HomeMy WebLinkAboutProject Information (2) i OENTAI;Z MA9 ERTEMP®• jil W y nT _�. � Y 1 '�tim �keC•'�.r '�. �`3,.'�r'�a" ;. y� �4 `�..` �Wc." -MA S-T E R T E M -IG H PERFOR MANCE H EATER _R Zoo, `F�:l-1� _ - �kF• Gal `�'��"h t?�;,� _ �' -«,.....� p h � _ y 3 y Pentairpoo[.com NO MATTER WHAT YOUR CRITERIA FOR TOP PERFORMANCE AND VALUE, THE MASTERTEMP° HIGH PERFORMANCE HEATER MEETS THEM ALL FAST, EFFICIENT, COMPACT, QUIET SAFE AND ECO—FRIENDLY No matter what you're seeking in your With a hot surface ignition(no pilot light) Safe operation is assured through a series swimming pool heater,the MasterTemp and pushbutton,digital controls,the of features,including:a water pressure heater measures up.Compare this list of MasterTemp heater is as easy to operate switch that senses the pump is running to as your home heating system. Plus, prevent overheating,high limit switches features to any other and you'll see why user-friendly indicator lights make system assure the heater turns off if water MasterTemp heaters are setting a new operation and monitoring a snap. temperature exceeds factory-set limits, standard for total value. The easy-to-view,rotating digital display manual gas shut-off when service is places controls front and center,no matter required,stack flue sensor also guards • Very compact design for such a high against overheating. performance heater,allows for smaller how the MasterTemp heater is positioned overall equipment pads that won't intrude on your equipment pad. Approved for installation on combustible surfaces. on your poolscape. • MasterTemp heaters are engineered for • A fully pre-mixed system with a highly super-quiet operation and won't intrude Don't be left out in the cold efficient air and gas mixture lets the on your poolside leisure time. MasterTemp heater heat up fast.No long • A tough,rustproof composite with heaters that don't measure waits before enjoying your pool or spa. exterior handles the heat and weathers up t0 today"S Longer list Of • Compare energy efficiency ratings and the elements. you'll find MasterTemp heaters at the • Eco-friendly,the MasterTemp heater is must-have features. Insist on top of the list.Comfort and economy certified for low NO.,emissions and MasterTemp heaters and you're can go together. •outperforms industry standards. insisting on better performance and lifetime value. POOL SIZING' I a I B p _ _ p_ t+, 5' 85 21D 97 383,: 121729 146 075, 194 766 2 0,69 :,. 2 364 2,955 3 546 4,7271 10 42.605 : 48.691 69,864 73,037 97.383 1,034 1.182 1,478 1.773 2.364 « _ 15 18,403. 32,461 40,576 48 692 64 922 690 786 =9851,182 20 21.303 24.346 30,433 36,519 48.691 617 591 739 887 1.182 25 17,942 19 477`, 24,346 29 216, 38 953 414„ 473 591 71 D. 945 r,; 30 14,201 16,230 20,288 24,345 32.461 345 394 493 591 788 35 1;2173 ' 13 912 17;390 20 868. 27 824 296 33B 423 : 507 :`475 40 10,651 12,173 15.216 18.260 24.346 259 295 - 369 443 591 'ASME models available.See your Pentair representative for details. 5' :. �a•�:s3?"`-,x,� �s... s4, ��. ,c, -,:-�sz�,� �:.F�,y e&�t� -'--_�.v*� _-'n^�� `�.r�4.�,.1.,<-c .`` v..�zy_ar��..a��r. s '�.•,y i' t `::L � �R n„�"c�c�u"�-��. g�.t.�r-s� �'v.,� Zt`��" ,.„�����.��.+"-k��P�.��`�+�.,� � �a.'6��%� �#f" ..��•t��,.:.� ' �`. cY-'�l 3.c`:cti� `f }.. �_c�� n�,r � a.-�i���.,.��r.�� �.3: T�`�����s;�.r5_`Y� .z y'"�;.� ;_P_,.- :�` ,��.aaa ..5 .•' '_ •�1 1�1 IN sj R'�Jf L�� it F 'r r 7. MIMI AM � 33 Al iE1�,��i�i IrR�' Ir�rf Irmo ll w �s_�zranscr=ins..=a�arc�=�=r�=�. �.:_r a� a�t.r � ..� �! � �_>•��1M r �r=r�r:�.._.�_� _ _ frrrr� .•+ter ai��• OIA•i„ rr�f ■i.�,`1r[7M >�i r� � � r....�r .�.-�+rr.a �---• �_ .�.�. ..� ..�..i .....�. �..�. ate.. t_INK f RE911)1 T)AL ENERGY EFFICIENCY 1 drawn shall be insulated to a minimum of R-11 and, total cooling capacity shall not be more than 1.15 1 the ceiling shall be insulated to a minimum of R 19, times greater than the design cooling load, even if [ space permitting,or R 10 otherwise_ the design heating Toad is 1.15 times greater,than the 1 [ R403.6 Heating and cooling equipment(Mandatory). design cooling load 1 R403.6.1 Equipment sizing.Heating and cooling equip- R403.6.L2.2 Electric resistance furnaces.Electric ment shall be sized in accordance with ACCA Manual S resistance furnaces shall be sized'within 4 kW of the 1 based on the equipment loads calculated in accordance design requirements calculated according to,the pro- with ACCA 1Vt6'truai J or other approved heating and cool cerium selected in.Section R403.6.1. ', ( 1 ing calculation methodologies,based on building loads fo R403.6.1.23 Fossil fuel heating equipment The [ [ the directional orientation of the building. The manufac capacity of fossil fuel heating.equipment with natu- `— ( turer and model number-of the outdoor'and indoor units r ral draft atmospheric burners shall not be less than [ split,system) shall be submitted,along with the sensibl the design load calculated in accordance with Sec- [ and total cooling capacities at the design, conditions -lion R403.6.1. . - I 1 described in Section R3021. This code does not allow R403.6.13 Extra capacity required for special occa : 1 designer safety factors,provisions-for future expansion ox slon&Residences requiring excess cooling or heating ( other factors which affect equipment sizing.System sizing equipment capacity on an intermittent basis such as ( calculations shall not include loads created by local in anticipated additional loads caused by major entertain- mittent mechanical ventilation such as standard Iutche ment events, shall have equipment sized or controlled 1 1 and bathroom exhaust systems. to prevent continuous space cooling or heating within I 1 R403.6.L1• Cooling equipment capacity. Cooling that space by one or more of the following options: only equipment shall be selected so that its total capac= l,'A separate cooling or heating system is utilized to ity is not less than the calculated total Toad, but not ([ than 1.15 times greater than the total load calcu- provide cooling or heating to the major entertain- more [-. ., inert areas. lated according to the procedure selected in Section [ 1 403.6, or the closest available size provided by the 2. A'variable capacity system sized for optmium I •-. I manufacturer's product lines.The corresponding latent performance during base load periods is utilized. 1 capacity of,the equipment shall not be less than the`cal- R403.7 Systems serving multiple dwelling units(Manda- culated latent load. tory).Systems serving multiple dwelling units shall comply 1 The published value for'AHRI-total,capacity is a with Sections C403 and C404 of the Commercial Provisions nominal, rating-test value and shall not be used for in lieu of Section R403. I equipment -sizing. Manufacturer's expanded perfor- ." R403.8 Snow melt system controls (Mandatory). Snow- ( mance data shall be used to select cooling-only equip- and ice-melting systems, supplied through-energy service to ment. This. selection shall be based on the outdoor the building,shall include automatic controls capable of shut- design dry bulb temperature for the load calculation(or tang off the system when the pavement temperature is above entering-water temperature for water-source-equip- 50°F,and no precipitation is falling and,an automatic or man- . 1 ment), the blower'cfnr.provided by the expanded per- ual control that will allow shutoff when the outdoor tempera- 1 formance'data,the design value for entering wet bulb turn is above 400F. temperature and the design value forentering dry bulb ( temperature. R403.9 Swimming pools,inground spas and portable spas. 1 Design values for entering wet bulb and (Mandatory).The energy requirements for residential pools I ga g dry bulb and inground spas shall be as specified in Sections R403.9.1 s1' temperature shall be for the indoor dry bulb and relative through R403.93 and in accordance with ANSUApSP-15. 1 1 humidity used for the load calculation and shall be The energy requirements for portable'spas shall-be in accor-. I. .tl adjusted for return'side gains if the return duct(s) is dance with ANSUAPSP-14. installed in an unconditioned space. R403:9:1 Pool and spa heaters.All pool heaters shall be 1 - 1. Exceptions: equipped with a readily accessible on-off switch that is l I L Attached single and multiple-family residential mounted outside the heater to allow shutting off the heater I equipment sizing may be selected so that its cool- without adjusting the thermostat setting. ing capacity is less than the calculated total sensi- 7403.9.1.1 Gas and o -fired pool and spa heaters. 1 ble load but not less than SO percent of that load. All gas-and oil-fired pool and spa heaters shall have a [ 2. When signed and sealed-by a Florida-registered minimum thermal efficiency of 82 percent for heaters 1 [ engineer,in attached single-and multiple-family manufactured on or after April 16,2013 when tested in ( units,the capacity of equipment may,be sized in accordance with ANSI Z 2156.Pool heaters fired.by 1 accordance with good design practice. naotu lights. or P gas shall not have continuously burning I 1 I R403.6.1.2 Heating equipment capacity. R403.%L2 Heat pump pool heaters.Heat pump pool R403.6.L21 Heat pumps.Heat pump sizing shall I heaters shall have;a minimum COP of 4.0 when tested' I I be based on,the cooling,requirements as calculated in accordance with,AHRI 1160,Table 2,Standard Rat according to Section R403.6.1.1 and the heat pump R-4.8 FLORIDA BUILDING CODE—ENERGY CONSERVATION,Sth EDITION(2614) t RESIDENTIAL ENERGY EFFICIENCY ing Conditions-Low Air Temperature. A test report poses of this code, types of ceiling construction that are I from an independent laboratory is required to verify considered to, have inadequate space to install R 19 -' procedure Compliance. Geothermal swimming pool include single assembly ceilings of the exposed deck and heat pumps-are not required to meet this standard. beam type and concrete deck roofs. Such ceiling assem- R403.9.2 Time switches.Time switches or'other control blies shall be insulated to at least a level of R 10. method that can automatically turn off and on heaters and R4053 Performance-based compliance.Compliance based pumps according to a preset schedule shall be installed on on simulated energy performance requires that a proposed all heaters and pumps. Heaters, pumps and motors that residence (proposed design) be shown to have annual total I have built in timers shall be deemed in compliance with normalized modified loads that are less than or equal to the this requirement. annual total loads of the standard reference design as calcu- Exceptions• lated in accordance with.Appendix B of this standard. 9 1. Where public health standards require 24-hour R405.4 Documentation. Documentation of the software pump operation- used for the performance design and the parameters for the 2. Where pumps are required to operate solar and building shall be in accordance with Sections R405A.1 waste-heat-recovery pool heating systems, through R405.43. 3. Where pumps are powered exclusively from on R405.4.1 Compliance software tools.Computer software I site renewable, a powered utilized for demonstration of code compliance shall have 1 g been approved by the Florida Building Commission in. R403.9.3 Covers. Heated swimming pools and inground accordance with requirements of this code. i permanently installed spas shall be equipped with a vapor- R405.4.2 Compliance report.Compliance software tools retardant cover on or at the water surface or a liquid cover used to demonstrate code.compliance by Section R405 I or other means proven to reduce heat loss: ' shall,generate a report that documents that the proposed ELas tion: Outdoor pools deriving over 70'percent of design complies with Section R405.3 (see Section gy for heating from site-recovered energy,such R101.5.1). The compliance documentation shall include 1 t pump or solar energy source computed over the following information: ting season. 1. Address or other identification of the residence; 2. An inspection checklist documenting the building SECTION R404 component characteristics of the proposed design as ELECTRICAL POWER AND LIGHTING SYSTEMS listed in Table R405.5.2(1)'The inspection checklist (MANDATORY) shall show results for the proposed design, and shall R404.1 Lighting equipment (Mandatory). A minimum of document all inputs entered by the user necessary to 75 percent of the lamps in permanently installed lighting fix reproduce the results; tures shall be high-efficacy lamps or a minimum of 75 per- 3. Name of individual completing the compliance cent of the permanently installed lighting fixtures shall report;and contain only high efficacy lamps. 