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Applied For
Product Manufacturer Direct Metals, Inc
Address/Phone/Email 17600 East Street
N. Ft Myers, FL 33917
(239) 599-8527
Authorized Signature James Buckner
Technical Representative
Quality Assurance Representative
Category Roofing
Subcategory Roofing Accessories that are an Integral Part of the Roofing System
Compliance Method Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed Florida
Professional Engineer
Evaluation Report - Hardcopy Received
Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed James L Buckner
the Evaluation Report
Florida License PE-31242
Quality Assurance Entity Keystone Certifications, Inc.
Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 01/30/2025
Validated By Michael John Riemer, P.E.
Validation Checklist - Hardcopy Received
Certificate of Independence FL25870 Rl_QO_I Cert of Independence James Buckner 2020 ds pelf
Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard)
Equivalence of Product Standards
Certified By
Sections from the Code
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CBUCK Engineering
sp":&� Struchxdl ex -or w%nir q CBUCK, Inc. Certificate of Authorization #8064
Evaluation Report
"The Bullet GooseNeck"
Direct Metals, Inc.
17600 East Street
N. Fort Myers, FL 33917
(239) 599-8527
Florida Product Approval
# FL 25870.2-R1
Florida Building Code 7th Edition (2020)
Per Rule 61G20-3
Method: 2 - B
Category: Roofing
Sub - Category: Roofing Accessories that are an Integral
Part of the Roof System
Product Name :
Prepared by:
James L. Buckner, P.E., SECB
Florida Professional Engineer # 31242
Florida Evaluation ANE ID: 1916
Report No. 20-301.02-GN-ER
Date: 12 / 31 / 2020
Evaluation Report Pages 1— 6
"The Bullet GooseNeck"
Wood Deck This item has been electronically signed and sealed
by James L. Buckner, P.E., on this date using a
Digital Signature. Printed copies of this document
are not considered signed and sealed, and the
signature must be verified on any electronic copies.
�P .•'�\CENSF''•. F.p
* ' No 31242
��Rs'•.FGORIOP.•' C.)
CBUCK, lnc2-020.12.31 13:21:32-05'00'
1374 Community Drive Jupiter, Florida 33458
Phone: (561)491-9927 Website: www.cbuckinc.net
CBUCK Engineering
Spec:Jd tU Struch.xal Erigtrn~r 2
Manufacturer: Direct Metals, Inc.
Product Name: "The Bullet GooseNeck"
Product Category: Roofing
FL #: FL 25870.2-111
Date: 12 / 31 / 2020
Report No.: 20-301.02-GN-ER
Page 2 of 6
CBUCK, Inc. Certificate of Authorization #8064
Product Sub -Category Roofing Accessories that are an Integral part of the Roofing System
Compliance Method: State Product Approval Rule 61G20-3.005 (2) (b)
Product/System The "Bullet GooseNeck" is designed to be an efficient roof vent and aesthetically
Description: pleasing alternative to traditional style metal Gooseneck Vents. This innovative
product comes with a built-in cricket, a debris screen and rain damper.
Gooseneck sizes for Schedule 40 PVC
Product Assembly as
Refer to Page 4 of this report for product assembly components/materials &
1. "The Bullet GooseNeck"
2. Fasteners
Attached to Plywood Deck Support
Wood Deck
(Design of support system is outside the scope of this evaluation)
• 15/32" or greater Plywood,
• or Wood plank deck (based on minimum density/specific gravity of 0.42)
Structural Rating: Wind Uplift Structural Resistance
Option 1: 12 Fasteners
Design Uplift Pressure -610 PSF
Resistance in ASD with a Safety Factor of 2 to 1
CBUCK Engineering
SPGNCJdlty Struchxal En4r•*x"rinq
FL #:
FL 25870.2-111
12 / 31 / 2020
Report No.:
3 of 6
CBUCK, Inc. Certificate of Authorization #8064
Performance Standards: The following test protocol was performed to demonstrate compliance with the
intent of the code.
• ASTM E330-02 — Modified Standard test method for Structural performance
of exterior windows, doors, skylights, and curtain walls by uniform static
pressure difference
Code Compliance: The product described herein has demonstrated compliance with Florida Building
Code 7th Edition (2020), Section 1708.2.
