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approved plans
Model #: 340TL40684BMC)=71147 IN Sales Name:-Tradewinds DISCIPLINE DESIGNATOR SHEET TYPE DESIGNATORS A ARCFIITECTURAL ❑ OPERATI❑NS O GENERAL SYMBOLS, LEGENDS. NOTES, ETC, _ B GEOTECHNICAL P PLUMBING C C;IVIL Q EQUIPMENT PLANS HORIZONTAL VIEWS D PROCESS R RESOURCE E (ELEVATIONS VERTICAL VIEWS E ELEI:TRICAL S STRUCTURAL 3 SECTIONS SECTIONAL VIEWS L WALL SECTIONS F FIRE PROTECTION T —TELECOMMUNICATIONS 4 LARGE —CA SLE VIEWSPLANS ELEVATI❑NS, SFAIR SECTIONS, OR SECTIONS THAT ARE: NOT ETAILS, . G GENERAL U USER DEFINED S DETAILS Er SCHE➢UL DIAGRAMS �— H HAZARDOUS MATERIAL V SURVEY / MAPPING 7 --- USER DEFINED — I INTERIORS X OTHER DISCIPLINES L LANDSCAPE - qcl3MAffT[NjR �— / SH❑P PRITS EI U;iER DEFINED S1 3D REPRESENTATION — ISOMETRICS, PERPSPECTIVES, PHOTOGRAPHS M MECHANICAL MAY i ' 'Of PERM177INVCx S1. Lurie C%euniy, I - CONCEALED FASTENERS OR ATTACHMENic THESE PLANS AND ALL PROPOSE❑ WORK ARE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE ARE sUIIJECT To ANY CORRECTIONS REQUIRED BY FIELD INSPECTORS THAT CONTRACTOR OFRECORD CoMpL wTHSALLAAP Cn KCOPPS, Sheet Number G0,01 AO.01 A0,02 �A1,01 A2,01 _A2,02 A3,03 A3,04 E0,01 E1,01 P1,01 P1,02 P1,03 S0,01 Sheet List Tabs e Sheet 'Title Title Sheet Code Sheet Construction Notes Floorp(an -ront & Rear Elevations- %, Right & Left Elevations4 On Frame Cross Section' On Frame Cross Section a Notes Electrical Notes Electrical Plan DWV Plan Cold Supply Lines Hot Supply, Lines Shearwalt Notes 151 S0102 Column & Shearwatl Tables S1,01,02 Floor Framing ON 16 ❑C SL04 Roof & Duct Plan 16 ---- NON -INDEXED ATTACHMENTS - --- Florida Product Approvals F LA. RES, 1 Y Fj' i 6.J lAr IIA%o 41Vr I I IM,01 _ IM- Floor IM,02 _ IM-Endwatt IM,03 IM-Fixed Peak 303_04g, U 1,5 S-11 Man No.2\0�Z�?� ST. LUCIE COUtr" PV BUILDING DIVUION Ar;rrovej �y SCOTT S. FRANCIS REVIER ED FOR C N REVIEWED V DATE _ PLANS A T MUST B KEPT ONJOB OR NO INSPECT ,r WILL B , DIADE. PlEens Examiner No. SMP-42 M U N z_ 1 1 U317NOAGENCYAPPROVAL mm.mmM mReaF.R, R.wmMi.M exam Aam+ere amevebn aua s+f.mr. m ire mRxag mWle O T. TWE vimAUZ. OF LEnrr. OF FLOpi{8 I— wPo0YH1>Aly lwmmazc) FMPAr qo mr.WFltB 0 . "NO. LO. FLOOR _40_. AFF,wva. orve G'$,1'T MMNFAGN R P, wammww 1 M M C, H I PAT 'jai 1. FLOOR LIVE LOAD = 40 PSF 2, ROOF LIVE LOAD = 20 PSF 3. WIND LOAD, 160 mph (Ulf) WIND SPEED (3 sec pusts)(Refer to floorplen) 4, BUIILDING IS RISK CATEGORY II. 0 5, WIND EXPOSURE CATEGORY -D' 6, GCPI = 0,161 INTERNAL PRESSURE COEFFICIENT (ENCLOSED) a 7, D.W.P. FOR C/C PSF 8, THIS BUILDING IS NOT Q DESIGNED FOR PLACEMENT ON THE UPPER HALF OF A HILL OR ESCARTMENT a EXCEEDING 15 FEET IN HEIGHT. (y 0 9. FLOOD LOAD, THIS BUILDING 0 MAY BE LOCATED IN A FLOOD HAZARD AREA PROVIDED N13 _j ii MODULAR PORTION OF THE F BUILDING I13 LOCATED BELOW A u BASE: FLOOD ELEVATION, an Frame Neten an-pne„e. .,u,,wW_yaU y keno [tetl to f60 ,r,lr al< 8! n� �fa�„tee der<Nm ere..,..x ,miv Ell IL L m < sera ma<i i sxt� teJ",-a •) a < - toLWeeJir[trL Itlltf.. NERD NON -ELEVATED SET - 201-0' MAX ELEVATED SET - 304' HAX WhW Spawu h Use Heederwe Iwo* 3aearaab WASH 7.10 W,IW aw and doe oP nko rmisa area w mmmd else aped stow par I. voaigns per the HOMa Building Code in effect at tins of production, 2. Reserved 3. Reserved. 4. Occupancy is Residential (R-3) 5. Construction Is type V-B. 6. Deapmt load Is based upon oar person far each 20D sq. f. of floor area. 7. Flea live Load - 40 p.st & Roof the Load - 20 p.&f. 9. End speed - See details In this approved package par specifics. it. All materials warred by the Fiorillo Building Comrnhsbn chapter 61 G20-1008 rules 5hdl have current Reado Product Ippmycle 11 75%of all permanently installed lighting, fixture; shall have high efficacy ImVs 14. Unless specifically noted on the approved Pans and dletais, Ihh building is 01 designed (nor Intended) to be located in 'Hillis Velocity Huricane Zone (Dade and Broward Counties). It Is the responsibility of the contractor and/or reta0er to vwify that each home o hstaihsi In the region for which it has tam designed and constructed and Ihst NO home is Installed into 11kpM Ydodty Hurricane Zooms' (Dole or Brewed county). This modular buldng may be sled in 'Regulatory Flood Rain Aromas' and/or 'V-Zme Areas only when the foundation has beau designed, enopneerad and constructed to comply with the Reeds Buldhg Codes gaming thorn specific :ones, area or regime No part of the m ckda building may be placed below base flood elevation, Pin Harbor Homes and its third party approval ag&x;A%), along with the ardhled and/or the engineer of the butdIng plans, shall not be held responsible or liable, if a contractor and/or raider Instoie a hone into a region for which it hall not been designed and/or constructed. The d antraehs and/or retailr shod boor spa responsbifty 'IS Data plut% state label shed be located on the Insido cover of or near the daetrkd pool, 16, Raised seal prints are on tie in the office of HNC, Inc 117. Rm review and Inspection required by Chapter 633 F.S. to be handed by local fire Inspector. 4 This buldng is dedyned for a permanent famdatim and is NOT intended to be mowsd once se Installed 19. These plane may be mkrowd or flipped drat any ads without reapprovd. I. At sapiy aY regtders are ddJWA enpt Who olkerabe spedat on the on 2. l6pole house ventilation wN be appfled based an RIGA, R3014 & Y1507.3 1 ffedr am wad ims shill pmNe 5D elm mhkma of wdidin 4. Vert Am shag be Wall to the at* of harm& 5. Reserved 6 ALL Bah (ad dart spho compmmb Installed in Ills attic am wPol badsfan are a ft*km R-wMw of R�U (hoed m simdstd pnkrmmce method of sanpOmm). 7. All dub ad sat styles make s MW on Ire ®derby of tlm Will, (Inedhhg tm and epee bins), old hale a rdiwam R-V" of R & NOiLI t& hum Is blots Is s j A"m list her O#W the or&wxe far WIN 1I VAllf CNNUL'Bpt III so,, Rgfat STARIR MR pohm & dab ad Owl hind to rat be bmkd Is De sad spins 8S�S011gB LSLG4L�B[Iding In6pections Dt(r meet: The Following items have not been completed by the manufacturer, have not been Inspected by HWC and are not certified by the State of Florida, Department of Business & Professional Regulations Insignia (label). Note This list does not necessarily (knit the items, wafer and/or materials that may be required for a complete Installation. ALL SITE INSTALLED ITEMS ARE SUBICT TO APPROVAL BY THE LOCAL JURISDICTION HAVING AUTHORITY. Code compliance for those site Installed Items shelf be determined at the local level and are the responsibility of the licensed contractor Installing the buutidIng and NOT Patin Harbor tames, P 'Systems - FNa 5e cares UM M ENnu 1. All yyss fs shall be constructed with the materials listed in FIG, ResWerhtid - Plumbing with materlds listed In chapters 25 UwouqIh &I, 2 DWV systems may be ADS OR PVL piping. 1 Tub access provided under home, unless otherwise noted. 4. Building diraln and dean -outs, when designed and site Installed by others, are subject to local jurisdiction approval. 5. Water header shall have a safety pm with 3/4 inch mhimem drah to 6. Water heater T & P relief valve to drain to sedeier, 7. 'Thermal Expansion device, ff required by water heater installation instructions, and if NOT shown an the approved plumbing plan, shelf be alled and installed on -site, by others land is subject to food approval. & NI plumbing fixtures to hoe separate :shutoff valves. 9. Shutoff valve to be installed within three feet of the fresh water Inlsl to the home ($He Installed, by others). to Water suppl pipes Installed In a wall exposed to the exterior shall be located on Ore Nested sde of the well Insulation. Water lines located In unconditioned spaces to be Insulated with mhknum R-6.5 insulation. 11. Water suppfX lines shall be PEX, pdybutyiene, CPVC or copper, 12 ALL supply crossovee piping to be connected on -site by others. 