4. Name and version of the compliance software tool. Exception: Low-voltage lighting shall not be required to Exception: Multiple orientations. When an otherwise utilize high-efficiency lamps. identical building model is offered in multiple orienta R404.L1 Lighting "equipment (Mandatory).Fuel gas lions,compliance for any orientation shall be permitted lighting systems shall not have continuously burning pilot by documenting. that the building meets the perfor- lights. mance requirements in each of the four cardinal(north, east,south and west)orientations. R405.4.3 Additional documentation. The code official i SECTION R405 shall be permitted to require the following documents: SIMULATED PERFORMANCE ALTERNATIVE (PERFORMANCE) 1. Verification that an EPL display card signed by the I R405.1 Scope. This section establishes criteria for compli builder providing that the building component char- acteristics of the proposed design will be provided . ance using simulated energy performance analysis. Such ! analysis shall,include heating,-cooling, and,service water to-the purchaser of-the-home-af time oftitle transfer heating energy only. 2. Documentation of the component efficiencies used R405.2 Mandatory requirements. Compliance with this in the software calculations for the proposed design. section requires that the mandatory provisions identified in R4055 Calculation procedure. Calculations of the perfor- Section R401.2 be met.All supply and return ducts not con mmee design shall be in accordance with Sections R405.5.1 t pletely inside the building thermal envelope shall be insulated through 11405S_3. C", to a minimum of R=G. R4055.1 General.Except as specified by this section,the R405.2.1 Ceiling insulation.Ceilings shall have an insu standard reference design and proposed design shall be ( lation level of'at least R=19,space permitting.For the pur- FLORIDA BUILDING CODE-ENERGY CONSERVATION,5th EDITION(2014) R-4.9 R1 BIDENTIAL ENERGY EFFICIENCY configured and analyzed using'identical methods and tech- analyzed as specified. by Table R405.5.2(1). Table , niques. R405.5.2(1)shall include by reference all notes contained R405.5.2 Residence'specifications. The standard refer- in Table R402.1.1. ence design and proposed design shall be configured and TABLE R405.5.2(1) SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE STANDARD REFERENCE AND PROPOSED DESIGNS BUILDING COMPONENT STANDARD REFERENCE DESIGN PROPOSED DESIGN Above-grade walls Type:mass wall if proposed wall is mass;otherwise wood frame. As proposed Gross area:same as proposed As proposed U-factor.from Table R402.1.3 As proposed . Solar absorptance=0.75 lAs proposed Remittance.=0.90 As proposed Basement and crawl space Type:same as proposed As proposed walls Gross area:same as proposed As proposed U-factor,from Table R402.13,with insulation layer on interior side-of walls. As proposed Above-grade floors Type:wood frame As prole Gross area:same as proposed As proposed Lkfactor.from Table R402.13 As proposed Ceilings Type:wood flame As proposed Gross area:same as proposed As proposed U-factor.from Table R402.13 As proposed _ Roofs Type.composition shingle on wood sheathing As proposed Gross area:same as proposed As ro sed Solar absorptance=035 As proposed Emittance=0.90 As proposed Attics Type:vented with aperture=1 fe per 300 W ceiling area As proposed Foundations Type-same as proposed foundation wall area above and below grade and soil As proposed characteristics:same as proposed As proposed > Doors Area:40 f-0 As prop Orientation:North As proposed U-factor same as fenestration from Table R402.13. As proposed Glazing` Total aree= 'As proposed (a)The proposed glazing area; where.proposed glazing area is less than 15%of the conditioned floor area. (b) 15%of the conditioned floor area;where the proposed glazing area is 15%or more o£the conditioned floor area. Orientation:equally distributed to four,cardinal compass 1.orientations As proposed (N,E,S&W). [ U,factor.from Table,R402.1.3 As proposed SHGC:From Table R402.1.1,except that for climates with do A�equxren proposed (NR)SHGC=0.40 shall be used. Interior shade fraction:0.92-(0.21 x SHGC for the standard reference design) 0.92-(0.21 x SHGC as proposed) External shading.none' As proposed Skylights. one As proposed Thermally isolated sunrooms None As proposed (continued) R-4.10 FLORIDA BUILDING CODE—ENERGY CONSERVATION,Sth EDITION(2014) RESIDENTIAL ENERGY EFFICIENCY r - TABLE,11405.5.2(1}—continued SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE STANDARD REFERENCE AND PROPOSED DESIGNS _ BUILDING COMPONENT STANDARD REFERENCE DESIGN PROPOSED DESIGN Air exchange ratie Air leakage.rate of 5 air changes per hour in Climate Zones 1 and 2, For residences that are not and 3 air changes per hour in Climate Zones 3 through 8 at a pressure tested,the same air leakage rate of 02 inches w.g(5012a).The mechanical ventilation rate shall be in .as the standard reference design. addition to the air leakaaae rate and the same as in the proposed design, For tested residences,the men- but no greater than 0.01 x CFA +7S x(Nb,+1) sured air exchange rate. where: The mechanical ventilation rated CFA=conditioned floor area shall be in addition to the air Nb,=number of bedrooms leakage rate and shall be as pro-. Energy recovery shall not be assumed for mechanical ventilation_ posed. Mechanical ventilation None,except where mechanical ventilation•is specified by the pro- As proposed posed design,in which case:, Annual vent fan energy use: kMWyi=0.03942 x CFA+29565 x(N,+1) where: CFA=conditioned floor area . A,=number of bedrooms• Internal gains IGain=17,900+23.8 x CFA+4104 x Nb,(Bt dday per dwelling unit) Same as standard reference design. Internal mass An internal mass for furniture and contents of 8 pounds per square foot Same as standard reference of floor area. design,plus any additional mass specifically designed as a ther- mal storage element.`but not integral to the building envelope or structure. Structural mass For masonry floor slabs,80%of floor area covered by R-2 carpet and pad,and 20%of floor directly exposed to room air. As proposed For masonry'basement walls,as proposed,but with insulation required by Table R40213 located on the interior side of the walls. As proposed For other walls,for ceilings,floors,and interior walls,wood frame construction. As proposed Heating systems"s Efficiency:in accordance with prevailing Federal minimum standards. As proposed Capacity:sized in accordance with Section R403.6. As proposed Fuel type:same-as prop. As proposed Cooling systems"d Fuel type:Electric As proposed Capacity:sued.in accordance.with Section R403:6. As proposed Efficiency:in accordance with prevailing Federal minimum standards As proposed Service water Fuel type:as proposed. As proposed Heating"'�' Use:same as proposed design. gal/day=30+(10 x N, Efficiency:in accordance with prevailing.federal minimum standards. As proposed Thermal distribution systems Distribution System Efficiency:0.88- Thermal distribution system efficiency shall be as tested in accordance with Section 803 of RBSNET Standards or as speci- fied in Table R405S.2(2)if not tested- Duct location:entirely within the building thermal envelope. As proposed Air Handler location.,entirely within the building thermal envelope. As proposed Duct insulation:R-6 As proposed Thermostat Type:Manual,cooling temperamm setpoint=75°F; Same as standard reference Heating temperature setpoint=7rF (continued) FLORIDA BUILDING CODE—ENERGY CONSERVATION,Sth EDITION(2014) R-4.11 Section 4. Operation Instruc tions 33 Operation • BASIC SYSTEM OPE ION . FileOpy Start pump, make sure the put p is running and is-primed, to close the water pressure switch and supply power to heater. Be sure the pool and/or.spa is properly filled with water,Follow the Lighting/Operating instructions below. MASTERTEMP HSI EL C,TRONIC IGNITION LIGHTING/OPERATION FOR Y UR•SAFETY: READ BEFORE'LIGHTING AWARNING If you do not follow the a instructions exactly, a fire.or explosion may result causing property damage,personal injury or loss of life.. Do not attempt to light t e heater if you suspect a gas leak.Lighting the heater can result in a fire or explosion -which can cause person injury,death,and property damage. . START-UP AND OPE ATION START UR AND SHUTDOWN IN RUCTIONS ARE ON THE, LABEL ATTACHED TO THE COVER OF THE APPLIANCE. CONTROL BOX. BEFORE START=UP A.This appliance does not have a ilot.It is equipped with E. Do not bpWrate.the pool heater unless the pool or spa is an ignition device which automa 'rally lights the burners. properly filled with water. Do not try to light the burners I y hand. F. Before operating the appliance for the•firsutime or after B. BEFORE OPERATING, melt ,all around the it has.been off for an extended time, perform the appliance area for gas.Be sure o smell next to the floor following checklist: because.some gas is heavier thPn air and will settle on .1. Remove debris or other articles from inside the heater the floor. and the area around the heater and its exhaust vent. WHAT TO DO IF YOU SMELL GAS Make sure the ventilation openings are clear of debris Do not try to light any applianc or obstruction.For installations in an enclosed space, - — Do-not touch any electricalswi h;do not use any phone make sure openings for combustion and ventilationair are unobstructed. in your building. 2. Keep heater area_clear and free from combustibles, — Immediately call your gas su plier from a neighbor's .flammable liquids and chemicals. phone.Follow the gas supplier instructions. If you cannot reach your.gas supplier, call the Fire 3. Check that all water connections.are tight. Department. 4. Water must be flowing through the heater during operation.Make sure that pool/spa is filled with water C. Use only your hand to turn tl ie gas control on or off. and have pump operating. Check that water flow is Never use tools. If you can t'change the ON/OFF setting by hand, don't try to epair it, call a qualified unobstructed from the appliance.When operating for service technician.Forced or at empted repair.may result the first time or after an extended shut-down, run filter pump for several minutes to clear.all air from in afire or explosion. the system. D.Do not use this heater if any p irt has been under water. •Immediately call a qualified se vice technician to inspect the heater and to replace any art of the control system and any gas control-which h been under water. . Operation Instructions 34 Sectioh. .4.* s . n File C OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS opy 1. STOP! Read the safety information on(page 33). Water Prewu 2: Set both pool and spa thermostats to the lowest settings. swit 3.- Turn off all electric power to the appliance. 4. This appliance does not have a pilot. It is equipped with an. ignition device :� which automatically lights the.burner.Do not try to light the burner by hand. 5. Remove the access door panels by-unfastening the four screws-located on a each door, then lift up and out from the bottom:iof the pan el to remove. If necessary, the screws may be used as handles, see Figure 25. FA 6. Toggle-Style Valve: Pull toggle toward you to turn gas off see Figure 26. Figure 25. 7. Wait five (5) minutes to clear out any gas. If yO; U then smell gas,,STOP! Follow"B"in the"Before Start-up"instructions(page 33).If you don't smell gas, go to the next step. 8. Push the togglf,switch away.from you to switch;the gas on, Gas control is shown 9. Replace the Door Access Panels.All panels must be in place;when operating OFF.Push toggle switch away from you the heater. to switch ON. 10. Set 3-way valves on inlet and outlet to pool or spa,as appropriate. lf. Tum' on all electric power to the appliance. 12. Press either the POOL ON or SPA ON button switch on the operating control. 13. Set the thermostat to desired setting (NOTICE.-Setpoint must be above actual water temperature or burner will not fire). See "OPERATING the YOU CONTROL-PANEL". are here. 14. The blower should come on immediately, and after about 20 seconds, the burner should fire.When operating for the:first time,the burner may not fire 7// on the first try because of air in the gas line.If it does not fire at first,push the OFF switch,wait five mi nutes,and again push the POOL or SPA ON switch. t ,� The burner should fire after about 20 seconds.You may have to repeat this until all of the air has cleared the.gas.line. Figure 26. 15. The burnet should fire until the*pool/spa temperature reaches the desired temperature set on the thermostat. The blower will continue to run for about 45 seconds after the burner shuts off. If any of the safety interlocks should open during burner operation, the burner shuts off immediately, but the blower continues to,run for about 45 seconds, Should overheating occur or the gas supply fail to shut off,turn off the manual gas control valve to the appliance. 16. If the-appliance will not operate,follow the instructions below"TO TURN OFF GAS TO THE APPLIANCE",and call your service technician or gas supplier.. TO TURN OFF GAS TO APPLIANCE I Press the OFF button on operating control. 