HomeMy WebLinkAboutdemo permit and subsAl I AP-PUCAR LE INFO MUS 1 M [OM Pf FTE0 FOR AP PtGCATMIN TO BE ACCEPTED D"l.t { f Permit Numbr . - Na Building Permit Application Ptdrrning c, r; DEve)opmen t Servjtes BuMdrng and Lb de Regufatjr n D,r&Dor 2300 Vir!yjri0 A wi rn%j e, €aFt Pierce Ft 34982 +hone; J 772) 462- 1:5 53 Fax- (7 72) 452-1578 Co m m e rt l � I PERMITTYPE: PWr'>L"ok? R F`51 dentin I Add re55; _10. �+jr Or eXl/? f .At 2 f 3 ori}'f, OeAcAp r L/ P rope rty+ r ax 8I} # 1- f ' _ Lot No. -Site Plan Plame; 3r7Lup Additbrial wo rk to be performed i,n¢ef # he, perm 4 — Check a II that apply: _Mecha n ir-al Ga% Tarty _ -6 L* P'Pi nd _ Shu tters _ Windows/Doors Fiprt4r. _ P ILFrn bang _ 5prin klers 10t@ I S[j. F t .0 f CoAstructlon_ �- Cost of Constriction: $ -'w _ Generator _ RODF Pitch S-q. rt. of rir%t rinnr! Utilities- 5ewct _ S t pt lc Build ing Height: Name C Ala m.P. a ddr�#x: Ja r erf� Com pang: Z A r'{ Cc, / - Cityr: Jar 1 Vtrrr State; Addre!�5= r' _dip bode: Fax: ICt 5lalte,4r• ' Phone No. 72-2 - 1 7 7,p (ode: _ _ Fax, 7 2 ; ',�l 9f E mail; Ph rune. No. 7 Fill in Fee sirrGpl Tetle Holder an next page (it dEFfererrt �rn C: ! r �,fo. 6t It From the owner listed abov-t] State or County L ioense F Vol we of [c nsUuvftn is $2500 a r more, a R ECORDED Natice of [am nsencew'mmt i5 requir*d_ >f Val L,e 0f PIVAC Is 97,500 or more, a RECORDED NGtitc of In mmenrcm errr ip TUq uirQd_ NaMe: Add res s City; Zip - Phone KL)t App F E E SIMI PLE T ITLE HOLDrR: Not App Name; Address; - tiP: h�rti �Ie MORTGAGE COMPANY: Name. _ Addre55: i#Y= 7i PFspne: COMPANY: Name- AddFMS: City:- Z ip! I► bli! Not Ap pl icab le OWN E R) 00 NTRAC f OR AFF I DVIT: ApohC3iuon 15 herahV made to ah tWn .2 permi L tp da th-V vrark pMict in�tallztipn �5 i ndiuted- I tertiFy that no -work or installation has commenced prior to Litre iiivanL*.0f.8 p�rrnii. St. -Lucie -Coue-t wia-kei rto rr.prFienldliun I Fiu'. i% Kr,ln king ,i permil, Wil I authoriFe �e permit. holder to build the subject stiucture whlcn 15 in c-Dnfliv with any applioAblf- I l n-e Llwnr: r5 A5xoriation rules, bw1;wws of and cove-nants that may restrict or prohibit such str•�re. please to-�sull with yrpur Hrrrlik; Own-ers Asy4ciation and reviiie w yOur deed for any restrilftm which maw apply. In cons,derat+on of the granting of this reque�5lf+d pee t11iq, I do hrrt- y nrtL�t th,i I I veill, in ;o11 np,peCts, pL ri4?rm the wprk in a=rdance with the ap:l�rav&d plains, the Flu! id,+ Gui (ding CQdI-s an-d St. Lucie L.auntv Amend m"ts. The ti-Alowing bu:.ldi ng permit applications are exempt from uMe.rgpi ng d fUl I pgnGUrrCntp Fcvitw: rupm odditims, uccessure 5,ructurE s, swi rn r-.:ng poDls, Fences, w211i, sign. sereee, i c iam, and :' i:i:r-%L:Fry •. iv% I n :in�l ho • —)� re--;i jl,pk:.1: lJ 1, "1rMAR N11G TO OWNER: YOUR FAILURE TO IlWtORD 4 NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TRICE FOR MP1fOVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPER 1 T. A NO TICE OF COMM ENCEMENT MUST 19 E RECORDED A ND PO!5TfD ON THE JOB WE BEFORE THE FIRST INSPECTION. iF Y04J INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCIN-C, CONSULT WJTH Y IDUR �N.DER, OR AN AnORNEY BEFORE R-ECORUINC if OUR NOTICE OF C I)MME N-1 EMEpff Ili Signature of Coy tractorf l- erase oldef STATE OF FLO �-TLCOUNTY OF f' f e iQ g[}ing ; n5[rufYiQfi? WLi% Ask:" uwludgrd bl`F4rl' me a y L� dayr of - , i-i.3 -r- 7o j � by 8 J &Yr7 l i. d + � . N.drnr. of pvr�an making skate ment Pvr-�t;nolly Knirwn OR Produced Identikation Tye b. Ids j�irwltipn Produced d}i L • — ;Signpwre & F #ary PLLblic- State of FIF kY6iYk1;G r4�TFT }REVIEWS FRO NT COUNTER STATE 0f F L0 DA y COUNTY OF_! 