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Truss Drawings
t RANEY COMPONENTS cover Sheet aney 19900 Independence Blvd. I Order# Groveland,FL.34736 JOB# 136DCS085 omponents LLC Phone:(352)429-9429 ' Fax:(352)429-7429 j Printed: Tue, Nov 8 2016 o Information: Address: EOR Name and License Number.• F tomerName: Creekslde Lot 85 R Horton j 8509 Cobblestone Dr Description: City,State,Zip: 4EBB 1828-Cali"D"LL OL Fort Myers,FL Loading Information: Roof Loads: Floor Loads: ~ TC Live: TC Dead., BC Live: BC Dead: TC Live: TC Dead: BC Live: BC Dead: 20 7 0 10 0 0 0 0 Bldg.Code: Mind Sid: Mind Speed: Bldg.Useage: Building Type: Mind Type: FBC 2014 RES ASCE 7-10 160 Residential-CAT II C MWFRC&C&C w/M Pages or sheets covered by this seal from:1 thru 27 Total 27 # DESCRIPTION SEQNO # DESCRIPTION SEQNO # DESCRIPTION SEQNO # DESCRIPTION SEQNO 1 A1A 2 Al 3 A2 4 A3 5 A4 6 A5 7 A6 8 A7 9 A8 10 A9 11 A10 12 B1 13 B2 14 C1 15 C2 16 D1 17 D2 18 M3 19 EJ3L 20 ER 21 ERA 22 BJ1 23 BJ1L 24 BJ3 25 BJ5 26 CJ3L 27 CJ7 a I` Digitally signed by Manuel Martinez M a n u e Bus ness Representative, ACES Business Representative,ou=M AND d �,E ASSOCIATES P.A.,cn=Manuel Martinez, �' °,«* •s 0'9 2342 1'9200300.100.1.1=A010980 rtine"' 0000014B4CF8FE960000211F Date:2016.11.08 16:59:34-05'00' No 047162 i ° STATE OF ` ate " M(C �tg x4 SERIAL#: 7f0000Of0000014b Ce 5cd1ca99lefO36 Tnls item hat teen elesvanitstly s(y^ned and teala2 Gy Manuel Marn-L Pi.I%:..Lf[.t11 Tl R2I en t�e da4t:fmwrt a6itae utiaq a Swn•I arothant'cmtien<aco., ttt��`aaa\\\ggq����/t�l�'i vrsntne cc;les of ttu dct�ment arc nrt canslEcx.ed uZnetf and:ritsd l a d the 5=::7•S authenti_atian code rn t ba uenficd nn an/di tmr& Page 1 of 1 Job Number: 136DCS085 Ply:1 SEQN:539420/T13/COMN 4EBB 1828-Cali"D"LL OL/DR Horton/4EBB 1828-Cali"D"LL OL Qty: 1 FROM:AH DRW: Truss Label: A1A Wgt:253.4lbs .. / ... 11/06/16 r T7'10" 64'64"7"7 I' + 2264 i 2'68 1'10" 39'8" 16 9 4 3 S5"9 1"12 5 T10" '1 E=6X12 F 1112X4 �3X4 D 12 (a) G z4X4 6 (a) �5X6 5X6 C (a) H o =H071 r T N=10X10 L 4X6(A2)B I=4X6(A2) 1 T5 A J R Q P O M K 1112X4 =5X6 =6X8 III2X4 III2X4 =5X10 7'8"12 6'3"4 5'10" 2'10" 4' 5'0"1 7'11"15 1� 7'8"12 14, 19'10" 22'8" 26'B" 31'8"1 39'8" Loading Criteria(psf) Wind Criteria Snow Criteria(Pg,Pf in PSF) Defl/CSI Criteria ♦Maximum Reactions(Ibs) TCLL: 20.00 Wind Std: ASCE 7-10 Pg:NA Ct:NA CAT:NA PP Deflection in loc L/defl L/# Loc R /U /Rw /Rh /RL /W TCDL: 7.00 Speed: 160 mph Pf:NA Ce:NA VERT(LL): 0.233 F 999 240 B 1557 /307 /960 /- /445 /8.0 BCLL: 0.00 Enclosure:Closed Lu:NA Cs:NA VERT(TL): 0.539 F 876 180 1 1557 /307 /959 /- /- /8.0 BCDL: 10.00 Risk Category:II Snow Duration:NA HORZ(LL): 0.124 K - - Wind reactions based on MWFRS Des Ld: 37.D0 EXP:C HORZ(TL): 0.286 K - - B Min Erg Width Req= 1.8 NCBCLL: 10.00 Mean Height:15.00 ft Code/Misc Criteria CreepFactor:1.5 1 Min Brg Width Req= 1.8 TCDL:4.2 psf Bearings B&I are a rigid surface. Soffit: 2.00 BCDL:5.0 psf Bldg Code: FBC 2014 RES Max TC CSI: 0.615 P TPI Std: 2007 Max BC CSI: 0.550 Bearings B&I require a seat plate. Load Duration:1.25 MWFRS Parallel Dist:h to 2h Spacing:24.0" C&C Dist a:3.97 ft Rep Factors Used:Yes Max Web CSI: 0.972 Loc.from endwall:not in 9.00 ft FT/RT:20(0)/10(0) Mfg Specified Camber: Maximum Top Chord Forces Per Ply(Ibs) GCpi:0.18 Plate Type(s): Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. Wind Duration:1.60 WAVE,HS VIEW Ver:16.01.DOF.0504.20 A-B 27 0 F-G 1417 -2556 Lumber B-C 1439-2762 G-H 1754 -3391 C-D 1261 -2220 H-1 1434 -2754 Value Set:13B(Effective 6/1/2013) D-E 1106-1732 I-J 27 0 Top chord 2x4 SP 41 E-F 1511 -2512 Bot chord 2x4 SP#1 Webs 2x4 SP#3 Maximum Bot Chord Forces Per Ply(Ibs) Lumber value set"13B"uses design values approved 1/30/2013 by ALSC Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. B-R 2391 -1120 N-L 2965 -1290 Bracing R-Q 2388 -1120 M-K 26 -12 (a)Continuous lateral restraint equally spaced on Q-P 1897 -788 K-1 2382 -1122 member.Or 1x4"T"reinforcement.8D%length of P-O 20 -9 web member.Same species&SRB grade or better, jj11111t: aCatta6choed c.with 8d Box or Gun(0.113"x2.5",min.)nails Maximum Web Forces Per Ply(lbs) - 4 Webs Tens.Comp. Webs Tens. Comp. Wind R-C 287 13 N-F 214 147 Member design based on both MWFRS and C&C. y C-Q 384 -564 N-G 578 -1048 No 4- 1 2 Q-D 456 -200 G-L 869 -407 m D-P 471 -681 L-M 71 -3 E-P 59 -530 L-K 2552 -1201 y s $3 * E-N 2267 -1099 L-H 634 -187 P-N 1880 -660 K-H 466 -869 *` S ; E OF N-O 18 -1 SERIAL s; V00 00 0100 00 01 4b6e5cd1 ca991cto36 Thls item fias hoer,eFcctranlc e}y s§ynee snd scaled by Maaucl P«artih 4 ?c I'L.11C.U47162I cr,the C3W zF wn abnre using a 5HA-1 autAcntv=lcn co_d� "WARNING" READ AND FOLLOcN #cyillkkTGS QN TkdL&fJJ?Aw l mcdareisakd "IMPORTANT" FURNISH THIS DRAWING TOrlalutcC.GNIRAfB-,fiQRS"ItWDINGdIhlFaylNSttTAL-LERS Trusses require extreme care in fabricating,handlin ship pingainstalling and bracing. Refer to and follow the latest edition of BCSI(Building Component Safety Information,by TPI and SBCA)fo'r safety practices prior to performing these functions. Installers shall provide temporary bracing per BCSI.Unless noted otherwise,top chord shall have properly attached structural sheathing and bottom chord shall have a properly attached rigid ceiling Locations shown for permanent lateral restraint of webs shall have bracing installed per BCSI sections B3,B7 or B10, as applicable. Apply plates to each face of truss and position as shown above and on the Joinf Details, unless noted otherwise. Defer to drawings 160A-Z for standard plate positions. Alpine,a division of ITW Building Components Group Inc.shall not be responsible for any deviation from this drawing any failure to build the truss in conformance with ANSI/TPI 1,or for handling shipping,installation and bracing of trusses.A seal on this drawing or cover page listing this drawing indicates acceptance of processional engineering responsibility solely for the design shown. The suitability and use of this gnawing for any structure is the responsibility of the Building Designer per ANSI/TPI 1 Sec.2. Far more information see this job's general notes page and these web sites:ALPINE:www.al ineitwxom'TPI:www.f instor:SBCA:www.sbcindus .com'ICC:www.iccsafe.or + Job Number: 136DCS085 Ply:1 SEQN:539393/T10/COMN 4EBB 1828-Cali"D"LL OL/DR Horton/4EBB 1828-Cali"D"LL OL Qty: 16 FROM:AH DRW: Truss Label: Al Wgt:221.2lbs I ... 11/08116 710: 144"7 19'10" 25'3"g 31'10" 39'8" 7'10 6'6"7 5'5"9 5'5 7'10" E=5X6 �3X4 D F�3X4 12 6 M � (a) :5X6 5X6 C (a) G °D (a) 4X6(A2)B H-4X6(A2) Ta A I N M L K J 1112X4 5X6 =-3X8 =5X6 1112X4 5 5'10" 5'10" 6'3"5 7'8"l1 7'8"11 14, - 19'10" 25'8" 31'11"5 39,8" ` Loading Criteria (psf) Wind Criteria Snow Criteria(Pg,Pf in PSF) Defl/CSI Criteria ♦Maximum Reactions(Ibs) TOLL: 20.00 Wind Std: ASCE 7-10 Pg:NA Ct:NA CAT:NA PP Deflection in loc L/defl L/# Loc R /U /Rw /Rh /RL /W TCDL: 7.00 Speed: 160 mph Pf:NA Ce:NA VERT(LL): 0.178 L 999 240 B 1650 1308 /961 /- /445 /8.0 BCLL: 0.00 Enclosure:Closed Lu:NA Cs:NA VERT(TL): 0.388 L 999 180 H 1650 /308 /961 /- /- /8.0 BCDL: 10.00 Risk Category:II Snow Duration:NA HORZ(LL): 0.075 J - - Wind reactions based on MWFRS Des Ld: 37.00 EXP:Cght:15.00 ft HORZ(TL): 0.163 J - - B Min Brg Width Reg= 1.9 Mean Height:NCBCLL: 10.00 TCDL: ei psf Code/Misc Criteria Creep Factor:1.5 H Min Brg Width Req= 1.9 Soffit: 2.00 Bldg Code: FBC 2014 RES Max TC CSI: 0.632 Bearings B&H are a rigid surface. BCDL:5.0 psf Bearings B&H require a seat plate. Load Duration:1.25 MWFRS Parallel Dist:h to 2h TPI Std: 2007 Max BC CSI: 0.551 Spacing:24.0" C&C Dist a:3.97 ft Rep Factors Used:Yes Max Web CSI: 0.605 Loc.from endwall:not in 9.00 ft FT/RT:20(0)/l0(0) Mfg Specified Camber: Maximum Top Chord Forces Per Ply(Ibs) GCpi:0.18 Plate Type(s): Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. Wind Duration:1.60 WAVE VIEW Ver:16.01.00F.0504.20 A-B 27 0 E-F 1108 -1899 Lumber B-C 1442-2961 F-G 1263 -2430 Value Set:13B(Effective 6/1/2013) C-D 1263-2429 G-H 1443 -2962 D-E 1108 -1899 H-1 27 0 Top chord 2x4 SP#1 Bot chord 2x4 SP#1 Webs 2x4 SP#3 Maximum Bot Chord Forces Per Ply(Ibs) Lumber value set"138"uses design values Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. approved 1/30/2013 by ALSC B-N 2569 -1123 L-K 2082 -814 N-M 2566-1123 K-J 2567 -1129 Bracing M-L 2081 -789 J-H 2570 -1129 (a)Continuous lateral restraint equally spaced on member.Or 1x4"T"reinforcement.80%length of Maximum Web Forces Per Ply(Ibs) web member.Same species&SRB grade or better, attached with 8d Box or Gun(0.113"x2.5",min.)nails ��� g9139filpt Webs Tens.Comp. Webs Tens. Comp. @ 6"oc. gy$�`k}�� 4, fµ N-C 287 -13 L-F 468 -734 1 /p' Loading .�'� ...... «.E�.�- �.�¢, C-M 387 -555 F-K 482 -204 + '+ .+ + `. �1 M-D 481 -203 K-G 387 -555 Truss passed check for 20 psf additional bottom ,,� �_ �i__ D-L 468 -733 G-J 287 =15 chord live load in areas with 42"-high x 24"-wide . « clearance. # � E-L 1338 -714 Flo i i Wind , « Member design based on both MWFRS and C&C. STATE OF t . ( '9 ' N N aL �g�f11�It1� SERIAL 7f 00 00 0100 00 01 4b 66 5c d1 ca 99.1c fO 36 7nls Item has&eon.IcttconlcaJly sfynad Snd salad[:y Mawcl Marines, FF.1=i..11C.OJ 71821 an uia czte showlt ab-n using a SHA+1. aurhantbcatian cl_c. **WARNING** READ AND FOLLOWn/141ctf114kTGS QNnFk9k��V�dNCi4gnccar,dzasted **IMPORTANT** FURNISH THIS DRAWING TCIAb GONIRA(D:U RSdiJ£ItWD1NGvdT-Mr.lNSi AL--LERS Trusses require extreme care in fabricating,handlin shippingpi stalling and bracing. Refer to and follow the latest edition of BCSI(Building Component Safety Information,by TPI and SBCA)for safety practices prior to performing these functions. Installers shall provide temporary bracing per BCSI.Unless noted otherwise,top chord shall have properly attached structural sheathing and bottom chord shall have a properly attached rigid ceiling Locations shown for permanent lateral restraint of webs shall have bracing installed per BCSI sections B3,B7 or B10, as applicable. Apply plates to each face of truss and position as shown above and on the Join-Details, unless noted otherwise. Refer to drawings 160A-Z for standard plate positions. Alpine,a division of ITW BuildingComponents Group Inc.shall not be responsible for any deviation from this drawing any failure to build the truss in conformance with ANSI�I PI 1,or for handling shipping,installation and bracing;of trusses.A seal on this drawing or cover page listing this drawing indicates acceptance of professtonag engineering responsibility solely forthe design shown. The suifability and use of this drawing for any structure is the responsibility of the Building Designer per ANSI/TPI 1 Sec.2. For more information see this lob's general notes page and these web sites:ALPINE:wm mat ineitw.com:TPI:www.l inst.or:SBCA:win .sbcindus .coin'ICC:www.iccsafe.or J Job Number: 136DCS085 Ply:1 SEQN:539394/Ti?COMN 4EBB 1828-Cali"D"LL OL/DR Horton/4EBB 1828-Cali"D"LL OL Qty: 1 FROM:AH DRW: Truss Label: A2 Wgt:221.2 Ibs / ... 10/25/16 710" 14'4"8 19'10" 25'3"8 31'10" 7'10" 6'6"8 E g4X4 D F�3X4 12 6 M (a) n o C G Po(a) (a) o r 3X6(All B H-3X6(A1) 'A N M L K J 1112X4 =3X8 1112X4 �—13'4" 5'8" 20'8" 7'8"12 I 614 510" 6'3"4 TB"12 I 14' i 19'10" 3111"4 39'8" Loading Criteria(psf) Wind Criteria Snow Criteria(Pg,Pf in PSFj Defl/CSI Criteria ♦Maximum Reactions(lbs),or*=PLF TCLL: 20.00 Wind Std: ASCE 7-10 Pg:NA Ct:NA CAT:NA PP Deflection in loc Udefl U# Loc R /U /Rw /Rh /RL /W TCDL: 7.00 Speed: 160 mph Pf:NA Ce:NA VERT(LL): 0.040 J 999 240 B 492 /206 /311 !- /445 /8.0 BCLL: 0.00 Enclosure:Closed Lu:NA Cs:NA VERT(TL): 0.098 J 999 180 O* 317 /142 /183 /- /- /68.0 BCDL: 10.00 Risk Category:II Snow Duration:NA HORZ(LL): 0.014 J - - H 895 /408 /659 /- /- /8.0 Des Ld: 37.00 EXP:CMean Height:15.00 ft HORZ(TL): 0.032 J - - Wind reactions based on MWFRS NCBCLL: 10.00 Cade/Misc Criteria Creep Factor.1.5 B Min Brg Width Req= 1.5 TCDL:4.2 psf O Min Brg Width Re Soffit: 2.00 Bldg Code: FBC 2014 RES Max TC CSI: 0.531 q= BCDL:5.0 psf TPI Std: 2007 Max BC CSI: 0.453 H Min Brg Width Req= 1 Load Duration:1.25 MWFRS Parallel Dist:0 to hl2 Bearings B,O,&H are a rigid surface. Spacing:24.0" C&C Dist a:3.97 ft Rep Factors Used:Yes Max Web CSI: 0.695 Bearings B&H require a seat plate. Loc,from endwall:not in 4.50 ft FT/RT:20(0)/10(0) Mfg Specified Camber: GCpi:0.18 Plate Type(s): Maximum Top Chord Forces Per Ply(Ibs) Wind Duration:1.60 WAVE VIEW Ver:16.01.00F.0504.20 Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. Lumber Value Set:138(Effective 6/1/2013) A-B 27 0 E-F 350 -258B-C 205 -470 F-G 516 -769 Top chord 2x4 SP#1 C-D 410 -109 G-H . 708 -1335 Bot chord 2x4 SP#1 D-E 342 -229 H-I 27 0 Webs 2x4 SP#3 Lumber value set"l36"uses design values Maximum Bot Chord Forces Per Ply(Ibs) approved 1/30/2013 by ALSC Chords Tens.Comp. Chards Tens. Comp. Bracing B-N 494 -373 L-K 596 -138 (a)Continuous lateral restraint equally spaced on N-M 489 -373 K-J 1117 -467 member.Or 1x4"T"reinforcement.80%length of M-L 639 -670 J-H 1120 -467 web member.Same species(SRB grade or better, l � attached with 8d Box or Gun 0.113"x2.5",min.nails 96 @ 6"oc. �*g%%�+*� Aa Maximum Web Forces Per Ply(Ibs) Webs Tens.Comp. Webs Tens. Comp. Plating Notes N-C 318 -33 L-F 484 -706 All plates are 5X6 except as noted. *� t= FF C-M 423 -637 F-K 484 -221 Wind g �'O 0 1 �� M-D 575 -1078 K-G 404 -599 b D-L 669 -267 G-J 299 -20 Member design based on both MWFRS and C&C. _ E-L 70 -150 STATE OF SERIAL : 7f 00 00 0100 00 01 4b 6e Sc d 1 ca 99 1 c f0 36 This Item scaled tY wa 1lAartm" 2E vi..I,[.as 73 s27 cn the cat&shown abn,:c ding a 5HA+3 auu[hen[katinn sock_ **WARNING— READ ANDFOLLO,f/Vn14{Fc�t4kTl�ScQNnFkdkF�t�ddV�llAlla4gnccand:caicd —IMPORTANT** FURNISH THIS DRAWING TGAkt.C-ONIRAGiEGrlRas44CAiWDINGdT-"E4NStTAL-LERS Trusses require extreme care in fabricating,handlingq shippingyir3stalling and bracing. Refer to and follow the latest edition of BCSI(Building Component Safety Information,by TPI and SBCA)fo'r safety practices prior to performing these functions. Installers shall provide temporary bracing per BCSI.Unless noted otherwlse,top chord shall have properly attached structural sheathing and bottom chord shall have a properly attache rigid ceiling Locations shown for permanent lateral restraint of webs shall have bracing Installed per BCSI sections B3,B7 or B10, as applicable. Apply plates to each face of truss and position as shown above and on the Joint Details, unless noted otherwise. }defer to drawings 160A-Z for standard plate positions. Alpine,a division of ITW BuildincLQComponents Group Inc.shall not be responsible for any deviation from this drawing any failure to build the truss in conformance with ANSI/TPI 1,or for handling shippingg,installation and bracing of trusses.A seal on this drawing or cover page.. listing this drawing indicates acceptance of pro{essional engineering responsibility solely for the design shown. The suifabllity and use of this yawing for any structure is the responsibility of the building Designer per ANSI/TPI 1 Sec.2. For more information see this job's general notes page and these web sites: ALPINE:www.al ineitw.com;TPI:w A inst.or :SBCA:www.sbcindus .com;ICC:w Jccsafe.or Job Number: 136DCS085 Ply:1 SEQN:539422/T11!GABL 4EBB 1828-Cali"D"LL OL/DR Horton/4EBB 1828-Cali"D"LL OL Qty: 1 FROM:AH DRW: Truss Label: A3 Wgt:361.2 Ibs Page 1 of 2 / ... 11/08/16 T10'94 14'4"8 V 1 25'3"8 31'9"2 39'8" 7'10"14 65"9 5'S"8 5'S"e 6'S"9 - 7'10"14 -5X6 K M J N I O �3X4 H Pa3X4 12 G Q F 6 R E S D AP AN (a) BC A'B'E T u6 g5X6D Be I AS AO (b) BJ T J AT AY � BI AK A3M4 �g AT A AX BA BD X BH a3X6(A7)B AL oO BG V�X6(A7) A AH BK AG AF AEAD AC AB AA Z Y X G =5X6 -3X8 =5X6 13.8" 5' 21' F1' 7'e"13 6'3"3 5'10" 5'10" 6'3"3 7'8'13 1� 7'e"13 14' 19'10" 25'8" 31'11"4 Loading Criteria (psf) Wind Criteria Snow Criteria(Pg,Pf in PSF) Defl/CSI Criteria ♦Maximum Reactions(Ibs) TCLL: 20.00 Wind Std: ASCE 7-10 Pg:NA, Ct:NA CAT:.NA PP Deflection in loc L/defl L/# LOG R /U /Rw /Rh /RL /W TCDL: 7.00 Speed: 160 mph Pf:NA Ce:NA VERT(LL): 0.051 R 999 240 B 489 /220 /- /- /- /8.0 BOLL: 0.00 Enclosure:Closed Lu:NA Cs:NA VERT(TL): 0.125 R 999 180 BK 1387 1639 /- /- /- /8.0 BCDL: 10.00 Risk Category:II Snow Duration:NA HORZ(LL):-0.018 F - - AD 573 /278 /- /- /- 18.0 DesLd: 37.00 EXP:CMean Height:15.00 ft HORZ(TL): 0.040 F V 865 l416 /- /- /- /8.0. NCBCLL: 10.00 TCDL:4.2 psf Code/Misc Criteria Creep Factor:1.5 Wind reactions based on MWFRS Soffit: 2.00 BCDL:5.0 psf Bldg Code: FBC 2014 RES Max TC CSI: 0.642 B Min Brg Width Req= 1.5 Load Duration:1.25 TPI Std: 2007 Max BC CSI: 0.462 BK Min Brg Width Req= 1.6 MWFRS Parallel Dist:0 to h/2 Spacing:24.0" C&C Dist a:3.97 ft Rep Factors Used:Yes Max Web CSI: 0.940 AD Min Brg Width Req= 1.5 FT/RT:20 0/10 0 V Min Brg Width Req= 1.5 Loc.from pi:0.18 not in 4.50 ft ( ) ( ) Mfg Specified Camber: Bearings B,BK,AD,&V are a rigid surface. Gatio : 18 Plate Type(s): Bearings B,BK,AD,&V require a seat plate. Wind Duration:1.60 WAVE VIEW Ver:16.01.00F.0504.20 Lumber Plating Notes Maximum Top Chord Forces Per Ply(Ibs) Value Set:13B(Effective 6/1/2013) All plates are 2X4 except as noted. Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. Top chord 2x4 SP#1 Loading A B 27 20 L-M 40 103 Bot chord 2x4 SP#1 g B-C 189 -464 M-N 54 _125 Webs 2x4 SP#3:W4,W7 2x4 SP#1: Gable end supports 8"Max rake overhang.Top C-D 312 -112 N-O' 51, -123 Lumber value set'1313"uses design values chord must not be cut or notched. D-E 384 -167 O-P 89 --178 approved 1/30/2013 by ALSC Wind E-F 395 -177 P-Q 238 -563 Bracing Wind loads and reactions based on MWFRS. F-G 424 -197 Q-R 271 -6.12 G-H 429 -209 R-S 285 -627 (b)scab reinforcement.80%length of web member. H-1 77 -123 S-T 296 -640 Same size,species&grade or better.Attach with 10d Additional Notes ' Box or Gun(0.128"x3",min.)nails @ 6"cc. See DWGS A1601 1 014&GBLLETIN1014 for 1-1 45 -105 T-U 346 -704J-K 59 -116 U-V 608 -1271 (a)Continuous lateral restraint equally spaced on gable wind bfj� � , K-L 55- -130 V-W 27 -20 member.Or 1x4"T"reinforcement.80%length of t :web member.Same species&SRB grade or better, (0.11 Maximum Bot Chord Forces Per Ply(Ibs) attached with 8d Box or Gun3"x2.5",min.)nails s' @ 6"cc. . R _ Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. Special Loads �_ No 047182 B-AH 344 -109 AC-AB 560 -251 ----(Lumber Dur.Fac.=1.25/Plate Dur.Fac.=1.25) a AH-AG 341 -110 AB-AA 560 25.1 *' TC-From 56 plf at AG-AF 150 -351 AA-Z 560 -251 1.00 to 56 plf at 7.81 ,; TC-From 56 plf at 7.81 to 56 plf at 15.17 a AF-AE 150 -351 Z-Y 560 251 TC-From 28 plf at 15.17 to 28 plf at 17.17 'x, * r, AE-AD 150 -351 Y-X 1059 -482 TC-From 56 plf at 17.17 to 56 plf at 19.83 �`. AD-AC 150 -351 X-V 1063 481 STAT TC-From 56 plf at 19.83 to 56 plf at 31.85 *` • x` TC-From 56 plf at 31.85 to 56 plf at 40.67 _, + ` Maximum Web Forces Per Ply(Ibs) BC-From 4 pit at -1.00 to 4 plf at 0.00 vim* . BC-From 20 plf at 0.00 to 20 plf at 14.00 /1' t NAL Webs Tens.Comp. Webs Tens. Comp. BC-From 10 plf at 0 to 10 plf at 17.17 BC-From 20 plf at 17.107 to 20 plf at 25.674 « AH-C 318 0 AC-AW 365 -783 BC-From 20 plf at 25.67 to 20 plf at 39.67 SERIAL.tt 282 : C-AI -6 AW-AX 18 -36 BC-From 4 plf at 39.67 to 4 plf at 40.67 W00 00 0100 00 01 4b 5c d4 ce SO'tC(0 $ AI-AJ 82 -625 AWAY 348 37 AJ-AK 302 -650 AX-BA 18 -37 TC- 131b Conc.Load at 15.17,17.17 ri•�I:iecmh°x :�°°e�daal°ateyn4antislblarH°�� AK-AL 310 -656 AY-AZ 324 -705 BC- 32 Ito Conc.Load at 15.17,17.17 Ps K.I:fc.9471821 cos it&=a %ko-abavc�in8 a SHA.7 auEfi°rtbcaEtcn cad°.. AL-AG 324 -684 BA-BD 18 -38 **WARNING** READ AND -IMPORTANT** FURNISH THIS DRAWING TClAkl�6.@Nl-,RAGTiCillyS&4e!tWaiMGdTaEI NtatF�+L•LERS- Trusses require extreme care in fabricating,handlin shippingpielstalling and bracing.