HomeMy WebLinkAboutEngineering CONTRACTOR:The Porch FaCto�''`LLC. WIND SPEED"`7 EXPOSURE HAV File E I��O�D3' �` ���vss\t * DESIGN CRITERIA: BEENDETEIL. _LED USING THE ADVANCED AL 1� R0 p �� TECHNOLOGY COUNCILS WEBSITE CONCEALED Ftri�JMTEMNEI7J 0�17rtAVTHMENTS - `��!G •....-.. Applicable Codes,Regulations,and Standards AND GOOGLE EARTH. AAE THE f?EE$I'VNSIBILI I I OF THE ` 1.The 5th Edition(2014)Florida Building Code,specifically Chapter 16 Structural Design,Chapter 20 Aluminum,and Chapter 23Wood. .CONTRACTOR Of RECORD. _ Q' O O•;J 2.AA ASM 35 and Specifications for Aluminum Structures,Pan I-A of theO. a m m Q. _ Aluminum Design Manual prepared by The Aluminum Association,Inc. Washington,D.C.,2010 Edition and the Guide to Aluminum Construedonin. _ .U N N `n6'•� Z high wind areas,2010. A-3 A-4 I 3.ASCE7-10. ����• •'Q��: 1 Wind dLoads ing Occupancy Category,Paragraph 1604.5 and Table 1604.5: Risk T-- THESE PLANS A D ALL PH*dPOSED WORT: Category 1. b ;ARE SU®JECT TO ANY CORRECTIONS•- PROFESSIONAL SEAL 2.Basic Wind Speed,Table 1609C,State of Florida Debris Region 8c Basic A-4 REQUIRED®Y MELD INSPECTORS THAT i Wind Speed,Paragraph 1609.3.1 and Table 1609.3.1 Equivalent Basic Wind �— t %w LAY Sri E�iES.Pb Y:IN ORDER.:TQ0, Speed:VuLT=150 MPH,VAao=116 MPH� } 3.Exposure Category,Paragraph 1609.4.3: C `• p .. ST.LiIC1F:r.OL^i't-1,?JU.itr:L=?3ITl15IDN p 4.Scram RoofEnclosum Table 2002.4 ,. �ipI�PL�' �H.;—.:-'-P�.I�iN RFVIER,�D�FORf�{�.V�PW"INCE cr ai o I Foundation Design b - DATE. �i/Il!1 e i/ •— � a a Existing concrete.No additional concrete footing or slab is required to PLAINS AND PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON JOD U. i resist the loads imposed by the proposed construction if the existing slab Is a minimum 4"thick with an 811 x 811 thickened slab edge and to sound b OR NO INSPECTION WILL BE ti"UE. 201 condition free from structural cracking,spallinim or other deterioration. II tW+r si o. ! I{ A-3 _ Specifications µ>I 0 The following specifications are applicable to this project: ,x>(rel L G1� O 1.Whore concrete specifcatious are required,whether in the screen enclosure ss f W It It tiscope or not,by one or more regulatory agency,the following specifications A-4 vv A-e Q are applicable: a.Concrete shall conform to ASTM C94 for the following components: i.Portland Cement Type l,-ASTM C 150 ' i T ii.Aggregates-Large Aggregate 3/4"max-ASTM C 33 t j iii. Airmo:didng+/-lY-ASTM C 260 —1}-- t :2t iv.Water reducing agent-ASTM C494 § i 'rf' Q Z V.Clean Potable water >a I H A_e vL Other admixtures not permitted ' --E IT.Metal accessories shall conform to: I j r., W o! g I.Reinforcing Bars-ASTM A615,grade 60 I i y71 �� ��• ii.Welded wire fabric-ASTM A185 Z(7 c.Concrete slump at discharge chute not less than 3"or more than 5". I / l`vv V)W e Water added after hatching is not permitted. i d.Prepare and place concrete per American Concrete Institute Manual ' Z v of Standard Practice,Parts 1,2,and 3 including hot weather _ i A_e zxxm) v a recommendations. e.Moist cure or polyethylene curing permitted. f.Prior to placing concrete,treat the entire subsurface area for termites in compliance with the FBC. xy_r LLL z 3 g.Concrete shall be placed over a polyethylene vapor barrier. A_3 K h.All aluminum components embedded within concrete shall be coated Ln with a bituminous paint or epoxy. 4 ---------- _ W L 2.Aluminum extrusions shall be 6005 T5 Alloy * A 3 3.Fasteners are required to be corrosion resistant,minimum SAE Grade 2 or t�ii�1 p m better zinc plated to ASTM B633,or coated stainless steel series"300",or Q =Lu uncoated stainless steel series 114001j. 5 4.All Self Mating Beam Sections are to be stitched with either#14 screws 6" b Z 0 w m from ends and 24"center to center or Nl2 screws 6"from ends and 121I center , LU o y a O o 5.Screened enclosures containing swimming pools shall comply with the to ceater. 41'-yi G. N applicable requirements of FBC R4501.17 Residential Swimming Barrier . DRAWN BY requirements. 6.Screen material shall be 18/14 screen.unless approved by Suncoas[ A-4 A-3 A-e� �A-e - TP Aluminum Engineering,LLC. DATE DRAWN r-r�e•-r r-r r-r r-r r-r r-r r-r r-r rx 7.Door location shell he determined by contractor in the field. 03/21/17 8.When installing pavers over concrete slab or footing which are supporting aluminum members,;such as continuous screen tracks or upright,the pavers REVISION must be bonded to the concrete with an epoxy,'thidset,or 3,000 PSI grout to ensure full positive contact with concrete. - 9.All flashing and waterproofing shall be provided by the contractor. - 10. Use of these plans acknowledges and accepts a limit of 8abilitynot to exceed design and engineering fee. /SHEET NO: Roof Type A_ Roof Type:MANSARD ALUMINUM MEMBERS DIMEN.'j�IS IlWxrxr EXTRUDED 1 / I HOLLOW SECTIONS ANGLE 5052 Ha2ALLO N�y/V SIDE `�\!/I� 2x2:2"x2"xO046" yry� �{J V �'•. 