Evaluation Report This product evaluation is limited to compliance with the structural requirements
Scope: of the Florida Building Code, as related to the scope section to Florida Product
Approval Rule 61G20-3.001.
Limitations and Scope of "Limitations and Conditions of Use" for this evaluation:
Conditions of Use: This evaluation report for "Optional Statewide Approval" contains technical
documentation, specifications and installation method(s) which include
"Limitations and Conditions of Use" throughout the report in accordance
with Rule 61G20-3.005. Per Rule 61G20-3.004, the Florida Building
Commission is the authority to approve products under "Optional Statewide
• Option for application outside "Limitations and Conditions of Use"
Rule 61G20-3.005(1)(e) allows engineering analysis for "project specific
approval by the local authorities having jurisdiction in accordance with the
alternate methods and materials authorized in the Code". Any modification
of the product as evaluated in this report and approved by the Florida
Building Commission is outside the scope of this evaluation and will be the
responsibility of others.
• Design of support system is outside the scope of this report.
• Fire Classification is outside the scope of Rule 61G20-3, and is therefore not
included in this evaluation.
• This evaluation report does not evaluate the use of this product for use in the
High Velocity Hurricane Zone code section. (Dade & Broward Counties)
Quality Assurance: The manufacturer has demonstrated compliance of roof panel products in
accordance with the Florida Building Code and Rule 61G20-3.005 (3) for
manufacturing under a quality assurance program audited by an approved quality
assurance entity through Keystone Certifications, Inc. (FBC Organization #: QUA
CBUCK Engineering
SP6cJdity S nic=hxdi E x;-* * erinq
(by Manufacturer):
The Bullet GooseNeck
Material Type:
Model Sizes:
Base Fastener:
Corrosion Resistance:
FL #: FL 25870.2-111
Date: 12 / 31 / 2020
Report No.: 20-301.02-GN-ER
Page 4 of 6
CBUCK, Inc. Certificate of Authorization ##8064
Heavy Duty Polypropylene Carbonate
12.5" Nominal
8", 9", 10", 12.5"
Direct Metals
DMI Panclip MTW Fastener
#10-9 x 1" (min.)(or 3/16" Min Penetration
thru deck)
Per FBC Section 1506.5
Per ASTM F 1667
Installation Method:
(Refer to drawings on Pages 5-6 of this report.)
Install the "The Bullet GooseNeck" assembly in compliance with the installation
method listed in this report and applicable code sections of FBC 7th Edition
(2020). The installation method described herein is in accordance with the scope
of this evaluation report. Refer to manufacturer's installation instructions as a
supplemental guide for attachment.
Evaluation Referenced 1. ASTM E330-02 Modified Uniform Static Pressure Test
Data: American Test Lab of South Florida (FBC Organization #TST ID: 3782)
Project No.: 1222.01-17, Report Date: 12 / 22 / 17
2. Quality Assurance
Keystone Certifications, Inc. (QUA ID: 1824)
3. Certification of Independence
By James L. Buckner, P.E. @ CBUCK Engineering
(FBC Organization # ANE 1916)
CBUCK Enginee'inq
FL #: FL 25870.2-R1
Date: 12 / 31 / 2020
Report No.: 20-301.02-GN-ER
Page 5 of 6
Specia"'1i S?Tu -- J Csl ef1Qk-1C%NI -Q CBUCK, Inc. Certificate of Authorization #8064
Installation Method
Direct Metals, Inc.
"The Bullet Gooseneck" Components
Profile Drawings
I is
. T—
CBUCK Engineaerinq
FL #: FL 25870.2-R1
Date: 12 / 31 / 2020
Report No.: 20-301.02-GN-ER
Page 6 of 6
SPWC&a"-LJ Shuchxdl Engk p"lncj CBUCK, Inc. Certificate of Authorization #8064
Installation Method
Direct Metals, Inc.
"The Bullet Gooseneck" Attached to Plywood Deck
#10-9 x 1" MINIMUM
Side Assembly View