2. Switch off all electric power to the unit. 3. Remove the access door panels, see Figure 25. 4. Toggle-Style Valve: Pull toggle toward you to turn gas off, see Figure 26. 5. Replace the Access Door Panels. Section 2. Warning and Safety Instructions 9 CONSUMER INFORMATION AND SAFETY File Copy OWA•RNING The U.S.Consumer Product Safety Commission warns that carbon monoxide is an "invisible killer".Carbon monoxide is a colorless and odorless gas. L. Carbon monoxide is produced by burning fuel,including natural gas and propane. r 2. Proper installation,operation and maintenance of fuel-burning appliances in the home is the most important factor in reducing carbon monoxide poisoning. f • 3. Be sure that fuel burning-appliances such asheaters are installed by professionals according to manufacturer's instructions and codes. iF 4. Always.follow the manufacturer's directions for safe operation. r 5. Have the heatingsystem(including vents inspected and serviced annuall b a trained service technician. Y C g ), P Y Y 6. Examine vents regularly for improper connections,visible cracks,rust or stains.. 7.. Install battery-operated carbon monoxide alarms.The alarms should be certified to the requirements of the most recent UL,IAS,CSA and IAPMO standard for carbon monoxide alarms.Test carbon monoxide alarms- regularly and replace dead batteries. GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS. NOTICE: • Combustion air contaminated by.corrosive chemical fumes can damage the heater and will void the warranty. • The Combination Gas Control Valve on this heater differs from most appliance gas controls..lf it must be replaced, for safety reasons replace it only with an identical gas control. • The access door panels must be in place to provide proper ventilation. Do not operate the heater for more than five (5) minutes with the access door panels removed.. • This heater is design certified by CSA International as complying with the Standard for Gas Fired Pool Heaters, ANSI Z21.56/CSA 4.7, and is intended for use in heating fresh water swimming pools or spas. • The heater is designed for the heating of chlorine,bromine or salt system swimming pools and spas. It should NOT be used as a space heating boiler, or general purpose water heater. . • The heater is design certified by CSA International for installation on combustible flooring. Specified minimum clearances must be maintained to combustible surfaces (see"Heater Clearances", page 19). • The heater should be located in an area where leakage of the heater or connections will not result in damage to the area adjacent to the heater or to the structure:When such locations cannot be avoided, it is recommended that a suitable drain pan, adequately drained, be installed under:the heater. The pan must not restrict air flow. • The heater may not be installed within 5 ft.(1.5M)of the inside surface of a pool or spa unless it is separated by a solid fence, wall or other permanent barrier. H A L®S®U RC E. Date: 1/10/2011 Revision:.00 Material Safety Data Sheet c®jz� AquaPill: SolarPill yam- - � � :�� ,.a� �t r•d�' 1��$:t�: � $ -N� .�: ra ¢. Manufacturers Name: Halo Source,Inc Corporate Address: 1631 220"'St.SE,Suite 100, Bothell;INA 98021 Manufacturer's Telephone: (425) 881-6464(Monday-Friday,8AM-5PM..PDT) Emergency Telephone(24 Hours): 800-424-9300 CHEMTREC(Domestic, North America) 703-527-3887 CHEMTREC(International,collect calls accepted) Mated;allTrade/Product Name: AquaPill:SolarPill Synonyms: None Chemical Name: Not applicable Chemical Formula: Not applicable CAS No.: Not applicable EPA Registration#: Not applicable Product Use: Reduces heat and chemical loss by preventing water evaporation. mow CAS NO. COMPONENT % OSHA HAZARDOUS? Trade Secret Trade Secret Trade YES Secret All other components are either non-hazardous or below de NO minimus quantities. NOTE: See Section 8 for permissible exposure limits. d , a g I .�. EMERGENCY OVERVIEW Yellow liquid with a slight-fatty/waxy odor. - -- _May-be:mildly irritating to:eyes.. Not likely to be hazardous to skirt;respiratory tract,or by ingestiori` __ POTENTIAL HEALTH EFFECTS EYE: May be mildly irritating to eyes. . S KIN: Not likely to be hazardous to skin. INHALATION: Not likely to be hazardous by inhalation. Copy AquaPffl: SolarPill Page Number:3 of 6 .'d• •.d Chi. .lw' u:Ss SAFE'HANDLING RECOMMENDATIONS VENTILATION:General ventilation should be sufficient. FIRE PREY ire FraZarGS Known. SPECIAL HANDLING REQUIREMENTS:No special handling requirements. SAFE STORAGE RECOMMENDATIONS CONTAINMENT:Keep container closed when not in use. STORAGE ROOM RECOMMENDATIONS:Store at room temperature. INCOMPATIBLE MATERIALS:To avoid product degradation and equipment corrosion;do not use iron,copper or aluminum containers or equipment ENGINEERING CONTROLS: General ventilation should be sufficient PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT(PPE) EYEIFACE PROTECTION: Eye protection is recommended. SKIN PROTECTION: Special skin protection should not be needed. HAND PROTECTION:Gloves are recommended any time handling chemicals. RESPIRATORY PROTECTION:A respiratory protection program that meets OSHA's 29 CFR 1910A34 and ANSI Z88.2 requirements must be followed whenever workplace conditions warrant a respirator's use. GOOD HYGEIENEIWORK PRACTICES: Always follow good hygiene/work practices by avoiding dusts,vapors, or mists and contact with eyes.and skin. Thoroughly wash hands after handling and before eating or drinking. EXPOSURE GUIDELINES PERMISSIBLE EXPOSURE LIMITS - _.— -INGRE Dl-EN SffA ISK Ij - CAS NO. Not Applicable Not Not Not Not Not Not A licable Applicable Annfienhip Applicable A licable A livable g s MM SME' — _ .: COLOR= Yellow SHAPE:Not applicable,liquid PHYSICAL FORM: Liquid ODOR: Mild fatty-waxy pH: 6— 8 VAPOR PRESSURE: Not available AquaXII. SolarPill Page Number: 5 of 6 NOTE: Chemical additions,processing or otherwise altering this material may make the waste management information presented in this MSDS incomplete, inaccurate or otherwise inappropriate. C K �` t S •} � U.S..DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION(DOT):, "----Proper-Shipping-Naine. Nut Regulated Hazard Class: Not Regulated -� ------- Identification Number(UN Number): Not Regulated Packing Group(PG): Not Regulated pit ON � ,. _ •t. L j'�` F:.EdR E6k94.cr i •r TSCA;STATUS:All components are listed. CERCLA REPORTABLE QUANTITY(RQ): CHEMICAL NAME RQ Not applicable Not applicable SARA TITLE III SECTION 302 EXTREMELY HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES(EHS): CHEMICAL NAME TPQ RQ Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable SARA TITLE III SECTION 3111312 HAZARD CATEGORIES: Does this product/material meet the definition of the following hazard classes according to the EPA'Hazard Categories'promulgated'under Sections 311 and 312 of SARA Title III? ACUTE HEALTH CHRONIC HEALTH FIRE HAZARD REACTIVE HAZARD SUDDEN RELEASE HAZARD HAZARD OF PRESSURE YES NO NO NO NO SARA TITLE III SECTION 313 TOXIC CHEMICALS INFORMATION: CHEMICAL NAME CAS NO. CONCENTRATION(%) Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable CA-LIF-ORNUICPROPOSITION-65:Jfhe�`ol ovnng emica s is are Fhown to the state of California to cause cancer or reproductive toxic7ty: CHEMICAL NAME CAS NO. CONCENTRATION (%) Not applicable " Not applicable Not applicable � t• kr�� Y s�a� "z'����, '. t va `I��'�}r,,} v}„�.�i„a'"�v+ ,1• ' I r a draTi��iY` . ' r k "aJ3y1` }4�xr �7' tr'.p^ • '', r �`R�`'^ COP �.�Fs �i•` b :11L v3'a a't68'X+ y yY ','�, , / P 0 POOL ' , AND SPA � HEATER R 4 ?4��1h�.x•� o-ktl}�kra�F �"N.�F�a�rft+�•��t �yy, � `ter Jar y al YS Ztr Y� + ttra �1 �ssAP}^ vj <7�r err 3 ,,4, u• w`+•�ftJ�J���l yu�it� �'r`�-r�� �.�.n,.��y„S.�X frtt•>Ti r .r � r a X .*Pr� � 4 ''�" ''�Z�ur '�• ] v lA•�..,7 vyw, �' �•' USER'S nr Y �tyTgritig A, INSTALLATION I I urx r aOTky1 . �N .rY'4.�35''Cr'Is,'C.R+vtr �^'ti1hT u•. t � ;Y'4 �f"v`-hri✓•1`2 �Y ��tr>ti`YP^�3 "••{'� ,J,r+a:," "t' �r r»�f„. �^ �t�•r �S r rt , Xr�-s,i:.;•e1t,a .r r. � ���`ac.H -"+R,f t s+. •. — F h 4 ax•� 1a'"' F c r "b .!Ty t•,4 t?4*y<!r /r I '` t • •UR -READBEFORE OPERATING { 0 4 y z f j+a,�.Jt is r 1ii14 W 'ck �f r' y y w F� f J! 44 SAFETY_ _ + ' k 1 ,• t .,� '"'`lifa r t uy • •• • • • • : • explosion • j G y 3 Ir�^y t� *i MOU !J: v 34+1 �.M 1'� i y tf'i;1.3 4l t� K: b t «z r j a r }.. — • ••- damage,personal • • 1 • additional •copies• t. :"f -=,,, �5''t4>fir,��.� Z :11 : rx•f"'� l"manual;call .�t'ah,r,{;fC3 '�9'�S-i_TFr7 1 S" k h , L } t3 �i i xa�•r far� s�'Xsy`r#§ 4 _ to �°a i'a15Y aa4'w Fs�' 8 7f+ H� 4':( x'!'k • • 1 •1 •: :1 • -1 1 • -I •: .I 1•• •. +' •', !• �� p l�r • tER Fix ������ d�t xS i� 1 r 1•• .1: ••. r ••1 .I 1 i ri �.r�yl i t y#3M7:'��tJ'RkS'� T �r _'�t K'��rv. � k ��'Sr.-�`^��^'4t`'�sf h Few` .• t ° >:r Ste t 6�JpJ�r.�Y� Y�u,�,� trP`s�f '� ��I,rC'(f lY'��{���',! " . .11 I .1 •:• I ••: •• ••• ••: ,1 • • I � 1 Z lttl� �'���i,�� ��f��•��3 Z�� / �ys���, )f+�zt�J�r�y�`j/�� 14J•, • i Y j4 r�z ��Y*,•�t�a`����'�r�,,{ s �-L•. J e 4b st"r`i , ' VY TT 4 f S 1 r .. . _ > �;°'" r tr'�• hr5�,kanN'�a,.kv3F A�.�����r� F��t��t.���Ti,�• sx Ls �. r�4fY 1� t 1 1 ? A 1r ! s1� c Y s°a�v�Mx7 a a i•Yr; '''la'�T� r ' ` 11• - 111 11 ay,,. .C� , ,;, s'`,jrikr�sa4•t'Jr^ `;� h><a�r, ' +{'r'f4r�`•er + M „ y..a Pr�a•f( 7`,�,r r'�tfyF, 11 1 1 1 y�' ° nY ,z°u rrss.K � �t r 4 r yr & 11NOR1 1 r-�' J+''. •fji `B} r' ��7a - hst} iv.S+t/`s ,J� .2 1 461 4607331 5st a Y r d 3 ' "F'n� .i 1 • 460806 t f`3� >•ri,'y maw eYQS x`s? .r • t o f v 1 '}�s•.rz4cy�'.ra`Lt4�i��.t �:' �' ' �r r1 y'•-^..+,4t ' t 4 5 t>4•�� -4ST, 11 . 1 1 �` ➢r r 1 i�.r"'&.. �rrr4. r r�'f4� ' a, 4 a"�S r — 11 f j 4t x chi ' x1� a ow�a � a trytt,r}�t"'" + ; 1 y6+'1.Sv',;.uet `x k�attk•"i`�' k ..;, 460737 •11460736 , " i '`4:i°t ,^ r'•S^'-ik'`'{'K' i�{.slv��y' •11 1 460805 ,�4 r•''� k y t± y ° � ti t 'a '+'/.*F•�'7G'rr's�i�Tk. 11 1 1 k4 .QS J H y i t a�x i'ta � " i ti , yk'ln '- 1 �8 § 'S+f JI ` •U r M1�S t. X4�`s S•''tWg9r IA Vr `�N!'a. tl�r t+ is . ; •"'g' :�•yri• �t �� � �.�,5t"�'�s�ay' �� ��� ,�Ff�����r�u�'!{ . �" r> d•s'v�xi 3!"�, wSf yt ;' t�R4t +�C21.},� / ••. M I Fl • .• V. • - • 1Y 'Y kkY•7• '�,l,t *.tyfl� � }SJ1.id'-� �" `� iy,��• a��4�"'J`s � i { + �F`'r` �,s�3-p'�L`aTk'} �q�,��+i+x�'���,5"�{_. P tCr hh� 1 1•' 1. .1- •- 1 • 1-. 1 1 r 1- 1 -1 ! y� L y� 2 •k`I• ,� * F�``�(`` e 1 qualified agency• gas � AMIN, 4 T Wit" l r I • • GAS- Do k3ff'�•�'S�{�rs"i � :tF� ��ti,�:4-t'4�Ia�Yr� �'FY' +�' �' notto lightappliance. • 'L Yi,.P.G ,4edrF e t t 7 i Y�4 1•`Pt`it l t zC+ �x,A FOR I•not touchr E Kra t i"tt u, A p . w_ XY � TS•aY' { Immediately your gas /1 from 1 1/ phone. Follow Y :;Y+, 7',s R rn' }�rtv Sr ••�'• 1 t �a?^2r7 obi }r , • thegas ers ions. `�, ``V f"p} '"aw�.y r t ri Y'G'F 7 rt c ,F• �. �kIf you cannot reach your gas supplier,call the fire department ir Ly3Mr•t SAFETY DO NOT store or use,gasollne or other flammable v pop and liquids in the vicini yJa' tKJ , �k hh+ tv Y' 4* 1 i Z #fi' PentairWaterPootand Spa,Inc. t3ta�IsR 4x Ys r�,rJ�,Yd� ix4.Atu p6'tki' r [,Ary rttY�' ,CV�itF 9 • � a I I :II : :111 f��4ys M_-tv,u 414 •r� � !D' 19 1 :11 I• , :1 111 �}r„�i;�a.,'�t����L3+"�•�ri •.4 fs� r T�.M1-•Z(F t . �'� t"rxr'�7�` •t. -:.:tea _ ��,. --,. a .. ,� S ti a s -. �, ,�. 9 L)NSUMER INFORMATION ANUSAFE'1^1 ©WARNING- The U.S.Consumer Product Safety Commission wams that carbon monoxide is an"invisible killer'.Carbon monoxide is a colorless and odorless gas. 1. Carbon monoxide is produced by burning fuel,including natural gas and propane. 2. Proper installation,.operation and maintenance of fuel-burning appliances in the home is the most importani factor in reducing carbon monoxide poisoning. 3. Be sure that fuel burning appliances such as heaters are installed by professionals according touianufacturees. instructions and codes. 4. Always follow the manufacturer's directions for safe operation. 5. Have the heating system(including vents)inspected and serviced annually by a trained service technician. 6. Examine vents regularly for improper connections,visible cracks,rust or stains. 7. Install battery-operated carbon monoxide alarms.The alarms should be certified to the requirements of the most recent UL,IRS,CSA and IAPMO standard for carbon monoxide alarms.Test carbon monoxide alarms regularly and replace dead batteries: GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS File copy {NOTICE: • Combustion air contaminated by corrosive chemical fumes an damage the heater and will void the warranty. The Combination Gas Control Valve on this heater differs from most appliance gas controls.If it must be replaced, .for safely reasons replace it only with an identical gas control. • The access door panels must be in place to provide proper venblation.Do not operate the heater for more than five(5) a `..minutes with the access door panels removed. This heater is design certified by GSA Intemational as complying with the Standard for Gas Fred Pool Heaters, (Sl 11.0009`Q-atended for use in healing fresh water swimming pools or spas. • The heater is designed for the heating of chlorine,bromine or salt system swimming pools and spas.It should NOT be` I used as a space heating boiler,or general purpose water heater. • The heater is design certified by CSA International for installation on combustible flooring,Specified minimum clearances must be maintained to combustible surfaces(see'Heater Clearances',page 18). • The heater should be located in an area where leakage of the heater or connections will not result in damage to the area adjacent to the heater or to the structure.When such locations cannot be avoided,it is recommended that.a suitable drain-pan,adequately drained,be installed under the heater.The pan must not restrict air flow. • ,The heater may not be installed within 5 ft.