HomeMy WebLinkAboutBrooks SLC Permit App & ChecklistAll APPLICABLE INFO MUST BE COMPLETED FOR APPLICATION TO BE ACCEPTED Date: F. C G Q D Permit Number: Building Permit Application Planning and Development Services Building and Code Regulation Division 2300 Virginia Avenue, Fort Pierce FL 34982 Phone: (772) 462-1553 Fax: (772) 462-1578 Commercial PERMIT APPLICATION FOR: Aluminum with concrete PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT LOCATION: Address: 5282 Oakland Lake Cir Fort Pierce, FL 34951 Property Tax ID #: 1311-800-0038-000-9 Site Plan Name: Oakland Lake Estates Lot 25 Project Name: Brooks DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF WORK: Residential X Lot No. 25 Block No. Form and pour a 8' x 16' concrete slab with 8" x 8" footers and Install a 8' x 16, aluminum/screen enclosure on slab. New Electrical Meter Second Electrical Meter CONSTRUCTION INFORMATION: Additional work to be performed under this permit —check all that apply: _Mechanical _ Gas Tank _ Gas Piping — Shutters _ Windows/Doors _ Pond _ Electric _ Plumbing _ Sprinklers _ Generator _ Roof Pitch Total Sq. Ft of Construction: Sq. Ft. of First Floor: Cost of Construction: $ 4,960.00 Utilities: _ Sewer _ Septic Building Height: OWNER/LESSEE: CONTRACTOR: Name Robin Brooks Name: Michael J Newman Address: 5282 Oakland Lake Cir Company: Pioneer Screen Co. Inc. II p Y� City: Fort Pierce State: . Address: 1682 SW Biltmore St Zip Code: 34951 Fax: City: Port St Lucie State: FL Phone No. Zip Code: 34984 Fax: 772-340-4626 E-Mail: Phone No 772-340-4393 Fill in fee simple Title Holder on next page (if different E-Mail pioneerscreen@msn.com from the Owner listed above) State or County License RX11066919 If Value of construction is 71;nn nr morn , orrnonrn R1 q 1t:4U1FeU. If value of HAVC is $7,500 or more, a RECORDED Notice of Commencement is required. LT/Z/S 'Had C13131dWdW0� 31da 43AID38 M31A38 M31AM M31AM M31A3b M71V131A3U M31AM 2131Nf10� 3AOUDNbW 311dfi1'd3S NO11°d1393A SNV1d 80SIAU3dns JNINOZ 1NOUA 1ZM31A4 �M. ' ZZOZ/£Z/SQ saJidX N1 b ,Uo ow+o ZZ OuoissZZSff' 'wwoAW�tx e.b£bZZ 00 uois o G b£blZZJJ 'ON UOISSIw JOB uo UewaneN oua3lpaS)v O UOISSIUaUaO' uewn�aN au Id to eMIS of n /u a b£ti! 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VMIN0:) /M3NM0 :auogd :dl7 :AI!D :ssaappd :aweN alge3gdd IoN :ANVdWO:) 9NIQN08 :auoyd :dlZ :Ain .Ssajppv -1jqeoijddV ION 'ANVdUYO:)r DIHOIN :auogd :diZ :AID asaapptl a sal dd :auaeN fq I V ION ay �� :}I3410H 311113ldWIS 333 e966-L9s-£39auoyd 6L9££ :dlZ 4d 'a;eis edwel :A;!:) 6£OM xOH Od :SSa.tppV `12Possy +R w,ry, 00 :a we N algeallddV ION :H33N19N3/a3NJIS3a BOARD ,.. COMMISSIONERS"COUNTY Wfiffixifflyll"M NIZIMM-M-41 CHECKLIST FOR RESIDENTIAL/COIVIIMRCLAL BUILDING PERK UT Pro i.ect Location- C f f-,(6vj? (� Date.0?—/// /C)/1 Permit Number: Technician: Required Documents: Application completely filled out with Notarized Signatures ............................ Yes No N/A Sub Agreements with Notarized Signatures(prior to issuance ........... Yes No N/A V1 Owner / Builder Affidavit (signed in office) .............:................................... Yes No N/A V Filled Land Affidavit (prior to issuance)......................................................Yes - No N/A Recorded Warrany Deed, if applicable ...::.............. / ..........................:......... Yes � No N/A Recorded Notice'of Commencemement (prior to issuance or inspection) ............... Yes No ✓ N/A Utility Agreement or Payment Receipt(prior to issuance ......... Yes No N/A V/ Vegetation Removal Application with copy of survey ..................................... Yes V No N/A Plans, Calculations & Attachments ( 3 copies commercial, 2 copies residential). / Complete v p set of plans with Engineer Architect Raised Seal ........... . ............... Yes No N/A Truss Plans reviewed and approved by Engineer / Architect.......... ... Yes No N/A V Landscaping and Parking plan (under 6,000 sgft)......................................... Yes No N/A— Approved Site Plans .................. ............. Yes No N/A Sealed Survey with Dimensions, Finished floor .........................................:. Yes No J N/A Elevations and Setbacks.............................................................. Yes No /N/A Plot plan with Setbacks............................................................... Yes 1INo — N/A Health Department approval stamped on survey and floor:plan............. .. Yes No . N/A Health Department Food Establishment Permit stamped. on floor plan ......:......... Yes . No N/A Manual ' ' or Manual "N" Calculations....:....... .:. Yes No N/A 1/ Signed Energy`Calculations (1 original signature) .............. :...................... ... Yes® No N/A V Sealed Wind. Load Compliance Certification ............. ............:......,.......:..... Yes No N/A� Product Review Affidavit..:........ Yes No N/A 1/ Other: Health Department Permit Paperwork....................................................... Yes No N/A CD for Fire Department if commercial or multi -family.; ...................... Yes No N/A DEP, SFWMD or Army Corp of Engineers (dock, seawall, SF on beach)............ Yes No N/A v/ Pool Barrier Affidavit.....................................:........................ .. Yes No N/A Ground Sign Landscape Affidavit si ( gns) .............................:..................... Yes No N/A V/ Burn Rate for Sign Cabinets................................................................ Yes No N/A� RV and Mobile .Home Tie -Down Only (2 copies) Permit Worksheet (Tie -Down Diagram) ................................:..:................ Yes No N/A V Manufacture Set -Up and Installation Manual ............................................... Yes No N/A V Manufacture Blocking Documents........................................................... Yes No N/A 1/ Signed Penetrometer Test (1 copy).......................................................... Yes No N/A V StairDetails .................... :............................................... ................. Yes No N/A Mobile Home Inspection Report for Relocation (used only) ........................... Yes No N/A V Copy of Title for Relocation (used only) .................................................... Yes No N/A V Private Property not in a mobile home park Class "A" Approval from Planning or file # ........:....................................... Yes No N/A W�-1