HomeMy WebLinkAboutProject Information (3) - ' 2030 NW 22 Court �--� Pompano Beach, Fl. 33069 J LJJr+ j _0UJ"Jr+r -Beensed&Insured Lie- #CG CO53441 �-�- TEL: 954-977-2000 1-800-861-3637 Y S f F- iv] S FAX: 954-782-9991 #17013 revised Contract submitted to: JAMES DYKES Tel: 772-323-3856 4715 MYRTLE DR email:mrzipfl@gmail.com FT PIERCE,FL Date: 2/06/17 AF Install 12 Helical Piers with bracket to underpin single story foundation (RS2875.203;10"-12" HDG) @ $ 1150 each to 22' or less $139800 AV If a depth greater than 22' is required to achieve design loads of 5 tons, it will be billed @ $150 per 7' section and/or $120 per 5' section N Any additional depth beyond 22' to achieve design loads does not require a written change order N Job duration estimated at 1 week N Mobilization $2000 N Concrete cutting and removal outside perimeter by others N Concrete cutting: 1 location @ $300 $300 N Tile in patio area to be replaced by others AF Includes 0121 and/or 0499 underpinning brackets N Soil boring test one location $1500 N Manifold lift piles in an attempt to raise foundation back to original level. FFS will not be responsible for damage to slab, drywall, plumbing etc., during lift. $2500 AF Polyurethane slab lift and void fill under addition slab 400 sq. ft. & 325 sq. ft. under patio slab (approx 4001bs of AP 430 3 lb. foam) $5400 AF Permit fees, permit processing & sealed engineering plans $2150 N Geotech to monitor installation at his discretion and provide . signed & sealed pile logs included N Any pool/sprinkler pipes, electrical conduits,water/sewer lines, gas lines, unforeseen obstacles, etc., in the way of pile install to be moved or relocated by others. N Any additional piles will be charged at contract price. Credit for deducted piles will be determined at invoicing depending on final count. *FFS reserves the right to adjust the price per pile if quantity changes Note: This is an estimate. The final bill will reflect the actual work done. —_ $279650 uthorized signat a Print name and title P 1 of 3 v t.i1L'LULL' i�At contract $ 8295 Dxa(}QQ a 1 r laS3 ;. z At start/material on site $ 8295 1 m .At completion $119060 Extras, if any due at completion Florida Foundation will not be responsible for,but not limited to any damage to landscaping,sod,sprinklers,septic tank, drain fields,pipes,underground utilities,etc... Florida Foundation will,however exercise reasonable care in the installation of Atlas Piers in a workmanlike manner. Client shall disclose any knowledge of debris,junk f ll,pressure grouting and obstruction of any kind in the proposed work area. If obstructions are encountered that restrict the installation of the Helical piers Florida Foundation reserves the right to relocate the piers with your engineer's advanced approval,if necessary,up to 3 helical diameters or more to achieve proper penetration.It may be necessary to install 2 piers instead of one to achieve the desired structural integrity of the project due to obstructions or other problems.A price adjustment will be made in these cases. Any alteration or deviation from above specifications will become an extra charge over and above the estimate AU agreements contingent upon strikes,accidents,weather or other delays beyond our control.No owner may incur any expenses to be charged to the contractor or credited against this contract without previous written approval by the contractor.Property owner to carry liability insurance.Florida Foundation will provide public liability insurance and Workmen's compensation or waiver. We also reserve the right to use our insured certified installer. PA YMENTS: The contractor reserves the right to stop work until timeprogress payments according to the contract arepaid and such work stoppage,if any,shall not constitute grounds for breach of any contractual obligations.Owner's failure to make .fall and timely payments to the contractor shall void contractor's obligation under the warranty.Final payment is due and payable at completion.A 3%service charge will be added