11 Shower stalls shall be covered with a nonabsabent material to a helght of 70 inches above finished floor (may be on -site). 14. Showers shall be controlled by an approved mixing vdvs with a maximum ouflat temperature of 120• F (49' C). 15, ALL cn-site plumbing ohdl be installed by a licensed plumbing contractor. ALL on -cite plumbing is subject to Inspection and approval by the: local authority having jurisdiction. 16. Water hommer arrestors are required when flow velocity will cause water hammer. 17. Provide heat traps if required per FLORIDA ENERGY CODE 4I0.4.3. Al Installed Items Is list contains examples and shelf'lot be considered all helusive) i The complete Foundation and fle-down systems. 2 Ramps, stairs and gesrol scam to the buddin 3. Building drdhs, dean -nuts rend hookup to the plumbing soon 4. Any patdde fire exthgueehr(s) that may be regrked. 5. Electrical service haduga (Including feeders) to the building. 6. The main ekcbtad pad and eh& --feeders (nwlti-section units). 7. Strucbwd and aesibetie intremnedians between modkdes (mold -woollen unite). & Extrbr shing ad/a roollng may be §alahad In the factory or felt off to be Installed am-sR4 by -others. 9, Exterior wall fnbih and soffit mabwtoh. 10, V6Mn protection, slam shutters. 11. Bottom of floor wind protection (When required). 12 Crossover dud and connections QDUAC). 11 HVAC diaearmed. 14. Rrg7tace dpbnoy. 15. G wall hvmhhg chbno)< 16. HVAC equipment 17. Combustion, Gas Venting, Combustion Air intake. I& AAV, Air Admittance Valves) IS. Option davator b dasgpad arid Installed on site by others. Some of those Items may be Instaffed h the factory at the dweretkn of plod management If the gems are Instalirl and inspected at the producton facifty, then faced dpprovd is not reel" 5-m d intercoDDzJt cats See NONJNDEXED attached pages: 1. For floor moonUse structural Intemnnectons see attached par IN,ol 2. For endwdN mating the structural bleremnectko see attached page: IN.02 1 For rod fixed tense mating the structural Intercamectims see attached p I111,03 4. For 2-say module ktroonnectias see attained page: NL06 (If agppdicabiTe w ,cp j55OWN ri CODE SUMMARY coma. r; STATE: E FLORIDA _ ° i� RESIIDENTIAL: FIRE PREVENTIQf LE3C 5th EDITION 2014 2014 FFPC RESIDENTIAL W/2016 5th Edition FL. FIR! Supplements PREVENTION LdaL to - ELECTRICAL:' m 2011 N.E.C. _ 3:0 O`'�I MECHANICAL: FUEL_ zx (D a E 5th EDI N 20141 [_BC 5th EDITIQAI 414� sin RESIDENTIALW/2016 RESIDENTIAL W/2016 tno e PLUMBING:: FBS, Sth�ED O-NI2014 RESDENTIAL W/201.6 ACCESSIBILITY: Supplements FBC 5th EDITION 2014J ENERGY: - ACCESSIBILITY VItl2016 FBC nth EDP110N �20141 Supplements RESUENiiAL. W/2016 1627 South Myrtle Ave Clearwater, FL. 33756 Approximate Square Footage of Bultdingh mra: LflirM AGENCY APPROVAL (see table on AO,02) a.rarxaaea otlmw nor a rare apeeucenClbo,radle,epaa MmNBMmnu - COW.1wa va..- ocrusPxecw �peaM ll wonovm.ocaw isommgac) Fdai RAlea EF D.T. WAlLB tea__ ALM. s FLapk LOW Lonp nppmov&WM F3"x3"ill MAWFA r7 ncR PHH - hwmRWUa ZtM He Florida product approvals are on file with third N &aW,IWIN party, _ d on M M TheaW MrNdls and poem arc confldmtid and Proprietary my These purposes are pravldne ZA M Mt flaw specific and rise net •_ copied or oothe be reprodar be se other t and or uced n to others ea any Purpose star than by S� 8 r O esbydistributed Patin Harbor. PC Hddkge may be marketed order e= < CV the 'Patin Harr Homan, itaamwCda Hsmwe. a de Hood °blsaavey Custom Home brand names, Nalkemkie Hanes and Obcomy Custom Hmms are d1whi ns of Palm Haber Hanes, Ins .. General Notes) 1, The building may be constructed in can exact mirror image about its axis without any re -approval of the plans (building may be "flipped" side to side and/or front to rear), 2, Optional horizon windows may be added at any location without re -approval The energy calculations shall be revised to Include the addl-+d horizon windows 3. Minimum corridor width is 36 4. All glazing within a 24 inch arc of doors, whose bottom edge Is less than 60 inches above the floor, and all glazing in doors shall be tempered or acrylic plastic sheet, 5. Shearwalls are designed either worst case or plan specific. When designed to worst case, shearwalls are of with sidewalts @ 108' height and 6-12 roof pitch. When shear -watts are designed plan specific, see floorplan (typically page A1.01) for sidewatl and roof pitch limitations, 6, Please refer to the code _sheet of this package for additional notes and requirements,See shear wall notes and siiearwall tables for shear wall construction requirements, 7. Exterior walls are no more than 9`0" rniax unless otherwise noted 8, When roof construction is cathedral ceilings, attic access shown on the plans are not required when the dimension between chord members is less than 30", 9. When designing your awn foundation, add 2" to overall width shown on floor plan per module to accommodate growth from sheathing and strapping, 10, Siclewalls are 4' or 6" up to 15CI mph (Ult). Sidewalk are 6" for winds above 150 mph (Ult), 6, Nationwide homes is a division of Palm Harbor Homes. Any construction in this unit not included in this package must be done in accordance with the Palm Harbor, Homes of Florida ManuaL. 7. Unless otherwise indicated on truss design, trusses spaced p per chart) U. 0 Vcad Vult m EXP. C EXP. D TRUSS SPACING END ZONE INT ZONE 120 MPH 155 MPH 141 MPH 24" O.C. 24" O,C, 130 MPH 168 MPH 153 MPH 16" O.C. 24" D.C. 140 MPH 181 MPH 165 MPH -16" O.C. 16" O.C. E 194 MPH 177 MPH 12" O.C. 16" O 226 MPH 208 MPH _12" O.C. 16" O.C. NOTE: VANDOWS k DOORS MUST AE RATEO FOR APPLICADLE NAND PRESSURES PER CHARTS ON 0()E SHEET (Typically A0.01) Kinro /' CWS Window Chart Size Square Foot Light Square Foot Vent 2OX22 TRAP 2.5 0 24x36. 4,3 2.15 24X60 7.69 3.84 24X12 2.070 0.00 36x60 12.20 6.14 �36x12 2.17 0.00 3Ox60 9.95 5.03 3Ox36 5.55 2.76 30x12 1,75 0.00 14x36 2.48 1.30 18x40 3.54 1.86 30x42 6.55 0.00 6442 4.90 5.20 46x12 3.28 0.00 48X12 3.40 0.00 4SX72 22.36 0,00 46X36 8.96 4.21 54X40 12.42 6.80 Door Chart Size Square Foot Light Square Foot Vent 36x80 Atrium 9.00 0.00 36:K80 Door 4.90 0.00 72:K80 S.G.D. 32.18 16.33 76X80 Dbl French 8.12 0.00 36x80 Single French 4.00 0.00 See Page S0.01 for Shear Wall Notes. See Shearwall Tables on other page in this package. Indicates Shear Wall Locations. 33758 LNG tiPROVVAL EnuR¢hxetl aW�ar,a ra a+en (AlI1M�Wl1 CW B YW MYOb1q ��9Pwl[ OC:UPF(gV �-' Ft Mn rw. OF Fl00R0 -{- MNoVEACRY 1MOlnagC) PMMTNa OF IXTAvtl 0 Marv. FI D uroaoAu t MlNUF�CNPFII � w vam" lXIagICNEZ(PE NO _ Building Square Footage Table w H LL " SQUARE F_OOTA13E BREAKDOWN FOR PROJECT _ � 0) 1 - - - - - _ DESCRIPTION_ AREA Lq. Ft) PERINIETER (Ft.) 1, N -i-- 1----- i= es o PORCH SQUARE FEET 124.88 SF 45.8 �; a r N - Lq-----�-I -- -- - SQU_ARE FEET A.C. 2597 44 SF 233.7 - 1--'---I----- � z� Total Pro;ecl l 2722.31 SrF i 279.4 O W-0' Bedroom #4 14 o 136.9 SF m WI 67 Vr e a t 4 Bath 3 --' 32 (fog) pp11 Needs this oz riser 3(� = (Cross -over duo,d,1 7 4 j- Sri &MWUWA 14} i Utility (2D}) 10 L nol Tradmnds package Shown Tbrou 301-11e_,� 30'-S 7/8. -46'-S' I- �'43/4 LSA91 -2 7/6• 7280 S.G.D. �s ' TOWER DORMER Fee III I COFFCRIC C��GILINI,6 •_ 40'-4 3/4' �`. b Dining Room 138.2 SF Combmbined 507.7 SF (�---,\ -_�--� -- 3 .V Kitchen Great Room �4' : I I 365.D SF Solely % 91b I — M ._ MQ_ --ZsL_ I - Interior I Sun Room �� .. 190.3 SF c/ \A 4.Uy 18•-9 3/8' mMe SmRah the Iwo home dope oid'Ynder the de"tbro of the WVliotb sxgme of the Rate But" We In eReet at the time of cenelnxDn. I If L Fra4 Gate 15 _ t2 5 � t8 IO1D'tT�Te'Faoii-7_ 8 (183) 3e —3 eF -AkM I Master Bedroom 194.1 SF 1 15'-t6}' h�-. 