HomeMy WebLinkAboutBURTON-PERMIT DOCUMENTSAnimwiGas* � AqQ AmeriGas is pleased to offer the following proposal for your consideration: V Burton Construction Brian Pearl Customer Name Sales Representative 7840 Saddirbrook Dr street Port St Lucie City, State, Zip Code Ft. Pierce District Locetlon 772-633-0740 Telephone pescri 'an of work: . Burry 1000 gal Ion tank right front of house. Run as line to generator two TWH's and two house stubs. Run inside gas lines low pressure from right side to stove, fireplace and BBQ. Run a 2psi inside gas line across house to 2-TWH's on left side of house in a mt area. Bonding of gas line is builders responsibility. Remainder of fill is homeowners res onsibilit at time of install. Quantity Description Unit Cost Total 80 Pro ane 2.3 $184.00 240 314 inch PoIX will be billed for what we use based on final tank location 8 $1,920.00 4 Transitions 59 $235.00 5 Regulators 95 $476.00 8 Gas hook ups 135 $1,080.00 85 Sleeve 3.75 $318.75 14 Shut off / flex lines 20 $280.00 2 Risers 159 $318.00 170 3/4 iNT gas line low pressure 13 $2.210.00 1 1000 gallon tank 2585 $2,585.00 1 Bury and anchor tank with anodes, 1025 $1,025.00 155 314 INT gas line 2 PSI 13 $2,015.00 TAK 7.00% $872.39 Permit $250.00 All prices are exclusive of any applicable taxes, plumbing and electrical work. ITOTAL COST $13,769.14 All prices are based on a standard Installation. Unforeseen circumstances such as poor soil condition, premature installation of concrete, landscaping, sheetrock etc may result in Increased costs. Change orders must be approved prior to installation and are subject to approval by the authority having jurisdiction. ArZaett is will not be responsible for dame a to unmarked lines (sprinkler, water electric e ALL WORK SHALL BE PERFORMED ACCORDING TO FEDERAL, STATE AND LOCAL REQUIREMENTS. Attachments: - -r- L/ Brian Pearl Accepted by: Date Submitted by: Date 4/20/2020 This proposal is valid far 30 days from the date submitted. AnWrIC.*O,., 01*2 14,10' Corrugated stainless steel tubing (CSST) gas piping systems will be bonded in accordance with Section G2411.1(310) of the Florida Building Cody and NFPA 54. Underground gas piping will be installed at a mimimum depth of 12 inches below grade in accordance with Section G241.5.12 (404.12) of the Florida ,Building Code and NFPA 58. a Polyethylene pipe will be installed in accordance with 6.11.4 of NFPA 5 8 and the Florida Building- Code. Carbon monoxide monitors will be installed prior to inspection and will meet all code and safety requkements of NFPA 54 and the Florida Building Code. Application Materials Ideal for use as a first stage regulator on any domestic size ASME or Body ...................... ,.... -................... ......................................... zrno installations requiring u to 1,500,000 DOT container in propane gas install R g P Sonnet ...... ..............w.•,......... ...................... ..,.,.......................Steel BTU's per hour. The regulator is factory set to reduce container Spring ........................... . Red ientRubber pressure to an intermediate pressure of approximately 40 PSIG. Seat Disc ...........................- ...o.