HomeMy WebLinkAboutaqua ra pernit appAll APPUCABLE INFER M UST 3E COAJRLETED FOR APPUCATION TO BE ACCEPTED Date: PerrI Number; 9MCt if 4 Building Permit Application Planning and Deveiopment SLbrvireg BLedding Odd Code Regalotion Div+slOr]Commerdal ce. Residential f 2-300 WY91I . wen ye, Fort Pi4_rce FL _q4 Mon e - (772) 462- t-553 Fax: (T72) 46 2-157.8 6PERMITAPPLICATION FOR PROPOSED 6Efi LOCATION- Address- a r Propertv Tax I1)#: 'i 5J' e Nan Name. Project Narne: r DETAILED DESCRIPTION OFWORK: New Electrical Meter _ Secon d E I ectrica I Meter CONSTRUCTION INFORMATION: Addiftnal work to be performed under tllaS WnI - cheek all that apply: Lot No Block No. „mechanical _ Gas Tank � Gas Piping _ Shutters _Vvfrrdows/D-Dars Pend E I ectri c _ Plumbing i Sprinklers nklers — Gen erator Roo � _ - Pitch Total 6q. Ft of Construction: SQ. Et. of First Floor, Cast of Cc n rucbon : S qW Util iti esa _ _Sewer Septic Bu i l i nHeight: OWNER/LESSEE: Addrt.ss; , CIty: ___r Ar. state: _fit Zip Code: Fax: Phone No :TCOCNTRACTOR-. Name -,-- Company., r Address: A b { VA City: f_21 state, F/- Zi p Cade: �'vl F€: - E-MaH, Phone No Fill in fee simple Title Haider on next page ( if different E-Mail from the Owner listed a bowed If value of construction is 2.500 of More� a RE'C RI)ED Notice of Cornmen�ement is neguirn�i. I f value of HAVC iS $7, 500 Or more, a-RECORDE D Notice of Corn mence ment I req ui red. SUPPLEMENTAL CONSTRUCTION LIEN LAW INFORMATION: DESIGNERIENC31NEEl : riot Appil icablo Name. Address: - -� City: State ; ZI-P: Phone FEE S I M PLE TITLE HOLDEN: Not Applicable Borne; Address'- — Citv,. . Zip: Phone: - MORTGAGE CUMPAI f; ..� Not Applicable Name. Address: CiIy= State: Zip, Phone, BONDING COMPANY: Name: Address - City. . zip: ph-OT1e:—._. t Applicable OWN E R/ CONTRALTO R AF FIDV IT: Ap pl i cati an is h e reby made to obtain a permit to de the work a nd i nstallab on as ind icated_ I certify that no work or, i nsta6latio n has rom m e n ccd pri or to the iswance c f a permit. St, Lucie County makes no representation that is granting a permit wilt authorize the permit holder to build the subje-ct structure which 4 in contlictwIthanyapplicabte Home OwnersAssociation rules, bylaw-s or and covenantsthatmay resWct or prohibit such structu re. Please uonsult watt, you r H ome Owners Asseci ation a n d review yo ur deed for a ny reArickions Wh ieh may a pply. I n consideration of th a gra nti ng of this requested perm k I do h er eby agree that I will, in all respects, perform the work 1 n accordance Wth th a epp roared ghtnS, the Florida Sui Idi ng Cod es a nd St, Lucie Lou ntV Amendments. The following build iDg permit apialF ations are exempt from undergdn a full concurrency review. room additions, accessory structu res, swim rn ing pa&s, fences, vwa I I sr signs, screen orris and a=ssory uses to a n other non-residenti:� I u5c ARNI NG TO OWN E R: Ye u r #ail u re to Hecard -a blotioe of Commencement may resuk in paying twice for improvernants to your property. A Notice of Commencement mutt b recorded in the Public records of St, Lijcto County d posted on the jobsito before the fiat Inspection_ if ou intend to obtain financing, ccnsuIt with lender a n —attorney-attorn-ey be a cornmencing works or recording u r Notice of � ncement . el 5igna sire of Owners Lessee/Contactor a-s Agent for Owner STATE OF FLORIDA CDU W Y O 4( V,ram Sworn to (or affirmedi) and subscribed before me of physical Presence or O n I ine Notarization this I� day of 6 - 202A by N ame of pe rso n ma king sWtem ent, Personally Known O R P rod u red Ide ratification Type of ide ntificetio n Produced ,_ (Sigryure of No public- State of Florida ) Comrriiron fVo. � iT _0I Sig ture of Contractor/License Holder STATE OF FLORIDA CO U NTY OF -Swtkrn to (or affirmed) and subscribed before me of 'Physical Presence or On line Notarization th is T day of , 2-02-1 ICY 1 Name of person making statem ent. Personally Known OR Produced Identific4on Type of Identification produced _ :L-- Si natu f Notary Pudic- State of Florida ) Corn missEon N ov _ �• �.y � �� ��g�7� TV RLVCEWS FRONT #� N? I SUPERVISOR PLANS VEGETATION kA YURRE MANGROVE COU NTER VIEW I REND { REVIEW REVIEW REViE1,'ti+ REVIEW DATE - RECEIVED DATECOMPLETEO