HomeMy WebLinkAboutdemo permitAl I APPLICABLE I N F 0 MUST BE COM PLETE D FQ R A PKI CATION TO BE ACCEPTED I Permit Number: t7cq r r- - J _ 7Y 3 F Building Permit Application Pfanning and DeveJopm-ent SLerviries SuOldir q and Code Renpulation &ivisran 23W WaMra AwenPouf Prerce Pt 34 Ph?ne' 1774 4152-1553 Fax` (772 ) 4632-1578 Com me FCia I Reside ntia I PERMIT APPLICATION FOR� P ROP OSED I N PROVEM ENT LOCATI O N: Address; tega I De Wri ption' Prbpi rr Tax LD 0: - - - C Liot NO. �At-c Plarn Narne: EA6r-s - BICILx No. Project Name: Setbacks Front Ba t L .— . Right fide: Left Side: DETAI LED DESCR I PTI O N OF WO R K: Yr. C I CC) NSTRU CT 10 N I N FGR MATI ON: Add iti Dnal wnr tCq be per o rme d u n -ef - Checl-a- Mer,haniiwll Gas rank Hearin _ Plurnbing Total 5% Ft of Co n rUCCIon_ � Cost of Construction: S%90 r C OWNER/LESSEE. - 4-ame T . Addrew / 7 jr;x '? 1-0,9 Gas pi:r�ir7g Apr inklers 5hutte rs Generataf 5q. Ft_ of First Flpp r: Llfilitie5: ewer _Septic oty-. ,nf 4 f5 1d/.' � State: 0 Zip Code: Pax= E-Mail Vil in fee 5i m plc Title Holder an next page I If different from the �rner I fisted a b.ovej windows/Doo•-, Roof Pit-7� { Building Height: CONTILACI'OFt,-- Na me;+ f-Drnpa ny= �M1 F J4 Address: ; / .11�'cc _ City: YL' TCra cA 5t8Lam= lip Qode; g7j Fax.' PhDne ltihp ._ 4 - E mail a AYW)4142• Cam' State or County License de' 5-1 If value of eordtruetlCPn is 2500 or m 4rsr a RECORDED Notice of Comm encement is rc quired, SDI PRI ENTAL CONSTRUCTION UEK! LAW INFORMATION: DESIGNNGINEEFI: Na me -- Add ress Ci ty; zip= Phone FEE SIMPLE T#TLE HOLD E R: Name. - Add ress - City; zips Phone; Not applicable N state: MORTGAGE COMPANY, Name; Ad -dress: BON DING M PANY- Clty: zip;. N-ER/ CONTRACTOR AFFII)Vff: Application is hereby made to ob. hin a permit W do the work and I cer6l'y thak no work or knsta Ilation has com menccd prior to the issuance of a pefmLt- Not Applicable Not Ap pli cafi3le as in dir.,3 M St. Lucie Count�r ma kes no rep fesentation th a t is granting a permit will authcirize the Fmlf holder to bui Id dhe subject structure which is in conSirt wish i1 ray oppl icable Home Owners Assodatian rufw.%, bVl-ows or and iuvenants that may restrict or prohibit such Strvcluru. Please ta,nsu It with your Horne ownet5 ASL+ Wt[on and review your deed for any restrictions which tms wv ;hpply. In consideration of the UantlnA of this requested permit, I do hereby agree that I will, irti all respects, perfo-rm tM wcirk in accor-danec with the approved pla ns, the 1 Inrid a Buildi ng QpJes a nd St. Lucie County Amendmenis. The folliowing building pxran it iiFyplicatiuns are exem pt from undergo ing -a full comufrt ncV review: room additions, acjr.e550r� StruVu res, swimming pools, fences, walli, idamti r wren rooms and accessory uses to an -other n4an-resldem. ial u5t- Wwf#RN ING TO OWN � R, YQUr fall Ur* to Record a Notice of Cam meneemern M ay result In your paring twice fa r i mprovem ents to you r p ropef-tyr. A Notice of Corn rn encement mu 5t be reco rded and posted o r1 th o job 5 it e betore th a fi rst i n5pertion, if you ifite rid to obtain f in and rrg, con-5 Alt with len de r Or a n attarn ey befo re tomme ncin work or recording o ire of Com mencfiment- _ZA - 111e Sigrt.