261 & 4a}(184 44 I -- S2_--------------- 34 T� 32 g (16 -li PI301' t r'^ 3P •_ 311 (ISe) a) � --- Foyer ,,, (16e}) I 1 �_ii}• nPt ('Q gflN3 48 T ° 5 ^ 2N •�$80� - 11J Q ---- 5+ (lob � i1sa f: pIWO - WIC ^ I Master Bath ••C�_ •ems T e Bedroom #3 Activity RoAs om Bed r Dm 143.1 SF $47.9 3F " .3 SF -- EGRESS Porch Header 3 2x6 3 SPF Min S11 E6P - „_.•'•' - EGRESS EGRESS 7980 i !_—�_L-5F-7- -Ihna,.B-.s3/4' S8'-o' S0'-o 3/4' _68'-0'•-0• --38'-3 1/S.' 0 3/4' ifi-1 1/2' BDato GD'r thnH-17-C='— 12'-0• - 1B Q— Is 12 Tradesk,Lrneda 'Tradow'mach 003) re•m. CDO1 cp' Lg. Cea •mor ,Gm. Por^maer- Clearwater, FL 33750 State. -C LISTINGA(BCYAPPRGVAL ++ Maas AA aJ YmuhWntl&FNAAdof1N0 sms,md1on 3 n ea .'o- I^ -O � ewmsr. ME A �� � ocamaxcv � Q) � O WRA°VF1AarY1w�•rnssm ' c F u'rms°a w Yo. 21MIM T a W..FA c Y `S__tl 0aaaovuo;In U 0.NNeFPL'NRei wIl L ti IN9FNCA/E9xE tU LL O t1 I o 1' 4' E—♦�4_'L�I � � N r- a Iz � a . F_ FC-- FC a�VENTED Std i� opt. 12 FFO-10 — FF = FINISHED FLOOR FC - FINISHED CEILING UC = UNIT INTERCONNEC-nON I FC n-- FC — -- — VENTED SOFFIT � a I m7 I i� FF --- X = SEE SITE BUILDER'S FOUNDATION DETAILS AND x� SPECIFICATIONS FOR FOUNDATION HEIGHT(S). I I u�c I TRUSS MATE LINE, p I I UCj/ _ TRUSS MATE LINE RIGHT VIEW 1' 4' ■n nn rlrnn■il�nrulili�l�■ r. -- .■rlr■yy1�■■��■1■� rlrnlr rlr■rlr■rlrl■rSl ■11■ql /11■/Pr/ITY! `-�-. ..--_._. til-iilin:irn eras nernuuer e ur rlru ,rlr101.1 In - i— ■n nr rlrm■• -- mn�ulrrrTmul mt ir/Ilrrl •.•_ ■ nr■nr■rllli■rntilt ®e�� � elm■�IIIM.hairy.lrr���ce�s��r���1.rrElsi�� rr��l� _r���r�i�Ile�il LEFT VIEW Notes: 1. Roof ventilation may be accomplished through the use of either ventilated eaves, roof vents or ridge ventilation. Either or all of these methods may also be used separately or in combination to provide the minimum required roof ventilation of kea OR ),3m see Florida Energy Calculations. 2. Roof overhang (eove) sizes may vary, Roof overhangs are typically a nominal 12" save or approximately 11 1/4" wide. 3. Bath exhaust fans (ventilated air) shall exhaust directly to the exterior of the home and shall not exhaust into the roof and/or other concealed cavity or area. 4. The elevations shown above are typical and may vary due to optional and/or custom features or specific customer requests. 5. Siding may be approved vinyl or cementious and either vertical or horizontal per manufacture's instructions. 6. Steps and handralis are installed onsite by others or at the factory at the factory's discretion. 7. If window sills are greater than 72" from grade and less than 24" above finish floor, builder is responsible for providing and installing window guards. 8. Exterior doors are fiberglass unless otherwise noted on the plans. 9. When shingles are installed, they are fiberglass, wind resistance: D3161 "Class F" resistance to fire: "CLASS A". 10, Windows are Low—E, insulated. 1 1 WooTING AGENCY APPIXNAI Tlwe°11Ynnpyelnne FladYe u..amn.YNWpnYNIaNN Caa■ucbn GgaMNengH NNnTYnMa CS%18l. TYPE �(B-- a�q;vNlcv N1tlNA/IPN0. a ftoo■s y_ WINOYA imutTflfY3c) RIIEMTMT■pCF Ena.waus ftFN No. 21P2:114i� N1L1Y. FL[X%I LCN) �— N+PppYN.cxm NI'MFACWRM Awvalmrr M■mCIN Am ND Ives USTWOAGEWYAPPROVAL r�..w�.w�abMnmFkm. W�tamY.W PulbpMa 1%i Cawnuamcoc.xa.aa.e» OOelBt.IYFE a6w6gIME Va� OGgIPPNCY R3_ M.LOWadc NO. OP F100E9 y� WGNOVELO(s1Y 1sE�Ai�s PF.G1 FWE MIEIGGF m W.LLLS MQ_ MV 21MIME10011 U".F LCWp n40n mpwwmL m MIWIFhGiUPo31 wimvE w 10.NPoCAazw NO Foundation Sysllem la. Concrete runner and piers 2a Pressure treated sill plate blocking as required 3a. Termite Shield around full perimeter 4aA5a Pier support and footers @ columns 6a Concrete pad and piers 7a Termite shield around full perimeter 8a Lags/washers @ I-beam to Joists (factory installed) 9a Main Frarne I-beam 10a Factory outriggers 11a Factory cross members 12a 6-mill poly 13a Double head J-anchors along each sidewalll footer 14a Double head J-anchors at centerline column footers for large openings Floor System Floor Joists lb. Single rim joist - opt. double. 2b Floor joists: Up 'to 164" unit width, 2x6 #2 S-P-F 16" O.C. max. Up to 186" unit width, 2x8 #2 S-P-F 16" O.C. max. 3b. Insulated duct - sized per manual D 4b. insulated, fiberglass duct board 5b. Drain lines, see model layout for material types and sizes 6b. PEX water distribution system - see model layout for sizing 7b. Floor insulation, fiberglass batts or blanket, cellulose, or foam - see Energy Calculations for R-value 8b. Floor sheathing - OSB or Plywood, %" or 3/a"• 9b. Floor covering - vinyl, carpet, wood laminate, or ceramic tile 10b. Bottom board vapor and air barrier Exterior wall 1 c. Y2" or %" gypsum, painted or vinyl clad 2c. Min. 2x4 bottom plate, 2!x6 optional 3c. 2x4 wall studs, optional 2x6 4c. Double top plate on 2x4 wails, single top plate 2x6 walls 5c. Opening headers 6c. Insulation per approved calculations with model package 7c. Windows and doors 8c. Rated sheathing 9c. Exterior siding - vertical or horizontal cementious, or vertical or horizontal vinyl - requires weather -resistive (house wrap) 10c Vapor barrier, may be ornitted with foam insulation Interior walls 1d Y2" or %" gypsum, painted or vinyl clad) 2d Min. 2x3 bottom plate 3d Min. 2x3 wall studs 4d Min. 2x3 top plates 5d Opening header when required Roof SYsten! le. Soffit 2e. Fascia 3e. V high strength gypsum or approved suspended ceiling material. 4e. Engineered trusses spaced per truss and model design or factory taper -cut trusses 5e. Optional overhead ducts 6e. Shingles or ribbed metal over OSB roof sheathing 7e. Truss rim rail 8e. Insulation per, approved calculations with model package 9e Minimum 1x6 sub -fascia. 10e Ridge beam 3 Layer Beam 4 Layer Beam Open Beam LVL or LSL 11e Upper Roof Vent Handle as: Vented Ridge cap (as shown) Roof caps Note: Refer to truss design for truss tie down location and Instructions Marriage Wall 1 f 112" gypsum - Factory finished or finished on site: Alternate Drywall: Vinyl covered gypsum. 2f Min. 2x3 Bottom plate ALL FOUNDATION SPECIFICATIONS ARE TYPICAL AND DESIGNED AND CONSTRUCTED ON SITE BY OTHERS L?' 3f Min. 2x3 Walt stud 4f Min. 2x3 top plate 5f Window or door header'4" _1 A E a 33'756 USTMAGENCYAPPROVAL T" DM"NAGa,MMFaNt !lnnhmel WIMOFGn, Iry aP"wmm, coa.wwn..mw O W.WPE W_ 0I,`aW+N10Y_ AI.IANA"lENO. OF FLOaN" _L— "W PAT OF 1Es t6Ifl�a1 FIIiE"ATINaaF EAT. WAU9 a� PLANNO. ZIOLM NLM.FL LciN _._CE_._ APPN ALPAIE 5 u-„ LMiNupjaN FM_ NO — IL co M (M 5 vi s <4D LU �Z cm GENERAL ELECTRICAL NOTES( 1, Exterior receptacles outlets Shall be weather resistant, gfi protected and Installed with covers approved for outdoor, Installation. 2. Cross over connection between modules is acc:ompllshed by using 'amp' wire connectors, supplied by connector manufacturer. 3. All electrical components must be u1 approved and Installed per listing and manufacturers's Installation Instructions. 4, Smoke alarms are Interconnected for simultaneous activation with battery backup, All Smoke alarms are equipped with a 'hush button' feature, 5. All 125 volt, single phase, 15 and 20 ampere receptacles serving countertop surfaces in kitchen area to have ground -fault: circuit interrupter protection for personnel. 6. All wiring is nm-cable unless otherwisenoted, 7. All bath exhaust fans must exhaust directly to the exterior, 8. Additional outlets and lights may be added (in addition to those shown on the approved details) without re -approval. 