HomeMy WebLinkAboutPDS Residential Building Permit Checklist7 0 06 V l U tno sct Lam re'Cc�( f d CfLEM 15 ` • • r When you submit your building permit application for a new single-family residence or duplex, you should use the following checklist to determine if your application submittal is complete. Only complete applications filled out with ink can be accepted for processing. ITEM HOW MANY? 'COMMENTS . . - Budding Perm vl--� � CA`,cornpletely.filled ouf'butldtng perrrnt�application-must be Application-- submittedi, ncluding ah:requtred information. e, f applcatton5must be stg�ed by the'apphcatlt(s) and the signatures must=be notarized 3 ' � .7 u�,;j If i, a —L � `>.. �T+L A recotded�Notree of Comm�ncemertt for all constr�ttctton.44 4Not'ce,of�Gommencement "with a value eX6eedin ;' tx ' to `be subinittecl`=at_time�r u, ��g}$2;500!has ofbuildtng pertnit �.�Constructioi =Plans `- ?'sets All proposed construction tnt st lie accurately shown on the rplans'tncludtng l?utFnot ltmtted torelectitcal wiring, ;, ,__ „ 77 Cr 7. . 4. T y�,.R Y; S �A �- , V r1 }f 'p a i ..S r `plumbing; heat7ai conditioning, gas piping, windows ands %' A �,r='"''%; .r. doors The triuiinautn plot size Ra ese_plans �s 8 '%,dil inches a, x�aximum size is 24=-by 36 ches''' Broth sets of plans need to be, signedYand -sealed by a Flores da egistered Engtneei or Architect and inc�lude`truss plans.-,:B,oth, sets of plans -must be stamped, by the Health-Depaen rtmt, .if ate= n `F ems.- ic .,.S F�C2•�iP: �- septperini s"re'qutredc VregetationsRemoval erimi �; 1 '^- A' residential`-p operties of any size equire:a_eo_mpleted, -- �A ph anon_ - signed, and iiotartzed=vegetation.'reri�oval application A vegetatiomretnoval plains r'equifed, including plans!for �„;�, "l ZO -Surve or; of —hin- , ' preservation,:re-planting, and: tree mitigation as applicable. A survey, and a landscape plan (if.applicable per Edn- d )evelopment-Code Sections 7.09.03 &` must accompany theapplicatiop-mz'-Ifyou have;any;-questions Tease c�otitact the;EnvtronmentiResourc-es Dept at-'7-72- �'` �srSurveys ;. + ' :?`�-2Y s SO ey. required for all.buildtng.permtts involving a �T prima`rysfructure�or for�accessory structure=with-a. ,' consstruefion value exceeding $10,000, All copies,inust be 11-stamped by the=I-�ealtli �Department�if a -septic permit=ism 9, G00 required'"�d The su vey�must.be, gried &/sealed by a a tered°Florida,surueyor.t A M Lo.t Splits J ®wcel of a eels=not meeting the:minimum NOi_ &6 forinln "Lots of g ents of thej 'ot size�ai�d dYrnensiorial�requi ernents_. - Reco A41NCI OR) :u: r viewed'b litlse Zonin D artineni: An divis o r �'� `� g Y �r . operty iot sA6 f6 Site Plan revmWdfi�otigh he " j9 th�lVlanageiien Depat went twill i equii e review by , oning Department. Please -contact 772-462'd:1553. +' end Loa_ Calculation �72 : - > s fortn�triusT be signed/sealed b}ua`-)=10> ida --_ >orm s ste_ r-egir••ed�Engtiieeite -or_Ar•.e_ ct y _ ITEM HOW MANY? COMMENTS Sul contracto�"Agt Bement- lach� Orie-subco_ntr-actor agreement with -original signature is ' required=fovea b 6-hiractor on_the job._ The -building �perrnit oannot�lie=rs`sued�until it-h s beenideternvnedathat'alh.- -ter`--"--� : _ -. subcontractor.s,*areproperlylteense_d= nd�regastered The use offinlicensed=contractor rs is-sre�etly p ohilijted=� GEAergy Galculati:on Form_ �2�eaeh Both forms{must sear he original signatures'of both the fc at� orar►d,contractor -_ _ 1VlanuahJ-bs;�,� ��--�w-•---ter :'-�T�.-�. - Pille Land Affid'aii 1 This -AS' for,all'co'nstXitction;,except-for interior reno_v_a ion It;:must`u the :origlrial. riotffilzed signat�treo heropertyFowriei phis affidav>t seues to thee responsibility not>fy the property ownerof not to adversely;�unpac� thew..neighbors}propertiesYwith'i .� Y-stoixriwal er d ainage-arid3ru off'�� Product Review Affidavit 2 The Engineer or Architect of Record must certify all components listed on the product affidavit per the submitted plans. To be accepted for review this affidavit must be completely filled out and signed and sealed. The actual design pressures must be noted on the sealed drawings for each component opening. Recor,-ded Wat eert lis ba withinthe lassix'rn een _I ,urchased mB." ths; the Proper' y.Appraiser-records may:°notx !& to date. r �In ihrsTc�ase we must -see a recorder Lwati.tinty deed in your yerlfy�.ownersh riarne�to >p �OwnerBuilder Affidavit x 1 When the'a jiedfio0 § app4ed,for,urid&4- e owner/builder _- ti �1, prov> ionsrofChapter.489 103(; F`S ,the applicant for `- �; 1 this builduig perriut must personally ear''t'o<sign the ® �OR �CO appropr>ater afrd'au>� Health Department Septic ° u are planning to use an existing or new septic system, Approval a ust first obtain Health Department approval for the - Egh. Surveys and the construction plans must bear the 1 Health Department approval stamp. Driveway Permit you directly access a State or County road, you are mired to obtain a driveway permit from the Florida Department of Transportation or the St. Lucie County Road & Bridge Department. �lood:Elevat><onsCertifica e;;'° ;2 If your p><opertyris located withm�a designatedflooii zone ,yob arexequued;to file�an oi>gmal flood elevation--�, certificate signed%sealediby�a Florida regisiered surveyor1 NOTES: ❖ Additional information beyond that contained in the checklist may be required in order to ensure a complete review of your building permit application. SLCPDSD Revised 07/19/18