HomeMy WebLinkAboutEngineering (2) Pentair TDH Calculator Page 1 of 2 na COPY P NTAIR TRH CALCULATOR PBG-CINTRON-HIGH Pool Information Flow Rate: 103.78 GPM Total Piping Lengths: Suction Lift: 2 Ft Inlet Side: 84 Ft Discharge Side: 114 Ft Maximum Pipe Velocity Allowed: Piping Sizes: (consult your local code) Inlet Piping: 2.445 In Branch Piping: 6 Ft/Sec Discharge Piping: 2.445 In Inlet Piping: 8 FtlSec Discharge Piping: 8 Ft/Sec piping Head Loss at 103.78Gal/Min: (not incuding fittings or valves) Inlet Piping: 5.57 Ft Discharge Piping: 7.55 Ft For advanced pools that contain multiple suctions, this program may be inaccurate. Consult a hydraulics engineer. This program is for single pump sytems with a single body of water. Results: Your TDH Calculation Suggested Minimum Pipe Sizes: Flow Rate: 103.78 Gal/Min Branch Piping: 3.0 In Your Head Loss: 71.90 Ft Inlet Piping: 2.6 In Maximum Flow Rate Discharge Piping: 2.5 In at Maximum RPM: 103.78 Gal/Min Ensure the drain cover max flow rating is not exceeded. Head Loss at 71.90 Ft Maximum Flow Rate: System Head Pressure Curve I 120 3 80 , ;:HAFRVEY E- f IVEN 60 ___ _ __...._. __ _ _ ..._ _ Professlonsii �c� c �;�o°_ !E-3��� I 4�72 POrt..r9t�`_�.tl'1CBbg.�� . ���-3�°�� 40 ;v Fix-0-7--148�-�G��. r 20 ..,.. _... .. IntelliFlo Variable Speed,VS+SVRS,or VF-3450 rpm Clean System — Desired Operation Point 0 50 100 150 Volumetric Flow Rate(GPM) � -c�ht i hqs://www.pentairpartners.com/marketing/tdh/index.aspx 3/17/2017 Pentair TDH Calculatorl� " Page 2 of 2 Selected Components 1 Components Head Loss at ame uantity 103.78Gal/Min IntelliChlor IC-40 1 3.73 2 x 2.5 3 way valve 7 15.36 Main Drain 1 1.83 Clean and Clear 1 7.07 MasterTemp 1 18.77 1 inch Return 4 1.71 Piping Inlet Discharge Head Loss at ame uantity uantity 103.78Gal/Min 90 degree elbow 4 12 7.32 45 degree elbow 0 0 0.00 Tee Through 0 3 0.97 Pumps ame uantity IntelliFlo Variable Speed,VS+SVRS, 1 or VF All Pentair trademarks and logos are owned by Pentair,Inc.IntelliFlo®,IntelliComm®,EasyTouch®,IntelliTouch®,SunTouch@,and Eco Se/ectTm are registered trademarks and/or trademarks of Pentair Water Pool and Spa,Inc.and/or its affiliated companies in the United States and/or other countries.Unless expressly noted,names and brands of third patties that may be used in this document are not used to indicate an affiliation or endorsement between the owners of these names and brands and Pentair Water Pool and Spa,Inc.Those names and brands may be the trademarks or registered trademarks of those third parties.Because we are continuously improving ourproducts and services,Pentair reserves the right to change specifications without prior notice.Pentair is an equal opportunity employer. i https://www.pentairpartners.com/marketing/tdh/index.aspx 3/17/2017 Pentair TDH Calculator C j �� Page 1 of 2 File Copy - PENT AIR, TDH CALCULATOR PBG-CINTRON-SPA Pool Information Flow Rate: 95 GPM Total Piping Lengths: Suction Lift: 2 Ft Inlet Side: 60 Ft Discharge Side: 74 Ft Maximum Pipe Velocity Allowed: Piping Sizes: (consult your local code) Inlet Piping: 2.445 In Branch Piping: 6 FUSec Discharge Piping: 2.445 In Inlet Piping: 8 Ft/Sec Discharge Piping: 8 