91 AR general purpose outlets are required to be on arc -fault circuits, except kitchen and bathrooms, 10, Boxes used at fixtures in the ceiling must be rated for a minimum of 50 pounds, When lights are installed on the wall, the box must to he listed for that purpose and list Its weight capacity, If less than 50 pounds, fixtures weighing more than 50 pounds will be supported independently of -the box, 11. Egress path must be maintained to the panel box, 12. Tamper resistant recepts must be Installed In kitchens, family rooms, dining rooms, living rooms, parlors, libraries, dens, sunrooms, bedrooms, recreation rooms, or similar rooms, or areas of a dw$ing unit, 13. Exterior recepts are requlred at evgry balcony, deck, and porch regardless of where it is on the building, The recept is not required if the balcony, deck, or porch is less than 20 s,f„ 14, ALL circuits and equipment Shull be Installed and grounded in accordance with the appropriate articles of the National Electrical Code (NEC) that is adopted by the State of Florida, at the time of construction of the building. 15, When light fixtures are Installed In closets, they shall be surface mounted or recessed, Incandescent fixtures shall have completely enclosed lamps. Surface mounted Incandescent fixtures shall have a minimum clearance of 12 inches and all other fixtures shall have a minimum clearance of 6 Inches from any 'storage area' as defined by NEC 410.2, 16, When water heaters are Installed, they shall be provided with readily accessible disconnects adjacent to the water heaters served, The branch circuit switch OR circuit breaker Shutt be permitted to be as the disconnecting means only where the switch OR circuit breaker Is within sight of the water heater OR Is capable of being locked In the open position. When water heaters are not installed at the factory, the means of disconnect shall be designed and !installed on -site, by others, 17, HVAC shall be provided with readily accessible disconnects (installed on -Site, by others) adjacent to the equipment bein�gg served, A unit switch with a marked 'OFF' position that is part of the HVAC equipment and disconnects ALI ungrounded conductors shall be permitted to to be as the disconnecting means where other disconnecting means are also provided by a readily accessible circuit breaker, 18, When the main electrical service panel Is not Installed at the factory, time main electrical panel and feeder are to be designed by others, site Installed and subject to local jurisdiction approval. 19, ALL circuits crossing over module marriage (Ine(s), shall be site connected with approved accessible junction boxes OR cable connectors, 20. ALL receptacles installed In wet locations (exterior) shall have a weather proof (wp), the integrity of which is not effected when on attachment plug oap Is inserted or removed, 2L Ceiling fans shall be 80 Inches minimum, from the bottom of the blades to the finished floor, 22, ALL electrical components shall be U.L. Listed and Installed in accordance with that listing, 23, Receptacles Intended to service bathroom lavatories shall not be located) more than 36' away from said Lavatory, 24. Breakers and wire sizing may be changed If optional or custom appliances or devices are Installed In the building, ALL breakers and wiring shall be sized In accordance with applicable sections of the ME.C. 25. Switches, receptacles, and other fixtures or devices may be relocated from the locations shown on the approved details due to construction restraints. ALL locations shall comply with applicable sections of the N.E.C. 26. Refer to the code sheet for additional electrical notes, 27, All 3-way switches are to be wired using 14-3 Hire unless otherwise noted on plan, 28. Communicatlon ports are typically not shown on approved pplans but are required to be Installed per NEC 800,156. At management's discretion,, they may either be Installed In the factory or on site by others. When Installed on site, the location and Installation are the responsibility of the builder. 29,, 75% of all permanently installed lighting fixtures shall have high efficacy' lamps (x GENERAL UGH7INO � MAW PANEL SOX '� SWITCH $3 3-WAY SWITCH V EXHAUST-COL"C FAN O UNOLR CABINET LIGHT G1= SMALL APPLIANCE WALL MOUNTED FIXTURE CEILING MOUNTED FXTURE Y PHONE IT e�t5� !-,- CABLE PREN RECESSED - SURFACE FLUORESCENT � HEAT TAPE REC_EPT RECESSEDUCH1' 3. -''' USO 20 drttiat LIGHTED EXHAUST FAN GFl PROTECTED .220V APPLIANCE c RECESSED CAN LIGHT �'�' CEIUNG FAN OR CEILING FAN PREP CEILING F'AN//LL11GGMMT OR COUNG FAN/UCHT PREP SMOKE ALARM • PENDANT LIGHT CC@ I CARBON MONOXIDEF W XE DETECTOR LED LIGHT CEILING MOUNTED FIXTURE:_ �- T S)BACE U0O RATED RAt NET AIEA D_DOR CHIME SOX (WIRELESS) == THERMOSTAT 24• SIMFACE RAINESMY WHOLE HOUSE FAN FLOOD UCHT PREP FACTORY WIRED CABLE, PHONE, NETwO RK, 15/20 AMP RECEPTACLE. MAIN E3REAKER NEC - 2011 200 AMP - (AE) - ARC FAULT P. RE 9 RE F DESCRIPTION CIR. N0. PANEL SPACE CIR. NO. DESCRIPTION AMP. SIZE PER MFG'i MIATER HEATER (45WW/24aV) 1 * * 2 RANGE OR OVEN * * 20 12:-2• - AtWUAHfS 3 4(AF) OEH. UGHTIMG 20 12-2• APPUAW J * ' O(AF) GM LIGHTING W12-2* 20 12-2• APPLIANCE 7(AF) S(AF) GEN. UGHftNG 20 12-2• APPLIANCE (SPARE) 9(AF) 111(A� GEN.LIC111NG 1S 14-2• OPT. D.W. 11 12 OATH GF.I 20 12- • 13 14 ELECMC HEAT -A/C PER MFG 30 2 P 10-3• _LAUNDRY CLOTHEDRYER' 1S-- # iN coat-TGP PER MFG 1a 14-2+ OPT. DISPaSAL 17 20 12-21 WE FREE20MMR 18 1EI(AF) SMOKE ALARMS 15 14-3• 13 14-2• OPT JACUZZI GF.L 21 'k 20 EXTERIOR GPI 20 12-2* 20 12-2• '7 M ROWAVE 23 24(AFj SPARE 15 14 2- Yso afar MN CIP CONDERSER 25 _ SPARE 15 14-2• 20 POLE 12-2° OPTIONAL ELEVATOR 27 *- SERIAL NUMBER: NIL M1R0613 NUMAFR• A4IY11 dlIFRAGIhIn GENERAL LOADS -------- - --'---'_ VA KVA TAL UN A.C. SQUARE FEET 2,597 .�.� 7,791 7.5 NO, OF 20•�AMP AIPPLIANCE OLTRET f)IROUrr. 3 4,500 4.5 LAUNDRY CIRCUIT i 1,500 1.5 (SUBTOTAL NAME PLATE RATINGS 13.791 '13.791 RANGE �`�� 1 8,000 8.0 WATER HEATER �� 1 5,500 _ 5.5 DISH WASHER 1 1.400 ' 1.4 _ CLOTHES DRYER 1 5,000 5.0 _ GARBAGE DISPOSAL 1 1,500 _ 1.5 COOK TOP 0 0 0.0 WALL�OVErJ 0 0 0.0 MICROWAVE 1,500 1.5 PT FREFrMR 1 11500 _ 1.5 Cllla 1 1.500 1.5 ELEVATOR _ 0 0 0.0 RESE VED ' 0 0 0.0 RESERVED�_�_ 0 0 0.0 RESERVE 0 0 0.0 SUBTOTAL - TOTAL GENERALI1IN NAME PLATE 10-M- IRAMAINDERAT41Yro 26 900 D 11,878 26.9 11.9 ORST CASE HVAC AT 700% (ASSIAwED) 1 15,800 �16.8 TEr LOCAL ITE ELECTRIi:INVAdSCACTOR TO VERIFYA LM4CY OF HVAC ELECTRICAL LOAD IN PANEL CAU6_ULATIONS, TOTAL PANEL BD�X LOAD 37.878 '37.7 ..�.®��. IwIIRMUM PANEL BOX AMP'ER-AGFSI� 37,876 /240= 167 312E AMP PIUVEL BOX INBTAI,I.ED 12EN240 V, 1e �200 MIN. NO. OF GENNE IIZ4L LIGHTING LARCUITS - 5 c r. M E IT L STNGA.GIENCYAPPROVAL Rw,e PY,.,Nnity.M YN ib, W RmaYaAM eIAmA� NA a la�A CU,OINEY111 C.Oi, YY MIA YI aIB am,w.ama.m caret TraE fig_ 0cc1A+,wcv ._fliT._ awwnED�lb. oFEtDDRs' �- WNDW=RV I ULM90) FREMRND En.wA FUNNO. 21NrIxDE A..MQR AMWALIMTE a'3 41ARDFA nmm MH MIDHVELOGRY HMWCMTEZa NO - m� a .11S ING AGENCYAPPRCVAL Tiuiw pbb wm{dr ulli Ire FlVAb MsuAdiddHUqgMd14N CauMxdo, Co]o wd wnae b M bkMWwlwc 9�'X19T.7YpE �_ IX:CUPN _FO_ �w� NO. WINO VtlAC11V 1�J�'gC) PWERttOwtp EM. WI . �Q—� LOM4M. 'FLgM uraAlRlCMy,A PINT _ hTi Mwr( WIMCAW�E NO VTR 021 4 P—TRAP NK V. I � STEP C I ILL¶- » STTY AP-1FA ^a\°i VTR n LTL '+ �'.,�. Y Tub XL.TL i overflow A . LAVY VTR STTY —TRAP t 4 LTL LTL i� XLTL 1\ I�b`? \ILr—Tub LTTy^'�$I 4;1mt"Sh.'d8 + :�LTTY "EzMIS/SHWNR 45 ST EL T�TY� XL11. �+ XLTL :41> Flange\1 �.• BLI.TLS"TTY a XLTL. STTY•V �i..LTTY ,tea) / � P—TRAP `, J 0BL EL'O� STTK AV, 45 EL P—TRAP XLTL ST i a b \ LTTY To XLTL . ^\ r sm r r' TTY LTTY `'.\ ` P—TRAP 2K aTYq_ COIRH r / 71DoubN r t ENow ' 4 Elbow n i �IL.rr AU. PIPES AREL, 1 1/ NOTES: ` \ ` Coupling 'x NOTED. SHIP LOOSE PIPE TOTALS 12'--0" 11 1 2 Dia. Pipe Dia. Pi e 80'-0' 3" Diu. Pipe I. ALL FITTINGS ARE 11HE SAME SIZE AS THE PIPE TO WHICH THEY ARE CONNECTED 1 w 2. DRAIN, WASTE & VENT PIPING SHALL BE ABS OR PVC SCHEDULE 40, 3. DRA1N PIPE SIZING SHALL BE SIZED IN ACCORDANCE WITH TABLE 3505.4.1. 4. INTERCONNECTION OF VENTS ABOVE CEILINGS SHALL BE MADE IN THE FACTORY WHERE PRACTCAL. 