�tu rit� pf O wn urj Lessees ontractor as Ag nk for Qy9ner Sign 3tli of ContractorJLICFFse Helder STATE OF FLO" COUNTY OF_� The #d ding instrument was ooknowledRed before me this, `I idly Qf ' }, �. f L EY L P � Name cif person acknowl gang I 04113: uric of--AutarM Pu blic- 5tke of Florida ] Personollw Known OR Produced Identrflutlon Type of Idqntiflr-atlgn rr� rC S511N*�ow in CurrimAun No l"px�y: �n B. W2r M1• �r rL 7hFU REVIEIWS FRONT ZQNIINcp - 1�04JNTE R REVI LW RECEIVED_ 7ATF COM FLETED *STATE OF FLOR DA MU NTY OF i . ♦1 r , the Iing Irrs#rurpeni was acknowtedged before mer W this = dayr of F — fi- �: 20: � by [Name cif person acknowledging j �Sigraature of Notary Public- State -of Flory a ] Personal#y Known OFI Produced leli rmtif;catickn rype of Idep#Ificawn Produced I n�1,; 7- Comm ission Nci.-a 4 1,45{ MkIV LEE VATM l �{Or r4 aBrd l Thy MuSo1{cV '}'$•noc NS VEGETATION MANGROV REVIIEW R I IEEE W I REVIEW I S REVIEW I REVIEVI E From. Adam Smith Subject, 1- 1-1 -LOT -DE I .pdf Date Jan 14, 2021 at 11:59:13 AM To: Tracer Smith traceysmith873@yahoo.corn Please print r n '•Y •� � 'tijl Net ties Ms] o Ing. , o ccodominium .. MG" der&tkmlw o" Jr Baal it MW YAK 07.ki 712%4MM I ]wa%k)„ Wvd JEPwT,Pdbwk.F1 � T APPROVED Floe Mi. lwwlr. 11rr AWbC44■:qr ry •yss 44 *ff mrKPFEI of LbE Wd fmrM 1 ay grin. pr„L L.W LPWI Ihit NM x W1 MC flftl4WC C r4ITh +m4p1;o* McnwrG rL-r R V frrkirgg Ik =* ax*v&i3cIkm of a dwEimg IRgp} bnr rgw 4 WMrWim ry ppewcFneN MUA be „dR*•ME-J yr %h4tks LkLUhd Itr de% Lwx mrIL! ir1w iL eM t [bM . Lirw+L44Iewp y4rw 14m q" mW t'he 1'kAc *& %mkft I" PmceA m I xwrFwr I'Wr of and %AKmp A1CW h3 94I NAlk s NkM wW prot:ok w whfk * ct" ni I gem r. Al1u, {.Tlrase he .,ilrMre OW •dl A101HOfUrad qlpt AS L.MJ trk %aloe hLord w Kakbd kw sok lot EqL*rhs 13 mWrtN* r LirTK i3 rrqdp,L giw"ru j!NVo .khiwN iYVpWUV dr+fvrnaMg4Nqh li+ retkrw%C jo &&ftm mI tia (fil rr► rAkt- reofalk�. 11rr*AF4r ik"kM • N 1 •MIti F i Vd;kW f"t TJ6NX4 N Mr w M W . I OVA .6W. w. AwL1. 6�v.- F It From: Adam Smith u ject. 0 1-01-1-LOT -DE 1 .pdf Die: ,fan 14,2021 at 11:59:13 Aril Tracey Smith Please print Nettles Island Inc..,- a conguniniufrk iP*i �7 kinWL3r 21QI 11140 Iwot'i Pa �Lglk- It•%J I,•n-cn lk-arF I i I'7` Ile I. xL'pin ' I , q �:[ I bra AI, F ;^Lm-k.. APPROVED 11w A ti4LC LWn.n gpWll -r4 A $re mrrwwil r4 t6r gin4 I'tow IAA �. rh,% %W *w at L Im wiLl bm i'mmJ d wilh eL:X�wI.lLILraw4wwm liel RV � �� MA* L* nof a dyeoirg. ilr6ma � 1k, ucw Mtwt1kr0 aK t 1mve a Ilw+l the IWKMAW 4F Ivy i-W rCw IRS NO rWa+L lipm "RP 4yu., p+vit TMVM) 4W ft 19caw cwmF& urth 11C'4rHk1- labrrd PTM.dWft COMcrMMgi AilydKVW WO KA4i■M AC-H+dly 1w NEINn1,1Lw1 andP1LINIkk ur i i1h &-641W W ehd �Ir AwL PIr.3re kc &fLiacd *0 all Auhil"uwmi M3pmfimb raid 4 tiru" IsLud am wAW hx YA I6a er LW*W• It ad► k.Ufi rink 14 JW%t&q. try arm J1 WMM SWVWNM dLXUn HndnlNM ILl rr►W%l M MM44PM1 -L% 161 umlmft�- Rcspr�full� , ilaWON KIOU= Lx I-LTW FI LrotA LJ NVWL% I*lued fk-wd arr f IRm *-r% Ilk IF 7ji. COUNT F L 0 R 1 