Ft/Sec. piping Head Loss at 95.00GaIIMin: (not incuding fittings or valves) Inlet Piping: 3.38 Ft Discharge Piping: 4.16 Ft For advanced pools that contain multiple suctions, this program may be inaccurate. Consult a hydraulics engineer. This program is for single pump sytems with a single body of water. Results: Your TDH Calculation Suggested Minimum Pipe Sizes: Flow Rate: 95.00 Gal/Min Branch Piping: 3.0 In Your Head Loss: 23.36 Ft Inlet Piping: 2.5 In Maximum Flow Rate Discharge Piping: 2.5 In at Maximum RPM: 95.00 Gal/Min Ensure the drain cover max flow rating is not exceeded. Head Loss at 23.36 Ft Maximum Flow Rate: System Head Pressure Curve i 40 . . x 30 � F � oy va EY �. UPEHINEN -020 mP6ft St:•G:::. a V "34s95�Z32'V2 hFax 779 10 2hp lE+,Single Speed(348025) 5 ,%;72F Clean System F a a \.. Desired Operation Point U 0 50 100 Volumetric Flow Rate(GPM) https://www.pentairpartners.com/marketing/tdh/index.aspx , 3/17/2017 Pentair TDH Calculator�� Page 2 of 2 Selected Components k' Components Head Loss at ame uantity 95.00Gal/Min 2 x 2.5 3 way valve 0 0.00 Main Drain 1 1.60 314 inch Return 6 2.08 Piping Inlet Discharge Head Loss at ame uantity uantity 95.00Gal/Min 90 degree elow 5 14 7.38 45 degree elow 1 7 1.40 Tee Through 0 5 1.38 Pumps ame uantity 2hp,E+,Single Speed(348025) 1 All Pentair trademarks and logos are owned by Pentair,Inc.IntelliFlo®,IntelliCommo,EasyTouch@,IntelliToucho,SunToucho,and Eco Se/ectM are registered trademarks and/or trademarks of Pentair Water Pool and Spa,Inc.and/or its affiliated companies in the United States and/or other countries.Unless expressly noted,names and brands of third parties that may be used in this document are not used to indicate an affiliation or endorsement between the owners of these names and brands and Pentair Water Pool and Spa,Inc.Those names and brands may be the trademarks orregistered trademarks of those third parties.Because we are continuously improving our products and services,Pentairreserves the right to change specifications without prior notice.Pentair is an equal opportunity employer. https://www.pentairpartners.com/marketing/tdh/index.aspx 3/17/2017 STAINLESS STEEL HANDRAIL (SAME BONDING FOR 10"MIN.-24"MAR LADDER) 08 SOLID RARE BOND WIRE W APPR.CLAMPS CNTIRL• (ONE ON EACH SIDE OF P>IUMe/clt POOL-4-TOTAL) 4"TO 6" BELOW SUB-GRADE ANCHORW/#8 BOND ........W�'••••••• WIRE&APPR.BOND CLAMP 1-#8 BARE COPPER WIRE IIONDED TO POOL STEELAS SHOWN - I #8 BOND WIRE jW/APPR CLAMP NOTE:BONDING GRID REQUIRED AT PERIMETER OF POOL IN AREAS LIGHT NICHE OF PAVED DECI(ING ONLY - EQUIPOTENTIAL BONDING DETAIL PER FLORIDA BUILDING CODE ADAPTATION Or-TIIB N.E.C.-2 011 SEC.680.26 Electrical Equipment Wiring, Grounding and Installation must conform to the 2011 N.E.C. and applicable local codes 12V LIGHT OPTIONAL 2-LIGIIT SCRVICO PANGL TIIANsronmen EgUipotential Bonding W/P W P J.U. JUNCTION-IIOX(S) Loop #8 co er around Pool DlscoxNOcr MIN or 8" J•II. r Pp W/P DISCONNCcr MOM,,00LDwC Bonded to pool steel in 4 Places N.E.C.2011 GAI A PoolTlmerwl sec. 680.26�C) Pool.Dnx S.T.Toggle Switch A NL•CArI•novml" PVCCONOVIr—)b� 4VATCR LINK NOTE: WATAR-PRDor GAL �3 ifIZw 3 032w MusrNorDDMDns 91 M."ODNwm