(1.5M)of the inside surface of a pool or spa unless if is separated by a solid fence,wall or other permanent barrier. Rev.K 12-18-13 MASTERTEMP11 Pool and Spa Heater Installation and Users Guide n q �Ccuw1�:� .msranauon'In�ttitttfons>,':� 3... . , SPECIFICATiOh'S. These instal lation instructions are designed for use by qualified personnel only,trained especially for hhstallation HEATER DESCRIPTION type of heating equipment and related components.Some states require installation and repair by licensed person your state,be.sure your con ear he appropriate license.See Figure 2 for Outdoor and. this applies in yo s tractor bears t Figurel is a diagram of the heatersbowingbow it opera les,Pikise)y, installations, matched orifice plates meter the air and gas into the mixer The r blower draws the air and gas through the mixer and forces it into the burner's flame holder.A sealed heat exchanger'surronnds the e�cw' 158.5 CM): flame holder,discharging exhaust gases out the flue. MW ad",�i- , Two inch PVCwater piping connects directly to the manifold/header on the heat exchanger u"sirig 2"PVC stip unions provided with the : comae 1 heater.The outer manifold remains cool;no heat sinks are required �,•�) " A thermal regulator and an internal bypass regulate the water flow .-� -► -►' ' \`` through the heat exchanger to maintain the correct outlet = , temperature.The heater operator control panel board assembly is = O r� teas located on top of the heater." , VI GM) 3z6. (53.3cm) F (82.6CM) SEQUENCE OF OPERATION An electronic temperature sensing thermistdr in the manifold adapter inlet controls the heater operation.When the inlet water Figure t. temperature drops below the temperature set on the operating control,the burner controller supplies power to the combustion air blower through a series of safety interlocks.The interlocks consist of: •the pressure.switch(PS),which senses that the pump is running, _ FRONT TOP •the high limit switch(HLS),which opens if the heat exchanger outlet temperature goes above:635' •the air flow switch(AFS),which senses tie pressure drop across the air metering orifice, ELECTRICAL •the automatic gas shut-off(AGS)switch,which opens if the heat exchanger outlet tempemture.gbes above]40°F. CONDUIT PORT" (60o Q. •the stack flue sensor(SFS),which struts down the heater if the Ilue gas temperature•reaches 480'F.(2490'C)'. The air flow switch(AFS)senses the pressure drop across the air metering orifice.As soon as there is-sufficieint air flow;.:. the AFS closes,closing the circuit to the hot surface igniter(HSI),which ignites the fuel mixture.On a call for heat,the blower and HSI are energized•in about 20 seconds,the gas valve opens and ignition occurs.The HSI'then switches to a:."• sensing mode and monitors the flame. The heater is equipped with a digital operating control that enables the user to pre-sef thce dctired.pool'all' "spa:water: Q� e o 0 0 emperatures.The control enables the user to select between pool and spa heating,and features wdigital display that::`: t.8an) 0 ,cndicates the water temperature. PUTTINGTHE HEATER INTO SERVICE Cz 1&0' 10, If the heater is installed below the level of the pool,or more than two•feet above.pool level;'tie.pressure sivitcli:setting s.6 should be adjusted.See WATER PRESSURE SWITCH,in the SAFETY CONTROLS Section..,; (t4.2cm) Before putting the heater into service for the first time,follow the instructions under"BEFORE•STARTUP"'(page33 ..:'. tite front of this manual.Check for proper operation of the heater by following the steps under"OPERATION, EXHAUST SIDE PLUMBING SIDE INSTRUCTIONS," Damage to equipment caused b improper installation or repair will void. Figure 2. g eq P YP ty•"• . O�1& Ray.K Wit���++, MASTEWMP Pnnl—A Cnb tinnla���++^��^+^ :w•.•..:... Section 3. Installation Instructions Section 3.: (nsfaflafion'.1hMicfio"'. ' VALVES PLUMBING CONNECTIONS When any equipment is located below the surface of the pool or sba,valves should be placed-in the circulation r The MasterTemp heater has the unique capability of direct,' system to isolate the equipment from the pool or spa.Check valves are recommended to prevent back-siphoning.I schedule 40 PVC plumbing connections.A set of bulkhead " ` '"''`•' siphoning is most likely to occur when the pump stops,creating apressure-suction differential.Do NOT sanitize the fittings is'included with the MasterTemp heater to insure 0 .`' by putting chlorine tablets or sticks into the skimmers).When the pump is off,this will cause a high concentratit conformity with Pentair's recommended PVC plumbing .;' Da _ chlorine to enter the heater,which could cause corrosion damage to the heat exchanger,, procedure.Other plumbing connections can be-used.See Figure for plum'bing connections. (�, ACAUTION Exercise care when Installing chemical feeders so as to not allow'b.-c'siphoning of chemical into the heater,filte ACAUTION ,o. PUMP orpump,When chemical feeders are installed in the circulation of the piping system,make sure the feeder outlet Ill HEATER FILTER Is down stream of the heater,and Is equipped with a positive,seal noncorrosive"Check Valve';(PIN R17228i Before operating the heater an a new Installation,turn - ..::, between the feeder and heater. i' on the circulation pump and bleed all the air from the un d filter using the air relief valve on top of the filter.Water should flow freely through the heater.Do not operate Figure3. .� MANUALBY-PASS• the heater unless water,in the pool Spa Is at the proper level.If a manual by-pass is hnstalled,.tempoiarlly close It Where the water flow rate exceeds the maximum 120 GPM,a manual Figure 4, to Insure that all air is purged from the heater. `,� bYP.ass should be installed and adjusted.After installing the valve,adjust. the valve to bring the flow rate within the acceptable range.Then_remove. WATER CONNECTIONS - the valve handle or lock it in place to avoid tampering.See'Figure4:' o a „ 3�INa —, Modal Min,(GPMI(LPM) Max.(GPM)(LPM)! Table 1. e e•o u O The heater requires proper water flow and pressure for its y Chlorinator` - e o 0 operation.See Figure 5 for the recommended installation. } . .: .• Melva . .. 175 20(76) 120.(454) The filter pump discharges to,the filter,the filter discharges + ; 1T 260 20(7(i) .120(454) n o to the heater,and the beater discharges directly to the pool cheekVM_1 .••• 250 25(95) 120(454) , ;a e Coolwaler or spa. . . + !<- t �.. co . . ;. 300 30(114) 120(454) A manual bypass valve'should be installed across the heater _ when the pump flow exceeds 120 GPM(454 LPM).See Neater l 400 , 40(15z) 120(454) ` 'Do not exceed the maximum recommended flow "WATER FLOW RATE"on page 13-Table l for setting of Main' t rate for the connecting piping. waimwalw out the manual b - ass valve. Drain 1 -,� Bar n Y P 'Pumps 2 HP or larger can produce water pressure 1.set Manual By-Pass Valve. Pool (� Spe'L flow In excess of 120 GPM.For these pumps;a R Remove Handle 4's Make sure that the outlet plumbing from the heater contains.. 0 "`���� ''" BY-PASS VALVE Is recommended' _w =sorodierflowre'strictionsthatcouldprevent ry;;heater(except forpool installations as not j Pum outlet pool below,or winterizing valves where needed).To switch flow f +-+' ' ► , Intel to healer between the pool and spa,use a diverter valve.Do not use • �' ". BELOW POOL'LEVEL INSTALLATION any valve that can shut off the flow. l - l' Install the.chemical feeder downstream ofthe heater,Install -From.Pool .3-Way 3-Way •: if the beater is below water level,the pressure.switch must be adjusted.This adjustment must be done by a qualified y Valve Valve service technicians See following CAUTION before installation, achemicalresistantone-wa check valve between the heater and the chemical feeder to prevent back-siphoning through the heater when the pump is off. Figure 5: ACAUTION NOTICE:If the heater is plumbed in backwardsi it will cycle continuously.Makd surd piping from ft(teris not reversed. , BELOW OR ABOVE POOL INSTALLATION when installing,heater. '� ' � . � ' Connect heater directly to 2",PVC pipe,using the integral unions provided.IIeaf sinks zte•not required.T1ie low. The water pressure switch is set in the factory at 3.00 PSI(10.75 PSi).This setting is for a heater Installed at pool level. thermal mass of the lteaterwill prevent overheating of the 1 ins coimected to the um even, the heater shutsdoam.:. ' If the heater Is to be Installed more than V above or below,the water pressure switch must be adjusted by a qualified p g p p b p P, service technician.See page 351 Figure 29. unexpectedly. Occasionally a two-speed pump will not develop enough pressure on the low speed to operate the heater,In this case;'run: • FLOW SWITCH the pump at high speed only to operate the heater.If this does not sohre the problem,d0 not try to'run the heatet Instead,: . ;: _ If the heater is Installed more than 5'above the pool or more than 4'below the pool level,you will be beyond the limits correct the installation. of the pressure switch and a flow switch must be Installed,Locate and Install the flow switch externally on the outlet Do not operate the heater while ail automatic pool cleaner is also operating.ifthecirculation-pump'suct(onisltkgAed(for..,:.:;; piping from the heater,as close as,-,possible tc,Oe heater.Connect the flow switch wires In place of the water example by leaves),there may not be adequate flow to the beater.Do not rely on the pressure switch in this case• •, pressure switch wires. i +, .,,,...• rtra►aaauuq .4 oaGuutt 0, :insrallation.1atrd6fidttS':Z^�; '' •' '' GAS CONNECTIONS GAS PIPE SIZING. STAGE TWO"LOW PRESSUR'"GAS PIPE SIZING GAS LINE INSTALLATIONS PiPE SIZING FOR GAS LiNE CONNECTIONS ' Before installing the gas line,be sure to check which gas the heater has been designed to bum.This'is'inip'ortant because ' MAXIMUM EQUIVALENT PIP_sENGTH(Ft) different types of gas require different gas pipe sizes.The rating plate On the heater will indicate which gas the heater is, -' Natural Gas al loco B.ru.per Cubic Fool Propane Gas at 2500 B.T.U.per Cubic Fool designed to bum.The Table 2,shown on page 15,show which size pipe is required for the distance fro if the gas inbtei•-to. . the heater,The table is for natural gas at a specific gravity of.65 and propane at a specific gravity of 1.55. 112" 3/4" 1" 1•i;4" 1.112" 2" 2.112". MODEL NAT PRO NAT PRO I NAT PRO NAT PRO NAT PRO NAT PRO NAT PRO s When sizing gas lines,calculate three(3)additional feet ofstraight pipe for every elbow used.When installing the gas line,_': . ns zo' 30 so' 125 zso' 4so bra' avoid getting dirt,grease or other foreign material in the pipe as this may cause damage to the gas valve,which may result zoo 2V 30' Bo• 125' 259 450' BW in heater failure. zso 10' zo' so' ro' 150' 250'I sac' 600' 300 16' 30' 50' 100' 200' 350' 400' 600' - The ggs meter should be checked to make sure that it will s"pply enougi:gas to the heater and m]� olher.applinnces. -T Table 2• 40o to' zo so' too t50' zoo' 4so' 4oB' that may be used on the saute meter.The gas line from the meter will usually be of a/aiger size than the kas valve supplied with the heater. Therefore a reduction of the connecting gas pipe will be necessary,Make thisaedr'rctiott TESTING r7As PRESSURE as close to the heater as possible. j The heater requires a gas supply of not less than 4"(10.2 cm)we and not more than 14"(35.6 cm)wc;.Gas supply Before operating the Treater,the heater and its gas connections must be leak tested.Do NOT use an open flame to t pressures outside of this range may result in improper burner operation.A minimum flowing or dynamic inlet pressure ' `" for-leaks,Test all gas connections for leaks with soapy water or another non-flammable method(see page 14). (while the heater is running)of 4"(10.2cm)we is required to maintain input rating with no more than a 2"pressure drop Tile heater and its individual shut-off valve must be disconnected from the gas supply piping system during any press, between static and dynamic.The gas supply must be installed in accordance with the National Fit el Gas Cade, ; testing of that System at test pressures in excess of 1/2 psig(3.5 k, ANSIZ223.I,or standard CSAB149.1,Natural Gas and Propane Installation Codes,as applicable arid all applicable .: The heater must be isolated from the gas supply system byclosingitsindividual mail ualshut-off valve duri ng any premr local codes.Install manual shut-off valve and a sediment trap and union located outside the heater panels,see figure 6. testing of the gas supply at test pressures equal to or less than 1/2 psig(3.5 kPa). Do notuse a restrictive gas cock.The following minimum gas pipe sizes are recommended for natural gas supply piping,.. : . CHECKING THE GAS PRESSURE THROUGH THE COMBINATION GAS CONTROL VALV see Table 2 on page 15,For low pressure LP gas,pipe size may be reduced by 1/4",with a minimum pipe size of 1/2": :. Check for compliance with local codes. The heater and any other gas appliances must be disconnected from the gas supply piping system dtfdag any pressure QWARN I N G testing on that System,(greater titer] Risk PSI),The heater and its gas connection trust be leak tested before placing the: Risk of fire and explosion.Improper installation,incorrect adjustment,alteration,service,or maintenance of the Combination heater in operation.Do not use flame to test the gas line.Use soapy water or another nonflammable method.. . Gas Control Valve can lead to fire or explosion,causing loss of life,personal injuy,and/or property damage.If it is necessary -- to adjust the gas valve,this must be done by only by a qualified service agency,These instructions are for the use of NOTE qualified service technicians onlyl A manual main shut-off valve must be installed externally to the heater. .. This appliance is equipped Connector Totes for Test FlgureT. QWi4RNING `.,,..