•Refer to and follow the latest edition of BCSI(Building Component Safety Information,by TPI and SBCA)for safety practices prior to performing these functions. Installers shall provide temporary J bracing per BCSI.Unless noted otherwise,top chord shall have properly attached structural sheathing and bottom chord shall have a properly attached rigid ceiling Locations shown-for permanent lateral restraint of webs shall have bracing installed per BCSI sections B3,B7 or B10, as applicable. Appty Plates to each face of truss and position as shown above and on the Join Details, unless noted otherwise. Defer to drawings 16OA-Z for standard plate positions. Alpine,a division of ITW Building Components Group Inc.shall not be responsible for any deviation from this drawing any failure to build the. truss in conformance with ANSI/rPI 1,or for handling.shipping,installation and bracing of trusses.A seal on this drawing or cover page, listing this drawing indicates acceptance of professional engineering responsibility solely for the design shown. The suitability and use of this drawing for any structure is the responsibility of the Building Designer per ANSI/TPI 1 Sec.2. For more information see this job's general notes page and these web sites:ALPINE:www.al ineitw.com'TPI:www.t inst.or:SBCA:www.sbcindus .com;ICC:www.iccsafe.or Job Number: 136DCS085 Ply:1 SEQN:539422/T11'/GABL 4EBB 1828-Cali"D"LL OL/DR Horton/4EBB 1828-Cali"D"LL OL Qty: 1 -FROM:AH DRW: Truss Label: A3 Wgt:361.2 Ibs Page 2 of 2 / ... 11/08/16 AG-AM 489 -876 BB-BC 323 -693 AM-H 485 -870 BD-BF 18 -37 AM-AO 38 -17 BE-P 324 -695 H-AN 618 -272 P-BF 443 -122 AO-AR 38 -17 BF-Y 434 -118 AP-AQ 616 -270 Y-BG 292 -611 AR-AU 39 -18 BG-BH 298 -630 AS-AT 631 -282 BH-BI 284 -609 AT-AV 547 -221 BI-BJ 264 -585 AU-AV 34 -14 BJ-U 295 -624 AV-AC 739 -331 U-X 306 0 L-AC 48 -40 Maximum Gable Forces Per Ply(Ibs) Gables Tens.Comp. Gables Tens. Comp. AI-D 87 -63 AX-AB 43 0 AJ-E 38 -49 M-AY 31 -25 AK-F 14 -19 AZ-BA 68 -66 AL-G 27 -53 BA-AA 39 -16 AN-1 26 -56 N-BB 69 -80 AO-AF 25 -12 BC-BD 43 -19 AO-AP 22 -29 BD-Z 22 -9 AQ-J 88 -82 O-BE 44 -20 AR-AE 56 -27 Q-BG 36 -13 AR-AS 103 -106 R-BH 27 -40 AT-K 80 -122 S-BI 37 -45 AU-AD 185 -339 T-BJ 73 -56 FYI •,�r 047162 a a R STATE w w � 0 %, 1'. 'i SERIAL s: 7f 00 00 0100 00 01415 Oe Sc di ca 90 Ic 100 36 Thii item hot t;eer.:rlraranlzal}q s:(;ned zed sealed ty Ma m Irl<artinaL PE IFL.Lac.P4 TIS.1I an tfia cat Chown ab-z L uiii a SHA*t 1Utfief[Si:a€Ieri iirde.. **WARNING** READ AND FOLLO�cfl�lca{11c�TfrScQLV�Ihd6�Rh�?/��lLn4�nc4ardsraicd —IMPORTANT** FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO,s{kbLG.GNI.PAlSzt.GR AN6ultltlDiNGdT-Him�NSifdAL-LERS Trusses require extreme care in fabricating,handlin shippingpirnstalling and bracing. Refer to and follow the latest edition of BCSI(Building Component Safety Information,by TPI and SBCA)for safety practices prior to performing these functions. Installers shall provide temporary bracing per BCSI.Unless noted otherwise,top chord shall have properly attached structural sheathing and bottom chord shall have a properly attached rigid ceiling Locations shown for permanent lateral restraint of webs shall have bracing installed per BCSI sections B3,B7 or p10, as applicable. Apply plates to each face of truss and position as shown above and on the Joint'Details, unless noted otherwise. Refer to drawings 16OA-Z for standard plate positions. Alpine,a division of ITW Building Components Group Inc.shall not be responsible for any deviation from this drawing any failure to build the truss in conformance with ANSI/TPI 1,or for handling shipping,installation and bracing of trusses.A seal on this drawing or cover pa e, listing this drawing indicates acceptance of professional engineering responsibility solely for the design shown. The suitability and use of this yawing for any structure is the responsibility of the Building Designer per ANSI/TPI 1 Sec.2. For more information see this job's general notes paqe and these web sites:ALPINE:www.al ineitw.com'TPI:WJ A inst.or:SBCA:www.sbcindust .com;ICC:www.iccsafe.or Job Number: 136DCS085 Ply:1 SEQN:539395/T9/HIPS 4EBB 1828-Cali"D"LL OL/DR Horton/4EBB 1828-Cali"D"LL OL Qty: 1 FROM:AH DRW: Truss Label: A4 Wgt:246.4lbs / ... 11/08/16 7'10 142"11 19 20'8" 255"5 31'10" 39'8" 7'1 0" 4'9"5 64"11 7-10" 5XB=5X6 E F 1112X4 O G 1112X4 12 6 L) .. (a) (a) 5X6 u3 m g5X6 C H o 0 =4X6(A2)B s s A 1=4XI6(A2) O N M L K :: 1112X4 -5X14 =4X10 =5X14 1112X4 7' "1 6'3"4 5'10" 5'10 T8 " 6'3"4 "12 7'88 2"12 14' 31'11"4 39'8" Loading Criteria(psf) Wind Criteria Snow Criteria(Pg,Pf in PSF) Defl/CSI Criteria ♦Maximum Reactions(Ibs) TCLL: 20.00 Wind Std: ASCE 7-10 Pg:NA Ct:NA CAT:NA PP Deflection in loc L/defl L/# Loc R /U /Rw /Rh /RL /W TCDL: 7.00 Speed: 160 mph Pf:NA Ce:NA VERT(LL): 0.153 D 999 240 B 1557 /309 /964 /- /428 18.0 BCLL: 0.00 Enclosure:Closed Lu:NA Cs:NA VERT(TL): 0.352 D 999 180 I 1557 /309 /963 /- /- 18.0 BCDL: 10.00 Risk Category:II Snow Duration:NA HORZ(LL): 0.063 K - - Wind reactions based on MWFRS Des Ld: 37.00 EXP:C Mean Height:15.00 ft HORZ(TL): 0.145 K - - B Min Brg Width Req= 1.8 NCBCLL: 10.00 Code/Misc Criteria Creep Factor:1.5 I Min Brg Width Req= 1.8 TCDL:4.2 psf Bearin s B&I are a ri id surface. Soffit: 2.00 BCDL:5.0 psf Bldg Code: FBC 2014 RES Max TC CSI: 0.599 g 9 Load Duration:1.25 MWFRS Parallel Dist:h to 2h TPI Std: 2007 Max BC CSI: 0.558 Bearings B&I require a seat plate. Spacing:24.0" C&C Dist a:3.97 ft Rep Factors Used:Yes Max Web CSI: 0.648 Loc.from endwall:not in 9.00 ft FT/RT:20(0)/10(0) Mfg Specified Camber: Maximum Top Chord Forces Per Ply(Ibs) GCpi:0.18 Plate Type(s): Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. Wind Duration:1.60 WAVE VIEW Ver:16.01.00F.0504.20 A-B 27 0 F-G 1428 -2192 Lumber B-C 1410-2762 G-H 1287 -2211 Value Set:13B(Effective 6/1/2013) C-D 1286-2211 H-I 1470 -2762 D-E 1428 -2192 I-J 27 0 Top chord 2x4 SP#1 E-F 1088 -1539 Bot chord 2x4 SP#1 Webs 2x4 SP#3 Maximum Bot Chord Forces Per Ply(Ibs) approved 1/30/2013 Lumber value set 1 uses design values Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. by by ALSC Bracing B-O 2391 -1147 M-L 1534 -596 O-N 2388-1147 L-K 2388 -1162 (a)Continuous lateral restraint equally spaced on N-M 1534 -584 K-I 2391 -1162 member.Or 1 x4"T"reinforcement.80%length of web member.Same species&SRB grade or better, 4s�Bg Maximum Web Forces Per Ply(Ibs) attached with 8d Box or Gun(0.113"x2.5",min.)nails $ $ # @ 6"oc. 4 Webs Tens.Comp. Webs Tens. Comp. Wind *�** O-C 291 13 M-F 339 255 s "a4 C-N 386 -571 F-L 816 -562 Member design based on both MWFRS and C&C.g D-N 315 -317 L-G 315 -317 o N-E 816 -562 L-H 386 -571 o E-M 339 -256 H-K 291 -15 ' •. STATE OF_ 7,0 SERA#: 7f 00 CO 0100 00.0146 6e Sc d 1 ca 99 is f0 36 Tbis it— anti:aal¢d Ly W—1 PA-i—, n JR..L...04-73821 en t�cC.a G:shown alxwE�w ag a SH4=1 ati[?ertdraEicr«dc.. **WARNING** READ AND FOLLO.Ytd TIxS QtJ„FkdbFa&l) iWJFlSa4a¢acre: �a **IMPORTANT** FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO Able GONaTRAG--UQRS4NGltWEIINGdTMFz�NStTAkLERS - Trusses require extreme care in fabricating,handlin shippingpimstalling and bracing. Refer to and follow the latest edition of BCSI(Building Component Safety Information,by-TPI-and SBCA)for safety practices prior to performing.these functions. Installers shall provide temporary bracing per BCSI.Unless noted otherwise,top chord shall have properly attached structural sheathin and bottom chord shall have a propperly attached rigid ceiling Locations shown for permanent lateral restraint of webs shall have bracing installed per BCSI sections B3,B7 or 610, as applicable. Appfy plates to each face of truss and position as shown above and on the Join f Details,- unless noted otherwise. Refer to drawings 16OA-Z for standard plate positions. - Alpine,a division of ITW Building Components Group Inc.shall not,be responsible for any deviation from this drawing any failure to build the truss in conformance with ANSIf�PI 1,or for handling shipping,installation and bracing of trusses.A seal on this drawing or cover page,, listing this drawing indicates acceptance.of protessrona4 engineering responsibility solely for the design shown. The sui9abllity and use of this gnawing for any structure is the responsibility of the Building Designer per ANSI/TPI 1 Sec.2. For more information see this job's general notes page and these web sites:ALPINE:w .al ineitw.com;TPI: w.mw.l inst.or:SBCA:www.sbcindust .com'ICC:ww Jccsafe.or Job Number: 136DCS085 Ply:1 SEQN:539396/T8[HIPS 4EBB 1828-Cali"D"LL OL/DR Horton/4EBB 1828-Cali"D"LL OL Qty: 1 FROM:AH DRW: Truss Label: A5 Wgt:238.0 Ibs / ... 11/08/16 7'10" 142 17' 22'8" 25'5"4 31'10" 39'8" L 7'10" Y 6,4"12 2'9"4 5'8" {' 2,1Z 6'4"12 + T10" =5X6 E=6X6 F 1112X4 D G 1112X4 12 6 M 5X6 b :5X6 C H 2 7 m r 4X6(A2)B I-4X6(A2) A J 0 N M L K 1112X4 =5X12 =3X4 =5X12 III2X4 7'8"12 6'3"4 5'10" 5'10" 6'3"4 7'8"12 7'8"12 14, 19'10" 31'11"4 39'8" Loading Criteria(psf) 'Wind"Criteria Snow Criteria(Pg,Pf in PSF) Defl/CSI Criteria ♦Maximum Reactions(Ibs) TCLL: 20.00 Wind Std: ASCE 7-10 Pg:NA Ct:NA CAT:NA PP Deflection in loc Udell L/# Loc R /U /Rw /Rh /RL /W TCDL: 7.00 Speed: 160 mph Pf:NA Ce:NA VERT(LL): 0.148 D 999 240 B 1557 /318 /965 /- /387 /8.0 BCLL: 0.00 Enclosure:Closed Lu:NA Cs:NA VERT(TL): 0.342 D 999 180 1 1557 /318 /965 /- /- /8.0 BCDL: 10.00 Risk Category:II Snow Duration:NA HORZ(LL): 0.064 K - - Wind reactions based on MWFRS Des Ld: 37.00 EXP:CMean Height:15.00 ft HORZ(TL): 0.148 K - - B Min Brg Width Reg= 1.8 NCBCLL: 10.00 Code/Misc Criteria Creep Factor:1.5 1 Min Brg Width Req= 1.8 TCDL:4.2 psf Bldg Cade: FBC 2014 RES Max TC CSI: 0.591 Bearings B&I are a rigid surface. Soffit: 2.00 BCDL:5.0 psf g Bearings B&I require a seat plate. Load Duration:1.25 MWFRS Parallel Dist:h to 2h TPI Std: 2007 Max BC CSI: 0.557 Spacing:24.0" C&C Dist a:3.97 ft Rep Factors Used:Yes Max Web CSI: 0.760 Loc.from endwall:not in 9.00 ft FT/RT:20(0)/10(0) Mfg Specified Camber: Maximum Top Chord Forces Per Ply(Ibs) GCpi:0.18 Plate Type(s): Chords. Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. Wind Duration:1.60 WAVE VIEW Ver:16.01.00F.0504.20 A-B 27 0 F-G 1466 -2157 Lumber B-C 1517-2764 G-H 1334 -2209 C-D 1334 -2209 H-1 1518 -2764 Value Set:13B(Effective 6/1/2013) D-E 1466 -2157 1-1 __27 0 Top chord 2x4 SP#1 E-F 1189 -1699 Bot chord 2x4 SP#1 Webs 2x4 SP#3 Maximum Bot Chord Forces Per Ply(Ibs) Lumber value set"13B"uses design values approved 1/30/2013 by ALSC Chords Tens.Comp. Chards Tens. Comp. B-O 2393 -1196 M-L 1680 -748 Wind O-N 2390 -11 95 L-K 2390 -1225 Member design based on both MWFRS and C&C. N-M 1680 -725 K-1 2393 -1225 seta Webs Maximum es P bs(Ibs Tens.Comp. Tens. Comp. O-C 291 -12 M-F 282 --195 art �+ t C-N 392 -579 F-L_ 695 -494 D-N 275 -242 L-G 275 -242 NO 047 182 N-E 695 -494 L-H 392 -579 4� a E-M 282 -195 H-K 291 -15 � s � '•. ,T ATE- ems ' 41 't� ' $21imit, SERIAL* ?t00 00 0100 00 01 4b8N5cd1ca091c Thls ita.haz Oscars aMcxcanlcz9jq•sE✓neG sn9 sealed t:y Mandel Martina �'a 1`;.Uc.Ge.Ti V I-itic dat,shown abmrc ea inn a 5mA--1 aU4hert6caticr cuoe. **WARNING** READ AND FOLLO' 41l"tj1.4kTlx:S&TNmT6d6 QJRA/JNGLIgnc.<.andsralcd "IMPORTANT** FURNISH THIS DRAWING TChAloicCGNTRAG:EQRS4NGIjWDINGdTaE.INStTALLERS Trusses require extreme care in fabricating,handling shippingyinstalling and bracing. Refer to and follow the latest edition of BCSI(Building Component Safety Information,by TPI and SBCA) r safety practices prior to performing these functions. Installers shall provide temporarryy bracing per BCSI.Unless noted otherwise,top chord shall have properly attached structural sheathing and bottom chord shall have a properly attached rigid ceiling Locations shown for permanent lateral restraint of webs shall have bracing installed per BCSI sections B3,B7 or B10, as applicable. Appty plates to each face of truss and position as shown above and an the Joinf Details, unless noted otherwise. Defer to drawings 160A-Z for standard plate positions. Alpine,a division of ITW Building Components Group Inc,shall not be responsible for any deviation from this drawing any failure to build the truss in conformance with ANSI/TPI 1,or for handling shipping,installation and bracing of trusses.A seal on this drawing or cover pa e listing this drawing indicates acceptance of professions engineering responsibility solely for the design shown. The suiQability and use of this gnawing for any structure is the responsibility of the Building Designer per ANSI/TPI 1 Sec.2. For more information see this job's general notes page and these web sites:ALPINE: w .al ineitw.com'TPI:w .t inst.or:SBCA:www.sbandust .coin:ICC:www.iccsafe.or Job Number: 136DCS085 Ply:1 SEQN:677336/T7/HIPS 4EBB 1828-Cali"D"LL OL/DR Horton/4EBB 1828-Cali"D"LL OL Qty: 1 FROM:AH. DRW: Truss Label: A6 Wgt:212.8 Ibs ! ... 11/08/16 T10" 15' 1910" 24'8" 31'10" 39'8" 7-10" 7'2" 4'10" 4'10" =3X4 =5X6 D=5X6 E F 12 6 5X6 o 05X6C (a) (a) (a) o 4X6(A2)B LZfL H=4X6(A2) ga A 1 0 N M. L K J ill2X4 =4X6=3X8 =3X8=4X6 1112X4 7'812 6'3"4 1'1" 2 9'4"8 1'1" 2 63'4 7'8"12 1'7'8"12 14' 5'1 12 24'6"4 25' 3111"4 39'8" Loading Criteria(psf) Wind Criteria. Snow Criteria(Pg,Pf in PSF.) Defl/CSI Criteria ♦Maximum Reactions(Ibs) TCLL: 20.00 Wind Std: ASCE 7-10 Pg:NA Ct:NA CAT:NA PP Deflection in loc Udefl U# Loc R /U /Rw /Rh /RL /W.. TCDL: 7.00 Speed: 160 mph Pf:NA Ce:NA VERT(LL): 0.154 E 999 240 B 1557 /328 /962 !- /346 /8.0 BOLL: 0.00 Enclosure:Closed Lu:NA Cs:NA VERT(TL): 0.357 E 999 180 H 1557 /328 /962 /- /- /8.0 BCDL: 10.00 Risk Category:11 Snow Duration:NA HORZ(LL): 0.067 J - - Wind reactions based on MWFRS EXP:C Des Ld: 37.00 Mean Height:15.00 ft HORZ(TL): 0.155 J B Min Brg Width Req= 1.8 NCBCLL: 10.00 TCDL:4.2 psf Code/Misc Criteria Creep Factor:1.5 H Min Brg Width Req= 1.8 Soffit: 2.00 - BCDL:5.0" Bldg Code: FBC 2014 RES Max TC CSI: 0.579 Bearings B&H are a rigid surface. psf Load Duration:1.25 MWFRS Parallel Dist:h to 2h TPI Std: 2007 Max BC CSI: 0.728 Bearings B&H require a seat plate. Spacing:24.0" C&C Dist a:3.97 ft Rep Factors Used:Yes Max Web CSI: 0.353 Loc.from endwall:not in 9.00 ft FT/RT:20(0)/10(0) Mfg Specified Camber: Maximum Top Chord Forces Per Ply(Ibs) GCpi:0.18 Plate Type(s): Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. Wind Duration:1.60 WAVE VIEW Ver:16.01.01 B.0614.19 A-B 27 0 E-F 1291 -1859 Lumber B-C 1556 -2766 F-G 1330 "-2162 Value Set:13B(Effective 611/2013) C-D 1330 -2162 G-H 1556 -2766D-E 1291 -1859 H-I 27 '- 0 Top chord 2x4 SP#1 _ .._ ... .... . Bot chord 2x4 SP#1 - Webs 2x4 SP#3 Maximum Bot Chord Forces Per Ply(Ibs) Lumber value set"136"uses design values Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. approved 1/3 012 01 3 by ALSC B-O 2397 -1239 L-K 2394 -1268 Bracing O-N 2394-1239 K-J 2394 -1268 N-M 2394-1239 J-H 2397 1268 (a)Continuous lateral restraint equally spaced on M-L 1928 -920 member.Or 1x4"T"reinforcement.80%length of web member.Same species&SRB grade or better, attached6' with 8d Box or Gun(0.1 13N2.5",min.)nails ��� $fi116A $# � Webs Maximum Tens.Comp.Web es PWeber s(Ibs)Tens. Comp. A aita►Wb - - Purlins 1 _+'�' O-C 286 -11 E-L 182 -191 + + $ .$& '� C-M 442 -620 L-F 586 -317 In lieu of structural panels use purlins to brace all flat qw` D-M 586 -317 L-G 442 620 TC@24"oc- , No 047162 M-E 183 -192 G-J 286 -12 Wind , Member design based on both MWFRS and C&C. �tZ ".• TAT L { Nlee SERIAL 0. Jf 00 00 0100 00 01 415 Oe.`,mc di ca 99 le if3 36 n,l[item csnd sealca ty mna tlltartinr{, FF.JR..Lfc.ha 71s11 cn tticeatc-shown abn .c na a SHA.1 wthmti;�ticr cads. **WARNING** READ ANDFOLLOUVnt2L}cy11I4kTDrS&2NnTdd6xD1�/Ud(JLy4anteanesestce —IMPORTANT** FURNISH THIS DRAWING TChALI LG@NIRAG.,UGRs trWEliNGdTHFagMifn LLERS Trusses require extreme care in fabricating,handlin shippingyinstalling and bracing."Refer to and follow the latest edition of BCSI(Building Component Safety Information,by TPI and SBCA)for safety practices prior to performing these functions. Installers shall provide temporary bracing per BCSI.Unless noted otherwisettop chord shall have properly attached structural sheathin and bottom chord shall have a properly _ attached rigid ceiling Locations shown for permanent lateral restraint of webs shall have bracing installed per BCSI sections B3,B7 or B10, as applicable. Apply plates to each face of truss and position as shown above and on the Join Details, unless noted otherwise. Defer to drawings 160A-Z for standard plate positions. - - Alpine,a division of ITW Building Components Group Inc.shall not be responsible for any deviation from this drawing any failure to build the truss in conformance with ANSI/I PI 1,or for handling shipping,installation and bracing of trusses.A seal on this drawing or cover pa e listing this drawing,indicates acceptance of proiessiona engineering responsibility solely for the design shown. The suitability and use of this tl�awing for any structure is the responsibility of the Building Designer per ANSI/TPI 1 Sec.2. For more information see this job's general notes page and these web sites:ALPINE:www.al ineitw.com:TPI:w .t inst.or:SBCA:www.sbdndus .com'ICC: w Accsafe.or Job Number: 136DCS085 Ply:1 SEQN:539398 I T6)HIPS 4EBB 1828-Cali"D"LL OL/DR Horton MEBB 1828-Cali"D"LL OL Qty: 1 FROM:AH DRW: Truss Label: A7 Wgt:215.6 Ibs / ... 11/08/16 7'10"9 13' 19'10" 26'10 8" 31'9"7 39'8" r' 7'10"9 S•1"7 + 6'10 I 6' " + 5'1"7 7'10"9 5X8 =3X4 =5X8 T D E F 12 T 6 ,3X4C G 3X4 M N O_ O M 1 4X6(A2)B H-4X6(A2) - sa A I P O N M L K J 1112X4 =3X4=3X6 =3X8 =3X6-3X4 1112X4 1' 7'8"13 5'3"3 1' 5"0" 5'10" 1' 5'3"3 7'8"13 1' 7'8"13 13' 14 19'10" 25'8" 26' 31'11"3 39'8" Loading Criteria(psf) Wind Criteria Snow Criteria(Pg,Pf in PSF) Defl/CSI Criteria ♦Maximum Reactfons(Ibs) TCLL: 20.00 Wind Std: ASCE 7-10 Pg:NA Ct:NA CAT:NA PP Deflection in loc Udefl U# Loc R /U /Rw /Rh /RL /W TCDL: 7.00 Speed: 160 mph Pf:NA Ce:NA VERT(LL): 0.166 E 999 240 B 1561 /716 1953 /- /305 /8.0 BCLL: 0.00 Enclosure:Closed Lu:NA Cs:NA VERT(TL): 0.383 E 999 180 H 1561 /716 /953 /- /- /8.0 BCDL: 10.00 Risk Category:II Snow Duration:NA HORZ(LL): 0.066 J - - Wind reactions based on MWFRS EXP:C HORZ TL 0.152 J - - B Min Br Width Re 1.8 Des Ld: 37.00 Mean Height:15.00 ft ( )� g q NCBCLL: 10.00 TCDL: ei t: Code/Misc Criteria Creep Factor:1.5 H Min Brg Width Req= 1.8 p Bldg Code: FBC 2014 RES Max TC CSI: 0.617 Bearings B&H are a rigid surface. Soffit: 2.00 BCDL:5.0 psf Bearings B&H require a seat plate. Load Duration:1.25 MWFRS Parallel Dist:h/2 to h TPI Std: 2007 Max BC CSI: 0.530 Spacing:24.0" C&C Dist a:3.97 ft Rep Factors Used:Yes Max Web CSI: 0.432 Loc.from endwall:not in 9.00 ft FT/RT:20(0)/10(0) Mfg Specified Camber: Maximum Top Chord Forces Per Ply(Ibs) GCpi:0.18 Plate Type(s): Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. Wind Duration:1.60 WAVE I VIEW Ver:16.01.00F.0504.20 A-B 27 0 E-F 1507 -2281 Lumber B-C 1583 -2760 F-G 1439 -2299 C-D 1440 -2299 G-H 1582 .-2760 Value Set:13B(Effective 6/1/2013) D-E 1507 -2281 H-1 27 0 Top chord 2x4 SP#1 Bot chord 2x4 SP#1 Webs 2x4 SP#3 Maximum Bot Chord Forces Per Ply(Ibs) Lumber value set"13B"uses design values Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. approved 1/30/2013 by ALSC B-P 2388 -1259 M-L 1992 -997 P-0 2385 -1259 L-K 1992 --997 .Wind . O-N 1992 -967 K-J 2385 -1288 Member design based on both MWFRS and C&C. N-M 1992 -967 J-H 2388 -1288 iit11II#Ig � Maximum Web Forces Per Ply(Ibs) Webs Tens.Comp. Webs Tens. Comp. EN q w., }, ,r P-C 258 -14 M-F 400 -262 ' `a C-O 367 -494 K-G 366 494 D-O 447 -224 F-K 447 -224 .� N£1 047162 .p D-M 400 -262 G-J 258 -16 * a E-M 326 -409 1� STATE OF d SERIAL=: 7f 00 00 0100 00 01 4b ee 6c 41 ca 99 1c f0 36 Thlz'Item hag E;ccn alcciranlxa.iity slyncr and waled t:}•Manuml b7artiner PF 1=L.U,de 7:871 cn ti;rcatr-:F.flwn abnac LN.q a sn„.3 aiiMerK:arlcn code_ —WARNING— READ AND FOLLOMU�hcl}c FkTGS QN�Tkdl (2 fJNSabknccare :ica —IMPORTANT" FURNISH THIS DRAWING TObrklulsGflNZRAiS.,TGRSANCLiWDINGdTNii-INstTAL-LERS Trusses require extreme care in fabricating,handling shipping�lrtstalling and bracing. Refer to and follow the latest edition of BCSI(Building Component Safety Information,by TPI and SBCA) r safety practices prior to performing these functions. Installers shall provide temporary bracing per BCSI.Unless noted otherwise,top chord shall have properly attached structural sheathing and bottom chord shall have a properly attached rigid ceiling Locations shown for permanent lateral restraint of webs shall have bracing Installed per BCSI sections B3,B7.or 810, as applicable. Apply plates to each face of truss and position as shown above and on the Joint Details, unless noted otherwise. Refer to drawings 160A-Z for standard plate positions. Alpine,a division of ITW Building Components Group Inc.shall not be responsible for any deviation from this drawing any failure to build the truss in conformance with ANSI/TPI 1,or for handling.shipping,installation and bracing of trusses.A seal on this drawing or cover pa e, listing this drawing indicates acceptance of professlonag engineering responsibility solely for the design shown. The suitabdlty . and use of this gnawing for any structure is the responsibility of the building Designer per ANSI/TPI 1 Sec.2. For more information see this job's general notes page and these web sites:ALPINE:w .al ineitw.com:TPI:www.t inst.or:SBCA:www.sbcindust .com:]CC:www.iccsafe.or Job Number: 136DCS085 Ply:1 SEQN:539399/T5/HIPS 4EBB 1828-Cali"D"LL OIL/DR Horton/4EBB 1828-Cali"D"LL OIL Qty: 1 FROM:AH DRW: Truss Label: A8 Wgt:204.4 lbs / ... 