HomeMy WebLinkAboutPDS Residential Permit Checklist• When you submit your building permit application for a new single-family residence or duplex, you should use the following checklist to determine if your application submittal is complete. Only complete applications filled out with ink can be accepted for processing. .ITEM ; ,, HOW MANY?' , COMMENTS L ", 0 Buildrng-PermW ;. 1 +` ;`A completely filled�out`building,permrt.,apphcatOn mustt be (Appl cati6h submrttedIV7,'11,;tnclu_dingrall requiredLjnformation.' TW&" �ap"�liica'tt.6n',1must�`be sTgi�ed by'the:applicant(s) nd the _ _�signatures_mustsbg, notarxze&_7 A %iice�of Commencement �' n s a ZjF Noti ce;oTit"'. omencement for�all construction ynr 4 � , � . ;.._.._... _ rt zA3re value'`exceedirig`$2;5;00'-4ds torbe submitted at' 'tune,` 1 of buildinpermit application: 2 eta.. s onsC ti-uction Plans 2 sets -� All -proposed construct onNmust be_accuratel, s owFi non the plans uicludmgbut not luntted to electt ical`wu u1g heat''/air _-Qp,( ttoni g, Igas=ptptng wtndowsf and �plumbtng;, doors Th mulunum plot�size for these plans is & .`/z�by 1g1 inches maxttnum stze.ts-�24•by 36 iriche`s=°°'-Both sets�"oE� °°' -~~ ptans need f be,signe_d�and sealed`.by a�Flondaj registered E gtrieer or Architect 'andL tnolude trussYplans ;BQ,th setts of �planrnust be`'stamped-by tine .Health�`Departnent; tf ^ r. �'•��' ,septic pehnit i_ red` , ..mow 1 `'� Vegetation emb�aLPermit 1 ? ? Al){residenttal grope , les of any�'size_require a coinp�ete�d, ." Appl�eatjon' -n stgne� ncl riotartzEd�uegeaton�reiiyoual 'applicaf�QnA' „"Tr �zn... vegetation removal`p�an isxequiredx mcludu�gplans or N ed-(1)�Survey..or. PAlan' preservation, re planting,' and tree.: r it'1gati'on,,as ,applicable. `,,,.". ate/ �Plot .__.-..._.._""•• � —-�..�,.. r., ' b•..:6 _rl Arsurvey and�a;landscape plan.(if applicable per Land Development Code S�ections 7 09 03 &7 :09`�041)`must = yi`U , �ef�'P:f`�rrM17 . .ice nc .r.Ei;er accompany the application r;I:f you'liave�ari ; questi'ons: please -contact -the El<vironiiient^ResourcesDept at�772- 462-2526. Sur ey` ® wSu � eevss.�re iequiiecl fo'r` all liuildtrigpermits lia col ping a 'a � ®• maastructure orUfor accesso. ;structure witfi rconst'ructon , value' exceeding 1$j 0 000Ah kcopes riaust be a' Timed Eby th„e Health Departrnent`if a, sept�cpermjt ,is,, Cined p;Thetsurveys"must be signedt&(sealed"by " iy Y.stei t v-. •-r c47i1�'1 ti n f .� ,�,�� •rug �i...,ti!t•� ed-Flortda'su�tveyor �� �k 51U, bt Splits ` An arcel of a"reelsot meetm the �numnum Non, '� C;onfbrinmg Lots of r-equirements,of the lotzsize,anddime^nslonal'requi requirements s,1� r, ,. , .. must be reviewed by the�Z ning_A' rtment"`Ariy division/ r-ar Record (NCLOR);a may.. a �r r r property not subjectrto e [Ella" review througha -he ISit ]f e review by �GrowtlianagenentsDepartinent,'wtll�recluu nfehZocontact?7�7� 4�6? 553. nng leas `Wind,Loac Calculation" 2�.r� T �s fo m' mus'trbe g ed/seal d by Flor d +� W Form' ' Engineer or Archrtect� w �° r.�� -,�•�,-,�' re'gisieied ITEM HOW MANY? COMMENTS �Subco tract06-Agreement -. beach -: � :»..F--� t= �=� err =� �Oileasubcontractor agreement with driginal-signature is x q fired.", -for each subcontractor on the fob he =b, uMiing C:�- e rrrut_cannotF+be issued ttntilit hasnbeen deterrriin�d tfiat all subcontractors are p�,rope�ly licensed and`reg�ste ed __� � The use`of unlicensed=coritra� c or's.,�is sti-ictly��.prohiliited ZZ Dnergclilat>ton'Eorm �i�eacPi Both forms mustear�the or>g�nal=signatui-es_ofboth�t =g-creator and contracto . anual xSfor Fps � Eille Land, Affdavtt 1 'yr,•t— ,This form^is iequuedifoLr alXryconsgtructzon;�e cep:( intertol renovation It dust bear the; original;notar�zed ksgnature; thexpi operty owner This aff davitserves to :of notfy�thepAropety�owner oftheir-responsibility not to aduerselyunpact��their neighbor s=properties with d stormwatei ainagerand;runo Product Review Affidavit 2 The Engineer or Architect of Record must certify all components listed on the product affidavit per the submitted plans. To be accepted for review this affidavit must be completely filled out and signed and sealed. The actual design pressures must be noted on the sealed drawings for each component opening. tecord"edW. __ar•.ranty_Deed; 1- �_ I��t e Hopei ty lass ben7purchased withu%the 1ast�s_ Amdnths theMroperty App�ralse'r records may not-be-tto date. In this case e must�seela°recorded wariao y deep din yJour n m tot,uerify &whershlp n f k i �.-, OwnerBuilderyAffidav<t�= "`. Ste'1�.,..`�,-�'�Oi--•L•'�'.4.,;4�vn}a,+s��a "T � 1,_ = u3`a .."r1'�4'�. r (, Wl>en the apphcat>on=>s�appI" 1,forsunder�,the o vher/.bu•lder � prov>sions of zChapter 489' 1`03(7) �F S, , tl elppliedij for ` Tr r this MI'd[ing}permit must to srgtklft -,'j{ .. 4 OR C�0 ypersonally�appear 4Y !h 1 f'f .L'CJ�f{1 1 Il �L)�: appropi�ate�affidatn, t�+ 44 L� :_; 1 F � n ut7 u' _r P' y.L ��,Ae'alfh DepartmentSept>c .• " T v t y�o ;areli plannung"oiuse arr$existlrig otmewxsepticsystem, App;xovalmust first obtain HealthDe{partment approval for`tlie = m�Suzveys,,and`the� construction p�larJsmustbear the ri`al Health=.Department-.approval itarq �' Driveway Permit y pen you directly access a State or County road, you are a gyp* required to obtain a driveway permit from the Florida Department of Transportation or the St. Lucie County _ Road 8,jBridge Department. A Flood Elevat><on Gert>tficate` 1rY. �2��-== - If "our, to ert is�lgcatedwthuii-aydesi nated'flood=zone y gr iy -----•fl -� required to file,an original flood el'evatioxi i ,you=are Z i irate `s gned/sea'led by a Florida registere iveyor. NOTES: ❖ Additional information beyond that contained in the checklist may be required in order to ensure a complete review of your building permit application. SLCPDSD Revised 07/19/18