`.. with an unconventional gas Connection ToNrFlow valve Vent-''" '.; control valve that is factory To A r Flow torservice swirrn �i To High side DO NOT INSTALL THE GAS LiNE UNION INSIDE THE HEATER CABINET.THiS WiLL VOID YOUR WARRANTY{';.;; set with a manifold Switch /t of Differential I' — I Pressure Gauge Pressure Tap pressure of—•2"(4.5cni) s'y `l /— Inlet To Gas ,, we.Installation or service ""`' '' ValveVenl ti• f t`�, i _ P b must e erfom]ed b a ' • 18-24'oT3/4'�� Maniiaf y Vent ' � ;► Gas fine rrom snug ..• _ qualified installer,service �• Valve Valve:.. .'..�� ' r oa.or larger: agency,or the gas supplier. rr ' SEDIMENTTRAPS isee.Recammended ` ---_.. Pipesr2es.cnan> '}.t::' If this control valve is mod: Install a sediment trap and union located outside the Hell. replaced.it must be Reducer• heater panels in accordance with National code -replaced witlinnidentical ?s;rfr;�. * 1,.Pressure Tap ` u requirements.Do not use a restrictive gas cock Tl1e v v v v i?: '— r iS control. v v i At'least.9".ti%. TOLOWSt'�ee( sediment trapshall be either a ted fitting with a capped °°° ° Differoni:zl Pressure Gauge g PP °, The combination gas nipple in the bottom outlet which can be removed for °°°° -;.;:;:;•..::• ,;; valve incorporates dual shut-off valves and a negative-pressure regulator.For proper operation,the regulated pressure cleaning,as illustrated in FiLnne 0,or all other device °a® 11r ion• ;;." Ar'least3'': i, at the outlet manifold of the valve must be-0.2"(-0.5cm)we below the reference pressure at the blovvcr mixer inlet, g ...:. :. recognized as an effective sediment trap.All as piping °°° I f=' sY= *.•}'':: ,..: and the as valve'VENT'to]mast be connected to the cud ca air orifice as shown in Fi�w 7, g► P g P P g Sedt n2nt r g I A b 'e should be tested after installation in accordance with. ` Trap.;,, ,, ;r: ° °® , �,,: YDo not attempt to adjust the gas input by adjusting the regulator setting.The correct gas regulator setting is "s"''""+%``' ''"'`` irf'+ required to maintain proper combustion and must NOT be altered. local codes. tg ;'•<:. MASTERTEMP'Pool and 90 Heater'(W611atierraiid Section 3.' 7nsta1lafioii lrrsfFucti6ns 16 Section 3. lnstallationIhstrutitions''�; ,-,F tch:atancesf6ra11ui b Idingopdniiigs,indliidingbutnotlimitedt6Wdtedeavb's,doors,wii ' _ ••�ortniitimuinl;Fltaustven lj gravity aft inlet,sbe Figure 9,shbwbelow. ACAU TI O N In Canada,the heater must be installed with the top of the vent at least 10 feet Qin)below,or to either side of,any of The use of Flexible Connectors(FLEX)Is NOT recommended unless they are properly sized according to the .`' _ intoabuilding. supplier recommendations for the heater rating. Orient the heater for convenient access to the water connections and the gas and electrical connections. •Note:Check local building codes far installing the healer from any properly line set back requiremr nfs(sr GAS PRESSURE REQUIREMENTS Natural Propane installation diagram below). Gas Pressure Model inches W.C. _ CAUTION Maximum Inlet MT 14 14 "r Minimum Inlet MT 4 a If installing the heater next to or near an air '�- Manifold MT •0.2 10.1 .0.2 10.1. conditioning unit or a heat pump, allow a minimum of 36 in. (91A cm) between the air t NOTE:All readings must be taken while heater is operating. conditioning unit and the heater, 3 ft.(1 M)or more Any-adjustments or readings made while heater is off will result in performance problems. Table 3.' OUTDOOR INSTALLATION (U.S.and Canada) For heaters located outdoors,using the built-in stackless venting system. _ AWARNING oIn Risk of explosion if a unit burning propane gas Is installed In a pit or other low spot,Propane is heavier than air.Do not install the heater using propane in pits or other-locations where gas might collect Consult your local building code officials to Figure a, determine installation requirements and specific installation restrictions of the heater relative to propane storage tanks and' filling equipment.Installation must meet the requirements for the Standard for the Storage and Handling of Liquid Petroleum _ Gases,ANSIINFPA 58(latest edition)in the US.,or CANIGSA 6149.2(latest edition)in Canada.Consult local codes and fire protection authorities about specific installation restrictions. Locate the heater on a level surface in an open area that is protected from drainage or run-off.Install the heater in an.area'.. OUTDOOR INSTALLATION where leaves or other debris will not collect on or around the heater, - VENTING GUIDELINES From window or door -")avoid damage to the electronic components in the heater,take care to prevent prolonged exposure to driving sources'.•. - r�4' water(such as Lamm sprinklers,heavy roof runoff,hoses,etc.).Avoid operation in persistent,extreme,moist or salty 3' environments. in extreme weather,shut down the heater and disconnect the power to it until the heather has moderated. t„ SIDE VIEW 4 In areas subject to hurricanes or very high winds,purchase the Bolt Down Bracket Kit,PIN 460738. sin © a property Line .g HEATER CLEARANCES—OUTDOOR r � �„ ;� ' From building wain IMPORTANTI l �+ ForcB ey C ,bg& . +r AJr linen • In an outdoor Installation it is Important to ensure water Is diverted from overhanging eves with a proper.; - gutterldrainage system.The heater must beset on a level foundation for proper drainage. Building i :.... • This unit shall not be operated outdoors at temperatures below-20•F. •,;; 4• Vent Termination: i...• 9 Must be at least 3 IL above any forced If the heater is located under a roof overhang,there must be at least three(3)feet(Im)of • C= sit Inlet located within a 10 ft.radius. clearance between the bottom of the overhang and the top of the heater exhaust vent,see Fig FocHealarmwnling ure • hero and damps -- `" 1 purchase Waralery.: iiiiiiiiii Must be located 6 in.away from the building S.If the heater is under a roof overhang,the space around the heater must be open on three Bolt Down Bracket III,'::' wall and the follow, distances away from any building sides.DO NOT,under any circumstances,install the heater under ANY deck• Part No.4 0738.•. wall openingss,,inGuded but not limited to vented eaves, doors,windows,gravity air Inlet: -ip-41 below, (��� ,:•:�;, '..� T„ Figure 9. Si'ctiori 3. lnstallatjon llistru;tions ' is Section 3., lnstallation insttLictions : INDOORVENTING—general Requirements COMBU001`4AIR SUPPLY j For-indoor installation,the heater location must provide suflicientair supply forproptjr combustion and ventilation The heater may be Installed as a Category I or Category Ill applJance. surrounding area. Vented Appliance(Category))—Vertical only The minimum requirements for the air supply specify that the room in which a heater is instal led sliould be provided •An appliance that operates with a nonpositit a vent static pressure and with a vent gas temperature that avoids excessive two permanent air suppVopenings;one within 12 inches(30cm)of the ceiling,the other within 12 inches(30cm)cfloor for combustion air,in accordance with the latest edition of A14S1 Z223.1,or the National Fuel Gas code,the E condensate production in the vent,see pages 30-23. B 149.1,Natural Gas and Propane Installation Codes,as applicable,and any local codes that may apply.These oper Vented Appliance(Category 11))—Vertical or Horizontal shall directly,or through duct,connect to outdoor air. An appliance that operates with a positive vent static pressure and with,a vent gas temperature that avoids excessive. Arate:For indoor installations where consbr+stiort air»1Jglit be insufficient,see"Direct Air Intake Dr :5 condensate production in the vent,seepages 24 2b. with 3-inch PVC Pipe(Indoor Installad6n)"below. If you are considering connecting this heater to a pre-existing vent system,make sure that the vent system meets the Air Srr n Re-g uirerr:er:Le Crride appropriate venting requirements as given in this manual on pages 18.28.If not,replace the vent system.DO NOT use pp-L a draft hood with this heater. . . for Jl7asterTemp Heaters The MasterTemp heaters are capable of a 270-degree discharge rotation and operate with a positive vent static pressure Minimum Net Free Open Area for Each Opening* and with a vent gas temperature less than 400°F(204'Q.The total length of the horizontal run must not exceed-the length (square tnehasicentimetersl that is listed in Table I on page 2122. Modal Ali Air From Inside awlmng A5 Air From Outside auitdlng ' Combustion Vent Combustion I Vent E HEATER CLEARANCES—General Requirements 15 200sq.In. 200aq.in. 50 sq.In. 50 sq,In. 1290 sq.cm. 1290 sq.an. 323 sq.cm. 323 sq.cm. INDOOR INSTALLATION R OUTDOOR SHELTER CANADA 200 290 sq.c 290 sq.c 50 sq.or 50 sq.in. (U.S.)1 � ( � 1290 sq,cm. 1290 sq,cm. 323 sq.an. 323 sq.cm. The following clearances must be maintained from combustible surfaces: 2 1 1 50 250 sq.In. 250 sq.In. 63 sq.In. 63 sq.In. 613 s,cm 813 sq,cm 4 O6 sq.era 406 sq.cm TOP..............................6 in.(15 cm) 300 sq. 300 sq,in. 75 sq,in, 75 sq,In. EXHAUST SIDE..........6 In.(It cm) f 3DD 1935 sq.cm. 1935 sq,an. 484 sq.can. 484 sq.cm. (t)Forsmice aoass,a B advisable toakvilor. HEADER SiDE... su6l9eddearanceanatleastoredaorpaneL 61ri.: 400 sq.In. 400 sq.In. 100sq.in. 100sq.in. ........6 in. 15 cm aoo DOOR PANELS 61n. 15 cm r .: ' •• :'. ' . z580a.cm. 256osq.cm. s45s.cm s + q9 64 sq,cm, ......•• ( ) 'Area indiraled is for one or two openings;one at floor revel and one at the cent, Table a. Note(j')For service access it is advisable to allow for sufficient clearance on at least one door panel.The)seater is design certified by CSA It r ; International for installation on combustible flooring,For installation on I� Direct Air intake Duct with 3-inch PVC Pipe (indoor Installation) s1r,•:. carpeting,the heater must be mounted on a metal or wood panel that �For indoor heater installations where combustion air suppY 1 might be insufficient,the MasterTempl'Heateris certified i extends at least three inches(i Ocm)beyond the base of tite heater.If the _6>n- a direct air intake duct using 3-inch PVC pipe.If outside air is drawn,through 3"PVC duct direct) into the heater,P1 heater is installed in a closet or alcove,the entire floor shall be covered b y ' Y ..' pipe can be installed in accordance with the following requirements: the pastel.On an outdoor shelter installation,the exhaust discharges into a The air intake opening MUST be installed at least 1 fI above the roof line or normal snow levels for free air flow.T. vent pipe.Orient the heater so that the vent pipe does not interfere with �;: a Category I or III exhaust vent termination cap must have at least 3 f',.minimum vertical clearance from air intake dul adjustment of the operating controls.The control panel.located on the top ri(kl' (See diagram on pogo 20). panel can be rotated to any of the three sides of the heater for easy access.However,the control panel must not be located on the side where the vent is located. •. OUTSIDE VENT COVER REMOVAL Figurel0, . The heater is supplied from the factory with a built-in stackless outside vent for outdoor installation.Rer»oi e:tlie-outside , vent cover for outdoor shelter installation. . \\A C.T<•.'1T.-...inn . ... .. %J"' -Section 3, Installation Instructions 20 Secfion'3. lnstallation.lnstructions VkNT INSTALLATION )NDOOR INSTALLATION(U.S.)OR OUTDOOR SHELTER(CANA Combustion 3•in,PVC Pfpe: r g- .