5. BELOW FLOOR PLUMBING SHALL BE PROVIDED AND INSTALLED BY OTHERS AT SITE TO STATE AND LOCAL CODES. • A. B. CHANGE IN DIRECTION IN DRAINAGE PIPING SHALL BE MADE THROUGH THE APPROPRIATE USE OF SANITARY \ STI TEES, WYES, SWEEPS, BENDS OR BY A COMBINATION OF THESE FITTINGS. ` 7. DRAIN PIPING RAN HORIZONTALLY SHALL BE SUPPORTED A MIN. OF 4'-0' O.C. `.STT 8. URINALS ARE 1 GALLON PER FLUSH 9. SHOWER HEADS ARE 2.5 GALLONS PER MINUTE OR LESS FIELD INSTALLED DWV IS SHOWN FOR DEMONSTRATIVE_ PURPOSES ONLY. THE INSTALLATION AND DESIGN OF ALL FIELD INSTALLED DWV IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE PURCHASER. A.Y. ldYY VTR P—TRAP 4 TRAPtin in VTR I I c E 1L mSTING'hhft.w�ft u M,mispuMOINftA dlm Lbngrwtlon CeJeatl Wti MM M1imMM WfIN CONMT E — vs OCCWANLI/ � AlIOwA&EN4 oFFtooNs WINDvmNmY 1%LwmvC) RNEMMOOF IXI'w 0 - RAN NO. 21mn39'R l6{p .FLOW ,sswRov&mm 5_61D MANUFhCf M M__ RRICANE NO - I LL x 7' COLD INUET Opt Hose m 39' 3/4 x 470 lAAm 3/4 x NOTES: 1. WATER SUPPLY PPNG SHALL BE TYPE 'L' COPPER, GII GROSS LBIIOD POLYETHTLENE OR OTHEAYERLAUS APPROVED FOR USAGE PER STATE AND LOCAL CODE. 2. INTER M7FRCONNECCTION OF SUPPLY PIPING BELOW FLOCK AND IjH. WEEN UNITS TO SE COMPLETED ON SITE BY OTHERS TO S'TRIE AND LOCAL CODE. a DrIENOR FAUCETS HOSE BBB OR WALL HYDRANTS (WATER SUPPLY OUTLETS WITH THOSE �S) ?m LL WIS UCEnUPPEDONS, ERiEMOR FAUCETS AIE 'A NSTALLED PR40M A T SIM ER'9 4. SOMERB° BATH TUN AND GWERS COMBINATIONS SHALL BE EQUIPPED WITH CONTROL YNSES OF THE PRESSURE TUB .THERMOSTATIC MINING OR COMSNATON PRESSURE SAlANCE/ 7fOFAMOSTATC M)ONG WITH HIGH IAOT STOPS THAT SHALL BE SET TO UNIT WATER TEMPERA TO A MMOMUM OF 120 DEGREM S. MAIN SHUT OFF VALVE TO BE A FULL WAY VALVE pROI AND INSTAW]f BY OTHERS AT STE 0, WATER HEATERS SHALL CONFORM TO THE ENERGY REOIHRI]RNiS OF THE APPLICABLE CODE 7. USE NZAT TRAPS PER FLORIDA EIMY CODE 40:IL4.& A WATER HEATERS SHALL BE PROTECTED BY A SEPARATE PRESSURE -RELIEF VALVE AND SEPARATE IEW'IRATUIMA WATER "AMMER ARRESTORS A FLOW VELOCITY WILL CAUSE WATER HAMMER I0. GAS OR ELECTRIC ON -DEMAND OR: TANK ESS WATER HEATER MAY BE SUBSTITUTED WITHOUT REVISED TO EFLEVEA, F1,UrE O RESMCK FOR NOH-FLDRDA SUBMITTALS) SHAM BE REVISED TO REFLECT THE TAN WATER HEATER. 11. HOT WATER PIPING TO BE WSULMED TO R-3 lNUEEB TH:'PERFORMANCE' METHOD IS USED 70 12. CEO VONNYMTN THE BASED ON 40'MK PS pWEsm RANGE h MCK - 107 FT.. Opt HGEe Bibb I' NOTE: ADD SHUT—OFF VALVE PER P2903,9,2 AT THE W/N SUPPLY LINE �— T&P 3/4" LINE MIN, 1 1_/?.1 1/2' AIR CAP z: .----, ABOVE PAN INSTALL WATER HEATER PAN IAYY '$ xf x 3/41 \ 3/4 x 14''Y / rd/4 x 'r t,3/4u18' x/I ,. Tt° / % 3/4 x 4' Opt HGGe Bibb E� a: x" (h E LISTI NG AGEVCV APPROVAL rnwPmmc%rH*« ft mm M.�aea,,.a eaMnax+alRW Cmv4Wbn CFM1�awoeweatlu IobNrp aEsix COMRT.TYPE �� CCCilPAPICY _�•� A1LCM'ARIENR OFFLOOt6 �� FIRE RAT]ACRr IFOJgDEEEGH E FNTEIG OF IXE.W.LLIE vww PIAN ND. NJFA4'.FIAOR LGN 0 APP%OVALDATII l"l MRNUFACTURER . HIGH VEI.OGtt INMAGNE]GE NO W YAll ARW R.W� C lA GI ��yA�ycyy�yylga�py.E fiR�IlAlYrAi l� 4o J P sA ly JJ VIE ♦ 1'I oq�q EH EIM NOTES 0 g 1. WATER SUPPLY PIPING SHALL BE TYPE 'L' COPPER. CP%T, CROSS LINKED POLYETHYLENE OR ~ OTHER MATERIALS APPROVED FOR USAGE PER STATE AND LOCAL CODE. 2. INTERCONNEC'DON OF SUPPLY PIPING BELOW FLOOR AND BETWEEN UNITS TO BE COMPLETED ON W SITE BY 07HERS TO STATE AND LOCAL COOS n: 3. EXTEPJOR FAUCETS HOSE BIBS OR WALL HYDRANTS (WATER SUPPLY OUTLETSWITH HOSE TT9tEAD51 SHALL BE EWAPPED WITH A VACUUM BREAICETL, INSTAU.F'�U PER MANUFACi11RER'S INSTALLA ON INSTRUCTIONS EXTERIOR FAUOETS ARE INSTALLED BY OTHERS AT SITE 4. SHCWERS, BATH TUBS AND TUS/SHOWERS COMBINATIONS SHALL BE EQUIPPED WITH CONTROL VALVES OF TIRE PRESSURE BALANCE, THERMOSTATIC MOUND OR COMBINATION PRESSURE BALANCE/ THERMOSTATIC MIXING WITH HIGH LIMIT STOPS THAT SHALL BE SET TO LIMIT WATER TEMPERATURE 70 A MAMMUNM OF 120 DEGREES. 5. MAIN SIWT OFF VALVE TO BE A FULL WAY VALVE PROVIDED AND INSTALLED BY OTHERS AT SHE. 6. WATER HEATERS SHALL CONFORM TO THE ENERGY REQUIREMENTS OF THE APPLICABLE CODE 7. USE FEAT TRAPS PER FLORIDA ENERGY CODE 403.4.3. HL WATER HEATERS SHALL BE PROTECTED BY A SEPARATE PRESSURE—RELEF VALVE AND SEPARATE TEMPERATURE —RELIEF VALVE OR A COMBINATION. 9. WATER HAMMER ARRESTORS ARE REQUIRED WHEN FLOW VELOCITY WILL CAUSE WATER HAMMER 10. GAS'. OR ELECTRIC ON —DEMAND OR TANKLESS WATER HEATER MAY BE SUBSTITUTED WITHOUT REAP'PROVAL HOWEVER, FLARES(OR RESCHECIC FOR NON—FLORIDA SUBMITTALS) SHALL BE REVISED 70 REFLECT 714E TANKLESS WATER HEATER. 11. HOT WATER PIPING TO BE INSULATED TO R--:F UNLESS THE 'PDRFOI'6AANCE' METHOD IS USED TO COMPLY WITH THE FLORIDA ENERGY CODE 12 DESGN BASED ON 40 TO 49 PS PRESSURE RANGE d: MOIL . 107 FT. �mmM m cd USTREO AGENCY AP PRI)VAL mwpfwemAnhrnneFkim. MnAufanwM mXIM1q AA a tE�9 an W w8on ckile aAe eA�an m ne 1oNaw6p Mlw4 um CONU PdF.gNAELEIR RPRADRB �J_� x V4N0\tTwff 16z)AT ftQ RATWli DF 1/2 X 1 ,a. EM. W W. PAN ND, �P2,imF ALLOJl. PLCDR tl2 z 73' i/2 X 22' OAD MANDFACnKrA — NHL— x Hm mlx4IY � �IYY emp �C] — 'x NUImMNE1��@TTEHZTTQ��tE//��� _ x M11R261 WfIiIAY }V 1L to W z cn (7 T$ 1 IL J t C] D. Ia. N c p coB9 0 s Sk)ear Wall Tabl e Notes: i pbers shown in -table cotumn headrgs ( (1) through (9) for one story, (1) through (11) for 2 story ), correspond with note ru.rmbersRefer to floor ptan(s) for shear watt locations correspor Brig to atpha-ru xaric designation in 1st column of table 1. Design Shu=,ar Values are based on the WdFCM - RE Edtion All values for DSV and fastening is based on S-P-F lumber, unless less otherwise specified 2, Incicates wheth-er s athirg is required one side only with interior covering, or ri>qulred both sides of wall with interior covering over siheatihirxg 3 Nails may either be 6d Common (i0113x1 5/8) or 8d Common MON 1 3/4). 8d nails yield better DSV's 4, Edge /Field spacing Edge fastening is into each framing member. Veen sheathing overlap onto rim joist is not used and 2/12 sthearwatl sheathing fostering is required, it also requires double tarp and bottom plates 5 Numioer and minimum length of each shear wall section within each end wall, 6 indicates nu m bpr of framing members required each end of each shear section Maim um fraying as irdcated in tolde, header, 7 indicates the number, of rows ol" nails spaced @ 2" ac„ through file sheathing overlap onto ti-e floor framing & Alternatively, screws may be used at x/y, where x--number of rows and y=mrber of screws per foot for each row. Correction is trough the bottom plate into flaw, joists with minimum 2-1/2" penetration Vvn double plates are required per Note (6), make sure to increase fastener length 9. Top plate to rafter or ceiling joist is the spacing (inches o/c) with #8 screws or 0,131" dameter ruai(s with 1-3/8" minimum penetration into receiving member, 10. For 2 stork 4. The 2x , factory instatled bearing plate at each end at the very top of the lower story must be fastened to the ceiling framing with #10 x 3" screws spaced (incises on center) per table, Factory installed t4ote, cctun 10 is not displayed for one story or cape applicata-5 IL For 2 stories, an -site connection is required between the upper oM tower story using #10x3" crews (toed), installed through the upper storyerd joist into the lower story, factory installed 2x bearing plate of the tower story, spaced per column 11 Special Notes Wth hinged roof, the truss above the end wall ( shear wall) must be sheathed after erection In the case of a porch, the truss above the end watt at the main roof too porch transition, must be sheared for a minim fi of 48" length, anywhwere along the truss and fostered to truss chords with 8d common nails spared per column "Porch Truss', Shea-Hng in spaces between the chords greater thiah 24" crust be stiffered with a 20 vertical member, fastened to shreatriing with the same nails at 2" ac See Shearwall tables on other pages in this package. Shear Wall General Notes 1, LSAB1 and 2 represent longitudnal