1• Fw ti The cing Instrur�rtit was acknowledged before r-.e this daw of r L � . 202L byr d a r'Jq � 1 r- k• Narne of perso-n maki r%g statement Persona=lw Knawn OR Produced Ide;;dficatianl.t Typc of Dent rlca4i n 1 Prindurcd��f����L— (5TRi tune of Ciwv Public- 51 T of Fln-idA } kVM LM WAM o- rt �. � � .•"'' i #{° L %1,6d Tom+ &K" NA2!y 5�nims S;iorS No�����•� �1�}SiUISSlON*C� t� E%�GiE5c �Ydl d,; i �'Efcre:I = ��9t� TIt 0 A ISSUE DATF P1. ILN \ I NG & IMF %rLL()PNI FXI SERNITC'F_S 1!-CO"rRAC ] UK A[: RFFM F.7' . havc agreed to bC (Cumpany N;jjue•7ndjvjdml Ni tP� /,,, e r 5 trb-contractor for . r ('['}p� of Tr ) ft rrmrV Contrwtm F For the pwjco located m fen 7 S cncx!;;� 1WW - I Priij, mt Stfmi Add I e}} or Fropert'r' Tax 11) 11 1 It is und-mirood that, 1 f Ilicre 1 r. a37 p' L; fLar1 ge of S# M'S rLgardmg our part i L: i p8 tion w 1 di tf7e abL)v Fncpulioncd projeel, the bu 1Idtrlg mid Code R t_gu Itit i on NV i sifrti (a f St. Lucie Uo i i nty M I I be ads' I Seel 13LU—wH rLE Lo the �i fiTig of a t= harLgc o F Sulu -coal ractor not i-Ce. �/ f f �RFti 14 7 F f f r v i'r' RT iCNUMBER NIMIK or RurldLa, ",r1,13 er P-tq, r,�, r--� The. fn.qppiag lonrurnam ,.ors sinod h0arr111t• th h 4�n er -vLL&t , 2 D-aI t* L �_— . w ho Is prr"itsll? Lrww•n _ *r has pmducL4t s • 0 r m Lden+Ilrl *6n_ SL"F!-C:S}ti'I'it kC''{{]R 5 Ci ti.� L A NF {1 ii91ift rM — PFLI 1 431v �.�� Col. TY l F-R E EFICAT10%, NL. xiAF. R 5A ■u ¢r Flurlda, ['mum} rr :aT j _1 Xti1F' Niplulare Man lNblk. � s• ��`LEEHATIM i • W UC�30 GG %;W lc „�„�'^`�}'a 'r lot Nome 'id#TLY ry PLLMFE �"^J� RC 1}Yy I I I?. 1..!1% 1010 the iilrMPiEN inslrume.nl "ac Ligiivil brrore mo tha d2% -Al ri ha Is {pe.I'5nrkAIIl &rwri n or hsit prfiAq,twil a—Dy- - X es srltnrlll{sY.r��� AMP '11.11mlore 4f "lio1LLn F%oblle ri M4 NEaR at NrArir % Fk bjC '.0=E�Qrmjra PERM11`.AL IaSU E�Lx- COUNTY . F L Cl R t G' PLANNING & DEVELOPMFNT SERVICES Hadding & Cedic Compffmage IDivi!Oon INIFLD IN G PERMIT 5 un-co ,rRACToR ACREEME. F' }� •' _ _f r }� e rr�oa have agreed ran he Sub-conmku= fix � (Tym of iok l For the prq tx E luutw at 2 2a . . LM- it i6 widersu)od ffiat, if there is any change of Vms FrUarding Ow pIMOPOOn With the abOwl-, mentioned PFOj kt, the Building and Code RCAU 14110ri Di vis ion of A Lgcic C:M will be a iW pufs+.= 10 tbe- filing Df 8 CIJMZC ofSub-contractor note-ce. Tue£ RACTOR SocNA'VkJ ll fQMIMD +! PONT NAMIL 121 CT91 / Cnt' n i={TAQF NtM§W9 Sak of FMr1ML Cowly d I hl 1 a 31Nl 4g iR Lf p,eerovrMR� �i� pAJ�� i �' L- PRFPff -NAVE - :UGU +rl'f -CgplT1-Zf A FION NUMUR 51djf 0 Flaridq6 weer of LLT3 F-IL T Me 1nrr�ai a� aeaerowlrei ti+�E d ldvrs ar Kim if pnlbItY k�r a _Zihr ha PrUdKYtl ■ a �rd�IPl� ZUrIMFC- . ;fKO' +• FW Fe } r dL mod, 6i 2021 No �'. P.[ � 4m o WW P Mk 'FL l k� �Y°°E .4p+'rr IY� *fT'�p�Ry Pali[ 3 STAMP COUNTY F L 0 R! D A Planning & Developm-en t Sorvices Build i og & Code Reg u la#ion Division 2300 VirginiH Ave Fort Pierce, FL 34982 772-462-1553 Fax 77.2-462,1578 AhREST SINT 10E TO CONTRACTOR ai9te: �? 121 Contnxw Name: ZAI /71 Busl ness Marne: Address: pity: Zip Code: 57 Re, Job Acid ress- � fe4 z9�17, 142 - It is your responslhlllty to corn ply with the provi-sions of Section 469.003, Florida Statutes nd to Igo* the Depa =e nt of Envi ronrnenta I Protection of o ny intentions to remove a sdestos when appl Ica ble I n accord -a nee with sta and federal law, nature & Dahe Tnx I? i 4"