11/08/16 12 11' 16'10"2 21' 22'6" 28'8" 3111"4 39'8" 7'8"12 4 610"2 41'14 1'8" 5'11"13 3'3"4 7'8"12 1112X4 =3X6=3X4 =5X6 D_5 6 E F G H T 12 6 � 1112X4 :1112X40 1 T C7 4X6(A2)B J=4X6(A2) I� �1a A K 1 Q P O N M L =3X4 =4X6 =3X8 =3X4 =3X6 =3X4 7'10"8 6'4, 2"0"2 6'1'9 2'85 61"8 7'10"8 T108 14' 16'10"2 22'11"11 25'8" 31'9"8 39'8" Loading Criteria(psf)- .Wind Criteria- Snow Criteria(Pg,Pf in PSF) Defl/CSI Criteria ♦Maximurn Reactions(lbs) TCLL: 20.00 Wind Std: ASCE 7-10 Pg:NA Ct:NA CAT:_NA PP Deflection in loc Udefl U# Loc R /U /Rw /Rh /RL /'W TCDL: 7.00 Speed: 160 mph Pf:NA Ce:NA VERT(LL): 0.189 E 999 240 B 1561 /718 /940 /- /264 /8.0 BCLL: 0.00 Enclosure:Closed Lu:NA Cs:NA VERT(TL): 0.436 E 999 180 J 1561 /718 /940 !- /- /8.0 BCDL: 10.00 Risk Category:II Snow Duration:NA HORZ(LL): 0.068 L - - Wind reactions based on MWFRS Des Ld: 37.00 ea Cn Height:15.00 ft M HORZ(TL): 0.156 L - - B Min Brg Width Req= 1.8 Mea NCBCLL: 10.00 Code/Misc Criteria Creep Factor:1.5 J Min Br g Width Req= 1.8 TCDL:4.2 psf Bearin s B&J are a ri id surface. Soffit: 2:00 - BCDL:5.0 psf Bldg Code: FBC 2014 RES Max TC CSI: 0.582 g . Load Duration:1.25 TPI Sid: 2007 Max BC CSI: 0.729 Bearings B&J requirea seat plate. MWFRS Parallel Dist:h/2 to h Spacing:24.0" C&C Dist a:3.97 It Rep Factors Used:Yes Max Web CSI: 0.516 Loc.from endwall:not in 9.00 ft FT/RT:20(0)/10(0) Mfg Specified Camber: Maximum Top Chord Forces Per Ply(Ibs)-- GCpi:0.18 Plate Type(s): Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. Wind Duration:1.60 WAVE VIEW Ver:16.01.00F.0504.20 A-B 27 0 F-G 1684 -2617 Lumber B-C 1615 -2774 G-H 1676 -2603 Value Set:13B(Effective 6/1/2013) C-D 1762-2719 H-1 1761 -2718 D-E 1685--2617 =I-J 1614 -2773 Top chord 2x4 SP#1 E-F 1684 -2617 J-K -- 27: --- •0 Bot chord 2x4 SP#1 Webs 2x4 SP#3 Maximum Bot Chord Forces'Per Pig(Ibs) approved 1/30l2013 by Lumber value set13 by ALSC uses design values Chards Tens.Comp. Chords Tens."Comp. B-Q 2400 -1287 N-M 2107 -1106 Wind Q-P 2106-1076 M-L 2107 -1106 Member design based on both MWFRS and C&C. P-O 2106 -1076 L-J 2399 -1317 O-N 2620 -1373 If,�� Maximum Web Forces Per Ply(lbs) = Webs Tens.Comp. Webs Tens. Comp. +" N.' 8 '"6 f. C-Q 337 -310 G-N 283 338 Q-D 563 -393 N-H 692 -405 R 1� D-O 704 -414 H-L 560 -391 s"$ m E-O 278 -333 L-I 335 -309 O-G 113 -108 s w s NX� SERIAL.x; 7!00 00 0100 00 01 415 6eScdf ea991c1`036 Ti•,Is item ha:tnen clecnanlcal}y:(-ynca sne scaled t:y Manuel Mar[inz; • rE I%�IK.c4T1 R71 cep trrcxra shown abnue u:;na a 5!!n.3 authent€:'atfpncaja -WARNING— READ AND FOLLO.>ik4h�llwill&k7GS�InTkdkS RhLAU2/lNSa��ee,nes�ai�d —IMPORTANT" FURNISH THIS DRAWING TaALUiLeCONLRAG:UG RSdNGltldDlNGdIT-"fry Nsi OXL--LERS Trusses require extreme care in fabricating,handlin shippingyinstalling and bracing. Refer to and follow the latest edition of BCSI(Building _ Component Safety Information,by TPI and SBCA)fo'r safety-practices prior to performing these functions. Installers shall provide temporary bracing per BCSI.Unless noted otherwise;top chord shall have properly attached structural sheathinq and bottom chord shall have a properly attached rigid ceiling. Locations shown for permanent lateral restraint of webs shall have bracing installed per BCSI sections B3,B7.or 810, as applicable. Apply plates to each face of truss and position as shown above and on the Joinf Details, unless noted otherwise. Refer to drawings 16OA-Z for standard plate positions. Alpine,a division of ITW Building Components Group Inc.shall not be responsible for any deviation from this drawing any failure to build the truss in conformance with ANSI/I PI 1,or for handling shipping,installation and bracing of trusses.A'seal on this drawing or cover page,, " listing this drawing indicates acceptance of proesstonaq engineering responsibility solely for the design shown. The sui9abtltty and use of this drawing, for any structure is the responsibility of the Building Designer per ANSI/TPI 1 Sec.2. For more information see this job's general notes page and these web sites:ALPINE:www.al ineitwxom:TPI:www.t inst.or:SBCA:www.sbcindus xom•ICC:www.iccsafe.or Job Number: 136DCS085 Ply:1 SEQN:539400/T4 PHIPS 4EBB 1828-Cali"D"LL OL/DR Horton/4EBB 1828-Cali"D"LL,OL Qty: 1 FROM:AH DRW: Truss Label: A9 Wgt:211.4 Ibs / ... 11/08/16 7'8"12 9' 142"15 19' 19' 0' 255"2 3. '8" 11�"4 39'8" r 7,8"12 �1'31 5'2"15 + 4'9„1 -�10� 5'7„2 5'2„14 13" 7,8"12 =3X4 =3X61112X4 =3X4 =5X6 D=5X6 E F G H I T 12 6 1112X4C J 1112X4 T � M � O M 4X6(A2)B K=4X6(A2) I sa A ESML I1 Q P O N M =3X4 =5X6 =3X8 =5X6 =3X4 1' 7'10"8 5'10" 5"0" 7'10"8 1' 7'10"8 14' 19'10" 25'8" 31'9"8 39'8" Loading Criteria(psi) Wind Criteria Snow Criteria(Pg,Pf in PSF) Defl/CSI Criteria ♦Maximum Reactions(Ibs) TCLL: 20.00 Wind Std: ASCE 7-10 Pg:NA Ct:NA CAT:NA PP Deflection in loc Udefl U# Loc R /U /Rw /Rh /RL /W TCDL: 7.00 Speed: 160 mph Pf:NA Ce:NA VERT(LL): 0.243 G 999 240 B 1560 1720 /920 /- /223 /8 .0 BCLL: 0.00 Enclosure:Closed Lu:NA Cs:NA VERT(TL): 0.560 G 843 180 K 1560 /720 /920 /- !- /8.0 BCDL: 10.00 Risk Category:II Snow Duration:NA HORZ(LL): 0.074 M - - Wind reactions based an MWFRS Des Ld: 37.00 EXP:C HORZ(TL): 0.171 M - - B Min Brg Width Req= 1.8 ft Mean Height:15.00 K Min Br Width Re NCBCLL: 10.00 Cade/Misc Criteria Creep Factor:1.5 g q= 1.8 TCDL:4.2 psf Bearings B&K are a rigid surface. Soffit: 2.00 BCDL:5.0 sf Bldg Code: FBC 2014 RES Max TC CSI: 0.566 g g Load Duration:1.25 p TPI Std: 2007 Max BC CSI: 0.558 Bearings B&K require a seat plate. MWFRS Parallel Dist:h/2 to h Spacing:24.0" C&C Dist a:3.97 ft Rep Factors Used:Yes Max Web CSI: 0.500 Maximum Top Chord Forces Per Ply(Ibs) Loc.from endwall:not in 9.00 ft FT/RT:20(0)/10(0) Mfg Specified Camber: GCpi:0.18 Plate Type(s): Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. Wind Duration:1.60 WAVE VIEW Ver:16.01.00F.0504.20 A-B 27 0 G-H 2O28 -3245 Lumber B-C 1643 -2765 H-1 1868 -2949 Value Set:136(Effective 6!1/2013) C-D 1811 -2718 I-J 1810 -2718 D-E 1868-2950 J-K _ 1643 -2765 Top chord 2x4 SP#1 E-F 2028 -3245 K-L .27 0 Bot chord 2x4 SP#1 F-G 2028 -3245 Webs 2x4 SP#3 Lumber value set"1313"uses design values approved 1/30/2013 by ALSC Maximum Bot Chord Forces Per Ply(Ibs) Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. Wind B-Q 2393-1310 O-N 2983 -1620 Member design based on both MWFRS and C&C. Q-P 2257-1185 N-M 2257 -1214 P-O 2983-1609 M-K 2393 -1399 Maximum Web Forces Per Ply(Ibs) Webs Tens.Comp: Webs Tens. Comp. ,�� �*� •' 'R `�.er. C-Q 406 -330 O-H. 338 -192 Q-D 491 -428 H-N 381 -525 4• o047182 D-P 940 -560 N-1 940 -560 P-E 380 -524 1-M - 491 -428 ®` E-O 338 -191 M-J 406 -330 g m G-O 233 -309 °#1a5a1� SERI iL x: 7f 00 00 0100 00 01 4b 6,e 5,c dl ca 991c f0 36 Tblt it.,hat been ckcxanlcsliy s'(yned snd..I-t:y m.—I lh-1-4 PE I>t..Lic.Jd 71821 cn tti—J&"Chown above Ciin,�a SHA•3 authentkatien cones. **WARNING** READ AND FOLLO.tn(,k114QTESkkN,TkdkS:Dlt?AWJNGWgnceand—i,d —IMPORTANT** FURNISH THIS DRAWING TGALIu GONIRAG-TORS.4NGitWDWGdT-Nrn�NStTAL-LERS Trusses require extreme care in fabricating,handlin shippingyinstalling and bracing. Refer to and follow the latest edition of BCSI(Building Component Safety Information,by TPI and SBCA)fo'r safety practices prior to performing these functions. Installers shall provide temporary bracing per SCSI.Unless noted otherwise,top chord shall have properly attached structural sheathing and bottom chord shall have a properly attached rigid ceiling Locations shown for permanent lateral restraint of webs shall have bracing installed per BCSI sections B3,B7 or B10, as applicable. Apply plates to each face of trussand position as shown above and on the Joinf Details, unless noted otherwise. )2efer to drawings 160A-Z for standard plate positions. Alpine,a division of ITW Building Components Group Inc.shall not be responsible for any deviation from this drawing any failure to build the truss in conformance with ANSI/TPI 1,or for handling shipping,installation and bracing of trusses.A seal on this drawing or cover pa e.. listing this drawing indicates acceptance of professional engineering responsibility solely for the design shown. The suitability and use of this gnawing for any structure is the responsibility of the Building Designer per ANSI/TPI 1 Sec.2. For more information see this job's general notes page and these web sites:ALPINE:www.al ineitwxom:TPI: w .t inst.or:SBCA:w .sbcindus xom'ICC:w Jccsafe.ar Job Number: 136DCS085 - _. Ply:2 SEQN:539417!T12/HIPS 4EBB 1828-Cali"D"LL OL/DR Horton/4EBB 1828-Cali"D"LL OL Qty: 1 FROM:AH DRW: Truss Label: A10 Wgt:235.2 Ibs / ... 11/O8/16 19,101, �..I 7' 11'S"1 15'8"7 17' 2'10" 23'11"9 282"15 32'8" 39'8" 7' 4'5"1 4'3"5 1'3" 4'1"9 4'3"5 4'5"1 7' =3X4 =3X4=4X6 1112X4 =3X4 =-3X4 12 0=5X8 D E F" G H I =5X8J T 6 � T r� o l -4X12(B3)B K=4 L12(B3) A U T S R Q P 0 N M 1112X4 =4X6 =5X6=3X4 -3X8 -3X4=5X6 =4X6 1112X4 1' 6'7"12 3'11"13 2'10"7 1 4'5"1 45"1 14 5 3'11"13 6'7"12 1' r 7'1"12 �1'1"9 +' 14' f 19'10" 24,3 1 T2 8 326„4 + 392„ y1'4" 5 2107 u66 6 15'4" 5 2� 8'6"7� EJ'8" Loading Criteria(psf) - Wind Criteria Snow Criteria(Pg,Pf in PSF) Defl/CSI Criteria ♦Maximum Reactions(Ibs) TCLL: 20.00 Wind Std: ASCE 7-10 Pg:NA Ct:NA CAT:NA PP Deflection in loc L/defl U# Loc R /U !Rw /Rh /RL /W TCDL: 7.00 Speed: 160 mph Pf:NA Ce:NA VERT(LL): 0.350 G 999 240 B 3139 /1427 /- /- /- /8.0 BCLL: 0.00 Enclosure:Closed Lu:NA Cs:NA VERT(TL): 0.816 G 579 180 K 3140 /1428 /- /- /- /8.0 BCDL: 10.00 Risk Category:11 Snow Duration:NA HORZ(LL): 0.074 C - - Wind reactions based on MWFRS Des Ld: 37.00 EXP:CMean Height:15.00 ft HORZ(TL): 0.174 C - - B Min Brg Width Req= 1.6 NCBCLL: 10.00 Code I Misc TCDL:4.2 psf -Criteria Creep Factor:1.5 K Min Brg Width Req= 1.6 Bldg Code: FBC 2014 RES Max TC CSI: 0.386 Bearings B&K are a rigid surface. Soffit: 2.00 BCDL:5.0 psf Load Duration:1.25 TPI Std: 2007 Max BC CSI: 0.591 Bearings B&K require a seat plate. MWFRS Parallel Dist:0 to h/2 _ Spacing:24.0" C&C Dist a:3.97 It Rep Factors Used:No Max Web CSI: 0.504 Loc.from endwall:NA FT/RT:20(0)/10(0) Mfg Specified Camber: Maximum Top Chord Forces Per Ply(Ibs) GCpi:0.18 Plate Type(s): Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. Wind Duration:1.60 WAVE VIEW Ver:16.01.00F.0504.20 A-B 13 -10 G-H 2103 -4696 Lumber Wind B-C 1428 -3155 H-I 2000 <4470 Value Set:13B(Effective 611/2013) Wind loads and reactions based on MWFRS. C-D 1708-3815 I-J 1709 -3815D-E 2000 -4470 - J-K 1429 -3156 Top chord 2x4 SP#1 E-F 2103 -4696 K-L 13 -10 Bot chord 2x6 SP#1 F-G 2103 -4696 Webs 2x4 SP#3 Lumber value set"l3B"uses design values Maximum Bot Chord Forces Per Ply(Ibs)- " approved 1/30/2013 by ALSC Chords Tens.Comp. Chards Tens. Comp. Nailnote B-U 2787 -1250 Q-P 4504--2022 Nail Schedule:0.128"x3",min.nails U-T 2801 -1253 P-O 3880 -1744 Top Chord:1 Row @12.00"o.c. . T-S 3879 -1744 O-N 3880 -1744 Bot Chord:1 Row @12.00"o.c. S-R 3879 -1744 N-M 2802 -1254 Use equal spacing between rows and stagger nails ti� � t A:P R-Q 4505 -2022 M-K 2788 -1251 in each row to avoid splitting. ' �.4 4,t � 4 t : �' Maximum Web Forces Per Ply(Ibs) Special Loads f�� � �°E "ap Webs Tens.Comp. Webs Tens. Comp. --(Lumber Dur.Fac.=1.25/Plate Dur.Fac.=1.25) + •� {} [t ~c C-U 320 -69 Q-H 250 -106 TC-From 56*plf at -1.00 to 56 pIf at 0.00 �„ aw " m TC-From 56 plf at 0.00 to 56 pIf at 7.00 ., " C-T 1322 -594 H-P 268 -4t4T-D 430 -771 P-1 783 -339 TC-From 119 plf at 7.00 to 119 plf at 32.67 { D-R 784 -339 I-N 430 771 TC-From 56 pIf at 32.67 to 56 plf at 39.67 + "� TC-From 56 plf at 39.67 to 56 pIf at 40.67 R-E 268 -339 N-J 1 430 -593 BC-From 4 plf at -1.00 to 4 plf at 0.00 ;. '� STATE OF. E-Q 250 -106 M-J 320 -69 BC-From 20 plf at 0.00 to 20 plf at 7.00 G-Q 192 -240 BC-From 44 plf at 7.00 to 44 plf at 32.67 BC-From 20 pIf at 32.67 to 20 plf at 39.67 r ate' � 66 BC-From 4 pif at 39.67 to 4 If at 40.67 2 l32.67 °•� M°�°"� c.Load at 7.00 BC- 46b Conc.Load at 32 67 p SERIAL x_ Loading 7(00 00 0100 00 01 4156e$c d 1 ca 991 c 1[0 36 #1 hip supports 7-0-0 jacks with no webs. rt,)i ita has is°r xka ao csl r aaG snd1.6 ul4r 1 rdartinz, PF.K.lac.q4-71821-ttioe ala how¢aba-ccinq a 5HA•1 auth.rttcaticc,-WARNING- READ READ AND FOLLO,ANn/�tcilLkkTGaS�lnFkd�&1�//�llGbtncoane'icslca -IMPORTANT" FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO+.Ab6GGN.;)E AG.;6flRf IttdL1INGdT-"ivINSFAL-LERS ." Trusses require extreme care in fabricating,handling shipping;pimstalling and.bracing. Refer to and follow the latest edition of BCSI(Building Component Safety Information,by TPI and'SBCA) r safety practices prior to performing these functions. Installers shall provide temporary bracing per BCSI.Unless noted otherwise,top chord shall have properly attached structural sheathing and bottom chord shall have a propperly attached rigid ceiling Locations shown-for permanent lateral restraint of webs shall have bracingg installed per BCSI sections B3,B7.or B10, as applicable. Apply plates to each face of truss and position as shown above and on the Join f Details, unless noted otherwise. Refer to drawings 160A-Z for standard plate positions. - Alpine,adivision of ITW Buildin$Components Group Inc.shall not be responsible for any-deviation from this drawing any failure to build the truss in conformance with ANSI 1,or far handling shippingg,installation and bracing of trusses.A seal on this drawing or cover pa e,, listing this drawingg indicates acceptance of professional engineering responsibility solely for the design shown. The suitability and use of this drawing for any structure is the responsibility of the building Designer per ANSI/TPI 1 Sec.2. For more information see this job's general notes page and these web sites:ALPINE:www.al ineitw.com:TPI: w,w'.t inst.or:SBCA:www.sbcindus .tom:ICC:www.iccsafe.or Job Number: 136DCS085 Ply:1 SEQN:5394011 T2I GABL 4EBB 1828-Cali"D"LL OL/DR Horton/4EBB 1828-Cali"D"ILL OL Qty: 1 FROM:AH DRW: Truss Label: B1 Wgt:134.4 Ibs / ... 11/06/16 10'6" i 21'4" �—2,8„—.+,.1,4„ (TYP) I=4X4 H J G K 12 F L 6 m E M m C 0 2X4(A1)B P=2X4(A1) T A I u 0 AE AD AC AB AA Z Y X—=3X4 W V IJ T S R 21'4" 21'4" i f'1 21'4" - 1''{ Loading Criteria(psf) Wind Criteria Snow Criteria(Pg,Pf in PSF) Defl/CSI Criteria ♦Maximum Reactions(Ibs),or*=PLF TCLL: 20.00 Wind Std: ASCE 7-10 Pg:NA Ct:NA CAT:NA PP Deflection in loc Udefl U# Lac R /U /Rw /Rh /RL /W TCDL: 7.00 Speed: 160 mph Pf:NA Ce:NA VERT(LL):-0.001 H 999 240 P* 81 137 /39 /- Ill /255 BCLL: 0.00 Enclosure:Closed Lu:NA Cs:NA VERT(TL): 0.001 AE 999 180 Wind reactions based on MWFRS BCDL: 10.00 Risk Category:II Snow Duration:NA HORZ(LL): 0.002 J - - B Min Brg Width Req= - Ld: EXP:C HORZ TL 0.003 J - - BearingB is a rigid surface. Des CL 10.00 Mean Height:15.00 ft ( )t g NCBCLL: 10.00 Code!Misc Criteria Creep Factor:1.5 TCDL:4.2 psf Soffit: 2.00 BCDL:5.0 psf Bldg Code: FBC 2014 RES Max TC CSI: 0.108 Maximum Top Chord Forces Per Ply(Ibs) Load Duration:1.25 MWFRS Parallel Dist:0 to h/2 TPI Std: 2007 Max BC CSI: 0.033 Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. Spacing:24.0" C&C Dist-a:3.00 ft Rep Factors Used:Yes Max Web CSI: 0.088 A-B 27 10 1-1 304 -24 Loc.from endwall:Any FT/RT:20(0)/10(0) Mfg Specified Camber: B-C 87 -120 J-K 253 -21 GCpi:0.18 Plate Type(s): C-D 80 -90 K-L 202 -23 Wind Duration:1.60 WAVE VIEW Ver:16.01.00F.0504.20 D-E 105 -71 L-M 154 -43 Lumber E-F. 153 -50 M-N 105- -64 Value Set:136(Effective 6/1/2013) F-G 202 -29 N-0 74 -84 G-H 253 -21 0-, -.P 81 113 Top chord 2x4 SP#1 H-1 303 -24 P-Q 27 0 Bot chord 2x4 SP#1 Webs 2x4 SP#3 Lumber value set"13B"uses design values Maximum Chord Forces Per Ply(Ibs) approved 1/30/2013 by ALSC Chords Tens.Comp. Chards Tens. Comp. B-AE 175 -108 X-W 192 _-107 Plating Notes AE-AD 183 -110 W-V 191 -107 All plates are 2X4 except as noted. AD-AC 185 -110 V-U 189 -106 AC-AB 188 -111 U-T 187 -106 Wind AB-AA 190 -11 2 T-S 185 -105 Member design based on both MWFRS and C&C. �q`t�tifi�tilSlt3l9Jj�r@ AA-Z 191 -112 S-R 183 -104 ��, `. a' Z-Y 192 -113 R-P 175 -103 Additional Notes .** See DWGS A16015ENC101014&GBLLETIN1014 for � s�'�a' �ti ' + gable wind bracing requirements. 9+* Maximum Gable Forces Per Ply(Ibs) Gables Tens.Comp. Gables Tens. Comp. s s C-AE 174 -103 W-J 187 -83 ® 4 D-AD 88 -65 V-K 153 -73 s i # E-AC 101 -74 U-L 100 -73 STATE OF v� J F-AB 100 -73 T-M 101 -74 G-AA 153 -73 S-N 88 -65 m' , } j F ' X I 180 -162 R O 174 103 y<mlt SER(A(..9- 7f 00 00 0100 00 01 4b 6e Sc d 1 ca 991c[0 36 rrdl iecm Tas l;can alcarnnlcsPrys ned one sealed by tAmnoel Htzrtine; ?E I�;..I.x.us 77 R71 cn Itic calms shown abu"c n:snR a 5HA•t iU[}Cftl£nFICn 6heC.. —WARNING'* READ AND FOLL0.1�A1!<1{1L�kTEkS(JN;,TkdkS G3�LMVJdN6absncrar,d sa�ied ""'IMPORTANT** FURNISH THIS DRAWING TOdklul,(30NZRAG!U(DRS�U4GitWDINGoT-Mr.INSi ALLERS Trusses require extreme care in fabricating,handling shippingpinstalling and bracing. Refer to and follow the latest edition of BCSI(Building Component Safety Information,by TPI and SBCA) r sapety practices prior to performing these functions. Installers shall provide temporary bracing per BCSI.Unless noted otherwise,top chord shall have properly attached structural sheathing and bottom chord shall have a properly attached rigid ceiling Locations shown for permanent lateral restraint of webs shall have bracing installed per BCSI sections B3,B7 or 810, as applicable. Appty plates to each face of truss and position as shown above and on the Joinf Details, unless noted otherwise. Defer to drawings 160A-Z for standard plate positions. Alpine,a division of ITW Buildingg Components Group Inc.shall not be responsible for any deviation from this drawing any failure to build the truss in conformance with ANSI/TPI 1,or for handling shippin5,installation and bracing of trusses.A seal on this drawing or cover pa e, listing this drawing indicates acceptance of professions engineering responsibility solely for the design shown. The suigablllty and use of this gnawing for any structure is the responsibility of the Building Designer per ANSIITPI 1 Sec.2. Far more information see this job's cieneral notes page and these web sites: ALPINE:www.al ineitw.com:TPI:w .t inst.or:SBCA:www.sbcindus .coin;ICC:www.iccsafexrcj Job Number: 136DCS085 Ply:1 SEQN:539402/T15/SPEC 4EBB 1828-Cali"D"LL OL/DR Horton/4EBB 1828-Cali"D"LL OL Qty: 1 FROM:AH DRW: Truss Label: B2 Wgt:103.6 Ibs / ... 