• 36•MIN., �tee • CombusdonNrinl, '2> Inlet Air Intake Duct Requtrettietits".', (CafegOryQ NOTE':Vent must be at least eight(8)feet away fro, I� 3'PVC Pipe CombusOonAir Intake 3 In.Pipe Always see Note'", nearesiver0caisudace,Vents extending rive(5)feet t �- (Alternate Locatlon) t y + moreabovelheroofmustbebracedorguyed. {Vedcal or HodzontalJ Consultyour(ocaloodeo(ficialsfocdetailedinformatior Flue Exhaust Vent , , . + ++ Cap and Riser I I -- � Vent it vertically using Type B double wall vent connector pipe. I t l No.oi90'Elbows Maltimum length in Feel(M) Locate the heater so as tot'minimize the length of horizontal venting and the number of vent elbows required.H.orizc -.provided by Installer; , � � , t I ITMK 0 70111.21.3M 1 58 ft.17,1 M vent tuns must slope up 1/4"per foot(2cm/M)from the heater to allow xhaust condensate to drain and it is tecommer. Chimney ; ;/% to have a condensate drain as described in the venting installation instructions. or Gas Vent 11 �. 2 46ft.14.0M 6 (Category I or 111) ; 1 '';� 3 2%(t0.4M(6.7 M)2 Flue Exhaust 4 2 R VERTICAL VENTING - NEGATIVE PRESSURE I t Vent Cap Table 5. e es(S a Figures 11,12and 13) (Alternate Location) _______________________ {1/ Vent the heater vertically in a negative pressure(positive draft) stem in �• ° !____4 r ; {jj peon the interior audace 1 = r - accordance with the National Fuel Gas Code,ANSIpZ223.1/NFPA 4 andfor venteaey 4.x 'M to 1 ; ; Chimney or Gas Vent IntakeAr s0" ;'.:, CSA B 149.1,Natural Gas and Propane Installation Codes,and local codes.Type ' r ae Collar ' I (Category I or III) 3•PVa Pipe ; I 36•MIN, ,B Double-wall vent connector is recommended;however single-wall pipe is o ;. i Vent I allowed by the National Fuel Gas Code in some circumstances.Consult your y / I local code official for detailed informa don,Do not use a draft hood with this heater. (- ' To connect a negative pressure metal gas vent to.the heater,order the appropriate •'ti <%f; ' Is•MIN. 12"MIN. Metal Flue Collar from the chart below:Side ( r' Wall Vent " Heater Clean end ` ' OWARNINGI Metal Flue collar Part No, combueaon Tessueece ' Fllue Coll DO NOT USE PVC PIPE FOR FLUE 4 x 6" 77707.0071 Flue ouar Figure 11. EXHAUST VENT.FLUE EXHAUST 4 x 8" 77707-0077 VENT TEMPERATURES CAN BE iN EXCESS OF 40T F.FLUE EXHAUST 1, See Table 7,to determine allowable vent sizes for your heater, :. . VENT MUST BE CATEGORY I or NOTICE:Table 7 is for installations in which the total lateral vent length(that is,the horizontal distance from the flu CATEGORY III METAL VENT collarto the main vertical•portion of the vent)is less than 1/2 the total vent height(the vertical distance front the flue colla to the vent termination)and which have three or less elbows in the system.For venting systems which do not meet thes. conditions,consult the National Fuel Gas Code,ANSI Z223.1(U.S.),or the standards CSA B 149.1 and B 149,2(Canada) Note(*): Combustion Air Intake Duct Connection Kit(Part Number 461631)for all MasterTemp heater models can be ' rchased separately.See page 52 for parts list. Read°VERTICAL VENTING-NEGATIVE PRESSURE°before using this table, NOTE Table 7.-Permitted Minlmum and Maximum Vent Heights ByStze and Heater Model Each 90-degree elbow reduces the maximum horizontal PVC air intake duct run by 12 feet and each 45- Type„a„Double-Wall Vent with Type"a"Double-Wall Connector In Feet(Meters) degree elbow in the PVC air intake duct run reduces the maximum run by 6 feet,See the Table 5.above for'. Model 175 Mode1 zoo Model 250 Model 300 Model 400 the maximum lengths using 90-degree elbows. vent she Height minJmax. Height minJmax. Height minJmax. Height minJmax. Height mIrUmax. Corrosive Vapors and Possible Causes . •� ,. 61n. 6 ft(1.8)1100 ft.(30.5) 6 ft.(1.8y100 ft(30.5) 18 ft.(5.5)1100 ft.(30.5) 30 ft.(9)1100 R(30.5) Not Rec. OCAU TI O N 7 In. 6 ft.(1.8)1100 ft.(30.5) 6 fL(1.Byt00 ft.(30.5) 8 ft(2.4yl0011.(30,5) 10 ft.(3y100 ft.(30.5) 15 ft.(4.6yl00 ft.(30.5) Area Ukely Contaminants . ;`: Chlorinated swimming Pool or spa Leaning chemicals.Acids, �� B In. 6 ft.(1.8)H00 ft.(30.5) 6 ft.(1.8)1100 ft.(30.5) 6 ft.(1.8y100 ft.(30.5) 6 ft.(1,8y100 ft.(30.5) 8 ft.(2.4y100 ft.(30.5) pools and spas such as hydrochloric or muriatic acid. Chemicals should not be Stored near the • 9 and 10 In. 6 ft.(1.111y50 ft.(15.3) 6 ft.(1.8y50 ft.(15.3) 1 6 ft.(1.8y50 ft.(15.3) 6 ft.(1.8y100 ft.(30.5) 6 ft.(1.8y100 ft.(30.5) Glues and cements,concoction heater installation. Combustion air can -� adhesives,paints,varnishes,and paint Type"a"Double-Wall Vent with single-Wall Connector in Feet(Meters) New canslruction and and varnish strippers.Waxes and be contaminated by corrosive chemical ' remodeling areas cleaners containing calcium or sodium Model 175 Model 200 Model 250 Model 300 Model 400 chbdda, fumes which can void the warranty. ;' vent sire Height min.lmax. Height min.Imax. Haight min.imax. Height min.imax. Height minJmax. Permanent wave solutions,bleaches, T, Beauty parlors aerosol cans containing chlorocerbons 6 in. 6 R(1.By15 fL(4.6) 6 ft.(1.By15 R(4.6) 6 ft.(1015 R(4,6) Not Rea Not Rea or fluorocarbons. ;-': 7 in. 6 fL(11:8y8 ft.(2.4) 6 ft(1.8)18 R(2.4) 6 ft.(1.By8 R(24) 10 ft.(3)120 ft.(6) 15 ft.(4.6y50 ft.(15.3) Refvarious industrial planes is Refr eranls,adds,glues and cements, 81n, Not Rec. Not Rea Not Rec. 6 ft.(1.Sy20 ft.(6) 8 ft.(2.4y20 ft.(6) var ous industr ai finishing g construction and processing plants adhesives. ,; .;;r• ;:`.-..: .:;.,� • 9 in. Not Rec. Not Rec. �NDt Not Rec. 6 R.(1.8y6 ft.(1.8) Bleaches,detergents,or laundry soaps Dry deaning and laundry containing chlorine.Waxes and cleaners 10 in, Not-Rec. Not Rao. Not Rec. Not Rec. areas containing chioe%calciumorso({um chloride. Table 6. Section 3. Installation(nstructions ;,:$ection 3: Installatfon fnstructioi;,5 NOTE 4. Install vent pipe so that it can expand and contract freely as"the temperature changes.Support the vent pipe accoi The allowable vent nins for each vent pipe diameter are different and cannot be exceeded.: to applicable codes and the vent manufacturer's instructions;Pipe support must allow the vent pipe free ntovel Each 90-degree elbow reduces the maximum horizontal vent run by 12 feet and each 45-degree elbow in out and back,from side io side,orup and down as necessary,without putting a strain on the heater or vent body.S the vent run reduces the maximum vent run by 6 feet.See Table 7 on page 21 for the maximum vent lengths horizontal pipe runs up from the heater at least 1/4"per foot(2cm per meter).Install Listed condensate drains at using 90-degree and 45-degree elbows, points where condensate rt»gltt collect.Plumb condensate drains to a drain through hard piping or high tempera tubing such as silicone rubber or EPDM rubber—do not use vinyl or other low temperature tubing.Follow d manufacturer's installation instructions. 2. Install the metal Flue Collar in the Vent Body 3. Use Listed fire stopfor floor and coiling enetrations.Use Listed thimble for wall penetrations.Use a Listed r of the heater(located tinder the outside vent Usted, g P cover).Fasten the metal Flue Collarto the Vent Cap lnauon"•••_:: flashing,roof jack,or roof thimble for all roof penetrations.Do not fill the space around the vent(that is,the clear Body with two d10 sheet metal screws,Use Y c Min.10 Ft, space in the thimble or fire stop)with insulation.The roof opening must be located so that the vent is vertical. high temperature silicone RTV to seal the Flue Storm Collar 6., Do not run the heater vent into a common vent with any other appliance. Collar to the Vent Body.Before connecting the metal Flue Collar to the Vent Body,wet a QWARN ING -Flashing' clean cloth orpapertowel with isopropyl alcohol B°Minimum (rubbing alcohol)and vigorouslya4pe the socket Clearance toFire Hazard.Do not vent the heater directly Into a masonry chimney,Installation Into a masonry chimney must use e Combustibllee chimneyliner and must meet the National Fuel Gas Code,ANSI Z223.1/NFPA 54 and/or CSA B149,1,Natural Gas and Pro ane of the Vent Body. Immediately wipe the Materials p `� installation Codes requirements and all local code requirements. cleaned surfaces dry with a clean cloth or � , � ��� ., �, :•.. , paper towel.Repeat for the exterior of the 4" r+ �- end of the metal Flue Collar.Attach the metal Class al Double Wall .F'iresto QWARN I N G • Metal Vent Pipe P , Flue Collar to the Vent Body using the RTV Metal Flue VEW Risk of fire,carbon monoxide poisoning,or asphyxiation.It is recommended to use a CO Monitor and Fire Alarm in rooms supplied with the kit,following the vent Vent Collar Su that contain gas fired appliances. pport Vertical manufacturer's instructions(included with kit). Body Vent Pipe so adapter does not 3. Attach the vent pipe to the metal Flue Collar take weight of with sheet-metal screws. pipe QWA N I N G Figure 12.— Typical Metal Vent Pipe Installation-U.S. ' R (Vertical—Negative Pressure) Risk of fire or asphyxiation if vent is not assembled according to manufacturer's 4 ---ustea _ Terminatiob Instructions or if vent parts from different Min.f Cap manufacturers are mixed,Vent pans from different (,r MI �Min.10 Ft(3.3 M) manufacturers ARE NOT interchangeable.Mixing 3 — storm Collar'.`'. parts from more than one manufacturer may cause ieaks or damage to vent.When assembling a vent, r ! ---Flashing,...... pick one manufacturer and be sure that all vent parts 6'(15 cm)Minimum :. come from that manufacturer and are specified by Clearance to Combustible the manufacturer for your system. Follow Materials manufacturer's instructions,local code requirements, .n National Fuel Gas Code requirements(U.S.)or "Vale[Double Wall standards CSA B149.1 and B149.2 (Canada) Metal Vent Pipe Firestop careful) during assembly and installation. Metal Flue ' Y 9 Y type ta Double We Collar ll Vent Metal Vent.Tee. Body supporiVeriloal Vent Pipe so adapter does not . tekewetghtaf I Conde ate—+�• P P •• '' Drain wlUap t• .o e.Dispose condensate ;ion according to ; local codes. Figure 13.-1 pfcal Metal Vent Pipe Installation-Canada:. (Vertical—Negative Pressure) AAACTCDTee�rvn n__ _ ... •• , Cop File, A 24 t1117-3� Installation Instructions Section 8. Installation Instructions WT HORIZONTAL OR VERTICAL VENTING-POSITIVE PRESSURE(See Figures 14,15;and 16) WARNING (Categoryll!) Risk of carbon monoxide poisoning if adapter Is Improperly attached,Mechanical connections(such as screws) •Dent the heater either horizontally or vertical! using an optional vent adapter of the 4-inch special as approved Category III ' 'cause cracking and leaks in the adapter,Do NOT drill holes or use screws to connect the appliance adapter to the heater, y y g p p p g PP g rY body.Attach with manufacturer's specified adhesive. vent pipes,Install the vent pipe in accordance with local codes and the provisions of the National Fuel Gas Code,ANSI Z223.1 (U.S.).or the standards CSA B149.1,Natural Gas and Propane Installation Codes(Canada),and the vent LIWARNING manufacturer's instructions.Do not use a draft hood with this heater.Install the vent according to the vent manufacturer's detailed instructions. Note:Maintain clearance between the vent pipe and combustible surfaces according to the vent' :I ` Risk of fire or asphyxiation if vent is not assembled according to manufacturer's Instructions or If vent parts ft t manufacturer's instructions and code requirements.Do not place any insulating materials around the vent or inside the different manufacturers are mixed.Vent parts from different manufacturers ARE NOT interchangeable,Mixing parts ft required clear airs ace surrounding the vent.See Table 11 for maximum emhissible vent lengths. more than one manufacturer may cause leaks or damage to vent When installing a ventpick one manufacturer and be s q p g p. g that all.vent parts come from-that manufacturer and are specified by the manufacturer for your system.Follow manufacture NOTE —' instructions and local and National Fuel Gas Code.(U.S.)or CSA BIQ1,Natural Gas and Propane Installation Cot The allowable vent runs for each vent pipe diameter are different and can not be exceeded.Each 90°elbow (Canada)requirements carefully during assembly and Installation, reduces the maximum horizontal vent run by 12 feet and each 45-degree elbow in the vent run reduces the maximum vent run by 6 ft.See the Table 8 below for the maximum vent lengths using 90°elbows. .4. Install vent pipe so that it can expand and contract freely r—+c= as the temperature changes. Support the vent pipe vent cap and I~—Chimney or Gas Vent The MasterTemp heater is a"Category DP'appliance(which Table 8, according to applicable codes and vent manufacturer's Riser Furnished by Installer requires a four(4)inch special gas approved f6Category 4 In,Special Gas Vent(Vertical or Horizontal)' instructions.Pipe support must allow the vent pipe free III vent pipe)and is a forced-draft pool and spa heater which movement out and back,from side to side,or up and I ' uses positive pressure to push flue gases through the vent pipe to No,of so°Elbows Maximum length In Feet(M) down as necessary,without putting a strain on the heater It ' the outside.Flue gases under positive pressure ittay escape 0 70 ft, 21.3M or vent body,It is recommended to slope the horizontal into the rbvelling with any cracks or loose Joints in tire vent ( ) r pipe runs up from the heater at least 1/4"per foot(2cm/M). ! I I pipe,or ittrprnper vent i»sln(!atlon The vent pipe must 6e of a 1 58 ft:(17,7M) Install"Approved"condensate drains at low points where outlet Air sealed-seam construction,such as those listed for use with condensate might collect.Plumb condensate drains to a I ! Opening 2 46 ft.