2x3:3"x3"xO.050" Ffle Copt �' L 2x4:2"xd"x0.050" UPRIGHT +�: y 2 x5:2"X 5"x0.050" a OPEN BACK SECTIONS ® ` tJ 0_ Q I x2:I"x2"x0.040" 1"x2i O.B.BASE PIATE-TYP — r..;iJ U= I x3:1x3"x0.045" care �N�•,� 1 SNAP SECTIONS a aroF"T yw •�i 1•' (,�1•,` 2x25Dfl 2"x2"x0.045" Sd MIN EDGE DISTANCE FROM 1 2x3 Snap.2"x3"x0.050" SLAB/FOOTING - EXTERIOR OF COLUMN TO / p' SEE PLAN - OUTSIDE EDGE OF SLAB 2 x 4 Snap:2"x4"xO.045" ",•• •• I I dFE SIGNAL SEAL -I SIDE VIEW 2WIDTH IIrX BEAM OFR3TIH SELF MATING(ShID) I x43MB;T'x4"x0.044"X0.100 (1)1R'DIA THRU BOITw/NriOCK OR UPRIGHT DEPTH.Im I I \ I 2x5 SMB:2"x5 x0.050x 0.100' JAM NUT-INLIEU OF NYLOCK JAM ALUM BAC ONO PLATE O �1 I 2 x 5 SMB:2"x 6"X 0.050"X 0.100" NUT,JAM NUT.MREADLOCKER 60GVIB ALUMNINUM I I LLyUL�JJI (1)3fB'DI0.#ON MAV BE USED 2x7SMB:2"x7"x O.057"X0.12O" SCREWTIGHTENTOCONTACT-DONOT2x8 SMB:2".x8"%0.072"x0.124'• (21/4'CO OVERTIGHTEN voe V2cc s x9 SMB:T'x 9"x 0.072x0.124" W d2 x IO SMB:2"x 10"x 0:092"x0.398" a=acc64CREWBOSSES INTO LL.MINIMUM FASTENER EDGE DISTANCE If2' •Y CHNRRAILMEMBER I NIE•fASUM FASTENER SPACING:3/4" O' r BASE PLATE ANCHORED TO WCONCRETE SCREWANCROR: 1CONCNutI<°CONCRETESCREW WyANCHOR(MIN.111Y EMBED)SIMPSON TI•TEN HD OR EQUIVALENTSIAe/FOOTINx 8°MAX EACH SIDE OF POSTANOSHEET METAL SCREWS ISMS): SEE PIAN24•o.c.MA% I I•' _ SNAP BEAM Z s ITW/BUILDEX OR EQUIVALENT FRONTVIEW ONLY IVV/lll F- I C PURLIN OR GIRT TO BEAM OR POST DETAIL Z A 2 2"x 4"OR LARGER U SRI�GH O CONCRETE DETAIL A_2 SCALE:NTS J y9p QZFo ~LLJ 3 o LLJ . "oTE. .. - V'Zg L� SEE TALL-0UT BELOW FORJOFSCREWS. Z C�ggg$ ;G • SCREWS SHOWN FORRLUSTRATNE �Z W PURPOSES ONlV.00 NOT COUNT N W GGGGC SCREWS ON DRAWING, OV 6MBBFAM NOTCHED MEMBER SIZE EDGE'C OVER UPRIGHT 3 (SEER-1 FOR SIZE) rw/MIN(NS10 x 1 IrEDTO (24OTAL) /P O.C. BEAM w/MIN(4)Y70 x 1 1?SMS (24 TOTAL) a 2X6-2X10 I& PLACE WASHER UNDER SCREW rX PURLW LH INGUSSETCORNER It FLASHING EAVE RAIL )(SEE A-1 FOR 612E 3/16'.6052-H32GUSSET 2'xr EXTRUSION , IMERNALLVSCREW THRl1BEAM I i WI(3)M10x 11?SMS C{ I Z Q I I / WLU rxrxlWxS'LONG ALUM `Q 1'xrx0.044.OPEN BACK ANGLEEACHSIDEUP UPRIGHTWI `, Z W 1'x FASTEN TO EAVE RAIL /. v ..I Wl 910 x 112'SMS 6•FROM I I i 11/4"TYP 5/B,'TYP Nlox 11 lrTSMS SPA EDT I (2)H2x3I4'SMSINTOrxZ' W_ O N a UPRIGHT 824"O.C. i \ �$" FROM UPRIGHTS®2a°O.C. I I (2)472X3'4'SMS INTO UPRIGHT m (1)1?DW x21R"THRU BOLT (2)412X31a'&MS INT01':r cc cc W/NYLOCK JAM NUT-IN UEU MIN 8 B i i Ll U N LL OFNYLOCKJAMNUT,JAM NUT ,� W/THREADLOCKER MAYBE USED I I - B I UPRIGHT DRAWN BY I rxSMB UPRIGHT (SEE A-1 FOR SIZE) NOTES: I DATE DRAWN INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS: 8 1. GUSSET DIMENSIONS ARE MINIMUM(2) 03/03/17 BOLT IS TO BE INSTALLED AS TO - REO'D-(1)EA SIDE OF BEAM-MAYBE NOT DAMAGE BASE MATERIAL INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL REVISION DO NO OVER TIGHTEN. PATENTPENDING. 