11/08/16 7'107 10'8" 135"9 1 21'4" T10"7 2'9"9 2'9"9 T10"7 D=4X6 g3X4 C E Z 3U4 12 6 20 rl rn in 3X4(A1)B F=3X4(A1) as A J I H G 1112X4 =3X4 =3X8 1112X4 7'8"l1 17"5 2'11"5 7'8"l1 [-'1' T811 {' 9'4" 1 1 137"5 '4' 21'4" Loading Criteria(psf)_ Wind Criteria Snow Criteria(Pg,Pf in PSF) Defl/CSI Criteria ♦Maximum Reactions(Ibs) TCLL: 20.00 Wind Std: ASCE 7-10 Pg:NA Ct:NA CAT:NA PP Deflection in loc Udefl L/# Loc R /U /Rw /Rh /RL /W TCDL: 7.00 Speed: 160 mph Pf:NA Ce:NA VERT(LL): 0.035 J 999 240 B 869 1397 /529 /- /229 /8.0 BCLL: 0.00 Enclosure:Closed Lu:NA Cs:NA VERT(TL): D.081 J 999 180 F 805 /360 1463 /- /- 18.0 BCDL: 10.00 Risk Category:II Snow Duration:NA HORZ(LL): 0.016 G - - Wind reactions based on MWFRS Des Ld: 37.00 EXP:C HORZ(TL): 0.036 G B Min Brg Width Req= 1.5 Mean Height:15.00 ft F Min Br Width Re = 1.5 NCBCLL: 10.00 TCDL:4.2 psf Code/Misc Criteria Creep Factor:1.5 9 q Soffit:- 2.00 Bldg Code: FBC 2014 RES Max TC CSI: 0.655 Bearings B&F are a rigid surface. BCDL:5.0 psf Bearings B&F require a seat plate. Load Duration:1.25 MWFRS Parallel Dist:0 to h/2 TPI Std: 2007 Max BC CSI: 0.436 Spacing:24.0" C&C Dist a:3.00 ft Rep Factors Used:Yes Max Web CSI: 0.500 Loc.from endwall:Any FT/RT:20(0)/10(0) Mfg Specified Camber: Maximum Top Chord Forces Per Ply(Ibs)- GCpi:0.18 Plate Type(s): Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. Wind Duration:1.60 WAVE VIEW Ver:16.01.00F.0504.20 A-B 27 0 D-E 1065 -933 Lumber B-C 1138 -1276 E-F 1187 -1281 Value Set:136(Effective 6/1/2013) C-D 1038 -932.. _ Top chord 2x4 SP 41 Bot chord 2x4 SP#1 Maximum Bot Chord Forces Per Ply(Ibs) Webs 2x4 SP#3 Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. Lumber value set"1313"uses design values B-J 1066 -865. H-G 1068 859 approved 1/30/2013 by ALSC J-1 1062 -864 G-F 1072 -860 Wind I-H 1062 -864 Member design based on both MWFRS and C&C. Maximum Web Forces Per Ply(Ibs) Webs Tens.Comp. Webs Tens. Comp. J-C 288 . 55 H-E 608 -515 �►} C-H 600 -505 E-G 290 -80 g�,,, °°. a&3`"•. +{ � D-H 790 -905 o 04 182 STATE OF w ,. 4 jJ m "mod ti r 4' ° pt r0'�:Plq tat j!lim tt SERIAL 9: 7f 00.00 0100 00 01 4b St-Sc di ca 991 c f0 36 Th1:item hn¢tecrt claarcnitati,st-ynce snti;eaI.e ty Man�cl taartinst, 2 F.tz�.I.K.pd:71821 en t"'a u-:F Wtt abu "io8 a SMA:l auth¢rtl:atiaei¢vde. - -WARNING** READ ANDFOLLOdMnhlLLc�1t&kTfidSQNnTkdk&62R�WJNG4�ncdanezcatca **IMPORTANT** FURNISH THIS DRAWING TGALttcO9NaTRAigiEQ SdNGllldl U4Gd-ERFa�NSrFdAL-LERS Trusses require extreme care in fabricating handlin ship pingpinstalling and bracing. Refer to and follow the latest edition of BCSI(Building Component Safety Information,by TPI and'SBCA)fo'r safety practices prior to performing these functions. Installers shall provide temporary. " bracing per BCSI.Unless noted otherwise,top chord shall have properly attached structural sheathing and.bottom chord shall have a properly attached rigid ceiling Locations shown for permanent lateral restraint of webs shall have bracing installed per BCSI sections B3,B7.or B10, as applicable. Apply plates to each face of truss and position as shown above and on the Join f Details, .unless noted otherwise. Refer to drawings 160A-Z for standard plate positions. - Alpine,a division of ITW Buildin Components Group Inc.shall not be responsible for any deviation from this drawing any failure to build the truss in conformance with ANSI/l PI 1 or for handling shipping,installation and bracing of trusses.A seal on this drawing or cover page listing this drawing indicates acceptance of prof engineering engineering responsibility solely for the design shown. The suiQab111ty and use of this drawing, for any structure is the responsibility of the Building Designer per ANSI/TPI 1 Sec.2. For more information see this job's general notes page and these web sites: ALPINE:wsw.al ineitwcom:TPI:www.t inst.oro:SBCA:w. .sbcindust .com•[CC:w Jccsafe.or Job Number: 136DCS085 Ply:1 SEQN:539403/T3 I GABL 4EBB 1828-Cali"D"LL OL/DR Horton/4EBB 1828-Cali"D"LL OL Qty: 1 FROM:AH DRW: Truss Label: C1 Wgt:78.4lbs .. / ... 11/08/16 7' 14' 7' 7' 1'8"—}—1'4"—{ (TYP) G=4X4 F H 12 6 E I M o D J C K v =2X4(A,)B L=2X4(At) aya A il M V U T S Q P N 14' 14' +1, Loading Criteria(psi) Wind Criteria Snow Criteria(Pg,Pf in PSF) Defl/CSI Criteria ♦Maximum Reactions(Ibs),or'=PLF TCLL: 20.00 Wind Std: ASCE 7-10 Pg:NA Ct:NA CAT:NA PP Deflection in loc Udell U# Loc R /U /Rw /Rh /RL /W TCDL: 7.00 Speed: 160 mph Pf:NA Ce:NA VERT(LL):-0.001 F 999 240 B* 84 /39 /40 /- /12 /168 BCLL: 0.00 Enclosure:Closed Lu:NA Cs:NA VERT(TL):-0.001 F 999 180 Wind reactions based on MWFRS BCDL: 10.00 Risk Category:II Snow Duration:NA HORZ(LL):-0.002 E - - B Min Brg Width Req= - EXP:C Des Ld: 37.00 HORZ(TL):-0.002E - - Bearing B is a rigid surface. Mean Height:15.00 ft NCBCLL: 10.00 Code/Misc Criteria Creep Factor:1.5 TCDL:4.2 psf Soffit: 2.00 BCDL:5.0 psf Bldg Code: FBC 2014 RES Max TC CSI: 0.118 Maximum Top Chord Forces Per Ply(Ibs) Load Duration:1.25 MWFRS Parallel Dist:0 to h/2 TPI Std: 2007 Max BC CSI: 0.026 Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. Spacing:24.0" C&C Dist a:3.00 ft Rep Factors Used:Yes Max Web CSI: 0.061 A-B 27 0 G-H 213 -26 Loc.from endwall:Any FT/RT:20(0)/10(0) Mfg Specified Camber: B-C 14 -66 H-I 157 -48 GCpi:0.18 Plate Type(s): C-D 61 -28 I-J 105 -69 Wind Duration:1.60 WAVE VIEW Ver:16.01.00F.0504.20 D-E 113 -17 J-K 87 -89 Lumber E-F 165 -14 K-L 84 -106 Value Set:13B(Effective 6/1/2013) F-G 221 -17 L-M 27 0 Top chord 2x4 SP#1Bot ' Maximum Bot Chord Forces Per.Ply(Ibs) We bs 2x4 SP#3 chord 2x4 #1 Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. ' We Lumber value set '1313"uses design values B-V 145 -46 R-Q 164 -49 approved 1/30/2013 by ALSC V-U 153 -47 Q-P 159 -50 U-T 158 -48 P-O 155 -51 Plating Notes T-S 161 -49 O-N 150 -53 All plates are 2X4 except as noted. S-R 164 -49 N-L 144 -55 Wind y%J1111#fi011$ Maximum Gable Forces Per Ply(Ibs) Member design based on both MWFRS and C&C. 4 Gables Tens.Comp. Gables Tens. Comp. Additional Notes +*" • ,� t t ;0 C-V 122 -56 Q-H 205 -83 See DWGS A16015ENC101014&GBLLETIN1014 for . ."' ° 1C''• D-U 115 75 P-I 159 72 gable wind bracing requirements. ,� E-T 159 -72 O-J 115 -75 Na OV182 F-S 205 -83 N-K 122 -56 G-R 13 -89 NAi- x 4 SERIAL x: 7f 00 00 0100 00 01 4b 6e Sc d 1 ca 99 i c(0 36 This item hoc tncr.tkcxranl¢n7ly.tbned snd sealed Ly Ma nut I martinac. ?E I�:.I.tl[.as 71871 C+51§t Cxtu•sh—about Luna a SiIAxl aeitfi.etd:aticn¢ode.. "WARNING— READ ANDFO DRAWING 6anceandscalcd "IMPORTANT" FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO,d9LLoCaNIRA&TORSANGLtWLIINGd-EHFaINSiFALLERS Trusses require extreme care in fabricating handlin shiPpingtim3talling and bracing. Refer to and follow the latest edition of BCSI(Building Component Safety Information,by TPI and'SBCA)fo'r safety practices prior to performing these functions. Installers shall provide temporary bracing er BCSI.Unless noted otherwise,top chord shall have properly attached structural sheathing and bottom chord shall have a properly attached rigid ceiling Locations shown for permanent lateral restraint of webs shall have bracing installed per BCSI sections B3,B7 or B10, as applicable. Apply plates to each face of truss and position as shown above and on the Joinf Details, unless noted otherwise. )Refer to drawings 16OA-Z for standard plate positions. Alpine,a division of ITW Building Components Group Iric.shall not be responsible for any deviation from this drawing any failure to build the truss in conformance with ANSI/TPI 1,or for handling shipping,installation and bracing of trusses.A seal on this drawing or cover pa e, listing this drawing indicates acceptance of pro al' engineering responsibility solely for the design shown. The suitability and use of this drawing for any structure is the responsibility of the Building Designer per ANSI/TPI 1 Sec.2. For more information see this job's general notes page and these web sites:ALPINE:www.al ineitw.com'TPI: www.t inst.or:SBCA:www.sbcindust .coin:ICC:www.iccsafe.or . i Job Number: 136DCS085 .._.. Ply:1 SEW 539404/T14/SPEC 4EBB 1828-Cali"D"LL OL/DR Horton/4EBB 1828-Cali"D"LL OL City: 1 FROM:AH_ DRW: Truss Label: C2 Wgt:50.4 Ibs ! ... 11/08l16 7' 14' 7' 7' C=5X6 12 6 LM O LO � M 2X4(A1)B �=2X4(A1) 3A 1 E 1112X4 1' T T 7' 14' Loading Criteria(psf) - Wind Criteria. - Snow Criteria(Pg,Pf in PSF) Defl/CSI Criteria - ♦Maximum Reactions(Ibs) TCLL: 20.00 Wind Std: ASCE 7-10. Pg:NA Ct:NA CAT:NA PP Deflection in loc L/defl Ll# Loc R /U /Rw /Rh /RL /W . TCDL: 7.00 Speed: 160 mph Pf:NA Ce:NA VERT(LL):-0.019 E 999 240 B 593 /272 /371 /- /158 /8.0 BCLL: 0.00 Enclosure:Closed Lu:NA Cs:NA VERT(TL): 0.025 E 999 180 D 527 /234 /304 /- /- /8.0 BCDL: 10.00 Risk Category:II Snow Duration:NA HORZ(LL):-0.009 E - - Wind reactions based on MWFRS Des Ld: 37.00 EXP:CMean Height:15.00 ft HORZ(TL): 0.013E - - B Min Brg Width Req= 1.5 NCBCLL: 10.00 Code/Misc Criteria Creep Factor:1.5 D Min Brg Width Req= 1.5 TCDL:4.2 psf Bearings B&D are a rigid surface. Soffit: 2.00 BCDL:5.0 psf Bldg Code: FBC 2014 RES Max TC CSI: 0.683 Load Duration:1.25 MWFRS Parallel Dist:0 to h/2 TPI Std: 2007 Max BC CSI: 0.422 Bearings B&D require a seat plate. Spacing:24.0" C&C Dist a:3.00 ft Rep Factors Used:Yes Max Web CSI: 0.119 Loc.from endwall:Any FT/RT:20(0)/l0(0) Mfg Specified Camber: Maximum Top Chord Forces Per Ply(Ibs) GCpi:0.18 Plate Type(s): Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. Wind Duration:1.60 WAVE VIEW Ver:16.01.00F.0504.20 A-B 27 0 C-D 809 -738 Lumber B-C 777 -739 Value Set:13B(Effective 6/1/2013) Top chord 2x4 SP 41 Maximum Bot Chord Forces Per Ply(Ibs) Bot chord 2x4 SP#1 Chords Tens.Comp. Chords ' Tens: Comp. Webs 2x4 SP#3 B-E 598 -536 E-D 598 -536 Lumber value set"13B"uses design values approved 1/30/2013 by ALSC Maximum Web Forces Per Ply(Ibs) - Wind Webs Tens.Comp. Member design based on both MWFRS and C&C. C-E 311 -82 �g4 MAp % "; Ile"• f N 04 71 *' E,* : �ftf�3ti���a SERIAL z; 7f.00 00 01 00 00 01 4b 6e 5c d1 ca 9910 I036 R;Is itern_hae L;ecn alcarunl.stiy s(ned snd:sake ty Manuel ldariinry - . PF:Ist.Lic.ns 77 R21 Cn IL;C Cav shown lt)a4C tisNY�d SM7•7 - i4'[t Cf LV,n[IC21 f 1dC_ - -WARNING** READ ANDFOLLOV,\4iALI.IhtOTFScQtInTkdlf'e&2hLAW.JNGLgL cr�ndzcat"a **IMPORTANT** FURNISH THIS DRAWING TCIAb6G4ON:TRl-S.:UGRS4NG tWDINGdTf EiE NstTOWLLERS - Trusses require extreme care in fabricatingq handlin shipping;,installing.and bracing..Refer to and follow the-latest edition of BCSI(Building Component Safety Information,by TPI and'SBCA)fo'r safety practices prior to performing these functions. Installers shall provide temporary bracing per BCSI.Unless noted otherwise,top chord shall have properly attached structural sheathing and bottom chord shall have a properly attached rigid ceiling Locations shown for ermanent lateral restraint of webs shall have bracing installed per BCSI sections B3,B7 or B10, as applicable. Apply plates to each face of trussand position as shown above and on the Join Details, unless noted otherwise. }Refer to drawings 160A-Z for standard plate positions. Alpine,a division of ITW Building Components Group Inc.shall not be responsible for any-deviation from this drawing any failure to build the truss in conformance with ANSI PI 1,or for handling shipping,installation and bracing of trusses.A seal on this drawing or cover page•_ listing this drawing indicates acceptance of professional engineering responsibility solely for the design shown. The suiTability. and use of this sawing for any structure is the responsibility of the Building Designer per ANSI/TPI 1 Sec.2. For more information see this job's general notes page and these web sites:ALPINE:waw.al ineitw.com:TPI:wwwt inst.or :SBCA:www.sbcindust .com'ICC:ww.a.iccsafe.or Job Number: 136DCS085 Ply:1 SEQN:539405/T29%COMN 4EBB 1828-Cali"D"LL OL/DR Horton/4EBB 1828-Cali"D"LL OL Qty: 2 FROM:JAH DRW: Truss Label: D1 Wgt:37.8 Ibs / ... 11/08/16 5' 10, r 5' 5' C=4X4 12 6 M O LO N (h 2X4(A1)B D=2X4(A1) 43 A E ri F 1112X4 1, 5 5 1, 5' 10, Loading Criteria (psf) Wind Criteria Snow Criteria(Pg,Pf in PSF) Defi/CSI Criteria ♦Maximum Reactions(Ibs) TCLL: 20.00 Wind Std: ASCE 7-10 Pg:NA Ct:NA CAT:NA PP Deflection in loc Udell U# Loc R /U /Rw /Rh /RL /W TCDL: 7.00 Speed: 160 mph Pf:NA Ce:NA VERT(LL): 0.006 F 999 240 6 438 /202 1287 /- 1134 /3.5 BCLL: 0.00 Enclosure:Closed Lu:NA Cs:NA VERT(TL): 0.013 F 999 180 D 438 1202 /287 /- /- /3.5 BCDL: 10.00 Risk Category:II Snow Duration:NA HORZ(LL):-0.003 F - - Wind reactions based on MWFRS Des Ld: 37.00 EXP:C HORZ(TL): 0.006 F - - B Min Brg Width Reg= 1.5 Mean Height:15.00 ft D Min Br NCBCLL: 10.00 ..TCDL:4.2 psf Code/Misc Criteria Creep Factor:1.5 g Width Reg= 1.5 Soffit: 2.00 Bldg Code: FBC 2014 RES Max TC CSI: 0.214 Bearings B&D are a rigid surface.- BCDL:5.0 psf Load Duration:1.25 MWFRS Parallel Dist:0 to h/2 TPI Std: 2007 Max BC CSI: 0.208 Spacing:24.0" C&C Dist a:3.00 ft Rep Factors Used:Yes Max Web CSI: 0.081 Maximum Top Chord Forces Per Ply(Ibs) Loc.from endwall:not in 4.50 ft FT/RT:20(0)/10(0) Mfg Specified Camber: Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. GCpi:0.18 Plate Type(s): A-B 27 0 C-D 359 -492 Wind Duration:1.60 WAVE VIEW Ver:16.01.00F.0504.20 B-C 358 -492 D-E 27 0 Lumber Value Set:13B(Effective 6/1/2013) Maximum Bot Chord Forces Per Ply(Ibs) • Top chord 2x4 SP#1 Chords Tens.Comp. Chords " Tens. Comp. Bot chord 2x4 SP#1 B-F 394 -183 F-D 394 -183 Webs 2x4 SP#3 Lumber value set"138"uses design values Maximum Web Forces Per Ply(Ibs) approved 1/30/2013 by ALSC Webs Tens.Comp. Wind C-F 213 -27 Member design based on both MWFRS and C&C. Art No 04716 30 STATE O ri 1 SERIAL 9: 7f 00 00 0100 00 01 4b 8e Sc d1l ca 991c f0 36 Thle itamfins been cltar ILI9#ys(^yned And sealed try Mancel Martine, PE K.LK.da:711171 en 1h CAL`sha Wn*...—R a SMA=i aULhentt[ACICn«�C.. **WARNING** READ ANDFOLLO.VA&.lcs)IQTFLSiat4mlHL9iDJRAWINGLiKncaandsralcd **IMPORTANT** FURNISH THIS DRAWING TGAUIl OONTRAC3lDR+S4NGLiWEliNGdT-Hii4US AL-LERS Trusses require extreme care in fabricating,handlin ship pingplristallingand bracing. Refer to and follow the latest edition of BCSI(Building Component Safety Information,by TPI and SBCA)fo'r safety practices prior to performing these functions. Installers shall provide temporary bracing per SCSI.Unless noted otherwise,top chord shall have properly attached structural sheathing and bottom chord shall have a propperly attached rigid ceiling Locations shown for permanent lateral restraint of webs shall have bracing Installed per BCSI sections B3,B7 or 810. as applicable. Apply plates to each face of truss and position as shown above and on the Joint Details, unless noted otherwise. kefer to drawings 160A-Z for standard plate positions. Alpine,a division of ITW Buildin/$Components Group Inc.shall not be responsible for any deviation from this drawing any failure to build the truss in conformance with ANSI 4PI 1,or for handling shipping,installation and bracing of trusses.A seal on this drawing or cover page listing this drawing indicates acceptance of professlonag engineering responsibility solely for the design shown. The suitability and use of this drawing for any structure is the responsibility of the building Designer per ANSI/TPI 1 Sec.2. For more information see this job's general notes page and these web sites: ALPINE:w .al ineitw.com:TPI:www.t inst.or:SBCA:wrw.sbcindus .com;ICC:wa .iccsafe.or Job Number: 136DCS085 Ply:1 SEON:539418/T24/HIPS 4EBB 1828-Cali"D"LL OL/DR Horton/4EBB 1828-Cali"D"LL OL Oty: 1 FROM:JAH DRW: Truss Label: D2 Wgt:44.8lbs ! ... 11/08/16 3' T 10, 3' 4' 3' 12 C-5X6 D 6 M O LO 2X4(A1) B E=2X4(A1) r, • T N 4�'3 A F H G 1112X4 =3X4 1 3'1"12 3161112 3'3"8 1 3'1"12 6'8"8 10' Loading Criteria(psf). ..Wind Criteria... .. Snow Criteria(Pg,Pf in PSF) Defl/CSI Criteria ♦Maximum Reactions(Ibs) TCLL: 20.00 Wind Std: ASCE 7-10 Pg:NA Ct:NA CAT:NA PP Deflection in loc Udefl U# Loc R /U /Rw /Rh /RL /W TCDL: 7.00 Speed: 160 mph Pf:NA Ce:NA VERT(LL): 0.017 G 999 240 B 688 /341 /- /- /- 13,5 BCLL: 0.00 Enclosure:Closed Lu:NA Cs:NA VERT(TL): 0.038 G 999 180 E 685 1340 /- /- /= /3.5 BCDL: 10.00 Risk Category:II Snow Duration:NA HORZ(LL): 0.007 G - - Wind reactions based on MWFRS- EXP:C HORZ(TL): 0.016 G - - B Min Brg Width Reg= 1.5 Des Ld: 37.00 Mean Height:15.00 ft NCBCLL: 10.00 Code!Misc Criteria Creep Factor:1.5 - E Min Brg Width Reg= 1.5 TCDL:4. psf Bearings B&E are a rigid surface. - Soffit: 2.00 BCDL:5.0 psf Bldg Code: FBC 2014 RES Max TC CSI: 0.314 g - Load Duration:1.25 MWFRS Parallel Dist:0 to h/2 TPI Std: 2007 Max BC CSI: 0.328 Spacing:24.0" C&C Dist a:3.00 ft Rep Factors Used:Yes Max Web CSI: 0.062 Maximum Top Chord Forces Per Ply(Ibs) Loc.from endwall:not in 4.50 ft FT/RT:20(0)/10(0) Mfg Specified Camber: Chords Tens:Comp. Chords Tens.'Comp. GCpi:0.18 Plate Type(s): A-B 27 -20 D-E 523 -1083 Wind Duration:1.60 WAVE VIEW Ver:16.01.00F.0504.20 B-C 523-1093 E-F 27 -20 Lumber C-D 439 -968 Value Set:13B(Effective 6/1/2013) Maximum Bot Chord Forces Per Ply(Ibs) - Top chord 2x4 SP#1 Bot chord 2x4 SP#1 Chords Tens.Comp. Chords- Tens. Comp. Webs 2x4 SP#3 B-H 946 -446 G-E 938- --445 Lumber value set"13B"uses design values H-G 961 -443 - approved 1/30/2013 by ALSC Special Loads Maximum Web Forces Per Ply(Ibs) Webs Tens.Comp. Webs Tens. Comp. -(Lumber Dur.Fac.=1.25/Plate Dur.Fac.=1.25) TC-From 56 plf at -1.00 to 56 plf at 3.00 C-H 157 0 G-D 162 0 TC-From 28 plf at 3.00 to 28 plf at 7.00 C-G 10 0 TC-From �i(lt#i 56 plf at 7.00 to 5 BC-From 4 plf at 1.00 to 4 plf 1 lf at 0.00 's BC-From 20 plf at 0.00 to 20 plf at 3.03s • BC-From 10 plf at 3.03 to 10 plf at 6.97 •,_� , +, �' BC-From 20 plf at 6.97 to 20 plf at 10.00 • °£` BC-From 4 plf at 10.00 to 4 plf at 11.00 4.' TC- 128 lb Conc.Load at 3.03,4.95,6.97 ^+ F {j. 9,47182A BC- 80 lb Conc.Load at 3.03,6.97 BC- 103 lb Conc.Load at 4.95 Wind Wind loads and reactions based on MWFRS. ;'. ATE: OF � l � SERIAL X: 71 00 00 0100 00 01 4tr ekv 5d d1 ca 991c f0 36 ifils item Aas�een,Icaranixsiiy s�,ned and:ealcC Gy M.ant,l ldartinez, ?E I't..I.Cc.p971821 Cn[nC C,Gz:pawn above u:nq a SHkkl 2,Jthcnw3tjcn CU]C- -•'WARNING' READ AND FOLLOW&LlqUQTFS-QNaTM6FiRRAWJNGLJM.C,nd:aaled -IMPORTANT" FURNISH THIS DRAWING TOAULC.GNTRAGTiDRS4NTwltldDiNGdT-NEy NStTAL-LERS - Trusses require extreme care in fabricating handlin shippingyiastalling and bracing. Refer to and follow the latest edition of BCSI(Building Component Safety Information,by TPI and'SBCA)fo'r safety practices prior to performing these functions. Installers shall provide-temporary. bracing per BCSI.Unless noted otherwise,top chord shall have properly attached structural sheathing and bottom chord shall have a properly.. ._ attached rigid ceiling Locations shown for permanent lateral restraint of webs shall have bracing installed per BCSI sections B3,B7 or 810,' as applicable. Apply plates to each face of truss and position as shown above and on the Joinf Details, unless noted otherwise. Refer to drawings 160A-Z for standard plate positions. Alpine,a division of ITW Building Components Group Inc.shall not be responsible for any deviation from this drawing any failure to build the truss in conformance with ANSI PI 1,or for handling.shipping,installation and bracing of trusses.A seal on this drawing or cover pa e, listing this drawing indicates acceptance of professionag engineering responsibility solely for the design shown. The suitability and use of this drawing, for any structure is the responsibility of the Building Designer per ANSI/TPI 1 Sec.2. For more information see this lob's general notes page and these web sites:ALPINE:www.al ineitw.com:TPI:www.t inst.or:SBCA:w�.sbcindust .com']CC:www.iccsafe.or r Job Number: 136DCS085 Ply:1 SEQN:539406/T22)HIP_ 4EBB 1828-Cali"D"LL OL/DR Horton/4EBB 1828-Cali"D"LL OL Qty: 2 FROM:AH DRW: Truss Label: M3 Wgt:11.2 lbs / ... 11/0B/16 12 C 6 T co 2X4(A1) B ";j LO - -T- o') A A D 2' 1' 2' Loading Criteria (psf) Wind Criteria Snow Criteria(Pg,Pf in PSF) Defl/CSI Criteria ♦Maximum Reactions(Ibs) TCLL: 20.00 Wind Std: ASCE 7-10 Pg:NA Ct:NA CAT:NA PP Deflection in loc Udefl U# Loc R /U /Rw /Rh /RL /W TCDL: 7.00 Speed: 160 mph Pf:NA Ce:NA VERT(LL): NA B 87 /69 /144 /- /64 /8.0 BCLL: 0.00 Enclosure:Closed Lu:NA Cs:NA VERT(TL):NA D 32 /5 /29 /- /- /1.5 BCDL: 10.00 Risk Category:II Snow Duration:NA HORZ(LL): 0.000 D C 13 /28 /12 /- !- /1.5 Des Ld: 37.00 EXP:CMean Height:15.00 ft HORZ(TL): 0.001 D - - Wind reactions based on MWFRS NCBCLL: 10.00 Code/Misc Criteria Creep Factor:1.5 B Min Brg Width Req= 1.5 TCDL:4.2 psf D Min Br Width Re Soffit: 2.00 Bldg Code: FBC 2014 RES Max TC CSI: 0.094 g q= BCDL:5.0 psf TPI Std 2007 Max BC CSI: 0.023 C Min Brg Width Req= : Load Duration:1.25 MWFRS Parallel Dist:h/2 to h Bearing B is a rigid surface. Spacing:24.0" C&C Dist a:3.00 ft Rep Factors Used:Yes Max Web CSI: 0.000 Bearing B requires a seat plate. Loc.from endwall:not in 9.00 ft FT/RT:20(0)/10(0) Mfg Specified Camber: GCpi:0.18 Plate Type(s): Maximum Top Chord Forces Per Ply(Ibs) Wind Duration:1,60 WAVE VIEW Ver:16.01.00F.0504.20 Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. Lumber Value Set:13B(Effective 6/1/2013) A-B 13 0 B,.