shear, sections for unit with A and B end shearwallsLSCDI and 2 represent longitudinal shear sections for wit with C arrd D end shearwalls, respectively, The table notes above (except (6)) apply, 2, How to read Roof Ila�a mg_Correction Tables Check "Did Fast'g" column If "N/A" is displayed no special fastening required in End Zone,Use the required spadng colum for at least thre distance tabulated in the first non -zero cotuyr, -then the spacing in that column is req fired to the oistance in the next column to -the night and so forttn or the Rec(d Spacing can be used thnx,rghxvtIf double fastening is required for any of the shear wall conditions (AAC or D), the fastening must be maintained to the first truss at or beyond the distance shown in the first column (A) of the single fastener spacing Jtalote, for the respective shear wall, or, when that cdumr is zero, to the first morn -zero distance of any of the other columns (B to E) to a cistance of any of the other tabulated fostering regArements (WLrt-s B to E), 3 When Roof Diaphragm construction requires special fostering within the end zone(,), the fastening dsplayed is doubled, ie., 2 fasteners @ each location Examptel DU @ 6/6 means 2 fasteners each at 6" ac field and 2 each at 6" oc perimeter, The fostering is required within eistance from the roof end as ds layed (ft) or next truss `N/A' means the end zone fastening is the same as normal, 4. If the wind speed determined for the seismic zor} is higher than the speed from -the wind map for, the home site, it need only be applied to construction mjArements for §-earwall, diaphragms and shreorwalt anchorage / foundation designs, It must also be applied to connections for wall to floor and watt to roof, All other construction is to be according to the actual wind speed for the site z ti E a 33'766 uMTrx AGENCYAPPROVAL , .P*ft.MN,MNMFFxI'h NrM Euk"Add= OainNn�n f ake vtl rude b tlm m®nMgMwte IX,NER.IYTp Of%:IRANUT O LFAOP�9 N0. YANOYELOCRY 1BOIn+nuF*) MT. ELT. WALLS—_ PLAN W. j¢�F FLUX LOALI Lean 90__ NWNUFAGNRFA % AO J NUFAO�� HIM NEL0091Y NLnNICANEZO NO FLOOR FRAMING NOTE! 1. INTERIOR JOISTS ARE 2X8 #2 SPF OR BETTER, '16" O.C. 2. INTERIOR (MATING LINE) PERIMETER RAILS ARE DOUBLE 2X8 #2 SPF 3. SIDEWALL RAILS SINGLE 2X8 Al2 S—P—F.. 4. PORCH JOISTS ARE 2X6 #2 SYP PT, 16" NOTE: CHECK CONFIRMATION AND SPECIFICATION SHEET FOR CHANGES TO FRAMING MEMB17RS AND SPACING. in O�w U X. Erpi ELL .01a Eo w m co a m z Lu mm 1 � N ealEr.— — rry Pc - IROUCH a-mmy 11h�om,Werner, Carder ind Associates(HWC) 62'P South Myrtle Ave :Iearwater, FL.337fi6 USTING AG ENOY APPROVAL Tn•+• ahm aomib ME a• FlmW. nvwxmreaeunagAaaims cme�, caexoxa.eumotoux fdbMrylgpxtr COMr.mE fig_ OCLNPANCY „�,$�4s ALLOWAREN(A OF FLOORB MOWLOCm �s0 ELne AEC) FRERAIINGOF W. WAILS "II NO, gtggL,gn ALLOW. FLOOR LOALI C_ APPROVALMM6 v, W9 FAC ft FRN MH VELOCnY MRx3CANEZaWi NO L) O LL M C� M 7 r- B N r-; O T P � w v� a 0 G. Notes, 1. MVAC duct systerub when installed, or a aGndmailan or R-6 In the roof attic, wane are to be node aVIVZI by means of ar other cyst.,. as he nanufacte-ers' siructlonsce.a. plastic anetatted In attic are supported by t:he truss framing nwndaers and need no additional supports. Register boxes are fainted to Celllrg gypaun and need no additional wea ement. S. All duct mark Installed Outside the conditioned envelope shalt have a wlnlea m R-8 and be listed for use as exterior aluet. 6. Return dk' balance (fro" roan to roon) may be achieved through tyw lbnds Irestoltatlon of -_UV ahucte (I, ualbs ceilbq return air pathways) , undercut doors, and(or return air ggplus. 7, AU gable endwodts shall be braced In accordance with Palm Harbor None's Florida Modular Construction Manual, 8. All exhaust foes/vents shall be ducted to the exterior of the structure. 7. Roof ventilation may be accomplished through the use OF elther ventilated doves, roof vents or rklge ventilation. Either or all of these methods may also be used separately or In combinatlon to provide the minimum requireli roof ventilation of 1150 OR 1/300, & All air supply registers ore adjustable, except where otherwise specified on the Plans (In telling 'Jump ducts' for return air purposes are NOT adjustable oral remain In the *I" a open position). 9. All Return Air brills to be 21' x 26' unless noted otherwise on the plans, 10, Roof trusses Installed at 16' o.c, maximum spacing are allowed in buli des!ggned to comply with a moxlmum 180 Vult mph wind load, Mndloods upto and Including 150 Vult mph are 24' D.C. Truss Rein3rcement 1, FOR TRUSS REINFORCEMENT AT GABLE ENDS SEE PA15il--810 OF THE FL MODULAR MANUAL 2, FOR TRUSS REINFORCEMENT !IT PORCHES AND EIOD'ZONES) SEE PAGE PA150-3 OF THE FACTORY'S MODLAR MANUAL. Minimum Return Air Path, 3. The lninkaum return air patch Is determined by the total cFm's delivered through supply duct Into the space closed off from the main return, Return duct and grill capacities must be equal to or greater than the cfn's delivered into the vpace,The following are acceptoble methods of return air- provisions and may be used In combinatlon.Each method Is described In detail below. a) In --ceiling return air grills b) Return air, grills In wall* RIDGE BEAM: 4 LAYER OF 15/32" x 16" HIGH (3 LAYER /3 PLY) PLYWOOD ALL PLIES, GROUP 1 (32/16 INDEX) c) Openings above door and/or walls without grills. coo .5F c EEE O O ID z z z ivy yo 1— fYll N in l� .4 X '5 N =6o 33'756 USTINGAGENCYAPPROVAL notmmbaampya "Rees Nmpaau0tl tawdvoea+taa. polo n10r0 mM ajcaw b no ,aa�eli0a)b've corm(.Jrae �__ ocavAxcv _!bL_ aFF,mes _3__ WMa yELaC"y 1W um KC) W.Fb�WMS OF mAN uQ&jd$^ S N1aW.iLaOfl uvp NWROVAlat1E 'VIUFA Ult!m rwfxlcar*utre Mo walls Factory 2x floor joist Module / mating / line / IA Air in`iiiration/exfiltratlon gasket f I :. 11=_III-� .II—_iII� =Ili= -III- d d Girder' shown is typical for pier set, conditions. Contact factory for / actual girder buildup for your project. / FASTEN GIRDERS TOGETHER WITH / #8XL"SCREWS OR 8" LAGS PER / CHART, STAGGERED PER BAY. MIN. / PENETRATION INTO RECEIVING MEMBER / = 1 1".. / Factory 2x floor joist �---- � Air Site installed pressure treated i infiltration/exfiltrall sill plate W typ. per site j k t t contractor Site installed typical poured concrete, CMU, design by others i`I I I -I TPA==1 11= =1 I I-11 iterconnection @ F'loorGirders walls gas e , ypically i installed on one per 1 module face at the factory. _ #8 Screws inches O.C. 3/8" La Igpsinches O.C. MPH Vuit Exp. D Up to 164" floorwidth Up to 184" floorwidth Up to 164" floorwidth Up to 184" floorwidth 150 7 5 5 31/2 160 - 6 3/8 _4 3/8 5 3/4 3 7/8 170 5 5/8 3 7/8 3 7/8 2 5/8 180 5 31/2 3 3/8 2 3/8 208 3 5/8 21/2 2 5/8 _ 2 7/8 Module mating line le Girder shown is typical for full stemwall or poured concrete set condiitions. Contact factory for octual' girder buildup for your project. FASTEN GIRDERS TOGETHER WITH #8XL"SCREWS OR 8" LAGS PER CHART, STAGGERED PER BAY. MIN, PENETRATION INTO RECEIVING MEMBER = i I".. �i `,,Site --installed 2x pressure treated sill plate & joist bearing (See Note 2 below) j Site installed typical poured concrete, CMU, per I:• ,....I design by others J _ —III— �. a ...�� :. a•�I _I I— JJ Notes: F, I —_I J 1. Installation contractor shall take care to prevent air J infiltration/exfiltration. If the factory installed gasket is J damaged or segments; missing, it shall repaired, replaced, or the use of other methods of envelope closure shall be J used, i.e., expanding foam, caulking, durable tape or sheathing, or a combination of these methods. J 2. 