•............bric and Diaphragm...........» ]ntegrated Fabric and Synthetic Rubber . Features • Compact design can be connected to a service valve using either a POL adapter or a RegO product pigtail. • Large threaded W ENPT bonnet vent can easily be piped -away underground installations without the need of glue Idis or extra adapters. • Non Adjustable • Large slow orifice resists freeze ups due to water concentration in LPG vapor. • Design provides for good flow regulation at both high and low container pressures. • Built In relief valve and travel stop comply with NFPA 56 over pressure requirements. • Incorporates'/■" RNPT downstream pressure tap for an easy inline check of the regulator's delivery pressure. • Molded diaphragm provides an o-ring type seal between the body and bonnet. • Body and bonnet are assembled in the USA using the unique, patented RegUlok seal system. • Fully painted in brilliant red for complete corrosion protection. tx Mounting bracket available as an accessory: part number 2302-31. U ordering Information ems,,, mom su7Jae MAOP FLOW PROPANE 10 PS1G uuer LJuuer 1,50000 �LV3403TRV9 113TR �VVFXP`i '/i RNPT �s 9:00_ and d fl&v Y preesure 2o% lower Nan the regulabsettng and de"N Pressure zo% joaer than me setting. LtWMum flow based on Inlet pressure 20 PSEG higher than the regulator saoWn A ®4 100 Rego Or. P.O. eax 247 Don, NC 27244 USA gyyyyreBOPmductB.fAm phYlE (336) 544-7707 Fax (336) 449-5594 Designed to reduce first stage pressure of 6 to 20 PSIG down to burner pressure, normally 11' w.c, Ideal for medium comnlerctat installations, multiple cylinder installations and normal domestic loads. FPAW»10 • Large vent helps prevent blockage and has W F.NP€ for vent piping • With JS PSIG Inlet pressure, regulator is designed to not pass more than 2 PSIG with the seat disc removed. = incorporates integral relief valves. • Replaceable valve ardlce and valve seat disc. • Straight fine valve closure reduces wear on seat disc. • Unique bonnet vent profile minimizes vent freeze over when properly Installed. • Large molded diaphragm is extra senslIlve to pressure changes. • Bull, In pressure tap has plugged FNPT outlet. Plug can he removed With a 3A6 hex allen wrench. • Solod brawn finish. sadmotudDesign Mounts directly to house line piping. Eliminates need for union joints, elbows, and mounting brackets. Quick and easy to Install. • Bae6mauntdesl9n Mmdmum flow based on 10 P513 Wet and a"w.a deUvery pressure. aditcW100 Body..........:.....................,...........,................. Die Cast&e Bonnet ,...... ............. ,�..............._...N....,,.........,.,,..,. RIB Gast Zinc N4Ti1eQrlflce ......». ......................................................... Brass Spring ........ ................ ...,,.....,........... .................... .,.,........., steel Valve Seat Disc ............ ................... ... .......... Resillent Robber Diaphragm .............. ..... Integrated PabrIc and Synthado Rubber ieties AIS 100 Re96 or. P.O, ear 247 RJno, No 27244 USA www.re9oproducla.cOM ➢Nsne 0814-la-7707 Fax t3;381449teD4 M Copyright tat? National Fire Protoopon Assodatlon (NFPAO). Licensed, by agreement, for indMduel use and download on 12/31/2017 to AmadGas for designated user Brian Pearl. No other reproduction or transmiaslon In r form permitted wlthoul written permisslon of NFPAO. For Inquldes or to report unaufhodzed use, contact Ilconsfng@rtfps,org. Chapter 16 -Pipe and Tubing Sizing Tables TABLE 16.1(n) Pd j�khyletle Plastic Pipe—IPS Gas: Undiluted Propane Inlet Pressure: 10.0 psig Pressure Drop: 1,0 psig Speeirw Gravity: I.S2 Plastic Prpe % M '/. in. 1 in, l'/'f in. ! 1 /z in. Length � SDR 9.33 (ft.) SDR 11 SDI{ 1 i SDR 11 SDR 11 2 in � SDR 11 (0.660) `NDE'D (0.,5F,0' (1,007) (1,328) MS54) (1.943) Ir'VTI USE; Sidtig Belween Fir t.