-C 6 -38 Top chord 2x4 SP#1 Bot chord 2x4 SP#1 Maximum Bot Chord Forces Per Ply(Ibs) Lumber value set"1313"uses design values Chords Tens.Comp. approved 1/30/2013 by ALSC B-D 0 0 Special Loads —(Lumber Dur.Fac.=1.25/Plate Dur.Fac.=1.25) - TC-From 0 plf at -1.00 to 56 plf at 0.00 TC-From 2 plf at 0.00 to 2 plf at 2.00 BC-From 0 plf at -1.00 to 4 plf at 0.00 BC-From 2 plf at 0.00 to 2 plf at 2.00 Wind . Member design based on both MWFRS and C&C. . '` 4� � ,°• g�igg 047162 9^76 e t' Z min IV- STATE OF 14 lie )an ® a� ��fz3D;lksi8� SER(AL : ?f00 00 01 00 00 01 4b&eScd1ca99le( 36 This item spa:been cle¢ronics)e stLnee znc waled toy Maned Mart in or, Pi;IsL.LFc.e471821 on niaazfe sF wn aGnus�ng a SHAM aUthor.timtlenf o- **WARNING** READ AND FOLLO,A$Unhlkk{1LkkTFtS QLInTld6£ch)J�V/1L1G41�neeans:csica —IMPORTANT** FURNISH THIS DRAWING TQkefhldleC�DN.IRAG.,'EG SdNGItWDINGdT+dF.INS AL--LERS Trusses require extreme care in fabricating,handlin� shippingyinstalling and bracing. Refer to and follow the latest edition of BCSI(Building Component Safety Information,by TPI and SBCA)fo'r safety practices prior to performing these functions. Installers shall provide temporary bracing per BCSI.Unless noted otherwise,top chord shall have properly attached structural sheathing and bottom chord shall have a propperly attached rigid ceiling Locations shown for permanent lateral restraint of webs shall have bracing installed per BCSI sections B3,B7 or B10, as applicable. Apply plates to each face of truss and position as shown above and on the Joint'Details, unless noted otherwise. Refer to drawings 16OA-Z for standard plate positions. Alpine,a division of ITW Building Components Group Inc.shall not be responsible for any deviation from this drawing any failure to build the truss in conformance with ANSI/l PI 1,or for handling.shipping,installation and bracing of trusses.A seal on this drawing or cover page, listing this drawing indicates acceptance of professional engineering responsibility solely for the design shown. The suitability and use of this gnawing for any structure is the responsibility of the Building Designer per ANSI/TPI 1 Sec.2. For more information see this job's general notes page and these web sites:ALPINE:w .al ineitw.com:TPI:w .t inst.or:SBCA:wsw.sbcindust .cam'ICC:w Jcceafe.or Job Number: 136DCS085 - - Ply:1 SEQN:539407/T32/EJAC 4EBB 1828-Cali"D"LL OL/DR Horton 14EBB 1828-Cali"D"LL OL Qty: 4 FROM:JAH. DRW: Truss Label: EJ3L Wgt:12.6 Ibs / ... 11/08/16 C 12 6 c>7 _o r fD 2X4(A1) B N 4 3 4V 3 A D 3' 1-I 3' Loading Criteria (psi) . Wind Criteria Snow Criteria(Pg,Pf in PSF) Defl/CSI Criteria ♦Maximum Reactions(Ibs) TCLL: 20.00 Wind Std: ASCE 7-10 Pg:NA Ct:NA CAT:NA PP Deflection in. loc Udefl U# Loc R /U /Rw /Rh /RL /W TCDL: 7.00 Speed: 160 mph Pf:NA Ce:NA VERT(LL): NA B 193 /76 /162 /- /86 /3.5' BCLL: 0.00 Enclosure:Closed Lu:NA Cs:NA VERT(TL):NA D 51 /6 /41 /- !- /1.5 BCDL: 10.00 Risk Category:II Snow Duration:NA HORZ(LL):-0.003 D - C 64 /52 /30 /- /- /1.5 Des Ld: 37.00 EXP:Cght:15.00 ft HORZ(TL):-0.003 D - - Wind reactions based on MWFRS Mean Height:NCBCLL: 10.00 TCDL:4ei Code/Misc Criteria Creep Factor:1.5 B Min Brg Width Req= 1.5 Soffit: 2.00 BCDL: .2 psf psf Bldg Code: FBC 2014 RES Max TC CSI: 0.174 D Min Brg Width Req= - Load Duration:1.25 TPI Std: 2007 Max BC CSI: 0.071 C Min Brg Width Req= - MWFRS Parallel Dist:0 to hl2 Bearing B is a rigid surface. Spacing:24.0" C&C Dist a:3.00 ft Rep Factors Used:Yes Max Web CSI: 0,000 Loc.from endwall:Any FT/RT:20(0)/10(0) Mfg Specified Camber: Maximum Top Chord Forces Per Ply(Ibs) GCpi:0.18 Plate Type(s): Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. Wind Duration:1.60 WAVE VIEW Ver:16.01.00F.0504.20 Lumber A-B 27 0 B-C 29 =105 Value Set:13B(Effective 611/2013) Top chord 2x4 SP#1 Maximum Bot Chord Forces Per Ply(Ibs) C T Chords ens. omp. Bot chord 2x4 SP#1 _ ... Lumber value set"l3B"uses design values B-D 0 0 approved 1/30/2013 by ALSC Wind Member design based on both MWFRS and C&C. No 047182OF SERIAL.x; 7f OO OO Ot OO OO Ot 4b 6e Sc d1 ca 9ff 1c f0 36 This item has been elects Il W s(yned snd scalnd ity mnnL lmartiner, 2F.I."l.Ltc.q-07187}.en ISiC Cate SF.aW R.atY.l4n�sinp.a SH0..1 ,. - authm itk,stlCo C.m **WARNING** READ AND FOLLO.A¢/lLlcaAIFkTG�ScQNnTkdkscf /fJNGn4 mceanesaacd —IMPORTANT** FURNISH THIS DRAWING TGddb6cONIRAG-,EG SANGItW�D{NOdT-,dE1NSiFAL-LERS Trusses require extreme care in fabricating,handlin shippingyinstalling,and bracing. Refer to and follow the latest edition of BCSI(Building -- Component Safety Information,by TPI and SBCA)for safety practices prior to performing these functions. Installers shall provide temporary bracing per BCSI.Unless noted otherwise,top chord shall have properly attached structural sheathing and bottom chord shall have a properly. attached rigid ceiling Locations shown for permanent lateral restraint of webs shall have bracing installed per BCSI sections B3,B7 or 1310, as applicable. Appiy plates to each face of truss and position as shown above and on the Joint Details, unless noted otherwise. Refer to drawings 160A-Z for standard plate positions. Alpine,a division of ITW Building Components Group Inc.shall not be responsible for any deviation from this drawing any failure to build the truss in conformance with ANSII rPI 1,or for handling.shipping,installation and bracing of trusses.A seal on this drawing or cover page•• listing this drawing indicates acceptance of professional engineering responsibility solely for the design shown. The suitability and use of this drawing for any structure is the responsibility of,the Building Designer per ANSI/TPI 1 Sec.2. For more information see this job's general notes page and these web sites:ALPINE:www.al ineitw.com:TPI:www.t inst.or:SBCA:waw.sbcindust .com'ICC:www.imsafe.or Job Number: 136DCS085 Ply:1 SEQN:539408/T19%EJAC 4EBB 1828-Cali"D"LL OL/DR Horton/4EBB 1828-Cali"D"LL OL Qty: 8 FROM:AH DRW: Truss Label: EJ7 Wgt:23.8 Ibs / ... 11/08/16 C 12 6 M co 2X4(A1)B A D 71 7' Loading Criteria(psf) ' Wind Criteria Snow Criteria(Pg,Pf in PSF) Defl/CSI Criteria ♦Maximum Reactions(Ibs) TCLL: 20.00 Wind Std: ASCE 7-10 Pg:NA Ct:NA CAT:NA PP Deflection in loc L/defl L/# Loc R /U /Rw /Rh /RL /W TCDL: 7.00 Speed: 160 mph Pf:NA Ce:NA VERT(LL): NA B 336 /117 /259 /- /173 18.0 BCLL: 0.00 Enclosure:Closed Lu:NA Cs:NA VERT(TL):NA D 127 /20 /101 /- /- 11.5 BCDL: 10.00 Risk Category:II Snow Duration:NA HORZ(LL):-0.014 D - C 171 /133 191 /- /- /1.5 Des Ld: 37.00 EXP:C HORZ(TL): 0.031 D - Wind reactions based on MWFRS Mean Height:15.00 ft Code/Misc Criteria Cree Factor:1.5 B Min Brg Width Req= 1.5 NCBCLL: 10.00 TCDL:4.2 psf P D Min Br Width Re Soffit: 2.00 BCDL:5.0 psf Bldg Code: FBC 2014 RES Max TC CSI: 0.496 g q=Load Duration:1.25 MWFRS Parallel Dist:0 to h/2 TPI Std: 2007 Max BC CSI: 0.368 C Min Brg Width Req= - Spacing:24.0" C&C Dist a:3.00 ft Rep Factors Used:Yes Max Web CSI: 0.000 Bearing B is a rigid surface. gearing B requires a seat plate. Loc.from endwall:not in 4.50 ft FT/RT:20(0)/10(0) Mfg Specified Camber: GCpi:0.18 Plate Type(s): Maximum Top Chord Forces Per Ply(Ibs) Wind Duration:1.60 WAVE VIEW Ver:16.01.00F.0504.20 Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. Lumber ' A-B 27 0 B-C 77. -151 Value Set:13B(Effective 6/1/2013) Top chord 2x4 SP#1 Maximum Bot Chord Forces Per Ply(Ibs) Bot chord 2x4 SP#1 Chords Tens.Comp. Lumber value set"l3B"uses design values approved 1/30/2013 by ALSC B-D 0 0 Wind Member design based on both MWFRS and C&C. No 04, 7182 16 'STATE OF x� s SERIAL s: if 00 00 01 00 00 01 4b 6e Sc d1l ca 99 is€0 36 This item has teen cleroanicatty&ignee and scald t+y Monad ldartmae 1F.I?L.Ike.aa71871 Crt Inc CbtC shawrt abnuc -an7 a SMA.7 a.0 0,6.6an 24d0. "WARNING" READ ANDFOLLO,Wt4Llc�Ill4kTGS�c2NnFkd6 &}h?2aMd41Ca4�ncdsr,exezcd "*IMPORTANT`" FURNISH THIS DRAWING TCLAb6C-ONIRAIB:R RSdMtl11ADINGd-EHF.y NSttUL•LERS Trusses require extreme care in fabricating,handlin shippingyiastalling and bracing. Refer to and follow the latest edition of BCSI(Building Component Safety Information,by TPI and SBCA)for safety practices prior to performing these functions. Installers shall provide temporary bracing per BCSI.Unless noted otherwise,top chord shall have properly attached structural sheathing and bottom chord shall have a properly attached rigid ceiling Locations shown for permanent lateral restraint of webs shall have bracing installed per BCSI sections B3,B7.or 810, as applicable. Apply plates to each face of truss and position as shown above and on the Joint Details, unless noted otherwise: Refer to drawings 160A-Z for standard plate positions. Alpine,a division of ITW Building Components Group Inc.shall not be responsible for any deviation from this drawing any failure to build the truss in conformance with ANSI/TPI 1,or for handling shipping,installation and bracing of trusses.A seal on this drawing or cover pa e, listing this drawing indicates acceptance of professional englneerinq responsibility solely for the design shown. The suiTability and use of this gnawing for any structure is the responsibility of the Building Designer per ANSI/TPI 1 Sec.2. For more information see this job's general notes page and these web sites:ALPINE:w .al ineitw.com:TPI:www.t inst.or:SBCA:www.sbcindust .com:ICC:www.iccsafe.or Job Number: 136DCS085 Ply:1 SEQN:539409/T23/EJATDRW: 4EBB 1828-Cali"D"LL OL/DR Horton/4EBB 1828-Cali"D"LL OL Qty: 6 FROM-AH Truss Label: EJ7A Wgt:21.0 Ibs / ... 11/08/16 B 12 6 c� 0 M ' =2X4(A1)A T C 7, 7, Loading Criteria(psf) Wind Criteria Snow Criteria(Pg,Pf in PSF) .Deft/CSI Criteria.. ♦Maximum Reactions(lbs) TCLL: 20;00 Wind Std: ASCE 7-10 Pg:NA Ct:NA CAT:NA PP Deflection in Ioc Udefl U# Loc R /U /Rw /Rh /RL /W TCDL: 7.00 Speed: 160 mph Pf:NA Ce:NA VERT(LL): NA A 270 /79 /188 /- /151 /8.0 BCLL: 0:00 Enclosure:Closed Lu:NA Cs:NA VERT(TL):NA C 128 /21 /104 /- /- /1.5 BCDL: 10.00 Risk Category:II Snow Duration:NA HORZ(LL):-0.017 C - B 174 /135 /95 /- /- /1.5 M Des Ld: 37.00 eaEXP Cn Height:15.00 ft HORZ(TL): 0.034 C - Wind reactions based on MWFRS Mean NCBCLL: 10.00 TCDL: . psf A Min Brg Width Re Code/Misc Criteria Creep Factor:1.5 q= 1.5 Soffit: 2.00 BCDL:5.0 psf C Min Brg Width Re Bldg Cade: FBC 2014 RES Max TC CSI: 0.505 q= - = Load Duration:1.25 MWFRS Parallel Dist:0 to h/2 TPI Std: 2007 Max BC CSI: 0.373 B Min Brg Width Reg gearing A is a rigid Reg=surface. Spacing:24.0" C&C Dist a:3.00 ft Rep Factors Used:Yes Max Web CSI: 0.000 Bearing A requires a seat plate. Loc.from endwall:not in 4.50 ft FT/RT:20(0)/10(0) Mfg Specified Camber: GCpi:0.18 Plate Type(s): Maximum Top Chord Forces Per Ply(Ibs) Wind Duration:1.60 WAVE VIEW Ver:16.01.00F.0504.20 Chords Tens.Comp. Lumber Value Set:13B(Effective 6/1/2013) A-B 78 -152 Top chord 2x4 SP#1 Bot chord 2x4 SP#1 Maximum Bot Chord Forces Per Ply(Ibs) Lumber value set"13B Chords Tens.Comp."uses design values " approved 1/30/2013 by ALSC A-C 0 .01 Wind Member design based on both MWFRS and C&C. _ ��t#ffi;1ffillffi9ffi��#��$� 4 _ ate NO 047182 STATE ` p% SERIAL 9: 7f 00 00 0100 00 01 4b 6e$c d1 ca 99 1e f0 36 iFls item has Haan alc-ceranlraFtry styned and scaled fy Manual k.ar[inaz, " " ?F.1=[.ECL.ed73621 en t:it Cafes Sh6Wli al)n4e Ldn6 a5Y.k=7 , SU[fiaf CYaF7Gfl 6eda- -WARNING— READ AND FOLLO�Ahl44}cyR(4kT6ScQLVnT#d6F(�dLV6a�gnedardssalcd —IMPORTANT— FURNISH THIS DRAWING TOdWEAc 9NIAlS3IDRS"LtWDWGdTMFMFM NstTAL-LERS Trusses require extreme care in fabricating,handling shippingyinstalling and bracing. Refer to and follow the latest edition of BCSI(Building Component Safety Information,by TPI and SBCA)fo'r safety practices prior to performing these functions..Installers-shall provide temporary bracing per BCSI.Unless noted otherwise,top chord shall have properly attached structural sheathing and bottom chord shall have a properly attached rigid ceiling Locations shown for permanent lateral restraint of webs shall have bracing installed per BCSI sections B3,B7 orB10, as applicable. Apply plates to each face of truss and position as shown above and on the Joinf Details, unless noted otherwise" Defer to drawings 160A-Z for standard plate positions. Alpine,a division of ITW Buildingg Components Group Inc.shall not be responsible for any deviation from this drawing any failure to build the truss in conformance with ANSI 1,or for handling.shippingg,installation and bracing of trusses.A seal on this drawing or cover page?ability listing this drawing,indicates acceptance of professional engineering responsibility solely for the design shown. The suifability and use of this drawing for any structure is the responsibility of the Building Designer per ANSI/TPI 1 Sec.2. For more information see this job's general notes page and these web sites:ALPINE:www.al ineitw.com:TPI:www.t instor:SBCA:www.sbcindus .com'ICC:www.iccsafe.or r Job Number: 136DCS085 Ply:1 SEQN:539410/T18%JACK 4EBB 1828-Cali"D"LL OL/DR Horton/4EBB 1828-Cali"D"LL OL Qty: 4 FROM:AH DRW: Truss Label: BJ1 Wgt:11.2lbs .. / ... 11/08/16 12 6 C 2X4(A1 ) B M T C) L nj r 4"3 M A D 1' 1' Loading Criteria(psf) Wind Criteria Snow Criteria(Pg,Pf in PSF) Defl/CSI Criteria ♦Maximum Reactions(Ibs) TCLL: 20.00 Wind Std: ASCE 7-10 Pg:NA Ct:NA CAT:NA PP Deflection in loc Udell U# Loc R /U /Rw /Rh /RL /W TCDL: 7.00 Speed: 160 mph Pf:NA Ce:NA VERT(LL): NA B 150 /77 /145 /- /42 /8.0 BCLL: 0.00 Enclosure:Closed Lu:NA Cs:NA VERT(TL):NA D 11 /10 /18 /- /- /1.5 BCDL: 10.00 Risk Category:II Snow Duration:NA HORZ(LL): 0.000 D C -14 128 /25 /- /- /1.5 EXP:C HORZ� ) L: 0.000 D Wind reactions based on MWFRS Des Ld: 37.00 Mean Height:15.00 ft B Min Br Width Re 1.5 NCBCLL: 10.00 TCDL:4.2 BCDL:5.0 psf Code/Misc Criteria Creep Factor:1.5 9 q= Soffit: 2.00 psf Bldg Code: FBC 2014 RES Max TC CSI: 0.163 D Min Brg Width Req= -Load Duration:1.25 MWFRS Parallel Dist:0 to h/2 TPI Std: 2007 Max BC CSI: 0.015 C Min Brg Width Req= - Bearing B is a rigid surface. Spacing:24.0" C&C Dist a:3.00 ft Rep Factors Used:Yes Max Web CSI: 0.000 Bearing B requires a seat plate. Loc.from endwall:Any FT/RT:20(0)/10(0) Mfg Specified Camber: GCpi:0.18 Plate Type(s): Maximum Top Chord Forces Per Ply(Ibs) Wind Duration:1.60 WAVE VIEW Ver:16.01.00F.0504.20 Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. Lumber Value Set:13B(Effective 611/2013) A-B 27 0 B-C 28 -19 Top chord 2x4 SP#1 Maximum Bot ns.Comp. Chord Forces Per Ply(Ibs) Bot chord 2x4 SP#1 Chords Tens.Comp. Lumber value set"l3B"uses design values approved 1/30/2013 by ALSC B-D 0 0 Wind Member design based on both MWFRS and C&C. e `e tf No 0471 a w no STATE OF _# { SER#At. : V 7f00 00 01 00 00 01 4b6eScdl ca991Cf036 This itan tins tnan¢karanicaily A[;nce anC saaicdty M.an ]?Awnnar, Pc IFL.Lic.94 r3821 an Ina"I&shown abn 4ting a 5HA.1 au[tiarLM1razlz�r ctrda:. —WARNING" READ AND FOLLOW 4LF��l4kTlwS QN,IT#dkS&}h�&t//JFJCab�naaa d�c}ad "IMPORTANT" FURNISH THIS DRAWING TQAluleS,flNZRAOtTGRGa{N(vvltWDiNGdTNSn4NStTAL-LERS Trusses require extreme care in fabricating,handlin shippingyinstalling and bracing. Refer to and follow the latest edition of BCSI(Building Component Safety Information,by TPI and SBCA)for safety practices prior to performing these functions. Installers shall provide temporary bracing per BCSI.Unless noted otherwise,top chord shall have properly attached structural sheathing and bottom chord shall have a properly attached rigid ceiling Locations shown for permanent lateral restraint of webs shall have bracing installed per BCSI sections B3,B7,or 810, as applicable. Appty plates to each face of truss and position as shown above and on the Joint Details, unless noted otherwise. Refer to drawings 160A-Z for standard plate positions. Alpine,a division of ITW Building Components Group Inc.shall not be responsible for any deviation from this drawing any failure to build the truss in conformance with ANSI/�PI 1,or for handling shipping,installation and bracing of trusses.A seal on this drawing or cover pa e listing this drawing indicates acceptance of professional engineering responsibility solely for the design shown. The suiQability and use of this drawing for any structure is the responsibility of the Building Designer per ANSI/TPI 1 Sec.2. For more information see this job's general notes page and these web sites:ALPINE:www.al ineitw.com:TPI:www.t inst.or:SBCA:www.sb6ndust .cam:ICC:www.iccsafe.or Job Number: 136DCS085. Ply:1 SEQN:539411/T20/JACFDRW: 4EBB 1828-Cali"D"LL OL/DR Horton/4EBB 1828-Cali"D"LL OL Qty: 4 FROM:JAH Truss Label: BJ1L Wgt:11.2 Ibs / ... 11/08/16 12 6 C 2X4(A1 ) B M o LO 413 M A -� r D 1' - 1' " - 1f Loading Criteria.(psf). .Wind Criteria Snow Criteria(Pg,Pf in PSF) Defl/CSI Criteria - ♦Maximum Reactions(Ibs) -- TCLL: 20.00 Wind Std: ASCE 7-10 Pg:NA Ct:NA CAT:NA PP Deflection in loc L/defl U# Loc R /U /Rw /Rh /.RL /W TCDL: 7.00 Speed: 160 mph Pf:NA Ce:NA VERT(LL): NA B 150 /76 /145 1- /42 /3.5 BCLL: 0.00 Enclosure:Closed Lu:NA Cs:NA VERT(TL):NA D 11 /10 /18 /- /- 11.5 BCDL: 10.00 Risk Category:II Snow Duration:NA HORZ(LL): 0.000 D - C -14 /28 /25 /- /- 11.5 Des Ld: 37.00 EXP:Cght:15.00 ft HORZ(TL): 0.000 D - - Wind reactions based on MWFRS Mean Height:NCBCLL: 10.00 TCDL:4ei 2 psf Code/Misc Criteria Creep Factor:1.5 B Min Brg Width Req= 1.5 Soffit: 2.00 BCDL: . psf Bldg Code: FBC 2014 RES Max TC CSI: 0.163 D Min Brg Width Req= - Load Duration:1.25 MWFRS Parallel Dist:0 to h/2 TPI Std: 2007 Max BC CSI: 0.015 C Min Brg Width Req=Bearing B is a rigid surface.. Spacing:24.0" C&C Dist a:3.00 ft Rep Factors Used:Yes Max Web CSI: 0.000" Loc.from endwall:Any FT/RT:20(0)/10(0) Mfg Specified Camber: Maximum Top Chord Forces Per Ply(Ibs) GCpi:0.18 Plate Type(s): Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. Wind Duration:1.60 WAVE VIEW Ver:16.01.00F.0504.20 Lumber A-B 27 0 B-C 28 -19 Value Set:13B(Effective 6/1/2013) -- - Top chord 2x4 SP#1 Maximum Bot Chord Forces Per Ply(Ibs) C T Chords ens. omp. Bot chord 2x4 SP#1 --. - Lumber value set"1313"uses design values B-D 0 0 approved 1/30/2013 by ALSC Wind Member design based on both MWFRS and C&C. K 0-47182 . ': STATE OF 4U O SERIAL 9: 7f 00 00 0100 00 01 4b 6e Sc di ca 991 c FO 3S This Teem has Eem eimctranlcatty stt^ned snd waled by Mantel"k;artinc�, eF.Ict..I.tc.da T1871 nn the CxG:zF.awm abnue":ng a SF!4•I a�;thentkadcn c�ide- -WARNING— READ AND FOLLO�Mt4\UcA4kTfzS-4lLhrTkilaDNAWJNG6e..e,and xraicd **IMPORTANT** FURNISH THIS DRAWING TChAUlaCGNZ:RLtB�G RSdNGLild,DiNGdthIFa�NGtT LERS -- Trusses require extreme care in fabricating,handlin -shippingyinstalling and bracing. Refer to and follow the latest edition of BCSI(Building - Component Safety Information,by TPI an SBCA)for safety practices prior to performing these functions. Installers shall provide temporary bracing per BCSI.Unless noted otherwise,top chord shall have properly attached structural sheathing and bottom chord shall have a properly attachetl rigid ceiling Locations shown for permanent lateral restraint of webs shall have bracing installed per BCSI sections B3,B7 or 810, as applicable. Apply plates to each face of truss and position as shown above and on the Joinf Details, unless noted otherwise. Nefer to drawings 160A-Z for standard plate positions. Alpine,a division of ITW Building Components Group-Inc.shall not be responsible for any deviation from this drawing any failure to build the truss in conformance with ANSI/PI 1,or for handling shipping,installation and bracing of trusses.A seal on this drawing or cover pa e,, - listing this drawing,indicates acceptance of proessiona engineering responsibility solely for the design shown. The suifability and use of this drawing for any structure is tp a responsibility of the Building Designer per ANSI/TPI 1 Sec.2. .. For more information see this job's general notes page and these web sites:ALPINE:www.al ineitw.com;TPI: www.t inst.or'SBCA:www.sbcindust .corn;ICC:www.iccsafe.or - r Job Number: 136DCS085 Ply:1 SEQN:539412/T17]'JACK 4EBB 1828-Cali"D"LL OL/DR Horton/4EBB 1828-Cali"D"LL OL Qty: 4 FROM:AH DRW: Truss Label: BJ3 Wgt:12.6 Ibs / ... 