HomeMy WebLinkAboutChecklistBOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PLANNING.& DEVELOPMENT -SERVICES DEPARTMENT Building & Code Regulation CHECKLIST FOR RESIDENTIAL/COM MMCIAL BUILDING PERMIT Pried Location: ��='�.C� . i �' ° \ R i° Date• �. �' i /�""� Permit Number: Z 0 l [ - 0 L & ,* Teclinician• � �e '') Regpired Documents: Application completely filled out with Notarized Signatures ............................ Yes �% No N/A . Sub Agreements with Notarized Signatures (prior to issuance) ............. . Yes No — N/A Owner / Builder Affidavit (signed in office) ......... ........................................... Yes No — N/A / ✓ N/A Filled Land Affidavit (prior to issuance)................................................... .Yes No _ Recorded Warranty Deed, if applicable.......... ....................................... .Yes No N/A Recorded N%�ice of Commencement (prior to issuance or inspection)-__-_---- Yes No _ N/A z 'or to issuance) Utility Agreement or Payment Receipt (prior .................. .............Yes4w._rNo /A Vegetation Removal Application with copy of survey......................•............Yes _ /A Plans Calculations & Attachment(3 copies commerciai, 2 copies residential) Complete set of plans with Engineer / Architect Raised Seal ........................... Yes No N/A TrsPlans reviewed and approved by Engineer / Architect ............................. Yes No N/A Landscaping and Parking plan (under 6,000 sgft)...................................:..... Yet No NlA— Site Plans........................................................ - -::-:.....-:.-: �esL�Fo--Aif�-- Approved/ Sealed Survey with Dimensions, Finished floor ............ ............................. Yesf/ No N/A Elevations and Setbacks .................. .............. Yes-01 No N/A Yes No N/A Plot plan with Setbacks............................................................... — l Health Department approval stamped on survey and floor play............... .:........ Yes No N Health Department Food Establishment Pemut stamped on floor plan ................ Yea N N!A ous....................................................Yes o N/A Manual " ]"'or Manual "N" Calculate Energy Calculations (1 set original signatures & signed in 2 spots)............Yes_,_ .7 No N!A Signed / NIA cation .......................:.......... . ............. Sealed Wind Load Compliance Certtfi Product Review Affidavit................................................ .................... Excava ' i ¢ a pond for fills Site plan showing 25-foot(minimum) set back from all property boundaries, size, shape, location and quantities of proposed excavation and fill areas Side slopes not to exceed 4 to 1 to a minimum of 3 feet below water level......... th........... Depth of excavation does not exceed 12 feet in dep .......:................. Yes o — Yes7No_ NAA yes_ No N! Yes 'No N! yes No N/A IfHauling fill off site (excess of 100 cubic yards) you must have a mining permit Yes —No VA O r' Health Department Permit Paperwork .................................................... ..................................... Yes No_NAA CD for Fire Department if commercial or multi -family ................................. .._Yes No N/A DEP, SFWMD or Amax Corp of Engineers .(dock, seawall, SF on beach)............ Yes No N!A :............................................ . ......... Pool Barrier Affidavit...................Yes No N/A . Yes . No N/A_ Ground Sign Landscape Affidavit (signs) .................................................. — . � yes No N!A Burn Bate orSIi`-- CabiWts::::::.-::::.::::::.-::::... ::...-�,.-...-._.�..._....... --- -----