2x sill plate (min. 2x8 PT or wider,) must provide a min. of J 1 j" for floor joist bearing. Face nail sill plate to pe4meter J rail with 0,131x3" nails 8" o.c. Must use corrosion resistant fasteners with pressure treated lumber. MAY 082.017 c > v. "Y R. CAS>,, d c a I Notes: 2. TYPICAL. CONNECTION OF MODULES_ AT ENDWALL"� Fasten modules together @ endwalls w/ screws or nails @1 8" o. c. or A" lags © 12" o.c.. Endwalls are connected using sc�ews, nails, or lags as shown. \ This connection is typical regardless of windspeed or roof load design. Fasteners may be toed through sheathing. Lagsare5/16"x5" . Scmlvs aae9 #8x4" (May be toed) NaUs am 0.131x3 %:" (may be fved), min. 1 peaustration onto Imemng manber installation contractor shall take care to prevent air infiltration/exfiltration. If the factory installed gasket is damaged or segments missing, it shall repaired, replaced, or the use of other methods of envelope closure shall be used, i.e.„ expanding foam, caulking, durable tape or sheathing, or a combination of these methods. Endwall/mating wall configurations on some models prevent the interconnection of the modules on same: plans. on those plans, the endwalls are designed to be "stand alone" walls and no Air infiltration/exfiltration gasket, typically installed on one module face at the factory. �- Rot/ MAY 0 8 2017 i I 0 Fixed Roof Module Interconnection Module mating line Peak rails Fasten mating line peak rails together - with #1OxL" screws (L= rnin. penetration into receiving member of 1 1 /2". Typ. 421 screw) (Module Interconnection @ Roof Peak _ #10 Screws inches O.C. W1PH Vult Exp. D Sheathing securement to Rail (factory) Site Screw Spacing Raul to Rail End Zone (3') _ Site Screw Spacing Rail to Rail Int. Zone 150 2 3/4 5 3/4 9 160 2 3/8 5 7 3/4 170 2 1/8 _ 4 3/8 7 _ 180 17/8 3 7/8 61/4 _ 208 13/8 - 2 7/8 _ 4 5/8 Mating walls Air infiltration f exfiitration gasket, typically installed on one module face at the 1\1otefs: factory. 1. installation contractor shall take care to prevent air infiltration/exfiltration. If the factory installed gasket is damaged or segments missing, it shall repaired, replaced, or the use of other methods of envelope closure shall be used, i.e., expanding foam, caulking, durable tape or sheathing, or a combination of these methods. MAY 0 B 2017 I .gin o; •�� _ � N r1 j� LL SOM � C m CID a 401 VERTICAL VINYL SKIRTING ( canq*nent■ & installation ) WALL TOP FRONT f Snaps Into top back to hide screws and panel cuts FLOOR TOP BACK . Attached with 3/4" screws 16" apart VENTED PANEL 3.9 Incas per foot of ventilation f— BLOCK SUPPORT secured to top beck and bottom rail with 3/4" screws 16" o/c BOTTOM TRACK' c o group w 7" galvanized nail 19" o/c If sandy soil, then attach to ground 8.5" o/c 'ALL PANELS ARE ACCESSIBLE BY REMOVING TOP FRONT AND PULLING UPON PANEL Vinyl skirting installation Here's everything you'll need to add that finishing touch to any foundation. ABTCO Vinyl Skirting is engineered to fit together precisely, for a professional installation every time. Installation is quick and easy Before you begin your skirting installation, you will need to gather a few household tools: Hammer, chalk line, tape measure, tin snips or aviation snips, and plumb bob. 1. Install the vinyl ground channel directly under the outside 2. Install the back skirting trim. Snap a chalk line at the bottom of edge of your home, using galvanized nails. Use a plumb your home to mark the position for the back skirting trim. Nail the bob to determine exact location. trim pieces to the home using the nail slots. Make sure you place the nail in the center of the slot and do not hammer tightly. 3. To go around corners, bend the back skirting trim at the 4. Measure the skirting panels to the proper height, subtracting 1/4" comers of the home and continue nailing. Do not cut, for expansion. Cut the panels to size, using tin snips. Slide panels over the back skirting trim and into the vinyl ground channel, interlocking the panels as you install them. To form corners, bend but do not cut the panels. 5. Snap the front skirting trim into place to hold panels securely. To form comers, do not cut the panels, notch and bend the panels. Follow the special guidelines shown in illustrations 6a and 6b to finish the skirting trim at the corners. 6. a) Cutting outside corners. Determine the location of the cor- ner and cut a 51/8" section from the top edge of the spring lock. In the center, cut a "V" 3/4" deep and 1 1/8" wide at the top edge, and a small "V" cut at the bottom. Bend the front skirting trim and snap It into the comer. 6. b) Cutting inside corner To cut the front skirting trim for inside comers, cut out a 1" or 2" tab in the top edge of the spring lock and make a small "V" cut through the bottom lip. Bend and snap the trim piece into place. y c0 z z Cl) e 2 00 z uj si zLU w $, 8 Vi c a'�C1�cv Wu�i cm rl W4 co fdi jE M } sP 2� �� 02 a LL G'r ,,FACTORY I -BEAM .T. 2 X8 WOW CAP 8"X8'XIS' CONCRETE �— '•,A ASONRY UNITS Z (DRY -STACKED) m A PIER F-, ^OR 17' . 25' GRADE COVERED WITH BS PAD FILM POLYETHYLENE 3000# CAPACITY NOTE: PIER TYPE "A' OAS A MAXIMUM HEIGHT OF 34 FROM GRADE TO TOP OF P.T. 2 X 8 P.T. 2 XS WOW CAP 8'XWXI6' CONCRETE •i I;4,• MASONRY UNITS B IER „B„ GRADE '� i •, 13' X 26' as PAD 2375/ CAPACITY NOTE: PIER TYPE "B" V A MAXIMUM HEIGHT OF 48 SGM GRADE TO TOP OF P.T. 2 X B STRUCTURAL LOAD LIMITATIONS' CODE EDITION: 2014 FLORIDA BUILDING CODE (STH EDITION) 8, AIDE 7 0 1. ULTIMATE DESIGN WIND SPEED: 180 mph WINDSPEED 2. NOMINAL DESIGN WIND SPEED: 124 mph WIND SPEED 3. WIND EXPOSURE CATEGORY: "C" 4. IMPORTANCE FACTOR: 1.0 6. DESIGN ROOF LIVE LOAD: 20 PSF 6. DESIGN FLOOR LIVE LOAD: 40 PSF 7. MIN. ASSUMED SOIL BEARING CAPACITY: 1500 PSF 8. OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION: R3 9. CONSTRUCTION TYPE: VB 10. THIS BUILDING IS NOT DESIGNED FOR PLACEMENT IN A HIGH VELOCITY HURRICANE ZONE AS DEFINED BY THE FBC. 11. THIS BUILDING IS NOT DESIGNED TO BE SUBMERGED OR SUBJECTED TO WAVE ACTION WHEN LOCATED IN A FLOOD PRONEORZONE ApEA. THE BOTTOM OF THE STRUCTURAL I-BEAMPLANE MUST BE LOCATED ABOVE THE BUILDING SITE FLOOD PLANE LEVEL FOR THIS BUILDING TO BE LOCATED IN A FLOOD SITE MUST BE ABOV PRONE OR ZONE AREA OR THE THE GRADE AT THE BUILDING E THE FLOOD PLANE LEVEL O.C. -5- SGD (END) SGD (START) 29'-2' 71 WINDOW (ENO) rs am— _ . ��Ar L� / rfi �r r,e��I'ra� Aria r•r�A ��r'r e� A r,�s. .. f U-1-111,11IR!"I r.N'h r • 0 F F %I�% %RE Ir',% %l/, LIr1I, r;d/ L;A;A /IAIA .klh Ikil .J r J �rSJ 0 �1J �J r J 1894 LBS. 3912 LBS. 71"J", 7-J u.0m 'ram°J P'J 'rl':J 7 J 0_J w 0-2 m 4094 6164 LBS. 6080 LBS. O1660 IPA %+0 AINA !n'I, AU'l. Ab'A A;r'E A;r'h r;h Air;/, 8:1 O r�,0 1 o ® 11 GROUND ANCHOR SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM WORKING LOAD OF 3150p AND A MINIMUM 47230 ULTIMATE LOAD CAPACITY. ASTMA-36 (GROUND ANCHORS) MINUTE MAN ANCHOR- GALVANIZED AUGER MODEL N MMM 650-OH 3/4 3/4" X 48" SHAFT WITH SINGLE G" DISC (48 INCH MINIMUM ANCHOR SHAFF EMBEDMENT) FOUNDATION NOTES11 � " . I 1. BLOCKING POW BASED ON 2OPSF LIVE LOAD ON ROOF AND 1500 PSF SOIL BEARING CAPACITY. 2. CONCRETE BLOCKS ARE ONLY RATED AT 8000 POUNDS, 8000 POUND PIERS OR HIGHER MUST BE DOUBLE BLOCKED. 3. ALL SIDEWALL ANCHORS ARE SPACED PER PLAN AND FOUR FOOT GROUND ANCHOR MAY BE USED. 4. WOOD SHIMS MAY BE INSTALLED WHEN NECESSARY BETWEEN THE I -BEAM AND THE TOP OF THE PIER. SHIMS SHALL BE FREE OF KNOTS, SPLITS, AND SIMILAR IMPERFECTIONS. SHIMS SHALL BE OF P.T.LUMBER, CEDAR, OR SS AND BEARING AT ALL CONTACT POINTS SHALL NOT BE LESS THAN 213 OF THE BEARING PRIOR TO ADDING THE SHIMS. S. ALL TIE DOWN ANCHORS SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM 4,725 I.B. ULTIMATE CAPACITY AND SHALL BE INSTALLED PER THE MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATIONS. 6. THE STEEL FRAME OF HOME IS NOT FOR USE OF RELOCATION OF HOME AFTER SETUP, AND IS INTENDED FOR USE S A PERMANENT FOUNDATION. 7. ALL PIERS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED OF 9'X8"X 16"CONCRETE MASONRY UNITS CONFORMING TO ASTM C90. B. INSTALL BLOCK PIER ON EACH SIDE OF ALL EXTERIOR DOOR OPENINGS. 