0 P4 Planning & Developmeml Services Building & Code Regniation Division 2300 Virginia Ave Fort Fier , FL 34 ASBESTOS NOTICE TO CONTRACTOR W; Contr-a tar Name: watr, Business Name: h Add ress: 6 6 / Al • l ' ce - J City; de-14j?" ee-aeh sue: Fi Zip Code, 1 It Is your responslbl I Its+ to comply with the provisions of Section 46R, 0D3r Florida SCatutes and to notify the Depa rtment of E nviron mental Prcrt-ection of any i ntentl vns to remove asbestos when applicable in accordance w th state and federal law. Signature & Date PE Mtr I$EuE DATE PLANNIN & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES - Building & Cote Cc Ripl ante Divisiogt COUNTY SU kLDINC PERMIT S1� ONTFLACTOR AGRUM WN r r S eT,- r ✓€ � C e- -f r Jr / -37:d L+ juve agreed t#? 1-C, Of�+ C 4 �.. SlIb-COD I OT ff)r �r ' �" xr cI {Type of ;ruder 5-,frr thu icct IM41cd at v (Prgjcc: SrrW A&Lress or ProFay Tax FD id) It i;� undcrsl d tflat, if arc Is m ch=ge of s#atus r ddrr sue p ip8tion w th the above mentioned project, tbc. Buildit and Cady Regitation Divisi-010 -of S1. Lucie CouM. �%� It bt advised puni,Akt to tbC �i'M& of a Chmgr of Sat ontramr Wti-ce. a ■ems FL 1/gy.— rr +�T& MI# Naft .1 nwrw& CP.,y � i W6a k ptr�+i4 kR� � bM a . r M*MdrOMjhark r i YF�fdr{� �1 4F"pd �'Vwr I —CPU V1. N ta k, I It��vixad ' I�Et.~0!o �I '1kA(TC1R S;GNATURE {QuOM-P ;1., Lr�L rRPqT NxME 1-j .S}IIYFF' CjtR fF-Pr-AnO y N# MRFR ShmN 4 Fl.ridt €.'anntg Or LC , r\ Th# AWC&"Rf 10arp-ff4M'%M *{ d bd*et a tbi1& dax of %lhn d penfm4W Imonn . 1' r W" proda d i ' ite* rl an rrt af+�'o�r� �r1�ie flLre — rrMt Ninr Ot Awnry rift Y@ �E t�+a k.fl.1� L11 H."-- G COUNTY r d D R 9 D A ISSUE EATF Rui I d i n u & Code Coo plin nee Division B( I I _ it N(; !'L RM IT S U B-C N'TR AC FOR AC IMF' FAFFA 1 - -L ee-,�, 71, e fCOMM,Y NamelFidividtml Na>>x) h k'e agreed rig he the &rn t- Stab-contraM)r for I Type c�F Triads I [ Priirrwyv-Contracl(3r � J•o r L I w P M I LT IcicaTNI a _ L P ru, r,:l Sircc, Ad4jrvss +ar Prc-,em Tn--, III W M ] L i under%t-0od 1.11M. if there i,. an V change o f sLarus Tcgard i n- OUF j'r:lrl is ipaR i On With tfL-e ah1lk r. rm n I lonLd pre j cCL til-e T31iil in-9 and CQdk Rc: gulatlork Ili ti i;itm of !&l. L I - it! Cotlnty W i I I he ad4IbW pit rkuarl L 10 khf fil F a Change of'5 4Lb-cuntFuctof am iru. %H." 'IRE �mhI —�Z4 /42�1 PHI ST -NAMF. �:1,2 5-,? 17011 %i-Fv VERTIF A 1 I ON tit MBER SI0! Ilr Foal idm, 47euety nl jm&A r) 'rbt+NrgMng Inclr*Iwemt +re! wigrre ",bru mr thn I -5 id m1f` fry CA hn:y prrxonullti knnx h _Ilr pnsrluJ aFlOir );L :3fi Ielt•Nlificulion. err iypwLFrc n111ry 1'�Wie ' 51[14f� ..,..,EXH J"ES: 'R 421 rlor 1:hmve 6r Behar} Iruhlr Krsimel I I IN "M t. 11'11-1-1M1FIR V-TORM47N'Li L H!. f(FuaNnt•r1 F'RIl'r \41%IF. COO ti I r' I:F.FL 1 I F'rCA rJON 'NUM ME.1k f. Ala IY of T6oridg i'nuar4 iii� j • jLt.+y 4.y} �JIllic- rurtodnz IRiLI-iIIA__M-•�c %, 3- %ir.111•11 bcrprR mL• I his 1 do. Or '4hioA IpL•r5+1liall%knm+n _M kiGVku4wkrd}�- 35 IlICII lili.'�7�411� Ilure Y\Marti F,IIWIc J'rku \amr fir Nornm Pul,R 6L sl-%%Ip NcUhf Pubio: Si We 0 fKrPW } i Lism Mruro MYCrXTFWMMAG6 22VA E� n 96r3 -12072