immersion Element (INCOLOY® type immersion element available upon request) The Lowboy Electric Models Feature: ■ Blanketed & Non -Blanketed Models Available —Non -Blanketed models (RE1201-6, RE230LN6, RE240LN6, RE250LN6) help to decrease overall installation time and are perfect for new construction applications. Blanketed models (RE1301-6, RE2301-6, & RE2401-6) provide more installation flexibility and are ideal for replacement applications. ■ Low Restrictive Brass Drain Valve —Durable tamper proof design. ■ Fully Automatic Thermostat Controls —Fast acting surface -mount thermostat with high limit energy cut-off (manual reset) for safety. ■ Direct Heat Transfer with Immersed Elements —Transfers heat directly and efficiently to the water. Screw -in style. ■ Factory -Installed Hydrojet® Total Performance System —Sediment reducing device that also increases first hour delivery of hot water while minimizing temperature build-up in tank. ■ Vitraglas® Lining —An exclusively engineered enamel formula that provides superior tank protection from the highly corrosive effects of hot water. This formula (Vitraglas") is fused to the steel surface by firing at a temperature of over 1600oF (871 °C). ■ Insulation System—Non-CFC foam covers the sides and top of the tank, reducing heat loss. This results in less energy consumption, improved efficiencies, and jacket rigidity. Blanketed models additionally use a supplied flexible fiberglass insulation blanket. ■ Water Connections-34" (19mm) NPT factory -installed true dielectric fittings extend water heater life and simplify water line connections. ■ Factory -Installed Heat Traps —Design incorporates a flexible disk that reduces heat loss in piping and eliminates the potential for noise generation. (Except for RE1201-6). ■ Protective Magnesium Anode Rod —Provides added protection against corrosion for long-term, trouble -free service. ■ Non -Simultaneous Operation —Non -Simultaneous operation indicates only one heating element will operate at a time and is standard construction from the factory. Simultaneous Operation indicates both heating elements have the potential to operate at the same time and is available as an option (must be specified when ordering). ■ Voltages Available-120V, 208V, 240V, 277V, 480V. ■ Single Phase or Three Phase Operation Available-120V & 277V may only be wired for single phase operation. ■ T&P Relief Valve —Installed, side T&P is standard. Optional top T&P location is available. ■ Design evaluated by ETL in accordance with Part 280.707(d) of HUD Mobile Home Construction and Safety Standards for Energy Efficiency. c(&. P_ 6 or 10-Year Limited Tank Warranties / 6 or 10-Year Limited Warranty on Component Parts. For more information on warranty, please visit www.bradfordwhite.com Intertek Intertek For products installed in USA, Canada, and Puerto Rico. Some states do not allow limitations on warranties. See complete copy of the warranty included with the heater. MANUFACTURED UNDER ONE OR MORE OF THE FOLLOWING U.S. PATENTS: 5,682.666; 7.634,976: 500,165; 5,954,492: 6.056,542: 6,935.280; 5,372,185; 5.485.879: 5,574,822; 7.971,560; 7,992,526; 6,684,821; 7,334,419: 7.866.168: 7'270,087: 7,007,748; 5,596,952; 6,142,216: 7,699.026: 5.341,770: 7,337,517: 7,665.211: 7,665.210; 7;063,132; 7,063,133; 7,559,293; 7,900,589; 5.943,984; 8,082,888; 5,988,117; 7,621,238; 7,650,859; 5,761,379; 7,409,925; 5,277.171; 8,146,772: 7,458,341: 2.262.174. OTHER U.S. AND FOREIGN PATENT APPLICATIONS PENDING. CURRENT CANADIAN PATENTS: 2,314,845; 2,504,824; 2,108.186. 2,143,031: 2,409,271; 2,548,958; 2,112,515: 2,476,685; 2.239.007; 2,092,105: 2,107,012. Vitraglas° and Hydrojete are registered trademarks of Bradford White* Corporation. 