&t ge Pressire fisgirlator and Second-5'tage (Ld}� Y-essure�.lsegzttc�loT 30 2140 40 2390 3670 7740 j 13420 203 0Q . 3640a1$40 1 3260 6630 5(7Q 11480 10180 17300so 15400 31200 60 1470 2950 5120 9220 1390Q 276oa 70 1360 2710 4900 8480 12800 25000 23000 80 1260 90 1180 2,530 4560 7890 11900 21400 100 1120 1 2370 2240 4270 4Q40 7400 11200 20100 125 990 990 3580 699a 10600 19000 150 897 897 3240 6200 5620 9360 8480 16800 15200 175 826 200 778 826 778 2980 5170 7800 14000 225 721 721 2780 2600 4810 7260 13000 210 681 681 2460 4510 4260 6810 11600 275 646 646 2340 4050 6430 6110 100 11000 300 617 350 567 617 2230 3860 5830 10470 0470 40 528 567 528 2050 1910 3550 3300 5360 450 495 495t682 92 3100 4990 4680 8970 8410 500 468 46837 2930 4420 7950 600 424 700 390 4249 1901 2650 4010 7200 800 363 3636 2440 J 2270 3690 6620 900 340 140 2130 3430 3220 6160 5780 1000 322 322 644 2010 3040 5460 1500 258 2000 221 258 221 517 933 1616 4390 443 498 1383 3750 1PS:1ron Pipe Size. SDR: Standard Dimension Ratio Notes: (1) Capacities are in 1000 8tu/hr. (2) Dimensions in parentheses are inside dia-mawn 2017 LP -Gal Code Nnrrdbook ° "' lo m ' M Ln m eY C0 10 r 'V'fD r co N m N Nh Ch N 4N'1 W �O ^ N u O � ry u1 n r r V1 N M %D W M e� . �• C7 n' en rl W Ln u1 m R i*l 00 r+E Rl. [T m A l7 a N .� A C M G. d a r In In r � 7 O O p 7 ,rl A a o rim 7 h N N Q " a c a c � C .- ii � n N Ln n n N 4 � l7 w . �N E w i 4. M _ rp .� 00 ,0 A�.• a M h .ni 'm. �^ .� 21 r p •{�Q _ ry q L N C•�33 a M rt N rn � _ W In C ` U L am , M h n a � aQi ff+ N rnv C, n N m e etN V M Sc 3 d M +a h o 0 m N o a E 1O O M v1 - in° .'en um] 1 j a ■ m N an n ti ry z� v n rn Ln o N in �p N v N r N ryM1� a COry ^ b r N a N +O m N A r N M 00 E M lalS O+ M � .re A„ W O LM COh iji N, n � � A _ N N L't ~ g� •N- ry 7 ' b V � E N Ln r Mdi a hr7 n M 4. esi O L7 a 'M v�i ;ca N E Lz 'o = A m C a M n sn m Q1 r � .0 In .p c, N a c c c6 ry M ehp O N In CD n �D H' a+fry. U Cr Vy _ v 4 �}' m 41 _ M U+ v C 133 rL - Ln u N N 70 e m N ¢ 0 a Q rV n N m •a c Q e4 r N V. m F' �p W y� c9 ca M• N `N ff�� C Qf Q Y LM a a � r a � m ;n N cp p Q v ¢ c } Ci •O �n m W n- Ln S Q m m r A CL tl a D' A m An lot p t# a Cali] EQ (2) LAYERS a FELT BETWEEN STRAP AND 7/32, 7x19 GALV. CABLE 5600# BREAKING STRENGTH W/(2)HDG CLAMPS TC ANCHOR (PULLED TIGHT) CABLE SHALL BE COATED, SLEEVED OR HAVE 1 LAYER 30# FELT AGAINST TANK 7/32" GALV. CABLE W/ (2)HDG CLAMPS TO ANCHOR (PULLED TIGHT) $'X40"SINGLE HELI 6' ELICAL STRAP HELICAL ANCHOR NOTE: 4 PAIFZS 1 475�/ANGF(OR 1000 GALLON UNDERGROUND HOLD DOWN DETAIL ysssusrrr���� • (' o,4 r No 40111 ;* _ • r �.• STATE OF 'c(•0 �.�•P.��. R s AL sss% 2020-03-31 GENERAL NOTES: I. HELICAL ANCHORS SHALL HAVE A PULL—OUT CAPACITY AS SHOWN. ANCHORS SHALL BE INSTALLED PER ANCHOR MANUFACTURER TO ACHIEVE STATED LOAD CAPACITY. CAPACITY VARIES WITH SOIL TYPE. VERIFY ANCHOR CAPACITY WITH SOIL TYPE ENCOUNTERED. 2. CHECK FOR UNDERGROUND UTILITIES PRIOR TO ANCHOR INSTALLATION 3. LOCATION OF TANK RELATIVE TO ADJACENT STRUCTURES AND FEATURES ARE DEPENDENT UPON LOCAL CODES AND IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF OTHERS. 4. THE TANK AS SHOWN HAS BEEN DESIGNED TO PREVENT FLOTATION, COLLAPSE, OR LATERAL MOVEMENT DURING THE BASE FLOOD EVENT 0 COPYRIGHT 2019 — PARLEY ENG[NE€RiNO, LLG Consulting Engineer #40111 — CA261Og 8800 N. U,S. #1. Suite #2 . Sebogilon; Florida 32958 (772) SSR.6.W29 (772) SSS-2293 fcx