11/08/16 C 12 6 o � 2X4(A1) B M N 4"3 � A D 11 31 31 Loading Criteria(psf) Wind Criteria Snow Criteria(Pg,Pf in PSF) Defl/CSI Criteria ♦Maximum Reactions(Ibs) TCLL: 20.00 Wind Std: ASCE 7-10 Pg:NA Ct:NA CAT:NA PP Deflection in loc Udefl U# Loc R /U /Rw /Rh /RL /W TCDL: 7.00 Speed: 160 mph Pf:NA Ce:NA VERT(LL): NA B 193 /76 /162 /- /86 /8.0 BCLL: 0.00 Enclosure:Closed Lu:NA Cs:NA VERT(TL):NA D 51 /6 /41 /- /- /1.5 BCDL: 10.00 Risk Category:II Snow Duration:NA HORZ(LL):-0.003 D C 64 /51 /30 /- /- 11.5 TL EXP:C HORZ( Des Ld: 37.00 Mean Height:15.00 ft ):-0.003 D - - Wind reactions based on MWFRS NCBCLL: 10.00 Code/Misc Criteria Creep Factor:1.5 B Min Brg Width Req= 1.5 Soffit: 2.00 TCDL:4.2 psf BldgCode: FBC 2014 RES Max TC CSI: 0.174 D Min Brg Width Req= - BCDL:5.0 psf C Min Brg Width Req= - Load Duration:1.25 MWFRS Parallel Dist:0 to h/2 TPI Std: 2007 Max BC CSI: 0.072 Bearing B is a rigid surface. Spacing:24.0" C&C Dist a:3.00 ft Rep Factors Used:Yes Max Web CSI: 0.000 Bearing B requires a seat plate. Loc.from endwall:Any FTIRT:20(0)/10(0) Mfg Specified Camber: GCpi:0.18 Plate Type(s): Maximum Top Chord Forces Per Ply(Ibs) Wind Duration:1.60 WAVE VIEW Ver:16.01.00F.0504.20 Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. Lumber Value Set:13B(Effective 611/2013) A-B 27 0 B-C 29 -105 Top chord 2x4 SP#1 Maximum Bot Chord Forces Per Ply.(Ibs) - Bot chord 2x4 SP#1 Lumber value set"13B"uses design values Chords Tens.Comp. approved 1/3 012 0 1 3 by ALSC B-D 0 0 Wind Member design based on both MWFRS and C&C. MA `O .�1,. iaamrbsam f-P` w o 047182 W � STATE OF 7100 00 Off 00 00 014b 6e Sc d 1 ca 991 c 1`0 36 Thk item hax tern erocuanl[aSJy 14-0 sM zealen Ly Menual!.—wine" PF.I%l..LR.ae 71821cn tim C ak-ehaWn.bm ucioq aSRnY 1U FtiCitlfadefi 2C1,^.C.. **WARNING** READ AND FOLLOASUn/4LFs�I114kTGS kkNsF#dL�cF21��?/dAJSaSsnccane:�aica —IMPORTANT** FURNISH THIS DRAWING TOIdWUIl CCGN.IRA163GRS4NGItWDINGaTHii-I SiFAL"LERS Trusses require extreme care in fabricating,handlin shippingpiastalling and bracing. Refer to and follow the latest edition of BCSI(Building Component Safety Information,by TPI and SBCA)for safety practices prior to performing these functions. Installers shall provide temporary bracing per BCSI.Unless noted otherwise,top chord shall have properly attached structural sheathin and bottom chord shall have a pro erly attacheU rigid ceiling Locations shown for permanent lateral restraint of webs shall have bracing insalled per BCSI sections B3,67.or�10, as applicable. Apply plates to each face of truss and position as shown above and on the Join Details, unless noted otherwise. Refer to drawings 160A-Z for standard plate positions. Alpine,a division of ITW Building Components Group Inc.shall not be responsible for any deviation from this drawing any failure to build the truss in conformance with ANSI/TPI 1,or for handling shipping,installation and bracing of trusses.A seal on this drawing or cover pa e, listing this drawing indicates acceptance of professional engineering responsibility solely for the design shown. The suitability . and use of this gnawing for any structure is the responsibility of the Building Designer per ANSI/TPI 1 Sec.2. For more information see this lob's general notes page and these web sites:ALPINE:www.al ineitw.com:TPI: w .t inst.or:SBCA:ww,a.sbcindust .cow ICC:www.iccsafe.or Job Number: 136DCS085 Ply:1 SEQN:539413/T16/JACK 4EBB 1828-Cali"D"LL OL/DR Horton/4EBB 1828-Cali"D"LL OL Qty: 4 FROM:AH DRW: Truss Label: BJ5 Wgt:16.8lbs .. / ... 11/08/16 C 12 6 M O � N 170 2X4(A1)B 1 A D 1' 5 5' Loading Criteria (psf) Wind Criteria Snow Criteria(Pg,Pf in PSF) .Defl/CSI Criteria ♦Maximum Reactions(Ibs) TCLL: 20.00 Wind Std: ASCE 7-10 Pg:NA Ct:NA CAT:NA PP Deflection in loc Udefl U# Loc R. /U /Rw /Rh /RL /W TCDL: 7.00 Speed: 160 mph Pf:NA Ce:NA VERT(LL): NA B 263 196 /208 /- /129 /8.0 BCLL: 0.00 Enclosure:Closed Lu:NA Cs:NA VERT(TL):NA D 90 /13 /70 /- /- /1.5 BCDL: 10.00 Risk Category:II Snow Duration:NA HORZ(LL):-0.007 D - C 119 /93 /62 /- /- /1.5 Des Ld: 37.00 EXP:CMean Height:15.00 ft HORZ(TL): 0.010 D - - Wind reactions based on MWFRS NCBCLL: 10.00 Code/Misc Criteria Creep Factor:1.5 B Min Brg Width Req= 1.5 TCDL:4.2 psf , _ D Min Br Width Re Soffit: 2.00 Bldg Code: FBC 2014 RES Max TC CSI: 0.309 g q= BCDL:5.0 psf C Min Brg Width Req= - Load Duration:1.25 MWFRS Parallel Dist:0 to h/2 TPI Std: 2007 Max BC CSI: 0.182 Bearing B is a rigid surface. Spacing:24.0" C&C Dist a:3.00 ft Rep Factors Used:Yes Max Web CSI: 0.000 Bearing B requires a seat plate. Loc.from endwall:not in 4.50 ft FT/RT:20(0)/10(0) Mfg Specified Camber: GCpi:0.18 Plate Type(s): Maximum Top Chord Forces Per Ply(Ibs) Wind Duration:1.60 WAVE VIEW Ver:16.01.00F.0504.20 Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. Lumber Value Set:13B(Effective 6/1/2013) A-B 27 0 B-C 53 120 Top chord 2x4 SP#1 Bot chord 2x4 SP#1 Maximum Bot Chord Forces Per Ply(Ibs)" Lumber value set"1313"uses design values Chords Tens.Comp. approved 1/30/2013 by ALSC B-D 0 0 Wind Member design based on both MWFRS and C&C. V �geb o 047162 IL a STATE OF m - 41 ONAL 3fp % SERIAL x: 7f 00 00 0100 00 01 gib be-Sc di ca 991 c fO 36 RBIs iterv,hax t;ean alat2ranlrsth•siyneii snd ssalne t+y Manusl t+:arsine[, ?F.IFL.urc.u4 ns2l an ttla cat,shown abavr n:-iq a SHA=l "WARNING** READ AND FOLLOMVnaI114kT1�S kk3�1•.T1tlb�Q�/dJN�dbgoneandza{cd —IMPORTANT** FURNISH THIS DRAWING TCIAb6WNMRAGTGdRacO&&IiWDINGdTJ f.a NSiAL-LERS Trusses require extreme care in fabricating,handlin shippingyinstalling and bracing.- Refer to and follow the latest edition of BCSI(Building Component Safety Information,by TPI and SBCA).for safety practices prior to performing these functions. Installers shall provide temporary bracing per BCSI.Unless noted otherwise,top chord shall have properly attached structural sheathing and bottom chord shall have a properly _ attached rigid ceiling Locations shown for permanent lateral restraint of webs shall have bracing ins ailed per BCSI sections 83,B7.or 810, as applicable. Apply plates to each face of truss and position_as shown above and on the Joinf Details,.unless noted otherwise. Refer to drawings 160A-Z for standard plate positions. Alpine,a division of ITW Buildingg Components Group Inc.shall not be responsible for any deviation from this drawing any failure to build the truss in conformance with ANSI 1,or for handling shippinq,installation and bracing of trusses.A seal on this drawing or cover'page, listing this drawing indicates acceptance of professionag engineering responsibility solely for the design shown. The suigabtltty and use of this gnawing for any structure is the responsibility of the Building Designer.per ANSI/TPI 1 Sec.2. For more information see this job's general notes page and these web sites:ALPINE:ww .al ineitwcom'TPI:vmwA inst.or :SBCA:www.sbcindust .com:ICC:www.iccsafe.or L Job Number: 136DCS085 Ply:1 SEQN:677338/T25/HIP_ 4EBB 1828-Cali"D"LL OL/DR Horton/4EBB 1828-Cali"D"LL OL Qty: 2 FROM:JAH DRW: Truss Label: CJ31- Wgt:16.8 Ibs .. / ... 11/08/16 C 12 4.24 to 2X4(A1) B r N T-3 A D 4'2113 4'2113 Loading Criteria(psf) Wind Criteria Snow Criteria(Pg,Pf in PSF) Defl/CSI Criteria ♦Maximum Reactions(Ibs) TCLL: 20.00 Wind Std: ASCE 7-10 Pg:NA Ct:NA CAT:NA PP Deflection in loc Udefl U# Loc R /U /Rw /Rh /RL /W TCDL: 7.00 Speed: 160mph Pf:NA Ce:NA VERT(LL): NA B 84 /45 /- /- /- 13.5 BCLL: 0.00 Enclosure:Closed Lu:NA Cs:NA VERT(TL):NA C 64 /48 /- /- /- /1.5 BCDL: 10.00 Risk Category:11 Snow Duration:NA HORZ(LL): 0.001 D D 28 /- /7 /- /- /1.5 Des Ld: 37.00 EXP:C HORZ(TL): 0.002 D Wind reactions based on MWFRS Mean Height:15.00 ft NCBCLL: 10,00 TCDL:4.2 psf Code/Misc Criteria Creep Factor:1.5 B Min Brg Width Req= 1.5 Bldg Code: FBC 2014 RES Max TC CSI: 0.091 C Min Br gWidthRe q= - Soffit: 2.00 BCDL:5.0 psf D Min Brg Width Req= - Load Duration:1.25 MWFRS Parallel Dist:0 to h/2 TPI Std: 2007 Max BC CS: 0.052 Bearing B is a rigid surface. Spacing:24.0" C&C Dist a:3.00 ft Rep Factors Used:No Max Web CSI: 0.000 Loc.from endwall:NA FT/RT:20(0)/10(0) Mfg Specified Camber: GCpi:0.18 Plate Type(s): Maximum Top Chord Forces Per Ply(Ibs) Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. Wind Duration:1.60 WAVE VIEW Ver:16.01.01B.0614.19 Lumber A-B 9 -6 B-C 21 -16 Value Set:13B(Effective 6/1/2013) Top chord 2x4 SP#1 Maximum Chord Forces Per Ply(Ibs) Chords Tens.ns.Comp. Bot chord 2x4 SP#1 Lumber value set"1313"uses design values B-D 0 0 approved 113012013 by ALSC Loading Hipjack supports 2-11-8 setback jacks with no webs. Wind Wind loads and reactions based on MWFRS. � ��yL9161 � 1 �d aF6�f a 4 SEWAL x: 7f 00 00 0'1 00 00 01 4b Ce Sc di ca 99 1c f0 36 This item ras Cecn clearanlcaliy signed and waled[y Man�cl M.artinzr„ ?F.('L.I.tt.da T7821 cr Itt ea4•:F.aYin alxtin�.:n,�a$HA.: autEcntkattcn cs�e. "WARNING" READ AND FOLLO,UU fALlatSll4kT6S QLV FhdlS 61 /daNG4aneeanazcstce "IMPORTANT— FURNISH THIS DRAWING TOALL-C-ON-MRAG:b(i) SIN(YttWDINGaT-Him NStTAL---LERS Trusses require extreme care in fabricating,handling ship pingoInstalling and bracing. Refer to and follow the latest edition of BCSI(Building Component Safety Information,by TPI and SBCA) o'r safety practices prior to performing these functions. Installers shall provide temporary bracing per BCSI.Unless noted otherwise,top chord shall have properly attached structural sheathing and bottom chord shall have a properly attached rigid ceiling Locations shown for permanent lateral restraint of webs shall have bracing installed per BCSI sections B3,137 or t 10, as applicable. Apply Oates to each face of truss and position as shown above and on the Joinf Details, unless noted otherwise. }defer to drawings 160A-Z for standard plate positions. Alpine,a division of ITW Building Components Group Inc.shall not be responsible for any deviation from this drawing any failure to build the truss in conformance with ANSI/I PI 1,or for handling shipping,installation and bracing of trusses.A seal on this drawing or cover pa e, listing this drawing indicates acceptance of processional engineering responsibility solely for the design shown. The suifabtllty and use of this gnawing for any structure is the responsibility of the Building Designer per ANSI/TPI 1 Sec.2. For more information see this job's general notes page and these web sites:ALPINE: www.al ineitw.com:TPI:www.t inst.or:SBCA:www.sbcindust .comL ICC:www.iccsafe.or Job Number: 136DCS085 Ply:1 SEQN:539416/T21/HIP_ 4EBB 1828-Cali"D"LL OL/DR Horton/4EBB 1828-Cali"D"LL OL Qty: 2 FROM:AH DRW: Truss Label: CJ7 Wgt:42.0 Ibs / ... 11/08/16 I 6'3" 911 0111 6'3" 37' D 12 4.24 p -3X4 C r` HB 3 v 2X4(Al)B T 4"3 1112X A �4 =5X6 F E i f--1'5" 6'1"4 3'2" 6'1 6'1"4 9'3"4 9'1 Loading Criteria(psf) Wind Criteria Snow Criteria(Pg,Pf in PSF) Defl1CS1 Criteria ♦Maximum Reactions(Ibs) TCLL: 20.00 Wind Std: ASCE 7-10 Pg:NA Ct:NA CAT:NA PP Deflection in loc L/defl U# Loc R /U !Rw I Rh !RL !W TCDL: 7.00 Speed: 160 mph Pf:NA Ce:NA VERT(LL): 0.015 G 999 240 B 330 /206 /- /- /- /10.6 BCLL: 0.00 Enclosure:Closed Lu:NA Cs:NA VERT(TL): 0.034 G 999 180 E 385 /175 /- /0 I 0 /1.5 BCDL: 10.00 Risk Category:II Snow Duration:NA HORZ(LL): 0.004 F - - D 29 /14 /- I- I- /1.5 Des Ld: 37.00 EXP:Cght:15.00 ft HORZ(TL): 0.010 F - - Wind reactions based on MWFRS Mean Height:NCBCLL: 10.00 TCDL: ei Code/Misc Criteria Creep Factor:1.5 B Min Brg Width Req= 1.5 Soffit: 2.00 BCDL:4.2 psf psf Bldg Code: FBC 2014 RES Max TC CSI: 0.241 E Min Brg Width Req= - Load Duration:1.25 MWFRS Parallel Dist:0 to h/2 TPI Std: 2007 Max BC CSI: 0.326 D Min Brg Width Req= - $ Bearing B is a rigid surface.pacing:24.0" C&C Dist a:3.00 ft Rep Factors Used:Yes Max Web CSI: 0.256 gearing B requires a seat plate. - Loc.from endwall:not in 4.50 ft FT/RT:20(0)/10(0) Mfg Specified Camber: GCpi:0.18 Plate Type(s): Maximum Top Chord Forces Per Ply(Ibs) Wind Duration:1.60 WAVE VIEW Ver:16.01.00F.0504.20 Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. Lumber Value Set:138(Effective 6/1/2013) A-B 14 _ -11 C-D 55 -72B-C 330 -650 Top chord 2x4 SP#1 Bot chord 2x4 SP#1 Webs 2x4 SP#3 Maximum Bot Chord Forces Per Ply(Ibs) Lumber value set"i 3B"uses design values Chords Tens.Comp. Chords Tens. Comp. approved 1/30/2013 by ALSC B-G 604 -290 F-E 0 0 Special Loads G-F 591 -288 -(Lumber Dur.Fac.=1.25 I Plate Dur.Fac.=1.25) Maximum Web Forces Per Ply(Ibs) TC-From 0 plf at -1.41 to 55 plf at 0.00 Webs Tens.Comp. Webs Tens. Comp. TC-From 2 plf at 0.00 to 2 plf at 9.84 BC-From 0 plf at -1.41 to 4 plf at 0.00 45 t$�� �!E�€ 1 G-C 286 47 C-F 345 709 BC-From 2 plf at 0.00 to 2 plf at 9.84 $� TC- -7 lb Conc.Load at 1.41 ak"� 'q `r" � TC- 128 lb Conc.Load at 4.24 *a% TC- 238 lb Conc.Load at 7.07 1 BC- 23 ib Conc.Load at 1.41 BC- 103 lb Conc.Load at 4.24 0 `) BC- 179 lb Conc.Load at 7.07 t a Wind Wind loads and reactions based on MWFRS. ' STATE F 114 At SERIAL.0: 7(00'00 01 00 00 01 4b eie 5c d1 ca 991 c f0 36 77•,Ixitnm Tai Lean cleczranlcatt�s(enee snd saalaG ty lAaiu:el llartinzl " 'F.IsL.Lk.p�Tlffi I en rile cam zF.own above:..np a S�h: a«[hartkaticn cacc_ **WARNING- READ AND FOLLO,M&Ll4iQTFLS:QNnTkdl DJ?.,SWI G!p,ad nd-i, d **IMPORTANT** FURNISH THIS DRAWING TaAliteWNTRA(D--TGRS&4CiiWOlNGdT-Hfm�NStTALLERS Trusses require extreme care in fabricating,handlin shippingyinstalling and bracing. Refer to and follow the latest edition of BCSI(Building Component Safety Information,by TPI and SBCA)for safety practices prior to performing these functions. Installers shall provide temporary bracing per BCSI.Unless noted dtherwise,top chord shall have properly attached structural sheathing and bottom chord shall have a properly.; attached rigid ceiling Locations shown for permanent lateral restraint of webs shall have bracing installed per BCSI sections B3,67 or B10, as applicable. Apply plates to each face of truss and position as shown above and on the Join f Details, unless noted otherwise. Refer to drawings 16OA-Z for standard plate positions. Alpine,a division of ITW Building Components Group Inc.shall not be responsible for any deviation from this drawing any failure to build the truss In conformance with ANSI/TPI 1,or for handling.shipping,installation and bracing of trusses.A seal on this drawing or cover pa e, listing this drawing indicates acceptance of professional engineering responsibility solely for the design shown. The suigabtllty and use of this gnawing for any structure is the responsibility of the Building Designer per ANSI/TPI 1 Sec.2. - For more information see this job's general notes page and these web sites: ALPINE:www.al ineitw.com:TPI:www.t inst.or:SBCA:Wn .sbcindus .com:ICC:vnw✓.iccsafe.or Gable Stud Reinforcement Detail ASCE 7-10: 160 mph Wind Speed, 15' Mean Height, Enclosed., Exposure C, Kzt = 1,00 Ori 140 mph Wind Speed, 15' Mean Height, Partially Enclosed, Exposure C, Kzt = 1.00 Or, 140 mph Wind Speed,A5' Mean Height, Enclosed, Exposure D, Kzt = 1.00 Or, 120 mph Wind Speed, 15, Mean Height, Partially Enclosed, Exposure D, Kzt = 1,00 2x4 Brace (1) lx4 'L' Brace x (1) 2x4 'L' Brace x (2) 2x4 'L' Brace xr (1) 2x6 'L' Brace r (2) 2x6 'L' Brace x Bracing Group Species and Grades. Gable Vertical No Spacing Species Grade Braces Group A Group B Group A Group B Group A Group B Group A Group B Group A Group B Group AI S S ruce-Pine-Fir Hem-Fir #1 / #2 3' 10' 6' 7' 6' 10' 7' 9' 8' 1' 9' 3' 9' 7' 12' 2' 12' 8' 14' 0' 14' 0' -{-) S P #I / #2 !standard rig Stud J I #3 3' 8' S' 9' 6' 2' 7' 8• 7' ll' 9' 1' 9' 6' 12' 0' 12' 6' 14' 0' I4' D. a3 Stud a3 Stnndnr•d U H FF Stud 3' 8' 5' 9' 6' I' 7' 8' 7' 11' ' 9' 1' 9' 6' 12' 0' 12' 6' 14' 0' 14' 0' If Standard 3' 8' 4' 11' 5' 3' 6' 7' 7' V 8' 11' 9' 6' 10' 4' 111 1' 14' 0' 14' 0' Dou las Flr-Larch Southern Plnexx■ 0) #1 4' 0' 1 6' 8' 6' 11' 7' 10' 8' 2' 9' 4' 9' 8' 12' 4' 12' 9' 14' 0' 14' 0' 03 03 J S P #2 3' 10' 6' 7' 6' 10, 7' 9' 8' 1' 9' 3' 9' 7' 12' 2' 12, 8' 14' 0' 14' 0' Stud Stud #3 3' ' 5' 3' 5' 7' 6' 11' 7' 5' 9' 2' 9' 7' 10, 11' 11' 0' 14' 0' 14' 0' Standard Standard co 9 v D F L Stud 3' 9' 5' 3' 5' 7' 6' 11' 7 5' 9' 2' 9' 7' 10, 11' 11' 8' 14' 0' 14' 0' d Standard 3' 6' 4' 7' 4' 11' 6' 2' 6' 7' 8' 4' 8' 11' 9' 8' 10' 4' 13' 1' 14' 0' Group B: U r 41 / #2 4' 5' 7' 6' 7' 9' B' 10' 9' 3' 10' 7' LI' 0' 13, Ill 14' 0' 14' 0' 14' 0' Hem-Fir _ r #3 4' 2' 7' 1' 7' 9' 8' 9' 9' I' 10' 5' 10, 10, 13, 9' 14' 0' 14' 0' 14' 0' al & Btr U H F Stud 4' 2' 7' 1' 7' 6' 8' 9' 9' l' 10' 5' 10, 10, 13, 9' 14' 0' 14' 0' 14' 0' I al O I�r Standard 4' 2' 6' V 6' 5' 8' 1' 8' 8' 10' 5' to, 10, 12' 8' 13' 7' 14' 0' 14"0' Do u ins Flr-Larch Southern Plnexrx #1 4' 7' 7' 7' 7' 11' 9' 0' 9' 4' 10' 8' 11' 1' 14' 0' 14, 0' 14' 0' 14' 0' al a1 S P 02 4' 5' 7' 6' 7' 9' 8' 10, 9' 3' 1 10' 7' 11' 0' 13' 11' 14' 0' 14' 0' l4' 0' #2 #2 #3 4' 4' 6' S' 6' 10' 8' 6' 9' l' 10' 6' 10, 11' L3' 4' 14' 0' 14' 0' 14' 0' lxa Braces shall be SRB (Stress-Rated Board). .--t D F L Stud 4' 4' 6' 5' 6' 10' 8' 6' 9' I' to, 6' 10' 11' 13' 4' 14, 0' 14' 0' 14' 0' xxFar Ix4 So. Plne'use only IndustrIaL 55 or Standard 4' 2' 5' 8' 6' 0' 7' 6' 8' 0' 10' 2' 10, 10, Ill 10, 12' 7' l4' 0' 14' 0' Industrial-45 Stress-Rated Boards. Group D - #1 / #2 4' 10' 8' 3' 8' 7' 9' 9' 10' 2' 10' 7' 12' I' 14' 0' 14' 0' 14' 0' 14' 0' values may be used with these grades._ d S f #3 4' 7' 8' 2' 8' S' 9' 8' 10, 0' 11' 6' 12' 0' 14, 0' 14' 0' 14' 0' i 14• 0' Gable Truss Detail Notes: U H Stud 4' 7' 8' 2' 8' 5' 9' 8' 10, 0' 11' 6' 12, 0' 14' 0' 14' 0' 14' 0' 14' 0' Wind Load deflection criterion Is L/240, OI I Standard 4' 7' 7' 0' 7' 5' 9' 4' 10, 0' 11' 6' 12' 0' 14' 0' 14' 0' 14' 0' 14' 0' Provide uplift connections for 75 pLF over X #1. 5' 1' 8' 5' 8' 8' 9' 11' 10' 3' 1l' 9' 12' 3' 14' 0' 14' 0' 14' 0' 14' 0' continuous bearing (5 psF TC Dead Load). d S P #2 4' 10' 8' 3' 8' 7' 9' 9' 10, 2' 11' 7' 12, 1' 14' 0' 14, 0' 14' 0' 14' 0' -Gable end supports load from 4' 0' outlookers r 03 4' 9' 7' 4' 7' 10' 9' 8' 10' 1' 11' 7' 12' 0' 14'-D' 14' 0' 14' 0' 14' 0' with 2' 0' overhang, or 12' plywood overhang. �-, D f L_ Stud 4' 9' 7' 4' 1 7' 10' 9' 8' 10' 1' 11' 7' 12' 0' 14, 0' 14' 0' 14' 0' 14, 0' - Standard 4' 7' 6' 6' 6' 11' 8' 8' 9' 3' 11' 6' 12' 0' 13' 7' 14' 0' 14' 0' 14' 0' ' Symm • Attach 'L' braces with 10d (0d28'x3.0' min) nails. About) able Truss � )iE For (1) 'L' brace, space nnll5 at 2' o.c. In 18' end zones and 4' o.c. between zones. Diagonal brace option, )K)KFor (2) 'L' braces- space nails at 3' .,C. In 18' end zones and 6' o.c. between zones. vertical length may be T doubled when diagonal 18, X 'L' bracing must be a minimum of 80% of web brace Is used. Connect I I . member length. diagonal brace for 6000 ,L' t at each end. Max web j Brace Gable Vertical Plate Sizes total length Is 14'. _)K Vertical Length =44" Splice 2x6 DF-L #2 or Less than 4' 0' better diagonal 'r" Greater than 4' 0', but I _ less than 11' 6' Vertical length shown I brace) single IB' In table above. 