to invoices paid by credit card TERMS:a finance charge of I %%per month will be applied to any remaining balance past due after 30 days. If Florida Foundation incurs any expense in collecting payments or enforcing the terms of this agreement the owner agrees to pay all such costs and expenses including reasonable attorneys fees and court cost on the trial and appellate level,which contractor incurs. Suit for enforcing this agreement shall be filed in Broward County. If for any reason the specifications of this contract cannot be met,either party may terminate the work by written notice. All work and costs up to that point will be due and payable to contractor. ANY CLAIMS FOR,CONSTRUCTION DEFECTS ARE SUBJECT TO THE NOTICE AND CURE PROVISIONS OF CHAPTER 558,FLORIDA STATUTES. i FLORIDA HOMEOWNERS'CONSTRUCTION RECOVERY FUND Payment may be available from the Florida homeowners'construction recovery fund ifyou lose money on a project performed under contract,where the loss results from specified violations of Florida law by a licensed contractor.For information about the recovery fund and filing a claim, contact the Florida construction industry licensing board. II thorized Signature U Print Name & Title P2of3 FLORIDA FOUNDATION SYSTEMS INC. ACCORDING TO FLORIDA'S CONSTRUCTION LIEN LAW(SECTIONS713.001- 713.37, FLORIDA STATUTES), THOSE WHO WORK ON YOUR PROPERTY OR PROVIDE MATERIALS AND SERVICES AND ARE NOT PAID IN FULL HAVE A RIGHT TO ENFORCE THEIR CLAIM FOR PAYMENT AGAINST YOUR PROPERTY.THIS CLAIM IS KNOWN AS A CONSTRUCTION LIEN. IF YOUR CONTRACTOR OR A SUBCONTRACTOR FAILS TO PAY SUBONTRACTORS, SUB- SUBCONTRACTORS, OR MATERIAL SUPPLIERS, THOSE PEOPLE WHO ARE OWED MONEY MAY LOOK TO YOUR PROPERTY FOR PAYMENT, EVEN IF YOU HAVE ALREADY PAID YOUR CONTRACTOR IN FULL. IF YOU FAIL TO PAY YOUR CONTRACTOR, YOUR CONTRACTOR MAY ALSO HAVE A LIEN ON YOUR PROPERTY. THIS MEANS IF A LIEN IS FILED YOUR PROPERTY COULD BE SOLD AGAINST YOUR WILL TO PAY FOR LABOR, MATERIALS, OR OTHER SERVICES THAT YOUR CONTRACTOR OF A SUBCONTRACTOR MAY HAVE FAILED TO PAY. TO PROTECT YOURSELF, YOU SHOULD STIPULATE IN THIS CONTRACT THAT BEFORE ANY PAYMENT IS MADE, YOUR CONTRACTOR IS REQUIRED TO PROVIDE YOU WITH A WRITTEN RELEASE OF LIEN FROM ANY PERSON OR COMPANY THAT HAS PROVIDED TO YOU A"NOTICE TO OWNER." FLORIDA'S CONSTRUCTION LIEN LAW IS COMPLEX, AND IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT YOU CONSULT AN ATTORNEY. Respectfully submitted FLORIDA FOUNDATION SYSTEMS INC. Authorized signature Lisa Spence !Date 2 17 This proposal maybe withdrawn by us if not accepted within 30 days. Acceptance of proposal: The above prices,specifications and conditions are satisfactory and are,hereby accepted You are authorized to do the work as specified Payment will be made as outlined above. 0 ' `Date G Z� Authorized signature Print Name& 77flec, 6�7w ,v � � P3of3 INSTALL RS2.875X.203 1012" W/UNDERPINNING BRACKETS 6 TON DESIGN LOAD TYP.OF 12'C y v py �w . � THESE PLANS AND ALL PRCPOS_D WM., E 3J JR AREauBJrcTTa ANY cos RkcTlCras 'REQUIRE D SY FIELD INSPECTORS THAT . h A coA MAY BE NECESSARY IN OiiD?Ft TO, CO&rjI`V 4yITH ALL APPLICf�DLE CO1;>e�. io EXISTING CMU 8 WALL e O I io COVERED PATIO NOTE: LEVEL OF OUTSIDE co GRADE MAY NOT BE AS EXISTING FLOOR SLAB 5E.AL SHOWN. TOP OF PILE MAY . cut conc.to HAVE TO BE ADJUSTED io allow pile install MONO SLAB O coEXISTING FOOTING 1 fO HELICAL W/UNDERPINNI " LL to SLEEVE Poly Void fill and slab raise USE ANCHORS W W O FO(REFER TO MFG. R DETAI c) O 5' 5' 5' 5' iq INSTALL RS 2875.203 10"12' V m HELICAL PIER OR PUSH W/LOW PROFILE UNDERPINNING Z a O O O O PIN ANCHOR SHAFT BRACKETS TYP OF 5 TON W r` I WITH 5 TON CAPACITY TYP OF 12. LU 1 LOCATION SKETCH SECTION AA c SCALE: 1/2 -1 �, , W SCALE: 1/8"=1 f, ,tk•` \r t d,�� � � Q � e B`rpi�R.1�nV 1C M p k° vFA�y{it-ut�'' ' Cy 2 (/ ST,LUCIE COUNTY '`-:,�n.`. `�;ry_�tt":•` .ara 0 BUILDING DIVISION "' g REVIEWED FOR COMPLIAN y �`' 4•••+•'-�'`' O1 0 REVIEWED BY DATE • P NS AN PER T i MUST BE KEPT ON OB OR NO INSPECTION WILL BE MADE 51