(14.OM)' i "Category III Appliances",and for operating temperatures less' drain through hard piping or high-temperature tubing such ! ); than 400°F(204°C).Vent pipe construction will be of UL 1738 3 34 ft.(10.4M) as silicone rubber or EPDM rubber—do not use vinyl or 1l� approved non-corrosive material,such as stainless steel.A other low temperature tubing. Follow drain I �f condensate trap may be needed.The use of"Approved"thimbles, 4 22 ft.(6.7M) manufacturer's installation instructions. roof jacks and/or side vent terminals are required;and the proper manufacturer's vent length Is one foot(.34M),or In accordance Side clearances to combustible materials must be maintained in S. Use an "Approved" firesto for •Healer Inlet Air with vent manufacturer's instruction,and local and p floor and ceiling Wallvent C� Openin accordance with type of vent pipe employed—in the absence of a national codes.Horizontal vents Y(110)or less In length . penetrations, Use an"Approved"thimble for wall ,l clearance recommendation by the vent pipe manufacturer,the do not require a condensate tee,but must slope down J penetrations.Use an"Approved"roof flashing,roofjack, requirements of the Uruifort Mechanical Code should be met See toward the outlet at 114'to the Soot(2cmtM)to allow :1 or roof thimble for all roof penetrations.Do not fill the page 19,for heater ventilation air requirements.it is condensate to drain, recommended that vent runs over 18 feet may need to be insulated to space around the vent(that is,the clear air space in the Figure 14. reduce condensation related problems and/or the use of a condensate A CAU T I O N thimble or firestop)with insulationtThe roof openingmust F " trap in the vent run close to the heater may be necessary in certain be located so that the vent is vertical. vent cap and 'w—Chimney or Gas Vent installations such as cold climates.Horizontal vents 3' 1 or less in Do NOT combine exhaust vent pipes to a R aer Furnished ( 6, Vent Termination—Vertical(See Figures 14 and 15 by Installer length do not require a condensate tee.The MasterTemp heater is common exhaust vent in multiple unit : . ), installations,Run separate ventpipes'. for height of vent termination above the roof.Use an ! suitable for through-the-wall venting, p "Approved"vent terminal specified by local and national 4f codes and your manufacturer's instructions.A roof I termination must be vertical.In Canada,the Vent Cap location shall have a minimum clearance of4 feet(1.2M) 1 1. CONNECTING SPECIAL METALIC GAS VENT TO THE HEATER horizontally from electdc meters,gas meters,regulators, Outlet Air opening 1. Order an optional appliance adapter kit,(Pentair q(Ters optional appliance adapter kits,call Custonler Service:di(800J': and relief openings. ? ! (431-7133 for more it formation):Part No.77707-0086 for Saf-T Vent®or Slit Vent-V Cl.Part No.77107-0087 g for Z-Vent. 7. Make sure entire installation is sealed according to I I •.. :� ; ! t' 2. Remove the outside vent cover. ...�'�;:'�;:�•`• .. approved standard, 3. Install the ApplianceAdapter in the Vent Body of the heater(located under the outside Veirt Covef).Before'confit cting:: :`.':. . . side •••• Wall Vent H "ter irdel AL Opening the Appli ance Adapter to the Vent Body,wet a clean cloth or paper towel w)th isopropyl alcohol(tubbing alcohol)and • o vigorously wipe the socket of the Vent Body,Immediately wipe the cleaned'surfaces dry with a clean cloth or;paper, a towel,Repeat for the exterior of the heater end of the Appliance Adapter,Attach the appliance•adapter to the vent body using the adhesive spec)lied by the vent manufacturer,following the vent manufacttifer's instructions:.' .. 11r_ $eOdh 3. thstellitian Instr`uctfons . � zs Section 3," Installationlnstrucfions• .� � � •��•' .� .� . !••�•' •��� ~ • ••° .OUTDOOR SHELTER INSTALLATION In Canada,this p6ol heater ctin only be installed outdoors or in an enclosure that is trot normally occupied and has no c openings into occupied areas. i % .Max•12" AWARNING ;i 4'Min, 4'Min. Min.3 • _ Vent Vent Risk of asphyxiation if exhaust Is not correctly vented.Follow venting instructions exactly when installing heater,Do i i Termination Termination ,,r Vent......".., : . A use a draft hood with U1is heater,as the exhaust is under pressure from the burner blower and a draft hood will allow exhat 4'Min. Termination' fumes to blow into the room housing the heater.Exhaust venting to the outdoors is required for all outdoor shelter installatior 1'Min. l 4.F Min.- AWARNING At least 7"... ; Risk of explosion If a unit burning propane gas is installed Ina pit or other low spot.Propane is heavier than air.Do n above grade: install the heater using propane in pits or other locations where gas might collect.Consult your local building code officials adjacent determine installation requirements and specific installation restrictions of the heater relative to propane storage tanks ar I'Minimum Gas Meter to public above snow or For a Air _ p filling equipment Installation must meet the requirements for the Standard for the Storage and Handling of Liquefied Pefroleui ;.•"+,:- • walkways i finished grade Inlet Gases,CANiCSA 8149,2(latest edition)orANSi1NFPA 58(latest edition).Consult local codes and fire protection authoritie T Minimum clearance If i (whichever is horizontal distance to 1 about specific installation restrictions. higher) exhaust opening is less than 10 feet. :' The heater is design certified by CSA International for installation on combustible flooring;in alcoves;basements; closet or utility rooms(in the U.S.): Figure 16. GARAGE OR UTILITY ROOM INSTALLATION S. Vent Termination—Horizontal The terminal must be located(U.S.—See Figure 16): In Canada,the heater must be-installed in a room that is not nornfally occupied and has no openin, • at least 3"and at most 12"out from the wall(see Figure 17),following the vent manufacturdr's instructions direct(y to occupled areas. • at least 12"above finished grade or the normally expected snow accumulation level,whichever is higher .. AWARNING • at least 4 feet below or horizontally from,or I foot above,any doors or windows or gravity air inlef to a building • at least 3 feet above any forced air inlet located within 10 feet Risk of fire and explosion if Installed at floor level in'an automotive garage or near gasoline or flammable liquid • at least 4 feet horizontally from electric meters,gas meters,regulators and relief equipment' storage.Gasoline fumes are heavier than air and will settle to floor level inclosed spaces.Gasoline fumes and spilled gasoline • at least 7 feet above grade adjacent to walkways or similar traffic areas or other volatile liquids(such as some paints and varnishes)will travel across the floor and can be ignited by a gas appliance, The terminal must be located(Canada—See Figure 16): In any utility room or residential garage installation,install the heater::pith the base at least 18 inches(.5M)above the floo • at least 10 feet(3.3M)from any opening into a building see Figure 18.In a garage,install a rail or wall to protect the heater from physical damage by a moving vehicle. • at least I2" .3M above finished grade or the normally expected snow accumulation level,whichever is higher'. Provide an adequate ventilation air supply(See Table 4,page 19). ( ) Choose a location that will avoid,contamination b chemical fumes. •,at least 4 feet(1.2M)horizontally from electric meters,gas meters,regulators and relief equipment y • at least 7 feet(2.1M)above grade adjacent to walkways or similar traffic*areas Allow at least three feet(IM)vertical clearance over ACAUTION LcarePub?ml A Propane(LPG)fired heater must not be Installed In a garage it.. ventterminationwhentertinatingunderanoverhang. Metal Special Su port Gas vent P Massachusetts,by order of the Massachusetts State Fire Marshal.For wetght Avoid comers or alcoves where snow or wind could requires of pipe .. :• more information,call the Massachusetts State Fire Marshal's office. have an effect.Exhaust may affect shrubbery and sortie Appliance •listed'::..,:: er building materials. Keep shrubbery away from Condensate Terminal.`: NOTICE:Combustion air contaminated by corrosive chemical fumesca- tea+eshusrm) °°°° termination To preventstainingor deterioration,sealing Tee damage the heater and will void the warranty(See Table 6.page 20). doarspnbei or shielding exposed surfaces may be required. Met al '' t' ` e� !to Body AWARNING Slop e at least s r T 114 et foot ::: :..`•', ; aa?ea teasr I Fire Hazard.Do not run the heater vent into a common p ,96s(7samieDiveBar,a?R Condensate. (2 cm per Meter). , 3" 7.6 csri)°M�rt; vent with any other appliance.Do not run the Special drain wfrrap down towards ( 1oava0 °eva Gas Vent into,through,or within any active vent such (optional) condensate drain 12'(30:5 ern)Max•:• Clearance:: as a factory built or masonry chimney. Figure 18. 28 � mo�� tion 3. Installation Instructitins ,Seethin Installation instructions CONTROL PANEL INDEXING _ ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS On an outdoor shelter installation,the exhaust discharges into a vent pipe, Orient the heater so that the vent pipe does not interfere with adjustment ofthe Top Panel poor : Electrical Rating:60 Hz 120/240 Volts AC,single phase operating controls.The control panel located on the top panel can be rotated to Aueu :Enclose the incoming AC power line to the heater,in an approved flexible conduit connected directly to,the junct i any of the three sides of the heater for easy access,see figure 19. ce Panel T -oil the inside of the access door panel.Line voltage field wiring should be 14 gauge,with a circuit capacity of 15 g e 1. Remove the bolts from the door panels.Remove both door access panels. 2. Remove the four comer wing nuts that secure the top panel.Lift the top �Q�Q .••' CAUTi ON panel upward to remove the top panel. %"' This heater Is designed to operate at 120 or 240 VAC.It is not recommended to be connected to OR operate on a 208 3. Rotate the top panel to the desired position located at 90°angles.Note •''° NOTE ' that the corrhal patrel must NOT be located on the side where the vent �" 1located. .•' C • Before making an electrical connections to the power supply,' remove the access door panels,open the n Is ,. • •�• Y P p P n e control box and 4: Replace the to panel down onto the side panels.Be sure that there are no Hof l,. in the correct plug(120 VAC or 240 VAC).See plugs below. `•� A A P p Access Panel _ i wires caught under the panel., QCAUTION f 5. Secure the top panel using the four comer wing nuts. Figure 19, The heater ships from the Factory with the 240 VAC plug installed.Installing the 120V plug and then connectinc { 6. Reattach the door access panels. heater to 240V line current will immedlatefy destroy the transformer,control board and ignition control module, FINAL INSTALLATION CHECK will void warranty.If you Install the 240V plug and connect the heater to 120 VAC line current,the heater will operate. Check that horizontal vent pipe runs slope uniformly at least 1/4"per foot(2cm per meter)to condensate No sags,no dips,no high or low spots. ' if any of the original wiring supplied with this heater must be replaced,Installer must supply(No.18 AWG,600V,105'C. approved AWM low energy stranded)copper wire or its equivalent. Check that vent is supported at elbows,tees,and horizontal and vertical runs according to manufacturer's instructions and code requirements. Please read the boxes headed"IMPORTANT!READ ME FIRST!"on pages 38 and 43 before proceeding. Check that vent supports and wall and ceiling penetrations allow free movements up,down,and sideways without putting 1. Al I wiring must be in accordance with all applicable codes. any strains on the heater or vent body. 2. The heater,when instal led,musi be electrically grounded and bonded in accordance with local codes or,! Check for at least six inch(15cm)free air clearance between the heater vent pipe and combustible materials,• absence of local codes,with the National Electrical Code or the Canadian Electrical Code(as applicable).A bot Check that all joints are completely together and sealed. lug is provided on the outside of the panel under the vent for this purpose. , 3. Electrical powercircuitstothepoolheatermustfollowlocalcodesandNationalElectricalCodeorCanadianElec: In Florida,building codes require that the heater be anchored to the equipment pad or platform to For tiea�er moonung Code(as applicable). withstand high wind pressures created during hurricanes.A Bolt Down Bracket Kit,P/N 460738,is,:,.bolls end aemps,available with anchor clamps designed to hold the unitto the equipment pad in high wind conditions, b, .4.. All wiring between the heater and devices not attached to it,or between separate devices which are installed it a!Dawmsareckel at Installation of the anchor clamps are recommended in all installations and are required in Florida, Part No,a6o73s,. field,must be"Type T"wire rated For 35 C rise, (See Florida Building Code 301.13). �� '�r^�. S. All line voltagewiring shall be enclosed in approved flexible conduit,and shall be securely attached to the field wi box located inside the access door panel.The conduit or cable connector at the field wiring.box should contai. insulating bushing or its equivalent to prevent abrasion of the wi>es as they enter the box. ,;�... 