45' or double cut r Greater than 11' 6_ ,{ (as shown) at L 1 + Refer to common truss design For 1 upper end. peak, splice, and heel plates. Connect midpoint of vertical web, ontlnuous Bearing Refer IOOII If�fl •ngth noteaddressed Building thisD deltaai`r for conditions Refer to chart above for C Lam' aVARNMGW READ MID FOLLOV ALL NOTESpI THIS DRAWING P- �C,Fh1 REF ASCE7-10-GAB16015 -IHPORTANTu FURNISH THIS DRAVING TO ALL CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTALLERS, Trusses require extreme care In fabricating,handLing,shpping,Installing and bracing. Refer,to and �`� �! DATE 10/O1/14 roll.,the latest edition of BCSI(B.Kdng component Safety Information,by TPI and SBCA)for'safety N'•• f,'�)� \ practices prior to perFarnhg these functions. Installers shall provide temporary bracing per PCSI. �p.. y,, ' unless noted otherrlse,top chord shnu have properly attached structural sheathing and bottom chord _,., f , '•,j' A DRWG A16015ENC101014 d shall have properly attached rigid eelUrg. Locations shorn for permanent lateral restraint of,ebs shall have bracing InstaDad per BCSI sections li3,B7 or H10,ns applicable. Apply pintas to each face' - a of truss and position ns shown above and on the Joint Details,unless noted otherwise. '�`/f = Refer to dra,ings 160A-Z for standard plate positions. Alpine, division of ITV Building Components Group Inc.shall not be sponslble for y deviation from � r - '� AN LTWCOMPANY this drawing, y ragure to build the truss In canfarnance with ANSI/TPI 1,or for handling,shipping ";9 ` �". MAX, TOT, LD. 60 PSF - Instnll.tlon 6 br.Cl, f trusses. A seal on'W"drawing or cover p.,.listing this drawhl),indicates acceptance of professional emMn-ima responsibility solely for the design shown The sultaWlltY d use of this d-ehg For any structure Is the responsibility of the BuRdYig Designer per ANSVTPI l Sec.2, front Drive Earth Ciry13389 eM0a0045 k g page and these web sltes� mr,nnn�t\\\\\ For more Information see this job's general notes MAX. SPACING 24,0" ALPINEI rww.alpinelt-omi TPI,www.tpinst.orgi SEC&wwwsbclnd-tryorgi ICG.w JCc..F.. g Gable Stud Reinforcement Detail ASCE 7' 10; 160 mph Wind Speed, 30' Mean Height., 'Encl-osed, Exposure C, Kzt = 1,00 ❑ri •140 MPH Wind Speed, 30' Mean Height, Partially Enclosed, Exposure C, Kzt = 1.00 ❑ri 140 mph Wind Speed, 30' Mean Height, Enclosed, Exposure D, Kzt = 1.00 Or, 120 mph Wind Speed, 30' Mean Height, Partially Enclosed, Exposure D, Kzt = 1.00 2x4 Brace (1) lx4 'L' Brace r (1) 2x4 'L' Brace r (2) 2x4 'L' Brace rr (1) 2x6 'L' Brace r <2) 2x6 'L' Brace r Bracing Group Species and Grades, Gable Vertical No Spacing Species I Grade Braces Group A Group B Group A Group B Group A Group B Group A Group B Group A Group B Group At S #1 / #2 3' 8' 6' 3' 6' 6' 7' S' 7' 8' 6' 9' 9' 2' ll' 7' 12' 0' 13' 9' 14' 0' S ruse-Pine-Fir Hen-Fir -{-> f7 C� #1 / #2 Stnndnrd #2 Stud L r #3. 3' 6' 5' 5' 5' 9'. 7' 2' 7' .7' B' 8' 9' l' 11' 3' 11, 11' 13' 7' 14' 0' p3 Stud #3 Stnndard a U i_Jl� Stud 3' 6' 5' 4' 5' 8' 7' 2' 7' 7' B' 8' 9' 1' 11' 2' ill 11' 13' 7' 14' 0' f�f Standard 3' 6' 4' 7' 4' I1' 6' 2' 6' 7' 8' 4' 8' Ill 9' 8' 10' 4' 13' 1' 14' 0' Oou ins Flr-Larch Southern Pinerrr #1 3' 10' 1 6' 4' 6' 7' 7' 6' 7' 9' 8' 11' 1 9' 3' 11' 9' 12' 2' 13, 11, 14' 0' p3 #3 #2 3' 8' 6' I' 6' 6' 1 7' 5' 7' 8' 8' 9' 1 9' 2' 11' 7' 1 12' 0' 13' 9' 1 14' 0' stud Stud Stnndard Stnndnrd 03 3' 7' 4' 10' S' 2' 6' S' 6' il' 8' 9' 9' 1' 10' 1' 10' 10 13' 8' DFL Stud 3' 7' 4' 10' 5' 2' 6' 5' 6' 11' 8' 9' 9' I' 10, 1' 10, 10, .13'•8' 14, 0' Standard 3' 3' 4' 3' 4' 7' 5' 8' 6' V 7' 9' 8' 3' 8' ill 9' 7' 12' 2' 13' 0' Group BI U #1 / #2 4' 2' 7' 2' 7' 5' 8' 5' 6' 9' 10, 1' 10' 6' 13, 3' 13' 9' 14' 0' 14' 0' Hen-Fir ..N _ SPF #3 4' 0' 6' 7' 7' 5' 8' 4' 8' 8' 9' I1' 10' 4' 13' 1' 13' 7' 14, 0' 14' 0' 111 6 Btr U LJ Stud 4' 0' 6' 7' 7' 0' 8' 4' 8' 8' 9' 11' 10' 4' 13' 1' 13' 7' 14' 0' 14' 0' #1 0) O I Standard 4' 0' 5' 8' 6' 0' 7' 6' 6' 0' 9' 11' 10' 4' 11' 10, 12' 8' 14' 0' 14' 0' Dou ins Flr-Larch Southern Plnerrr #1 4' 5' 7' 3' 7' 6' 8' 7' 8' 11' 1 10' 2' 10' 7' 13' 5' 13' 11' 14' 0' 14' 0' #t #t S P #2 4' 2' 7' 2' 7' 5' 8' 5' 8' 9' 10, 1' 10' 6' 13, 3' 1 13, 9' 14' 0' 14' 0' #2 #2 110 93 4' 1' 5' 11' 6' 4' 7' 11' 8' 5' 10, 0' 10' 5' 12' 5' 13, 3' 14' 0' 14' 0' Ix4 Braces shall be SRB (Stress-Rated Board). Q1 D F L Stud 4' V 5' 11' 6' 4' 7' It' 8' 5' 10' 0' 10' 5' 12' 5' 13' 3' 14' 0' 14' 0' xxFor Ix4 So. Pine use only Industrial 55 or Standard 4' 0' 5' 3' 5' 7' 7' 0' 7' 6' 9' 5' 10, 2' 11' 0' 11' 9' 14' C' 14' 0' Industrial 45 Stress-Rated Boards. Group B #1 / 42 4' 8' 7' 11' 8' 2' 9' 4' 9' 8' 10, 1' 11' 6' 14' 0' 14, 0' 14' 0' 14' 0' values maybe used with these rndes. Cj S P f #3 4' 5' 7' 7' 8' 1' 9' 2' 9' 6' 10, 11' 11' 5' 14' 0' 14, 0' 14' 0' 14' 0' Gable Truss Detail Notes U. H F Stud 4' 5' 7' 7' 8' 1' 9' 2' 9' 6' 10, 11' 11' 5' 14' 0' 14' 0' 14' 0' 14' 0' Wind Load deflection criterion Is L/240. 0 f� Standard 4' S' 6' 6' 6' 11' 8' 8' 9' 3' 10, 11, 11' 5'. 13' 7' 14' 0' 14' 0' 14' 0' Provide uplift connections for 135 plf over X #1 4' 10' 8' 0' 8' 3' 9' 5' 9' 9' 11' 2' ill 8' 14' 0' 14' 0' 14' 0' 14' 0' continuous bearing (5 psf TC Dead Load). d S P #2 4' 8' 7' 11' 8' 2' 9' 4' 9' 8' I1' 1' 11' 6' 14' 0' 14' 0' 14' 0' 14' 0' Gable end supports load from 4' 0' outlookers 03 4' 6' 6' 10' 7' 3' 9' 1' 9' 7' 11' 0' 11' 6' 14' 0' 14' 0' 14' 0' 14' 0' with 2' 0' overhang, or 12' plywood overhang. D F L Stud 4' 6' 6' 10, 7' 3' 9' 1' 9' 7' 11' 0' 11' 6' 14' 0' 14' 0' 14' 0' 14' 0' Standard 4' 5' 6' 1' 6' 5' .8' 1' 8' 7' 10, 11' 11' 5' 12' 8' 137 7' 14' 0' 14' 0' Symn 1^ Attach 'L' braces with 10d (0.128'x3A' min) Waits. About able Truss 31f For (1) 'L' brace, space Halls at 2' o.c. In 181 end zones and 4' o.c• between zones. Diagonal brace option, )K)KFor (2) 'L' braces, space nails at 3' o.c. vertical length may be 'l" In 18' end zones and 6' o.c. between zones. - doubled when diagonal 18' )K 'L' bracing must be a minimum of 807. of web brace Is used. Connect L I member length. - diagonal brace for 690# 'L� -I}- at each end. Max web a G ace able Vertical Plate Sizes Br - , total length Is 14'. YE 31E Vertical Len th No Slice j 2x6 DF-L #2 or Less than 4' 0' 2%4 1 better diagonal r Greater than 4' 0', but 4%4 Vertical length shown ; brace! single 18, less than 12' 0' In table above. or double cut •• 1 45' Cos shown) of + Refer to common truss design For upper end. L peak, splice, and heel plates. ' ontlnuous Bearing Refer to the Building Designer for conditions Connect diagonal at Ill ll tl ti l'I not addressed b this detail. mid olnt of vertical web. Refer to chart above for max g&%We grtl(&4 length. y �FARNINGI. READ AND FOLLOW ALL NOTES IN THIS DRAVINGI .�� J ° f�'a, REF ASCE7-10-GAB16030 r wDIPO.RTANTo FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO ALL CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTALLERS. A- Trusses requIre extreme care In fabricating,handling,shipping,Installing and bracing. Refer toad Q` �(j�.Ala "��1-1 DATE 10/01/14 follow the latest edltlm of BCSI(Building Component Safety Information,by TPI and SBCA)for safety practices prior to performing these functions. Installers shall provide temporary bracing per BCSI. , Unless noted otherwise,top chord shall have properly attached structural�heathing and bottom chord Na f DRWG A16030ENC101014 shall have properly attached HOW ceiling. Locations shorn For permanent lateral restraint of webs Q ��,�f� (1� chap have bracing Installed per BCSI sand on B3, J or Det as unless bno Apply plates to each fate = �J� f• IlLltr-JAI lilll^\\VVi li of truce and position all Shaer above and on the Joint BID,a, less te. A otherwise. Yi % Refer to drarings 160A-Z for standard plate positions. / Alpine, tlivislon of [TV Building Components Group Inc.shall not be responsible for an deviation from / SATE OF AN fiWCOMPANY this drawing, y falture to build the truss In canFornance with ANSI/TPI 1,or for handling,shipping, �-O Q\MAX. TOT. LD. 60 PSF Installation L any of trusses. A seal on this orawing or cover page Ustlrg tins oll-Ing,Indcat-acceptance of profes lonal -7 en 0o1 rt engineering responsarlllty solely far the design shown The suitability and use of this drawing Oi' r' for any st ur ructe Is the respo Loftlty of the BuRdino Designer per ANSI/TPI I Seel. ''„�e�'•,� "'- ems' e �\ E.nr h City.MO 633045 For more Information see this Job's general notes page and these web sites, '�F '� l y AIPINEi.r r.olpineltr,coml TPIi wrw.tpinst.orgl SBCAi rrwsbclndustry.orgl ICG rrr.lccsafe.org A ,t�.'' MAX. SPACING 24,0r ' Gable Datail For Let-in Verticals Gable Truss Plate Sizes About + Refer to appropriate Alpine gable detail for minimum plate sizes for vertical studs. +QRefer to Engineered truss design for peak, ' splice, web, and heel plates. ®If gable vertical plates overlap, use a + single plate that covers the total area of the overlapped plates to span the web. Vertical +al 2*2X4 L.9th ExnmpleiyP. 4 r2X 'T' Reinforcement Attachment Detail 'T' Reinforcing 'T' Reinforcing Member Member } Toe-nall - Or - End-nail / {, } To convert from 'L' to 'T' reinforcing members, Provide connections for uplift specified on the engineered truss design. multiply 'T' Increase by length (based on appropriate Alpine gable detall). Attach each 'T' reinforcing member with End Driven Nallsr Maximum allowable 'T' reinforced gable vertical 10d Common (0.148'x 3.',min) Nulls at 4' o,c, plus length Is 14' from top to bottom chord. (4) nails In the top and bottom chords. 'T' reinforcing member material must match size, Toenalled Nails- specie, and grade of the 'L' reinforcing member. Rigid Sheathing IOd Common (0,148'x3',min) Toenails at 4' o,c. plus 4 Noll (4) toenails In the top and bottom chords, elo Length Increase w/ 'T' Brace 'T' Relnf. 'T' ,T, This detall to be used with the appropriate Alpine gable detail for ASCE Mbr, Size Increase Reinforcing wind load. 2x4 30 Member ASCE 7-05 Gable Detail Drawings Examples 2x6 20 % A13015051014, A12015051014, A11015051014, A10015051014, A14015051014, ASCE 7-10 Wind Speed = 120 mph Nulls A13030051014, A12030051014, A11030051014, A10030051014, A14030051014 Mean Roof Height = 30 Ft, Kzt = 1.00 Gable Spaced At ASCE 7-10 Gable Detail Drawings Gable Vertical = 24'o,c. SP 03 Truss q, a c 9 A1LS15ENC101014, A12015ENC103014, A14015ENC301014, A16015ENC101014, 'T' Reinforcing Member Size = 2x4 AI8015ENC101014, A20015ENC101014, A20015END101014, A20015PED101014, 'T' Brace Increase (From Above) = 30% = 1.30 A11530ENC101014, A12030ENC101014, A14030ENC101014, A16030ENC101014, (1) 2x4 'L' Brace Length = 8' 7' A18030ENC101014, A20030ENC101014, A20030END101014, A2003OPED101014 Maximum 'T' Reinforced Goble Vertical Length 1.30 x 8' 7' = 11' 2' See appropriate Alpine gable detail for maximum unrelnforced gable vertical tength.11 4 Nall CellingVARN D*Glh --IMPORTANT- FURNISH I THUS DRAWING TO ALL AD AND FOLLOW ACBNTRACT12RS INCLUDLL NOTES ON THIS ING THE INSTALLERS. vvvvv�vti`, 4V, hh''/��� REF LET—IN V E R T Trusses require edition o care In fabricating,handling,shipping,Info Installing and braclnB. Refer to and ��J � t{r follow the latest edition I BC31 se F ng Component Safetyrssnafarnovide a TPI ry racIn for safety ��� ttr '`� ,{� DATE 10/01/14 practices prior to performing tnece Functions. Installers Mil provide temporary bracng per BLSI. unless no otherwise,top chord shall have properly attached structural sheathing and botton chord ;,, jJ= DRWG GBLLETIN1014 shall have a properly attached rigid ceiling. Locations shown for permanent lateral restraint of webs y shall have bracing Installed per BCSI sections on the J r DBIG,et s applicable. Apply plates to each Face Nf'�2.pr V II�JJ IIIIII��\V\IJII of Yruss and position as shorn above and on the Jalni Deta0.s,unless noted otherwise. >r�✓ Refer to drawings 160A-Z for standard plate positions. Alpin,, division of ITV Balloting Components Group Inc.shall of be responsible for any deviation from = /�// i£ — AN RWCOMPANY this drawing,any Failure to build the truss In conformance with ANSI/TPI 1,or for handling,shipping, _ / ST/A E OF +� KAX, T❑T, LD, 60 PSF Ins tollotlon 6 bracing of trusses. A seal on this dra i g or cover page Ustlno this drawing,Indicates acceptance F professlonal on engineering respsbRlty solely for the design shown. The suitaktlty and use of this draelrg S rV`j�UR, FAC, ANY .13389 Lakefront Drive for any structure Is the esponsbBlty of the Building Designer per ANSI/TPI I Seel. U L ��`r '�" Earth Cil M063046 For more Information see this Job's general notes page and these web sites, y' ALPINE,www.alpineltw.coni TPI,wrw.tpinct.orgi SBCAi wrr.sbclndustry.orgi Mr,wwwiccca£e.org ��i/ T ,• �� MAX. SPACING 24,0' Valley Detail - ASCE 7-10: 160 riph, 30' Mean Height, Enclosed, Exp, C, Kzt=1,00 Top Chord 2x4 SP #2N, SPF #1/#2, DF-L #2 or better, Unless specified otherwise on engineer's sealed design, for vertical Bot Chord 2x4 SP #2N or SPF #1/#2 or better, valley webs taller than 7-9' ,apply 2x4 'T' reinforcement, 807 length of Webs 2x4 SP 43, SPF #1/#2, DF-L #2 or better, web, same .species and grade•or better, attached with 10d box (0,128' x 3,0') nails at 6'. o,c, ,In lieu of 'T' reinforcement, 2x4 'Continuous )K)K Attach each valley to every supporting truss with) Lateral Restraint applied at mid-length of web is permitted with diagonal, (2) 16d.box (0,135' x 3,5') nails toe-nalled for bracing. as shown In DRWG BRCLBANC1014, ASCE 7-10 160 mph, 30' Mean Height, Enclosed Building, Exp, C, Wind TC DL=5 psf, Kzt = 1.00 Top chord of truss beneath valley set must be braced with) Or properly attached, rated sheathing applied prior to valley truss ASCE 7-10 140 mph, 30' Mean Height, Enclosed installation, Building, Exp, D, Wind TC DL=5 psf, Kzt = 1.00 Or Bottom chord may be square or pitched cut Purlins at 24' o,c, or as otherwise specified on engineer's sealed design Or as shown. By valley trusses used in lieu of purlin spacing as specified on Valleys short enough to be cut as solid triangular Engineer's sealed design, members from a single 2x6, or larger as required, shall be permitted in lieu of fabricating from Note that the purlin spacing for bracing the top chord of the truss separate 2x4 members, beneath the valley is measured along the, slope of the top chord. All plates shown are ITW BCG Wave Plates. ++ Larger spans may be built as long as the vertical height does not exceed 14'-0', 2X4 4X4 12 3X4 Palle 12 Max, � Spacing 2X4 X4 Pitched Cut Square Cut Stubbed Valley Optional, Hip 8-0-0 max--- Bottom Chord Bottom Chord End Detail Joint Detail Valley Valle 4X4 Toe-nailed / y 12 o m n T u e , x, � t 2 o, , 1X3 ll S t-0 ��1` a 4 ;jr1X3 (Max Spacing) 1X3 2X4 Q � SQ 20-0-0 (++) Common Trusses Partial Framing Supporting trusses at 24' o,c, maximum spacing, at 24' 0.C. Plan °`I11111ilil lllHp,. ..VARNDQ-READ AND FULLOV ALI.NUTES ON THIS BRAVING �` y 6�r r• "�•,, TC LL 30 30 40PSF REF VALLEY DETAIL ' -WORTANTn FURN M THIS BRAVING TD ALL❑3NTRACTDRS INCLUDING THE INSTALLERS. Trusses require extreme care In Fabricating,handling,shipping,Installing and bracing, Refer to and folio.the latest edlUon of BCSI(Building Component Safety by TPI and SIM For F.ty '��";k:'; 4,�r,,,,:TC DL 20 15 7 PSF DATE 10/01/2014 practices prior to performing these functions. Installers hall provide temporary bracing per BCSL UnlessT; ",;.` ' noted oth...Is,,tap hard shall have properly attached structural sheathing and bottom chord d `'` HC DL 10 10 10 PSF DRWG VAL160101014 shall have properly attached rigid celUng, Locations shorn far permanent lateral restraint of ebs Z shall have bracing Installed per HCSI secklons H3,H7 o M0, applicable. Apply pt.tes to each face - Q I I I LJ 10 F tract and padtmn a cno.n above and an the Joint Betdls,mlacs mataa atner.me. _ �n'r t<-,.BG LL 0 0 0 PSF IIL-'�ILLJI� Re Per to drawings 16CA-2 far ct.md-d plate positions. Alpine, dlvlslon of ITV Building Car onentc Group Inc,shall of be responsible far any deviation from �% AN MCOMPAW this drawing,any failure to build the truss In conformance with ANSI/TPI 1,or for handling,shipping, w� :�i£'+T'E of TOT, LD, 60 55 57PSF Instal atlan L bracing of trusses. a ,� A -t this d...IN or cover page Ilstk,D this tlrawIng,Inrlcates acceptance of praf—lonnl �a > ^. ,% 'L nQk,-rkV r.sponslbRlty solely for the desID,shown The suitability na of this drawing �, - '�, l J' :;t'' UR.F-AC.1.25/1.33 1.19 1.15 13309 Lakefront Drive for any stnacGre 1.the-.ponsibMy of the Buedy,p Designer per ANSI/TPI 1 S.c2 ,r-r Earth Cily,MO 63046 For n Information a this Job general notes page nd these eb sites ' r(T w-'" \"�``,�� ALPINE-...alpinelt..com TPhe....tpinst.orgf SHCA,.w,sbclndustry.orgi ICO www.Iccsafe.orB ''/,-uL!,'f`��!: �;.-'V�",°�� SPACING 24.0' It Piggyback Detail - ASCE 7-101 160 mph, 30' Mean Height, Enclosed, Exposure C, Kzt=1,00 160 mph Wind, 30.00 ft Mean Mgt, ASCE 7-10, Enclosed BLdg located anywhere In roof, Exp C, Wind DL= 5.0 sf (min), Kzt=1.0.. Or 140 mph wind, 30.00 ft Mean Hgt, ASCE 7-10, Enclosed Bldg, located anywhere In roof, Exp D, wind DL= 5.0 psf (min), Kzt=1,0. Notes Top chords of trusses supporting piggyback cap trusses must be adequately braced by sheathing or purlins. The building Engineer of Record shall provide diagonal bracing or any other suitable anchorage to permanently restrain purlins, and lateral bracing for out of plane Loads over gable ends. Maximum truss spacing Is 24' o,c. detail Is not applicable IF cap supports additional loads such as cupola, steeple, chimney or drag strut loads, xx Refer to Engineer's sealed truss design drawing for piggyback and base truss specifications, Detail A i P u r l n Spacing - 24' o.c, or less Piggyback cap truss slant nalled to all top chord 12 purlln bracing with (2) 16d box nails (0.135'x3.5') and secure top chord with 2x4 03 grade scab Up to 12 (1 side only at each end) attached with 2 rows of IOd box nails (0.128'x3') at 4' a.' 4' 2' 2' 4' Attach purLln bracing to the flat top chord using (2) 16d box nails (0.135'x3,5'). 2' The top chord #3 grade 2x4 scab may be replaced Purlln Spacing = with either of the Following) (1) 3X8 Trulox 24' o.c. max plate attached with (8) 0.120'xl.375' nails, (4) Into cap TC & (4) Into base truss TC or W 28P3 wave piggyback plate plated to the piggyback truss TC and attached to the base truss TC with (4) 0,120'x1,375' naits. Note- Nailing thru holes of Top Chord Scab (Typical Each End) Flat top Chord purlins required at both wave plate Is acceptable. ends and at 24' max o,c. spacing In between, nction Detail B P u r l i n Spacing > 24' o.c, x I addition, provide conemeth with one of the followingmethods) Piggyback cap truss slant nalled to all top chord purlln Trulox bracing with (2) 16d box nails (0,135'x3,5') and secure top Use 3X8 Trulox plates for 2x4 chord member, and chord with 2x4 N3 grade scab (1 side only at each end) 3X10 Trulox plates for 2x6 and larger chord attached with 2 rows of 10d box nails (0,128'x3') at 4' o.c, members. Attach to each face @ 8' o.c. with (4) 0.120'xl.375' nails Into cap bottom chord and (4) Attach purlln bracing to the flat top chord In base truss top chord. Trulox plates may be 12 using a minimum of (2) 16d box nails (0,135'x3.5'). staggered 4' o.c front to back faces, Up to 12 APA Rated Gusset 8'x8'x7/16' (min) APA rated sheathing gussets (each face). Attach @ 8' o.c, with (8) 6d common (0.113'x2') nails per gusset, (4) In cap bottom chord and (4) In base truss top chord. Gussets 4' 2, ® 2, 4' may be staggered 4' o.c, front to back Faces. 2x4 Vertical Scabs 2' 2x4 SPF 1112, Full chord depth scabs (each face), Attach @ 8' o.c. with (6) 10d box nails (0.128'x3') per scab, (3) In cap bottom chord and (3) In base truss top chord. Scabs may be staggered 4' o,c. Front to back faces. Purlln Spacing > 28PB Wave Piggyback Plate 24' o.c. max One 28PB wave pigggyback plate to each face Full @ 8' o.c, Attach {eeth to pigg back at time of Top Chard Scab (Typical Each End) Chord Flat top chord purlins required at fabrication. Attach to suppor Ing truss with De th both ends, purlln spacing > 24' o,c, (4) 0,120'xt,375' Halls per face per pty. P Piggyback plates may be staggered 4' o.c. front Note- If purlins or sheathing are not specified on the flat top of the base to back faces. truss, purlins must be Installed at 24' o.c. max. and use Detail A. 1•I�ltl111pJljjlljj' rrVARNINGIA READ AND FDLLOV ALL NOTES ON THIS DRAVINGI `�vv�`! L q lf�,, REF PIGGYBACK w-INPCRTANTwx FURNISH THIS DRAVING TO ALL CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTALLERS. v Trusses require extreme care In fabricating,handling,shipping,Installing and bracing. Refer to and 11, follow the latest edition of HCSI(Bu0.ding Component Safety Information,by TP!and SBCA)for safety �CiEIV DATE 10/01/14 practices prior to performing these functlons. Installers shall provide teepsrary b—Ing per BCS1. V,i� /- Unless noted property a top chord hall have property ocations attached For structural Lateral and bottom chard - `` - DRWG PB160101014 shad have a properly attached rigid cellln0. Locations shorn Car permanent lateral restraint of webs ` * N��-_4,T.s]�t fl �� I� shaft have old position Installed per BCSI sections on the joint or Det ac applicably. Apply platesraise. to each Facv d IILII=� IILr� of Irusc and position os shorn above and to the ions. Deta4s,unless noted otherwise. Re Fer to drarinOs 160A-Z for standard plate positions. `/ ✓ _ Alp rmine,a division of ITV Building Components Group Inc.shall not be responsible for y deviation fro, ,. / T AN(TW COMPANY this drowing,any Failure to build the truss In conFaance with ANSI/TPI 1,or for handling,shipping, Q Installation L bracing of trusses. ;,, A seal on this drawing or cover page listing this drawing,"Icates acceptance of professloral � r ing!lneer spanslblllty solely for the design shown. The suitability and of this drarl•ip for any structure Is the responsibility of the Bulding Designer per ANSI/TPI 1 Sec !