2. AS BEAM SIZE CHANGES,ADD OR SUBTRACT SCREWS TO MAINTAIN 1114' 1 GC SPACING. - 3. GUSSET LENGTHS REMAIN CONSTANT, WIDTHS CHANGE TO MATCH BEAM Sq. UPRIGHT TO BEAM CONNECTION 1 F SLOPED PURLIN CONNECTION DETAIL sHEErNo: A_2 SCALE:M6 E TYPICAL INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL GUSSET DETAIL-RIGID MEDIUM A_2. SCALE:NTS ^ . /Y A-2 - _ SCALE NTS _ A_L f \\�\11I 3118'S.S.CABLE � � \ / e-WIOEx0.125TBRACKET ie A-W GAIN. STEEL CLIP ®EACH BEAM ATTACHED TO NOTE: FASCIA W/3B'x3'IAGS(3 (2)aWCIA,x 4'LAO SCREWS FOR x2314•EMBEDMENT SPANS GREATER 30'4T CONCRETE SCREW !� PER BRACKET)AND(1)3R'x3• ANCHOR y LAG 024.O.C.AT GUTTER (7)3I8'DIAxPLAG BRICK PAVERS — LLO o SCREW INTO EXISTING DBL COMPRESSION Q.• 10' w r)Q r 1-xrxO.OWOPEN BACK OVERHANG FRAMNO SLEEVES — rJ 1 BEAM NATO SCREW BOSSES OR RAFTED TO ERTAIL CONCRETE i(n�, Z I N k o� (1)NIOXI 1/2'SMSS' O 7 FROMBEAM AND24'O.C. ' : ��� •((��� •1' • //ILIA PROFE SIONAL SEAL 1 MATING •`•' fiLAB lFOOTNO ELEMENT SEE PLAN ❑ CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY File COPY O W L_ rx4-FASCIA-IF LESS py ul THANrx4'FASCIA,rx4' y 3116-S.S.CABLE W a a 3 1 118'xrxrxrALUM SU,FASCAr,HALL,E 3j Iq �$ ARGLEW/(4)#14x3/4' WSUPER PLACED OVER,LENGTHEN 8b 31 34 -EMS EACHFLANGE GUTTER LAG SCREWS TO FULLY I LL EACH SIDE OF BEAM PENETRATE SUB FASCIA O 4a d ¢¢ O.OfiY BACKING PLATE ON IF OTHER FASCIA,ADD rx SLABlFOOTERUl INSIDE OF GUTTER 4'PT FASCNwl1T!'IAO •.4',• MID DEPTH. W V6J� BOLTS-I ItZ INTO TRUSS BBII SyI 2116'x 11lB°x.O6r(MNJ TAILS-COUNTERSINK x 2X a j FLUSH.WHEN IN6TAWNG ALUM IN.(2) 12 CHANNEL Z N? O= i iQ'-DRILL 318 I ,Wl MIN.(2)#12x314'SMS PRE-DRILLwI&8'WS,DRILLTO - W' d �d � PREVENT SPLITTING. 3/9'CIA.x 3"EMBED SLAB/FOOTING <7 i CONC.SCREWANCHOR SEE PLAN RL G ' GUTTER BRACE 8 MATING ELEMENT ATTACHMENT DETAIL H-1 CABLE CONNECTIONS AT FOUNDATION —) M SCALE:NTS A-3 SCALE:NTa J - A-3 � Wa GUSSETPLATE SELF MATING Z FD 1gM' LC PER ESERIS BEAM VI W I j 3. j PURLIN MAX (9)014 x 314 EMS (L 1/8°PLATE ON 46-ANGLE It 0 3 I WOOD: CONTRACTORTO INSTALL 6063-TBALUMINUM 13 I K70:3"WOOD SCREWS 6" (2)#14 x r EMS THRU BRACE L1�� FROM GIRT&®1r 0.C. INTOBEAMTHRUGUSSET W N - CONC: PLANE 114'DIA x 3•CONCRETE • • • / OC sCREWANCHOR,S' DETAIL#2 w w FROM GIRT&®24.O.C. -- -- < i