a w M/a"CoNOUIr Install pool/spa per ANSI3,5,7 and 15 TITAN 20'-0"PROLI H M PooL.000DAND NOT WITHIN W-0" �_ _� " Digitally signed by Harvey E ICoehnen OPPOOL•GDGC Sec.880.22(3) H a ry ey I DN:cn=Harvey E ICoehnen,o Treasure Coast Building Engineers Inc, iVOM-AuMmwrA&Weme.2mmC vmiiTolJLCM=cNo600 ° ou=Professional Engineer PE32831, ELCCTRICAL DIAGRAM Ko e h n e n 'email lilcoehnen@tcbeweb.com,c=US Date:2015.10.01 11:04:35-04'00' 'Ale, C ODY Pentair TDH Calculator Page 1 of 2 File C®pY .; PENTAIR L TDH CALCULATOR PBG-CINTRON-LOW Pool Information Pool Volume: 14790 Gal Total Piping Lengths: Turn Over Time: 7.00 Hrs Inlet Side: 84 Ft Suction Lift: 2 Ft Discharge Side: 114 Ft Maximum Pipe Velocity Allowed: Piping Sizes: (consult your local code) Inlet Piping: 2.445 In Branch Piping: 6 Ft/Sec Discharge Piping: 2.445 In Inlet Piping: 8 Ft/Sec Discharge Piping: 8 Ft/SecPiping Head Loss at 35.2lGal/Min: (not incuding fittings or valves) Inlet Piping: 0.75 Ft Discharge Piping: 1.02 Ft For advanced pools that contain multiple suctions, this program may be inaccurate. Consult a hydraulics engineer. This program is for single pump sytems with a single body of water. Results: Your TDH Calculation Suggested Minimum Pipe Sizes: Flow Rate: 35.21 Gal/Min Branch Piping: 1.5 In Your Head Loss: 18.42 Ft Inlet Piping: 1.5 In Maximum Flow Rate Discharge Piping: 1.5 In at Maximum RPM: 103.78 Gal/Min Ensure the drain cover max flow rating is not exceeded. Head Loss at 71.90 Ft Maximum Flow Rate: System Head Pressure Curve 25 i 1T I 20 O �16 •. _ HARVEY W.,EHNEN Professiongl Rig 1 ✓PF-32��� FAX (7 P 2) 48510 � '15- IntelliFlo Variable Speed,VS+SVRS,or VF 1600 rpm Clean System Desired Operation Point ` r ` — i ® / 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 Volumetric Flow Rate(GPM) https://www.pentairpartners.com/marketing/tdh/index.aspx 3/17/2017 Pentair TDH Calculator." ' � Page 2 of 2 Selected Components F 't 1 Components Head Loss at ame uantity 35.21GaUMin IntelliChlor IC-40 1 0.78 2 x 2.5 3 way valve 7 0.66 Main Drain 1 0.38 Clean and Clear 1 0.71 MasterTemp 1 10.72 1 inch Return 4 0.28 Piping Inlet Discharge Head Loss at ame uantity uantity 35.21Gal/Min 90 degree elbow 4 12 0.99 45 degree elbow 0 0 0.00 Tee Through 0 3 0.13 Pumps ame uantity IntelliFlo Variable Speed,VS+SVRS, 1 or VF All Pentair trademarks and logos are owned by Pentair,Inc.IntelliFlo@,IntelliComm@ EasyTouch@ IntelliTouch@ SunTouch@,and Eco Se/ectTm are registered trademarks and/or trademarks of Pentair Water Pool and Spa,Inc.and/or its affiliated companies in the United States and/or other countries.Unless expressly noted,names and brands of third parties that may be used in this document are not used to indicate an affiliation or endorsement between the owners of these names and brands and Pentair Water Pool and Spa,Inc.Those names and brands may be the trademarks or registered trademarks of those third parties.Because we are continuously improving our products and services,Pentair reserves the right to change specifications without prior notice.Pentair is an equal opportunity employer. J t M J � https://www.pentairpartners.com/marketing/tdh/index.aspx 3/17/2017