9. I -BEAM SUPPORT PIERS MAY BE INSTALLED LATERALLY (90 DEGREES FROM THE ORIENTATION SHOWN ON THE FOUNDATION PLAN). MUST BE BELOWLOCATED DIRECTLY 10. ALL MASONRY PIERS N MAY STALLED IN A DRYSTACK SUBJECT TO LOCAL JURISDICTION LEGEND SYMBOLS o F.T. -FRAME TIE -DOWN FASTENED TO GROUND ANCHOR 17.5'SQ5.5"ABS PAD = 3000 LBS. CAPACITY G.A. -COLUMN ANCHOR STRAP FASTENED TO GROUND ANCHOR ®® 13"X26' ABS PAD = 2375 LBS. CAPACITY '\•LONGITUDINAL ANCHOR STRAP LOCATIONS (3)17.5'x25.5" ABS PAD = 6000 LBS. CAPACITY (TOP PAD IS LAID IN THE OPPOSITE DIRECTION TO THE BOTTOM PADS) '-4' D.C. OUTRIGGER FLOOR JOISTS FRAME �.T. 2X8 WOW SHIM 8'Xie" NU BLOCKS DRY STACKED MAIFSINE WALLS I I I III AVIRX BRACKET OR EQUAL FASIENED TO PERIMETER RAIL { ] 2XB . MIN. PERIMETER RAL FlNISHEB, G�RPDE 11.. SfEELCSITR, PPING 109.000 35* 05MIMI M THICKNESS S OR/pNSTMUSS5 R.002 Ih. ((PpLpII - 0. Z Z ZINC TN M TANRREEpNx(0 123-89A • 6 OUNCES PER SQWRE FWTT PERT SS E 4750 NAMED EVERY 12UTO 5 INCHE58(MMIUF REM m AND ASTM SPEC. D 953-91 , 1 1 4' WIDTH. GROUND ANCHORS SHOULD BE 21I-NIL CERTIFIED BY A/ PROFESSIONAL ARCHITECT TR6GIIINNG RV BROIFA ORNATIONALLY p THEAA INIIAUM UL711MTE MINIMUM POLYETHYLENE FILM 5'-4" O.C. LLp7Mp CCApPACITY SHOULD BE AT LEAST EQUAL TO JOINTS SHALL BE LAPPED 12-INCHES MAX SPACING eD L85. AND SEALED WITH ADHESIVES. Senyb Engineering Services 318. S. ScenicSte, 700 Lake Wales,, FL 33853 FL THESE STANDARDS AND PLANS MEET THE 2014 F.B.C.- RESIDENTIAL rSTH EDITION) " . DRAWING INFORMATION CUSTOMER: JACK CROUCH ADDRESS: 8280 GERMANY CANAL RD., PT. ST. LUCIE, FL 34982 DESIGNED FOR 20 PSFROOFUVELOAD Vuv =ULTIMATE DESIGN WIND SPEED= 160 MPH(RISK CATERGORV II BUILDING) NAME: MODEL#340TL406848MO: 40'-0"x68-0% TRADEWINDS(MODULAR) AND 1500 PSF SOIL Phone: 863d,89-5980 DESIGN WIND SPEED=124 MPH (RISK CATERGORV II BUILDING) VABLE MeJ BEARING CAPACITY Fax:1-866-865-2044 (TABLE 16093. Wkw (� A f FOUNDATION PLAN ANDDETAILSf�(P -, 7' DATE: MARKV.RICHTER,P.E.#56196 316 E. SCENIC HYWY, S,E. ,°° - '' -"'`' :e= a3atnan PROVIDED BY '-IIr SENYB ENGINEERING SERYICE�§ I' SCALE: NOTPRINTED TO SCALE ®armlw. mu LAKE WALES. FL 33863 OFFICE: 88&6B939W _A " ""`y"c ,Pe"p LAKE WALES, FLORIDA 33853 SHEET OF LEGAL DESCRIPTION: The North 275.58 feet of the South 2310.58 feet of the East 790.00 feet of the West 890.00 feet of Section 29, Township 36 South, Range 38 East, St. Lucie County, Florida. LOT AREA: 217,585 Sq. Ft.; 5.00 Acres± STREET ADDRESS: t/b/d Germany Canal Road, Port St. Lucie, Florida 34987 Revised: Edit residence type, add proposed drives FAPQHelnt stvE1IualelCounty Revised: Edit proposed septic layout, label proposedE"tqfdne"aPP"tt117. Site Plan Approved for Construction Supersedes All Previous Site Plans for CERTIFIED TO: DSTDS #0-SF17L 7o69 & Well #3'7-26/79 JAKE CROUCH Date: 2 /� (Reviewer. 60 d ,\ p, x 4'PWF q�o'L °' (ALONG LOT L I INE) 0 v�x'x °� o �o O 0 in v oa M II z ZO Y Fa- v i N W 0 A : yo' x FIR SURVEYORS' NOTES 1. Bearings shown hereon are based on the East line of subject property as platted and bears S 01°00'20" E. 2. Written dimensions take precedence over scaled dimensions and distances are not to be scaled for construction and/or design purposes. 3. All distances and bearings are as field measured and are coincident with "PLAT" and description data unless otherwise noted. 4. This drawing is not valid without the signature and original raised seal of a Florida licensed Surveyor & Mapper. 5. This survey is based upon a description furnished by the client, there has been no search of the public records done by this office. 6. Property lies in Flood Zone "X" per National Flood Insurance Program Rate Map, Community Panel Number 12111CO250 J, a non printed panel. 7. This survey is not covered by professional liability insurance. 8. City water & sewer are not available in this area. 9. No underground utilities or improvements were located unless otherwise shown. 10. Elevations shown hereon are based upon an assumed datum. 11. This plan information to be verified by contractor prior to construction. (OCCUPIED) S8900911911E 790.00' tO � PROPOSED 1DRIVE It �tyo &CULVERT ; I\ a0'�° x xp -PROPOSED 16' DRIVE \ &I CULVERT i o x East of N---- ------------------/ -------------- -- the West 890' x xx9 �, W / (0 0 6n 1u� I 'd o �,— 'r?�N i 643.63' ____ ------------ �E 1A� ___��______________ ___________ /__ rq x I I Li o \\ L,,1 x x x Z: I N O O 50 ae• '? I ai �\ - POND \\ I II 7X3' 24.o -- ------ A°�o O o?�o X of wl TOP OF WATER I V! wi ELEVATION x 53.6 ILJI i �O I -15 ON 12-15-15 I -� OPEN AIR SHELTER 11.8 x (ANIMAL PIN) x�` \ I I \ I yo 4'PWF (1.4'N) p o \\\ \ x FIR ho . DOE ��- DHE —- DHE DHE MARCH 20, 2017 Date of Signature x � I WILLIAM B. BENNETT Professional Surveyor & Mapper Florida Certificate No. 6353 LB No. 7608 N89009' 12"W 790.00' (Deed) (OCCUPIED) LEGEND CL = CENTERLINE RIGHT OF WAY CONC = CONCRETE EP = EDGE OF PAVEMENT PWF = POST & WIRE FENCE FIRC = FOUND 5/8" IRON ROD FIR = FOUND 5/8" IRON ROD & CAP (UNNUMBERED) (UNNUMBERED) -OHE-= OVERHEAD UTILITY LINES = SPOT ELEVATION 0 = WOOD POWER POLE kook —X— = POST & WIRE FENCE E — = POLE ANCHOR FFE = FINISHED FLOOR ELEVATION ± = PLUS OR MINUS E = ELECTRICAL SERVICE Vicinity Map (Not To Scale) 10 60 FIR .�• xa^oo 4'PWF b'1D i (ALONG LOT LINES) p^. O x __ _ __________________ __I___________^O_________ PROPOSED MOBILE HOME xk Proposed Minimum FFE=51.80 yo (18" Above Highest Road Crown) 105.96' LO 00 o �I x 40.0 1 \o ` N a a 0 o xN m W a ro ro PROPSED 2 I tLIMITS OF x WATER LINE o U cv1 20'x3l' u, N p 1 j DRAINFIELD 40.0' 107.15' N p a 41 2' O so I� I --___---- ----------- -- -N I x 100' 80'-' X9'x " i� i------------- ��-L---20' 1 � 4i ,. x o TANK n a2 N x In :- o� x8 0 a. w a 14'PWF (� r5J n �o FIRC so (0.9'N,0.6'W) Date of Last field work:12/14/2015 MIN Iwe n n e t t Bennett Surveying, Inc. 107 Augusta Court Jupiter, Florida 33458 tel: 772.336.4933 email: bennettsurveying®yahoo.com Boundary & Site Survey Prepared on the order of: Jake Crouch Field: LM/ J No.: 15-1123 Drawn: LKI 146refTAIh/21015 Scale: 1"=60' She a 01 Upl. Frunlh Uvers Bedroom #4 A 136.9 SF �I S U Note: lids supplyy ricer faetlo thin mp0ule�'+a q 13,, 4r (in) my I"'ton w/- epwpnd liar. Bedroom ff iw3.1 sr "T opt. rrwnct' tl om Opt. ] = Pool Both :'- n 32 30W Opl;mnul EMh •3 tl II \ r a II�, yI�1 II � � GOFFCRCtx CEILING 4G-43jA' ' Dining Room Combined e �. 138.25E 1 SWF .Y S A 3S-tt� 10" 3G@2 9Ban fa 32 s7r ulnnMg """" CFE. F'rencb Uvms FDOH in St. Lucie County Environmental Health Site Plan Approved for Construction Supersedes All Previous Site Plans for OSTDS #5G-A4- /7Wa6 9 & Well # Date: 0z.,a / Reviewer: br0 70V✓ER 2 7 W3A' Great Roont �1 ,q adz 365.05F 3 34-- g Master Bedroom 194.1 SF —"" 4 be4�} 19 .... z4'. Y' .o .._....________ Private office r._ 261 e rev._ ....a E-- _......._.. ..�.._.. 4Q ....- a ff___ IEZW 1 N g 0 z L) 2 a (.0 Q _ a a. N. € o\to W ,° �.E�� f f LISTING AGENCYAPPROVAL tNna P"Ne cary'IY^Se t+Flc�Nr AUM wnJ�:m,"n 4w�,4„anNan:+v . cane„elon<am Pneuen.e s�ro mro mrermm� OC60Rn1C4 R.a 6LE?N OFFLOO. F FI,Wif3 wlwlvflU ,tY 1.•f lilt 1q r HE, IN. OF PCr. YtAI.IS 0 RIANN0 22I2"E WIND 61 .56 7 t _...._.%afr-----•- '. IWD Hero-. - y....._.., __-. p.i._ p m-c.anv I . _.,—..').,•'^. NlIC '-" g,_,�p A, i $ .'"_• f,ICNveracrcv .y i JIB` Rcfwn tlrpp J ''! ter, c41} C MJRPJrAN__>MF. NC r r• -35'-f• I \ _... -Ii hd^9 ]/2 i t f 9 G12 Lfi '' " � PC c � - a Activity Room s; Broom t!� r + L W.9 sF JEz9.3sF / �� _ eo^azTiY4 1/a•" ?+ o, 91 c ❑ + n s O U Z N £CHESS +4mK•O.R.r,55,,._._.�._�_.� 2z.tn6 -v833/S•P" F' Mllr - t _ a_.fN_n —Q - 'd.l ,N a . 3/4' Pa r w s. m_ Q 0 •s N PAW Tradowrnda Trwdowfnda Tradow mda b 7 0. .sm. permer y_g. Oermer Sm. Poi-mpr «% f_7 O c Q Saf