I (4)#IOx 1/?INTO • 3 O W SCREW BOSS - Z N .. EYE BOLT_FOR CABLE TENSION • / Q 0:w I ZoO_i • I / I (L O N LL U. 1 141 112 CONTRACTOR SHALL RUN I DRAWN BY 114'THRU BOLTTOATTACH TP r x r OR r X W HOLLOW NYLON WASHER PERIMETER FRAMING I SECTION GIRT MAX ST/ANLESS STEEL NUT I I DATE DRAWN rxr 6 I 03/03/17 REVISION 1 1Q'x 6'x 1/B' 1N12 EA MEMBER 6052-H32PLATE - DETAIL#1 ' SHEET NO: C-1 1X2 TO HOST STRUCTURE DETAIL H-3 ROOF BRACING CONNECTION DETAIL H-2 CABLE CONNECTION AT CORNER A-3 scuE NTs A 3 ficALe NTa A 3 SCALE:NTS A File Copy ' ••L,; Z 4;r< O WOOD HEADE Q R: L'•�_ CONC.HEADER: (1)3W.7 LAG SCREW INTO HEADER _ F C• 114'x3'CONCREIE N SCREWANCHOR 24.O.C. CONCRETE HEADER:' (1)31B'DIA x 3°CONCRETE SCREW �•. (� WOOD HEADER: EXISTING ANCHOR INTO HEADER y'• 010 93'WOOD SCREWS HEADER '[N 12'O.C. //' • 1 1 I — G PRO SSIDNAL SEAL EXISTIN ) HFADEA 1 1 --1°x2"HOLLOW flxYHOLLOW 1°#7 w1#I0xrSMS•6' - ul .. SECTION SECTION MAX EACH SIDE OF POST W000: AND 24'O.C.MAX w s N10 x 3'WOODS WO ®tYO.C. rxr Yo.12SALUM ANGLE WI 0 GDIID: (4)/14Y 314 SMS INTO UPRIGHT a ® 44 4Y 114'DIN x 3'CONCRETE W '£ 0. a 6CREWANCHUR®24'O.C. YzUPRIGHT `ccc Z 1'x2°HOLLOW _ zH�y'I( Iyy SECTION Z 5 O EXISTING HOST W B-2 POST TO HEADER DETAIL Iz B-1 1X2T0sEAD 9DETAIL A-4 ER sCAte NTS A-4 u I<Z LU 1°x r O.S.FASTENED TO CORNER v Z � POST W/012z1'112'SMS AT('FROM TOP 6BOTTOM BARS.TYPICALLY® Z V� ggg cc v0'xrxYEXTRUDEO 14°0.0. (A LU q . ANGLE 5052 H-U ALLOY (4)H4 Y 34'SMS GGGF 0: INTO DJ 1/B°x Yx T'EXTRUDEDANGLE6D52 'CORNERPOST H82ALLOY EACORNER YO(2)#14XT u SMS INTO POST 3(1)S'S'DIA LU CONCRETE SCREWANCHOR INTO .� .J,• CONCRETE Z g • •b' '••' (2)#10 x 111r SM9 — 2 nx co _ THRU SCREW BOSSES SLABIFOOTING y,x+ 2lArmlN CONC Z 3 SEE PLAN ANCHOREMBEDMENT NN O SLAB/FOOTiNO .''•' L Z 'SEEPLAN 4 di• SIDE VIEW N .•SIDEVIEW Q H T' CORNER POSTWJI°x2•® (4)d14x3)1°SMS BACKSIDE W_ <,O U (1)318'DW CONCRETE 1NTOPOST Z N�..A BCREWANCHORS 2'xr DJ 3W.LENGTH AS REWIRED 0 D_ (2114-CONC.EMBED) FOR 2 ET EMBED CONCRETE m 1 LL SCREWANCHOR INTO CONCRETE rxr6ASEPLATE _ � DRAWN BY --- - ANCHORED TO CONCWI114' TP ,�• ,.'i CONCRETE SORE !�' (MIN.1 v4"EMSE4•EMeeD) .• DATE DRAWN 1'x7BASEPLATE ! 6'MAX EACH SI09OFPOST 03103117 ANCHOREDTO.CONCIMI)4° F AND 24'O.C.MAX CONCRETE SO ••S REVISION '(MIN.1114"EMBED) ••4•' �' '�' , O'MAX EACH SIDE OF POST !1• 4 �'• - AN024'O.C.MAY •• •• FRONT VIEW FRONT VIEW sFIEEl NO: DJ-1 DOOR JAMS TO CONCRETE DETAIL CP-1 CORNER POST TO CONCRETE DETAIL A� SCALE:NTS A-4 SCALE:NTS /A//��1_4