� 1 .o 13389 La4efronl Drive 2. / (sy Earth Cily.M063046 For more Information see this Job's general notes page and these web sites, yt �`Q r. ,lSi�� SPACING 24,Or ALPINE,r,.dtpineltw.com)TPI,rrr,tpinst.orgl SBCA,w slacIndustry.orgi ICC,www.iccsofe.org /v/ N111111111111111 Hip frame Details,, B Hip Frame W4X4, Min. Common 24". Trusses TYp WL5X3 Typ, Stepped Hip System Trusses 2x4 Chords 2x4 Purlins Setback n c #1 Hip Pitched and Sheathed Chord Area --- Hip Framex --- -------------------------------- ----------------------- B Bottom Chord W3X4, Min, o- Attach hip frame to flat chords of stepped hips at all overlapping points with (2) 0,131'x3,5° nails W3X4, Min, )K Hip Frame, 'R' Bottom chord of hip frame to be attached to #1, hip with 0,131'x3,5' nails @ 6' o,c, maximum spacing, Hip frame stops at plumb cut of Hip Frame, jacks to maintain pitch continuity, S e C t l on B—B x Hip frame lumber is SPF, So. Pine, HF, or DFL Standard, Stud grade, or better, See Engineer's sealed design for setback, lumber, plating, loading, and duration factor required, 'R' Hip frame chords may be trimmed up to 2' to fit. Stepped HI purlins must be intact and properly attached, Setback - --SysteP Truspses Use this detail forl ASCE 7-10, 180 mph, 30' Mean Hgt, Partially Enclosed, Exp C, or Hip Frame - provided by truss manufacturer. ASCE 7-10, 160 mph, 30' Mean Hgt, Partially Enclosed, Exp D, or Hip frame is designed to provide bracing for flat top ASCE 7-05, 140 mph, 30' Mean Hgt, Partially Enclosed, Cat II, Exp C, or chords of hip frame system where indicated, Flat top ASCE 7-02, 140 mph, 30' Mean Hgt, Partially Enclosed, Cat II, Exp C, chords of stepped hip system must be So, Pine lumber, ruc Sttura anets must be properly attached directly Residential, Wind TC DL=4.2 psf, Kzt=1,00 14 „ To hi\R,a EL j!Y(4 tins,A 0 ' wwVARNINGiss READ AND FDLLGV ALL NOTES RS THIS DING THE ` Q„ \G� S� / REF HIP FRAME wwINP6(TANTws FLWNISN TN[S DRAVAIG TD ALL 1I71TRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTALLERS. Trusses require extreme care In fabricating,hnndiing,shipping,InstalUno d brucing. Refer to and �r fallow the latest edition of BCSI(Bullding Component Safety Information,by TPI and SBCA)for safety — `� DATE 10/01/14 practices prior to performing these functions. Installers shop provide tenparnry bracing per BCSI. NO. � L• unless noted otherwise,top chord halt have properly attached structural sheathing and bottom chord DRWG HIPFR1801014 zhnll have property attached rigid celllno. Locations shorn for pernnnent lateral e.tralnt of ebs, shall have bracing Installed per BCSI sections B3,B7 or 810,as ap Icable. Apply plate.to each face _ of truss and�oslSlon ns shown above and on the Joint Detains,un ess noted otherwise. // �po Refer to drawlnps 160A-2 for standard plate positions. "0 ! 8A I E OF — Alpine, division of ITV Bullding Components Group Inc shall of be ponstble for y deviation from 9 N')(iW COMPANY this droelno,any Failure to build the truss In conformance with ANSI/TPI 1,or for handing,shipping, Q� 4 0 n tv tnstollatlan 6 brncing f trusses. F'9 A seal on this drawing or cover page IlstI g this drawing,Indicates acceptance of professional ' w nolneerYg esponsOalUty solely for the design shown. The suitability and a of tins drawing for any structure Is the resporsm0lty of the Building Designer per ANSI/TPI I Sect. /�? Earth akaftont Drive C t.M0 63046 For more information see this Job's general notes page and these web sites, fy IY!<4 tt�� y' ALPINE.v..alpineltw.conl TPB rww,tpinst.orgl SBCA,www.sbcinductry,org)[CO wrdcccafe.org daI'fIld SEtll�lt\ CLR Reinforcing Member ''Substitution T-Reinforcement This detall is to be used when a Continuous Lateral Restraint (CLR) or T-Reinf, \ Is specified on a truss design but an alternative web L-Reinforcement[ or reinforcement method Is desired, L-Reinf. Apply to either side of web narrow face. Attach with 10d (0,128'x3,0',m1n) nails at 6' o,c. Reinforcing member Is Notes[ a minimum 807 of web member length. This detail Is only applicable for changing the specified CLR shown on single ply sealed designs to T-reinforcement or L-relnforecement or scab reinforcement, Alternative reinforcement specified in chart below may be conservative, For minimum alternative reinforcement, re-run design with appropriate reinforcement type, T-Reinf. L-Reinf. Web Member Specified CLR Alternative Reinforecement Scab Reinforcement[ Size Restraint T- or L- Reinf, Scab Reinf, 2x3 or 2x4 1 row 2x4 1-2x4 Apply scab(s) to wide face of web, 2x3 or 2x4 2 rows 2x6 2-2x4 No more than (1) scab per face. Attach with 10d (0.128'x3.0',m1n) nails 2x6 1 row 2x4 1-2x6 at 6' o,c. Reinforcing member Is a 2x6 2 rows 2x6 2-2x4010 minimum 80% of web member length, 2x8 I row 2x6 1-2x8 2x8 2 rows 2x6 2-2x6C)IE> Scab Reinf. T-rein forcement, L-reinforcement, or scab reinforcement to be same species and grade or better than web member unless specified otherwise on Engineer's sealed design, 010 Center scab on wide face of web, Apply (1) scab to each face of web, ..VARNINGM READ AND FU LOV ALL NOTES ON THIS BRAVINIB \`\ �p E ..IMPORTANT..FURNISH THIS DRAVING TO ALL CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTALLERS, M q TC LL PSF REF CLR SUbSt,L;}'�'/.� Trusses require extreme care In fabricating,h¢ndting, hipping,Insialling and bracing. Refer to C Folio.the latest edItIm of SCSI CBullding Component Safety Infornntlon,by TPI and SECA)for safety Q` G n �/J TC DL PSF DATE 10/01/14 prnctices prior to performing these functions. Installers shall provide temporary bracing per BCSL � �u� .,,less noted otherwise,top chord shall have properly attached structural sheathing and bottom chord C DL PSF DRWG BRCLBSUB1014 shell hove a properly attached rigid celling. Locations shown For permanent lateral restraint of webs �,•.,�,.r ��� chnll have bracing Installed per BCSL cand on the B7 or Details, as unlesable. Apply otherwise. to each face _ ✓✓✓"""""" ,7/j/"jy' �C LL PSF a o f truss antl pp sltlon as shorn above and on the Joint Deta0.s,unless noted other.lse. Refer to drnrings 160A-Z for standard plate positions. AN fTWCOMPANY tWlpine,.division of ITV Bullding Conpments Group Inc.shall t be ponslbte for y devlotlon from _ c'}/�/ rY �pT, LD, PSF Instad—,IngL bruin ngurf trusses,the truss In can or with ANSI/ 1,or For h¢ndling,shipping, .Q y r ri f k OF A seat am this r!-a.ing cover page llsUrg tNs drawing,4ufcates ncceptnnce of profes lornl t.� n, erglneer'Ing respansmrtlty solely for the design shown. The sultnbility and use of this drorhlg ��: j?i ©1I' (` DUR, FAC, 133 Fm any structure Is the responsibility of the BuRding Designer per ANSI/TPI I Sect, A , E.,B Lakefront Drive Ear _ For n Infarnatton see this Job's general notes page and these web sites th City.MO 63D45 ALALPINE.r alplpineltr.conl TPI.rrr.tpinst.org)SBCA-r r.shcindusthy.orgl ICG r.rJccsofr.org <* 1 ,. �l•) ,i, SPACING f�l/11111111111111111\ Cracked or Broken Member :Repair ' Detail Load Duration = 0% This drawing specifies repairs for a truss with broken chord Member forces,may be increased for Duration of Load or' web member, This design Is valid only for single ply trusses with 2x4 or Maximum Member Axial Force 2x6 broken members. No more than one break per chord panel Member Size , L SPF-C HF DF-L SYP and no more than two breaks per truss are allowed: Contact the truss manufacturer for any repairs that do not Web ❑nl comply with this detail, y 2x4 12° 620# 635# 730# 800# (B) = Damaged area, 12' max length of damaged section Web Only 2x4 18' 975# 1055# 1295# 1415# (L) = Minimum nailing distance on each side of damaged area (B) (S) = Two 2x4 or two 2x6 side members, same size, grade, and Web or Chord 2x4 975# 1055# 1495# 1745# sp ecles as damaged member. Apply one scab per face. Minimum side member length(s) = (2)(L) + (B) Web or Chord 2x6 24' 1465# 1585# 2245# 2620# Scab member length (S) must be within the broken panel. Web or Chord 2x4 1910# 1960# 2315# 2555# Nall Into 2x4 members using two (2) rows at 4' o,c„ rows staggered. 30" Nail Into 2x6 members using three (3) rows at 4' o,c„ rows staggered, Web or Chord 2x6 2230# 2365# 3125# 3575# Nail using 10d box or gun nails (0,128'x3', min) Into each side member. The maximum permitted lumber grade for use with this Web or Chord 2x4 2470# 2530# 2930# 3210# detail is limited to Visual grade #1 and MSR grade 1650f, 36' Web or Chord 2x6 3535# 3635# 4295# 4745# This repair detail may be used for broken connector plate at mid-panel splices. Web or Chord 2x4 2975# 3045# 3505# 3835# This repair detail may not be used for damaged chord or web 42' sections occurring within the connector plate area, Web or Chord 2x6 4395# 4500# 5225# 5725# Broken chord may not support any tie-In loads. Web or Chord 2x4 .48' 3460# 3540# 4070# 4445# Web or Chord 2x6 5165# 5280# 6095# 6660# S • Nlnlnun L Distance i B L L L 4' o.c S Typical ~ L + O + O + O + O L O + O + O + O + Nlnlnun B �e L Distance � ` —{ 2' F— Stagger L + = Back Face 10d Box (0.128' x 3`, min) Nailsi O = Front Face 2x4 Member - Double Row Staggered 2x6 Member - Triple Row Stagpered Nail Spacing Detail ,,� " '�""'� � ;l p L "YARNINGIww READ AND FOLLOW ALL NOTES a THIS DRAWING] \ REF MEMBER REPAIR w.➢IPORTANTww FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO ALL CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTALLERS. t5... r A, ! {,� Trusses require extreme care,In Fabricating,handling,shipping,Installing and bracng. Refer to and IY��^ Folio.the latest edtlon of BCS CBullding Component Safety Information,by TPI and SBCA)far fety C- ,,,,> DATE 10/01/14 practices prior to performing these functions. Installers shall provide temporary bracing per BCSI. NO unless noted otherwise,top chord shall have properly attached structural sheatimmo and bottom chord: 1 C am ✓ DRWG REPCHRD1014 nshall have a properly attached rigid calling. Locations shown For permanent lateral restraint of webs !�F'^,�^ III shall have bracing Installed per BCSI sections B3,B7 r BIO, s applicable. Apply plates to each face Q IIILLLLIIIII�Jr��' IIIJI^\\VVII'IILI�� of truss and position a shown above and on the Joint Deta0.s,unless noted otherwise. ,.57'A�TE OF Refer to drawings 160A-Z for standord plate positions. Alpine,a division of ITW Building Components Group Inc.shop not be responsible for any deviation from� 6 y AN rTW COMPANY this drawing,any Fall—to bWld the truss In conformance with ANSI/TPI 1,or for handling,shipping, Installation 6 brocino of trusses. LV``• �(/✓�'• • A seal on this drawing or ov r page listing this dra Ing,Indcotes acceptance f professional i�rO�nv O R 1 ngln ing esponsibBlty solely for the design ho.n. The sultob0.lty and of tNs d—Ing /i S' •»....,r �`vw 13389 Lakefront Drive For any structure Is the responsaalllty of the BWldIng➢eagner per ANSI/TPI I Sect. 1�//y•+s/(1I,.+Lf �l1`t`vv` Earth City.MO 63045 For none information see this Job's general notes page and these web sites fy4//y1Yllll••��•ttlty SPACING 24A" MAX ALPINE w r.atpMGltw.com)TPII wrw.tpinst.orgi SBCA1 rww.sbchdustry,orgi ICC,www.lccsafe.org I//1 1111 THIS DETAIL APPLIES TO ANY PITCH, ANY SPAN, ANY TOP CHORD LOADING AND ANY TRUSS WEB CONFIGURATION FOR 24' D.C. MAX. STANDARD BOTTOM CHORD FALSE FRAME DETAILS SPACING AND 1OPSF MAX. CEILING LOAD., WITH THE EXCEPTIONS NOTED ON THIS SHEET D❑ NOT USE THIS DETAIL FOR: 1, STRUCTURAL BEARINGS UNDER THE FALSE FRAME (NOT PARTITIONS), 2, INTERIOR BEARINGS AT ANY LOCATION ON THE TRUSS, 3, LOADS IN EXCESS OF 1OPSF CONNECTED TO THE FALSE FRAME, 4, DRAG LOADS CONNECTED TO THE FALSE FRAME, 5, TOP CHORD APPLIED FALSE FRAMES. 6. LUMBER GRADES LESS THAN SPECIFIED ON THIS DETAIL. )K i iC 7, VERTICALS SPACED APART MORE THAN PANEL POINTS (IF>4'—O'), FILLER It 8, FALSE FRAMES ON CANTILEVER SECTIONS OF A TRUSS, -----1BI 4' 0' OC MAX. LENGTH TO TRIM FILLER r EXISTING FILLER NOTEI FALSE FRAME MEMBERS MAY BE CUT AND FIELD MODIFIED AS NEEDED WITHOUT THE NEED FOR REPAIR DETAILS, PROVIDED THE MODIFICATION DOES GENERAL NOTESI NOT INVOLVE CUTTING OR DAMAGING STRUCTURAL MEMBERS, OR CHANGING — SPECIFIC TRUSS DESIGN IS SEPARATE FROM THIS DETAIL, LOAD CONDITIONS OR SUPPORT CONDITIONS. BRACING REQUIREMENTS MAY — USE #2 OR BETTER (1450f FOR MSR) MATERIAL FOR FALSE CHANGE BASED ON THE NEW FRAME LOCATIONS AFTER MODIFICATION, FRAME CHORDS. SHOP APPLIED — USE #3 ❑R BETTER OR STUD (900f FOR MSR) MATERIAL FOR — USE AN ALPINE WAVE 20 GAUGE 3x4 MIN. PLATE AT HEEL CONNECTION. FALSE FRAME WEBS, USE ALPINE WAVE 20 GAUGE 2x4 MIN. PLATES AT EACH END OF EACH — LOCATE VERTICALS AT 4' 0" D.C. MAX., ❑R SEE NEXT OPTION, VERTICAL WEB. ALL PLATES ARE REQUIRED ON BOTH FACES OF EACH JOINT. — IF FALSE FRAME CHORD ISS THE SAME SIZE AND GRADE AS THE IF NEEDED, A 2x4 FALSE FRAME BOTTOM CHORD MAY BE SPLICED WITH AN STRUCTURAL CHORD, THEN VERTICALS MAY BE LOCATED WITHIN — + OR — 12" OF THE PANEL POINTS ALONG THE BOTTOM CHORD ALPINE WAVE 3x4 MIN, PLATE AT ANY CONVENIENT LOCATION, OR AN (4' MAX, PANEL LENGTH). ALPINE WAVE 5x5 MIN, PLATE AT ANY VERTICAL (JOINT SPLICE), x APPLY REQUIRED BRACING (SEE BELOW), — ❑PTIONAL PLANT SHELF MAY BE USED UP TO 24' MAX. FIELD APPLIED — FALSE FRAMES MAY BE SIMILARLY APPLIED TO FLAT BOTTOM CHORD TRUSSES (OR FLAT BOTTOM CHORD SECTIONS OF A TRUSS), — PLACE FALSE FRAME CHORD IN—PLANE WITH THE TRUSS. CUT VERTICALS TO LAP BOTH THE STRUCTURAL CHORD AND THE FALSE WLATERAL BRACING IS NORMALLY REQUIRED ON THE STRUCTURAL BOTTOM FRAME CHORD, TO BE PLACED AT EACH END IN ADDITION TO ABOVE REQ. CHORD ❑F THE ORIGINAL TRUSS, SINCE MANY FACTORS AFFECT THE — JOIN VERTICALS TO ALTERNATING FACES OF THE TRUSS WITH (3) 10d BOX NUMBER ❑F REQUIRED BRACES, SUCH AS LUMBER SIZE AND GRADE, WIND (0.128'x3') NAILS AT EACH END OF EACH VERTICAL, (12' MIN, VERTICAL BLOCK) LOADS, BEARING LOCATIONS, ETC. IT IS NOT POSSIBLE T❑ DEVELOP A — MAY USE A 12' LONG 7/16' PLYWOOD (OR OSB) GUSSET TO EACH FACE AND STANDARD FOR BRACING EXCEPT TO SAY THAT IN NO CASE MAY THE 8d NAILS (0,113x2,5') @ 3' D.C. AT THE FALSE FRAME HEEL JOINT IF DESIRED, BRACING EXCEED 10'-0' O.C. FOR A SINGLE—PLY TRUSS BOTTOM CHORD. REFER TO SPECIFIC TRUSS DESIGNS TO DETERMINE THE REQUIRED BRACING — VERTICALS MAY BE JOINED BY (2) 3x6 TRULOX PLATES WITH (4) 11 GAUGE FOR THE STRUCTURAL BOTTOM CHORD (MAY BE INDICATED AS BOTTOM CHORD (0.120') x1,375" NAILS INT❑ EACH MEMBER (ONE PLATE ON EACH FACE OF PURLIN SPACING). BRACING SHOULD ALSO BE APPLIED TO THE FALSE FRAME TRUSS ATTACHED WITH 4 NAILS), CHORD AT 10'-0' D.C. IF THERE IS NO SHEATHING MATERIAL APPLIED — IF NEEDED, THE FALSE FRAME BOTTOM CHORD MAY BE SPLICED WITH AN 18' DIRECTLY TO THE FALSE FRAME CHORD, BRACING MATERIALS AND THEIR LONG MIN. BLOCK SCAB, CENTERED ON THE SPLICE JOINT, ATTACHED WITH CONNECTIONS ARE THE SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE BUILDING DESIGNER (6) 10d BOX (0,128'x3') NAILS ON EACH SIDE OF THE SPLICE JOINT (ONE PER THE LATEST VERSION OF ANSI/TPI. FACE ONLY), wwVARNING{u READ AND FOLLIIV ALL NOTES[IN THIS DRAVINGI ���` \� IVI R]•'' REF BC FILLER WNPORTANT>•FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO ALL CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTALLERS. ;��\\\\V P� ;. Trusses require extreme care In fabricating,handling,shipping,Installing and bracing. Refer to and //�m� i fa lio.the latest edition of SCSI IBu4ding Component Safety I t--tlon,by TPI and SBCAI far safety Q' \V DATE 10/O1/14 practices prior to performing these functions. Installers shall provide temporary bracing per BCSI. Unless noted otherwlse,top chard shall have properly attached structural sheathing and bottom chord N DRWG REPBCFIL1014 shall have a properly attached rigid ceiling. Locatl. shown Far permanent lateral restrolnt of webs Lip �I II�� shall have bracing Installed per BCSI sections B3,B7 or BID,as applicable. Apply plates to each face d �lu l�lf�\ 11� F truss and position as shown above plate n the Joint Details,unless noted otherwise. ILLLIII�J IIJI \Vvl Refer to drawings 160A-2 for standard plate positions. / Alpine, dvLlon of ITV Bulltllnp Components Group Inc.shalt not he responsible for y devlbilan fro S�A F .�;= AN RW COMPANY this drawling,any Failure to build the truss In can with ANSI/TPI 1,or for handling,shipping, A / InstaNation 6 bracing of trusses. A al on this drawing orcover page listing this drawing,4dkates acceptance of professlpwl i ,t nn nglneering esponsWMty solely Far the design shown. The suitab4lty and use of this drorhg � Fl for any structure Is the responsb4lty,of the Building Designer per ANSI/TPI I Seca '���' I33B9 Lakefront Drive Earth City,MO 63045 For more Information see this Job's general notes page and these web sites, ALPINE,wwwalpineltw.comi TPI,rww.tpinst,orgi SBCA-www.sbclndustry.org,IM wwwwJccsaf..org !•y/, 'f f'y 1"T rr.. ns'!t 111111111. SCAB 2X4 OVERHANG DETAIL ASCE 7-05 120 mph wind, CAT II, EXP C, ASCE 7-10 160 mph wind, EXP C, Or 140 mph wind, EXP D, 30.00 ft mean hgt, located anywhere in roof, 30.00 ft mean hgt, located anywhere in roof, wind TC DL=4,2 psf, wind BC D.L=6,0 psf, Kzt = 1.00. wind TC DL=4,2 psf, wind BC DL=6.0 psf, 'Kzt = 1.'00, Minimum 2X4 -scab, same grade and species as top chord designated on Engineer's sealed design and three times the overhang length. Attach overhang scab to one face of top chord with 10d box (0.128°x3,0', min) nails at 8' o.c, plus clusters of four nails where shown in figure below C ), NOTE: #2 is the. minimum lumber grade allowed for all species, NOTE: Add 210# uplift (max,) to reported truss uplift for wall connections, 12 2 TO 12 � 3L t ' L 24' MAXIMUM ..VARNINGw READ AND FOLL➢V ALL NOTES ON THIS BRAVING ° TOTAL TOP CHORD ..IMPORTANT..FURNISH THIS DRAVING TO ALL CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE D7STALLERS. �`�� CA ��. �, REF 2X4 SCAB O,H, Trusses require extreme care In fabrl-ting,handling,shipping,Installing and bracing. Refer to and �� \GGI��S(� '� LOAD NOT TO F. 11ow the latest edition of SCSI(Building Component Safety Information,by TPI and SBCA)for fety ` �1' DATE 10/01/14 practices prior to performing these functions. Installers shalt provide temporary bracing per BCSI. �' %EXCEED' 40 PSF Unless noted otherwise,tap chord hall have properly attached structural sheatMmg and bottom chord , ZIA '/•P - shall have property attached rigid telling. Locations shown For permanent lateral restraint of webs iF.i <DEAD PLUS LIVE) DRWG OHSCB2X41014 shall have bracing osi Instalon s shown per BCSI sand on the Joint ar Det ils applicable.no Apply plates to each Face t' /� IIL III O IIIIlll111111I\\\\\VVVVVVI IIII ILA Referuto tlrorimgst160A-2 Farstandarda plate posltbn Details,unless noted otherwise.Alpine,a revision of ITV Building Components Group Inc.shall not be esponslble for any deviation from TE GF AN rrw COMPANY this drawing,any fallure to build the truss In conformance with ANSI/TPI 1,or For handling,shipping, W Ins tallatian bracing f trusses. '( A seal on this d...1.9 r cover Page listing thIs dra.4mg,Indicates acceptance of professloral 9 r IA ngln—�g responslmNty solely for the design shown The suitability and of this drorinp :�q� .v n�O yy����. DUR, FAC, 1.15/1.25 for amy strucWre Is the responsibility of the Su0.tling pes)gner per ANSI/TPI 1 Sec2. '3i - \1' Earth Cty,MO 633046 J Page and these web sltesi iy�btA !��pNALti�\\\\�\ For more Infornotlon a this job',general notes ALPINE,r r.atpinelt..con)TPI errr.tpins t—ip,SBCAi w..sbclntluctry.orgl IC r.rlccsofe.org f/�f \\\\ SPACING 24'