6, The filter pump should run continuously when the heater is on,and for at least 15 minutes after the het _ turns off.Any switches in the pump circuit(including circuit breakers) • •' ••. •:. f a can i disconnect :... .,. ���.. that n disconnect rile pump must also dis t the r; ;;_,;:•,;,,�, , 7. Do not wire single-pole switches,including protective devices,into a :.� grounded line.The heater is not sensitive to polarity, Connect the Ll of the power supply to the black wire,the L2 or neutral lead to the red wire,and the ground wire to the green wire,A time clock :. controlling the filter pump should have a low-voltage Fireinan's Switch that switches off the heater at least 15 minutes before shutting off the" Pump. Ahvc v use crimp ope connectors when cnmreedlig two wires. AC Plug a "qav AC VOLTAGE SELECT PLUGS: 120 or r, r (120 VAC or 240 VAC) 24avolt Figure 20. Selaion 3. Installatioh ltistructtons -30 Section 3, Installation Instrkt ons , MASTtOEMP HWERWRING DIAGRAM CONNECTION OF FIREMAN'S SWITCH OR REMOTE CONTACT (3-WIRE SYSTEM) I ACAUTION CONNECTION DIAGRAM T if,while there Is line voltage connected to the heater,you touch either line voltage terminal with any 24VAC wire that. nGsaMna Air trewSwitch Is connected to the control board(including jumper), Y the Fireman's Switch you will Immediate! destroythe control ` • slack Flw Sensor Ego Smith 7 board and void the warranty. Gaevala 1r—�rrLmulswtm I r Pressure Swnch- r RYA REMOTE CONTROL CONNECTIONS .. t Yw Y 1. Switch off power to heater at main circuit breaker panel. '"' •' � � -"'—Y Y 2. Unbolt and remove the access door panels. IF Y 3. Open control box cover(see Figure 21). R PAea � � #a 4a, To connect o 2-Y6"tre Control(such as Pentair's lntetliTouch'D or EasyTouchx'Control o °°° Pa 4 . •�, ° _ _ ,its' Mode4ONy y Systems)or a rioter; Js rw ra Remove the factory installed jumper from the Fireman's Switch terminals. :• r EYa r_. Y rn rs r Y m OPERATING CONTROL R. - Connect wires between the Fireman's Switch terminals on the heater and the relay. Connect wires from the c6ntroller or timer to the Fireman's Switch. ( +P Z ` Controller,timer or relay should be sized to handle 24VAC at 0.5 Amp(because it will be completing the 24VAC control board circuit on the heater as shown in External control Interface circuit Disab ad, P g Heater Membrane Pad Enabled swu. Figure 22).DO NOT apply line voltage to the Fireman's Switch terminals.Use 18 gauge wire with a minimum 3164"(1.2nitn)thick insulation rated for a Ftgure2l. JMP FrdemalControlInterface temperature rise of at least 105°C. Knock-outs are provided to route the wires through ex the bottom of the control box and past the junction TRANS 0 box. Y JMP Fr Fa rC 4b. To connect o 3-litre Control. gKJOSYadIWPi icNmoNwNmoL Y'Y s,anc MODULE Connect wires between the control board terminals r Y- ��g 4 Y2 IF on the heater and the external relays,as shown in ' -�> >X J9 Enabled, On'and On' sa r� ; SEC 'External Control lnladarsCUcult r11AB r z 1, ,p a tx Figure.3, Use at least2 relays per heater,to allow keys Disabied.'Of'r Key on for an"OFF setting"on each heater mode. Select " OPERATING CONTROL i "� Membrane Pad Remains Functional. . ,I 0 relaysthat can handle logic level switching.DONOT ex Y31FIUlCRAD 0­ rw l:U°ELMAG �'� GY GY 9K CT apply line voltage to control board terminals. +EreF EraoLE '— Y�L Dlsl°.LETOSME m r7 - Move jumper(as shown on Figure 23)to enable wn external control and to disable the heater membrane �' .•w '. y pad's"Pool ON"and"Spa ON'buttons(the"OFF" Z t TERMINAL BOARD ¢ ' a< ° • rrws key on the membrane pad remains functional). Plug-12 pia® D Knock-outs are provided to route the wires through °. • mAxe w ,; 120V-Black GY Lr 0 A: u P g 240V-Red 0: the bottom and the top of the control box and past iL 0�'ti1 � w-•�:•:.: " •: �Qt �thejunction box. f'r" ° R DY A a W 5. Close control box cover. Y+ L1 � 11 n 6. Re-install the access door panels. OF, DY a p 12 Position t Tocontrol beaters that are operated in parallel,connectwiting g a I Receptacle at same locations on heater as 2-Wire or 3-Wire Control.It Z T =Y' °=ate" o I I 'note Ctodwi Remdle' Y r SLOWER ` I__ g is imperative that each control circuit is isolated from the I///��T ///��� ///��� ��//�� ///��� I• (P uDhase sepa atery- I z°'4, T I 'UppnesPowerto .. a s I ?t other control circuits,to avoid that current will flow from 1 I I clr°ulatorPump): __I JUNC7�`01 NOTICE:Touching any 24VAC wire Including one heater to another through the control circuits, I 11 1 - - t Fn:man's switch:.`..• the Firemen's Switch wire,to any 12o1240V 1 -a-2 � o I—I I Completes the healer'. U.t t4 y ¢—rn _ + 24 VoItAC ConlrOl t r terminal while the heater Is connected tD Ilne am NOTICE:The fuse for the Fireman's Switch is a 1.25 Amp m o I t./ I t Board C(riuiL .. L'°2 T. �T"R power will immediately destroy the control 0 0I i I__1�� t DO NOTwnneFd;flus• coma t—j >L-e board and void the warranty. 1'/4 x'/a"fast blow fuse,which is commonly available, 0 0 __.a 0 24vgc / •�,dreull to une.Y'Itagel :• '---r 7- Figure 23. D NE• � M1�,7.?.�n,: f✓a Figure 22, 8e6don 3. Ihsfallatibil Astructionis so 00ction 3. Installation Instructions ` : . MASTERTEMP AATERWIR{NG DIAGRAM CONNECTION OF FIREMAN'S SWITCH OR REMOTt ONTACT ' (3-WIRE SYSTEM) ,CAUTION :CONNECTION DIAGRAM { . If,while there is line voltage.connected to.the heater,you touch,either line voltage terminal with any 24VAC wire that --J' is connected to the control board Includln the Fireman's Switch jumper),you will immediate) destroy the'control "Gss ArFlvw swprA board and void the warranty ( g .. I . P l Y Y amaPwesense,� _ EslreaweN, , - GM;VxWe—•, �'HFIMII Swi;tll PTeeaue Swivh YA REMOTE,CONTROL CONNECTIONS' YM— (. Switch off power to heaterat main circuit breaker panel. r 2. Unbolt and remove the access door panels. e A 3,' Open control box cover(see Figure 21). �o Y p '" r 4a, ToconIFM. necra2-R"rreConho/(such as Pentair'slntelliTouch'°orEasyTouch"Control ��� os 4i Eg�Y Y e60 , Systems)or a timer: - CI ':� �' _ ; i A •J6 Wield Ony YR! YSA • Remove the factory installed jumper from the Firemen's Switch terminals.` .� qg OPERAT NG CGNTR]L € W.;;, - "0 YA Connect wires.between the Fireman's Switch terminals on-the heater and:the relay.Connect wires.from the controller or timer to the Firemen's Switch.. Controller,timer or relay,should be sized to handle 24VAC at O;S,Amp(because it will be'completing the 24VAC control board circuit on the heater as shown in External control aPadInterface EnablCircued Disabled, • P g '�' HeatarMemlxanaPadEnabled Figure 22),.DO NOT apply line voltage to the Fireman's Switch terminals.Use. 19 gauge wire with a minimum 3l64"(1.2mm)thick insulation rated for a Figdte21. JMP ExramalConlroflnterface. temperature rise of at least 105°C, ^° e ' Knock-outs are provided to-route the wires through ex the bottom of the control box and past the junction TRANS box. r JMP r7 YAC 4b. To carnect n 3-Ii7re Control --' 7M . nwmwnmww IGNITION CONTROL � avnc MODULE Connect wises between the control board terminals _f r 'gyp`S V12on the heater and'the external relays,as shown in ° '�F Z ' ' �' ExlemalControlInterfaceClrall - Figure 23. Use at least 2 relays per heater,to allow Enabled.'Pool Orr and"Spa On' o 9 Keys Disabled,'OFr Key on' 0 XL for an"OFF setting"on each heater mode. Select ex OPERATING CONTROL Membrane Pad Remains Functional,' ' relays that can handle logic level switching.DO NOT n D; or oY e,• 0Y '* apply line voltage to control board terminals. V, Move jumper(as shown on Figure 23)to'enable w w.',.` •• ' YA external control and to disable the heater membrane a' `'" q 47 pad's"Pool ON"and"Spa ON'buttons(the"OFF"' °1 ono key on the membrane pad remains functional). h TERMINAL BOARD ` mANa PlugDV 12 p o ` 0 0 i ,, 'A' Knock-outs are provided to route the wires through —Black 2aoV—Red Fill ec n U the bottom and the top of the control box and past u n; Iz BK o the junction box. P, 5. Close control box cower. n or u - u- w I oo R 6. Re-install the access door panels, ''' Position �+ �R �h : ',:.' 12 Tocontrolheatetsdtatateoperatedinparallel,connectwiring ' a „ i Receptacle I w a . at same locations on heater as 2-Wire or 3-Wire Control.It 1 1 z T r I Y — Y I [� p I I TimegockaRemote' I v E is imperative that each control circuit is isolated from the I///��� ///lyl //�� AAA I;.: %'(Purchase Sepamletyr{ a�owER i l.— E e l zm,p 4.•.1 SuppliiesPower to i Rr other control circuits to avoid that current will flow from Circulator �' d _ _�'_I _I _I JUNCTION eox NOTICE:Touching any 24VAC wire,Including ° m one heater to another through the control circuits. j Freman's Switch .• the Fireriian's Switch wire,to an 1201240V 1 g I`I. ,,I Completes the heater., wa t-r—j }+—aK y ¢_ NOTICE:The fuse for the Firemen's Switch is a 1.25 Am m i .I t ' +124Vdt AC Contrd ;_ we s r R terminal while the heater is connected to Ilne am P v __ — t Board Cirafl. .• • ,; power will emmediately destroy the control 0 0 0 Qo �i I DO NOT conned tfii5.'• 'c,wnd•1-) ?k board and void the warranty, 1'1.x'/d'fast blow fuse,w{�icit is commonly available. a ; t♦.. l___ ] Figure 23, 0 0 0 0 24VAC y:.chcuittOLineyoltagel• _ g •'4�d' ..... . . . . ., � oc, 4_ �.-4Ga• r-�uu�dk^.'�-" °e-J A.s�y"°t"t'�� srr i �z .:. >, 1 • • -- �y5 �?tc4h'"'^�F3s�'7c Y rt �4 �� �t z<�u^' '"�'r � x' $r 1 • • 1 III a��� y�� "i`��y t�3s � �.�^�t Y'v £ na � �' ►1 1 ' ',� .xr r•1.0 t (• �a 11¢' 'S� 3 �`� 4 p,:t ?.l ,� bra ,�k Ff t IWO f^ r����^r twr3ry;+y�y •£it k- ��'v's;F��x r # t^�� t{e _ [[✓--kbti.�S+-f"v`�C fi'�,rYS E �.Sz.^n >1 �.,fi �.M j"I _ �} 3 f t; `I-aa n.c yi S��t•a {.��'s.{--�. r x r yrh,�v yc� r tr h�a� �� fi��"t Y3 � #4... � Y r' F, art rr -' • h TUMy �s Y .'`�`'ti lz' 1 4 7 •� y- 1 yS! 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Plus,they are High efficiency*rating makes these certified for Low NO,emissions,making them eco-friendly favorites.That's heaters extremely economical to operate. Ede If your pool heater is more than 5 years 4 why MasterTemp is an Eco Select brand product. S e 18CtG old,chances are a MasterTemp heater The Eco Select brand identifies our"greenest"and most efficient equipment �>PENTAIR could quickly pay for itself in utility choices.These products save energy,conserve water,eliminate noise,or otherwise bill savings. contribute to a more environmentally responsible equipment system. • Optimized fuel/air mix provides superior efficiency and faster heat up. ' As the global leader in pool and spa equipment manufacturing,we strive to provide CERTIFIED FOR LOW NOx EMISSIONS greener choices to our customers.We hope you'll join us in embracing more eco-friendly pooLscapes by choosing Eco Select branded products for your swimming pool. In fact,our heaters outperform current industry standards for air pollution exhaust. SUPER-QUIET OPERATION BUILT TO LAST LONGER h AVAILABLE FROM: • Tough composite exteriorwon't corrode; stands up to both heat and weather. *Standard and ASME Copper Heat Exchangers 84%efficient.Heavy-Duty[HD)Cupro-Nickel Heat Exchangers 81%efficient. PENTAIR 1620 HAWKINS AVE,SANFORD,NC 27330 800.831.7133 WWW.PENTAIRPOOL.COM All Pentair trademarks and logos are owned by Pentair,Inc.MasterTempO and Eco Selector are registered trademarks of Pentair Water Pool and Spa,Inc.and/or its affiliated companies in the United States and/or other countries.Because we are continuously improving our products and services,Pentair reserves the right to change specifications without prior notice.Pentair is an equal opportunity employer. pumps o filters o heaters a heat pumps o automation o lighting o cleaners o sanitizers,water features o maintenance products -1/13 Part#P1-004©2013 Pentair Aquatic Systems.All rights reserved.