1203-C-1118 Residential Electric Water Heater Lowboy Models Model Number RE1201_6t RE130L6" RE RE230L6** RE240LN6 RE240L6" RE250LN6 Nominal a • Capacity U.S. Imp. Gal. Gal. 19 16 28 23 28 23 28 23 37 31 38 32 45 37 DOE Rated Storage Volume (Gal.) — 26 26 26 34 35 43 First Hour Rating (Gal.) — 42 41 42 45 49 61 Uniform Energy Factor — 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.91 0.92 Receveryat 90°F Rise` I U.S. Imp. GPH' GP H` 21 18 21 18 21 18 21 18 21 18 21 18 21 18 A Floor to Top of Heater in. 24 the 29 h6 29=h6 29V,6 32'/,6 323'z 33=h61 B Jacket Dia. in. 18 20 23 22 24'/2 24 26 C Floor to Water Conn. in. 251 315h6 315/16 3173h6 345h6 345/e 361/i6 D C/L of Water Conn. in. 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 E Floor to T&P Conn. in. 1815/,e! 25''h6 239h6l315h6 239/16 31M6 22 "he /31 �',6 23=h6/345h6 239/16/34 6 245/16136%16 G Water Conn. NPT in. 3!: Approx. Shi In itelghfg lbs. 65 3/: 99 3/; 3/4 +!: 3/: 3/: 102 108 126 140 173 Model Number RE1203 RE130L6** RE230LN6 RE230L6** RE240LN6 RE240L6" RF250LN6 Nominal Liter Capacity 72 106 106 106 140 144 170 DOE Rated Storage Volume (Liters) — 98 98 98 129 132 163 First Hour Rating (Liters) — 159 155 159 171 186 231 Uniform Energy Factor 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.91 0.92 Recoveryat 50°C Rise' Liters/ Hour 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 A Floor to Top of Heater mm. 621 751 751 751 814 822 846 B Jacket Dia. mm. 457 508 584 559 622 610 660 C Floor to Water Conn. mm. 652 795 795 808 872 879 916 D C/L of Water Conn. mm. 203 203 203 203 203 203 203 E Floor to T&P Conn. mm. 481/652 598/795 598/795 579/808 598/872 598/879 618/916 G Water Conn. NPT mm. 19 19 19 19 19 19 Approx. Shipping Weight kg. 29 45 46 49 57 64 19 76 a a PPII u IfibUIdLIOn DlanKei (Z tnICK). Dimensions in charts above do not include blanket thickness. For 10 year models, change suffix "6" to "10". Based on 4500W/4500W, Non -Simultaneous operation. All models available with optional top T&P location (Plugged). t Exempt from ASHRAE 90.1 b (current standard). Uniform Energy Factor and First Hour Rating is based on the latest AHRI directory listings. GPH Temperature Rise °F Wattage 60 80 90 100 120 1500W 10 8 7 6 5 2000W 14 10 9 8 7 250OW 17 13 11 10 9 3000W 21 15 14 12 10 3500W 24 18 16 14 12 4000W 28 21 18 16 14 4500W 31 23 21 19 15 5000W 34 26 23 21 17 5500W 38 29 25 23 19 _6000W 1 41 31 28 25 21 ♦(GPH based on Non -Simultaneous operation, when Simultaneous operation the GPH will approximately double.) fort Voltage 1500W 25DOW / 250OW no yes yes yes yes 30DOW / 3000W no yes yes yes yes 3500W/3500W no yes yes no no 4000W / 4000W no .yes yes yes yes 4500W/4500W no yes yes .yes .yes no Optional Anode Top T&P (RE130L6, RE230LN6, Location RE24OLN6, & RE25OLN6 only) ___-... ----..I — � iv I 1.. I.yea I .yg Wattage Limitations for Voltage Non -Simultaneous 0 eration 120V 208V 240V 277V 480V 150OW / 150OW yes yes yes yes yes 2000W / 2000W yes yes yes yes yes C 250OW / 250OW yes yes yes yes yes 3000W/3000W yes yes yes yes yes •E 350OW/350OW no es yes no no 4000W / 4000W no .yes yes yes yes 450OW/450OW no yes yes .yes .yes A 5000W / SOOOW no -yes yes .yes .yes 550OW / 5500W no .yes .yes no no 1 6000W/6000W no .yes yes --yes .yes • = Not available on RE130L and •"E" dimension listed as side/top. RE230LN6. General: Meets NAECA Requirements. All models ETL listed. These heaters are wired inter -locking (Non -Simultaneous, Single Phase) 240V with two 450OW elements, unless otherwise specified. All water and electrical connections are 3/4" (19mm) NPT. All models certified at 300 PSI test pressure (2068 kPa) and 150 PSI working pressure (1034 kPa.) Dimensions and specifications subject to change without notice in accordance with our policy of continuous product improvement. — 13RADFORD WHITE IS — For field service, contact your professional installer or local Bradford White sales representative. Sales 800-523-2931 ■ Fax 215-641-1612 R� J `1 RD WH/TE' Technical Support 800-334-M ■ Email techserv@bradfordwhite.com Ambler, PA s Warranty 800-531-2111 ■ Email warranty@bradfordwhite.com International: Telephone 1-215-641-9400 ■ Email intemationai@bradfordwhite.com / www.bra&ordwhfte.com Built to be the Bestry 1203-C-1118 ©2018, Bradford White Corporation. All rights reserved. Printed in U.S.A.